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Full text of "The Commonwealth of Nations: An Inquiry Into the Nature of Citizenship in ..."


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m ■• 

THE.--, f WV: 

• • • • 







- • • • . ' • • : : • .• • ' 


/''irsl Edition 1916 
Reprinted 1917, 1918 

^'^ / 


In 1910 groups were formed in various centres in Canada, 
Australia, New Zealand and South Africa for studying the 
nature of citizenship in the British Empire, and the mutual 
relations of the several communities thereof. In course of 
time others were constituted in the United Kingdom, India 
and Newfoundland, and they all came to be known 
informally as * Round Table Groups,' from the name of the 
quarterly review instituted by their members as a medium 
of mutual information on Imperial affairs. 

The task of preparing or editing a comprehensive report 
on this subject was undertaken by the present writer. 
Preliminary studies were distributed to the groups for 
criticism, and their criticisms, when collected, were printed 
and circulated for their mutual information. On the basis 
of materials so gathei-ed, the final report was projected in 
three principal parts. In Part I. it was proposed to deal 
with the question how and why the British Commonwealth 
came to exist, to trace the causes which led to its disruption 
in 1788, and to the establishment of a separate common- 
wealth in America. The subsequent growth of the dis- 
membered Commonwealth was to be dealt with in Part II. 
In Part III. it was proposed to examine the principles upon 
which, and the means whereby, the members of its widely 



scattered communities can hope to retain their present status 
as British citizens in a common state. 

Part I. was prepared in five instalments, four of which 
were completed before the war. Each instalment was 
printed and circulated to the groups as it was finished. The 
text was revised in the light of the corrections and criticisms 
sent in, and at the close of 1914 was reprinted for private 
circulation under the title of ^Fhe Project of a Commonwealth^ 
Part I. 

Meanwhile, in view of the situation created by the war, it 
was decided to anticipate the completion of the main report 
by a brief study of that aspect of the subject which most 
nearly concerns the self-governing Dominions. This short 
volume has now been published under the title of The 
Problem of the Commonwealth. Part I. of the larger work is 
now given to the public in order that students may examine 
the foundations upon which the conclusions adduced in The 
Problem of tfie Commonweaitk are based. To avoid confusion 
with the smaller volume, the title of the main report has 
been changed to The Commonwealth of Nations. 

The Round Table groups were organized for the purpose 
of study, and men representing every shade of opinion 
joined them, on the understanding that they would not be 
committed to conclusions of any kind. The only way in 
which this understanding can be observed in the spirit, as 
well as in the letter, is for the editor to make himself solely 
responsible for producing these reports, and for all they 
contain. They must not be presumed to express the 
opinions of any Round Table group, or member of such 
group, other than himself. On the other hand, it must be 
emphatically stated that the main report is the work of 
various brains and pens. It is the product not of one 
writer but of many working in close collaboration. No 
single brain could master the facts required for an adequate 


survey of the complicated polity which embr^U^s a quarter 

of the human race. However, for the reasons given above, 

the editor must be treated as the sole taiget of criticism. 

For further information with regard to these reports the 

reader is referred to the preface of TTie Problem of the 

Commonwealih already published. 

L. Curtis. 


At the comers are insignia of the four parts of the United 
Kingdom. On the top is the Star of India, at the bottom 
the sphinx, symbolic of Egypt. On the left, the cod-fish 
typifies Newfoundland, the maple leaf Canada, the fleur-de-lis 
Quebec, the five-starred Southern Cross Australia, while the 
palm tree, shell and pine apple suggest the numerous islands 
in the West Indies and the Southern Seas. On the right, 
the negro^'s head is to signify Tropical Africa. The four- 
starred Southern Cross is the crest of New Zealand, and the 
trek- wagon that of the Transvaal. The anchor, as repre- 
senting the Cape of Good Hope, together with the Southern 
Cross, stands for South Africa, while Rhodesia is signified by 
the Zimbabwe bird. A number of these ancient figures were 
found sculptured on the top of soap-stone posts on the ruins 
of Zimbabwe in Rhodesia, and there can be little doubt that 
they formed a link with the ancient civilization of Northern 
Africa. Some were brought to Capetown and one was placed 
in the Chamber where the Cabinet sat ; and the councillors 
were at times reminded by Rhodes that they spoke in the 
presence of three thousand years. Wooden reproductions of 
these birds were introduced by the designer of this cover as 
terminals on the great staircase of Grootschuur, the famous 
house which Rhodes built at the Cape and afterwards left 
as a residence for the Prime Minister of a future South 
African Union. 

The enveloping sea is expressed by a wave pattern, 
familiar to students of Maori art, and this also encircles the 
Commonwealth crown. Its numerous islands are represented 
by pearls. The ships are a reminder of the disciplined 
power which has given security to the Commonwealth and 
maintained law upon the sea. In place of the usual cushion 
at the base, a fringe of sharp points denotes what manner 
of crown it is that citizens of a true Commonwealth must 
wear. On the back is shown another aspect of the Crown. 
Some of the symbols, like those used for Rhodesia and 
Newfoundland, are not the official insignia of the countries 
for which they stand. Symbolism and decorative art have 
nowhere been sacrificed to the technical rules of heraldic lore. 

L. C. 





The Britisli Empire. Its size, character, and poBition in the 

world 1 

Cantaias all levels of society ....... 2 

Tribes distiDguished from states 8 

Theocratic state developed in Asia ...... 4 

Afaeolute daim of the state on its members .... 6 

Connection of theocracy with despotism 7 

Force in relation to government ...... 7 

Petrifying effect of theocracy on Asia .... 8 

European progress due to belief In free-will and ethical basis 

of society . . . . . . . . . 9 

Commonwealths the product of this view . . .10 

The commonwealth and freedom correlative ideas . .11 

Contact of Europe with other continents and its results . . 18 
Disruptive effect of European on older societies • .13 

British Empire produced by this contact . . .14 

The British Empire a state 14 

A commonwealth including all levels of civilisation . . 16 
Bespects in which that character is unrealised . . .16 
Plan of the inquiry 16 


EsJiLiXB Belatioivs or East akd Wbst 

Large states a natural product of theocracy . .19 
First appearance of commonwealths in Greece . , .19 
Pericles and Socrates on mutual duty as the basis of common- 
wealths 20 

Law moulded by experience the basis of freedom . .23 

The Greek commonwealth, its effect on history .24 

Its miniature size - ........ 25 

ix b 


Consequent inBtability of Greek society ..... 
Conflict of freedom with despotism opened by the Persian wars 
Commonwealths In Asia Minor enslaved by Persia, 646-546 b.g. 

Their revolt, 499 RC 

Their naval defeat at Lade due to disunion, 494 ac, 
Their submission to Asiatic civilization . 

Marathon, 490 b.0 

Thermopylae, 480 B.C 

Dependence of Xerxes on sea power 
Salamis, 480 b.c. .... 

Plataea and Mycale, 479 B.C 

Greece saved by free spirit especially of Athens 
But imperilled by want of national organization 

League of Delos, 477 ao 

The League a sham state .... 

Its perversion into an empire subject to Athens 

True and sham states distinguished 

Downfall of Athens, 404 B.a 

Recrudescence of Persian domination 

Macedonian domination, Chaeronea, 338 b.g. . 

Alexander's conquest of Asia, 326 B.c. . 

His attempt to correlate East and West . 

City commonwealths too weak to maintain freedom 

Rise of Rome and conflicts with Asia 

Athenian, Roman, and British Empires compared 

Rome becomes a despotism .... 

Extension of Roman citizenship 

Contribution to freedom of the Roman Empire 

Reversion of Roman despotism to theocracy . 

Destroyed by inroads from Asia 

Capital moved to Constantinople, a.d. 330 

Division of Empire and Church 

Destruction of Western Empire, a.d. 476, and rise of Franks 

Rise of Islam, a.d. 622 

Arab invasion defeated at Poitiers by Charles Martel, a.d. 732 

Pepin crowned King of Franks, a.d. 761 

Charlemagne crowned Emperor of the Romans, A.D. 800 

The Holy Roman Empire .... 

The German failure to realize statehood . 

Consequent failure to realize freedom 

Growth of national states on the Continent . 

National commonwealth developed in England 

NoTB A. — Reverdon of Rome to theocracy 

Note B. — Survival of Republican tradition in Roman law 














































Note C. — The mediaeval belief in universal monarchy 
Note D. — Survival of the theocratic idea in modem Europe 






The Engubh Commonwealth 

IiiBular character of England and its consequences 

Disimion of Saxons leading to feudalism 

Statehood imposed by Normans 

Development of law 

Supremacy of law 

British constitution produced thereby 

Power of altering law acquired from Crown by people 

Principle of representation developed from Teutonic custom 

Writ of Edward I 

' fiepresentation ' defined .... 
Acquisition by Parliament of legislative power 
And of executive control .... 
Conditions determining enlargement of commonwealths . 
Separate Parliament granted to English colonies in Ireland 
Fissiparous tendency of commonwealths 

Note A — The Rule df Law : its nature and general amplication 

Note B. — Recent attempts in the United Kingdom to anticipate 

Acts of Parliam£nt 

















I. The Opening of the Seas 

Conflict of freedom with autocracy precipitated by struggle for 
world power ....... 

Turkish conquest of Constantinopft, 1453 

Closure of land routes between Europe and Asia 

Henry the Navigator, 1418 

His development of ocean shipping .... 

Opening of Cape route to India, 1498 . 

Cruelties of Portuguese 

Discovery of South America by Columbus, 1492 

Of North America by Cabot, 1497 

Spanish Empire founded by Cortes, 1520, and Pizarro, 1532 

pircumnavigation of the globe, 1520 . 

Division of the world between Spain and Portugal by the Pope, 

Their monopoly of the sea and the issues raised thereby . 






The monopoly disputed by England . .139 
Sea power. Ite effect on the struggle .141 

The Spaniflh Armada, 1588 ' . 142 

II. Thb Opening of the Seas : its Effect in the East 

Dutch East India Company 143 

English East India Company . .144 
Struggles of Dutch, English, and Portuguese . .145 
Struggle of England and France . . .147 
Why the Company passed from trade to government in India . 147 
Transfer of Indian government from company to state . 150 
Incorporation of India in the Commonwealth .152 
Motives and character of British rule . . .155 
British responsibilities for backward races measured and ex- 
plained 157 

Wliy the Commonwealth's rule has been accepted . .163 

Why commonwealths rather than despotisms should govern 

backward races ........ 164 

The rule of law. Its importance to these races . .167 

Fabrigas v. Mostyn 168 

Success of British Empire due to institutions, not race 173 

Duty o{ the Commonwealth to backward races . .173 

Its need of strength and time to dischaige that duty 176 

III. The Opening of the Seas : its Effect in the West 

How Britain has borne the burden .... 

Its incapacity to bear it permanently .... 

Importance that burden should l^e shared by new countries 

English colonization of North American coast 

French occupation of the St. Lawrence and Mississippi 

Struggles of Britain and France for America . 

Their relative capacities for colonization 

Rigidity of Spanish methods ..... 

And also of the French autocracy ..... 

French skill in handling Indians ..... 

Motives of English colonization . . • . • 

Freedom accorded by English to private enterprise . 

Free institutions reproduced in America 

Instinctive hostility of Spanish autocracy 

Unsuitable character of first settlers .... 

The Pilgrim Fathers land in New England, 1620 . 

Their Constitution. Its nature considered 

Foundation of Massachusetts, 1629 .... 

Roman Catholic foundation in Maryland, 1632 






185 ' 
















Keligious toleration in English colonies. Its results . 206 

Success of the English due to liberty 210 

Sterilizing effect of ^French system in Canada . .213 

Power of adaptation in English colonies 214 

General results compared ., . 216 

Success and £Bkilure of English in realizing fireedom . .220 

Absence of Qermany from these struggles . . . .221 

Note A. — Interdependence of order and liberty. Duffertn and 

Cromer thereon ....... 222 

Note B. — Paton on results of unregulated contact of Europeans 

with a primitive society . . . .223 

Note C. — Bourne on methods of Spanish colonization . .227 
Note D. — Freeman^s dislike of government of dependencies by 

commonvjealths .... ... 227 

Note K — Realpolitik as expounded by Mostyn*s counsel, the 

Athenians, and the Oerman Chancellor . 230 


The Commercial Stbtem 

Economic and religious motives of colonization . . .238 
Attitude of English Goyemment towards colonial projects 240 

Mediaeval guilds and companies ...... 240 

Companies formed for oversea trade .241 

Companies formed for colonization .242 

Monopolies demanded by these companies from the state . 244 

Their dependence on state protection outside England . . 244 
The state's interest in revenue levied on colonial imports. 245 

Growth of contractual relations between Goremment and 

companies ......... 246 

Contractual relations with colonies embodied in Acts of Parlia- 
ment, circa 1660 848 

Principles of old colonial system ... 249 

Effect thereon of transfer of sovereignty from King to Parlia- 
ment .......... ,260 

Restrictions involved by commercial system .251 

Mutual character of system . . .252 

The policy of defence underlying it . .253 

Scottish, Irish, and colonial legislatures. Parliament's different 

relation to the executive . . . . .253 

Note A — Origin of the old colonial system . . .257 

Note B. — Fiscal relations of colonies to England thereunder . 257 


NoTi D.. 


Virginia Company's attempt to open foreign trads 
-GrowUi of the idea that England and the coUmiee 
could be united by a commercial bond . 




Thjb Inclusion op Scotland in the British Commonwealth 

Ci«ationof Scottish Parliament, 1314 

Union of English and Scottish Crowns, 1603 .... 

The Solemn League and Covenant, 1643 

Events leading to execution of Charles I. by English Parlia- 
ment, 1649 ......... 

Charles II. crowned by Scottish Parliament. Their forces 
defeated at Dunbar, 1660, and at Worcester, 1661 . 

Parliamentary union of Cromwell ...... 

Dissolution thereof at the Restoration, 1660 .... 

Scottish Parliaments of Charles II. 

James acknowledged as heir to the Crown by Scottish Parliament, 

The Bevolution and the Bill of Rights ..... 

Control of external affairs claimed by both Parliaments . 

Consequent deadlock ........ 

Impoverishment of ScoUand after the Union of the Crowns 
Attempts of Scottish Parliament to remedy this after the Re- 
volution ....... 

The Darien scheme . . 

The scheme sanctioned by the Scottish Parliament . 
Supported in London by rivals of the English East 
Company ....... 

The scheme thwarted by the English East India Company 

Fletcher demands separate ambassadors for Scotland 

Dependence of Scotland on British sea power . 

The Darien colony destroyed by Spain . 

Control of foreign affairs assumed by Scottish Parliament, 

Fletcher's proposal to separate the Crowns 

War with England contemplated by Scottish Parliament 

The Act of Security dividing the Crowns passed, 1703 

Negotiations for a parliamentary union opened 

A * Foederal Union ' desired by Scotland 

Fletcher's proposed solution . 

Seton of Pitmadden in favour of union . 

The Union carried, 1707. Its results . 

Its effect in creating a new state . 











Whj the English and Scottish PEirlianients were not preserved 

as provincial organs 295 

NoTB A. — Scotland and the Seottith Parliament in the Middle 

Age$ 296 

Note B. — Excltuion of Scotland before the Union from trade 

with the Englith colonies ..... 300 
NoTB C. — Attitude of English commercial interests to^oard 

Spanish territorial claims in seventeenth century 302 


Thb Ambrioan Colonies 

Summary of previous chapters . .303 

Adaptable character of English colonization .... 304 

Incapacity of colonial assemblies to handle Imperial interests . 305 
Their incapacity to control American interests . 305 

Consequent fjEulure to develop American patriotism . 306 

Imperial policy vitiated by commercial conceptions . . .307 
Imperial relations conceived by colonists as contractual . 303 

Acceptance by colonists of commercial system .... 309 

Its effects on British policy ....... 309 

{1} In creating a preference for slave colonies . . .311 

(2) In fostering smuggling in Northern Colonies .313 

Difficulty of enforcing trade regulations in British Empire 314 

Treasonable trade with the enemy . . .315 

Indifference of colonial opinion thereto . .316 

False psychology of the commercial system . . .318 

Patriotism weakened by want of exercise . .320 

Impracticable doctrines the product of irresponsibility . . 322 
Connection of patriotism with taxation . . . . .322 

Imperial and provincial distinguished from Dominion interests. 323 

The Olney despatch, 1895 324 

Not Imperial but American interests and chaiges the matter in 

dispute ^ . 326 

Incapacity of colonial asBemblies to settle boundary disputes 326 

Or to handle the Indian question . .327 

American constitution produced by the Albany Conference, 1754 330 
This proposal ignored by the colonial assemblies . .332 

Franklin urges enactment of Albany constitution by British 

Parliament 333 

Particularism of colonies noted by Kalm .... 334 
Pitt subsidises colonial assemblies with British money . .335 
General results summarized by Beer 336 



Maladminiatratlon the cause of Pontiac's rifling, 1703 . 337 

Cost of suppressing the Indians imposed on British tax-payer . 340 

Dilemma of British Gtovemment 340 

Importance of organic connection between executive and 

legislature ......... 342 

Defect in solution attempted by British Gk)vemment .343 

Grenville's measures for taxing America, 1764 . . . 345 

Failure of colonial assemblies to suggest a practicable alternative, 

1765 346 

Distinction of American from Imperial and Colonial interests 

not apprehended . . . . . .347 

Colonial representation in Parliament. Its possible effects . 348 
Advocated by Otia, Franklin, Smith, and Gi-enville . . 349 

Burke's declared objections thereto . . . . .351 

His real objections . . . . ... . . 356 

Effects of colonial representation considered . . . .357 

The Stamp Act passed, 1764. Its effect on American opinion 364 
The Stamp Act Congress at New York, 1764 . 365 

Hart on the methods of secessionists . . . . .365 

Their anxiety to prevent American representation in Parliament 366 
Principles of the commercial system adverse to an American 

Union 367 

Loyalist scheme for an American government frustrated . . 368 

Repealof the Stamp Act, 1766 369 

Distinction of internal and external taxation accepted by Towns- 

hend. His taxes, 1767 370 

Connection of sovereignty with the power of taxation . . 871 
Townshend's taxes imposed. Congress of Philadelphia, 1774, 

Lexington, 1775 372- 

Declaration of Independence, 1776 . . . . .373 

Americans assisted by France . ... . . .373 

Saratoga, 1777. The French Alliance, 1778. English Act of 

Renunciation, 1778 374 

Desperate condition of British affairs, 1780 .... 375 
Yorktown, 1781. Britain acknowledges American independ- 
ence, 1782 . ' 376 

Claim of Americans to remain neutral disregarded by com- 
batants 375 

Nature of citizenship and its inexorable claim . . .377 

Note A. — Influence of commercial ideas on colonial policy 378 

Note B. — Attitvde of American colonies towards Navigation Laws 380 

Note C. — Tendency of English statesmen to discourage growth of 

New England colonies . . .383 

Note D. — Evasion of Navigation Acts by New England merchants 384 


Note E. — Difficulty of mforcing Navigation ActSy cmd institution 
of Admiralty Courts ..... 

Note F. — Gorruption of Imperial customs ofUsrs in the colonies 

Note G. — Beer on colonial trade mth the enemy 

Note H. — British reply to the Olney despatch . 

Note I. — Lines of division amongst colonists in the war 

Note J. — Act of Parliament renouncing the claim to tax the 
colonies ........ 





Ireland and the British Commonwealth 

Prime cause of American Reyolution the colonial system . 419 

Results of the same system in Ireland ..... 420 

I. The Irish Colony and its Claim to Independence 

Irish isolation. Its consequences in early times . .420 

Survival of the tribal system . . . . .422 

Strongbow's conquest in twelfth century . . .422 

Henry II. acknowledged by Strongbow as overlord . . .423 
Nominal character of English rule . . . .423 

The English Pale 424 

Attempts to maintain English ascendency .... 425 

First Irish Parliament, 1296 426 

Yorkist sympathies in Ireland. Rebellions fomented there . 426 

Poyning's Law, 1495 427 

English colonization of Ireland in Tudor period . . 427 

, Quarrel between levels of civilization embittered by Reformation 429 

The Irish assisted by Spain ....... 431 

Irish tenures ignored by the English . . . .431 

Scottish plantation of Ulster, 1609-12 433 

Strafford in Ireland, 1633-9 433 

The Irish Rebellion, 1641 434 

Charles I. relies on Irish support; 1642-9 .... 434 
Atrocities of parliamentary generals . . . .435 

Ireland conquered by Cromwell, 1649 ..... 436 
CromwelFs confiscations . . . . .437 

Cromwell's parliamentary union reversed by Charles II. . 438 

James II. supported by the Irish against William of Orange, 

1689 439 

Battle of the Boyne, 1690 439 

Composition of Irish society examined ..... 439 
Trade and industry developed by Cromwellian settlers .441 

Colonial system applied to Irish trade . . . . 44 1 




Selfishness of commercial classes in Britain' . .442 

Ireland helpless to resist commercial system . . . .444 

Irish contributions to military defence ..... 446 

Decline of Irish industries and emigration of industrialists . 445 
Protestant emigration in the eighteenth century . . . 446 
Hatred of England by all classes ...... 447 

Legislative independence advocated by Molyneux, 1698 . 449 

Resolution of Irish Parliament in favour of union ignored, 1707 449 
Reversion to policy of Catholic repression. The penal laws . 4&0 
Effect on Irish character ....... 462 

Disabilities of Protestant Dissenters .463 

Means by which British Gk)vemment controlled Irish Parlia- 
ment .......... 463 

Failure of all these methods but corruption . . .456 

The Irish army a departure from the colonial system 456 

Townshend as Viceroy, 1767-72 468 

Agrarian discontent ........ 468 

Pasturage and rural depopulation in Ulster .459 

Sympathy in Ulster with American Revolution .461 

North's proposals to relieve Irish trade . .463 

Enrolment of the Irish Volunteers, 1779 .... 464 

Repeal of commercial restriction and of the Test Act secured 

by Qrattan 464 

The French fleet provisioned from Cork, 1780 .465 

Qrattan's motion for legislative independence defeated, 1781 . 466 
The Dungannon Convention, 1782 . . . . .467 
Grattan*8 independence resolutions carried, 1782 . .468 

Surrender of Shelbume and Fox to Grattan . .469 

II. The Irish Colony : from Indbpendencb to Union 

Gi-attan's faith in co-operation . . . . . .470 

Shelbume's proposal to settle Anglo-Irish interests rejected by 

Grattan . . . . . .471 

Grattan's advice to disband ignored by volunteers . . .472 

Flood demands an Act of Renunciation . . .473 

Act of Renunciation passed by British Parliament, 1783 . . 474 

Volunteers demand parliamentary reform . . .476 

Reform refused by Irish Parliament . . . . .476 

Fiscal relations of England and Ireland . . . .478 

Pitt's proposed settlement . . . . . . .479 

The naval contribution denounced . . . . . .481 

Irish navy advocated ........ 482 

Pitt's scheme accepted by Irish Parliament . . . .483 

Objections raised by British merchants and manufacturers . 484 



Pitt's amended proposals 

Fox's opposition ..... 

Pitt's amended proposals opposed by Grattan 

Demand for a separate Irish executive 

Irish navy demanded by Flood 

Pitt's proposals dropped 

The Regency dispute .... 

Pitt begins to think of legislative union . 
Dreams of an Irish Republic . 
The French Revolution. Its effects on Ireland 
Project for uniting republicans with Catholics 
Wolfe Tone and the Nootka Sound incident, 1789 
Irish neutrality in British wars advocated by Tone 
* United Irishmen' founded byTon^, 1791 
Catholic relief mishandled by Fitzwilliam, 1795 
Tone's intrigue with French Directory, 1795 . 
Disturbed condition of Ireland. Defenders and Orangem 
Failure of Hoche to land at Bantry Bay, 1796 ' . 
Grattan's irresponsible criticism of Government 
Growth of terrorism ...... 

The Nore and Spithead mutinies, May and June 1797 
Camperdown, October 8, 1797 
Outbreak of rebellion, 1798 . 
Humbert's invasion of Ireland, 1798 
Tone's suicide .... 

The rebellion suppressed 

The Union of England and Ireland carried, 1801 . 
Promise of Catholic emancipation unredeemed 
Incapacity of one Crown to unite two Parliaments . 
Time needed to cement union .... 

Anglo-Irish relations prejudiced by Irish divisions . 
True foundations of patriotism .... 

Radical defect in Anglo-Irish relations . 

Note A« — GrattanU argument compared with EdtDard 
NoTB B. — Lechfi account of the Nootka Sound incident 
NoTB C. — Toners pamphlet in favour of Irish neutrality 










































Thb American Commonwealth 

Relations of Scotland, Ireland, and the American colonies to 

England compared 540 

Theory of voluntary co-operation advanced by the colonists 541 




Colonists committed by seceseion to testing the theory . .542 
The tea thrown overboard at Boston, December 16, 1773^ . 542 

Lexington, April 19, 1775 643 

Washington appointed General by Congress of Philadelphia, 

May 10, 1775 643 

Bunker's Hill, June 17, 1775 545 

Weakness of American patriotism ...... 545 

Washington's dependence on Irish recruits .... 546 

Disillusionment of Washington . . . . .548 

Evaciuition of Boston by Howe, March 1776 . . . . 549 

Washington driven from New York . .549 

Washington's escape, November 1776 ..... 560 

Constitutional weakness of Congress . .550 

Marshall on the failure of the co-operative system . .552 

Failure of the continental levies ...... 553 

Failure of requisitions on states. Paper money . . .564 
Dependence of Congress on French and Spanish subsidies 556 

New Jersey recovered by Washington, January 1777 566 

Brandy wine, September 11, 1777. Philadelphia occupied by 

Howe .......... 556 

Saratoga, October 16, 1777. The French Alliance. 657 

Valley Forge 567 

Jealousy of Washington ....... 559 

Howe superseded by Clinton, May 1778 660 

Yorktown, October 19, 1781 561 

Washington the essential condition of American success . .561 
American society as criticised by Washington and others . .562 
American objection to taxation . . • . .565 

Effect on army of political disorganization .... 566 

Washington's efforts to correct these evils .568 

Washington's forced requisitions ...... 669 

Resentment of the army against Congress .570 

Mutiny of Pennsylvanian contingent, January 1781 571 

Monarchical power refused by Washington, October 1781 671 

Failure of states to pay off the army 673 

Washington's fidelity to the principle of the commonwealth 573 

America's debt to Washington . . . .674 

Articles of Confederation ratified by States, February 1781 . 577 

Futility of the Confederation 677 

Refusal of States to concede customs to Congress . .579 

The national debt Default of Congress .... 580 

Scheme to ear-mark taxes . . . . . . .581 

Taxation of individuals by Congress advocated by Hamilton . 581 
Scheme adopted by Congress without Hamilton's amendment . 583 



Washington's address on resigning his office, June 1783 . . 584 
Bankruptcy of Congress, Fehruary 1786 . . .589 

Financial scheme defeated by New York . . .590 

Washington's comments on the situation .... 590 

Terms of peace ignored by the States ..... 592 
Growth of anarchy and Washington's comments thereon . 592 

Washington's lesson misunderstood by Freeman . .594 

Proceedings which led to the Philadelphia, Convention . . 596 
Influence as distinguished from Government by Washington 599 

Federal Constitution produced by Philadelphia Convention, 1787 601 
The Constitution contrasted with the Articles of Confederation 602 

Nature of sovereignty 603 

Nature of states ......... 604 

The basis of states not compact, but dedication . .605 
Expression of these principles in the Constitution . . 606 
Principle of representation realized therein . .607 
Federalism a further extension of the principle of the common- 
wealth 607 

Provision for incorporation of future colonies . .618 

Federalism ; its real character .615 

Fissiplirous tendency corrected in the American Constitution 617 

Constitution-making derided by Burke . . . .618 

Burke's argument examined . . . . . .619 

Bufke's error demonstrated by American experience 621 

Anglo-Scottish Union ignored by Burke 622 

Public opinion still dominated by Burke's attitude . .623 

Growth of one commonwealth distinguished from union of two 

or more commonwealths . .624 

Two conditions necessary to the union of commonwealths . 626 
Why in settling their relations the Dominions must be treated 

as separate commonwealths . .628 
Danger of attempting * incipient and creeping ' unions .630 
The ultimate sanction of the American Constitution . 633 
The conflict of freedom with slavery . .633 
The Missouri compromise and its effects ..... 684 
Election of Lincoln as president, 1860 . . .635 
Revival of the contractual theory by the Southern States . . 635 
Secession of South Carolina . . . .636 
Ldncoln's doctrine of individual dedication opposed to con- 
tractual theory 637 

Virginian view of the situation portrayed .638 

Why force was necessary for the maintenance of American 

liberty 641 

The choice presented to Vii^nians . . .642 



The attitude of Robert E. Lee 643 

Increase of public spirit in America 644 

This increase the result of the Union ..... 645 

Lincoln's Gettysburg speech ....... 646 

Note A. — Washington on the need of a permanent army . 648 
Note B. — Mohan on seor power as the determining factor in the 

War of Independence ...... 650 

Note C. — The Articles of Confederation 653 

Note D. — The Goristitution of the United States of America 660 


The Schism of the Commonwealth in its after Effects 

The union of the American colonies, not their secession, a step 

towards freedom ......... 678 

. 679 

. 679 

. 681 

. 681 

. 683 

. 685 

The real check to autocracy the British Commonwealth 

Recrudescence of autocracy in Germany . 

German union the achievement of monarchy . 

State control of public opinion in Germany . 

Reappearance of conflict between freedom and autocracy 

German and British ideals contrasted 

Freedom jeopardized by the schism of the Commonwealth . 687 

The British Commonwealth saved by the Industrial Revolution 689 

Inclusion of backward races in the Commonwealth . .689 

Americans divorced from responsibility for backward races 692 

The Monroe doctrine ........ 692 

British sea power and its eflfect on America .... 695 

AmericauB divorced from ultimate problem of politics 696 
American ideas limited to the national commonwealth .697 
The British Empire an international commonwealth .697 

The weakening effect of the schism ..... 698 

Results to freedom if the schism had been avoided . . 699 

The world's peace prejudiced by the schism .... 700 

The Imperial problem and what it is . .701 

Importance of extending responsibility for peace and war to 

the Dominions ........ 702 

Danger of ignoring these truths ...... 703 

Conclusion of the whole matter ...... 705 

Note A- — Recognition of the Commonwealth by backward races 

as necessary to their freedom .... 707 
Note B. — Message of President Monroe to Congress, December 2, 

182S 708 




I. Population of the World divided according to states . 1 

II. Map of the World on Mercator's Projection, to show the 
populations and actual areas occupied by the various 
states represented in Plate I. . , At end of volume 

III. The British Empire .At end of volume 

IV. Diagram to illustrate contrast between British and 

Chinese Empires . . , At end of volume 

y. Map to illustrate relations of Greece and Persia 27 

VI. Map to illustrate the Roman Empire and the Holy 

Roman Empire 56 

VII. Map to show relative areas of the English and Athenian 

Commonwealths . . . . .107 

VI 1 1. Diagram to illustrate responsibility for backward races 
as assumed by British Commonwealth and other 
European states . 157 

IX. The World divided into Land and Water Hemispheres . 1 79 

X. North America . , At end of volume 

XL Ireland 419 

XIL Growth of the Commonwealth (A) .647 

XII I. Growth of the Commonwealth (B) .... 706 


• • 

, • • • . 
. • • • • 
•• • • • 

• • • 

• • • 

• ••• 

• • • 

• • • • 

• ••• 

•• • 


|n the sheet opposite this page the population of 
le globe, represented iu graphic form, is divided 
ito the communities which are recognized by each 
^her as sovereign states. Upon opening this diagram 
reader is at once impressed by the fact that two 
^h states contain between them no less than half 
ikind. The Chinese Empire includes about one 
irter of the human race, and the British Empire 
lother quarter.^ 

Here, however, the resemblance ends, and the 

mtisl diflference in the character of the two Empires 

clearly shown by a glance at the map of the world as 

jsented in Plate 11.^ The people of China are one race 

ihabiting one country. They constitute, as it were, 

important wing of the social edifice. In the British 

tmpire, on the other hand, are comprised people of 

rery gradation in the human scale. The point is 

^ore clearly brought out by Plate III., which repre- 

its in some detail the various elements of which it 


In Plate IV. the squares shown on the first diagram 
redistributed so as to appear in the same relative 
dtious as they occupy in the map on Plate 11. , with 
result that the Chinese Empire still appears as a 
^lid wing of the human race, while the British Empire 
|U8t be compared rather to a framework wrought from 

See Note on page opposite. 

PUtae II., III., and IV. will be found at the end of the volume. 

1 B 





and the 




each one 

quarter of 


But the 
one is uni- 
form and 
the other 



of the 









as vanous 
in its com 
position as 

all its materials and ramifying through every part of 
its compli3jited stj^uHnJA/ The disruption of China 
would geripu^y .affect ^e. ifest of the world ; but the 
collap^\o4**tK'6'Bl'i'tnsh**Enip1re would be followed by 
results incalculably greater, and it is no exaggeration 
to say that it would convulse the whole fabric of human 
society. If the dismemberment of Turkey be thought 
to endanger the peace of the world, what consequences 
are to be looked for if an Empire, so much more orderly 
as it is more vast and widely spread, were suddenly to 
be broken up ? 
BriUsh ^^^ ^^^ special feature of this great international 

Empire state, upon which it is desired to dwell for the moment, 
is the variety of the elements which it connects. Man- 
kind may be compared to a stratified formation con- 
raankind sistiug of a scrics of graduated layers. The Chinese 
Empire is a state cut from the thickest of these layers. 
The British Empire is a section of humanity cut from 
top to bottom, and a sample of every typical layer is 
contained in its jurisdiction. As the map before us 
shows, it includes the native inhabitants of every con- 
tinent. In the light of modern discoveries it can be 
stated without hesitation that the earth has contained 
intelligent human beings for not less than 500,000 
years. It is only in the brief centuries at the close of 
this 8Bon that means have been devised of establishing 
regular intercourse between the continents. For 
ages longer than the human imagination can picture 
the inhabitants of the different continents have lived 
in water-tight compartments, developing apart and in- 
fluencing each other little or not at all in the process. 
In the main, therefore, the different stages of human 
development coincided, and to some extent still co- 
incide, with continents or groups of continents. The 
tribal system is typical of the aborigines of Africa, 
Oceana, and America. The ancient monarchies of 
Mexico and Peru represent a sporadic advance beyond 


that system, which owinff to their extinction failed intro- 

• • • DUCTION 

to aflPect the course of history. Another exception is 
Egypt, whose ancient civilization, isolated by desert 
frontiei© in the west, has a nearer affinity to the social 
system of Asia than to that of Africa. Apart from 
these exceptions the organization of the state had not 
been realized in the three more backward continents 
whose inhabitants had failed to advance beyond the 
tribal stage of society. The British Empire is com- 
posed of people in both these stages of development, 
and also of Europeans whose ideas have produced a 
type of state essentially different from that evolved 
by Asia. It is necessary to consider, therefore, what 
the tribal system means, how it differs from the state, 
and how the Asiatic conception of the state differs 
from that peculiar to Europe. For the effect which 
these types of society have had on each other when 
brought into contact is one of the principal causes 
which have led to the creation of the Empire. 

The bond which unites the tribe or clan is that of Tribal and 
the family on an extended scale, the chief exercising or^n?za- 
a parental authority in virtue of his inherited position tjn^ished. 
as head of the house. * It needs no argument,' as 
Lecky remarks, * to show how incompatible with all 
national unity'^ is this primitive principle of organiza- 
tion, and the races which have not advanced beyond 
it are correctly described as ' uncivilized.' Asia, on 
the other hand, is regarded as the home of civilization, 
and * the state,' in its primitive form 6f theocracy, has 
been its characteristic type of political organization. 
The great Semitic and Mongolian races have perhaps 
no closer affinity to each other in descent than to the 
natives of America or Africa. But in the course of 
their development the peoples of Asia have so in- 
fluenced each other as to produce certain characteristics 
common to Asiatic society. In spite of all that has 

* Lecky, History of England in the Bigkteenih Century, vol. ii, p. 267. 


ixTBO- been said and written to the contrary, the popular habit 

^^^^^^^^^^ of applying the term ' Oriental ' to all the races who 

live between the Pacific and the Levant is justified 

by the facts. It bears witness to the existence of 

some common feature which differentiates them from 

the natives of Africa, Oceana, and America on the one 

hand, and from the natives of Europe on the other. 

Deveioi>- The Biblical writings, which render the ordinary 

Asia of the reader more familiar with the social conditions of the 

pHmitWc* ^^^ than he is apt to realize, reveal one of its races 

form of emerging from the tribal condition and reorganizing 

theocracy. , .Jr . ^ • i i • 

itself on the principle of a typical theocratic state. 
The children of Israel are represented in the Book of 
Judges as conscious of a certain unity by reason of 
their common descent from Abraham, Isaac, and 
Jacob. But already they have grown too numerous 
to render obedience to any one descendant or repre- 
sentative of the common patriarchs. They are split 
into twelve tribes named after the sons of Israel, and 
already one of these tribes, that of Joseph, has sub- 
divided into two others named after his sons Ephraim 
and Manasseh. These tribes, having no government 
in common, are given to internecine feuds with each 
other, and are likewise exposed to periodic conquest 
and oppression by peoples like the Philistines or 
Amalekites, who have already succeeded in organizing 
themselves as states. From time to time they are 
delivered by some hero whose individual genius or 
prowess enables him temporarily to command the 
obedience of several tribes. Gradually they are driven 
by internal disorder and external pressure to realize 
a national organization, and to establish it on a 
permanent footing by recognizing Saul the Benjamite 
as King over all Israel. By the author of the Book 
of Samuel the creation of the Hebrew^ monarchy is 
represented as a concession to popular clamour. But 
that concession having been made, the kingship is 


founded from first to last on divine authority. * Is intro- 


it not because the Lord hath anointed thee to be 
Captain over his inheritance ? ' cries the seer, as he 
pours the consecrated oil on Saul's head. The whole 
duty of the Hebrew is comprehended in his unbounded 
obligation to obey the God of Israel. It is only as 
his vicegerent that the kings are entitled to their 
obedience, and it is their duty to God which unites 
them as a people and enables them to rise above their 
tribal organization and to constitute themselves as 
a state, 

A religious consciousness so strong as sometimes Orientals 
to overwhelm him is indeed the distinctive mark of obedience 
the Oriental. He stands like one who, gazing into the Jj^f^^nd 
sun, becomes almost blind to the world about him, law by 
and to the ground beneath his feet. His sense of feeling. 
his relation to the spiritual world is so vivid as to 
obscure the reality of mundane things in which the 
typical European is often preoccupied overmuch. He 
is so absorbed in the thought of his duty to God that 
he partly forgets, to identify it with his duty to his 
fellow-men other than those united to him by caste, 
family or similar ties.^ Throughout the East the force 
which united peoples in obedience to their govem- 
,ment has been mainly religious. And this is true of 
races so distant and different from the Semitic people 
as the Chinese and Japanese. In China, as a well- 
informed writer in The Times has remarked, * the 
permanency of birth privileges is allowed to the 
Royal Family, not because it fulfils the functions of 
an autocracy, but because it embodies the concep- 
tion of the nation as one family with a permanent 
relation to the will of Heaven, which so ordained 
the social nature of man.' ^ In Japan the Mikado 
is revered by the majority as a visible deity. The 

* Meredith Townshend, Asia aiul Europe, pp. 14*15. 

* " Confacianism and the Republic in China," The Times, Sept. 24, 191L>. 



claim to 
the dis- 
of the 

devotion with which he is served is unbounded, but 
it is not to be entirely identified, as it often is, 
with patriotism as understood by Western peoples. 
Throughout the East obedience has been rendered to 
authority primarily as a religious duty. Rulers )vhen 
not revered as actually divine have been regarded 
as vicegerents of Grod appointed to enunciate His 
mandates and to enforce them. * Rebellion is as the' 
sin of witchcraft' — the deliberate service of God's 
enemy the devil. To unfaithful kings God ceases to 
reveal His commands. This silence is the first punish- 
ment inflicted on Saul for disobedience. Driven to 
despair for want of guidance in his difiiculties, he 
invokes the aid of a witch, and cries to the ghost of 
Samuel summoned by incantations from his grave : 
* God is departed from me and answereth me no 
more, neither by prophets nor by dreams : therefore 
I have called thee that thou mayest make known 
unto me what I shall do.' ^ 

Briefly we may say that the theocratic state is 
the distinctive product of the peoples of Asia, and 
represents an important advance on the merely tribal 
organization of primitive man. The state differs 
from any other form of human organization in that 
the authority which it claims over the conduct of its 
members is unlimited. It assumes the right to 
deprive them in the public interest of their property, 
of their liberty, and of their lives, and it is only 
while that claim is admitted to a sufficient extent 
by a sufiicient number of its members that the state 
can exist. For, to put the matter in a nutshell, 
government can only continue so long as it can 
depend upon the willingness of a sufficient number 
of its subjects to sacrifice their lives to the enforce- 
ment of its commands. The tribe is an embryonic 
state limited by the fact that its essential bond of 

^ 1 SamuM xxviii. 15. 


blood relation arrests its development at the point intro- 
beyond which its members cease to be sensible of 
their kinship. The overpowering sense of religion 
developed in Asia made it possible to unite any 
number of tribes in obedience to a ruler accepted as 
the appointed instrument and mouthpiece of the 
divine authority and recognized as entitled to the 
absolute obedience of each and all. Such unions were 
usually effected by the sword of a conqueror. But 
the conqueror's power was regarded as the manifest 
token of divine authority behind him. The sword 
might collect the elements of a state, but until some 
sense of a duty to obey was developed they could 
not cohere. The belief that physical power was the 
evidence of divine authority has enabled the people 
of Asia to emerge from the tribal stage and constitute 
states on the primitive basis of theocracy. 

To the Oriental mind the wisdom of rulers was, as Theocratic 
in the case of King Solomon, less the product of ex- ten^to 
perience than a gift from on high. The idea of theTom^' 
the people themselves through their representatives ofstate 
attaining to a right judgment in matters of state in Asia. 
the light of their own experience was foreign to Eastern 
thought. Nowadays the theocratic tradition may some- 
times be seen at work behind the thin veil of a Western 
constitution. On several occasions the Japanese 
Government has silenced parliamentary opposition 
by declaring that it disturbed the Emperor's ancestors, 
and when this expedient failed the parliament has 
been overruled by an Imperial rescript which the 
people regarded as much more binding upon them 
than the acts of their own representatives. It is easy 
to see how theocratic ideas tend to the government 
of one man. Autocracy has therefore been the form 
of government natural to Asia. 

On the other hand, it is necessary to avoid the 
fallacy of supposing that an autocracy, as con- 


INTRO- trasted with a commonwealth, is based upon force. 
^^^^^^.^^^^^^ To argue that the government of one man over 
states, millions can rest upon force is an absurdity from the 
Tiito.^^* outset. Force is the sword of government, but what 
craciesor ^erves the hand that wields the sword is not and 

corniDon- , , , 

wealths, cauuot in the last analysis be force. And this is just 

reaum ^ BS truc of a dcspotism as of a republic. The quicken- 

on w'lf^**' ing principle of a state is a sense of devotion, an 

interest or adequate recognition somewhere in the minds of its 

force. ^ o , IT 

subjects that their own interests are subordmate to 
those of the state. The bond which unites them 
arid constitutes them collectively as a state is, to use 
the words of Lincoln, in the nature of dedication. 
Its validity, like that of the marriage tie, is at root 
not contractual but sacramental. Its foundation is 
not self-interest, but rather some sense of obligation, 
however conceived, which is strong enough to over- 
master self-interest. Amongst the peoples of Asia 
the necessary motive was, and still is, supplied by 
their overpowering sense of man's duty to God. 
Why the It is a commouplacc that states had developed 

West has ^^^ civilizatious were flourishing in Asia at a period 
amenable ^hen Europc was Still plunged in a barbarism as 

to change ^ .,. . , 

while the primitive as that prevailing in the other contments. 

resisted it European history comes well within the limit of the 
last three thousand years ; but if the social conditions 
of Asia at the beginning and end of that period were 
to be described, the difference in the two descriptions 
would not be great, and that difference would be 
largely due to the effect of Europe on Asia. A 
similar comparison in the case of E\irope would show 
an immeasurable change in social conditions between 
then and now. The Balkan Peninsula, where this 
change would be least remarkable, is the one portion 
of Europe which has fallen under the influence of an 
Oriental race. That Asia lias remained almost 
stationary while Europe has been changing beyond 


recoffnitioD is one of the great facts of the world, the intro- 


significance of which we cannot evade and must 
endeavour bo understand. It is a fact which, indeed, 
is not unrelated to the political conceptions of the 
East which we have just been discussing. Custom 
and law are the framework of society, and, in so far as 
they are held to be divine, the idea of changing them 
is regarded as impious. The Medes and Persians were 
typical Orientals in their idea that the law cannot be 
altered even in response to the experience which 
people subject to the laws have gained. In India the 
difficulty of altering the sacred law constantly 
impedes the reforming zeal of the government. * In 
Turkey, the Sultan, though Sovereign, is subject to 
the Sheriat or Sacred Law, which he cannot alter ; 
and which no power exists capable of altering. A 
good deal may be done in the way of interpretation ; 
and the desired Fetwa or solemnly rendered opinion 
of the Chief Mufti or Sheik-ul-Islam can generally 
be obtained by adequate extra-legal pressure on the 
Sultan's part. But no Sultan would venture to ex- 
tort, and probably no Mufti to render, a Fetwa in the 
teeth of some sentence of the Koran itself, which, with 
the Traditions, is the ultimate source of the Sacred 
Law, binding all Muslims always and everywhere/^ 
The natural fatalism of the Oriental is thus fostered 
by the notions underlying theocracy. Whatever form 
his religion takes he tends to regard himself and his 
kind as puppets of forces which are entirely beyond 
human control. Believing himself to be the slave of 
destiny he does in fact become so. The consequence 
is that any society inclines to be static so far as it 
rests on ideas which are narrowly religious rather 
than moral. 

The outlook of modern Europe diflfers from that 
of the East especially in the greater emphasis which 

* Bryce, Studies in History awl Jurispru^denee, vol. ii. pp. 58-r)9. 


INTRO- it lays on the duty of men to themselves and to 


^^^^.,,^,.^^^ each other. This divergence has doubtless been 
Euioi)e fostered by a religion which sprang from Asia itself, 
enUated J^t fouud its cougenial soil not there but in Europe, 
twn o"*"^^ and it may almost be said that the difference 
free-will between the Mosaic law and the Sermon on the Mount 
uieii'sduty mcasurcs the difference between Eastern and Western 
^ "*^"' ideals. Men cannot feel, and go on feeling, a sense 
of responsibility for the society in which they live, 
unless they are also conscious of some power to 
alter its condition and their own for better or worse. 
Some deeply rooted belief in the efficacy of free will 
has delivered Europe from what Bryce calls *the 
isolation and narrowness and general exclusiveuess 
which has checked the growth of the earlier civiliza- 
tions of the world, and which we now see lying like 
a weight upon the kingdoms of the East.' ^ 

There is perhaps in literature no phrase which 
conveys more perfectly the distinctive Western 
outlook on life than that put by Shakespeare into 
the mouth of Cassius : — 

Men at some time are masters of their fates : 
The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars 
But in ourselves, that we are underlings. 

This confidence of the European in his own power 
to control circumstance has encouraged exercise 
of the power and led to its development. The 
Oriental regarding the framework of society as 
divinely ordained has treated man as though he 
were made for the law : the European has treated 
the law as though it were made for man, as a 
framework which must not be allowed to cramp social 
methods and habits, but which must, when necessary, 
be modified to suit, and indeed to foster, change. 
The idea that the law is human and subject to 

* Bryce, Holy Roman Empire, p. 433. 


aJfrejr^tion has necessarily led to a conception that intro- 

. duction 

the <^lianges naust be eifected iu accordance with the ^^^^^^^,^^. 

exf>^xrience of the people it affects, determined so Theprin- 

&r c^s possible by themselves, and ultimately in comm^^on-* 

accojrciance with their will. But the essence of a ^^*„*^\^^® 

lav- is that it is a rule controlling the conduct of a product 

nucici^X>er of people, and it obviously cannot be modi- attitnde 

fiei -fco suit the interest, or in response to the will, of ^^ °"°*^* 

eaalx eeparate individual. The European conception 

of sc:)vemment, therefore, assumes the possibility 

of ^ public opinion which is as much entitled to 

pr^^j^^il over individual wills as the edict of an 

Autooxat to command the unhesitating obedience 

^f Ixis subjects. But, to command obedience, public 

^P^^ion must be capable of formulation in terms as 

Vy^cise as those of an edict. The further assump- 

^^^ti is therefore involved that a certain number of 

^^Uzens are capable of formulating public opinion 

^ the light of experience. To do this they must 

tave some intellectual capacity for judging the 

public interest, and, what is no less important, some 

moral capacity for treating it as paramount to their 

owD. It follows that all citizens who have the 

necesdary qualifications ought, in the interests of 

the whole community, to be admitted to a share 

in the work of formulating public opinion. The 

principle is one which travels in the direction of 

democracy as naturally as the theocratic principle 

travels towards despotism. 

This briefly is the principle of the commonwealth. Freedom 
and its fundamental notion is that society is at its pHncipk 
best when able and free to adapt its own structure °^ *^® 

-t ^ common - 

to conditions as they change, in accordance with wealth are 
its own experience of those conditions. Freedom ideas, 
is the power of society to control circumstance, and 
that is why freedom and the institution of the 
commonwealth are linked inseparably, and together 


INTRO- constitute the distinctive ideal of Western civilization. 

^^^^^^^^^ Blazing forth in the morning of history with a 

startling but transitory brilliance, the principle of the 

commonwealth has with many vicissitudes gradually 

prevailed over that of theocracy in Europe, and 

already shows promise of extending the contest to 

Asia itself. This struggle of principles, each nobler 

than that which it superseded, is in truth the ultimate 

theme of history. 

Europe by The recognition of Europe as a continent separate 
^njiging £^^^ ^^j^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^j^^^ ^^^ nearly 

continents ^^ altogether divided by sea, as are Africa, America 
into touch and Australia from both of them. Eurasia is one 

raised the . iiii. n tt«i' •• 

problem of great Continent, and the habit of subdividing it into 
inVt^eir *wo is duc to consciousncss of something which 
relations diflfcrentiates the society at its western area from 
that east of the Ural Mountains, The consciousness 
of this difference is comparatively speaking a recent 
one. For the last few thousand years the people of 
Europe have displayed a continuous energy coupled 
with a peculiar capacity for collecting experience and 
bringing it to bear upon the conditions of human life. 
Climate and the conformation of the shores surround- 
ing the Mediterranean were amongst the causes which 
fostered the development of these faculties. For our 
purpose, however, it is sufficient to note that when 
history opens we find in Greece a people whose ideas 
and habits have begun to differ from those of Asia, 
and have brought into being institutions for which 
no counterpart can be found in the East. The Greeks 
developed the faculty of change, and the Romans 
created conditions which have enabled it to spread in 
a greater or less degree to the races west of the 
Ural Mountains. The history of Europe deals with 
the series of struggles in which this peculiar faculty 
asserted itself and produced the civilization which 
has distinguished the people of Europe from those of 


Asia. But history is something more than the history intro- 
' . duction 

of Europe, and no view of politics can be final which ,,^^^.^^,.,^^ 

does not include the whole of mankind. The human 
race is spread over five continents, each of which has 
its own history and level of development ; and how 
to adjust their relations to each other is the ultimate 
problem of politics. The problem arises from the 
fact that one has become versatile while the rest 
have remained comparatively static. While the 
faculty of progress was still fighting for existence in 
Europe, Europe itself was continually called upon 
to fight for existence against some power which 
threatened it firom Asia. Numbers were on 
the side of Asia, but the increasing control which 
Europe achieved over moral as well as over physical 
forces in the end secured her against destruction. 
But the same increasing control over nature began to 
open a new and wider range of problems. By the 
close of the Middle Ages practical improvements in 
navigation had converted the oceans from barriers 
into highways, and in the next few centuries Europe, 
which had touched Asia on one side only, began to 
invade the monarchies of the further East and the 
primitive communes of Africa, America, Australasia, 
and the Pacific Isles. Nay more, she brought them 
into touch with each other, and in a few centuries the 
primeval seclusion of the most ancient societies was 
broken up. Partitions which had ever divided the 
families of mankind were rapidly breached, and it 
needs no argument to prove that the fundamental 
problem of the age arises from the necessity of adjust- 
ing the relations of the one to the other. 

Frankly, we must realize that the first effect of pisturb- 
European civilization on the older societies is dis- of^con^wt 
ruptive. In the course of this inquiry we shall see thl^cea 
how the ancient despotisms of the East corrode when of the 


they come into contact with Western commerce and 


INTRO, finance, and how civilized conceptions of law dislocate 

■>°™<»' the eoma.un.1 systeo,. n.t,™l to primitive m.-. 

The older societies, hard and dry with age, burst when 

the still-fermenting wine of European civilization is 

suddenly poured into them. The contents, moreover, 

of the old bottles are poured into each other and 

mixed together. The races of Africa are transplanted 

wholesale to the Americas. In Africa, and on the 

shores and islands washed by the Pacific, the peoples 

of Asia begin to establish colonies of their own, and 

on new ground the old struggle for existence between 

the civilizations of Europe and Asia begins again. 

The The magnitude and delicacy of the problems raised 

Empire ^7 chaugcs which rapidly brought into touch with 

**^® , , each other the isolated races of mankind is evident, 


of these and we have only to look at the composition of the 
pro ems. gj,jj.jgjj^ Empire to see that its structure is a practical 

attempt to supply a solution of some of them. It 
consists of separate territories which together cover 
more than one-fifth of the land surface of the planet, 
and contain about a quarter of its population. These 
are distributed amongst some fifty subordinate states 
in which are represented all the races and gradations 
of human society, and all these it correlates within 
the jurisdiction of one paramount state. 
The But are we justified in describing the British 

British Empire as a state ? To answer that question we 

Empii-e IS *^ ^ 

recognized must ask ourselvcs what the attributes of a state are. 
state^by ^ Human life is mainly concerned with adjusting the 
sidTit?"* relations of men, or communities of men, to each other. 
When the interests or ideals of two individuals or 
communities conflict beyond the hope of agreement, 
they may be settled either by the strength of the 
stronger, that is to say by violence or the threat of 
violence, or else by the authority of law. The state 
is an institution designed to adjust the relations of its 
component members or communities without violence. 


or at least by the use of only so much as may be intro- 


necessary to enforce the authority of law. The 
British Empire determines by the peaceful methods 
of law the relations of a large number of races and 
communities, and in this sense it is a state. It does 
in practice secure that none of its component states 
shall engage in war with any other, whether inside or 
outside the limits of its jurisdiction. No foreign 
state can make war on any of them without being at 
war with all of them together. Any attempt, for 
instance, on the part of China to invade Fiji would 
involve the arrest of Chinese ships which happened at 
the moment when war was declared to be lying in the 
ports of Canada or South Africa. This empire, in- 
cluding a quarter of the human race, is in fact a state 
from the international point of view. 

The obedience which these various communities it is also 
representing the successive stages of human progress ?^tl^ ^n 
severally yield to the Imperial sovereignty is con- ^i*®^"/{'|je 
ceived in a manner natural to the social ideas of common- 
each of them. To the tribes of America, Africa, and though 
the Pacific Islands, with their patriarchal ideas, it ^ajSty^ 
was natural to speak of Queen Victoria as 'The ^f}^ 

, citizens 

Great White Mother.' By the people of India the cannot as 
monarchy is thought of 'as a divine institution, a Jund^imt 
sacred office, not to be assailed or criticized without l^^^^^^ 
a tinge of impiety.' ^ And yet the supreme govern- f^j- them- 
ment of the state is based upon principles typical of 
Europe in direct antithesis to those understood by the 
races from which seven-eighths of its subjects are 
drawn. The British monarch is, in fact, neither 
patriarch nor autocrat, but the hereditary president 
of a commonwealth. But in this commonwealth the 
governing power is practically restricted to citizens 
of European origin. It is not extended, even for 
local purposes, to any of the Dependencies great or 

* "Th? Purbar and After," Round Table, No. VII. vol. u. p. 397. 


INTRO- small, for the sufficient reason that the institutions 
of a commonwealth cannot be successfully worked by 
peoples whose ideas are still those of a theocratic or 
patriarchal society. The premature extension of 
representative institutions throughout the Empire 
would be the shortest road to anarchy. But this 
present restriction of the franchise to the people 
of European origin no more deprives the Imperial 
state of its essential character of a commonwealth 
than the analogous restriction of the franchise to 
adults. In order to alter the system of government 
familiar to the East the ideas and customs out of 
which that system has grown must be altered first, 
and it is safe to assume that the masses of India 
will not have so changed their habits of life as to 
enable them within the period of the present genera- 
tion to assume a complete responsibility for the 
management of their own domestic affairs. But this 
obviously they must do before attempting to assume 
the still higher and more difficult responsibility 
for the affairs of the Empire as a whole. It 
is not therefore within the scope of an inquiry, 
exclusively practical in its object, to consider how or 
when the Dependencies are to be associated in the 
government of the Imperial Commonwealth.^ 
But when The exclusion of an increasing portion of the 
YrTrn^ European citizens of the Empire from a share in 
British *^^ its stupcndous responsibilities is the importunate 
Empire questiou whosc settlement must precede all others. 

los&s tho 

character One quarter of them are distributed between the 
and fans' Dominious of Canada, Australia, South Africa, New 
to realize Zealand, and Newfoundland. Within the limits of 

the pnu- ' . II- 

cipioofa those territories their several populations control 

common- . i • • . i /y» • t  j.i_ i 

wealth. then: own internal anairs. in the general govern- 

^ Since visiting India I have seen reasons to modify tlie view expressed 
in this sentence, which was written in 1912. I hope to give those reasons 
in the next volume.— Editor, Delhi, March 1917. . 


ment of the Empire, however, they exercise no voice intbo* 


whatever, and, contrariwise, the Imperial Government 
has no power in fact of commanding their resources 
for the maintenance of the Imperial Commonwealth. 
Viewed from without, the British Empire is a single 
state with a single government, in practice just as 
competent to commit all its subjects to peace or war 
as the Governments of Russia, Germany, or the 
United States. But it cannot, like them, command 
the resources of all its subjects and territories in the 
discharge of its responsibilities. As the people of the 
Dominions have no voice in the government of the 
Empire, so are they not subject to contribute to its 
necessities. Viewed from within, the Empire lacks 
that property of states by which they proportion the 
expenditure of their resources to the responsibilities 
which the possession of those resources involves. It 
is a commonwealth which excludes from a share in 
its government an increasing proportion of citizens in 
no way less qualified for the task than those whom 
it admits to it. It is a state, yet not a state; a 
commonwealth, yet one which fails to realize an 
essential condition of the principle which inspires it. 
Can it continue in this condition, and if not, is it to 
develop the structure of a state and to fulfil the 
conditions of a commonwealth, or is it to be broken 
up into a number of states? And if so broken 
up, can the parent state continue single-handed to 
maintain a stable equilibrium between these multi- 
tudinous races and civilizations, and to adjust their 
relations with the other three-quarters of the human 
race? No question more momentous has ever been 
proposed, for upon its solution depends the stability, 
not merely of this Empire itself, but of the whole 
structure of the world's society through which it 
extends. To attempt an answer to this question 
without first inquiring what the British Empire is 



INTRO- and what function it fulfils is to court failure from 
DUCTION ^^^ outset. For as with every institution, it is only 
to be understood in the light of history and especially 
of events which caused and therefore preceded its 
creation. It will be necessary, then, to take a rapid 
glance at the history of Europe, more especially in its 
relations to Asia, before the British Empire itself 
appeared upon the scene. 
Plan of the The first part of this inquiry traces the growth of 
dMcriid. *^^ Commonwealth to the great schism which so nearly 
destroyed it at the close of the eighteenth century. 
The second, dealing with the subsequent growth of 
the British Empire, is an attempt to see India, Egypt, 
Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa 
as they now are. In these two parts an endeavour 
is made to understand the various parts of the 
Empire, and how they are related to each other 
and the whole. Whether those relations are satis- 
factory, and how far they now require to be changed, 
are questions to be discussed in the third and final 
part of the inquiry. 



A TRIBAL society is highly unstable, because each chap. 
tribe tends to split up as soon as it outgrows the 

limits of a magnified family. Where, however, the The tueo- 

chief sanction of government is religion, the community principle 

can continue to expand so long as the territories it tends to 

* o the crea- 

covers are not too wide for the ruler's commands to tion of 
be conveyed to his subjects. Asia thus became the a great 
home of enormous states; it was a continent in ^^^^' 
which vast multitudes were ruled by a few despots. 

European history begins with the Greeks, and the The 
opening pages of their literature tell of a people who tio^ o"*^'^" 
differ not in defin*ee but in kind from those of Asia Europe 
because they are no longer dominated by habit. The first took 
frontispiece of that literature is a portrait of Odysseus, amongst 
of a man living by his wits, a man to whom the ^j^Jf^the 
things of this world matter, and are in some sort new type 

of state 

amenable to control The typical Greek hero is no they 
slave of destiny, but one who masters it by the ®^®°p®^- 
resources of an unconquerable mind. But the Asiatic 
idea that authority must rest on a supernatural basis 
survives amongst the Homeric Greeks, for their kings 
are always in some way descended from the gods. 
So strong is the religious idea indeed that they can 
think of themselves as united in the siege of Troy, as 
m later times they were never united, by common 
loyalty to a paramount king. 

At a later period, when legend gives way to history, 



CHAP, these theocratic ideas have abeady receded into the 
.^^^,^^^^,^/ background, and the Greeks have moved on to 
political conceptions of their own for which no 
precedent was to be found in Asia. These were the 
product of the small communities centreing round 
fortified cities, into which the Greeks were divided 
by their mountains and seas. In these small 
neighbourhoods was developed an esprit de corps 
that bound society by ties dififerent from the feeling 
that to question the authority of * powers and 
principalities ' is impious. The Greek was religious, 
but the dominating factor in his political life was 
not religion but enthusiasm for his city, which to 
his eye was made, not of waUs, but of his fellow 
citizens. And to the welfare of that city so con- 
ceived he was prepared to dedicate not merely his 
property and his energy but life itself. It was in 
Athens that the Greek spirit reached its typical de- 
velopment ; and as one of their enemies said of the 
Athenians, *They spend their bodies, as mere ex- 
ternal tools, in the city's service, and count their 
minds as most truly their own when employed on 
her behalf.'^ 
The Greek The specch delivered by their greatest statesman, 
o^the Pericles, at the funeral of some of them who had 
dedication j^^^ foy ^j^^j^ ^\^y jg instiuct with this Spirit of 

of men to ^ ^ -^ , -^ 

each other, dedication. * Such were the men who lie here and 
such the city which inspired them. We survivors 
may pray to be spared their bitter hour, but must 
disdain to meet the foe with a spirit less triumphant. 
Let us draw strength, not merely from twice-told 
arguments — how fair and noble a thing it is to show 
courage in battle — but from the busy spectacle of 
our great city's life as we have it before us day by 
day, falling in love with her as we see her, and 
remembering that all this greatness she owes to 

> Thucydides i. 70. 


men with the fighter's daring, the wise man's under- chap. 
standing of his duty, and the good man's self-disci- . ^^ _^^ 
pline in its performance — to men who, if they failed 
in any ordeal, disdained to deprive the city of their 
services, but sacrificed their lives as the best offerings 
on her behalf. So they gave their bodies to the 
commonwealth and received, each for his own memory, 
praise that will never die, and with it the grandest 
of all sepulchres, not that in which their mortal 
bones are laid, but a home in the minds of men, 
where their glory remains fresh to stir to speech or 
action as the occasion comes by. For the whole 
earth is the sepulchre of famous men ; and their 
story is not graven only on stone over their native 
earth, but lives on far away, without visible symbol, 
woven into the stuff of other men's lives.' * 

Here is a spirit of devotion no less absolute than civic duty 
that which inspired the obedience rendered by an "i^S by 
Asiatic to a monarch whom he thought of as the »Greek. 
delegate of Grod. But in Athens that obedience was 
rendered by the citizen to the -will not of a despot 
but of his fellow citizens. How absolute was a 
Greek's conception of the obedience due from himself 
to the state may be gathered from the reasons given 
by the greatest of Athenian citizens for declining to 
evade an unjust sentence of death. ' Consider it in 
this way : Suppose the laws and the Commonwealth 
were to come and appear to me as I was preparing 
to run away, perhaps they would say, ^' Socrates, 
wonder not at our words, but answer us ; you your- 
self are accustomed to ask questions and to answer 
them. What complaint have you against us and 
the city, that you are trying to destroy us? Are 
we not, first, your parents ? Through us your father 
took your mother and begat you. Tell us, have you 

^ Thuoydides ii. 43, translation from Zimmern, The Greek Common' 
weaUk, p. 202. 


CHAP, any fault to find with those of us that are the laws 
of marriage ? " '* I have none," I should reply. " Or 
have you any fault to find with those of us that 
regulate the nurture and education of the child, 
which you, like others, received? Did not we do 
well in bidding your father educate you in music 
and gymnastic ? " " You did," I should say. " Well 
then since you were brought into the world and 
nurtured and educated by us, how, in the first place, 
can you deny that you are our child and our slave, 
as your fathers were before you ? And if this be so, 
do you think that your rights are on a level with 
ours ? Do you thiuk that you have a right to retaliate 
upon us if we should try to do anything to you ? 
You had not the same rights that your father had, 
or that your master would have had, if you had been 
a slave. You had no right to retaliate upon them if 
they ill-treated you, or to answer them if they reviled 
you, or to strike them back if they struck you, or 
to repay them evil with evil in any way. And do 
you think that you may retaliate on your country 
and its laws ? If we try to destroy you, because we 
think it right, will you 'in return do all that you 
can to destroy us, the laws, and your country, and 
say that in so doing you are doing right, you, the 
man, who in truth thinks so much of virtue? Or 
are you too wise to see that your country is worthier, 
and more august, and more sacred, and holier, and 
held in higher honour both by the Gods and by 
all men of understanding, than your father and 
your mother and all your other ancestors ; and 
that it is your bounden duty to reverence it, and 
ta submit to it, and to approach it more humbly 
than you would approach your father, when it is 
angry with you ; and either do whatever it bids you 
to do or to persuade it to excuse you ; and to obey 
in silence if it orders you to endure stripes or 



imprisonment, or if it sends you to battle to be 
wounded or to die? That is what is your duty. 
You must not give way, nor retreat, nor desert 
your post. In war, and in the court of justice, 
and everywhere, you must do whatever your city 
and your country bids you do, or you must 
convince them that their commands are unjust. 
But it is against the law of God to use violence 
to your father or to your mother; and much more 
so is it against the law of God. to use violence to 
your country. " What answer shall we make Crito ? 
Shall we say that the laws speak truly or no ? ' ^ 
Here is presented the duty of the citizen as conceived 
by the greatest interpreter of Greek ideas. For him 
the authority of government still rests on Man's duty 
to God But Man's duty to God is inseparably 
connected with his duty to his fellow men. To them 
he is bound by an obligation to which he can recognize 
no limits, an obligation which requires him to sacrifice 
everything — ^property, and, if necessary, life itself — 
in the interests of the commonwealth. It is in the 
general good of the community that his own particular 
good is to be sought. His relation to society is that 
of a limb to the body ; for the health of a limb must 
not be sought for itself, but only as a product of the 
health of the body as a whole. To neglect the public 
interest in the pursuit of his own is to grasp at a 
shadow and to ignore the substance. It is the prin- 
ciple exactly expressed in the divine paradox, * Who- 
soever shall seek to save his own life shall lose it ; and 
whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.' ^ 

We now begin to see what a Greek commonwealth 
was and where it differs from an Asiatic theocracy. 
It is a body of men animated by a sense of mutual 
enthusiasm — of duty to each other — so strong as to 

^ OritOt 60, translation from Ohuroh, Trial and Death qfSocreUes, pp. 98-90. 
* St Lnke zvii. 33. 



CHAP, enable them to subordinate their own interests to that 
^^^^.^^^^^^ of their fellow-citizens, and to render an absolute 
The rule obedieuce to public opinion expressed, for the purpose 
oipabie of ^^ 8^^^ obcdiencc, in the laws. The rule of law as 
raoufded Contrasted with the rule of an individual is the distin- 
in accord- guishiug mark of the commonwealth. In despotisms 
experience govemmeut Tcsts on the authority of the ruler or of 
guishing" t^e invisible and uncontrollable power behind him. 
th"^ ^^ ^^ ^ commonwealth rulers derive their authority from 
common- the law, and the law from a public opinion which 
is competent to change it In the Greek common- 
wealth public opinion found expression in the resolu- 
tions passed by the citizens themselves meeting in 
the market-place, round which the community had 
grown up. It was they and they alone who were 
competent to modify the law in accordance with the 
experience they had gained or their needs as they 
judged them from day to day. Here is a form of 
society essentially capable of adapting its framework 
to changing conditions. It is a progressive society, 
one in which men can adapt themselves to conditions 
as they find them, and so dominate circumstance 
instead of being controlled by it. 
Effect of This newprinciple was one which profoundly affected 

common-^ the structuTC of Greek And, indeed, that of European 
wcAithon society, and differentiated it from that of Asia. 

European •'' 

history. Eastern prophets had apprehended that man s duty 
towards God implied men's duty towards each other. 
But the Greeks had used the principle as the basis of 
practical government. They had made the common 
things of this material world amenable to its rule. 
They had brought it from the realm of abstractions, 
and had made it incarnate in the facts of their life. 
'As the literature of Greece is the groundwork of all 
later literature, as the art of Greece is the groundwork 
of all later art, so in the great Democracy of Athens 
we recognize the parent state of law and justice and 



freedom,the wonder and the example of every later age. 

. . . Never could we have been as we are, if those 

ancient commonwealths had not gone before us. 

While human nature remains what it has been for two 

thousand years, so long will the eternal lessons of the 

great '* Possession for all Time/' the lessons which 

Perikles has written with his life and Thucydides with 

his pen, the lessons expanded by the more enlarged 

experience of Aristotle and Polybios, the lessons which 

breathe a higher note of warning still as Demosthenes 

lives the champion of freedom and dies its martyr — 

so long will lessons such as these never cease to speak 

with the same truth and t^e same freshness even to 

countless generations. The continent which gave 

birth to Kleisthenes and Cains licinius and Simon of 

Montfort may indeed be doomed to be trampled under 

foot by an Empire based on Universal Suffrage ; but 

no pseudo-democratic despot, no Caesar or Dionysios 

ruling by the national will of half a million of bayonets 

will ever quite bring back Europe to the state of a 

land of Pharaohs and Nabuchodonosors, until the 

History of Thucydides, the Politics of Aristotle, and 

the Orations of Demosthenes, are wholly forgotten 



among men. 


The Greeks were indeed the first to realize the 
principle of the free commonwealth, but in a form 
too slight and delicate to survive. It was a great 
thing to have discovered that the public opinion of a 
community can be so focused as to become the 
directing as well as the driving principle of its 
government. But it never occurred to them that 
this could be done otherwise than by the citizens 
themselves meeting in the market-place to legislate, 
and it was impossible, so they believed, for a state to 

Failure of 
the Greeks 
to realize 
the prin- 
ciple of the 
except ill 

' Freeman, History of FedercU Oovemment in Greece and Italy , pp. 67-68. 
The anthor was writing when Louis Napoleon had established the Second 
Empire on the basis of uniyersal suffrage. 


CHAP, include more citizens than might listen to the voice 
of a single orator.^ The enthusiasm which inspired 
them at one time for Hellas — as the whole Greek 
people were called — might have made them one 
Hellenic commonwealth if they had understood how 
the public opinion of a people, too numerous and 
scattered to meet in one place, can be collected, 
formulated, and made to shape the law. An auto- 
cracy may include as many subjects as the edicts of 
the central government <ian reach, and up to this 
limit it tends to absorb all smaller and weaker 
states on its frontiers; with a commonwealth it is 
otherwise. To frame an edict at all the state must 
first know how to collect the wishes and experiences 
of a number of citizens, to distil from them that 
essence which may be described as public opinion 
and then to crystallize it into the form of a written 
resolution or law. The extent to which this com- 
plicated operation can be effected will determine 
how far the principle of the commonwealth can be 
realized in practice. The smaller the community the 
easier the process. The natural tendency of the 
principle is to small communities. It is exceedingly 
difficult to combine two commonwealths into one. 
But it is a mistake to assume that because a tend- 
ency is natural it is also sound ; for, left to run riot, 
this tendency would destroy the commonwealth 
itself by rendering the whole society to which it is 
applied as unstable as it would be if organized on. the 
tribal principle. 
The muiti- Hclleuic socicty was highly unstable. The nation, 
o/smaii" i^ direct contrtist to those of Asia, was divided 
re^'^ted ^^*^ * multitudc of sovercigu states, and the result 
in intef- was auarchy. ' When each town is perfectly inde- 

neoine -i . i • i i i • 

warfare, pendent and sovereign, acknowledgmg no superior 
upon earth, multitudes of disputes, which in a great 

* Aristotle, PolUicSj iv. (vii.) 4. 


• b • 








monarchy or a Federal republic may be decided by chap. 
peaceful tribunals, can be settled by nothing but an ,^^^ 
appeal to the sword. The thousand causes which 
involve large neighbouring states in warfare all 
exist, and all are endowed with tenfold force, in the 
case of independent city - commonwealths. Border 
disputes, commercial jealousies, wrongs done to 
individual citizens, the mere vague dislike which 
turns a neighbour into a natural enemy, all exist, 
and that in a form condensed and ini^nsified by the 
very minuteness of the scene on which they have to 
act. A rival nation is, to all but the inhabitants of 
a narrow strip of frontier, a mere matter of hearsay ; 
but a rival whose dwelling-place is within sight of 
the city gates quickly grows into an enemy who can 
be seen and felt. The highest point which human 
hatred can reach has commonly been found in the 
local antipathies between neighbouring cities. . . . 
A system of Free Cities, therefore, involves a state of 
warfare, and that of warfare carried on with all the 
bitterness of almost personal hostility. The more 
fervid the patriotism, the more intense the national 
life and vigour, the more constant and the more 
unrelenting will be the conflicts in which a city- 
commonwealth is sure to find itself engaged with its 
neighbours.' ^ As the Greek city-state was the pro- 
totype of the modem nation, so Hellas was the pro- 
totype of Europe; but with international enmities 
multiplied and aggravated to an intense degree. 
The Greek states were the dangerous enemies of each 

They were threatened, however, with an even 
greater danger from outside Hellas. Great auto- 
cracies, as we have said, naturally tend to absorb 
small states as soon as they touch them. But to the 

^ Freeman, HiUcry of Federal Government in Greece and Italy^ pp. 


GHAP. Oriental theocracy the Greek commonwealth was in 
,^^,^..,^^^,^^ its essential idea an offence. One commonwealth 
Conflict of may enslave another, but in doing so, the less com- 
with Persia mon Wealth it. But a theocracy enslaves more men 
of *t£r^^^^ '^y virtue of the principle upon which it is based. 
inherent A despot who regards himself as at once the oracle 
between and vicegerent of his God, and is so regarded by 
re^^^tive his subjccts, is but exccutiug more perfectly his 
^^^^} mission in compelling more subjects to submit to his 
tions. delegated authority. The Oriental conception of 
government was incompatible with the principle of 
the Greek state. The two systems were bound to 
come into conflict as soon as they came into touch.^ 
Persia The fiist volume of European history was written 

the^ t)y Herodotus to record and interpret this conflict. 

Eastern ^q JjJj^ j^ ^^g definitely a conflict between Greek 

common- •' 

wealths and * Barbarian ' — a phase of * that Eternal Question 

of Hellas , . , , ^ . , , . , . 

and con. which ueeds no reopenmg because no diplomacy has 
them^into ®^®^ closcd it, the qucstiou between light and dark- 
despotisms. ^ggg^ between West and East ' ; ^ and he traces its 
origin right back to the legendary days of the Trojan 
War and before it. But the climax came when 
Cyrus, prince of the warlike hill-state of Persia, 
conquered the Medes, who shared with Babylon the 
old Empire of Assyria, pushed on into Asia Minor 
and crushed Croesus, the king of Lydia, who had 
exercised a suzerainty over the Greek towns of the 
Aegean seaboard, and acted as a buffer for them 
against the East. The East in the shape of Cyrus 
and his victorious Persians was for the first time 
actually threatening the independence of the West. 
While Cyrus returned to cope with Babylon, his 
general, Mazares, proceeded to attack the Greek 
seaboard towns, which, with the exception of Miletus, 

^ The reader should here unfold the map of Greece and Persia, Plate V., 
and keep it before him while reading the following pages. 
' Freeman, Greater Greece a/nd Greater BrUain^ p. 76. 


whose great commercial position had enabled her to chap. 
obtain special terms, had one and all refused to ^,^^..,^^,.^ 
submit to Persian rule. Their gallant resistance 
was futile against the numbers of the Persians. One 
after another they were reduced. Their autonomy, 
not altogether lost under the benevolent suzerainty 
of Croesus, was now finally abolished ; their constitu- 
tions were swept away, and tyrants set up as the 
vassals of Cyrus. Most of the Greek islands off the 
coast submitted to the conqueror, but one or two 
remained independent, and it was not till some thirty 
years later that the second in succession to Cyrus on 
the Persian throne, King Darius, completed the 
conquest of the lonians, who formed the most 
important section of the coastal and island Greeks, 
by the capture of Samos. It is sad but not un- 
instructive to reflect that Samos was still, in the year 
1912, the scene of the same historic struggle between 
Western and Oriental peoples and ideas. 

The great Asiatic Empire had thus absorbed the Bat Persia 
European settlements which fringed the coast of e^SgfJ^ 
Asia Minor : but the lust for conquest and expansion *^ s°"^^" 

^ J r ®™ Russia 

was not exhausted. Cambyses, the predecessor of they re- 
Darius, had moved into Africa and annexed Egypt ; were soon 
and Darius now crossed the Bosphorus and invaded ^^f*^ 
Europe. He marched north, crossed the Danube, 
and attacked the Scythian tribes of South Russia : 
but, owing to the difficulties of supply and the 
elusive tactics of the Scythian horsemen, the Great 
King was unable to come to grips with his enemy, 
and was finally compelled to retreat from European 
soil without achieving anything. The failure of this 
Scythian expedition told heavily against Persian 
prestige, and the Ionian Greeks, who had found the 
rule of their philo-Persian tyrants and the payment 
of tribute to Darius intolerable to their inborn feeling 
for freedom, took the opportunity, a few years later, 


CHAP, to revolt. They appealed for aid to the Greeks of 
^^^^^^^^^^ the mother-country across the Aegean. Of the two 
leading states, Sparta, always afraid to embark on 
expeditions far from home, declined to help ; Athens, 
on the other hand, sent nearly half of her available 
fleet, and that despite the fact that she was in grave 
trouble with a strong and hostile neighbour, Aegina. 
The revolt was at first successful. It spread all 
round the coast and reached as far as Cyprus. But 
it was foredoomed to failure in the end, for the simple 
reason that no belt of sea protected the continental 
towns from the enormous forces which Darius could 
send against them ; and even on the sea the Ionian 
fleet was not decisively superior to the Phoenician 
fleet in the service of Persia. Hence it only needed 
time for the Persian armies to mobilize, and then 
gradually the revolt collapsed. The final and decisive 
battle was fought at sea. The leading Ionian town 
Miletus was besieged by land ; but as long as sea- 
power was still hers, she could prolong her desperate 
The It is possible that the command of the sea might 

atotes* have been retained, if, as so often, the Ionian states 
have* ^^^ ^^^ shown at this critical juncture their char- 
retained acteristic inability to act in concert. There seems to 
troi of the havc bccu somc slight bond of union, but the evi- 
their^cUs^^ deucc is too scauty to enable us to state its exact 
union. character. There was some body, apparently, which 
issued coins for the use of the rebel states as a whole 
and could send envoys in the name of all the lonians. 
But of any joint military or naval authority we hear 
nothing, and the fleet which gathered for the last 
fight at Lade was under no single supreme com- 
mander; the contingent of each town obeyed its 
native admiral and no one else. 

The Persians, who were no sailors, relied on the 
navy of Phoenicia which they had conquered and 


added to their Empire. As a fighting unit, a ship chap. 
manned by these Phoenician vassals was by no means s^^.^^^^^ 
8 match for a ship manned by free and adventurous Defe&t by 
Greeks. But the Phoenician ships, commanded by nicians^of 
a single admiral, had been trained to manoeuvre floet^^*^ 
together. With the Greeks it was otherwise. Their ^^ ot 
navy reproduced the multiplicity of the common- soiiadrons 
wealths from which it was drawn. Each separate noUearned 
squadron had its own commander. But there was no ^™^^°®'^ 
government common to them all, and therefore no ceaTres. 
admiral in chief competent to train the different 
squadrons to play their part in the evolutions of a 
combined fleet. The Phoenician navy was. like a 
football team of indifferent players who have been 
long and carefully trained together, matched against 
better men who will not even appoint a captain and 
obey his lead. One of the Greek admirals, Dionysius 
of Phocaea, saw the danger, and atfirst persuaded the 
whole fleet to submit to tactical training under bis 
direction. The plan worked excellently for a while, 
but soon they tired of the strict discipline and the 
loss of independence, and threw over their allegiance 
to the one man who could have saved them. * From 
the day on which the lonians discarded Dionysius, 
their camp became a scene of disunion and mistrust. 
Some of them grew so reckless and unmanageable 
that the better portion despaired of maintaining any 
orderly battle.' * Worse than that, early in the fight, 
the strong Samian contingent, undermined before- 
hand by the intrigues of the former philo-Peisian 
tyrant of their state, abandoned the cause and sailed 
away for home. Many other contingents followed 
their disgraceful example. Some, notably the ships 
of Dionysius, fought on heroically against odds, but a 
decisive victory for Persia was now inevitable. The 
battle broke Ionian sea power to pieces. 

^ Grote, History of Oreeegf p. 130. 








on the 

Greeks in 


attack on 
and their 
defeat at 

' The defeat of the lonians at Lade was complete 
as well as irrevocable. . . . The capture of Miletus, in 
the sixth year from the commencement of the revolt, 
carried with it the rapid submission of the neighbour- 
ing towns in ELaria ; and during the next summer — 
the Phoenician fleet having wintered at Miletus — the 
Persian forces by sea and land reconquered all the 
Asiatic Greeks, insular as well as continental. Chios, 
Lesbos, and Tenedos — the towns in the Chersonese — 
Selymbria and Perinthus in Thrace — Prokonnesus 
and Artake in the Propontis — all these towns were 
taken or sacked by the Persian and Phoenician fleet. 
. . . The threats which had been held out before the 
battle of Lade were realized to the fulL The most 
beautiful Greek youths and virgins were picked out, 
to be distributed among the Persian grandees as 
eunuchs or inmates of the harems. The cities, with 
their edifices, sacred, as well as profane, were made a 
prey to the flames ; and in the case of the islands, 
Herodotus even tells us that a line of Persians was 
formed from shore to shore, which swept each territory 
from north to south, and drove the inhabitants out of 
it. . . . Samos was made an exception to the rest, and 
completely spared by the Persians, as a reward to its 
captains for setting the example of desertion at the 
battle of Lade; while Aeakes, the despot of that 
island, was reinstated in his Government.'^ The 
Samians had committed that fundamental treachery 
known to the Greeks as Medizing, the abandonment' 
of the ideals of Hellas for those of the Asiatic Medes. 
Submission to despotism was one of the natural 

But, as Herodotus says, this was only the beginning 
of trouble for the Greeks. Darius had reduced the 
Greek rebels in Asia Minor, but the insult offered 
him by Athens in sending them help was still un- 

* Grote, History of Oreecey pp. 130-133. 


punished, and he at once began his preparations for ohap. 
an expedition across the Aegean. He was encouraged ^^^^^^ 
and assisted in this design by the old despot Hippias, 
who, nearly twenty yeats before this, had been 
expelled from Athens when despotism was put down 
and democracy established. He hoped that Darius 
would easily overcome the resistance of the little 
city-state he had once ruled, and restore him as the 
vassal -despot of an enslaved ccnmnonwealth. Two 
years after Lade, in 492 B.C., a Persian army, accom- 
panied by a fleet, attempted to reach Oreece by land, 
but the difficulties of the route were too great and 
the expedition returned after definitely establishing 
the suzerainty of Darius over the coasts of Thrace 
and Macedon. The next blow was more direct. In 
490 B.O., a famous year in the long annals of the 
struggle between East and West, the Persian fleet 
crossed the Aegean and landed a Persian army on 
the coast of Attica at Marathon. The Athenian 
army, a mere fraction of the Persian force in numbers, 
was drawn up on the slopes, ready to oppose a march 
by the invaders upon Athens. After a few days of 
anxious waiting the battle came on. By one brilliant 
charge down the slope and a bout of hand-to-hand 
fighting in the plain the well-trained, heavy-armed 
Athenians broke the Persian invaders and drove 
them to their ships. Immediately after the battle 
the Athenian general marched his force back across 
the slopes to Athens ; for the Persian fleet, warned 
by a signal from the friends of Hippias that the town 
itself was undefended, had doubled round the cape 
and was threatening to deliver a second blow. Find- 
ing, however, that the victorious Athenian army was 
already back and prepared to meet him, the Persian 
commander returned to Asia with his task unfulfilled. 
Marathon was the most inspiring event in Athenian 
history, and the golden age of Athens in the fifth 





ftnce of 


Greece in 
defence of 
pylae by 

centurj would have been impoesible without it. It 
not only saved the Athenian commonwealth from 
destraction at the hands of a restored Hippias, and 
all the ideals of liberty from the deadening pressure 
of Oriental rule ; but it had also given that common- 
wealth and those ideals their proof and justification 
in the eyes of Greece. 

Darius died before completing the preparations 
he at once put in hand for avenging Marathon. 
They were continued, however, by his successor, 
Xerxes, who in 481 B.a set in motion a far hnger 
force, which for its very size was obliged to try again 
the route of the Thracian coast Stirred to action 
by a peril which now visibly threatened all Hellas, 
Sparta at length assumed her traditional position as 
military leader of the Greek states and garrisoned 
the narrow defile of Thermopylae, through which the 
invading armies must pass before they could pene- 
trate further south than Thessaly, whidi, since its 
aristocratic rulers were pro -Persian and it had no 
easily defensible frontier, had perforce submitted. 
Through the treachery of a Medizing Greek the 
position was turned; but rather than quit his post 
Leonidas the Spartan king preferred to perish with 
his three hundred men. They were buried where 
they fell in the narrow pass, on whose rocky wall 
were engraved the words — 

Go tell Sparta thou that passeth by, 
That here obedient to her laws we lie — 

an epitaph which shows where obedience in a 
commonwealth is due, and how glorious the obligation 
of rendering it without reserva Such acts bear 
witness to the only principle by which men can 
be bound immutably to men, the principle which 
denies any limit to the obligation due from the 
citizen to the state. It is the one relation between 


them that bo shifting of interests can aifect — an ohap. 
uncovenanted bond based upon an nncalculating s^..^.,^,.,^^ 
motive. There is no bargain to break between men 
bound by absolute dedication, and so bound they 
constitute a state, the one form of society which can 
be rendered stable, the noblest that man will ever 
achieve for himself. 

The road to Athens was now open, and Xerxes why the 
marched upon it, his fleet accompanying him round amy*° 
the coast. The reason for this is obvious. His army ^!5!?^i®^ 

J upon sea 

was large enough to sweep Greece from shore to power, 
shore, as the Persians had swept the Islands. But it 
was far too large to support itself on so poor a country, 
and for provisions depended absolutely upon the 
command of the sea. The Delphic oracle had advised 
the Athenians to ' trust to their wooden walls,' and it 
was to their ships that they retired when the Persian 
occupied their city. There, in the sheet of water 
enclosed by the coast of Attica and the island of 
Salamis, where the women and children of Athens had 
taken refuge, the nascent civilization of Europe turned 
to bay. 'The combined fleet which had now got 
together consisted of 366 ships. Of these no less than 
200 were Athenian, twenty among which, however, 
were lent to the Chalkidians and manned by them. 
Forty Corinthian ships, thirty Aeginetan, twenty 
Megarian, sixteen Lacedaemonian, fifteen Sikyonian, 
ten Epidaurian, seven from Ambrakia and as many 
&om Eretria, five from Troezen, three from Hermione, 
and the same number from Leukas ; two from Keos, 
two from Styra, and one from Kythnos ; four from 
Naxos, despatched as a contingent to the Persian 
fleet, but brought by the choice of their captains and 
seamen to Salamis, — ^all these triremes, together with 
a small squadron of the inferior vessels called pente- 
konters, made up the total' ^ 

^ Grote, History of Greece, p. 206. 


CHAP. Themistocles the Athenian admiral saw that the 
^^^^^^^^.^^^ salvation of Hellas lay in using her ships not as walls 
Defeat of but as weapons. A majority of the allies were in 
Peraians f&vour of falling back to protect the Peloponnesus, 
Constamjy' where they would have been inevitably overwhelmed 
of the in the open sea by the superior numbers of the Asiatic 
Armada. By a trick Themistocles precipitated a 
battle in the narrow waters of Salamis. A disastrous 
defeat was inflicted on the Persian fleet. Its imme- 
diate effect was to cut off" the sea-borne food supplies by 
which alone the vast army of Xerxes could be supported 
in Greece. The greater part of it was compelled to re- 
treat forthwith, with Xerxes at the head of it, leaving 
Mardonius with an army no larger than could be 
supported on the com supplies of Boeotia and Thessaly, 
but inadequate for a real conquest of Greece, By him, 
Alexander, King of Macedon, was sent to seduce the 
Athenians in their ruined city and devastated country 
by offers of material reparation. Their answer was 
such as to close for ever the hope that they would 
betray the cause of Hellas to the Persians. * Cast not in 
our teeth that the power of the Persian is many times 
greater than ours : we, too, know iJiat as well as thou : 
but we nevertheless love freedom well enough to resist 
him in the best manner we can. Attempt not the vain 
task of talking us over into alliance with him. Tell 
Mardonius that as long as the sun shall continue in his 
present path wewill never contract alliance withXerxes : 
we will encounter him in our own defence, putting our 
trust in the aid of those Gods and heroes to whom 
he has shown no reverence, and whose houses and 
statues he has burnt. Come thou not to us again 
with similar propositions, nor persuade us, even in 
the spirit of goodwill, into unholy proceedings : thou 
art the guest and friend of Athens, and we would 
not that thou shouldst suffer injury at our hands.' ^ 

^ Grote, History of Oreecet p. 222. 


On receiving this message Mardonius— -who had chap. 
now been joined by all his Greek auxiliaries and by s.^^..,^^,,^ 
fresh troops from Thrace and Macedon — marched on The 
Athens which appealed to Sparta for help in vain. enlbied\y 
Once more the Peloponnesian states, entrenched ^j^^^^^" 
behind the Isthmus of Corinth, were thinking of them- Greek 
selves alone, and failed to respond to the unshaken more to 
fidelity shown by the Athenians in the cause of ^tffi. 
Hellas. They allowed Mardonius to reoocupy Athens 
in May or June 479 B.O. ; her indignant people again 
retreating behind their ships to Salamis. 

But Sparta was now frightened by fear of treachery Mardonius 
on the part of her own allies, for Mardonius was and siafn 
intriguing with Argos to block the Isthmus against ^n/p^f** 
the exit of Spartan forces. The Spartans anticipated sian forces 
their possible intentions, and Mardonius, apprised of Asia Minor, 
their movement by the Argives, evacuated Attica and 
retired to Boeotia. There Pausanias the Spartan 
king followed at the head of the combined forces 
of Greece, and inflicted upon him a signal defeat 
at Plataea« Mardonius himself fell in the act of 
attempting to rally his broken ranks. The reputation 
of Sparta was thus retrieved. On the same day 
forces landed at Mycale on the coast of Asia Minor 
and inflicted a crqshing defeat on the Persian armies, 
and in this battle the first honours were accorded to 
the Athenians. 

The Persian wars had revealed the strength and The energy 
weakness of Greece. ' The strug^e had brought into teiiigence 
strong relief the contrast between absolute monarchy ^^^^ ^^ 
and constitutional freedom. This appeared in two geiiaswas 

■'"'*■ , the pro- 

things : the Greek strategy was superior ; and the duct of her 

Greek troops fought better. Athens, in particular, tiaions/ 

had shown how both the intelligence and the spirit of 

citizens are raised by equal laws. The mistakes of 

the invaders — which, to a Greek mind, might well 

have seemed the work of Ate — were such as are 


CHAP, natural when a vast force is directed by the in- 
^^^^^^^^^ temperance of a single wilL' * 

But these But Greek patriotism, which was the froit of 

^ ^^ freedom, had been almost neutralized by the absence 

ne™tni[i- ^^ *^ equivalent organization. Hellas was broken 

izedby into a multitude of parts each of which might 

disorgaa- jeopardize the safety of the whole. The nobles of 

izBtioD. Theasaly had shown that they were eager to establish 

the supremacy of their order with the help of Asiatic 

despotism. To them their own power in Thessaly 

counted more than the ideals of all Hellas. Through 

hatred of their neighbours Argos and Thebes had 

betrayed the common cause. Even Sparta and her 

Peloponnesian allies had been disposed to confine 

themselves to the defence of their own peninsula, 

leaving Athens and the Northern states to their fate, 

scarcely perceiving that in that fate their own would 

be involved. 

United The War had proved that the safety of Hellas 

knd^and^ depended on the co-operation of land and sea forces. 

sea forces ^o maintain the control of the sea was the primary 

wasneeded , n t r t i -i- • 

to preserve Condition of her freedom, though victories must also 
dom. be won by land before her soil could be freed from 
the invader. Thus Salamis was more decisive than 
Plataea, but neither could have availed dione to rid 
Greece of the Persians. Nor was either of them the 
work of a single state. Athens had snatched her 
victory at Marathon single-handed; but, glorious as 
it was, the forces engaged were very small compared 
with those required to defeat Xerxes. Athens, single- 
handed, was as powerless to win Salamis as to defend 
Attica from invasion. Sparta, in the same way, 
could not alone have won Plataea, nor would the 
victory have availed her if Persian ships had been 
free meanwhile to land a force in Laconia to overrun 
her native valley. The war, in fact, had shown that 

^ Professor R. C. Jebb, Article on * Greece,* Mq/, Brit. vol. xi p. 100. 


no Greek state was strong enough to stand alone ohap. 
against the jealousy of an Oriental power. Some ^^ 
larger combination was essential if Hellenic ciyiliza- 
tion was to survive a second attack. 

' In the heat of the conflict, when the barriers of During the 
city patriotism were broken down and Greeks found ^mm^on 
themselves fighting, to their astonishment, not against ^^/^aJft^^ 
but with their neighbours, they had dreamed for a seemed 
moment of making Greece a single state. " Surely," eiX^ to 
they argued round thdr camp-fires, " she has all the HeUen^ 
makings of a nation. What is there between you and common. 

o ^ J wealth. 

me ? We have the same blood in our veins, from Zeud 
and Father Hellen. We speak the same language, 
else we could not be chatting, albeit with difficulty, 
round thiy fire. We worship the same Gods, as we 
remember when we go to Delphi or Olympia; and 
we have much the same habits and understand one 
another's ways. When we have finished with these 
barbarians let us form a common state." 

' But these dreams soon faded ; for what centuries Former 
have put asunder two summers' fighting cannot bind ievived*^' 
fast. There was quarrelling even during the fighting, "^^^^ 
though men made light of it at the time ; but When 
the campaigns were over and the time for reorganiza- 
tion arrived, all the old differences revealed themselves, 
and the *^ Panhellenic confederacy " disappeared into 
the limbo of forgotten things. 

* Yet things in Greece could never again be what 
they had been before the trial came. The Greeks 
had learnt that, though love of country may make 
men brave, it is only organization that can make them 
strong. Moreover, for the liberated cities of Asia 
Minor, still technically part of the Persian Empire, 
and liable to be dunned any day by a satrap for 
tribute, some concerted system of defence was 
urgently necessary. Sparta had neither the men nor 
the money to meet this need. So she retired from a 


OHAP. position where, aft^ all, her fftmoiis land forces 

s.,^^^^^,^^ would have been of very little good to her, and left 

Bat the the field open for the newly made sailors of Athens. 

n^ity Within half a decade, almost before slow Spartan 

iMgOTMm- ^*® ^^ *^°^^ *^ grasp what was going on, "the 
bination alUancc of the Athenians" had been provisionally 

induced . _ i t /• ••ft 

the Ionian Organized, and the first great ctvtltzea aUempt to 
attempt form a state of many cities was an accomplished 
*^.^°™» fact 

joint state 

on the ' Like other great things the Athenian Empire was 

alliance or the child of neccssity, and its creators did not know 

contract ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ j^ j^ -^ ^^^^ j^ ^^ 

IZ^^ alliance drawn up between the Athenians and the 
brought lonians in the familiar traditional terms. " In the 
about. third year after the sea-fight at Salamis, when 
Timosthenes was chief Grovernor, Aristeides (com- 
mander of the Athenian forces) swore an oath to 
the lonians to have the same friends and enemies 
as they, to seal which they cast lumps of lead into 
the sea." How innocent it all sounds { But let us 
see what it implies, and think out the l(^c of the 
Its object, < What was the object of the alliance ? Not merely 
from to be ready to repel the Persians if they renewed the 
dom^a- attack. This was too tame a mood for the men who 
^uS-eT ^^^ J^®^ ^^^* them flying at Salamis and Mycale. 
ships and Its watchword was not Defence but Freedom. They 
^^^^y* wished to push the war into the enemy's country, to 
revenge and indemnify themselves by plundering 
for the losses they had sustained, and (to use a 
phrase familiar to the Athenian leader-writers of 
to-day) to complete the liberation of their enslaved 
brothers. They were ready and eager to be led to 
the attack. 

' But campaigning costs money ; for soldiers 
cannot live on plunder alone, certainly not when 
they are engaged in " liberating." And if half the 


allies are islanders and warfare is to be waged by chap: 
sea, ships will be needed too. How were these s.^^,,,,^,^^^ 
two immediate needs to be met ? 

* Few of the members of the new alliance had But the 
any ships to offer. Many of them had lost their not want 
navies twice over in the last twenty years, first in t^dsMpa 
the ill-starred "Ionian Eevolt," and then again, ^J*^"**"^ 
after they had been forced to beat up contingents 
against thdr own kinsmen, at Salamis and Mycale. 

It was npt easy for them to build new ones, for, 
unlike the Phoenicians, they had not the forests of 
Lebanon just behind them. Moreover, such ships 
as they had were not of much use, for the Athenians 
had been introducing improvements in the armament 
and construction of triremes with which they had 
not kept pace. So, with the exception of the big 
islands, Samos, Lesbos, and Chios, which had a naval 
tradition to maintain, the allies gave up the idea 
of supplying ships, and were driven back on to a 
substitute for their share in the enterprise. 

• Nor ' were they very anxious to give their 
personal service on the other allies' ships, nor, if the 
truth must be told, to serve by their side in the 
field. They had never beaten the Persians in fair 
fight, like the Greeks across the water. Artemisium 
and Mycale to them called up very different 
memories : and at Lade, which might have been 
their Salamis, there was no Themistocles to over- 
come their jealousies and want of discipline. So 
the Athenians were not over-urgent in pressing them 
to take the field. They preferred comrades more 
accustomed to the hardship and discipline of naval 

'There was one natural way of settling these 
difficulties. The smaller allies were to pay the piper, 
while Athens and the large islands could call the 
tune. This was the plan which was adopted, on the 


€HAP. suggestion of Aristeides, to settle the immediate 
.,_^^,^^^„^^ needs of the first campaign. As the island of Delos 
So tijey had been fixed as the rendezvous of the allied forces 
w^th'^tho *b® Delian temple of Apollo formed a convenient 
Athenians bank, and the first contributions were paid in there. 

to pay *^ 

them for The schcmc pleased both parties, and it was deter- 
andmal- mined to regularize it. Aristeides "the upright" 
sh?^*^^ was entrusted with the task of fixing a scale of 
contributions. " It was a long business, necessitating 
much travelling" and (unless the Greeks have 
utterly changed their nature) even more tact than 
uprightness ; also " in the absence of precedents, 
many difficult inquiries, for only the cities which 
had formed part of the Persian Empire for some 
considerable time had a census of wealth which he 
could use." But by 470 the work was done. The 
total sum needed annually for the operations of the 
Alliance had been fixed at 460 talents. Aristeides 
divided this out on a proportional scale amongst the 
two hundred or so allies, and the scale was faithfully 
adhered to, as the charter of membership, until Cleon 
turned financier in 425. 

' Thus the allies had, without knowing it, slipped 
into financial centralization and established the first 
Greek Imperial Exchequer. Moreover, it was 
centralization of a peculiarly insidious kind, for the 
predominant partners, and especially Athens, who 
did most of the work and bore the chief responsibility, 
did not contribute a penny to the costs. 

* Who controlled the spending of the money ? 
Officially, of course, the allies themselves. For this 
purpose ifiey elected representatives to a Parliament 
at Delos, which, like the Ecclesia or any otlier city 
assembly, wo^ to discuss and decide upon all Tnatters 
of policy. But in practice little importance attached 
to its deliberations, for its executive officers^ the 
Athenian generals, were themselves responsible to 


their own Sovereign people : so if the two sovereigns chap. 

decided differently ^ a deadlock would ensue. The s...^,^.,^^ 

Imperial Parliament, therefore, could do little more The 

than ratify, or, if it wished to be zealous, anticipate, wm^^us 

the decisions of the Athenians. Moreover, the money ^°°^}J^. 

itself was put into the hands of the Athenian officials, ian officers 

who took 

Clearly it could not be husbanded by all the allies their orden 
together. One treasurer would be suspect, but a go^^ro" 
commission of ten was more than enough. They "thens^ 
bore an Imperial title, " Stewards of the Greeks,'' but not from 
they were Athenians by nationality and elected by League. 
the Athenian people.' ^ 

Had the lonians really succeeded in this ' attempt The state 
to form a state of many cities ' ? The state, as was ^nLTtion 
noticed in the Introduction, differs from any other ciaim^the 
form of human organization in that the authority absolute 
which it claims over the conduct of its members is undivided 
unUmited. It assumes the right to deprive them, in of iu*"^^ 
the interests of the community, of their property, of ^^^'^ers. 
their liberty, and of their lives ; and it is only while 
that claim is admitted to a {Sufficient extent by a 
sufficient number of its members that the state can 
exist. Government can only contimie so long as it 
can depend upon the willingness of a sufficient 
number of its subjects to sacrifice their lives in order • 
to secure obedience to the law. Nay more, the state 
can only thrive in so far as it can depend upon the 
subordination by the citizen of his private interests 
to those of the public in the ordinary things of daily 
life. Amongst the people of Athens at its prime this 
spirit of devotion was as widely realized as in any 
state that has ever existed. A state in which all 
the citizens were actuated by the patriotism of a 
Socrates would be completely organic, and the use of 
force to constrain the obedience of its citizens would 

* Zimmern, The Greek CoinmontoeaUh, pp. 179-183. The italics are not 
the author's. 


OHAP. be unnecessary^ because their devotion would be 
y^^,,^^^.^,^ as absolute as the claim which the state made 

upon it. 

And it was But this claim to unlimited devotion which a state 

J^yera^ niakes — ^a commonwealth no less than a despotism — 

to*tS"°* carries with it one consequence which it is im- 

Leagne, possiblc to evadc.* It precludes the rendering of such 

Greek dcvotiou to any other state. No man can serve two 

prepared** inasters. Cyrus could not admit that any one of his 

such^tu- ^^'^j®^^ could render to another authority, whether 

glance. satrap or tribal chief, the unquestioning allegiance 

he claimed as due to himself. Nor more could the 

commonwealth of Athens admit it Such devotion 

as it claimed, and as Socrates realized to perfection, 

could not be rendered by its citizens to any other 

human authority. No man can be the subject of 

two states, and the man who feels the immeasurable 

obligation which his citizenship lays upon him and 

sets out to fulfil it had best be clear in his mind first 

of all where that obligation is due. No Athenian 

would have doubted fliat that obligation, so far as he 

was concerned, was due to the laws of Athens. But 

what was true of Athens was true no less of Samos, 

ChioSy Lesbos, and the hundreds of other communities 

which joined in ^ this first great civilized attempt to 

form a state of many cities.' Each and all of them 

would have claimed the absolute devotion of their 

citizens, and to each and all of them those citizens 

would have confessed their ultimate allegiance to be 

due. In the last analysis it was to Athens, Samos, 

Chios, and Lesbos that the individual citizen felt 

himself to be dedicate, from the cradle to the grave, 

^ There may be cases in which the citizen is called npon to resist the 
government and even the law in the interests of the state itself, but how or 
when they arise is a question irrelevant to the point at issue. Normally, the 
duty of the citizen to obey his state is clear, and it is therefore of crucial 
importance that he should know what his state is. He cannot evade this 
question by discussing whether a particular law is so immoral that he ought 
to resist it. 


It was for his city-state that he could make the final chap. 
sabmiBsioD and the supreme sacrifice — not Hellas. 

But the Persian wars had forced him to realize the They 

unpalatable fact that his beloved city-state was too therofore, 

small to maintain its separate existence. Even tiie ^"^00" 

largest of them — Athens — was forced to recognize tract be- 


that it could not live in isolation, and that all the sovereiffn 
Ionic states which bordered on the Aegean had a pro^Ln 
common danger and a common interest in uniting to ^^^^Jjy*^^ ' 
avert it. What was more natural than to think that was too 

«vk weftK to 

with such identity of interest the whole difficulty mamtain 
could be met by these states contracting with each ^^'**®®^^- 
other for their mutuaL protection ? To the general 
defence each city was to contribute according to its 
means and also in the manner which best suited its 
convenience. Actual experience of war had taught 
them the folly of separate armaments. There was to 
be one army, one navy, and a common ehest. It 
followed, therefore, that there must also be one body 
to command these forces, and also to control the 
foreign policy of the League. * For this purpose^' says 
Zimmern, * they elected representatives to a Pc^lia- 
ment at Delos, whichy like the Ecclesia or any other 
city assembly y was to discuss and decide v/pon all 
matters of policy.' 

Amongst the allied states politicians were doubtless But the 
found to talk as though this Delian synod were the wm dUs- 
federal counterpart of the ecclesia which governed a J^®^^ 
Greek democracy. Btft before we accept their opinion govem- 
we must examine it somewhat more closely. Let us his sute 
therefore consider the position of a delegate at Delos Jeered 
bound, 9& he certainly must often have been bound, by from the 
instruction from the state that sent him there. What the League, 

"I • *j^* 1. • -1 j^T 11-1 which had 

was his position when a majority on the synod resolved no means 
on a course contrary to his instructions ? Where in fo/^°^° 
this case was his obedience due, — to his state or to the ^o«i°« ^^ 

_. authority. 

League ? And, should his state withhold the tribute 




to enforce 

of the 
League on 
the states, 
and by 
her power 

they were pledged to pay until their wishes had been 
met, was the League justified in enforcing that pay- 
ment ? Or, when the fleets of the League were called 
out to enforce payment on a recalcitrant state, what 
was the duty of an individual citizen in that state, 
the captain perhaps of a ship belonging to it ? Was 
it his duty to aid the League in exacting the promised 
payment, or to obey the call of the state government 
to resist the exaction ? The truth is that the Delian 
synod was neither an ecclesia nor a parliament of 
repreaentatives, but a congress of delegates like that 
which the thirteen American states established in 
1781, and which collapsed because the delegates felt 
themselves bound, not by the vote of the majority, but 
by the instructions of the state which had sent them. 
It differed not in degree but in kind from the ecclesia 
of a Greek democracy, from the congress^ of repre- 
sentatives established in Washington in 1789, and 
from the parliament of a British Dominion. It is 
either in the Diet of the Holy Roman Empire, in the 
Congress of 1781, or in the Imperial Conference that 
its true counterpart must be sought. If * little irnpart- 
ance attached to its deliberations ' it was because, like 
the proceedings of these other bodies, they could 
settle nothing and effect nothing in practice. 

But the danger from Persia was still imminent, 
and the need for united action too obvious for 
dispute. It must therefore have been with the 
general approval of the allies that Athens, which had 
undertaken to build and man the ships, should like- 
wise undertake to direct policy and to collect by 

^ See footnote to page 138 of Freeman's Greater Greece and Greater Britain, 
*The use of the word Congress for the Federal Assembly of the United 
States, is a curious instance of the survival of a word when a thing ex- 
pressed by it has wholly changed its nature. Up to 1789 the United States 
had a body which had naturally borrowed the name of Congress from the 
diplomatic gatherings from which it had much in common. In 1789 this 
mere Congress gave way to a real Federal Parliament. But the Federal 
Parliament kept the name of the imperfect institution which it supplanted.' 


^ ^e the contributions due from defaulting states, chap. 
-^^Izbtless they assumed, as did the Americans on 
the morrow of their victory over England, that each 
state could be trusted spontaneously and con- 
tinuously to fulfil the terms of the compact. But, 
as ckll experience shows, it is in practice impossible 
to rely on a number of parties (the Delian League 
included at its fullest well over 200) spontaneously 
to fulfil the terms of a bargain. The failure of 
aay one of them was an injustice to the rest, pro- 
voking and excusing a similar failure on the part of 
others. But the failure of a number jeopardized the 
safety of the whole, and if the League was really to 
secure -its. members against Persia, recusant states 
had to be compelled to furnish the contributions they 
^^re pledged to pay. 

To begin with, and so long as the danger from 

P^raia continued, the Athenians were only enforcing 

justice to the majority when they exercised the 

executive powers entrusted to them to exact from 

the minority the fulfilment of their obligations. 

^he alhes who took no part in the active administra- 

^on of their external affairs ceased to understand 

^tein, or to realize the dangers by which they were 

threatened and the necessity for the continued 

existence of the League. Lack of direct responsibility 

Diust have infallibly undermined their loyalty to 

the League and have made them less ready to 

contribute their quota, except under the pressure 

of a constraining executive. On the other hand, 

the executive power of the Athenians inevitably 

grew with its exercise until, when the danger from 

Persia seemed to have abated, Athens was in a 

position to dominate the League. Not only did the 

^ynod cease to exist, but the Imperial treasury was 

transferred to Athens. The allies ceased to be 

pftrtners and became subjects. To Athenian officers 




The ex- 
proved that 
a state 
cannot be 
based on 
a balance 
of interests 
ties, but 
must rest 
on the 
of indi- 

Athens and not the Confederacy was the state to 
which their ultimate loyalty was due, and when the 
Athenian Democracy required the money of their 
allies to be spent on themselves, their officers, 
the so-called 'stewards of the Greeks/ acquiesced, 
and so spent it. Amongst the allies there was a 
growing sense of injustice. Their devotion to the 
League, instead of being fostered, was ali^iated. 
It had, in fact, ceased to be a league without be- 
coming a state. It had become an Empire in which 
one state dominated the rest for its own aggrandize- 

Such were the results of the first, but by no 
means the last attempt to found a stable society on 
the principle of contract, — on a balance of interests 
between separate states, and to dispense with the 
only bond by which a society can be rendered stable ; 
one which binds the individual man to the whole 
society by a tie stronger than that which unites 
him to any separate part of it, — by the strongest 
tie by which men can be bound at all — that of 
absolute and final dedication. It is the only human 
relation which cannot shift; for interests, however 
well balanced they may seem to begin with, invariably 
shift, and when they do so the whole structure, 
which depends on the maintenance of their balance, 
is thrown awry. In the League of Delos the 
interests shifted the moment the allies felt that their 
independence was more nearly threatened by the 
power of Athens than by that of Persia. But by 
that time Athens had grown used to the luxury of 
spending the contributions of the allies, and had 
also established her power to enforce them. Thence- 
forward the interests of the League diverged from 
those of the subordinate states, and all their citizens 
were placed in a false position by the conflicting 
claims made on their loyalty. And so it must ever 


be with every device which confuses the direct chap. 
relation of the citizen to his state, and puts him in ^^^^^ 
doubt as to what his state is and where his allegiance 
is due. As Freeman has weightily declared, 'the 
Staatenhimd has never yet really worked well under 
any circumstances ' ; ^ and in practice such devices 
have invariably yielded some monstrous results. 
The chapter of Greek history which Herodotus 
wrote tells how Hellas was saved from Persian 
despotism by her most brilliant commonwealth. In 
the next chapter Thucydides tells us how Sparta, 
Corinth, and other Hellenic states combined to 
attack that very commonwealth, because, so they 
claimed, her despotism was no less intolerable thau 
that of Persia. 

l?he paradox of the position was that it was Athens, 
precisely daring these years that Athens was creating de^„d 
the ideal city-state patriotism described above, and {o^^ty^of 
planting in her citizens a devotion to the common- iier allies, 


wealth transcending and inspiring all the other conquered 
emotions of their lives. But, just at the same time afdecfb^ 
as she was thus perfecting the idea of a common- ^JJI**" 
wealth limited in scope to the city-state, she was 
&iling to grasp the idea of a wider Imperial Common- 
wealth. It was a tragic paradox. The combined 
attack was successful. After a war of twenty-seven 
years' duration (431-404), Athens in the end was 
beaten, her fleet destroyed, and the * subjects of 
Athens ' set free. 

Had she only succeeded in unifying the organiza- 
ti<m and the sentiment of the Delian League there 
can be little doubt that the League would have 
maintained its control of the sea and defeated Sparta. 
As it was, she could extort more * tribute ' from her 
'subjects' and build more ships with it, but she 
could not force those subjects to man those ships and 

^ Freenuui, Oreater Ofreece and OreaUt Britain, p. 185. 



CHAP, fight side by side with her own citizens in defence of 

a common state and a common ideal. Indeed, she 

could not trust them if trained to arms not to bear 

them against herself. The time came when she had 

barely enough crews to keep a strong fleet at sea, 

and when the enemy faced her on her own element 

she was crushed at last and her sea-power brok^i. 

And the loss of the command of the sea spelt ruin. 

Like modem England she depended for the bulk of 

her food on supplies from oversea, and not long after 

the last sea-fight she was starved into surrender. 

Thereafter With the fall of Athens the great age of Greece 

^i^nioa CA^6 to its closc, and the sequel is a story of decline. 

enabled jhe Voluntary union of the Greek world had ceased 

Persia once *' 

more to to be possiblc. In the fourth century the divisions 
Hellas. between the Greek states grew deeper than ever. 
There was constant war, and each state avowedly 
fought for its own hand. The renewal of the Persian 
advance no longer evoked a common sentiment of 
hostility and a common determination to resist it. It 
was Persian gold that enabled Sparta to maintain the 
fleet which had beaten Athens, and presently she was 
guilty of an even blacker treachery to Hellenic ideals. 
The fall of Athens did not really free the Aegean 
states from external domination. Sparta professed to 
have made war to restore their autonomy ; but they 
soon found that her little finger was thicker than the 
Athenian thigh. Spartan rule was far more despotic 
and even less organic than Athenian. And now it 
was Persia's chance at last. She began to play 
a double game with consummate skill and a single 
eye to the restoration of her despotic power over 
the Greek states of Asia Minor. After helping 
Sparta to crush Athens, she changed sides, attacked 
Sparta, and set Athens on her feet once more. It 
was the Persian fleet, commanded by the exiled 
Athenian admiral Conon, that won the battle of 


Cnidus in 394, closed Sparta's brief tenure of sea- chap. 
power, and released the island states from her control. 
It was the Persian fleet, with a Persian sdtrap on 
board, that appeared in the same year off the coast 
of Attica — actually within sight of Salamis — and 
enabled the Atheniahs by its protection to rebuild 
the long walls. It was Persian intrigue, moreover, 
which now brought about a coalition of Athens, 
Thebes, Argos, and Corinth, a strange medley of old 
friends and foes, and launched against Sparta the 
Corinthian War. Then, after some six years' desultory 
fighting, Persia, seeing that it was time to change sides 
once more, negotiated a peace in pursuance of which 
the following rescript was issued to the Greek world : 
'King Artazerxes thinks it just that the cities in 
Asia, and the islands of Olazomenae and Cyprus, shall 
belong to him. ... If any refuse to accept this 
peace, I shall make war on them, along with those 
who are of the same purpose, both by land and sea, 
with both ships and money.' Persia and Sparta 
together were strong enough to enforce these dis- 
graceful terms, and a great part of Hellas was 
abandoned once more to the despotism of Asia. 
Thus closed this phase of the long conflict between 
East and West. The tables had been turned indeed 
on the victors of Marathon and Salamis, Plataea and 
Mycale. And the miserable reversal was not due to 
any essential change in the relative strength of Greek 
and Persian. The disciplined Greek hoplite was 
still a match for any number of despot-ridden sub- 
jects of the Great King. A properly equipped Greek 
fleet could still have scattered his Phoenician ships. 
The cause was simply the failure of the Greeks to 
unite, to extend their noble ideal of local city-state 
patriotism into a wider and greater field, and to 
oi^anize Hellenic patriotism for the task of preserving 
the heritage of Hellas. 




to domin- 
ate the 


of Asia 

y Philip. 


Through the one remaining chapter of Greek 
history that must here be told mns the same paradox 
of Greek politics. In the internal life of the city-state 
Hellenic civilisation was still at its height. At 
Athens it was the age of Plato and AriBtotle» Demos- 
thenes and Isocrates, Praxiteles *and Scopaa ; and the 
domestic policy of the restored Athenian democracy 
was moderate and wise. But in external politics 
it is still the same story of bitter rivalry and conflict. 
Sparta's military supremacy was at last overthrown 
by the newly developed power of Thebes. But 
Thebes produced generals, not statesmen ; she made 
no permanent use of her advantage, and at the battle 
of Mantinea lost what she had gained at the battle 
of Leuctra. Athens recovered her old command of 
the sea, but made no use of it for the delivery of 
Hellas. And in the meantime a new power was 
developing in the North which was soon to overshadow 
the petty conflicts of the Greeks and destroy for ever 
the reality of their autonomy. Macedon was oalj 
a half-Hellenized country, but it had an inunense 
advantage over the more cultivated Greeks. It was 
a unified national state with a single army under a 
single ruler ; and it was not a very difficult task for 
Philip II., the Macedonian king, to make himself the 
dominant power in the Balkan Peninsula. The 
Greeks, who had failed to combine against Persia, 
were little disposed to combine against a master, 
himself half Greek His victory at Chaeronea in 
338 closes the career of the city-states of Hellas as 
independent powers. 

Now for the first time all Greece was united, but 
united in subjection. Philip summoned delegates 
from all the states to a congress, and at its second 
meeting proposed that the confederate Greek world 
should undertake its long-shirked national duty and, 
with himself at its head, attack Persia and rescue 


the Greek states of Asia Minor from the domination chap. 
of the Great King. The expedition was voted, but 
with little enthusiasm. The Greeks still looked on 
Macedon as an outsider; they did not want Philip 
for their leader ; and under any leader they did not 
care to renew the old struggle with Persia. How 
little Philip trusted in Greek union or loyalty is 
shown by the fact that he had to leave three strong 
Macedonian garrisons in Greece when at last he 
started for the great campaign. 

His plans were interrupted by his death, but only Asia con- 
fer a moment. Alexander, one of the most brilliant l^xandw 
soldiers in history, was even more competent than his Jj/**^** 
father to carry them to an issue. In 834 he crossed the Punjab. 
Hellespont at the head of an army, and by 3 26 had 
become master of Asia from the Aegean to the Punjab. 
Asia Minor was thoroughly Hellenized, and remained 
Greek until its civilization was wiped out by the 
Turks in the eleventh century. Alexander was 
planning the conquest of Arabia, which would almost 
certainly have been followed by that of Carthage 
and Rome, when he suddenly died at the age of 
thirty-two. The vast Empire which he had not lived 
to organize quickly fell to pieces and made way for 
the enduring work of Rome. 

From the standpoint of the present inquiry the Hisat- 
conception which underlay this Empire is of the unTte^Eaat 
deepest interest. Alexander's idea had been, by P^^^est 
conquering the entire known world, to correlate state by 
within the bosom of one state the civilizations of tothe"'^ 
Europe and Asia. Seeking for some political idea o"theo.^* 
common to both, by which to unite them, he fell ^'"^y- 
back on the primitive belief of the Homeric Greeks 
that the authority of rulers is derived from the 
divinity of their origin. It is this which explains his 
strange visit to the Oracle of Ammon whose priests 
were constrained to greet him as the son, not of 


CHAP. Philip, but of God. Thenceforward he exacted from 
^^^^^^ hifl followers an acknowledgment of his divinity. 
His purpose, so the latest German authority believes/ 
was to secure some title by which he could command 
the obedience of the East as well as the West, and 
this, like the Roman Emperors, he could only do by 
making the West revert to the Oriental idea of 
theocracy. The racial fusion of East and West was 
also part of this policy of world-empire. Ten thousand 
of his Macedonians were wedded to Persian women of 
the same standing at Susa, and Alexander himself 
married the daughter of Darius. The scheme next 
provided for transplantations of Greeks into Asia and 
Asiatics into Europe ; and the first part of this was 
carried olit in the countless Greek settlements which 
the conqueror dotted over the East. In the third 
place, there was to be military service on equal terms. 
Greek military schools were established in each 
province, and in five years' time an army of 30,000 
Asiatics, trained and armed in Macedonian fashion, 
was ready to take the field. Persians were actually 
incorporated by the young conqueror in the veteran 
ranks of his Macedonian army. It is fortunate 
indeed that he did not live to realize his dreams, for 
his Empire would have been one in which the Asiatic 
elements would have so outweighed the European, 
that Eastern conceptions and habits would probably 
have extinguished the nascent ideals of the West. 
This, in truth, was the danger from which Rome was 
destined to save Europe. 
The It is unnecessary for our purpose to trace the 

w^th, as history of the Greek states until they were finally 
the^Greeks incorporated in the Roman Empire and vanished. 
was too jjew confederations were attempted, but never on a 

slight to . 1. ^ 

survive, footing wide or firm enough to enable the Hellenes 
to become the masters of their own fate. The 

^ E. Meyer, Kleine Schrifien. 


greatest of all political ideas had been theirs, and chap, 
they had been able to explain as well as to realize it 
— but only in miniature. The republics they pro- 
duced did not contain more citizens than could 
listen to the voice of a single orator. As they 
believed, it was impossible for a larger community 
than this so to formulate public opinion that it could 
be used as the governing principle of the state. 
But if history had justified this belief, communities 
developed on the principle of the commonwealth 
must always have been as fissiparous as primitive 
tribes. No more than the tribal system could this 
principle have produced a stable society. Had 
Athens, and states no larger than she was, proved to 
be the only possible expression of free institutions, 
and Europe had been parcelled out into a multitude 
of tiny republics, she and her civilization would have 
perished, as Hellas perished, in their internecine 
struggles. 'The one word city-state explains the 
catastrophe which overtook the whole eastern side 
of the antique world. The city-state is necessarily 
no match in war for the organized country-state. 
That the western side escaped this fate is due to the 
union of Italy under the strong leadership of Rome.' ^ 

Like Athens, Rome was a city republic superior Rome, 
in energy to those around her; but those energies oity-Btate, 
were concentrated in fitness for war, and were not, ^y®"^ 
like those of Athens, partly diverted to culture. 
Like other city-states she was in perpetual conflict 
with neighbours, and always ended by conquering 
them, until she was mistress of Italy. In the Roman 
character there existed a certain love of order, and 
it was the comparatively settled conditions which 
followed her conquests that reconciled men to her 

* Seeleji Tntroduciion to Political Science^ p. 366. 

* The reader shonld here unfold the map of the Roman Kmpire, Plate VI. 




She then 

fleets and 
dated the 
into one 

which was 
by Greek 

of Rome 
with Asia. 








No sooner was the position of Rome in Italy 
secured than she found herself committed to a 
struggle for existence with the one Oriental people 
which has acted as a link between Eastern and 
Western ideas. The Phoenician branch of the Semitic 
race was beginning to outflank Europe from the 
south. Rome, howerer, became a sea-power, mastered 
the Mediterranean, and in 146 B.c. the destruction 
of Cartilage left her incomparably the strongest 
power on its shores. All the varied races inhabiting 
the Mediterranean were rapidly brought beneath her 
rule, and thus for the first time were kneaded into 
one political lump. Greece was part of the lump, 
and rapidly leavened the whole. 

A process, however, which extended the Roman 
Empire into Asia Minor, inevitably brought it face 
to face with the ancient powers of the East. From 
the necessities of the case some frontiers had to be 
established between them and Rome, and no thought- 
ful student of history will agree with Ferrero in 
regarding the campaigns of Sulla, of LucuUus, of 
Pompey, of Caesar, of Antony and of Augustus, 
mainly as plundering expeditions organized for the 
advancement and profit of themselves and their 
political satellites. It was the same necessity which 
drove Caesar and his successors to master, so far as 
the means at their disposal enabled them to do so, 
the barbarian powers which threatened the Empire 
from the North. 

Their organizing genius had enabled the citizens 
of Rome to conquer vast dominions which they 
inclined to treat as though half the world could 
be handled as their municipal commonage, or rather 
as the estates of the ruling oligarchy. Thus in the 
last century before the Christian era, the city-state 
of Rome had achieved, by very difierent means and 
upon a scale enormously larger, a po^ition similar to 



that of Athens. But unlike Athens the communities 
over which she ruled were not of one race, language, 
religion, and civilization. In their diversity they, in 
fact, resembled those now included in the British 
Empire. It was the first attempt to correlate in 
one system the many and various families of mankind. 
Like Athens she began by treating them as posses- 
sions, and ruled them primarily in the interests of 
the city republic of Borne. 

Just as the lonians had revolted from Atfiens so 
the Italians revolted from Roma But Rome survived 
and had the wisdom to admit the Italians to her 
citizenship. In the Roman as in the Greek republics 
the ultimate sovereignty vested in the citizens them- 
selves assembled in the market-place of the town. 
But the assembly of this multitude in the Roman 
forum was impossible. The republican constitution 
of Rome became a farce, and government rapidly 
passed into the hands of whatever Roman general 
was able to command the most powerful army. It 
was mainly in the great Asiatic wars that such 
armies were disciplined, till Caesar in Oaul, by a 
series of conquests over its turbulent tribes, forged 
a weapon by means of which he became the master 
of Rome. 

Caesar proceeded to extend the citizenship from 
Italy to races beyond its borders. He even included 
Gauls in the Roman Senate, which was rapidly 
degraded to a body for registering the Imperial 
decrees. His policy in effect was so to extend the 
Roman republic as to make it include the whole 
Empire. The world was no more to be exploited for 
the sole benefit of the inhabitants of Rome or even of 
Italy, as it would have been if Rome had preserved 
her ' liberties ' on the old footing which the assassins 
of Caesar attempted to restore. This extension of 
the Roman franchise was steadily continued by 



of Roman 
to the 
the con- 
able, and 
led to 

By Caesar 

and his 





opened to 

all free 


of the 



CHAP. Caesar's successors. By Nero's time we find that a 
.^^^^^.^^^^^^ Levantine Jew had been able to bequeath the 
Boman citizenship to his son Saul. Eventually 
it was extended to all the subjects of the Empire 
other than slaves. ' It was/ as Bacon said, ' not the 
Bomans that spread upon the world ; but it was the 
world that spread upon the Bomans, and that was 
the sure way of greatness.' ^ 
Autocracy If the cxteusion of the Boman franchise to the 
bMame Italians had rendered impossible the election of 
iitemative oflSccrs and the ratification of laws by the citizens 
to anarchy, assembled in the Forum, much more was it so when 
Caesar extended it to races beyond the borders of 
Italy. The arbitrary restriction of citizenship to the 
inhabitants of Bome was contrary to the principle of 
the commonwealth. Its extension to all men equally 
fit for it, irrespective of locality, was a vindication of 
that principle. But it was a measure which precluded 
the method of direct legislation by the citizens ; and 
that, as we have seen, was the only method understood 
in the ancient world by which public opinion could 
be so formulated as to take effect as the principle 
of government. *In Italy,' says Freeman, *a 
representative system would have delivered Bome 
from the fearful choice which she had to make 
between anarchy and despotism.' ^ But it certainly 
would not have saved her from the choice when 
she undertook to order an empire which included 
Spaniards, Gauls, Britons, Germans, Serbs, Greeks, 
Asiatics, and Africans, as well as Italians. We have 
only to imagine a parliament composed of the 
representatives of all these peoples, some of them 
barbarian, others half civilized, and none of them, save 
. the Bomans and Greeks, understanding the principles 
of respect for law and devotion to the commonwealth 

1 Bacon, Essay XXIX, 

' Freeman, History of Federal Oovemment, p. 52. 



on which the Republic was founded, to realize its 
impossibility. The only plan which had the least 
chance of working in practice was to concentrate in 
the hands of those who did understand those principles 
all the offices of the city-state and to back them with 
an army strong enough to enforce the general law 
against all the diverse races of which the Imperial-state 
was compounded. The function of force, as Mahan has 
well observed, is to give moral ideas time to take root. 
The habit of order could no more be acquired by all 
these jarring elements than it could by the numerous 
races of India, until they had been constrained for a 
period to the practice of it. Later on, after the 
backward peoples had grasped the principles of the 
commonwealth, it might have been possible, had the 
representative system been invented, to have ex- 
tended the responsibility for the maintenance of the 
Empire to an ever-widening circle of citizens until in 
the end it became once more a republic. The genius 
of Rome did not rise to the level of its opportunity. 
It preferred to concentrate the sovereignty on the 
shoulders of one man, and to clothe him with a 
divine authority entitling him to the unquestioning 
obedience of his subjects. The rule of the Caesars, 
however, had one merit. They employed the 
force embodied in the armies whose generals they 
were, to create an order which, because it was 
systematic, was capable in ages to come of being 
established on a basis other than despotism. 

For Rome, she alone in her victories, has clasped to her bosom 

her foes, 
She has suckled mankind as her children, and the title to rule 

that she shows 
Is the right of a mother, not mistress. The far-off peoples she 

With fetters of love she shackled, and not subjects but citizens 



> Olaudian, Dt aeewndo cantulatu SHlichcnU, v. 150-158. 


CHAP. So sftDg of Rome in the Soman tongue an Egyptian 
poet. Stilicho, the subject of this poem, whose 
prowess and fidelity had staved off the ruin of the 
Empire, was himself a Vandal by race. 
The What the Roman Empire accomplished will be 

1^^ better understood if we compare the condition of 
TObrti. Europe before and after it. Throughout the period 
oiKantzft- when miniature states were blossommg on the snores 
sute^for * <>f Greece and Italy the rest of Europe was inhabited 
thrtribai ^y people who had not emerged from a tribal state 
mtem in of socicty. They had attained no such civilization 
as had long existed throughout the greater part of 
Asia for thousands of years. In one century Rome 
schooled the inhabitants of Southern Europe to the 
conditions of a state far in advance of any that Asia 
had produced. And before she fell she had made 
statehood a social habit of the whole continent. The 
importance of this will be better realized when at a 
later jBtage of this inquiry we come to examine one 
remote corner of Europe where the sword of Rome 
was never felt. Ireland was never freed from the 
habits of tribalism by Roman rule. She retained 
them to fester like an organ whose uses have long 
been outgrown, — an abscess torturing Ireland herself 
and sending its poison throughout the Commonwealth. 
In a word, Caesar and his successors never com- 
mitted the fundamental mistake of creating a sham 
Despotic Now that the citizens of Rome had grown too 

of *he ^'^ numerous to legislate for themselves resort was had 
Empire to the theorv that the Emperor held their power of 

revealed . 

byitsim- attomcy. Their legislative and executive authority 
were concentrated in him. This was the theory, but 
in reality the Emperor was an autocrat. And even 

principles, bcforc the dcspotic character of the Empire was 
admitted in the West, the Asiatic provinces hastened 
to invest Augustus with the halo of divinity. ^ * The 

to theo- 



Asiatic towns were not content to adore the president 
of the Latin republic : they wished to advertise their 
devotion in every direction, as though to urge other 
nations to sanctify their subjugation by making their 
subservience a religious duty. Thus the sceptical 
politician of a decadent republic, the grandson of a 
money-lender, was adored as the equal of Zeus, of 
Ares, and of Hera, and this in Asia Minor.' ^ Even 
in the coast districts, as this historian goes on to 
point out, the Greek communities were already deeply 
tinged with Oriental ideas. In the interior ' were 
none but barbarous and hardy races, made to endure 
the domination of men, and gods in every form, in- 
capable of independent action, ready for slavery, for 
military service, for obedience to their sovereigns, 
their priests and their gods. The mental habits of 
these races excluded all possibility of political under- 
stasiding or intellectual culture, and chiefly consisted 
in a rude and violent mysticism, stimulated by two 
vast religions, monotonous ba the plateau which their 
votaries inhabited — :two of those mystical and vague 
cosmopolitan religions which crush the minds of men 
beneath the weight of infinity and have contributed 
at every age to form mixed races and prepare them 
for slavery. The younger of these worships was the 
cult of Mithras, which the Persian power had intro- 
duced and spread t>ver the plateau of Asia Minor. It 
was an austere worship, formed by a fusion of primi- 
tive Mazdeism with the Semitic doctrines of Babylon, 
in which Mithras was worshipped as Justice and as 
the Sun, the sublime and almost inaccessible source 
of life and virtue. It was a worship which professed 
to lead feeble humanity to this inaccessible source 
by a host of ritual ceremonies and obscure symbols. 
The kings were regarded as human incarnations of 
this principle, and the monarchy as the poor but 


^ Ferrero, The Chreatnesa and Dedine of Eome, voL v. p. 12. 



CHAP, venerable image of the divine.' ^ But how easily the 
^^^^^.^^^^^ West yielded to theocratic ideas may be seen from 
the literature of the Augustan age. Virgil and 
Horace were content to deify Caesar and Augustus in 
their poems, even while Augustus, with whom they 
were intimately acquainted, was moving in Roman 
Greek Subsequent emperors graduaUy dispensed with 

pubUcan the republican disguise with which Augustus had 
J^*^^ studiously veiled the system he founded. But the 
the Imperial despotism waa accepted by a world per- 

mfluence mcatcd by Greek culture which yearned for the 
Imperial Comparative repose it secured for them. And that 
^der'*^^' culture, penetrating to the furthest limits of the 
which Empire, rescued Europe from the petrefaction which 
§^/ed. despotism had brought upon Asia. Roman law never 
became a sacred code like the Koran, never quite lost 
the tradition of its republican origin or the capacity 
for adaptation which the principle of the common- 
wealth imparts. The general extension of civic rights 
throughout the IJmpire had carried with it the law 
which governed the relations of Roman citizens to 
one another. In the process of diffusion the law 
itself was developed and elaborated. The pacifica- 
tion and opening up of the communities surrounding 
the Mediterranean promoted commerce and industry 
on a scale before unknown to the world, and the 
legal system of Rome kept pace with its growth. 
That the Imperial courts were able to develop rules 
of law suited to the changing conditions of business 
instead of cramping business to fit the ancient and 
customary rules, as an Asiatic power would have 
done, was largely due to the liberating influence of 
the Greek ideas which vitalized the Roman world. 
But it was the genius of Rome which systematized 

^ Ferrero, The Oreatnesa amd Decline of Rome^ vol. v. p. 16. 
^ See Note A at end of this chapter, p. 80. 



the dictates of common sense into a code of rules^ 
and made them generally applicable throughout the 
Empire. Unlike the codified customs of Asia the 
Boman Law never lost the power of adapting itself 
to the changing needs of society. It was something, 
too, that it retained in some of its forms the re- 
publican tradition that law is ultimately based on the 
will of the people.^ Though the Romans spoke of their 
emperor as divine, the laws he made or codified were 
never regarded, like Eastern systems, as too sacred to 
change. Whatever good was done by the Bom an 
Empire for future generations was accomplished in 
80 far as it preserved the principle of a commonwealth. 
But in so far as it developed into a despotism it 
destroyed the spirit from which alone the state, as 
understood by the Greeks, can derive its vitality. 
In losing the character of a commonwealth it failed 
to cultivate the spontaneous enthusiasm of ordinary 
citizens. * The real evil was a moral evil, the decay 
of civic virtue. . . . Unless (the Boman provincial) 
could enter the privileged ranks of the army or the 
higher civil service, he had no opportunities of study- 
ing, still less of helping to decide, the questions of 
policy and administration with which his welfare was 
closely though indirectly Unked.'* He was not 
enlisted in the cause of government, taught by 
experience to exercise it, and identified with its 
mission. Government relied increasingly on con- 
centrated force, and the ordinary citizen learned to 
regard the state as an enemy instead of a friend. It 
failed, in a word, to foster patriotism. As men grew 
to think less and less of the interests of the state 
they grew, to think more and more of their own, and 
to put them first. The root of the temporal no less 
than of the spiritual commonwealth is within men. 



^ See Kote B at end of this chapter, p. 82. 
* Dayis, Mediaeval Ewrope, pp. 18*19. 




Forces set 
in motion 
from Asia 
the de- 
of the 

of the 
capital to 
in the 
of the 


of the 
by the 
schism of 
the Greek 
and Latin 

and as the citizens of Rome lost the habit of sub- 
ordinating their own interest to that of the state, so 
did the state lose its character of a commonwealth, 
seek to found its authority on supernatural sanctions, 
and to enforce that authority with the lash, the 
halter, and the sword. 

Visible decay at the extremities revealed the 
disease which was silently sapping the vitality of the 
Roman state. No longer proof against the forces of 
chaos which surrounded it, a disintegration of the 
frontiers set in. The inroads of barbarians and 
Orientals ate deeper and deeper, until at length they 
reached the vital organs themselves and the Roman 
Empire perished. It collapsed beneath the pressure 
of attacks on its Northern and Eastern frontiers set in 
motion by disturbances in the distant regions of Asia.^ 

As the Roman power declined it became increase 
ingly difficult to hold the Eastern frontiers of the 
state, and in 330 A.D. Constantine moved the seat of 
Government to Byzantium, which was known hence- 
forth as Constantinople. There he erected a fortress 
to guard the narrow straits which divide Southern 
Europe from Asia Minor. The capital of the Empire 
was thus removed from the centre of the Latin to the 
centre of the Greek section of Europe. 

Constantine, however, effected a change of even 
greats importance by abolishing paganism and 
adopting Christianity as the religion of the state. 
For the Church this official recognition involved the 
most serious consequences, for presently it became 
impossible to hold the Western or Latin half of the 
Empire, which split off, and was governed by separate 
Emperors from Rome. The division of the Empire 
thus led to the division of the Church between the 
Greek and the Latin worlds. 

North of the Western Empire lay the vast shifting 

^ Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Errqnre, chap. xxti. 


masses of Teutonic tribes, still in the condition of chap. 
barbarism from which the Greeks and Romans had ^^^^^^^^^^^ 
emerged some thousand years before. As the Empire Destruc- 
decayed these tribes overran Britain, Gaul and Spain, WMtorn^* 
crossed the Straits of Gibraltar, and established Empire by 

' GermaDB. 

themselves in the north of Africa. Eventually they Rise of the 
occupied Italy itself In 476 Odoacer, at the head of p^wer. 
German troops who had served as Roman mercenaries, 
dethroned the Emperor Romulus Augustulus, and the 
Western Empire came to an end. Various Germanic 
kingdoms were established upon its ruins, but for the 
purpose of this inquiry it will suffice to note that 
of the Franks, which developed in the north of Gaul. 
This name, importing * freedom,' had been applied by 
the Romans to the Germanic tribes who inhabited the 
banks of the Rhine. Towards the close of the fifth 
century the Frankish king, Clovis, who became an 
orthodox Christian, consoUdated beneath his rule a 
kingdom which by 507 included the whole of Gaul. 
In this way it happened that the name of a 
German people was imposed upon a race which was 
mainly Celtic, and Gaul was known henceforward as 
France. The successors of Clovis, who were called 
the Merovings, did not inherit his ability. They 
degenerated into puppet kings who were content to 
leave the royal authority in the hands of officials styled 
the Mayors of the Palace. In 7 1 9 this office was held 
by a powerful military leader called Charles Martel. 

On this German noble was imposed the task of The rise of 
averting the greatest danger which had threatened reHgiin™'° 
Europe since Themistocles defeated the Persians at ?nd state 

* . in Arabia. 

Salamis. To understand how this befell it is necessary 
to go back to events which had happened a century 
before in a distant comer of Asia. Christianity, 
though itself the product of the Semitic race, found 
in Asia but little congenial soil in which to take root. 
Some six centuries after its foundation there appeared 


CHAP, in Arabia, amongst another branch of the same race, 
a religion which was destined to awake the fiercest 
enthusiasm of the East. The creed preached by 
Mahomet was a pure monotheism, and as such was 
a great advance upon the paganism it replaced. So 
intense was its recognition of the transcending power 
of God that all human creatures seemed to be reduced 
to a common level of insignificance before him. 
There is no room in the religion of Mahomet for the 
Hindu system of caste ^ and it acts wherever it goes 
as a levelling force. The development of elaborate 
rituals, with which the institution of caste is con- 
nected^ is at variance with its central idea. Its 
moral code has more in common with the doctrines of 
Moses than those of Christ, for Mahomet sanctioned 
a restricted polygamy, and women were accorded a 
position much lower than that claimed for them by 
Christianity. On the other hand, Mahomet forbade 
his followers to use wine. He differed, moreover, 
from Moses in the stress he laid on a future life, 
though the rewards and punishments held out to the 
faithful in this world and the next were much less 
spiritual than those promised by the Christian 
religion. He adopted the ten commandments, but 
the only ceremonial prescribed was prayer, fasting, 
alms, pilgrimage, washing. When a holy war was 
proclaimed, fighting was regarded as a religious duty. 
God is presented as a king rather than as a father, 
a *king to whose service the faithful are absolutely 
dedicated, and who rewards those who die in it with 
delights which appeal to the sensuous imagination. 
Death on the battle-field is, according to Mahomet, 
followed by the immediate translation of the believer 
to Paradise. Abraham, Moses, and Jesus were each 

^ AmoDgst the Moslems of India converted from Hinduism caste divisiona 
have in some measure survived. Such divisions are none the less contiary 
to the spirit of Islam. 


recognized as Prophets, but Mahomet claimed to have chap. 
superseded them all, and after his death his authority ^ 
was handed on to successors. * Islam,' the name 
attached to this creed, connotes an absolute dedication 
to the will of God, and * Moslem ' denotes a person so 
dedicated. Mahomet, as the sole interpreter of the 
divine will, was able to claim the unlimited obedience 
of those who accepted him as such. Islam was there- 
fore a state as well as a religion. It was, in fact, 
a theocracy whose doctrines were to be propagated 
by the sword, and the armies of Mahomet and his 
successors quickly became the masters of South- 
western Asia. 

The Byzantine Empire, based upon the tremendous Arab 
fortress which Constantine had founded on the to^X^^ 
Bosphorus, guarded the eastern gate of Europe, ©pntreof 
But the armies of Islam, quickly conquering the Thepos- 
Levant and Egypt, swept along the northern coast sequen^s 
of Africa as far as the Straits of Gibraltar. In 711 ^l^^l^ 
they crossed to Spain and overthrew Roderic, the extension. 
King of the Visigoths. Within ten years the soldiers 
of the Caliph had mastered Spain, and began to 
turn their attention to France. By 732 they had 
overrun Aquitaine under the leadership of their 
Emir, Abderrahman, and in October of that year 
their hosts were confronting the Franks under Charles 
Martel before the walls of Poitiers. 'A victorious 
line of march had been prolonged above a thousand 
miles from the rock of Gibraltar to the banks of the 
Loire ; the repetition of an equal space would have 
carried the Saracens to the confines of Poland and 
the Highlands .of Scotland ; the Rhine is not more 
impassable than the Nile or Euphrates, and the 
Arabian fleet might have sailed without a naval 
combat into the mouth of the Thames. Perhaps 
the interpretation of the Koran would now be taught 
in the schools of Oxford, and her pulpits might 




Defeat of 
the Arabs 
by the 
Martel at 
the battle 
of Poitiers, 
Oct 782. 

Pepin, son 
of Charles 
King of 
the Franks 
by the 
of the 

demonstrate to a circumcised people the sanctity 
and truth of the revelation of Mahomet,' * 

But as at Marathon the tide of Oriental invasion 
was stayed by the armoured ranks of the Europeans. 
For seven days each army waited for the other to 
move; but on the eighth the Arabs attacked, and 
dashed themselves in vain against the close -locked 
lines of Frankish shields which withstood their onset 
' like a wall of ice/ Hurled back in disorder, their 
broken ranks were borne down by the sheer weight 
and strength of the advancing Franks. Both armies 
encamped on the field ; but next morning the Arabs 
fled, and Charles Martel, who had rolled back this 
scorching tempest from the deserts of Arabia beyond 
the Pyrenees, was recognized as the saviour of 
Christendom. His successors came to be regarded 
as the champions of the Roman Church. 

When the last of the Western Emperors was 
dethroned in 476, the Bishop of Rome, as head of 
the Latin Church, very quickly began to realize how 
great was his need of some arm strong enough 
to protect the Church in an age of increasing 
violence. The Frankish mayors of the palace had 
the strongest arm in Europe, and Pope Zacharias 
undertook to give the sanction of divine authority 
to the transfer of the crown from the head of the 
Meroving Childeric to that of Pepin, the son of 
Charles Martel. With his queen Bertrada he was 
solemnly anointed by Boniface at Soissons in 751. 
Amongst the Christians of the East, kings had long 
been accustomed to receive their crowns from bishops. 
It had also been so with the kings of the Visigoths, 
but never with the Merovings. But anointing after 
the old Jewish fashion was quite new to Christendom. 
The next Pope, moreover, Stephen II., went a step 
further, and undertook to absolve Pepin from the 

} Gibbon, pecline and Fall of the Roman Empire, vol. tu. pp. 18-19. 


oath he had sworn to the deposed Childeric.^ The chap. 
Carlovingian dynasty was thus represented to Europe ^^^,^^„^^ 
as deriving its authority from divine right after the 
manner of Oriental monarchs. 

The enemy against whom the Papacy at first The 
required a champion was the Byzantine Emperor K^nga**^ 
who had reconquered Italy some time before and still J^^°^cU^i^ 
clung to the fortress of Ravenna. From this strong- protectors 
hold the Empire was ejected by Aistulf, King of the western 
Lombards, who proceeded, however, to deprive the Pope "^ ' 
himself of his temporal dominions. Pope Stephen 11. 
therefore appealed to Pepin, who broke the Lombard 
power, and restored and extended the sovereignty of the 
Pope over the territories in the neighbourhood of Rome. 

Pepin's son, Charles the Great, known to the Charles 
French as Charlemagne, consolidated practically the Pepin's* * 
whole of the Teutonic tribes outside Britain under ^JV,,^^d 
his rule. By force of arms his Empire was extended Western 

1 1 XT 1 11 T Europe 

to mclude Hungary on the east, and to the south- in one 
west France and Spain, which he conquered from hu^covo- 
the Arabs as far as the Ebro. Italy he dominated V^,^^" J^^ 
in the interests of the Pope. By 800 his Empire of the 


included all the territory which had once been com- iusoo. 
prised in the Western Empire, and the whole of 
Germany as well. On Christmas Day 800, Charles 
the Great was crowned * Emperor of the Romans' 
by Pope lieo IIL, in St. Peter's basilica at Rome. 

So began the Holy Roman Empire, which in one The 
form or another endured for more than a thousand Enlpir^ 
years until it was extinguished by Napoleon in 1806. ^^^^ , 

•^ o J IT ^ created 

Its creation in 800 was directly due to the tradition the i<iea of 
of a world state which the real Roman Empire had state. 
left behind. Greece had divided one comer of Europe 
into hundreds of miniature states. Rome had gone 
to the opposite extreme, and collected a great part of 
Europe with the adjacent parts of Asia and Africa 

» C. R. L. Fletcher, The Making of Western Europe, pp. 226-227. 


CHAP, into one state, which seemed to its citizens to be 
coterminous with the world itself. From the 
accession of the Emperor Nerva in 96 A.D., Rome 
had for nearly a century maintained such a condition 
of repose as civilized Europe has never before or 
since enjoyed. It established, moreover, a tradition 
of just and orderly government which, through all the 
centuries of violence that followed its faU, the people of 
Europe never forgot. The Greeks had been unable to 
conceive a state larger than the walls of one city could 
hold. The Roman Empire impressed Europe with 
the idea that there should, by rights, be one universal 
state which should include the whole human race. 
The con- Throughout the centuries of political chaos which 

rworir^ followed the downfall of the Western Empire, the 
fMterwi Church helped to remind Europe of the 'unity which 
by Chris- Rome had once given her. This cosmic conception of 
^*"*^' the state received a decided impetus from Christian 
morality which enjoined on the individual an absolute 
subordination of his own interests, not to fBimily^ 
friends, or race, but to all mankind. The Kingdom 
of Heaven was a spiritual commonwealth which 
included the living as well as the dead, and the 
recognition of its infinite claim to the obedience of 
its members was exemplified in the life and death 
of the Founder Himself A& the subjects of the 
Roman Empire came to imbibe these doctrines they 
coloured them by their own political conceptions. 
They thought of the Empire as that province of 
the Kingdom of Heaven which contained the living 
portion of mankind, of the Emperor as its divinely 
appointed administrator on earth, and of the in- 
dividual as the subject bound to accord to Imperial 
sovereignty the unquestioning obedience which was 
due from man to God Himself.^ This deeply rooted 
belief in a universal and divinely ordered State 

^ See Note C at end of this chapter, p. 83 


survived the division of both Empire and Church, ohap. 
and even imposed itself upon the Teutonic barbarians 
who destroyed the Western Empire. Its disappear^ 
ance in 476 fostered the idea of the Church as a 
spiritual state ; but the Papacy quickly felt the want 
of some secular arm to enforce its mandates and to 
protect the Church against rebellion from within as 
well as the assaults of paganism from without. It 
required an Emperor as well as a Pope to secure the 
obedience of kings and rulers as well as their subjects 
to papal decrees. Laity and clergy alike began to ask 
why the Empire should not be irevived in the person 
of the most powerful ruler that Europe had produced 
since the age of Constantine, and the coronation of 
Charles by the Pope in 800 was the natural result. 

The force behind the new system was the Teutonic The power 
people which had destroyed the Western Empire Hoiy"^'^" 
and had then saved Europe from the Arab invasion. S^™?'^ 

*^ Empire 

When first these races threatened Rome, they were was 
living after the manner of tribal societies in a instability 
perpetual state of warfare and flux, the one constantly gJc?e^ty?*" 
merging into the other. They were, as Stubbs Their free 
describes them, 'singularly capable of entering into described 
new combinations ; singularly liable to be united ^ 
and dissolved in short-lived confederations.' * On 
the other hand, amongst these tribes were pre- 
served the same primitive customs as existed amongst 
the progenitors of the Greeks when they branched 
southwards and settled in the peninsula which bears 
their name. Tacitus, in his account of the Germans, 
fcella how 'their love of Uberty makes them inde- 
pendent to a fault : they do not assemble all at 
once as though they were under orders: but two 
or three days are wasted by their delay in arriving. 
They take their seats as they come, all in full armour. 
Silence is demanded by the priests, to whom are 

' Stabbs, ConstUiUUmal History, p. S6. 




Failare of 
the Holy 
Empire to 

as a state, 
and con- 
of the 
to develop 

of the 
in their 

granted special powers of coercion. Next, the king, 
or one of the chief men, according to claims of 
age, lineage, or military glory, receives a hearing, 
which he obtains more by the power of persuasion 
than by any right of command. If the opinion ex- 
pressed displeases them, their murmurs reject it; if 
they approve they clash their spears. Such applause 
is considered the most honourable form of assent.' ^ 

In customs such as these may be discerned the 
seed from which the commonwealths of Europe have 
sprung. Mountains and seas combined to divide 
Greek society into a number of small neighbourhoods, 
and kept them from merging into one another, so 
that each developed a corporate sense of its own. 
But the home of the Teutonic race in the forests of 
Northern Europe was not so divided into pockets 
where small societies could collect, solidify, and 
develop the esprit de corps which is the necessary 
basis of the organic state. In the absence of 
physical frontiers the only bond by which these 
tribes could be united in a state was race, not locality ; 
and until the tribal organization had yielded to that 
of the state it was impossible that the principle of 
the commonwealth should begin to develop. It was 
in this that the German Emperors signally failed. 
Several of Charles's successors were powerful rulers, 
and had their energies been confined to organizing 
Germany, they would have created a state capable 
of commanding not only the obedience but also the 
loyalty of the German people. Order would have 
been established, and the free Teutonic spirit as in 
England would have developed the monarchy into 
a commonwealth in which sovereignty was based 
on the popular will. Once accustomed to obey a 
German government the Teutonic tribes would have 
become a German nation. 

^ Tar.it lis. Oemiaiiia, ti*ans. W. H. Fyfe, p. 96. 


As it was, the successors of Charles, lured by the chap. 

glamour of this adopted title, exhausted their energies .^^^^^^^^^ 

in endeavouring to realize their position as Emperors chaos 

of Rome by the conquest of Italy. In Germany fTOm\hf 

itself a condition of disorder was allowed to continue, Jj*j|^\|jg 

until the weak were driven to barter their freedom govem- 

to the strong in exchange for protection. The feudal . the Holy 

system which Germany now developed was nothing |^*° 


more nor less than the attempt of a society which oj^coi^- 

*^ "f tract or 

had failed to organize itself as a state to make feudalism. 
contract do the work of patriotism. The Emperors 
themselves accepted the principle, distributing their 
sovereignty amongst their princes and nobles in 
exchange for support in their Italian wars. The 
result was that the rank and file served as the 
retainers of the feudal potentate, not as the subjects 
of the Emperor. While the attention of the 
Emperor was absorbed in Italy, the feudal lords 
were the de facto governments of their respective 
principalities in Germany, and the Emperor never 
established a direct relation of sovereignty with 
the German people themselves. As Emperor he 
never attained the right to tax the people direct. 
It was to the local prince that they paid their 
taxes and looked for orders. It was him they followed 
when he chose to disobey the orders of the Emperor. 
Against the disobedience of a prince the only remedy 
of the Emperor was war. In taking sides for or 
against the Emperor the other princes were guided 
by their own interests, and not by those of the 
Empire, still less by the interests of Christendom or 
mankind. The Grerman monarchs, in masquerading 
as the Emperors of humanity, were diverted from 
establishing a government for the German people. 
The Holy Roman Empire was not even a fiction. It 
was a sham which actually deceived men and hid 
from their eyes the less pretentious but more valuable 


CHAP, reality which might have been achieved. In theory, 
the Emperor was the temporal Vicegerent of God, 
the King of Bangs, from whose authority the princes 
of Europe derived their own. In practice, many of 
these princes, like those of England (Richard I. was 
an unwilling exception), repudiated his authority. 
Those who acknowledged it persistently disregarded 
it whenever they saw a chance of aggrandizing them- 
selves at the expense of their neighbours ; and the 
Emperor had no means of enforcing it, except those 
he controlled by virtue of his own inherited posses- 
sions. His election as Emperor added nothing to the 
actual power he already possessed as an hereditary 
prince. His authority, therefore, was similar to that 
of a foreman who secures obedience from the members 
of his gang only so far as he is able to coerce them 
with his own fiats, a system which makes for peace 
only when the foreman is a person of gigantic strength. 
When the practice was established amongst the 
German princes of electing the Emperor, the electors 
were careful to avoid the choice of a sovereign strong 
enough to coerce them. Society was supposed to be 
constructed in accordance with a lofty conception 
which had grown fix)m the habit of idealizing the 
Roman Empire. The Emperors of the Middle Ages 
accepted the style and functions of Empire without 
the Imperium. They were given the right to com- 
mand all men without the actual power to enforce 
obedience. In practice they did little to cure the 
intestine disorders of Europe and nothing to defend it 
from the encroachments of Asia. That all-important 
task was left to the Eastern remnant of the real 
Roman Empire, which guarded the Bosphorus till the 
close of the Middle Ages. German sovereigns who 
claimed to be the champions of European civilization 
were unable to marshal one soldier to save from 
the Turk the very countries in which it had been 


cradled In the Balkan Peninsula centuries of misery chap. 

have commemorated the failure of the Holy Eoman .,^.„.,^^„^^ 
Empire to justify the title and traditions it assumed. 

After the fall of the Roman Empire the Teutonic Hence the 

races who had destroyed it were the strongest element were ule 

of European society. If Charles and his successors I'^^^^f 

had confined themselves to the task of consolidating ^^ ^^^ 

1 • 1 • ^ r^ 1 J European 

their own people into a state, the Germans would race to 
have been the first people to realize nationality in the uaVonai ^ 
modem sense of the term. As it was, they were the J^^*®' *"*^ 
last, and the penalty they paid for this failure was a ^^*^f J^^ 
thousand years of fratricidal strife in which Europe at ccnvuised 
large was repeatedly involved. Till the time of Luther * "'^^^^ 
it would be difficult to point to any period in which 
German armies were not fighting each other on 
German soil. In the seventeenth century Germany 
was devastated by the Thirty Years' War. In the 
eighteenth century the German States were involved in 
the quarrels of Austria and Prussia. At the beginning 
of the nineteenth century Germany was trampled 
under foot by Napoleonic armies largely reinforced by 
German troops. In the struggle between Austria and 
Prussia of 1866 the States of Northern Germany were 
at war with those of the South. Had Charles the Great 
and his successors united Germany as the Norman and 
Plantagenet kings united England, it is not too much 
to say that most of the wars which have since dis- 
tracted not only Germany but Europe itself might 
never have been fought. Up to the year 1870, the 
Germans might still have been described in the words 
applied by Stubbs to their primitive ancestors as being 
* singularly capable of entering into new combina* 
tions : singularly liable to be united and dissolved in 
short-lived confederations.' And the process was one 
of incessant violence, which was constantly spreading 
to the whole continent of Europe.* 

* Bryce, Th€ Holy Rortum Empire, chap. xx. 


CHAP. In the course of ages of violence the rudimentary 

^^^^^^^^^^^ institutions of freedom, to which Tacitus bears 
Miiiury evidence, were for the most part extinguished by 
ven^tecUhe *^® neccssitics of military rule. ' The Diet, originally 
orthe^^^ an assembly of the whole people, and thereafter of 
common- the feudal tenants -in -chief, meeting from time to 
from time like our early English Parliaments, became in 

developing. ^^ jgg^ ^ permanent body, at which the electors, 

princes, and cities were represented by their envoys. 
In other words, it was not so much a national Parlia- 
ment as an international congress of diplomatists. 
Where the sacrifice of imperial, or rather federal, 
rights to state rights was so complete, we may 
wonder that the farce of an Empire should have been 
retained at all. A mere German Empire would 
probably have perished; but the Teutonic people 
could not bring itself to abandon the venerable 
heritage of Rome.' ^ Except in some isolated cities 
personal authority backed by force was the only 
kind of government which counted. And, as usual 
with despotic governments, a supernatural baais 
was claimed for its authority. The idea of the 
commonwealth atrophied ; and if it has flourished on 
the continent of Europe for the last century, it is 
rather as a growth transplanted from England than 
as one indigenous to the soil itself. 'Throughout 
Europe reformers have copied English political 
arrangements.' ^ But in spite of this imitation and of 
real progress made by the nations of continental 
Europe in remodelling their institutions on the prin- 
ciple of the commonwealth, the theocratic conception 
of government survives to an extent hardly realized 
by the people of the British Empire or by those of 
its product, the United States of America.^ Belief in 

^ Bryce, The Holy Roman Empire^ chap. xx. pp. 391-392. 
'^ Woodrow Wilson, The State, p. 435. 
' See Note I) at end of this chapter, p. 84. 


force as the ultimate basis of government is the natural chap. 
consequence of the protracted violence into which ,^^^^ 
Europe was plunged by the failure of Grermany till 
1870 to realize for herself the unity of a state. 
Throughout the continent of Europe from the down- 
fall of the Roman Empire there was no period during 
which order was maintained long enough to create the 
tradition that the law is above the visible ruler and 
more entitled than him to the ultimate obedience of 
the citizen. The upshot has been that, with the 
partial exception of Switzerland and Holland, the 
principle of the commonwealth failed to re-establish 
itself on the continent of Europe with sufficient 
strength to counteract the theocratic and despotic 
tradition of government which the Eoman Empire 
left behind it. The ideas of government which pre- 
vailed in Germany to the first decades of the nineteenth 
century were, no less than those of the Latin peoples, 
inherited from Rome. The shade of that vanished 
Empire rose from its grave to haunt its destroyers. 
Hovering before their eyes, this phantom beguiled 
them into the morass of Italian politics at the outset 
of their march towards Grerman union and freedom. 
From the one sure path their footsteps strayed, never 
to refind it for a thousand years. 

Voltaire uttered the epitaph of this mighty sham states 
when he wrote that it was neither Holy, nor Roman, §^eioped 
nor yet an Empire. It is the greatest example ^^^hr^ 
which history offers of the mischief done by false basis of 
coin, of the frightful power of vain deceits to lead 
men to their own undoing. Civilization was only 
saved for the world by the gradual development, in 
spite of it, of a system of society less ambitious, but 
more firmly founded even than the original Empire 
itself The Roman Empire at its prime had enforced 
Older, eain^d the respect and even the gratitude of its 
^tjibjects, 39it it was too large and too comprehensive 


CHAP, to wake the spirit of patriotism which the Athenians 
at Marathon, the Spartans at Thermopylae, or the 
Romans themselves, had shown. Still less was a revival 
so vague and feeble as the Holy Roman Empire calcu- 
lated to arouse this kind of enthusiasm. The command 
of the elected Emperor of Christendom left men cold 
who would spring to arms at the call of a chief or 
a prince who really meted out some kind of justice 
amongst themselves, especially if he were of their 
own blood and was felt to personify their common 
kinship with one another. Gradually, different tribes 
in England, France and Spain were consolidated into 
kingdoms much larger than the city states of the 
ancient world, which yet evoked from their citizens 
the same kind of spontaneous patriotism. The Holy 
Roman Empire appealed to ideas which had not pene- 
trated to the heart and rooted themselves in the habits 
of ordinary men. Government, to be stable, must be 
founded not only on respect, but on the affection and 
enthusiasm of the people themselves. If men could 
not be brought in masses to dedicate their lives to 
mankind, it was an immense step that they should be 
willing to lay them down for so limited a section 
of the race as England, France, or Spain contained. 
Appear- Whilst, therefore, the organs of universal govern - 

Franro, mcut wcrc atrophied for want of exercise, the peoples 
of Europe were gathering into units of government 
according to neighbourhood and race. France, with 
its population still mainly Celtic, emerged as a separate 
kingdom in 843. Under a succession of powerful 
monarchs the French rapidly acquired a national 
consciousness of their own, which was greatly stimu- 
lated by the leading part which they took in the 
Crusades against the Saracens. From the w^elter 
of Christian and Moorish kingdoms in the Iberian 
Portugal, Peninsula the Portuguese nation emerges in the 
Spain, twelfth ceutury and the Spanish in the fifteenth. 


In all three fragments of the Roman Empire the 
traditions of despotic government were preserved 
intact. Italy, where the position of the Pope 1^1^^ 
was an insuperable bar to the establishment of a 
national monarchy or unity of any kind, remained 
under the nominal suzerainty of the German Emperor, 
a patchwork of princedoms and republics. In the 
valleys of the Alps, commonwealths were formed, gwitzer- 
which ultimately succeeded where the Greeks had ^*"^» 
failed, in uniting aa a federal state. By their long 
and heroic struggle with Spain the Teutonic cities 
which grew up at the mouth of the Rhine were 
united by the genius of William the Silent as the The 
Dutch Republic in the sixteenth century. But even lands^' 
these commonwealths were deeply embued with the 
law and traditions of the Roman Empire. 

Meantime, in the islands on the western coast of Reappear- 
Europe, which certain of the Teutonic tribes had p?^cipie ^ 
partly conquered and occupied, was appearing the common, 
state which forms the subject of this inquiry. It J®*'^'^*^ 
was there, and not in Romanized Germany itself, 
that the Teutonic tradition of freedom was able to 
take root, and reproduce once more the principle of 
government which had first blossomed in Greece and 
almost vanished in the Roman Empire. In England 
was planted a commonwealth destined to spread 
until it included races more numerous and diverse 
than ever obeyed Rome. 

In the foregoing chapter the principle of the Recapitu- 
commonwealth has been traced from ancient Greece ^^^^^' 
where the idea found its fullest expression in the 
republic of Athens. It is still further developed by 
the Roman Empire in the vertebrae given to European 
society by Roman law, even though liberty itself is 
gradually obscured by the reversion of the Empire to 
purely autocratic and military rule. Then, with the 
collapse of the Empire, it is lost for nearly a thousand 


CHAP, years in the death-struggles of the Roman system 
against the successive waves of barbarians from the 
North, which are partly repelled, and partly absorbed, 
by the powerful monarchies gradually founded in 
Spain, in France and in central Europe. But mean- 
while the idea of liberty, first realized in Greece and 
Rome, was sleeping, not dead. It still breathed — 
though under a great weight of established customs 
and forms— in the notions of law which the Hbly 
Roman Empire had inherited from its great proto- 
type. Gradually, as neither the separate autocracies 
nor the great European theocracy proved equal to 
human needs, it flickered to life in the communes 
which united to form the Swiss Confederacy and the 
commercial communities of northern Germany and 
the Netherlands. Then with the Reformation and 
the Renaissance it recovered its position in the fore- 
front of European ideals, and has been gradually 
extended, now by one community, now by another, 
but chiefly by the community founded in the dark 
ages by Teutonic invaders of the British Isles. 



See i)age - ' While to the educated classes in old Rome the Emperor's 
^'^' legal Sovereignty bore the guise of a devolution from that of the 

people, his provincial subjects, who knew little or nothing of 
these legal theories, regarded it as the direct and natural 
consequence of Conquest By the general, probably the universal, 
law of antiquity, capture in war made the captured person a 
slave de iure. Much more then does conquest carry the right of 
legal command. Conquest is the most direct and emphatic 
assertion of de facto supremacy, and as the de fado power of the 
Romans covered nearly the whole of the civilized world, main- 
tained itself without difficulty, and acted on fixed principles in 
a regular way, it speedily passed into Legal Right, a right not 
unwillingly recognized by those to whom Roman power meant 
Roman peace. This idea is happily expressed by Virgil in the 
line applied to Augustus : 


" Victorque volentes 
Per populoB dat iura/' 

while the suggestion of a divine power encircling the irresistible 
conqueror, an idea always familiar to the East, appears in the 
words : , 

'* viamqne adfectat Olympo/' 

which complete the passage. 

' The feeling that the power actually supreme has received 
divine sanction by being permitted to prevail, that it has thereby 
become rightful, and that it has, because it is rightful, a claim 
to obedience, is clearly put in writings which were destined, 
more than any others, to rule the minds of men for many 
centuries to come. 

* ** Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For 
there is no power but of ( = from) God : the powers that be are 
ordained of Gkxl. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, 
resisteth the ordinance of God : and they that resist shall 
receive to themselves damnation {lU, judgment). For rulers are 
not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not 
be afraid of the power 1 Do that which is good, and thou shalt 
have praise of the same ; for he is the minister of God to thee 
for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid ; for he 
beareth not the sword in vain : for he is the minister of God, 
a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil " (Bom. 
xiii. 1-5). 

• " Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's 
sake; whether it be to the Emperor, as supreme, or unto 
Governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punish- 
ment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. For 
8o is the will of God, that with well-doing ye may put to silence 
(W. bridle) the ignorance of foolish men" (1 Pet. ii. 13-15). 

' Here the authority of the Emperor is not only recognized 
as being de iure because it exists and is irresistible, but is 
deemed, because it exists, to have divine sanction, and thus a 
religious claim on the obedience of the Christian, while at the 
same time, in the reference to the fact that the power of the 
magistrate is exercised, and is given by God that it be exercised, 
for good, there is contained the germ of the doctrine that the 
Power may be disobeyed (? resisted) when he acts for evil ; as 
St. Peter himself is related to have said, " We ought to obey 
God rather than men " (Acts v. 29).' ^ 

* Biyee, Studies in History owid Jurisprudence^ vol. ii. pp. 78-79. 





See page < Justinian and his successors had in the fullest sense of the 

' word complete, unlimited, and exclusive legal sovereignty ; and 

the people of old Rome who are talked of in the Digest^ by the 
lawyers of the second and third centuries, as the source of the 
Emperor's powers, were not in A.D. 533, except in a vague de 
iure sense, actual subjects of Justinian, being in fact ruled by 
the Ostrogothic king Athalarich (grandson of the great Theo- 
dorich). But it is noteworthy that the lawyers also assigned to 
the people as a whole, entirely apart from any political organiza- 
tion in any assembly, the right of making law by creating and 
following a custom, together with that of repealing^a customary 
law by ceasing to observe it, i.e. by desuetude, and that they 
justify the existence of such a right by comparing it with that 
which the people exercise by voting in an assembly. "What 
difference," says Julian, writing under Hadrian, " does it make 
whether the people declares its will by voting or by its practice 
and acts, seeing that the laws themselves bind us only because 
they have been approved by the people ? " In the Institutes of 
Justinian the Emperor's legislative power, though complete, is 
still grounded on a delegation formerly made by the people. 

' It need hardly be observed that if Tribonian and the other 
commissioners employed by Justinian to condense and arrange 
the old law had, instead of inserting in their compilation sen- 
tences written three or four centuries before their time, taken it 
upon themselves to state the doctrine of legislative sovereignty 
as it existed in their own time, they would not have used the 
language of the old jurists, language which even in the time of 
those jurists represented theory rather than fact, just as Black- 
stone's language about the right of the Crown to " veto '* legis- 
lation in England represents the practice of a period that had 
ended sixty years before. But those who in the Middle Ages 
studied the texts of the Roman law cared little and knew less 
about Roman history, so that the republican doctrine of popular 
sovereignty which they found in the Digest may have had far more 
authority in their eyes than it had in those of the contemporaries 
of Tribonian, to whom it was merely a pretty antiquarian fiction. 

* These were the legal notions of Sovereignty with which the 
modern world started — the sharply outlined Sovereignty of an 
autocratic Emperor, and the shadowy, suspended, yet in a sense 
concurrent or at least resumable, Sovereignty of the People, 
expressed partly in the recognition of their right to delegate 
legislation to the monarch, partly in their continued exercise of 
legislation by Custom.' ^ 

* Bryce, Shidies in History aiid Jurisprudence, vol. ii. pp. 76-77. 


NOTE C ^^j^^- 


' In the earlier Middle Ages Europe, still half-barbarous, was See page 
the prey of violence. Its greatest need was Justice, and a 70. 
power strong enough and pious enough to execute justice as 
the minister of God. The one force that confronted violence 
and rapacity was Religion. All had one religion, and though 
many by sinfulness of life belied their faith, none doubted its 
truth. Neither did any one doubt where the seat of authority 
lay. Rome, whence the Caesars had ruled the world — Rome, 
where the chief of the Apostles had exercised the pastorate 
given him by God when God walked the earth — was the divinely 
appointed source of all lawful power. Whether that power was 
to be J wielded by two rulers, each directly representing the 
Almighty, or whether the secular monarch was to be the servant 
of the spiritual — this was a question on which men were divided. 
But that the power of the secular ruler was consecrated by a 
Divine commission, and, being so consecrated, was appointed 
for all time and for all mankind — upon this they were at one. 
It was a small Christian world, which reached only from the 
TaguB to the Vistula: so a universal monarchy seemed less 
strange then than it does now. Nations were as yet scarcely 
conqpious of themselves, and the strife that desolated Europe 
was more frequently within than between its countries. The 
disobedience of some rulers to the Emperor shook the theories 
of those who took dreams for realities hardly more than did 
the disobedience of a knot of heretics to the Pope.' ^ 

The idea of a universal monarchy ordained by Divine wisdom is 
reflected in a letter addressed by Petrarch to the Roman people. 

* When was there ever such peace, such tranquillity, such 
justice,- such honour paid to virtue, such rewards distributed to 
the good and punishments to the bad, when was ever the state 
so wisely guided, as in the time when the world had obtained 
one head, and that head Rome ; the very time wherein God 
deigned to be bom of a virgin and dwell upon earth. To every 
single body there has been given a head ; the whole world there- 
fore also, which is called by the poet a great body, ought to be 
content with one temporal head. For every two-headed animal 
is monstrous ; how much more horrible and hideous a portent 
must be a creature with a thousand different heads, biting and 
fighting against one another ! If, however, it is necessary that 
there be more heads than one, it is nevertheless evident that there 
ought to be one to restrain all and preside over all, that so the • 
peace of the whole body may abide unshaken. Assuredly both in 
heaven and in earth the sovereignty of one has always been best.' ^ 

* Bryce, Tlie Holy Homan Empire, p. 500. ^ Jll^l p, 266. 


^^P- NOTE D 


See page Lecky testifies to the hold which theocratic ideas still had on 

public opinion in England up to the close of the seventeenth 
century. ' The doctrine of non-resistance in its extreme form 
was taught in the Homilies of the Church, embodied in the oath 
of allegiance, in the corporation oath of Charles II., and in the 
declaration prescribed by the Act of Uniformity, enrolled by 
great Anglican casuists among the leading tenets of Christianity, 
and persistently enforced from the pulpit. It had become, as 
a later bishop truly said, " the distinguishing character of the 
Church of England." At a time when the Constitution was 
still luiformed, when every institution of freedom and every 
bulwark a^nst despotism was continually assailed, the authorized 
religious teachers of the nation were incessantly inculcating this 
doctrine, and it may probably be said without exaggeration that 
it occupied a more prominent position in the preaching and the 
literature of the Anglican Church than any other tenet in the 
whole compass of theology. Even Burnet and Tillotson, who 
* were men of unquestionable honesty, and who subsequently 
took a conspicuous part on the side of the Revolution, when 
attending Russell in his last hours, had impressed upon him in 
the strongest manner the duty of accepting the doctrine of .the 
absolute unlawfulness of resistance, and had clearly intimated 
that if he did not do so they could feel no confidence in his 
salvation. The clergy who attended Monmouth at his execution 
told him he could not belong to the Church of England unless 
he acknowledged it. The University of Cambridge in 1679, 
and the University of Oxford on the occasion of the death of 
Russell, authoritatively proclaimed it, and the latter university 
consigned the leading Whig writings in defence of freedom to 
the flames, and prohibited all students from reading them. The 
immense popularity which the miracle of the royal touch had 
acquired, indicated only too faithfully the blind and passionate 
loyalty of the time : nor was there any other period in English 
history in which the spirit of independence and the bias in favour 
of freedom which had long characterized the English people 
were so little shown as in the years that followed the Restoration. 
. . . Had the old dynasty adhered to the national faith, its 
position would have been impregnable, and in the existing dis- 
position of men's minds it was neither impossible nor improbable 
that the free institutions of England would have shared the fate 
. of those of Spain, of Italy, and of France. Most happily for the 
country, a bigoted Catholic, singularly destitute both of the tact 
and sagacity of a statesman, and of the qualities that win the 
affection of a people, mounted the throne, devoted all the 


energies of his nature and all the resources of his position to CHAP, 
extending the religion most hateful to his people, attacked with I 

a strange fatuity the very Church on whose teaching the 
monarchical enthusiasm mainly rested, and thus drove the most 
loyal of his subjects into violent opposition. . . . The doctrine 
of the indefeasible right of the legitimate sovereign, and of the 
absolute sinfulness of resistance, was in the eyes of the great 
majority of Englishmen the cardinal principle of political 
morality, and a blind, unqualified, unquestioning loyalty was 
the strongest and most natural form of political enthusiasm. 
This was the real danger to English liberty. Until this tone of 
thought and feeling was seriously modified, free institutions 
never could take root, and even after the intervention of William 
it was quite possible, and in the eyes of most Englishmen 
eminently desirable, that a Government should have been estab- 
lished so nearly legitimate as to receive the support of this 
enthusiasm — the consecration of this belief/ ^ 

In Prussia the belief in Divine right was as vigorous as ever 
in the first half of the nineteenth century. * To the nobles and 
peasants, criticism of, or opposition to, the Ring had in it some- 
thing of sacrilege ; the words " by the Grace of God " added to 
the royal title were more than an empty phrase. Society was 
still organized on the old patriarchal basis : at the bottom was 
the peasant; above him was the gnddiger Herr;^ above him, 
Unser allergnddigste Herr ^ the King, who lived in Berlin ; and 
above him, the Herr Gott^ in Heaven.** A German electorate 
when appealed to by the Crown has usually supported the 
monarch against their own representatives. This explains (what 
Englishmen find it so difficult to understand) why German 
legislatures have never, as in all communities of British origin, 
obtained control of the executive. 

The political creed of Bismarck had, as Mr. Headlam shows, 
its roots in theocratic ideas. ' It is not at first apparent what 
necessary connection there is between monarchical government 
and Christian faith. For Bismarck they were ever inseparably 
bound together ; nothing but religious belief would have recon- 
ciled him to a form of government so repugnant to natural 
human reason. " If I were not a Christian, I would be a 
Republican,'' he said many years later ; in Christianity he found 
the only support against revolution and socialism. He was not 
the man to be beguiled by romantic sentiment ; he was not a 
courtier to be blinded by the pomp and ceremony of royalty ; 
be was too stubborn and independent to acquiesce in the arbi- 
trary rule of a single man. He could only obey the king if the 
king himself held his authority as the representative of a higher 

^ Lecky, History of England in the Eighteenth Century , vol. i. pp. 10-14. 
^ Gracious Lord. ' Our all-Gracioui Lord the King. 

* Lord God. ' Headlam, Bismarekf p. 13. 


CHAP power. Bismarck was accustomed to follow out his thought to 
I its conclusions. To whom did the King owe his power 1 There 

was only one alternative : to the people or to God. If to the 
people, then it was a mere question of convenience whether the 
monarchy were continued in form ; there was little to choose 
between a constitutional monarchy where the king was appointed 
by the people and controlled by Parliament, and an avowed 
republic. This was the principle held by nearly all his con- 
temporaries. He deliberately rejected it He did not hold that 
the voice of the people was the voice of God. This belief did 
not satisfy his moral sense ; it seemed in public life to leave all 
to interest and ambition and nothing to duty. It did not 
satisfy his critical intellect ; the word " people " was to him a 
vague idea. The service of the people or of the King by the 
Grace of God, this was the struggle which was soon to be fought 
out' 1 

It is this conception of government which underlies a speech 
which Bismarck addressed to the Prussian Chamber in 1848. 
'The strife of principles which during this year has shattered 
Europe to its foundations is one in which no compromise is 
possible. They rest on opposite bases. The one draws its law 
from what is called the will of the people, in truth, however, 
from the law of the strongest on the barricades. The other 
rests on authority created by God, an authority by the grace of 
God, and seeks its development in organic connection with the 
existing and constitutional legal status. . . . The decision on 
these principles will come not by Parliamentary debate, not by 
majorities of eleven votes ; sooner or later the God who directs 
the battle will cast his iron dice.'^ The tradition which in- 
spired these words was not Teutonic but Eoman, and not in 
truth Roman but Oriental. Indeed we have the authority of a 
German historian for believing that Frederick William, the 
monarch whom Bismarck served at this time, actually regarded 
himself, like a Hebrew King, as the mouthpiece of Divine 
commands. 'The royal crown seemed to him surrounded by 
a mystic radiance, which became for him who wore it the source 
of a divine inspiration not vouchsafed to other mortals. He 
said once, in 1844, to Bunsen : ''You all mean well by me, and 
are very skilful in executing plans ; but there are certain things 
that no one but a king can know, which I myself did not know 
when I was Crown Prince, and have perceived only since I 
became King." ' ^ Many of the speeches of his great nephew, 
the present Emperor of Germany, have been distinctly tinged 
by the same idea, e,g, his speech at the unveiling of the 
Coligny statue at Wilhelmshaven on October 19, 1912. 'I 

^ Headlam, Bismarck^ pp. 31-32. * Ibid, p. 58. 

^ Quoted from Pretiss. Jahrhudier^ iv. vol. 63, p. 528 in Von Sybel's The 
Foujiding of the Oerman Empire, vol. i. pp. 113-114. 


hope then that this statue maj give each of you who passes OHAP. 
by, young and old, strength and vigour on his path through I 

lUe, and that each of you may be minded to remain loyal, 
body and soul, to his King and may remember that he will 
be ready to do that only if he remains loyal to his Heavenly 

But perhaps the crudest expression which the theocratic idea 
has ever received in modem times was on the morrow of the 
battle of Waterloo, when the leading powers of continental 
Europe leagued themselves in the 'Holy Alliance 'and announced 
' that they " in consequence of the great events (those leading to 
the defeat of Napoleon) . . . and of the blessings which it has 
pleased Divine Providence to shed upon those states . . . declare 
solemnly, that the present act has no other object than to show 
. . . their unwavering determination to adopt for the only rule 
of their conduct . . . the precepts of their holy religion, the 
precepts of justice, of charity, and of peace. . . ."* Considering 
themselves "only the members of one Christian nation'' they looked 
upon themselves as "delegated by Providence to govern three 
branches of the same family, to wit: Austria, Prussia, and Eussia." 
They confessed that there was really no other sovereign than 
" Him to whom alone power belongs of rights" etc. The title of 
the league is derived from the closing paragraph of the treaty 
(September 26, 1815) : — 

* " Article III. — ^All powers which wish solemnly to profess 
the sacred principles which have delegated this act, and who 
shall acknowledge how important it is to the happiness of nations, 
too long disturbed, that these truths shall henceforth exercise 
upon human destinies all the influence which belongs to them, 
shall be received with as much readiness as affection, into this 
Holy Alliance." 

' Into this combination France, Spain, Naples, and Sardinia 
entered. ... At Verona the allies signed a secret treaty 
(November 22, 1822) to which only the names of Metternich, 
Chateaubriand, Bemstet (Prussia), and Nesselrode appear. The 
first two articles of this instrument are of especial interest. 

' " The undersigned, specially authorized to make some 
additions to the treaty of the Holy Alliance, after having 
exchanged their respective credentials, have agreed as follows : — 

* " Article I. — The high contracting powers, being convinced 
that the system of representative government is equally as 
incompatible with the monarchical principles as the maxim of 
the sovereignty of the people with the divine right, engage 
mutually, in the most solemn manner, to use all their efforts 
to put an end to the system of representative governments, in 
whatever country it may exist in Europe, and to prevent its 
being introduced in those countries where it is not yet known. 

* " Article II. — As it cannot be doubted that the liberty of 


CHAP, the press is the most 'powerful means used by the pretended 
^ supporters of the rights of nations, to the detriment of those 
Princes, the high contracting parties promise reciprocally to 
adopt all proper measures to suppress it^ not only in their own 
states, but also in the rest of Europe." ' ^ 

^ Henderson, Amgriean JHplomalic Questiane, pp. S07, 308, 814. 



When the great body of the German people first chap. 
attained their national unity in 1870, their kinsmen, s^.^^^.,,^ 
by whom Britain had been colonized in the dark ages, Teutonic 


had already been united for eight centuries. State- atuined 
hood, not anarchy, is the road to freedom, and only deveiop-*^* 
when it has been reached can the principle of the EnffLnd 
commonwealth begin to be realized. Hence it was instead of 
in the island and not on the mainland that the *""■"'""• 
instinct of freedom which is implicit in the customs 
of the Germanic race first developed that principle. 
This, however, was in no way due to any special 
merit of the tribes which invaded Britain but only 
to the insular character of their new home. In 
Greece the states had grown up behind mountain 
walls. The straits which separated England from the 
Continent, secluded there, as by a moat, a section of 
Grermanic people not too large to develop a social 
will which they could use as the actuating principle 
of their government. 'In all ages and among all 
changes of inhabitants the insular character of Britain 
has been one of the ruling facts of its history. Its 
people, of whatever race or speech, whatever their 
political condition at home or their political relation 
to other countries, have been above all things pre- 
eminently islanders. This must be borne in mind 
through the whole of British history. We are not 
dealing with Celts, Romans, Teutons simply as such, 



CHAP, but with Celts, Romans, Teutons, modified by the fact 
'^ that they dwelled in a great island, which was cut oflF 
in many ways from 'the rest of the world, and which 
acted in many things as a separate world of itsel£' ^ 
Their The Tcutouic tribes which invaded Britain in the 

situation third and fourth centuries were almost entirely free 
protected f^^^ ^^ie influence of Rome.' To what extent they 
Teutonic spared and assimilated the Romanized Britons can 

conquerors + . i ' i in i 

of Britain ncver bc asccrtamcd and would not greatly concern 
Romanizing the present inquiry if it could. That Roman civiliza- 
inftuence. ^-^j^^ ^^^ displaced by the custom, language, and 

religion of the Germanic invaders is the really 

important fact and one which is fortunately beyond 

dispute. *A germ of political and social life was 

brought into Britain which, changing from generation 

to generation but never itself exchanged for any 

other system, borrowing from foreign sources but 

assimilating what it borrowed with its own essence, 

changing its outward shape but abiding untouched 

in its true substance, has lived and grown through 

fourteen hundred years into the law, the constitution, 

the social being of England.' * But the roads which 

the Romans had built remained long after their 

civilization was blotted out and exercised a certain 

unifying influence on the Saxon conquerors. In 

Ireland as in Germany the growth of statehood in 

the dark ages was choked for want of those physical 

arteries with which her engineers had equipped the 

provinces of Rome. 

Failure of In spitc of this advantage, however, the Teutonic 

to untte"^ invaders of Britain may be described no less than 

Eng^jn^i their kinsmen in Germany as * singularly capable of 

drifted entering into new combinations ; singularly liable to 

feudaUsm. be United and dissolved in short-lived confederations.' 

It was only when in the ninth century they had 

* Freeman, ' History of England/ Bncy. Brit, 10th ed. vol. Tiii. p. 264. 
2 Ibid. p. 266. « Ibid, pp. 276-277. 


to face a further invasion of their Norse kinsmen that chap. 
some kind of * unity began to be forced on England. 
* The first half of the tenth century gave the West- 
Saxon kings a position in Britain such as no English 
kings of any kingdom had held before them. 
Dominant in their own island, claiming and, when- 
ever they could, exercising a supremacy over the 
other princes of the island, their position in the island 
world of Britain was analogous to the position of the 
Western emperors in continental Europe. It was in 
fact an imperial position. As such it was marked by 
the assumption of the imperitj title, monarcha^ 
imperator, hasileus, Augustus ^ and even Caesar. 
These titles were meant at once to assert the imperial 
supremacy of the English kings within their own 
world, and to deny any supremacy over Britain on 
the part of either of the lords of the continental 
world. When we remember that some, both of the 
Teutonic and Celtic princes of Britain, had been the 
men of Charles the Great, the denial of all supremacy 
in the Caesars of the mainland was not needless. 
Indeed that denial was formally made over and over 
again at various times down to the reign of Henry 
VIII. ... If the king of the English was looked on 
as the emperor of another world, the primate of all 
England was also looked on, and was sometimes 
directly spoken of, as the Pope of another world.' ^ 
But as in Europe so in England disunion dogged the 
footsteps of the Teutonic race. The Saxons never 
finally established the principle of one paramount 
authority for all citizens of all degrees. As a natural 
consequence life and property were never really secure, 
and the contractual principle of feudalism began to 
obtain a hold over English society. 

It was William the Conqueror who laid the 

* Freeman, ' History of England/ Ency, Brit. lOth ed. vol. viii. pp. 284- 
285, 295. 


CHAP, foundations of statehood in England. He, through 
^^^^^^^^^^ the native vigour of his character, and his minister 
How Lanfranc through his training in the law-schools of 


the ^*°^ Pavia, had grasped, as the Germanic Emperors never 
Conqueror grrasped, the esscutial principle of Roman government. 

imposed or' r r o 

statehood ' When Domesday was finished in 1086, William 
England, gathered all the landowners of his kingdom, great 
and small, whether his tenants-in -chief or the tenants 
of an intermediate lord, and made them all become 
his men. No one act in English history is more 
important than this. ... It established the principle 
that, whatever duty a man might owe to any inferior 
lord, his duty to his sovereign lord the king came 
first. When this rule was once established, the 
mightiest earl in England could never be to William 
what William himself was to his own lord, the king 
of the French. . . . The notion that William intro- 
duced a " feudal system " into England is a delusion 
which shows utter ignorance, both of the position of 
William and of the general history of Europe. If by 
a "feudal system" is meant the state of things in 
Germany and Gaul — a state of things in which every 
great vassal became a rival to the king — Willianj took 
direct care that no such " feudal system " should ever 
be introduced into his kingdom. But if by a " feudal 
system" is meant merely the holding of land by 
military tenure subject to the burthens of reliefs, 
wardships, marriage, and the like, though William 
certainly did not introduce such a " system " ready- 
made, yet the circumstances of his reign did much to 
promote the growth of that kind of tenure, and of 
the whole class of ideas connected with it. Such 
tendencies were already growing in England, and his 
coming strengthened them. Under him the doctrine 
that all land is a grant from the crown became a 
fact. . . . The doctrine that a man was hound to 
follow his immediate lord had destroyed the roycd 


power in other lands. William, hy making himself chap. 
<Ae immediate lord of all his subjectSy turned that 
doctrine into the strongest support of his crown. . . . 
Justice became more centralized in EDgland than 
anywhere else. All the weightier causes came to be 
tried either in the king's own courts or by judges 
immediately commissioned by him. The local chiefs 
gave way to the king's representatives. . . . Teutonic 
notions of right and common sense were never wholly 
driven out.' ^ 

William thus began by asserting his claim to the Factors 
obedience of every Englishman irrespective of rank or Noman 
position. Apart from deliberate policy the Couquest ^^kin^"for 
had other features which helped to impose statehood unity. 
on England. The dialects of Saxon spoken in various 
districts were so different as to require translation 
before they could be mutually understood. England 
was, therefore, at the Conquest, for practical purposes, 
a country of many tongues. Th^ Normans, though 
Teutons by race, spoke French, and imposed it on 
the country as the official language, which, strange 
as it may seem, tended to unify England as a simUar 
use of English itself is tending to unify India. That 
the Saxons should absorb their Teutonic invaders was 
inevitable. But the diflference in language delayed 
the process, and held the Normans together long 
enough to act as a roller, and solidify the conquered 
race. Their temporary aloofness did for England 
what Crown Colony government has done for some 
of the Dominions. 

As with their cousins in Germany, however, the Develop- 
disturbed conditions of the Continent had prevented saTon law 
the Normans from producing a law of their own. jn^erthe 

•*■ ^ Normans 

1 Freeman, 'History of England,' Bn&y. Brit, 10th ed. vol. viii. pp. 295, tagenets. 
296, 298, 299. The italics are not the author's. Later historians aiQ dis- 
posed 4x) minimise the importance of the Salisbury gathering and of the oath 
there administered. See Davis, England under the Normans aivd Angevins^ 
p. 37. 


CHAP. The English, on the other hand, were the one branch 
" of the Teutonic race which had developed their 
native customs into a legal system, and this was 
adopted by William's son, Henry L, as the law of 
the land. But, as on the Continent, the Barons 
undertook to interpret and enforce the law, each 
for himself in his own manner, so that his vassals 
might regard him rather than the King as the 
dispenser of justice and source of authority. The 
weakness of Stephen had almost undone the work 
of William the Conqueror when Henry II. came to 
the throne and by means of his legal reforms placed 
it on a surer footing than ever. This he accomplished 
by establishing a system of Royal justice which was 
intrinsically better than that of the Barons. In 
questions affecting possession or the title of lands, 
he substituted trial by jury for the barbarous ordeal 
of battle which obtained in manorial courts. Justice 
was administered in his own court which was con- 
stantly on the move. But in order to bring his 
justice to the people's door, instead of waiting for 
them to come to his own, he sent his judges through- 
out the country, and in places they held no less 
than four assizes a year. He saw, moreover, that 
their judgments were duly enforced, and so popular 
did their jurisdiction become, that in 1305 the 
Northern counties, which always tended to stand 
aloof, petitioned the King for more frequent assizes. 
The King's justice won on its merits, and was sought 
in preference to that of the Barons. Henry II. 
thus established in the hearts of his people the 
principle initiated by his grandfather, that every 
Englishman should look to the King, and not as in 
Germany to some local princeling, as the sovereign 
authority to whom his allegiance was due. The 
native law of England flourished under his hand, 
and that English instead of Eoman law is now being 


administered at Melbourne, Vancouver, and San chap. 
Francisco, is due to the obscure assizes of the first .^^^^^^^^^ 
Plantagenet. Edward I. completed his work by 
making the King's writ run through every part of 
his realm but Ireland, that tragic exception to every 
phase in the growth of the English Commonwealth. 
The attitude which Englishmen developed towards 
their government is accurately expressed in the 
phrase 'Every subject's duty is the King's, but 
every subject's soul is his own.' ^ Throughout the 
Empire the terms * King ' or * Crown ' are now used 
as the legal equivalent of the * State.' So modified, 
the formula is one which Socrates himself would 
have accepted as expressing his own relation to the 
commonwealth of Athens. 

The result was that the primitive Teutonic idea, Develop- 
that every man has his value, flourished and grew ^f\"he 
to be one of the two great systems of civilized law. snpremacy 

o J of law as 

The notion, which Socrates held so strongly, that thcdistin- 
the ultimate obedience of the subject is due to law mark^of 
and not to any individual, was rapidly developed gtitiitionfl. 
in the English mind, and 'the rule, predominance, 
or supremacy of law' became *the distinguishing 
characteristic of English institutions.' ^ By the reign 
of Henry VI. it had become a maxim of the English 
courts that 'the law is the supreme inheritance of 
the King: for by the law he himself and all his 
subjects are governed, and without the law neither 
King nor inheritance would exist.' ^ And this maxim 
was no empty phrase. Time and again, kings like 
the Stuarts, parliaments like that which imprisoned 
Wilkes, or ministries like those which in recent 
years assumed the right to collect taxes before they 
were voted, have sought to ignore or evade it.* But 

* Henry V., Act I v. Sc. i. 

» Dicey, TU Law oftht OonatUtUion, p. 183. » Ibid. p. 179. 

* See Note B at end of this chapter, p. 121. 


CHAP, in the end the supremacy of law has always been 
^^„^^^ vindicated by the courts, and confinned as the vital 
and distinguishing mark of British civilization. It 
is the corner-stone of the constitution upon which 
government throughout the Empire is baaed. It 
means in the first place that British subjects are 
ruled by laws and not by men. The law is above 
the ruler, and it is by virtue of the law alone that 
he rules. A British subject may be punished for 
breach of law but for nothing else. It means equality 
before the law, which is one and the same for all 
men. It 'excludes the idea of any exemption of 
officials or others from the duty of obedience to the 
law which governs other citizens, or &om the juris- 
diction of the ordinary tribunals. . . . The notion 
which lies at the bottom of the " administrative law " 
known to foreign countries is, that affairs or disputes 
in which the government or its servants are concerned 
are beyond the sphere of the civil courts, and must 
be dealt with by special and mote or less official 
bodies.' ' The continental idea of administrative law 
is fundamentally at variance with English traditions 
and customs. 
Tiie Dicey, in his work on the Law of the Constitution 

cTi^utu. (&om which the above quotations are made), goes 
the" ro'"^ on to poiut out that all the main principles of the 
JuctofihB British Constitution rest upon the supremacy of law. 
^n^reniaoy j^ ^ geries of chapters he shows how personal freedom, 
ort^u*""^* the rights of discussion and of public meeting, the 
the rights and duties of the army, 
izpenditure of public revenue, and 
it ministeia, are ultimately based 
e ordinary courts of law.^ 'An 
imarks, ' naturally imagines that 
I the sense in which we are now 
a trait common to all civilized 

yommvtim, p. 108.  Ibid. |). 190. 


societies.' But this supposition is erroneous. . . . chap. 
It is even now far from universally true that in ^^^.^ 
continental countries all persons are subject to one 
and the same law, or that the courts are supreme 
throughout the state.' * This failure to recognize the 
distinguishing feature of their own institutions which 
this author remarks in the mother country is, if any- 
thing, more noteworthy in the oversea DominionSi 
owing to their distance from the continent of Europe. 
And yet the issues in the long struggle between 
Britain and Europe for the control of the new 
continents opened by the labours of Henry the 
Navigator cannot be understood unless the signifi- 
cance of this principle is realized. Without it the 
place which the British Empire has filled in the world 
cannot possibly be grasped. The extract from the 
Law of the Constitution appended to this chapter is 
particularly instructive upon this point, but a study 
of the book itself will repay the labour of any reader 
who is not aheady acquainted with it.^ 

The common authority which the English were Tranaferof 
learning to obey was a body of principles, and not of c£mg' 
the will of an individual. At the same time they j^^f^m 
were acquiring the faculty, which the people of the Grown 
Athens had exercised through their ecclesia, of people, 
moulding those principles in accordance with their 
own experience. The function of changing old laws 
and of making new ones was, indeed, passing from 
the successors of William the Conqueror to the people 
themselves. From the point of view of the present 
inquiry this transfer of sovereignty had consequences 
which were all-important; and to understand these 
consequences it is necessary to see how the transfer 
was made. 

When the Saxon invaders settled on the lands 

' Dicey, The Law of the Consiitutionj p. 190. 
' See Kote A ftt end of this chapter, p. 108. 


CHAP, which they had won they retained and reproduced 
^^^^.^^^^^^ to a very large extent the primitive organization 
Primitive which Tacitus had encountered in GermaJiy. A 
fn rxrn^ habit of consultation between the chief and the 
fiTl^te^ men of his tribe, was, as Tacitus shows, prescribed 
effect on by the primitive customs of the race. In Saxon 
Norman England this habit was widely recognized and obeyed. 
monarchy. (Government in the boroughs was conducted by an 
assembly of the inhabitants called the borough-moot, 
presided over by a reeve. The smallest unit of rural 
government was the township, and the freemen who 
cultivated the landa within the district assembled in 
the town-moot to conduct its local a£fairs. The next 
largest area was the hundred, a district supposed to 
contain a hundred families, the heads of which could 
meet to discuss their local affairs with the reeve. 
These were assemblies of a kind which the Americans 
would call primaries, and in principle resembled the 
ecclesia of Athens. Finally the local organization 
of England assumed approximately its modern form 
in the ninth and tenth centurie& The little king- 
doms of the south, consolidated under the rule of 
Wessexi became units of local government, while 
the reconquest of the Danelaw by the House of 
Alfred further extended the division of the country 
into shires. The folk-moot of Tacitus, which decided 
questions of peace suid war, is to be found in the 
shire-moot, presided over by the ealdorman, which 
was in theory an assembly of the freemen of the 
shire. While, during Saxon times, the demo- 
cratic spirit of the Teutons declined before the 
encroachments of feudalism, it was of inunense 
importance that the democratic forms remained. 
The representative system sprang directly from these 
ancient forms of local government, survivals of the 
Saxon conquest, which, when combined with the 
Norman institution of juries, prepared the way for 


popular representation in a national assembly. The chap. 
juries of id quest and assessment elaborated into a v,...,,^^^.^ 
definite system by Henry 11. were elected in these 
ancient courts and contained the germ of national 
representation. Great as was their importance from 
the purely legal point of view, their political import- 
ance was even greater. The reeve and four men who 
assessed their neighbours' property, and formed an 
elected committee with purely local duties, prepared 
the way for representatives of the electors with the 
task of assenting to or refusing the financial demands 
of the King. But while tiie folk-moots of the 
tribal age became the shire-moots of the Saxon 
Kingdom, the witanagemots, the assemblies of chiefs 
described by Tacitus, were absorbed into one body, 
attached to the person of the King. When Egbert 
consolidated the Heptarchy into one kingdom, his 
witan was no more than an aristocratic council of 
state which failed altogether to satisfy the national 
tradition of popular government. It failed, therefore, 
to give any real unity to England, and consequently 
it was upon a congeries of loosely connected com- 
munities that statehood was forcibly imposed by 
the sword of William the Conqueror. After his 
death the reviving power of the feudal lords led 
Henry L to court an alliance with the people, in 
porsuauoe whereof he restored to them the Saxon 
laws. Their common danger was illustrated by the 
anarchy of the following reign, when Stephen proved 
too weak to curb the power of his nobles. 

Thereafter, the restoration of the 'good laws of principle 
King Edward the Confessor' was the favourite ^„te^t5on. 
promise of a new king, and in this way the ita growth 
Plantagenets followed the example of Henry L in Pianta- 
paying unconscious homage to the principle of ^^^^ 
government by assent. No vestige, however, of 
popular government had yet reappeared. The 


CHAP. Common Council was a purely feudal body, a 
^^^^^ gathering of nobles and bishops, the tenants in chief 
of the King. In 1215 it was ordained in Magna 
Carta that no new taxation should be imposed 
except by the Common Council of the realm, the 
constitution of which was defined. The nobles and 
bishops were to be personally summoned to it by the 
King, and the lesser tenants in chief by a general 
writ issued through the sheriff. But the crucial 
step was taken in the next reign when Simon de 
Montfort, supported by the towns, clergy, universities, 
and large numbers of the commonalty, overthrew 
the King at Lewes and proclaimed a new constitution. 
He summoned to the Common Council not only 
the nobles and the bishops, but also two burgesses 
from every town and two knights from every shire. 
Simon de Montfort was defeated and slain by Edward 
I. at the battle of Evesham. But the principles 
of the rebel earl survived him and prevailed over 
the victor himself, who in 1295 summoned to the 
* model parliament' two burgesses from each city, 
borough, and leading town, and from every shire 
two knights, chosen by the freeholders at the shire 
Importance In the history of the Commonwealth there is no 
iMuedV document of greater importance than the summons 
Edward I. issued bv Edward I. to the sheriflF of Northampton- 
summoning shirc, which reads as follows : * The King to the 
tivesT<r SheriflF of Northamptonshire. Since we intend to 
Parliament. ^^"^^ a cousultatiou and meeting with the earls, 
barons, and other principal men of our kingdom with 
regard to providing remedies against the dangers 
which are in these days threatening the same king- 
dom : and on that account have commanded them 
to be with us on the Lord's Day next after the 
feast of St. Martin in the approaching winter, at 
Westminster, to consider, ordain, and do as may be 


necessary for the avoidance of these dangers : we chap. 
strictly require you to cause two knights from the v,.^,.,.^^.,,^ 
aforesaid county, two citizens from each city and 
two burgesses from each borough, of those who are 
especially discreet and capable of labouring, to be 
elected without delay, and cause them to come to 
us at the aforesaid time and place. Moreover^ the 
said knights are to have full and sufficient power 
for themselves and for the community of the afore- 
said county^ and the said citizens and burgesses 
for themselves and the communities of the aforesaid 
cities and boroughs separately^ there and then^ 
for doing what shall then be ordained according 
to the Common Council in the premises^ so that 
the aforesaid business shall not remain unfinished 
in any way for defect of this power. And you 
shall have there the names of the knights, citizens, 
and burgesses, and this writ.' 

The document is one that bears on its face the Trae 
stamp of a mind in touch with realities. Its author ^ re°pre? 
recognized that he was dealing with a people who ^^'tts^^ 
must be identified with their own government before ^onse- 
they could be prepared generously to contribute effect on 
to its maintenance. For their ruler to meet and ml^toi 
address them in accordance with ancient practice ^^® 

* common- 

had long been impossible, and he called upon them, wealth. 

therefore, to send representatives, no more than 

could assemble in one place, to consider, assent to, or 

refuse the supplies which he deemed necessary for 

the public safety. But while bowing to the national 

instincts, he studiously insisted on the only condition 

by which they could be reconciled with the actual 

necessities of government, and warned his subjects 

that they must expect to be committed by their 

delegates no less than if they themselves had been 

present. The delegates were told in advance that 

they must come prepared, not only to discuss the 

• ! .'. 

• • « 


, • ' - • • 

• • • 


OHAP. affairs of the realm, but to settle them ; and farther, 

that they must regard themselves and their con- 
stituents as bound by the settlement. For they and 
their electors were from first to last one, and there 
could in the end be but one government for them all. 
This indeed was the final condition of statehood, 
the only foundation upon which the commonwealth 
could rest. 

Edward I. was no politician versed in the art of 
evading or veiling issues, but a statesman who went 
out to meet them. The plenary power of the deputy 
to commit his constituents is the essence of repre- 
sentation, and it was in this that the Parliaments 
henceforward established in England difi'ered from 
the Synod of Delos and the Diet of the Holy Boman 
Empire. An idea had been realized in the machinery 
of an actual government which made it possiWe, 
even in that rude age, for a community, vastly too 
great to listen to the voice of a single orator, to 
formulate the general will in terms precise enough 
to become the actuating principle of its government. 

No sooner was Parliament assembled than the 
men t*of its inhabitants of the towns and counties b^an to use 
the burgesses and knights they had sent to it, as 
vehicles for petitions to the King, asking for the 
removal of abuses, and also demanding changes in 
the law. Before granting supplies required by the 
King, Parliament adopted the habit of awaiting his 
reply to such petitions until he was pledged to adminis- 
trative and legal reforms demanded by public opinion. 
In 1322 a statute was issued by the King declaring 
that ' the matters to be established for the estate of 
the King and of his heirs, and for the estate of the 
realm and of the people, should be treated, accorded, 
and established in Parliament, by the King, and by 
the assent of the prelates, earls, and barons, and the 
community of the realm, according as had been before 


right to 
alter the 


aoeustomed/ A further step waa taken when, in 1327, ohap. 
Edward 11. waa depoBed, and Parliament assumed the ^^^^^ 
right of appointing his son, Edward III., to reign 
in his place. Whenever his BQceesaors might olaim, 
as they afterwards did, to rest their authority on 
divine right, the Fing1ii>vh people could henceforward 
point to a monarch whose right to reign was founded 
expressly on the popular will In the reign of 
Edward IIL it came to be recognized that no altera^ 
tion in the law was to be made by the King on his 
own authority and without the consent of Parlia- 

The exclusive right of the people to alter the law How thia 
was thus established in principle. But as Dicey nndereT 
shows it was characteristic of the English to place effective. 
but little value on principles until they had secured a 
machinery for giving effect to them in practice. To 
begin with, the Parliaments, were content to vote 
supplies as soon as the King had assented to their 
petitions, leaving it to him to give effect to his 
promises. When the King had agreed to change the 
laws or make new ones, statutes were framed by ihe 
judges and enrolled by his authority after the Parlia- 
ment had been prorogued. But it was often found that 
the new statutes differed in material respects from 
the petitions of Parliament actually granted by the 
King. Henry V. promised ' that nothing should be 
enacted to the petitions of the commons, contrary to 
their asking, whereby they should be bound without 
their assent.' But so long aa the actual statute was 
not framed until Parliament had been prorogued 
there could be no security against abuse.. In the 
reign of Henry YL Parliament therefore adopted the 
plan of attaching to their petition a draft of the law 
which they desired the King to enact. This draft or 
bill became the subject of discussion in Parliament 
before it was submitted to the King, and in these dis- 


CHAP, cusfiions was developed a method of translating public 
opinion into law which has become the basis of 
parliamentary procedure throughout the civilized 
world. Since the reign of Queen Anne no sovereign 
has ventured to withhold assent from any bill pre- 
sented by Parliament, so that the power of altering 
the law has finally passed from the Crown to the 
representatives of the peopla With the single ex- 
ception of the veto this transfer of sovereignty had 
been effected in principle by the reign of Henry VI. 
In the fifteenth century, however, Parliamentary 
government had outgrown its strength. It had 
succeeded in weakening the authority of the crown 
without being strong enough to replace it with the 
authority of Parliament. A new feudalism arose, 
more dangerous than any other that had hitherto 
subsisted in England. Constitutional development 
was summarily checked by the Wars of the Roses, 
a series of dreary dynastic struggles lasting nearly to 
the dose of the century. When Henry VII. won the 
Crown on Bosworth field he was faced with a position 
not dissimilar from that with which Henry II. had had 
to cope more than three centuries before. The popular 
despotism of the Tudors was the prelude to the con- 
stitutional development which took place under the 
Stuarts, and which drew its inspiration very largely 
from the precedents set by the earlier movement 
which began with de Montfort's Parliament and ended 
with the fall of Henry VI. The victory of Parliament 
in the Great Rebellion was followed by a military 
dictatorship, but neither that nor the Restoration of 
Charles II. could obliterate the lessons which had 
been learnt in the school of Hampden and Pym. 
With the expulsion of James II. firom the kingdom 
the throne was established once more on a parlia- 
mentary title, and the doctrine of divine right re- 
vived by the Tudors and Stuarts received its final 


death-blow.^ Lord John Russell, when asked by chap. 
Queen Victoria whether he did not believe in that 
doctrine^ was able to reply, * As a loyal supporter of 
the House of Hanover I am obliged to tell your 
Majesty that I do not' 

The exclusive right of altering the law was thus Difficulties 
transferred, step by step, from the Crown to the f^"par- 
representatives of the people. But even when }jjj.™°/' 
Parliament had asserted the right to frame the very power to 
words in which new laws were enacted, it still found execution 
that the control which it exercised over national i^tmade*^' 
affairs was extremely limited, so long as the duty 
of executing the law remained with the King. Laws, 
especially those granting money (and they are the 
most important laws of all) can at best declare the 
will of the community in general terms. Without 
any violation of their letter such laws may be 
executed in different ways, and different policies 
may be involved in their execution, according to the 
disposition of the executive entrusted with the. task. 
It was only in the nature of things that the policy 
of the King should at times differ from that which 
Parliament or the nation would have preferred, and 
in such cases the only remedy open to Parliament 
was to refuse to vote supplies until their wishes were 
observed. But a control which can only be exercised 
by paralysing government is a precarious control. 
It does not follow that a ship will stay where it is 
if the stokers refuse to shovel the coal until the 
navigating officer has agreed to steer the course they 
desire ; for while the controversy is proceeding the ship 
may drift on the rocks. If some such system has so 
far worked in the United States it is merely because 
it happens to be far removed from hostile shores. 

It was in order to solve this diflSculty that the 
Crown attempted in the seventeenth and eighteenth 

^ See Note D at the end of Chapter I. 




Crown to 
ment of 

centuries to recover control of the legislature, partly 
by packing the House of Commons with its own 
nominees, and partly by buying the votes of its 
members. Rotten boroughs, or sham constituencies, 
in which the electors were so few as to be amenable to 
the influence of the Crown, were created. Patronage 
and money were freely used to influence votes in 
Parliament itself. These practices were gradually 
stopped by a series of reforms which removed the 
members from the influence of the Crown, and 
rendered them more accountable to the constituencies 
which elected them. But the solution of the problem 
was only reached when the sovereign ceased to dis- 
charge the functions of the executive, and trantrferred 
them to the minister who, for the time being, was 
regarded as their leader by the majority in the 
House of Commons. Thus at last the organ of the 
general will was able not only to make the laws, but 
to determine the manner of their execution, and the 
constitutional conflict was ended. The sovereign, 
however, retained an all-important function. He still 
held the pow^ of attorney for the Commonwealth, 
by means of which, in the last resort, the nation 
could be enabled to declare whether a parliament or 
government were rightly interpreting its will. The 
prerogative of the Crown had, as Dicey declares, 
become the privileges of the people, and sovereignty 
had passed from the monarch to a popular assembly. 
The monarch had, in fact, become the hereditary 
president of a republic, and whatever her private 
views may have been on the subject of divine right, 
the momentous change was finally consummated 
by the tact and statesmanship of Queen Victoria 
hersel£ No president holding oflSice by the votes 
of a dominant party could ever identify himself so 
completely with the nation as the monarchy has 
done since Queen Victoria ascended the throne. 



Edward I. can scarcely have realized when he chap. 

issued his famous writ that he, a powerful despot, „.^.,.^^,.^^ 

was laying the foundation of commonwealths greater with each 

than the ancients had ever conceived. By the device ^ntTn 

of representation the principle of government based ^^™g"^' 

on the experience of the governed was destined to larger 

"LJiTiT 11 common- 

be rendered applicable to states more populous than wealths 

the Boman Empire. But even so its extension p^™fe. 
depended on gradual improvements in physical means 
of communication ; and it was not perhaps till the 
last half century that it became possible for the prin- 
ciple of the commonwealth to be applied to territories 
so large as those of Australia, Canada, or the present 
area of the United States. 

In the Middle Ages constituencies evaded the Edward i. 
writs whenever they could, and knights and burgesses exclude 
made pathetic attempts to avoid election. To collect ^^® . 

^ p, colonies 

m one place representatives from every part of a from the 
country no larger than England was in that rude p^ia* 
age a bold idea, and, no doubt, contemporary wise- ™°^* 
acres argued that because it was novel and difficult, it 
was therefore impossible. The event proved otherwise ; 
but if Edward had summoned representatives from 
his oversea dominions to meet him at Westminster, 
the experiment must almost certainly have failed. 

The words * oversea dominions ' suggest the remark a separate 
that the age of colonization did not begin three nTentT 
hundred years later, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, ^^^^ 
but had already begun in the reign of Henry 11. , some English 
four centuries and a half before Virginia was planted, in Ireland. 
When Edward I. summoned the model Parliament 
in 1295, the English had actually been conqyiering 
and founding colonies in Ireland for more than a 
century. But though the Plantagenets claimed sove- 
reignty over the whole island, their rule had never 
been extended beyond the English colonies, which 
clustered round the ports, to the natives themselves. 


CHAP. Their actual authority over Ireland was indeed 
scarcely greater than that exercised by James I. 
over North America. The Irish Channel was then 
more dangerous and difficult to cross than the 
Atlantic to-day, and instead of calling upon the 
colonists to send representatives to Westminster, 
Edward I. instructed his Viceroy to convene a 
separate parliament at Dublin. At the very outset, 
the fissiparous tendency, which prevented the creation 
of a national state in Greece, imposed itself on the 
man who must rank as the founder of the national 
commonwealth in the modern world. 


See page By speci&l leave of the distinguished author, which is here gratefully 

97. acknowledged, Chapter IV. of The Law of the OonstUuiion, by Prof. A. V. 

Dicey, together with its notes and references, is appended in frill. 



The Rule Two features have at all times since the Norman Conquest 
of Law. characterized the political institutions of England. 

The first of these features is the omnipotence or undisputed 
supremacy throughout the whole country of the central 
government This authority of the state or the nation was 
during the earlier periods of our history represented by the 
power of the Crown. The King was the source of law and the 
maintainer of order. The maxim of the Courts, tout fuit in luy 
et vient de lui al commencement,^ was originally the expression of 
an actual and undoubted fact. This royal supremacy has now 
passed into that sovereignty of Parliament which has formed the 
main subject of the foregoing chapters.^ 

The second of these features, which is closely connected with 
the first, is the rule or supremacy of law. This peculiarity of 
our polity is well expressed in the old saw of the Courts, ^La Uy 
est la plus haute inheritaTice, que le ray ad ; car par la ley il mSme et 
torn ses sujeis sont ruU$^ et si la ley ne fuit^ nvl roi, et nvl inheri- 
tance sera,' * 

^ Year Books, xxir. Edward III. ; cited Gneist, Englische V^erwaltungs- 
rechtf i. p. 454. 

2 See Part I. 

* Year Books, xix. Henry VI. , cited Gneist, Englisehe Vervoaltungsreckt^ 
i. p. 455. 


This supremacy of the law, or the security given under the CHAP. 
English constitution to the rights of individuals looked at from H 
various points of view, forms the subject of this part of this '*--'-v-«^^ 

Foreign obsei*vers of JBnglish manners, sueh for example as The rule 
Voltaire, De Lolme, Tocqueville, or Gneist, have been far more ^ ^*^ ^J 
struck than have Englishmen themselves with the fact that no^ced 
England is a country governed, as is scarcely any other part of by foreign 
Europe, under the rule of law ; and admiration or astonishment ooeervera. 
at the legality of English habits and feeling is nowhere better 
expressed than in a ciunous passage from Tocqueville's writings, 
which compares the Switzerland and the England of 1836 in 
respect of the spirit which pervades their laws and manners/ 

' I am not about,' he writes, ' to compare Switzerland ^ with Tocque- 
the United States, but with Great Britain. When you examine ^^* ^^ 
the two countries, or even if you only pass through them, yQu ^f respect 
perceive, in my judgment, the most astonishing differences for law in 
between them. Take it all in all, England seems to be much f'^^"'^ j 
more republican than the Helvetic Republic. The principal contrant 
differences tfre toxfnd in the institutions of the two countries, and with 
especially in their customs (moBurs). England. 

' 1. In almost all the Swiss Cantons liberty of the press is a 
very recent thing. 

' 2. In almost all of them individual liberty is by no means 
completely guaranteed, and a man may be arrested administra- 
tively and detained in prison without much formality. 

'3. The Courts have not, generally speaking, a perfectly 
independent position. 

* 4. In all the Cantons trial by jury is unknown. 

*6. In several Cantons the people were thirty-eight years 
ago entirely without political rights. Aargau, Thurgau, Tessin, 
Vaud, and parts of the Cantons of Zurich and Berne were in 
this condition. 

*The preceding observations apply even more strongly to 
customs than to institutions. 

*i. In many of the Swiss Cantons the majority of the 
citizens are quite without taste or desire for self-govemmtnt, and 
have not acquired the habit of it In any crisis they interest 
themselves about their affairs, but you never see in them the 
thirst for political rights and the craving to take part in public 
affairs which seem to torment Englishmen throughout their lives. 

* ii. The Swiss abuse the liberty of the press on account of 
its being a recent form of liberty, and Swiss newspapers are much 
more revolutumary and much less practical than English news- 

^ Many of Tooqueville's remarks are not applicable to the Switzerland of 
1902 : tl^ey refer to a period before the creation in 1848 of the Swiss Federal 


CHAP. 'iii. The Swiss seem still to look upon associations from 

n much the same point of view as the French, that is to say, thej 

^-^^'v^'^^ consider them as a means of revolution, and not as a slow and 

sure method for obtaining redress of wrongs. The art of 

associating and of making use of the right of association is but 

little understood in Switzerland. 

* iv. The Swiss do not show the love of justice which is such 
a strong characteristic of the English. Their Courts have no 
place in the political arrangements of the country, and exert 
no influence on public opinion. The love of justice, the peaceful 
and legal introduction of the judge into the domain of politics, 
are perhaps the most standing characteristics of a free people. 

' V. Finally, and this really embraces all the rest^ the Swiss 
do not show at bottom that respect for justice, that love of law, 
that dislike of using force; without which no free nation can 
exist, which strikes strangers so forcibly in England. 
' I sum up these impressions in a few words. 
' Whoever travels in the United States is involuntarily and 
instinctively so impressed with the fact that the spirit of liberty 
and the taste for it have pervaded all the habits of the 
American people, that he cannot conceive of them under any 
but a Republican government In the same way it is impossible 
to think of the English as living under any but a free govern- 
ment. But if violence were to destroy the Eepublioan institutions 
in most of the Swiss Cantons, it would be by no means certain 
that after rather a short state of transition the people would not 
grow accustomed to the loss of liberty. In the United States 
and in England there seems to be more liberty in the customs 
than in the laws of the people. In Switzerland there seems to 
be more liberty in the laws than in the customs of the country.' ^ 
Bearing of Tocqueville's language has a twofold bearing on our juresent 
Tocc^ue- topic. His words point in the clearest manner to the rule, 
remarks predominance, or supremacy of law as the distinguishing 
on mean- characteristic of English institutions. They further direct 
ingofrule attention to the extreme vagueness of a trait of national 
character which is as noticeable as it is hard to portray. 
Tocqueville, we see, is clearly perplexed how to define a feature 
of English manners of which he at once recognizes the existence ; 
he mingles or confuses together the habit of aelf-govemment, the 
love of order, the respect for justice and a legal turn of mind. 
All these sentiments are intimately allied, but they cannot with- 
out confusion be identified with each other. If, however, a 
critic as acute as Tocqueville found a difficulty in describing one 
of the most marked peculiarities of English life, we may safely 
conclude that we ourselves, whenever we talk of Englishmen as 
loving the government of law, or of the supremacy of law as 
being a characteristic of the English constitution, are using words 

^ See Tocqueville, (Euvres cmnpUtes, viii. ])p. 455-457. 


which, though they possefis a real aignificance, are nevertheless OHAP. 
to most persons who employ them full of vagueness and IK 
ambiguity. If therefore we are ever to appreciate the full '^-^v-'*^ 
import of the idea denoted by the term ' rule, supremacy, or 
predominance of law/ we must first determine precisely what we 
mean by such expressions when we apply them to the British 

When we say that the supremacy or the rule of law is a Three 
characteristic of the English constitution, we generally include ™amng8 
under one expression at least three distinct though kindred i^^^, 

We mean, in the first place, that no man is punishable or can Absence of 
be lawfully made to suffer in body or goods except for a distinct arbitrary 
breach of law established in the ordinary legal manner before ^^^ofUie 
the ordinary Courts of the land. In this sense the rule of law is govern- 
contrasted with every system of government based on the °^®'^^* 
exercise by persons in authority of wide, arbitrary, or dis- 
cretionary powers of constraint. 

Modern Englishmen may at first feel some surprise that the Contrast 
* rule of law ' (in the sense in which we are now using the term) ^®*^®®^ 
should be considered as in any way a peculiarity of English and the 
institutions, since, at the present day, it may seem to be not Continent 
so much the property of any one nation as a trait common to ^^ present 
every civilized and orderly state. Yet, even if we confine our *^' 
observation to the existing condition of Europe, we shall soon be 
convinced that the 'rule of law' even in this nisrrow sense is 
peculiar to England, or to those countries which, like the 
United States of America, have inherited English traditions. In 
almost every continental community the executive exercises 
far wider discretionary authority in the matter of arrest, of 
temporary imprisonment^ of expulsion from its territory, and the 
like, than is either legally claimed or in fact exerted by the 
government in England ; and a study of European politics now 
and again reminds English readers that wherever there is • 
discretion there is room for arbitrariness, and that in a republic 
no less than under a monarchy discretionary authority on the 
part of the government must mean insecurity for legal freedom 
on the part of its subjects. 

If, however, we confined our observation to the Europe of 
the twentieth century, we might well say that in most European 
countries the rule of law is now nearly as well established as in 
England, and that private individuals at any rata who do not 
meddle in politics have little to fear, as long as they keep the 
law, either from the Government or from any one else ; and we 
might therefore feel some difficulty in understanding how it ever 
happened that to foreigners the absence of arbitrary power on 
the part of the Crown, of the executive, and of every other 
authority in England, has always seemed a striking feature, we 




and Con- 

might almost say the essential characteristic, of the English 

Our perplexity is entirely removed by carrying back our 
minds to the time when the English constitution began to be 
criticized and admired by foreign thinkers. During the 
eighteenth century many of the continental governments were 
far from oppressive, but there was no continental country where 
men were secure from arbitrary power. The singularity of 
England was not so much the goodness or the leniency as the 
legality of the English system of government When Voltaire 
came to England — and Voltaire represented the feeling of his 
age — his predominant sentiment clearly was that he had passed 
out of the realm of despotism to a land where the laws might be 
harsh, but where men were ruled by law- and not by caprice.* 
He had good reason to know the difference. In 1717 Voltaire 
was sent to the Bastille for a poem which he had not written, of 
which he did not know the author, and with the sentiment of 
which he did not agree. What adds to the oddity, in English 
eyes, of the whole transaction is that the Eegent treated the 
affair as a sort of joke, and, so to speak, ' chaffed ' the supposed 
author of the satire ' / have seen ' on being about to pay a visit to 
a prison which he 'had not seen.'^ In 1725 Voltaire, then the 
literary hero of his country, was lured off from the table of a 
Duke, and was thrashed by lackeys in the presence of their noble 
master; he was unable to obtain either legal or honourable 
redress, and because he complained of this outrage, paid a second 
visit to the Bastille. This indeed was the last time in which he 
was lodged within the walls of a French gaol, but his whole life 
was a series of contests with arbitrary power, and nothing but 
his fame, his deftness, his infinite resource, and ultimately his 
wealth, saved him from penalties far more severe than temporary 
imprisonment. Moreover, the price at which Voltaire saved his 
property and his life was after all exile from France. Whoever 
wants to see how exceptional a phenomenon was that supremacy 

^ ' La liberty est le droit de faire tont ce qne les lois pennettent ; et si nn 
citoyen pouvoit faire ce qu'elles d^fendent, il n'auroit pins de liberty, paroe 
que les autres auroient tout de m^me ce pouvoir.' — Montesquieu, De VesprU 
des lois, livre XI. chap. ill. 

' II 7 a aussi une nation dans le monde qui a pour objet direct de sa con- 
stitution la liberty politique.' — Ibid. chap. v. The English are this nation. 

' ' Les circonstances qui contraignaient Voltaire k chercher un refuge chez 
nos Toisins devaient lui inspirer une grande sympathie pour des institutions 
oil il n*7 avait nulle place k I'arbitraire. ' * La raison est libre ici et n'y connatt 
point de contrainte." On y respire un air plus g^n^reuz, Ton se sent an 
milieu de citoyens qui n'ont pas tort de porter le front haut, de marcher 
fi^rement, siirs qu'on n'e^t pu toucher a un seul cheveu de leur tSte, et 
n'ayant k redonbter ni lettres de cachet, ni captivity immotiv^.' — 
Desnoiresterres, VoUairet i. p. 866. 

' pesnoiresterres, i. pp. 844-364. 


of law which existed in England daring the eighteenth century CHAP, 
should read such a book as Morley's l^e cf Diderot The effort H 
lasting for twenty-two years to get the Encifclopidie published 
was a struggle on the part of all the distinguished literary men 
in France to obtain utterance for tfajsir thoughts. It is hard 
to say whether the difficulties or the success of the contest bear 
the strongest witness to the way wacd arbitrariness of the French 

Royal lawlessness was not peculiar to specially detestable 
monarchs such as Louis the Fifteenth : it was inherent in the 
French system of administration. An idea prevails that Louis 
the Sixteenth at least was not an arbitrary, as he assuredly was 
not a cruel rulw. But it is an error to suppose that up to 1 789 
anything like the supremacy of law jossted under the French 
monarchy. The folly, the grievances, and the mystery of the 
Chevalier D'Eon made as much noise little more than a century 
ago as the imposture of the Claimant in our own day. The 
memory of these things is not in itself wortb reviving. What 
does deserve to be kept in remembrance is that in 1778, in t^ 
days of Johnson, of Adam Smith, of Gibbon, of Cowper, of 
Burke, «nd of Mansfield, during the continuance of the American 
war and within eleven years of the assembling of the States 
Greneral, a brave officer and a distis^ished diplomatist could 
for some offence still unknown, without trial and without con- 
viction, be condemned to undergo a penance and disgrace which 
could hardly be rivalled by the fanciful caprice of the torments 
inflicted by Oriental despotism.^ 

Nor let it be imagined that during the latter part of the 
eighteenth •century the government oi France was more arbitnury 
than that of other countries. To entertain such a supposition 
is to misconceive utterly the condition of the Continent In 
France, law and public opinion counted for a great deal more 
than in Spain, in the petty States of Italy, or in the Principalities 
of (xermany. All the evils of despotism which attracted the 
notice of the world in a great kingdom such as France existed 
under worse forms in countries where, just because the evil was 
so much greater, it attracted the less attention. The power 
of the French monarch was criticized more severely than the 
lawlessness of a score of petty tyrants, not because the French 
King ruled more despotically than other crowned heads, but 
because the French people appeared from the eminence o| the 
nation to have a ^lecial claim to freedom, and because the 
ancient kingdom of France was the typical representative of 
despotism. This explains the thrill of enthusiasm with which 

^ It is worth notice that even after the meeting of the States General 
the King was apparently reluctant to give np altogether the powers exercised 
by UUres de cachet. See 'Declaration des intentions dn Roi,' art. 15, 
Plonard, Lu CtmUUvJiions frcm^aise», p. 10. 





tion and 

has not been made but has grown.' This dictum, If taken 
literally, is absurd. 'Political institutions (however the 
proposition may be at times ignored) are the' work of men, owe 
their origin and their whole Bjdstence to human will. Men did 
not wake up on a summer morning and find them sprung up. 
Neither do they resemble trees, which, once planted, are '* aye 
growing" while men ''are sleeping." In every stage of their 
existence they are made what they are by human voluntary 
agency/ ^ 

Yet^ though this is so, the dogma that the form of a govern- 
ment is a sort of spontaneous growth so closely bound up with 
the life of a people that we can hardly treat it as a product of 
human will and energy, does, though in a loose and inaccurate 
fashion, bring into view the fact that some polities, and am<Hig 
them the English constitution, have not been created at one 
stroke, and, far from being the result of legislation, in the 
ordinary sense of that term, are the fruit of contests carried on 
in the Courts on behalf of the rights of individuals. Our con- 
stitution, in short, is a judge-made constitution, and it bears 
on its face all the features, good and bad, of judge-made law. 

Hence flow noteworthy distinctions between the constitution 
of England and the constitutions of most foreign countries. 

There is in the English constitution an absence of those 
declarations or definitions of rights so dear to foreign con- 
stitutionalists. Such principles, moreover, as you can discover 
in the English constitution are, like all maxims established by 
judicial legislation, mere generalizations drawn either from the 
decisions or dicta of judges, or from statutes which, being 
passed to meet special grievances, bear a close resemblance 
to judicial decisions, and are in efieot judgments pronounced 
by the High Court of Parliament. To put what is really the 
same thing in a somewhat different shape, the relation of the 
ri^ts of individuals to the principles of the constitution is not 
quite the same in oountries like Belgium, where the constitution 
is the result of a legislative act, as it is in En^and, where the 
constitution itself is based upon legal decisions. In Belgium, 
which may be taken as a type of countries possessing a con* 
stitution formed by a deliberate act of legislation, you may say 
with truth that the rights of individuals to personal liberty 
flow from or are secured by the constitution. In England the 
right to individual liberty is part of the constitution, because 
it is secured by the decisions of the Courts, extended or confirmed 
as they are by the Habeas Corpus Acts. 'If it be allowable to 
apply the formulas of logic to questions of law, the difference 
in this matter between the constitution of Belgium and the 
English constitution may be described by the statement that 
in Belgium individual rights are deductions drawn from the 

^ Mill, RepreaevUative Owemmtid, p. 4. 


principles of the constitution, whilst in England the so-called CHAP, 
principles of the constitution are inductions or generalizations H 
based upon particular decisions pronounced by the Courts as to 
the rights of given indiyiduals. 

This is of course a merely formal difference. Liberty is as 
well secured in Belgium as in England, and as long as this is so 
it matters nothing whether we say that individuals are free from 
all risk of arbitrary arrest, ^because liberty of person is guaranteed 
by the constitution, or that the right to personal freedom, or in 
other words to protection from arbitrary arrest, forms part of the 
constitution because it is secured by the ordinary law of the land. 
But though this merely formal distinction is in itself of no 
moment, provided always that the rights of individuals are really 
secure, the question whether the right to personal freedom or 
the right to freedom of worship is likely to be secure does depend 
a good deal upon the answer to the inquiry whether the persons 
who consciously or unconsciously build up the constitution of 
their country begin with definitions or declarations of rights, or 
with the contrivance of remedies by which rights may be en- 
forced or secured. Now, most foreign constitution-makers have 
begun with declarations of rights. For this they have often 
been in nowise to blame. Their course of action has more often 
than not been forced upon them by the stress of circumstances, 
and by the consideration that to lay down general principles of 
law is the proper and natural function of legislators. But any 
knowledge of history suffices to show that foreign constitu- 
tionalists have^ while occupied in defining rights, given insuffi- 
cient attention to the absolute necessity for the provision of 
adequate remedies by which the rights they proclaimed might 
be enforced. The Oonstitution of 1791 proclaimed liberty of 
conscience, liberty of the press, the right of public meeting, the 
responsibility of government officials.^ But there never was a 
period in the recorded annals of mankind when each and all of 
these rights were so insecure, one might almost say so completely 
non-existent, as at the height of the French Revolution. And 
an observer may well doubt whether a good number of these 
liberties or rights are even now so well protected under the 
French Bepublic as under the English Monarchy. On the other 
band, there runs through the English constitution that insepar- 
able connection between the means of enforcing a right and the 
right to be enforced which is the strength of judicial legislation. 
The saw, ubijus ibi remedium^ becomes from this point of view 
something much more important than a mere tautologous pro- 
position. In its bearing upon constitutional law, it means that 
tbe Englishmen whose labours gradually framed the complicated 
set of laws and institutions which we call the Constitution, fixed 

^ See Flonard, Les GonsUtiUioms fran^iaes^ pp. 14-16 ; Duguit and 
Monnier, LtB CofutUutians de la France (2iid ed.), pp. 4, 5. 


CHAP, their minds far more intently on proTiding remedies for the 
n enf<»oement of particalar rights or (what is merely the same 
thing looked at from the other side) for arerting definite wrongg, 
than upon any declaration of the Ri^ts of Man or of Englishmen. 
The Habeas Carpus Acts dedare no principle and define no ri^ts, 
but they are for practical purposes worth a hundred constitu- 
tional articles gnanmteeing individual liberty. Nm* let it be 
supposed that this connection between rights and remedies which 
depends upon the spirit of law pervading English institutions is 
inconsiBtent with the existence of a written constitution, ix even 
with the existence of constitutional declarations of rights. The 
Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of the 
separate States are embodied in written or printed documents, 
and contain declarations of rights.^ But the statesmen of 
America have shown unrivalled skill in providing means for 
giving legal security to the rights dedared by American constitu- 
tions. The rule of law is as marked a feature of the United 
States as of England. 

The fact, again, that in many foreign countries the rights of 
individuals, e.g. to personal freedom, depend upon the constitu- 
tion, whilst in En^and the law of the constitution is littie else 
than a generalization of the rights which the Courts secure 
to individuals, has this important result. The general rights 
giutfunteed by the constitution may be, and in foreign countries 
constantly are, suspended. They are something extraneous to 
and independent of the ordinary course of the law. The declara- 
tion of the Belgian constitution, that individual liberty is 
'guaranteed,' betrays a way of looking at the rights of indi- 
viduals very different from the way in which such rights are 
regarded by English lawyers. We can hardly say that one right 
is more guaranteed than another. Freedom from arbitrary 

^ The Petition of Bight, and the Bill of Bights, as also the American 
Declarations of Bights, contain, it may be said, proclamations of general 
principles which resemble the declarations of rights known to foreign consti- 
tutionalists, and especially the celebrated Declaration of the Bights of Man 
{DidarcUion des Droits de V Homme et du Citoyen) of 1789. But the English 
and American Declarations on the one hand, and foreign declarations of 
rights on the other, though bearing an apparent resemblance to each other, 
are at bottom remarkable rather by way of contrast than of similarily. The 
Petition of Bight and the Bill of Bights are not so much ' declarations of 
rights ' in the foreign sense of the term, as judicial condemnations of claims 
or practices on the part of the Crown, which are thereby pronounced illegal. 
It will be found that every, or nearly every, clause in the two celebrated 
documents negatives some distinct claim made and put into force on behalf 
of the prerogative. Ko doubt the Declarations contained in the American 
Constitutions have a real similarity to the continental declarations of rights. 
They are the product of eighteenth-century ideas ; they have, however, it is 
submitted, the distinct purpose of legally controlling the action of the 
legislature by the Articles of the Constitution. 


arrest) the right to express one's opinion on all matters subject OHAP. 
to the liability to pay compensation for libellous or to suffer II 
pomshment for seditious or blasphemous statements, and the ^--*v^<i^-^ 
right to enjoy one's own property, seem to Englishmen all to 
rest upon the same basia^ namely, on the law of the land. To 
say that the ' constitution guaranteed ' one class of rights more 
than the other would be to an Englishman an unnatural or a 
senseless form of speech. In the Belgian constitution the words 
have a definite meaning. They imply tliat no law invading 
personal freedom can be passed without a modification of the 
constitution made in the special way in which alone the constitu- 
tion can be legally changed or amended. This, however, is not 
the point to which our immediate attention should be directed. 
The matter to be noted is, that where the right to individual 
freedom is a result deduced from the principles of the constitu- 
tion, the idea readily occurs that the right is capable of being 
suspended or tak^i away. Where, on the other hand, the right 
to individual freedom is part of the constitution because it is 
inherent in the ordinary law of the land, the right is one which 
can hardly be destroyed without a thorough revolution in the 
institutions and manners of the nation. The so-called ' suspen- 
sion of the Hidfeas Corpus Act ' bears^ it is true, a certain similarity 
to what is called in foreign countries ' suspending the constitu- 
tional guarantees.' But^ after all, a statute suspending the Habeas 
Corpus Act falls very far short of what its popular name seems to 
imply ; and though a serious measure enough, is not, in reality, 
more than a suspension of one particular remedy for the prote<^on 
of personal freedom. The Habeas Corpus Act may be suspended 
and yet Englishmen, may enjoy almost all the rights of (AtAzena, 
The constitution being based on the rule of law, the suspension 
of the constitution, as far as such a thing can be conceived 
possible, would mean with us nothing less than a revolution. 

That *rule of law,' then, which forms a fundamental principle 
of the constitution, has three meanings, or may be regarded 
from three different points of view. 

It means, in the first place, the absolute supremacy or Summary 
predominance of regular law as opposed to the influence of of 
arbitrary power, and excludes the existence of arbitrariness, ^^^1°^ 
of prerogative, or even of wide discretionary authority on the of Law. 
part of the government Englishmen are ruled by the law, and 
by the law alone ; a man may with us be punished for a breach 
of law, but he can be punished for nothing else. 

It means, again, equality before the law, or the equal sub- 
jection of all classes to the ordinary law of the land administered 
by the ordinary Law Courts; the 'rule of law' in this sense 
excludes the idea of any exemption of officials or others from 
the duty of obedience to the kw which governs other citizens 
or from the jurisdiction of the ordinary tribunals; there can 




be with ufl nothing really eorrefiponding to the ' administrative 
law' (droit administrai^) or the ' administratiye tribunals' 
{trUmnauz adminutraiifs) of France.^ The notion wkieh ties at 
the bottom of the ' administratiye law' known to foreign 
countries is, that affairs or disputes in which the gorMmmmt 
or its servants are concerned are beyond the sphere of the civil 
Courts and must be dealt with by special and more or less 
official bodies. This idea is utterly unknown to the law of 
England, and indeed is fundamentally inconsistent with our 
traditions and customs. 

The 'rale of law,' lastly, may be used as a formula for 
expressing the fact that with us the law of the constitution, 
the rules which in foreign countries naturally form part of a 
constitutionid code, are not the source but the consequence 
of the rights of individuals, as defined and enforced by the 
Courts ; that, in short, the principles of private kw have with 
us been by the action of the Courts and Parliament so extended 
as to determine the position of the Crown and of its servants ; 
thus the constitution is the result of the ordinary law of the 

Influence General propositions, however, as to the nature of the rule 

of * Rule of qI \^yf carry us but a very little way. If we want to understand 
leading what that principle in all its different aspects and developments 
provisions really means, we must try to trace its influence throughout 
^tt^S ^otb^ of the main provisions of the constitution. The best 
mode of doing this is to examine with care the manner in 
Which the law of Ikigland deals with the following topics, 
namely, the right to personal freedom ; ^ the light to freedom 
of discussion ; ^ the right of pnblio meeting ; ^ the use of martial 
law ; ^ the rights and duties of the artny -, ^ the collection and 
expenditure of the public revenue;^ and the responsibility of 
Ministers.^ The true nature, further, of the rule of law as it 
exists in England will be illustrated by contrast with the idea 
of droU administraiify or administrative law, which prevails in 
many continental countries.^ These topics will each be treated 
of in their due order. The object, however, of this treatase, as 
the reader should remember, is hot to provide minute and ifull 
information, e.ff. as to thd Habms Corpus Acts, or other enact- 
ments protectitig the liberty of the subject; but simply to 
show that these leading heads of constitutional law, which 
have been enumerated, these 'articles,' so to speak, of the 
constitution, are both governed by, and afford illustrations of, 
the supremacy throughout English institutions of the law of 

* See chap. xii. 

* Chap. tii. 
■^ Ohap. X. 

* Chap. y. 
 Chap. viii. 
^ Chap. xi. 

» Chap. yi. 
• Chap. ijc. 
' Chap. xii. 


the land.^ If at Bome future day the law of the constitution CHAP, 
should be codified, each of the topics I have mentioned would n 
be dealt with by the sections of the code. Many of these 
subjects are actually dealt with in the written constitutions of 
foreign countries, and notably in the articles of the Belgian 
constitution, which, as before noticed, makes an admirable 
summary of the leading maxims of English constitutionalism. 
It will therefore often be a convenient method of illustrating 
our topic to take the article of the Belgian, or it may be of 
Bomh other constitution, which bears on the matter in hand, as 
for example the right to personal freedom, and to consider 
how far the principle therein embodied is recognized by the 
law of England ; and if it be so recognized, what are the means 
by which it is maintained or enforced by our Courts. One 
reason why the law of the constitution is imperfectly understood 
is, that we too rarely put it side by side with the constitutional 
provisions of other countries. Here, as elsewhere, comparison 
is essential to recognition. 





' By the statute 1 William and Mary, usually known as the See page 
Bill of Rights, it was finally settled that there could be no ^^' 
taxation in this country except under authority of an Act of 
Parliament. The Bill of Rights still remained unrepealed, 
and no practice or custom, however prolonged or however 
acquiesced in on the part of the subject, could be relied on 
by the Grown as justifying any infringement of its provisions. 
It followed that with regard to the powers of the Crown to 
levy taxation no resolution, either of the Committee for Ways 
and Means or of the House itself, had any legal effect whatever. 
Such resolutions were necessitated by a Parliamentary procedure 
adopted with a view to the protection of the subject against the 
hasty imposition of taxes, and it would be strange to find them 

^ The rule of equal law is in England now exposed to a new peril. * The 
Legislature has thought fit/ writes Sir F. Pollock, 'by the Trade Disputes 
Act, 1906, to confer extraordinary immunities on combinations both of 
employers and of workmen, and to some extent on persons acting in their 
interests. Legal science has evidently notliing to do with this violent 
empirical operation on the body politic, and we can only look to jurisdictions 
beyond seas for the further judicial consideration of the problems which 
our Courts were endeavouring (it is submitted, not without a reasonable 
measure of success) to work out on principles of legal justice.' — Pollock, 
Law of Torts (8th ed.), p. v. 


CHAP, relied on as justifying the Crown in levying a tax before such 
n tax was actually imposed by Act of Parliament 

'His Lordship did not^ however, understand that the 
Attorney-General on behalf of the Crown really dissented from 
this position/ ^ 

The Attorney-General having failed to convince the Court 
that the tax had been authorized by law at the time of levying 
it, judgment was given against the Crown. 

' Mr. Justice Parker in Bowles v. Bank of England^ Times Law Keports, 
Not. 5, 1912. 



As soon as the Greeks had learned to base govemment chap. 

• III 

on the experience of the governed, European society v.^^,,,,^^ 

began to progress. Asia, on the other hand, clinging Results of 
to the idea that the existing order was divinely f^^^us 
ordained, remained stationary, so that civilization chapters 
was parted into two camps, each of which contended ized. The 
for mastery with the other. But Greece developed ^^d""'"**' 
the commonwealth in a form too delicate to survive ^^ 
the struggle, and Rome, in organizing a state strong jjj^^^^ 
enouorh to save her own civilization, resorted to cjonflict 

by the 

despotism, under which the patriotism essential to its opening of 
vitaUty perished. Eventually its Western half was ^^^^^^^^ 
destroyed by German barbarians. They, however, 
revived the Empire in a form which prevented them 
from realizing the unity of a state, and failed, there- 
fore, to develop a national law of their own, to 
recognize law as the supreme authority, or to learn 
how to mould it by the general experience of the 
community. The seed of the commonwealth, inherent 
in Grerman custom, failed to fructify in mediaeval 
Europe, and was overgrown and stifled by the despotic 
law and tradition inherited from Rome. This was 
the theme of the first chapter of this inquiry, and the 
second chapter has explained how German custom 
came to take root in the British Isles and there 
developed a law and a polity which were essentially 



CHAP. Teutonic. It was in England that the principle of 
the commonwealth, which had perished with the 
Greek and Roman republics, was once more realized, 
but in a form which transcended the narrow limitations 
imposed upon it, as the ancients believed, by Nature 
herself Their inherent capacity for change — the 
necessary condition of growth — never deserted the 
people of Europe, and saved them from reverting to 
the condition of Asiatics. But the kind of state 
which not merely admits but actually stimulates 
growth was revived in England and not on the 
Continent. European civilization differs from that 
of Asia as one genus from another. In England the 
fundamental characteristics of the European genus 
were so developed as to form a distinctive species. 
Thus, at the close of the Middle Ages, the West had 
produced two main varieties of civilization which 
might have lived side by side without mutual conflict 
if new oceans and continents had not suddenly been 
opened as a field in which the exclusive claims of the 
one imposed upon the other a struggle for existence. 
The apple of discord which fell into the garden of the 
Hesperides and roused the nations to contend for its 
possession was the Wcwrld itself. 
Opening Throughout the Middle Ages the people of Europe, 

World ignoring the regions and races that lay beyond it, 
ab^ut^by thought of themselvcs as the universe.^ Meantime, 
Europe's howcvcr, their increasing; control over physical 

increasing i • t i i i 

control nature was destined, by enlarging their outlook and 
physical revolutionizing the conditions of life, to bring the 
Middle Ages to a close. They suddenly discovered 
how to navigate the high seas, reached the continents 
that lay beyond them, and became conscious of their 
own capacity to dominate them. But in extending 
to a larger world their now diverging systems they 
found themselves in collision. 

* See p. 83, 



This world-wide revolution was introduced by chap. 

another most dangerous attempt from Asia to ^^,,„.,^^.^^ 

submerge Europe. The events which precipitated changes 
the struggle between Europe and England for the SiS^by 
mastery of the world were themselves but a phase encroLh- 
of * that Eternal Question between West and East ' ^ ^^i^ 
which was opened by the wars between Greece and on the 
Persia. It was the destruction of the last remnants ^^ 
of the Eastern Roman Empire by the Turks which 
more than anything else drove Europe to the mari- 
time enterprise by which every ocean and shore on 
the face of this planet have in the last four centuries 
been exposed to the action of its civilization. Whether 
that influence was to be exerted in its Continental or 
in its Anglo-Saxon form was a matter which affected 
the other continents more vitally, perhaps, than 
Europe itself. 

The Holy Roman Empire did little enough to keep Fail of 
order in Europe ; but it did even less to protect tmopie 
Christendom against invasion jBcom without. Happily *u^^^" 
for Europe, its gate was long guarded by the Eastern ^^?f^^° 
or Byzantine portion of the Roman Empire which £|r 
survived for almost 1000 years after Odoacer ex- 
tinguished the original Empire of the West. In 
1204 the Crusaders paused in their advance against 
the Infidel to inflict on their fellow -Christians at 
Constantinople a blow from which the Byzantine 
Empire never recovered. In 1453 its capital was 
stormed by the Turks, and the last of the Caesars feU, 
buried beneath the bodies of his subjects. As when 
the Persians passed Thermopylae, and as when the 
Franks con&onted the Saracens in the heart of 
France, so again the invading hordes of Asia swept 
across the natural frontiers of Europe to the gates of 
Vienna. Greece, the Aegean Islands, and the whole 
Balkan Peninsula were ground beneath their heel, and 

^ 'Bee page 28. 


CHAP. Christendom, which had long wrestled with Islam for 

the sanctuary of her faith, now abandoned to that 

militant creed countries which had been the cradle 

of her civilization. To this hour the position of the 

Turk in Europe has remained the most difficult and 

dangerous of the problems which divide the world 

into armed camps. 

ThefaUof In all the history of Roman rule no event was 

tinopie iraught with consequences more far-reaching than 

stimulated j^g ^^^ extinction at Constantinople. Byzantine 

Kenaia- scholars fled, with such of their manuscripts as they 

Reforma. could Carry, to the schools of Europe where the 

cimedthe literature of ancient Greece was now being studied 

*™;^? Jf ™" anew. Western civilization was stirred by a freshet 

munica- •^ 

tionswith from its primitive source which produced the 

the Blast. . 

Renaissance in art and the Reformation in morals 
and religion. Still greater was the revolution which 
followed in the sphere of practical affairs. The 
Turkish invasion had blocked the routes by which 
precious, and therefore portable, articles of com- 
merce had been brought from the East. While the 
statesmen and soldiers of Europe were consider- 
ing how the tide of Asiatic invasion could be 
stemmed, her mariners and merchante were asking 
whether there was no other route by which this 
ancient and most profitable commerce might be 
Naval Both thesc objects were ultimately achieved by a 

against revolutiou of a different order from the social, 
jtctecFby J^^ligi^^s, or political movements which had deflected 
Henry the humau affairs in the past. Europe had now reached 
the stage when an increasing control over physical 
forces was beginning to influence the course of history, 
and her problems, political as well as commercial, were 
to find their solution in the enterprise of a royal 
inventor. Henry the Navigator was the fifth child 
of John I., King of Portugal, by his English queen, 


Philippa, daughter of John of Gaunt. On coining chap. 
of age he won his spurs in 1415 at the capture of 
Ceuta, a stronghold of Islam opposite Gibraltar, 
There he gained the applause of Europe by quelling 
a Moorish sortie single-handed, and the Pope, the 
Emperor, and the kings of England and Castile vied 
with each other in offering him distinguished com- 
mands. But the fall of Ceuta had turned his 
thoughts in another direction. Gold, ivory, and 
tropical products, drawn from the regions of the 
Niger, furnished the means by which the Moors made 
war on Christendom. The idea of reaching these 
countries by sea so as to take the Moors in the rear 
and divert their wealth to Christian uses was con- 
ceived by Prince Henry ; and, as his biographer 
Azurara adds, he greatly desired to plant the Catholic 
faith among the heathen there lying in a state 
of perdition. History reveals him striding like a 
colossus with one foot planted in the Middle Ages 
and the other on the world of to-day. His aims 
were those of a crusader, but his methods those 
of modern invention and research. *The three 
motives of Prince Henry — enmity to the Moslems, 
mercantile enterprise, and missionary zeal — profoundly 
influenced the whole history of the Portuguese in 
the East. As he aimed at outflanking the Moors in 
Africa by exploring down its western coast, so his 
greatest successors aimed at outflanking the Ottoman 
Empire by dominating the Red Sea.' * In solving the 
problems of their age they created those peculiar to 
our own. 

Up tt) the time of Henry the Navigator mariners His work 
had mainly relied upon the oar, regarding sails merely ["g the art 
as an auxiliary mode of propulsion for use only when ^foS*^^" 
the winds were moderate and favourable. The art 
of sailing, especially against head winds, was but 

* Hunter, A History of British India^ vol. i. p. 73. 


CHAP, little developed, for it was not possible to design a 
ship really suited for the purpose so long as it had 
also to be pierced for oars. The development of 
sails was just as &tal to the retention of oars as the 
development of steam power to the retention of yards 
and rigging. Ships built for rowing are dangerous 
craft in high seas, and so long as their motive power 
was furnished by human sinews a relatively large 
crew had to be carried and a corresponding space 
reserved for their necessary victual. For this reason 
it was difficult for the rowed galley to go any great 
distance from ports where supplies could be obtained. 
Galleys had long braved the ocean off the coasts of 
Spain, France, and Britain within measurable reach 
of civilized harbours. But the project now proposed 
by the Prince required ships which could face 
Atlantic storms off savage and inhospitable shores 
and dispense with frequent access to friendly ports. 
For such voyages a type of vessel which was in- 
dependent of oars was essential. Not content, more- 
over, that his mariners should depend upon the sight 
of land for the direction of their course, he set to 
work to devise instruments and methods wherewith to 
recc^nize their position on the open sea and find a 
path across it. To these objects he dedicated his life 
when in 1418, at the ag^ of twenty-four, he turned 
his back on the world and * retired to the wind-swept 
promontory of Sagres at the southern extremity of 
Portugal. On that barren spur of rocks and shifting 
sands and stunted juniper, with the roar of the ocean 
for ever in his ears, and the wide Atlantic before him 
inviting discovery from sunrise to sunset, he spent 
his remaining forty-two years, a man of one high 
aim, without wife or child. Amid its solitudes he 
built the first observatory in Portugal, established 
a naval arsenal, and founded a school for navigation, 
marine mathematics, and chart-making. Thither he 


invited the most skilful pilots and scientific sailors chap. 
of Christendom, from Bruges near the North Sea to "^ 
Grenoa and Venice on the Mediterranean. Thence, 
too, he sent forth at brief intervals exploring expedi- 
tions into the unknown South : expeditions often 
unfruitful, sometimes calamitous, even denounced 
as folly and waste, but which won the African coast 
as an outlying empire for Portugal. He died at 
Cape St. Vincent in 1460, having expended bis own 
fortune together with his splendid revenues as Grand 
Master of the military Order of Christ on the task, 
and pledged his credit for loans which he left as a 
debt of honour to his nation. His tomb, in the same 
beautiful chapel where his English mother rests at' 
Batalha, bears by the side of his' own arms as a royal 
prince of Portugal, the motto and device of the 
Garter conferred on him by our Henry VL, and the 
cross of the Portuguese Order of Christ. On the 
frieze, entwined with evergreen oak, runs the motto 
which he solemnly adopted in young manhood — 
Talent de hien /aire, the resolve to do greatly. 
The king, wrote Diogo Gomez, *' together with all 
his people mourned greatly over the death of so 
great a prince, when they considered all the expedi- 
tions which he had set on foot" — in the words of 
his monument on the gateway of Fort Sagres, *' to 
lay open the regions of West Africa across the sea, 
hitherto not traversed by man, that thence a passage 
might be made round Africa to the most distant 
parts of the East."'' 

His squadrons, however, continued their explora- Result of 
tions under three successive sovereigns of his house, woric7* 
and rapidly pushed their way down the African coast. J/^q^** 
In 1471 they passed the equator, and in 1484 reached Hope 
the Congo. In 1486 Bartholomew Dias was carried by Dias, 
by a storm beyond the sight of land, round the 

* Hnnter, A History cf Briiish Indian vol. i. pp. 62-4. 



CHAP, southern point of Africa, and reached the Great Fish 


River, north of Algoa Bay. On his return journey 
he saw the prpmontory which divides the oceans, as 
the narrow waters of the Bosphorus divide the 
continents of the East and West. As in the crowded 
streets of Constantinople, so here, if anywhere, at 
this awful and solitary headland the elements of 
two hemispheres meet and contend. As Dias saw 
it, so he named it, 'The Cape of Storms.' But his 
master, John IL, seeing in the discovery a promise 
that India, the goal of the national ambition, would 
be reached, named it with happier augury ' The Cape 
of Good Hope.' No fitter name could have been 
given to that turning-point in the history of 
mankind. Europe, in truth, was on the brink of 
achievements destined to breach barriers, which had 
enclosed and diversified the nations since the making 
of the World, and commit them to an intercourse 
never to be broken again so long as the World 
endures. That good rather than evil may spring 
therefrom is the greatest of all human responsi- 
bilities, and one which rests and must long continue 
to rest with Europeans. Nor can they, in leaving 
Europe, leave it behind. It follows them wheresoever 
they go — a task which needs for its fulfilment a faith 
unshakable as that mighty Cape. 
India In 1497 Vasco da Gama sailed from the little 

^co^da^ chapel built by Prince Henry on the Tagus that 
Gamam mariners might receive the Sacrament as they came 
Crusading and Went. Kounding the Cape, on Christmas Day he 
of his sighted the Bluff" which now shelters Durban, and 
expedition. ^^^^^ ^hc couutry Terra Natalis. In 1498 he reached 

Calicut on the coast of India, and founded the 
Eastern Empire of the Portuguese. * The expedition 
struck, however, a chord of Portuguese national 
feeling. Both King and people regarded it as a 
continuation of the Crusades : a crusade on a larger 


scale and with better prospects of plunder. Camoens chap. 
opens the seventh Book of his Lusiad by reproaching .^^.^^^^.^ 
Germany, England, France and Italy for their cold- 
ness to the sacred cause; calls them once more to 
Holy War; and shames their silence by declaring 
that Portugal will single-banded fight the battle of 

In the long straggle for the mastery of their own Oraeitiea 
soil the Iberian Crusaders had caught from Islam the Portu- 
fierce fanaticism of its spirit. Among the 1200 ^®^ 
warriors sent by King Emmanuel to follow up the . 
discovery of Vasco da Gama were included a band of 
friars, and the commander of the expedition received 
the following instructions: 'Before he attacked the 
Moors and idolators of those parts with the material 
and secular sword, he was to allow the priests and 
monks to use their spiritual sword, which was to 
declare to them the Gospel . . . and convert them to 
the faith of Christ. . . . And should they be so con- 
tumacious as not to accept this law of faith . . . and 
should they forbid commerce and exchange ... in 
that case they should put them to fire and sword, and 
carry on fierce war against them.' ^ Gentler counsels 
were, however, not wholly wanting. Bishop Osorio 
blamed Almeida, who commanded the Portuguese 
forces from, 1503 to 1509, for the torture and 
massacre of prisoners after the battle of Diu, and 
censured a captain who in 1507, ignoring the 
Portuguese passport which they carried, seized an 
Arab crew, sewed them up in sails, and threw them 
into the sea. But little was done to mitigate the 
horrors of the struggle. 'Almeida "blew his prisoners 
from guns before Cannanore, saluting the town with 
their fragments." On the capture of Brava, the 
Portuguese soldiers "barbarously cut off the hands 

' Hunter, A History of BrUith India, toI. i. p. 90. 

* IHi, vol. i p. 188, quoting from De B&itob, decade i lib. v. cap. i 





to reach 
Asia by 
the West 
led to liis 
of West 
1492, and 

which he 
for Asia. 

and ears of women, to take off their bracelets and 
earrings, to save time in taking them off." These 
were not exceptional' barbarities. The permanent 
attitude of the Portuguese to all Asiatics who resisted 
was void of compunction. To quote a few examples 
from contemporary manuscripts ; a letter to the King 
of Portugal in 1518 speaks of the people of Dabul as 
" dogs " who " do not want but the sword in hand." 
In 1535, at the capture of the petty island of Mete 
near Diu, " aU were killed, without allowing a single 
one to live, and for this reason it was henceforward 
called the Island of the Dead." In 1540 the 
Zamorin was compelled to agree to cast out of his 
dominions all who would not accept the terms 
imposed, " and if they should not wish to go, he will 
order them to be killed." In 1546, says the official 
report of the siege of Diu, " we spared no life, whether 
of women or children." ' ^ The kings of Portugal 
claimed to be lords of the East; but their actual 
conquests in India were in fact limited to the tiny 
area of Goa which the Portuguese Republic holds 
to-day. Their real and substantial achievement was 
the dominion of the Eastern Seas. 

While Portugal was opening the route to Asia 
by sea, Spain, in search of the same object, had 
stumbled upon the New World. Coluipbus, by his 
marriage to the daughter of one of Prince Henry's 
commanders, got access to bis nautical journals, maps, 

^ Hunter, A History of British India, vol. L pp. 139-40. The allegations 
of cruelty are based on the following original authorities : Stanley's Three 
Voyages of Vasco da Gama, xxix.-zxxii, Hakluyt Society, 1867. Damiao de 
Goes {Chronica do Felicissimo Bey Dom Manoet, Lisl^on, 1566-1567, Stanley, tU 
supray xxxiii.). Asia Portuguesa, Lisbon, 3 vols., 1666-1675 (The Portuguese 
Asia of Manuel de Faria y Sousa, translated by Captain John Stevens, 
London, 3 vols., 1695, voL i. p. 116). Letter from Joao de Lima for the 
King, dated Cochin, December 22, 1518 (India Office MSS.). Contract 
between the King of Gujarat and Nuno da Cunha, Captain -General and 
Governor of India, dated October 25, 1585, footnote (India Office MSS.). 
Contract between the Viceroy Dom Garcia and 'the King of Calicut^' dated 
January 1, 1540 (India Office MSS.). Letter of Manuel Rodrigues for the 
King, dated Diu, November 24, 1546 (India Office MSS.). 


and instruments. Rightly conceiving the world to chap. 
be a sphere, he concluded that Asia might be reached 
by way of the West. Failing, however, to secure the 
support of the Portuguese king, he placed his services 
at the disposal of 8pain, and in 1492 discovered in 
the West Indian Islands the outworks of the American 
continent. In a series of voyages covering the next 
twelve years he reached the coast of South America 
and founded a Spanish Empire there and in the West 

Columbus always believed himself to have dis- c^bot's 
covered the west coast of Asia, and died without of North 
knowing that in searching for an old continent he f^^^, 
had brought to light a new one. It was in the ^^^^ 
same quest that Cabot had in 1497 discovered North Pacific 
America for England on behalf of certain Bristol byBBiboa 
merchants holding a patent from Henry VII. His r^' i. 
contemporaries believed that he had gained for her V^^ of 
' a great part of Asia, without a stroke of the sword.' ^ as a 
The real character of the discovery was realized when wB^in^t. 
in 1513 Vasio Nunez de Balboa (not Cortes, as Keats 
supposed), surmounting the Isthmus of Panama — 

stared at the Pacific — and all hie men 
Look'd at each other with a wild surmise — 
Silent, upon a peak in Darien. « 

Then, at length, Europe realized that America was 
not the extremity of the ancient world. It was as 
though some new planet had swum into her ken. 
By plunging into the sea, Balboa sought to annex the 
ocean itself to the kingdom of Spain. 

In 1519 Cortes landed with about 700 men on Conquest 
the coast of Mexico, and in scarcely more than a pacifi"*^^' 
year was master of the Mexican Empire. Some J|^"®^^^ 
twelve years later Pizarro landed in Peru, and the 1620. 
Empire of the Incas collapsed before an invasion of navigation 

of the 
> Hunter, A History of BrUWi India, vol. i. p. 195, quoting letter from ^^^^^^^^ 
Raimondo de Soncino to the Duke of Milan, 18th December 1497. shins 





ence of 
tal dis- 
on govern- 
ment sup- 
port. Divi- 
sion of 
their dis- 
Spain and 
by the 

183 men. Seldom has the mastery over physical 
forces achieved by Europe been exhibited with more 
startling eflfect. The native civilizations of America 
shivered at the first blow. 'Whether the pitcher 
touches the iron or the iron the pitcher, it is bad for 
the pitcher/ as the Spaniards say, and no earthen- 
ware vessel, however great it may be, will long 
withstand the blows of a hammer. Europe conquered 
America by reason of the same qualities which had 
enabled it to repel the successive hordes which 
swarmed against it from Asia. Helps and Frescott 
have recounted the barbarities of these conquests, 
which were worse even than those perpetrated in the 
East by the Portuguese. It is needless to dwell upon 
them here. Meantime the belief of Columbus that 
Asia could be reached by the West had been justified, 
for in 1520 Magellan had passed the straits which 
now bear his name, crossed the ocean upon which 
Balboa had looked, and reached the Philippines. 
There he perished ; but one of his ships, the Vittoria^ 
returned by the Cape of Good Hope, and thus 
demonstrated the theory held by Columbus that the 
World was round. 

It is important to note the absolute dependence 
on royal patronage of explorers like Vasco da Gama, 
Columbus, and Magellan. Their fleets were provided 
by kings, who, in financing these expeditions, had 
no thpughts of opening new trade routes for any 
but themselves. The lands discovered, as well as 
the wealth to be drawn from them, they not un- 
naturally regarded as a prize, to be shared with 
their subjects perhaps, but certainly not with aliens. 
The title claimed by the Crown of Portugal over 
Africa and the East, and by that of Spain over 
America and its adjacent islands, was an exclusive 
one. Their claims, moreover, had received a sanction 
which mediaeval Europe accepted as the ultimate 



source of all human authority. In a Bull dated the ^^ap. 
4th of May 1493, Pope Alexander VI. assigned to 
the kings of Spain * All the main lands and islands 
found or to be found, discovered or to be discovered, 
toward the west and south, drawing a line from the 
Arctic pole to the Antarctic pole, that is, from the 
north to the south, Containing in this donation, 
whatsoever main lands or islands are found or to be 
found toward India, or toward any other part whatso- 
ever it be, being distant from, or without the aforesaid 
line drawn a hundred leagues toward the west and 
south from any of the islands which are commonly 
called De los Azores and Cape Verde. All the 
islands therefore, and main lands, found and to be 
found, discovered and to be discovered, from the said 
line toward the west and south, such as have not 
actually been heretofore possessed by any other 
Christian King or Prince, until the day of the nativity 
of our Lord Jesus Christ last past, from the which 
beginneth this present year, being the year of our 
Lord M.CCCC.LXXXXIII., whensoever any shall be 
found by your messengers and captains, We by the 
authority of Almighty God granted unto us in Saint 
Peter, and by the office which we bear on the earth 
in the stead of Jesus Christ, do for ever by the 
tenour of these presents', give, grant, and assign unto 
you, your heirs and successors (the Kings of Castile 
and Leon), all these lands and islands, with their 
dominions, territories, cities, castles, towers, places, 
and villages, with all the right and jurisdiction there- 
unto pertaining : constituting, assigning, and deputing 
you, your heirs and successors, the lords thereof, with 
full and free power, authority, and jurisdiction. . . . 
We furthermore inhibit all manner of persons, of 
what state, degree, order, or condition soever they be, 
although of Imperial and regal dignity, under the 
pain of the sentence of excommuniccUion which they 


OHAP. shall incur if they do to the contrary^ that they in 
no case presume, without special licence of yOu, your 
heirs and successors, to travel for merchandise or for 
any other cause, to the said lands or islands, found or 
to be found, discovered or to be discovered, towards 
the west and south/ ^ 

A year later Spain and Portugal agreed in a treaty 
(for which they asked and received the sanction of 
the Pope) to move the line 270 leagues further West, 
with the result that Brazil ultimately fell to the 
share of Portugal. The subsequent voyage of 
Magellan, though proving the necessity of a second 
line to divide the Eastern frontiers of the two 
empires, did nothing to impair the effect of the Papal 
awards in appropriating Africa, America, and Asia to 
the two Iberian kingdoms. The other nations of 
Euro4)e were legally limited thereby to their own 
territorial waters. From the high seas the English 
were excluded with the rest, except in so far as they 
might dare to ignore sanctions which were then 
regarded as binding on Christendom. 
Authority In the theory of the Middle Ages inherited from 
Papacy in- Imperial Rome the Pope was regarded as the inter- 
8 iQand ^**i^^^l lawgiver, and the Emperor as the secular 
Portugal authority whose function it was to enforce the Papal 
to them- commands. How far Europe accepted the latter side 
monop^^y ^^ ^^^^ theory has already been seen. But the fall 
of their q£ Constantinople had stimulated influences which 
coveries. were leading the Northern races to question it 
why this The study of Greek originals gave rise to a question- 
qu™ ^*" i^g ^^ accepted canons and was an important factor 
tionecL \j^ ^jje wholc Renaissance movement. At the same 
juncture the unity of the Church was broken by 
Luther, who, in 1517, published his theses at Witten- 
berg. In 1534 an Act was passed in England 
repudiating the authority of Rome, and in 1536 

* Weare, Cabot* s Discovery of North AmeHca, pp. 67-8. 


Calvin published the Institutio Christianae religionis. ohap. 
Protestantism spread to the Netherlands, and in 1568 s..^.,..^^.^^ 
led to their revolt from Spain. The Papal award 
ceased, so far as England, Holland, and the Northern 
States of Germany were concerned, to possess the 
sanction of international law, and thereafter its 
validity depended on the physical forces which could 
be marshalled to support it — on the fleets which 
Spain or Portugal could oppose to those of Holland 
and Britain. 

To the Spaniards and Portuguese of the sixteenth Natm-e of 

I century, their right to reserve to themselves the at stXi!^ 

continents they had opened must have appeared too 
plain for argument. The claims advanced by the 
mariners of other nations to share the fruits of their 

I enterprise must indeed have seemed to violate the 

fundamental religious and political conceptions of 
the age; for were they not contrary to the verdict 
of the court divinely instituted for the final adjudica- 
tion of human affairs ? It was a conflict, not merely 
of interests, but of ideals. The cause for which the 
Portuguese and Spaniards fought with such^ valour 
was even more sacred to them than the opposite cause 
to their EngUsh opponents. Had wealth alone been 
the object of the struggle, compromise might have 
been possible; for wealth, at any rate, is capable 
of division. But more than wealth was at stake. 
In the course of ages two sections of Europe had 
developed their social structures on principles so 
different as to be mutually incompatible as soon as 
both were committed to a common field of activity. 
The Spanish right to monopolize the newly opened 
world was justified by the political theory of the 
Continent. England had rejected that theory and 
challenged the monopoly based upon it, because it 
would have closed to her enterprise the resources 
which alone could enable so small a state to survive 


CHAP, in the straggle for existence. Either party was 
^^^ contending for the trade of the world, the one to 
eugross it, the other to share it. But the passion 
men have for maintaining or extending their own 
manner of life was the ultimate motive behind the 
contest, and the rivalry for trade was really a 
struggle for the resources required to realize a 
cherished ideal. Spaniards and Englishmen seized 
wealth wherever they could find it; but to Drake 
and his captains the liberties of their country were 
dearer than life, and so also to the Spaniards were 
the ideals and traditions of Spain. Of necessity the 
champions of ideals fight for the material resources 
or physical positions by which alone those ideals can 
be held. To us it is clear as day that the question 
which mattered was how far the future inhabitants 
of the World were to inherit the principles of auto- 
cracy or freedom. But the combatants who met in 
the twilight of the dawn can scarcely have discerned 
the vastness of the issues their valour would decide. 
The issues It is instructive to compare these issues with those 
to"t^^ which, three centuries later, brought the South of the 
of the United States into conflict with the North. There, 

Amencan . -m n i • • • i 

Civil War. as lu Europc, two mutually destructive principles, 
the one based on freedom, the other on slavery, had 
in separate though adjacent territories brought into 
being two systems of society which might long have 
continued side by side without serious consequences 
if the opening of the West had not raised the question 
whether its vacant territories were to be developed 
on the basis of free or slave labour. The two prin- 
ciples then came into collision in a way that admitted 
of no compromise. Each side believed itself to be 
right with such sincerity that thousands were ready 
to die for their belief. The wars, indeed, which have 
shaped human destiny cannot be simply represented 
as struggles between right and wrong, for the real 


antagonists who had to be reckoned with on either ohap. 

side have been men who deemed certain principles of ,^^^,^^^.,,^ 

greater value than their lives. But the issues which, 

in truth, cause such wars are generally obscured by 

the trivial and often sordid interests which are the 

occasion of the actual outbreak. This was often the 

case in the three centuries of contest between Europe 

and England for the dominion of the new continents 

and seas which followed the discoveries of Vasco da 

Gama and Christopher Columbus. 

. In the Middle Ages, which were now closing, The 

England had taken her part in the scramble of con- plSm^o 

tinental nations for territory at the cost of her ^°?^\he 

nearest neighbours. From the sixteenth century she Ji^®^^^^^^ 

abandoned these ambitions once for all. * Clear- by 

sighted persons at Court advised, as early as the "^*^ * 

reign of Henry VIII., a policy of colonial enterprise 

in place of interference in the continental wars. 

" Let us," they said, " in God's name, leave off our 

attempts against the terra jirma^ as the natural 

situation of islands seems not to suit with conquests 

of that kind. Or, when we would enlarge ourselves, 

let it be that way we can, and to which, it seems the 

eternal providence has destined us, which is by sea. 

The Indies are discovered, and vast treasure brought 

from thence every day. Let us, therefore, bend our 

endeavours thitherwards ; and if the Spaniards and 

Portuguese suffer us not to join with them, there 

will yet be region enough for all to enjoy." ' ^ But 

these clear-sighted persons were ignoring the terms 

of the Papal Bull of 1514, in accordance with which 

all the continents opened to Europe by the discoveries 

of Columbus and Vasco da Gama were closed except 

to Spain and Portugal. That monopoly had first to be 

^ Hunter, A History of British IndiOj vol. i. p. 223. The quotation is 
from Maopherson's Annals, svh anno 1611, ii. 89, on the anthority of Lord 


CHAP, broken, and when in 1580 Portugal was absorbed by 
^^^ Spain the issue lay between England and that country. 
To Philip of Spain, England by her final separation 
from Rome had become ' the necessary object of 
another Holy War/^ While renouncing their spiritual 
allegiance to Rome, the Tudor sovereigns for a time 
shrank from challenging her authority in international 
law. But the Protestant spirit of England was rising, 
and in 1578 Drake, openly disregarding the Papal 
award, rounded Cape Horn, burst into the Pacific, 
visited the Moluccas, and returned to England by the 
Cape of Good Hope. An open rupture with Philip 
was now inevitable, and in order to challenge the 
Spanish monopoly, Elizabeth was at length forced to 
deny the validity of the Pope's award, which she 
presently described as a disputed 'donation of the 
Bishop of Rome.' 'Prescription,' she asserted in 
1580, 'without possession availeth nothing.'^ In 
words that anticipate the dawning problem of aerial 
navigation she argued that ' the use of the sea and 
air is common to all ... as neither nature, nor public 
use and custom permitteth any possession thereof.'^ 
And, in truth, no smaller principle than the freedom 
of the high seas was at stake. For in forbidding the 
ships of any nation but Spain and Portugal to visit 
countries, whether known or unknown, across the 
seas opened by Henry the Navigator, the Papacy 
practically closed the ocean beyond the territorial 
waters of Europe. All seas but those three miles 
from the land (with the exception of certain recognized 
maria clausa) have so long been regarded as a 
common heritage and a pathway open to all, that 
men are prone to forget that the right was ever 
denied. It is a principle now rooted in the moral 

* EgertoD, British Colonial Policy^ p. 16. * Ihid. p. 16. 

' Hunter, A History of British India, vol, i. p. 207, quoting Oamden, 
HisUyry of Elizabeth, p. 256 fed. 1675). 


habits of mankind, but to make it so the principle chap. 
had once to be asserted by force, v-^i-^^-.^ 

How came it that so small a people as the English whv Eng- 
were able to assert this freedom for themselves in iweto" 
successive contests against the greatest powers of wsertthe 

o G r ^ freedom 

Western Europe ? Again the answer to this question of the sea. 
must be sought in the insular character of their home, her navy. 
The sea, which sheltered them from the armies which fh^J^r- 
were devastating the Protestant states of Europe and ^^^^^ °^ 

o i sea-power. 

conserved their energies, had also accustomed them 
to the handling of ships. Henry the Navigator had 
inaugurated an epoch in which that kind of skill was 
to count for more than the power of great autocracies 
to pour troops into the field. Before the sixteenth 
century was half spent the English were the people of 
Europe who knew best how to cross the ocean and 
hold their own against any power which sought to 
oppose them on that element. Henry VIII. created 
the English navy, and scarcely a year of his reign 
passed without seeing fresh improvements in the build 
and armament of his ships. Capacity to devise new 
means to meet changing needs is the natural fruit 
of freedom. It now began to tell in favour of the 
English as against the Spaniards, and ere Henry VIII. 
closed his reign his navy was the most powerful on 
the seas. The struggle for world power was to be 
fought on an element where the wealth and daring 
of an island race, inspired by the enterprise and 
patriotism which free institutions beget, outbalanced 
the advantage which their vastly superior numbers 
gave to the continental kingdoms. In conquests by 
land the mere number of soldiers available is of 
paramount importance, for troops must be detached 
to hold the roads behind an invading army so that it 
shrinks at every stage of its advance into an enemy's 
country. With maritime warfare it is otherwise. 
Th^ combatants are confined to the decks of ships, 




Defeat of 


The secret 
of sea- 
ignored by 

and the ships can be moved at will to any part of the 
ocean, so that the stronger navy can hunt down t^e 
weaker and destroy it. In doing thiB a fleet is not, 
like an army, continuously weakened by having to 
shed part of its forces to protect the route behind it. 
Without diminishing its fighting strength, it can 
search out the opposing fleets to destroy them, and if 
it succeeds it is then free to transport troops where it 
will, and to prevent the enemy reinforcing or supplying 
its armies beyond the sea. A small people should be 
able to find crews for any number of ships that it can 
afibrd to build and maintain. Then, as now, it was 
a type of conflict bound in the end to be determined 
by wealth rather than by numbers. In contending 
for the wealth of the newly opened continents each 
side knew instinctively that it was fighting for the 
means essential to victory. 

The claim to the fireedom of the seas was advanced 
by Elizabeth in 1580. In 1588 Philip marshalled all 
his maritime resources for the destruction of England 
and launched the Armada against her in vain. Out- 
manoeuvred by the English sailors, riddled by their 
shot, and battered by storms, a few beaten hulks 
returned to Spanish ports, and the monopoly of the 
high seas was broken, never to be renewed. 

It was in this struggle that the British captains 
realized the essential conditions of maritime defence. 
Drake had urged on Queen Elizabeth that the right 
way to protect Her Majesty's shores was not by 
remaining near them, but by seeking o.ut the fleets of 
Philip and destroying them* even in his own ports. 
Thenceforward this principle was recognized as the 
basis of British strategy. In the Spanish Eknpire 
there were some who perceived its vital importance, 
for in 1624 Manoel Severim de Faria, a Portuguese 
writer, ^in a treatise which anticipates the modem 
philosophy of sea-power, urged that the one course 


capable of arresting the rapid decline of the Iberian chap. 
Empire was that the capital should be transported 
from Madrid to Lisbon, and that the total maritime 
strength of the monarchy should be employed in the 
British Channel upon the destruction of the Dutch 
and English navies. Such bold and drastic counsels 
were thrown away upon the Spanish Court.' ^ 



The expeditions sent out by Henry the Navigator The Dutch 
and his successors had from the outset been military, company* 
They were Crusades upon which had been grafted poiitj^j" 
aims of a commercial character. The merchandise ^^a^^ter. 
most eagerly sought was spice which, until the trade 
routes were cut by the Turks, had reached Europe 
in small and precious parcels borne across Asia on 
the backs of camels. A ship-load of spices was worth 
a king's ransom, and even if trade had been the only 
object of the Portuguese, no one would have dared 
to entrust such cargoes to crews unable to protect 
their vessels from robbery. Single ships, however 
powerfully armed, ran fearful risks, and throughout 
the sixteenth century the trade with the Far East 
was as a matter of course carried on by fleets which 
were as ready to fight as to trade. From first to 
last the enterprise was an affair of state conducted 
by the king, and when in 1580 Portugal and Spain 
were united under one crown the East Indian trade 
became the monopoly of the King of Spain. Hitherto 

' Fisher, PolUical l/nimu^ P- 14) quoting Manoel Severim de Faria, Dis- 
cursos varios polUicas, Evora, 1624. 


CHAP, the Portuguese had confined themselves to the whole- 
sale trade with India, leaving to the merchants of 
the Netherlandfl the lucrative business of distributing 
the cargoes to the ports of Europe. Antwerp was 
the great emporium for Eastern wares ; but when 
Spain absorbed Portugal and took over the Indian 
trade the Netherlands were in open revolt against 
her rule. Cut off from the business of distribution, 
the Dutch merchants determined to assert their right 
to bring spices direct from the islands of the Malay 
Archipelago and generally to trade with the East. 
A company closely associated with the state was 
constituted for this purpose. The charter granted 
to it by the States General ' reads like a Protestant 
counterpart of the privileges granted to Portugal by 
the Bull of 1493, except that religious proselytism 
drops out of view, a commercial company takes the 
place of the King, and instead of the poena excom- 
municationis latae against rivals or intruders, we 
have the direct arbitrament of the sword.' ^ The 
object aimed at by Holland * was not, as Portugal's 
had been, to take vengeance on the nefandissimi 
Machometi secta for the loss of the Holy Places in 
Palestine, or to swell the pride of a Royal House by 
new Asiatic titles, and to bring the kingdo^as of the 
East within the Christian fold, but by establishing 
a sufficient degree of sovereignty over the islands 
to prevent them from selling their spices to any 
European nation but herself. Where she found a 
stringent supremacy needful she established it ; where 
a less control sufficed, she was at first willing to leave 
the princes and peoples very much to themselves.' * 
The In 1600 the first English East India Company 

Eaft^india was formcd. But *it was in no sense a national 
Ftono^"^* enterprise, or a semi-national association like the 


character. * Hunter, History of British India, voL i. pp. 239-240. 

2 Ibid. i. p. 342. 


Dutch East India Company. The Queen allowed a chap. 
private group of her subjects to adventure their 
capital in the East India trade, and granted them 
such privileges as did not interfere with her own 
foreign policy. When their interests clashed with 
her foreign policy, she did not hesitate to withdraw 
her support.** The aims of this company were 
exclusively commercial. For the first ninety years 
of its existence the directors were steadfast in their 
resolve to avoid the acquisition or government of 
territory, [notwithstanding the pressure put upon 
them by their agents. In 1616 their policy was 
announced by Sir Thomas Roe in emphatic terms. 
* A war and traffic are incompatible,' he wrote. * By 
my consent you shall in no way engage yourselves 
but at sea, where you are like to gain as often as to 
lose. It is the beggaring of the Portugal, notwith- 
standing his many rich residences and territories 
that he keeps soldiers that spend it, yet his garrisons 
are mean. He never profited by the Indies, since 
he defended them. Observe this well. It hath been 
also the error of the Dutch, who seek Plantation here 
by the sword. They turn a wonderful stock, they 
prowl in all places, they possess some of the best ; 
yet their dead payes (payments) consume all the 
gain. Jiet this be received as a rule that if you 
will profit, seek it at Sea, and in quiet trade ; for 
without controversy, it is an error to affect garrisons 
and land- wars in India.' ^ 

Four years later l^he directors, in pursuance of 
this poHcy, repudiated a proclamation dated from 
Saldanha Bay, by which two of their captains had 
annexed Table Bay. The two harbours enclosed by 
the Cape peninsula were, in truth, the key to the 

^ Hunter, Hittoty of British India, vol. i. p. 256. 

* Ibid, vol. ii. pp. 241-242, quoting Foster, Evibassy of Sir l^komcis lioe^ 
vol. i. p. xliil. 




CHAP. Eastern trade. But however pacific the intentions 
^^^^^^^^^^ of the London merchants, their right to navigate 
The the Indian seas had to be asserted by powder and 

Comply shot, and after a series of battles the Portuguese were 
the^^u- fi^*% beaten by Dounton at Surat in 1615. The 
gue8e,and, Netherlands, however, had in the course of their long 
eluded by Struggle with Spain developed their maritime power, 
from^^^ and the Dutch East India Company was now dominant 
^^. in the East. Their jealousy of English intrusion into 
estab* the Spice Islands culminated in 1623 in the torture 
their pod- and massacrc of the English settlers at Amboyna, 
in^ an island from which the Portuguese had been ejected 
^K f ^^ *^® Dutch in 1609. Indirectly this outrage led 
exdusion to the fouudatiou of the Indian Empire, for the 
fatai^ English Company, withdrawing to the mainland, 
developed the power which afterwards enabled them 
to dominate it. The Dutch, meantime, intent upon 
monopolizing the whole trade of the Spice Islands, 
were occupied with driving out the Portuguese. 
They were neither the first nor the last to believe 
that dependencies can be made a close preserve, or 
to realize too late that they languish when every 
aperture is closed against commerce with the world 
outside. 'The rapid and signal downfall of the 
Dutch colonial empire is to be explained by its short- 
sighted commercial policy. It was deliberately based 
upon a monopoly of the trade in spices, and remained 
from first to last destitute of the true imperial spirit. 
Like the Phoenicians of old, the Dutch stopped short 
of no acts of cruelty towards their rivals in com- 
merce ; but, unlike the Phoenicians, they failed to 
introduce a respect for their own higher civilization 
among the natives with whom they came in contact.' ' 
Spain had already sapped her own vitality by yield- 
ing to the same exclusive instinct, and had ceased 
to be the dominant power of Europe. That position 

* Hunter, Eney. Brit., vol. xiv. p. 406, 11th ed. 


was now assumed by France, and the menace of chap. 
this powerful neighbour handicapped Holland in her 
struggle for naval supremacy with a rival whose 
territories were shielded by the sea. Exclusion was 
a game at which two could play, and England, by 
the Navigation Acts, ruined the carrying trade of the 
Dutch. These measures in turn became the basis 
of the * Commercial System ' which cost England the 
allegiance of her American colonies. 

William of Orange ascended the English throne The 
in 1689, and established a peace with Holland which wiSi** 
lasted for little short of a hundred years. The f™^^^; 
struggle for the empire of the sea and of the con- conditions 
tinents beyond it now lay between France and determined 
England, and only ended with the battle of Trafalgar. '^ '''^^• 
The smaller nation prevailed (at times against Europe 
in arms), mainly because it was able to concentrate 
its energies on the maritime contest, while those of 
France were consumed in land wars with neighbouring 
powers.^ The genius of Olive and Wolfe would have 
been of little use had England not been able to 
dominate with her fleets the routes which led to Asia 
and America.^ It was from these distant continents 
that she drew the wealth which enabled her to main- 
tain the supremacy at sea which was the condition of 
her existence. Without it she would have perished, 
and with her the civilization for which she stood. 

In challenging the determination of the strongest Reaaons 
power in Europe to exclude them from the oversea compelled 
trade, the English became masters of the sea and the ^^n^i^ 
strongest power in India at the very moment when ^^ 
native rule in India was finally breaking down. The Company 
English East India Oompany started, as has been the task ^ 
pointed out, with the deliberate purpose of confining menr^^"^ 
itself to trade and of avoiding government. It took 

* Mahan, Influence of Sea Power on History^ p. 226. 
« Ibid, pp. 306-307. 


CHAP, close upon a century's experience to teach the 
directors that the kind of trade upon which they 
were embarking could not be developed unless they 
accepted the task of territorial adniinistration. Up 
to the middle of the fifteenth century the diflSculty 
of transport had limited the commerce between 
Europe and the Far East to articles of small size 
and great value. Silk, jewels, and spice filtered in 
slender quantities through Alexandria, Smyrna, or 
Constantinople, to the warehouses of Venice, Cadiz, 
Lisbon, Bordeaux, Amsterdam, Antwerp, or London, 
for distribution over Europe. Between these European 
ports a commerce of a different kind was carried on 
in wine, grain, wool fabrics, and other bulky articles 
which had to be warehoused at the ports in sufficient 
quantities to make up the cargoes of the ships which 
carried them. But such massing of wealth was only 
possible under the conditions of order which had 
come into being in Europe. The moment that fleets 
were sent to find cargoes on the coast of India, 
European merchants began to discover that for trade 
on such a scale a certain degree of protection for 
property on land is essential in both the countries 
which are taking part in it. They were obliged to 
appoint agents in India to collect cargoes in depots, 
or factories as they were called, against the arrival of 
their fleets. The problem was much the same as that 
which English and Russian merchants are facing in 
Persia at the present day. 
Gradual Thcsc Operations began in Northern India just 

tSn™y ^^^^ ^^^ Moslems had established a vigorous and 
the Com- despotic Sovereignty under the Mogul Emperor 
political Akbar in that part of the sub-continent. Before the 


bilities, close of the seventeenth century the rule of the 
Mogul Emperors had followed the usual course of 
Oriental despotisms established by conquest. The 
Mohammedan bigotry of the Emperor Aurangzeb 





turned his subjects into foes, the Mogul Empire broke 
down, and India was left without any central control 
or union. There ceased to be any Qovemment which 
could protect the factories of the Company either 
against the Portuguese, Dutch, or French, or from the 
rapacity of the native rulers themselves. But it was 
not till the closing years of the seventeenth century 
that the Company recognized the impossibility of 
continuing to act on the maxims of Eoe. Even so 
late as 1681, the Governor in London wrote: 'AH 
war is so contrary to oiH* constitution as well as our 
interest, that we cannot too often inculcate to you 
our aversion thereunto.' ^ But three years later they 
had changed their tone, and in 1684 the directors 
recorded the remark that 'though our business is 
only trade and security, not conquest, yet we dare 
not trade boldly or leave great stocks where we have 
not the security of a fort.'* In 1685 they ordered 
the Black Town of Madras to be fortified, and on the 
16th March 1686 a letter was despatched abandoning 
the policy of Roe and accepting the conclusion which 
had been forced by hard facts upon their agents in 
India, * namely, that since the native governors have 
taken to trampling upon us, and extorting what they 
please of our estate from ns, by the besieging of our 
Pactorys and stopping of our boats upon the Ganges, 
they will never forbare doing so till we have made 
them as sensible of our Power, as we have of our 
Truth and Justice. And we, after many Deliberations 
are firmly of the same Opinion, and resolve with God's 
blessing to pursue it.' ^ The factories had therefore 
to be equipped as forts. But a fortified settlement 
depends for its sustenance as well as for its trade on 
the people and country immediately surrounding it, 

' Hunter, ffidory ofBrituh IndiOy vol. ii. p. 246, quoting letter from the 
Court of Directors to the Bombay Council of 22nd April 1681. 

a Ibid, vol. ii p. 246. » Ibid, vol. \L p. 241. 



CHAP, and is driven in time to protect them as well as itself. 
Protection involves administration, and administration 
the raising of taxes and revenue. By an inevitable 
sequence of events the fortified factories of Bombay, 
Madras, and Calcutta each became a nucleus of 
government, arbitrary, perhaps, as compared with 
that in the British colonies of America, hpt just, 
moderate, and humane as compared with the rule of 
the native despots. It was no idle boast when the 
Company claimed that the Indians 'do live easier 
under our government than under any government in 
Asia.' ^ When in 1763 the French power was beaten 
and practically withdrawn from India, the Mogul 
Empire had already broken down, and the country 
plunged once more into a series of internecine wars 
between its various races and dynasties. From these 
wars it was impossible that the East India Company 
with its vast and rapidly growing interests should 
stand aside. Quickly it became the sovereign power 
of India, for precisely the same reason that Rome 
secured and long maintained the sovereignty of 
Europe, because it was the one eflFective power capable 
of creating and maintaining order, 
jhe But for the organization provided by the Company, 

SSaUy ^rade with the East could not have existed on any 
displaced gerious scale, and the Company claimed an exclusive 
British right to it. By a series of steps the British Govern- 
ment" ment assumed control of this powerful corporation, 
defecteof *^^ gradually opened the Indian trade to other 
company British subjects, and finally to all the world, on 
equal terms. Eventually the Company was ex- 
propriated and abolished, and the British Government 
took upon itself the task of governing India. The 
principles underlying trade and government are so 
fundamentally different as to impose upon those who 
try to combine them a dual and sometimes conflict- 

' Hunter, History of British India^ vol. ii. p. 272. 


ing responsibility. Legitimate trade, as distinguished chap. 
from plunder in all its various forms, depends on a 
community of material interests, and can only be 
established where such a community exists. Such 
community is found where two or more parties each 
have something which the other wants, so that an 
exchange suits all of them. The motive of trade 
is frankly and properly self-interest. Grovemment 
rests on a motive the exact antithesis of this. Its 
ultimate authority is bom, not of self-interest, how- 
ever enlightened, but of that still small voice which 
moves men to place the interest of the community 
before their own. It is in fact the organ through 
which the collective conscience of a community is 
imposed upon its members, constraining each to 
subordinate his private good to that of all, and 
enabling all to sacrifice their present good to the 
welfare of those that follow them. The interest of 
each individual is concerned with the present or the 
immediate future : of the distant future government 
is the sole trustee, and, properly to discharge that 
trust, its agents should be men who can view with 
a single eye the duties committed to them. But if 
those agents are primarily responsible to a company 
whose business it is to earn dividends for its share- 
holders within a limited time, they are likely to 
find themselves sooner or later in a false position. 
And in actual practice the officials of chartered 
companies are pften faced by a conflict of duties, 
for the measures that best serve the interest of 
their shareholders cannot always be those which 
are best for the countries they rule. Would any 
one, for instance, dare to assert that the interests of 
the company which was formed to realize the natural 
resources of Nigeria, and was formerly responsible for 
its administration, were always identical with those 
of the present and future inhabitants? Admirable 


CHAP, work has been done by chartered companies in laying 
the foundations of law and order where the Imperial 
government was not yet ready for the task. Seldom 
have natives been governed with greater humanity 
than they now are in Northern Bhodesia. The defects 
of the system have often been neutralized by a more 
than commercial enthusiasm for doing things well, by 
the watchful supervision of the supreme government, 
or by a reasonable expectation that that government 
will take over the administration and reimburse the 
shareholders for the expenditure incurred. The genius 
of Englishmen for makeshifts is one of the secrets of 
their practical success. The defect of that quality 
lies in their frequent neglect to replace the makeshift 
before its inherent weakness has endangered the whole 
structure of government. No single expedient has 
done more to faciUtate the growth of the British 
Commonwealth than the free hand given at various 
times to chartered companies. Nor is there any valid 
objection to the practice, if provision is made in time 
to put in their place an authority which can view the 
task entrusted to it with a single eye to the benefit 
"^ of the country it controls. 
Inclusion \\ The British East India Company was the first and 
hi the by far the most important example of this method 
c"mmon- ^^ administering a subject race. The rivalries, 
wealth, conflicts, and intrigues of Western nations carried 
on in the heart of Eastern society aggravated to an 
intense degree disorders which, though favourable 
to plunder and exploitation in all their forms, were 
fatal to the growth of a genuine commerce. The 
London directorate of the British East India Company 
and the best of their agents in India really desired 
legitimate trade, and in order to secure it were 
gradually forced to establish some kind of order for 
themselves. In doing so they developed a govwn- 
ment, and the British Government, from which their 


powers were derived, was obliged to watch and chap. 
control the experiment. That control was gradually ^^^ 
strengthened until at length the Company was 
expropriated and its charter cancelled. In this way 
the British Commonwealth, except in the tiny areas 
left as a matter of sentiment to Portugal and France, 
assumed an unlimited authority over the relations 
of all the people of India to each other ; and in doing 
so it also became responsible for their relations not 
only with other parts of the Empire but with the 
rest of the world. The Indians thus became subjects 
of the British Crown. But by this time the 
sovereignty had passed once for all from the Crown 
to Parliament, or rather to the voters who elect it — 
to the citizens, that is to say, recognized by law as 
qualified to choose representatives for the purpose 
of administering and changing the law. It is they, 
not the King, Cabinet, or Parliament, who are the 
mainspring of government in the United Kingdom, 
and it is essential to the present inquiry that no 
legal formula or rhetorical phrase should be suffered 
to obscure the fact that they are also the actual as 
well as the legal mainspring of government in India, 
as in all the dependencies of the British Crown. It 
is they who are responsible for adjusting the relations 
of a vast portion of the East with the West. The 
allegiance of the people of the United Kingdom and 
of all its dependencies is due to the same paramount 
^authority. All of them are citizens of one com- 
prehensive state, and that a state in which autocracy 
has been finally discarded and government consciously 
based on the principle of the commonwealth. How- 
ever despotic the power of the Viceroy, and however 
prone the Oriental to regard such power as evidence 
of divine authority, that power is in fact derived 
from the British Parliament, not by virtue of its 
sovereignty over the United Kingdom, still less by 


CHAP, virtue of its sovereignty over India, but by virtue 
of its sovereignty over the greater state of which 
both are integral parts. Its authority rests on the 
duty of the British and Indian peoples to see to it 
that both may fare better rather than worse by 
reason of their mutual intercourse. The responsibility 
for effecting this object must long continue to rest 
with the European community, merely because in 
realization of that duty, as well as in fitness to 
discharge it, the European community is far in 
advance of the Asiatic. These things are a matter 
of degree, and must be gauged by actual as well as 
by ideal standards. A glance at the attitude of 
Turkish or other Oriental rulers towards their 
dependencies will suggest that, wanting as the 
British have been, and still are, in a due sense of their 
responsibility to India, the sense is there. It is 
strong enough to secure that in most respects the 
government of India shall be determined by Indian 
and not by British interests so far as its purely 
domestic affairs are concerned, and in Imperial 
matters by Imperial interests. It is idle to assert 
that the vast mass of Indians have as yet had time 
to rise to a correlative sense of responsibility in 
Indian affairs, still .less in those of the general 
Commonwealth of which India is a part.^ The 

^ These words have been left to stand as they were first printed in 1913. 
The devotion of India to the Imperial Commonwealth is not the least 
remarkable of the revelations brought about by a war which threatens its 
existence, a revelation no less surprising, perhaps, to Indians themselves 
than to their British fellow-citizens. The following extract from a poem 
by a distinguished Judge, Nawab Nizamut Jung of the High Court of 
Hyderabad, printed in the Tiines of October 2, 1914, with reference to the 
landing of the Indian contingent at Marseilles, is a fine expression of the 
value which Indians have come to attach to their citizenship in a world- 
state greater even than India itself : — 

Though weak our hands, which fain would clasp 
The warrior's sword with warrior's grasp 

On Victory's field ; 
Tet turn, O mighty Mother I tarn 
Unto the million hearts that bum 

To be thy shield ! 


principle of that Commonwealth rests upon mutual chap. 
responsibility, but such responsibility is seldom dis- 
tributed equally. It rests with those that have more 
knowledge rather than with those that have less, on 
the strong rather than the weak. Power must ever 
go hand in hand with responsibility. The ultimate 
sovereignty of the general Commonwealth has not 
been extended to include the people of India, for no 
other reason than this, that if it were, government 
itself would cease. Of all tyrannies the worst is 
anarchy, the one in which no visible authority can be 
held responsible for wrong done.^ The British people 
have included communities drawn from every level of 
human society within the circle of one comprehensive 
commonwealth, without, like the Bomans, destroying 
its character as such ; and in doing so have done 
more than Rome itself towards solving the most 
fundamental of human problems. 

In noting this obvious fact there is no sugges- The 
tion that the British, any more than the Greeks or and ^ 
Romans, deliberately addressed themselves to the ^f*^*^^ 
task of establishing an equilibrium between Europe, ^^twh 

. t* 1 • 1 r\ dominion 

Asia, and the primitive races of mankind. 'One in India. 
reason why British aims in India have never been 

Thine equal Justice, mercy, grace, 
Have raade a distant alien race 

A part of thee ! 
Twas thine to bid their sotiln rf^olce, 
When flrMt they heard the living voice 

Of liberty! 

Unmindful of their ancient name, 
And loat to Honour, Glory, Fame, 

And Bunli in strife 
Thou found 'at them, whom thy touch hath made 
Men, and to whom thy breath conveyed 

A nobler life ! 

Thoy whom thy love hath guarded long, 
They, whom thy care hath rendered strong 

In love and faith. 
Their heart-strings round thy heart entwine ; 
They are, they ever will be thine, 

In Ufe— in death ! 

^ See Note A at end of this chapter, p. 222. 


CHAP, reduced to precise formulae is that they were in- 
voluntary in their inception and very gradual in their 
growth. No one who has studied history will dream 
of contending for a moment that the British went to 
India intent upon the moral and material regenera- 
tion of its inhabitants. The pioneers were not even 
inflamed by the proselytizing zeal which formed one- 
half of the dual motives of the Portuguese. They 
slowly assumed the task of administration because 
they found it imperative for the development and 
stability of their trade. They drove out their 
European competitors, they upset ineflScient indigenous 
administrations, they made and unmade dynasties, 
from the same compelling reason. They extended 
their rule because every fresh conquest confronted 
them with new diflSculties and new menaces upon 
their frontiers. Nothing was more unmethodical, or 
inore automatic and inevitable, than the British 
conquest of India. . . . Yet, though there is little 
substantial evidence of high initial moral purpose of 
a far-reaching kind, there can be no doubt that it 
existed in varying and often obscure forms almost 
from the very beginning. In a race with the 
traditions and the ideals held by the English it was 
bound to be early manifested, and to impart some 
infusion of unselfish beneficence into their acts. The 
time came at last when it grew very rapidly, until in 
the end it became a dominating consideration. The 
annexation of Oudh would never have been under- 
taken if Oudh had been humanely governed. The 
conquest of the Punjab would never have been 
entered upon if the death of Ranjit Singh had 
not plunged the province into a welter of dismal 
strife. The character of the English counted for 
more in the long run than the material purpose which 
first took them to India, and they committed them- 
selves, almost without realizing it, to a task the full 

•• • 

• • 

,• • • 

• • • 

• • • 

• • • 

• .a 

• • • • 

• ••■•• 


magnitude of which is only now being perceived. . . . chap. 
The real fact is, of course, that Great Britain has 
never held India solely by. the sword, but also by the 
acquiescence, sometimes expressed, generally tacit, of 
the Indian peoples. If that acquiescence were ever 
withdrawn, the 75,000 white troops upon whom in 
the last emergency we must rely could not long 
uphold British rule unaided.' ^ 

The force of this last observation will be realized The 
more vividly if the reader will refer to Plate III. and of British 
note the tiny square which represents the European J^uJ^"*'" 
civil and military population resident in India. The 
statement is no less applicable to the other depend- 
encies in which by the same process the Commonwealth 
has taken upon itself, in addition, the guardianship of 
some 56,000,000 natives of Asia, Africa, America, and 
Oceana. Popular maps of the world serve to disguise 
the magnitude of this responsibility, because, as 
explained on Plate 11. , they exaggerate the area of 
territory in proportion to its distance from the 
equator, and minimize by comparison the area of the 
densely peopled tropics where for the most part these 
races live. But the fundamental problems of politics 
cannot be seen in their true proportions so long as 
they are measured in miles rather than men. Plate 
IV. is designed to give these measurements their real 
relative values, but while reading the following pages 
the student should keep Plate VIII. spread out before 
him. In round numbers the total population of the 
world may be taken at about 1,721,000,000.^ The 
native populations of Asia, Africa, America, and 
Oceana represent about 1,164,000,000, or more than 
two-thirds of the whole. Between the races which 
go to make up this figure there is hardly any feature 

^ India and the Durbar, reprint from the Times, pp. 63, 64, 69. 

' A& stated in the note facing page 1 these figures I'equired to bo modified 
in the light of more recent estimates of the population of China. The 
modificationB, however, would rather strengthen the argument. 


CHAP, which they share in common. Some, as in India and 
Egypt, have civilizations older than that of Europe, 
and differ from the savage races more than they differ 
from the European. But in this one feature all are 
alike, that their social systems begin to crumble 
the moment they come into contact with European 
civilization. Asia, Africa, America, and Oceana have, 
as compared with Europe, marked time during the 
long march of history. Europe has developed to an 
exceptional degree the faculty of change and growth. 
Her peoples are the active element in human society, 
and it is impossible for them to touch or mix with 
any of the passive elements without deranging their 
structure. The moment the enterprise initiated by 
Henry the Navigator brought the various continents 
into touch with each other, the question arose how 
far the passive and stationary peoples would be able 
to readjust themselves to the sudden change produced 
by contact with Europe. With some, of course, the 
disintegrating action has l)een more rapid than with 
others ; but the only important race of non-European 
descent which has yet shown signs of innate capacity 
to control and keep pace with it is Japan, and it 
is still too early to declare her capacity proved. 
Assuming it for the moment, however, and deducting 
her population of 69,000,000, there remain some 
1,095,000,000 human beings upon whom Europe has 
had, and is still having, a profoundly disturbing effect. 
Of these the people of China have been least sus- 
ceptible to its action, and for obvious reasons. They 
are one race inhabiting one vast empire. No coasts 
are more remote from Europe than those of China, 
and, except along the banks of its mighty rivers, 
Europeans have permeated its vast interior but little. 
The order maintained by England in India has helped 
to delay the process of disintegration in China. Since, 
however, European civilization has taken permanent 


root on the opposite coast of the Pacific, and Russia chap. 
has brought China into contact with Europe by the .,^,^,^^..,^ 
Siberian Railway, the disintegration of its society has 
proceeded at a headlong pace, and it yet remains to 
be seen whether a native government will succeed in 
controlling it. If not, the problem of regulating the 
relations of 434,000,000 Chinese with the other three- 
quarters of mankind may set the world by the ears 
before it is solved. In addition to the great Mongolian 
races there are about 67,000,000 people living in 
states which may be classed as non-European, and 
independent of European control.^ These states, 
together with China and Japan, contain about 
570,000,000 souls. The remaining non -European 
races may be put at 594,000,000. Upon most of 
these the disturbing influence of Europe began to act 
long before it made itself felt in China, and the effects 
were such that the peoples of Europe have become 
directly responsible for their government. But in 
respect of 373,000,000 — more than three-fifths of this 
balance, nearly one-third of the non-European races, 
and much more than one*fifth of human society — the 
responsibility has been assumed by the government 
of the British Commonwealth. 

Of this stupendous total, 312,000,000, or nearly Cauaes 
five-sixths, are natives of India, which is the part of annexf- 
Asia most readily accessible to ships approaching it ^°° °^ 
from Europe by the Cape route. Its inhabitants endesby 
are as diverse as those of China are uniform, and states!^^ 
owing to the peninsular shape of the country are 
comparatively easy to reach from the coast. When 
Vasco da Gama had opened the way there, India 
was quickly overrun by European adventurers in 
search of wealth, armed with the knowledge, weapons, 

^ Turkey in Asia, 18,000,000 ; Afghanistan, 6,900,000 ; Persia, 9,500,000; 
Siam, 6,250,000; Nepal, 5,000,000; Abyaainia, 8,000,000 ; Liberia, 1,500,000; 
Central American Republics, 5,010,000; Colombia, 4,320,000; Ecuador, 
1,500,000; Haiti, 2,020,000. Total, 67,000,000. 


CHAP, discoveries of Columbus and Vasco da Gama. The 
.^^^^..^^^^^ natives who perished by hunger, massacre, and 
mutilation, that the king and his satellites might 
reap the wealth of their forests, are reckoned in 
millions. No other remedy could be devised than 
that a civilized government, that is to say, the 
government of Belgium itself, should assume respon- 
sibility for the administration of the Congo. Once 
more the rubber tragedy is repeating itself in Putu- 
mayo, and again no effective remedy is in sight unless 
Peru can be made responsible for the effective ad- 
ministration of the district. In Egypt, Morocco, 
Swaziland, New Guinea, Samoa, and Fiji, the same 
story has been repeated. The institutions of native 
society are powerless to resist the influences which 
Europeans in search of wealth bring to bear on them. 
The corruption they engender threatens to infect the 
world beyond, until at last it awakens both the 
conscience and the fears of Europe, and it is recognized 
that some European state must be made responsible 
for enforcing justice between man and man. Nor 
wiU any thoughtful person deny that it is for the 
more advanced civilization to enforce justice between 
its own children and the weaker races of the other 
continents. But it is too little recognized that such 
work can only be done effectively by a state, or that 
for a civilized state to enforce justice in a native 
territory means annexation, by whatever diplomatic 
fiction the reality of Empire may be disguised.^ 
Magnitude Incomparably the heaviest share of this respon- 
sibiiities sibility has fallen on the British Commonwealth, 
byBritish which is uow responsible for the peace, order, and 
ment^^ govemmeut of some 373,000,000 of human beings, 
drawn from races other than those of Europe. The 
magnitude of the function can be realized by imagining 
the result if the ability of the Imperial Government 

^ See Note B at end of this chapter, p. 229. 


to discharge it were destroyed. Suppose that India ohap. 
with its manifold religions and races, Ceylon, the 
Straits Settlements, Egypt,^ East A&ica, and Nigeria 
—not to mention a multitude of smaller native 
communities scattered over the face of the globe — 
were suddenly left exposed to the machinations of 
adventurers in quest of wealth, and called upon to 
set up for themselves governments competent to keep 
some sort of internal order. How many rulers could 
the East produce fit to control the commerce of its 
people with European traders ? How many could 
be trusted to handle the loans which European 
financiers are ready to lend ? And how many tribal 
chiefs would be found proof against the enterprise 
of adventurers in search of concessions ? The history 
of Egypt, China, Persia, Morocco, and Swaziland in 
tihe last few decades shows all too clearly the future 
in store for a backward community which is left 
without protection against Europeans with all the 
material resources of their civilization behind them. 
It is only by calling to their aid the moral forces of 
civilization that the contact of Europeans with races 
less advanced than themselves can be rendered other- 
wise than disastrous to both. Those relations must 
be controlled ; control can only be exercised by the 
higher civilization and never becomes effective until 
in some shape or form the actual responsibility of 
government is assumed. 

Afi soon as the other continents were opened to British de- 
Europe, the government of great parts of them by S^uu^d^^ 
European states was inevitable. Europe had, as ^^^^^ 
explained in the first two chapters, developed two superior 
varieties of civilization, one continental, the other force. 
insular. England, the nation which had produced 
the latter, had by reason of its insular position 
secured the mastery of the ocean routes in defiance 

^ See Note A at end of this chapter, p. 223. 


CHAP, of continental Europe, and as her trade with the 
other continents was greater than that of all Europe, 
so there fell to her a lion's share of the dominion to 
which trade inevitably led. The secret of superior 
sea - power sufficiently explains why it was that 
England and not Spain, France, or Holland prevailed 
in Asia. But to the question why a state representing 
so small a section of Europe has retained its dominion 
over peoples vastly more numerous than itself it 
offers no key. The truth is, as stated by the writer 
quoted above,^ that the allegiance of these myriads 
has not been secured by the material forces of England, 
but rests on the acquiescence of the subject races 
themselves. But the question remains why they 
have so acquiesced. 
The Conservatives are apt to talk as though autocracies 

merits^of wcrc better adapted than commonwealths to the task 
andT^^^^^ of governing backward communities, because the 
(»mmon. principle of autocracy is alone intelligible to them. 
the Radicals are apt to arrive at the same conclusion by 

ment of ^ different road, and tOvspeak as though the task were 
de^nd- qj^q which it ill befits a commonwealth to attempt.^ 
The present inquiry is concerned with facts, and with 
theories only in so far as they square with them ; and 
in this case it is indisputable that a vast proportion 
of the backward races when left to themselves fall 
into the power of irresponsible Europeans, who use 
that power for their own ends, to the undoing of 
those over whom it is used.' The only hope for these 
communities lies in government by Europeans re- 
sponsible to civilized states, and it is important, 
therefore, to inquire by what kind of civilized state 
they are best governed. Is it, as a question of fact, 
by states which cling to the principle of autocracy ? 

* See pp. 166-7. 

" See Note D at end of this chapter, p. 227. 

' See Note B at end of this chapter, p. 224. 


Will any one really suggest that the Indian members chap. 
of the Legislative Council would after careful inquiry 
prefer to see their country transferred to the rule of 
any continental state ? Does any dispassionate critic 
question the comparatiye success of British govern- 
ment in India, Ceylon, Egypt, the Malay States or 
Nigeria, or of the United States in the Philippines ? 
It is impossible, indeed, to resist the conclusion that 
as a rule civilized states have succeeded in the 
government of dependencies in so far as the principle 
of the commonwealth has been realized in their own 
institutions. But that dependencies should prosper 
when ruled by a state whose principle is unintelligible 
to them better than under one whose principle they 
understand is a paradox that calls for careful 
examination. In reducing a native territory to 
submission, and in organizing an administration, an 
autocracy will often show greater eflBciency and act 
more rapidly than a constitutional state.^ But pro- 
vided always that the paramount government is able 
to enforce its commands, its ultimate success will 
depend upon how far it maintains the balance of justice 
between the natives of the dependency, those of 
Europe, and its own officers. A government must have 
power over private citizens, and must also entrust the 
exercise of that power to officers who, owing to the 
defects of human nature, are liable to abuse it. To 
prevent such abuse is one of the standing problems 
of government The difficulty is increased ten- 
fold where the officers of government are far from 
the seat of sovereignty, and entrusted with powers 
over a race whose language and condition place 
almost insuperable difficulties in the way of appeal. 
In the absence of effective supervision their powers 
must tend gradually to demoralize all but the 
naturally upright, and even in those to foster an 

* Bourne, Spain in America^ p. 297. 


CHAP, arbitrary habit of mind. The earlier essays of 
European states, whether continental or British, in 
the government of dependencies have been marked 
by serious abuses. British institutions themselves 
were menaced in the eighteenth century when Clive 
and his contemporary nabobs used the wealth they 
brought from India to control a number of seats in 
Parliament. But the evils of British rule in India 
were slight compared to those which developed in 
the American dependencies of Portugal and Spain. 
England and Holland as well as the Latin monarchies 
treated the natives of Africa as chattels without rights 
and as instruments for their own ends, and revived 
slavery in a form and upon a scale more cruel than 
any practised by the ancients. The employment of 
slaves on her own soil has worked the permanent 
ruin of Portugal. The slave trade with America was 
an important source of English wealth, and the 
philosopher John Locke did not scruple to invest 
in it. There is no European race which can afford 
to remember its first contact with the subject peoples 
otherwise than with shame, and attempts to assess 
their relative degrees of guilt are as fruitless as they 
are invidious. The question of real importance is 
how far these various states were able to purge 
themselves of the poison, and rise to a higher realiza- 
tion of their duty towards races whom they were 
called by the claims of their own superior civilization 
to protect. The fate of that civilization itself hung 
upon the issue. 
The When the different principles underlying the various 

^ce^of governments of Europe are examined, is it possible to 
^"ndent ^^^ *^** ^^® morc than another was likely to develop 
review in a high scnsc of responsibility in its citizens and 
ingahigh ofiicers towaids the native races over which they 
of>espon- ruled ? To auswer this question it is first necessary 
sibiiity. ^q consider how in general such a sense is cultivated 


in any pnblic or private administration. It is cer- chap. 
tainly not by denying its officers the power to act 
except upon instructions asked and given in each 
individual case. The agents of a government or 
business who are never allowed to act on their own 
initiative will cease to have any. Every banker 
knows this, but he also knows the supreme importance 
of making his local managers accountable for every- 
thing they do after they have done it. If inspection 
and audit were relaxed or abolished the standard of 
responsibility throughout the departments of any 
great business, whether private or public, would 
rapidly decline. The efficacy of audit does not lie in 
the threat of punishment which mainly affects the 
feebler natures who at best only lean on the standards 
that others create. Fear appeals but little to the 
sturdier minds who create and' maintain these stan- 
dards. With such it is rather that inspection, and 
still more the prospect of inspection, induces a habit 
of seeing their conduct as others would see it. It 
provides them with a set of standards not falsified by 
the constant handling of daily use by which their 
moral weights and measures may be tested and 
corrected from time to time. In art the value of 
criticism does not depend on the artist's fear that the 
critic may injure the sale of his productions. In the 
maintenance of wholesome standards audit does for 
business what criticism does for art. 

The principle, in truth, applies to the whole sphere The rule 
of human conduct, and it is clear that in the govern- j^ts e^un 
ment of dependencies the standard of responsibility f^^l 
will be highest where every act of government is p«ndent 

review of 

subject to review by an independent authority. Now acu of 
Dicey has shown the characteristic which distinguishes me^nUn 
British institutions from those of the Continent to be ^^^ ^5. 
the automatic provision of an independent review to enciee. 
which government is subject in all its acts. The 


OHAP. establishment of the liability of its officers to the 

jurisdiction of the same courts as administered justice 

to private individuals was the essential step in the 

creation of the British Commonwealth. The product 

not of the legislature, but of the courts, it was 

gradually extended in the ordinary course and by the 

same means to the dependencies which Britain annexed. 

Their native inhabitants were actually incorporated 

in the fabric of the Commonwealth by a series of legal 

p \ decisions in the ordinary courts. 

Fabrigas The history of these decisions would be a valuable 

«. Mostyn. g^u^y^ j^^^ qj^q quito bcyoud the compass of this 

inquiry. It is instructive, however, to glance at one 
of them. The case of Fabrigas v. Mostyn arose in 
1773, during the occupation by British forces of the 
Island of Minorca. The fact that the case should 
relate to an island Inhabited by Europeans, which 
was only for short periods a dependency of Great 
Britain, in no way lessens its value as an illustration 
of the principle under discussion. Fabrigas, a native 
of Minorca, was regarded by Lieutenant -General 
Mostyn, the Governor, as a seditious, turbulent, 
and dissatisfied person, and he resolved to deport him 
to Spain, believing that he had a right to do so in 
accordance with the ancient laws of the island. 
Fabrigas was arrested, imprisoned, and transported 
to Spain without any form of trial An action for 
assault and false imprisonment tvas brought hy 
Fabrigas in the Court of Common Pleas in London. 
The case was heard there, and counsel in defending 
Governor Mostyn remarked that 'liberty' was the 
privilege which the English had secured for them- 
selves by their own patriotism. But the maintenance 
of that liberty, which they prized above all things, 
depended upon their trade, and the trade of the 
Mediterranean depended upon the possession of 
Minorca by Britain. He argued that if equality 


before the law, upon which Englishmen insisted for chap. 
themselves, were extended to Minorca, it would be v-^.^^-^.^ 
impossible to hold that dependency. With a logic 
which after -events proved to be unanswerable, 
he urged that such a doctrine would lead to the 
abolition of slavery in the plantations.^ Arrest, 
imprisonment, and deportation without trial might 
indeed be contrary to the principles of the British 
constitution ; but the constitution existed for the 
benefit of the British people, and could not be 
maintained if its principles were extended to the 
countries they annexed as necessary to that trade 
which was the bulwark of their own liberty. The 
dependencies must be enslaved in order that Britain 
might be £ree. The illegal deportation of Fabrigas 
was in fact to be justified as an act of state 
essential in the interests, not of the people of the 
British Empire, but only of the people of Great 
Britain. The people of the dependencies were to be 
considered not as ends in themselves but as a means 
to the ends of the dominant race. It was in essence 
the very doctrine applied by the Athenians to another 
Mediterranean island in the Peloponnesian War — the 
claim of the strong to dominate the weak for their 
own safety merely by virtue of their superior 

Mr. Justice Gould, who heard the case, left it to Thejudg- 
the jury to say 'whether the plaintiflTs behaviour iteeffwjtin 
was such as to afford a just conclusion that he was e^*«i»ding 

J ^ ^ to natives 

about to stir up sedition and mutiny in the garrison, of depend- 
or whether he meant no more than earnestly to press status of 
his ,mt .Bd U, e.d«vour to obfm red«« for what ftf^f 
seemed to him to be a grievance.'* If they thought ^^2^'"" 
that the latter was the case the Judge informed the 

^ See p. 231. 

' See note G at end of this chapter, p. 230. 

> Howell, Stati TriaU, xx, p. 174. 


CHAP, jury that the plaintiff was entitled to recover in the 
"^ action. The jury returned a verdict for the plaintiflF 
with £3000 damages. An appeal by General Mostyn 
for a new tria] was heard by the whole court and 
refused. Thereupon Governor Mostyn brought a 
writ of error in the King's Bench ; but the judgment 
of the Court of Common Pleas was confirmed and the 
following remarks were delivered by Lord Mansfield 
upon the legal responsibility of a governor: — •To 
make questions upon matters of settled law, where 
there have been a number of actions determined, 
which it never entered into a man's head to dispute 
— to lay down in an English court of justice such 
monstrous propositions as that a governor, acting 
by virtue of letters patent under the great seal, can 
do what he pleases ; that he is accountable only to 
God and his own conscience — and to maintain here 
that every governor in every place can act absolutely ; 
that he may spoil, plunder, affect their bodies and 
their liberty, and is accountable to nobody — is a 
doctrine not to be maintained; for if he is not 
accountable in this court, he is accountable nowhere. 
The king in council has no jurisdiction of this 
matter; they cannot do it in any shape; they 
cannot give damages, they cannot give reparation, 
they cannot punish, they cannot hold plea in any 
way. Wherever complaints have been before the 
king in council, it has been with a view to remove 
the governor ; it has been with a view to take the 
commission from him which he held at the pleasure 
of the crown. But suppose he holds nothing of the 
crown, suppose his government is at an end, and that 
he is in England, they have no jurisdiction to make 
reparation to the party injured ; they have no jurisdic- 
tion to punish in any shape the man that has committed 
the injury : how can the arguments be supported, 
that, in an empire so extended as this, every governor 


in every colony and every province belonging to the chap. 
crown of Great Britain, shall be absolutely despotic, 
and can be no more called in question than the king 
of France ? and this after there have been multitudes 
of actions in all our memories against governors, and 
nobody has been ingenious enough to whisper them, 
that they were not amenable/ ^ In these momentous 
words there was once for all secured to the native of 
a dependency the same access to the ordinary courts 
as a native of Britain. It was there and there only 
that any cause at issue between him and the govern- 
ment or its representatives was to be tried. 

To appreciate fully the significance of the case it Position of 
is necessary to consider what remedy would have in sSS^r 
been open to Fabrigas if he had been banished by a f^^ 
French governor while the island was annexed to ^^\ 
that power. The following remarks of counsel for mie. 
Greneral Mostyn throw a flood of light on the matter : 
*Do not be astonished, gentlemen, nor let it fright 
you, when I tell you, that the governor has an 
absolute right to do it, and is accountable to nobody 
but the privy- council. The government of that 
island is, in many respects, an arbitrary government, 
and as despotic, in many instances, as any of the 
governments in Asia, particularly in the part now in 
question.' ^ The case would have been one of droit 
dchninistratify and the civil courts of France would 
have been closed to Fabrigas. He would have had 
to draw the attention of the French king or his 
ministers to his complaint' against their own officer. 
Had he been fortunate enough to get access to them 
and to convince them that there was a prima facie 
case for believing that the royal representative had 
abused his powers, the case would then have been 
heard by an administrative court which in its con- 

* Howell, StaU Trials, xx, p. 231. 
« Md. p. 114. 


CHAP, stitution would have resembled a court-martial rather 
than an ordinary court of law. His suit would not 
have been heard by a jury of civilians and a judge 
independent of the administration, but by some 
board of naval, military, or civil officials, before whom 
the plea that the principles of civil law must yield to 
administrative necessity would have been urged by 
the Grovemor with every prospect of success. 
Gradual It was thus the rule of law, gradually asserting 

of the rule itsclf through the decisions of the ordinary courts, 
through- which prevented the British, as in the struggle for 
B^V^h existence they extended their dominions, from lapsing 
dominiona into principles the negation of those which underlie 
their constitution. The legal habits springing from 
the earliest traditions of the race and confirmed 
centuries before by the vigour of certain kings in 
enforcing the judgments of their courts, and especially 
by the excellence of the procedure devised by Edward 
I., restrained them in their hour of danger and 
temptation from diverging down the broad and easy 
road which led the Athenians to destruction. It is 
far from the truth, however, that the rule of law 
prevailed always and everywhere throughout the 
dominions of the British Commonwealth. There 
were serious gaps in it : one appeared in the closing 
years of the eighteenth century in Ireland ; slavery 
was another. But the rule of law, instead of con- 
tracting, steadily extended the area of its operation 
and continued to assert itself until the gaps were 
closed. The essence of slavery is that the slave is 
not regarded as an end in himself but merely as a 
means to the well-being of his master, and it means 
that he stands outside the laws which regulate the 
relations between one citizen and another. Long 
before the institution itself was formally abolished, 
legal rights were gradually given one by one to the 
slave, some by legislative enactment and some by 


decisions of the conrts, till at last the foundations chap. 

of the servile status were undermined, • v^-.^,^-,.^ 

It is, of course, possible to point to more than one BntiBh 
reason why extensive and populous dependencies ^^^i^ 
acquiesced in the rule of a country so small and ^®^^^^\. 
distant as Britain. The control of its executive by tnbutabie 
Parliament, and the public discussion of its policy noebutto 
there, have gone far towards securing that that policy Jjo^' 
would bear discussion. But the^ parliamentary 
system is itself the product of the rule of law. Still 
more perhaps was due to the peculiar temper of 
officials educated in a country where a greater im- 
portance was attached to individual rights than any- 
where on the Continent. But this characteristic is 
itself the product of the system rather than of the 
race, and there is no reaaon to suppose that Austrians 
bred in England would not acquire it to the same 
degree, or that Englishmen bred in Austria would 
not be as arbitrary in their temper as the Austrians 
themselvea The British Commonwealth and the 
type of citizen it has produced are alike the results of 
the rule of law which must, therefore, be recognized 
as the ultimate reason why native races have on the 
whole fared better under British rule than any other. 
That so vast a proportion of them were brought under 
it was due to the supremacy of Britain at sea. But 
that these myriads should have acquiesced in a 
dominion which so small a country could never have 
kept inviolate if they had not, is due to the essential 
quality of its institutions. 

If, then, there are populous communities which, The doc- 
having to be governed from Europe, fare best under common* 
states which have themselves best realized the principle J^^ 
of the commonwealth, are such states to be urged to a^oid 
avoid the task ? Does the cause of freedom demand examined. 
that that portion of humanity which cannot govern 
itself should be left to be ruled by the civilized states 


CHAP, that least undeistaud what freedom means ? Is this 

^^^^^^^^^^^^^ reaUy a • task which the citizens of a commonwealth 

should blush to touch, should if possible avoid touching, 

or having touched, should seek to abandon ? ^ Such 

an attitude is largely due to a wholesome reoognition 

of the fact that no race can rule one weaker than 

itself without being exposed to fearful temptations, 

and that, in doing so, none has fully risen to the 

trust imposed upon it. But is it to be recognized 

as a principle of private conduct that men who value 

their own virtue are to refuse all trusts in order to 

avoid the temptations to which trustees are notoriously 

exposed? What virtue in a commonwealth is this 

that shrinks from the tasks that most need to be done 

— that it is most fitted to do ? Surely but * a fugitive 

and cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, 

that never sallies out and sees her adversary, but 

slinks out of the race where the immortal garland is 

to be run for, not without dust and heat.' ^ 

Paradox The story is told that the Indian government once 

British disputed the right claimed by a native community 

^th^"' ^^^^ *^® lands it cultivated, and the Supreme Court 

when to which the case was eventually carried decided it 

to non. in favour of the government. The tribe was a primi- 

^^pean ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^ members may well have assumed 

in their disappointment that the government had 
itself determined the ca^e in its own favour. Their 
legal advisers, however, decided to carry the case 
from the Indian courts to the Judicial Conmoiittee 
of the Privy Council, with the result that the 
decision was reversed in favour of the tribesmen, 
who suddenly found all the rights for which they 
had contended restored by some invisible authority, 
whose nature they could not apprehend and before 
which the Viceroy himself unquestioningly bowed. 

> See Note D at end of this chapter, p. 228. 
* Milton, Are^pagitiea, p. 46. 




After the manner of primitive humanity they flew 
to the conclusion that this power, mysterious as it 
was beneficent, must be divine, and the Judicial 
Committee of the Privy Council became the object of 
religious ceremonies amongst them. The story aptly 
illustrates the paradox of the British Commonwealth. 
It is based upon principles which are unintelligible 
to the majority of its subjects. Ultimately its power 
rests upon a sufficient realization by those who wield 
it of the civic duty of man to man. That sense 
of mutual duty has been developed sufficiently, 
not only to convert the English monarchy into a 
commonwealth, but to render that conmionwealth 
the greatest power in the Eastern world. To the 
Oriental power is an evidence of divine authority. 
Thus far he believes (and believes rightly) that 
power rests on the duty of man to God. But he 
has yet to rise to the conception that his duty to his 
neighbour is so bound up with it that he can only 
fulfil the one by discharging the other. The principle 
of autocracy will yield to that of the commonwealth 
in so far as this conception of duty is realized in the 
field of practical politics.^ But how far a common- 
wealth is capable of extension will depend upon the 
answer which its citizens give to the eternal question 
'Who is my neighbour?' By the Greek it was 
limited to those who lived in or near the same city 
as himself ; by the European, till close upon modern 
times, to those of his own race ; by the American of 
to-day, to those of his own level of civilization. But 
in so far as men rise to the conception that the weak 
who stand in need of their protection are their 
neighbours by reason of that need, so far will 
commonwealths transcend the boundaries of locality, 
race, and civilization which men in the hardness of 
their hearts and the blindness of their eyes have 

^ See Note A at end of this chapter, p. 222. 



OHAP. sought to impose on their continuous expansion. 

Such a conception faintly dawning in the hearts of 

a dominant race has rendered possible this stupendous 

Commonwealth embracing one quarter of mankind 

and including every degree of civilization and 


DeUcate The Oriental feels the reality of its power, and in 

the^taak accordaucc with immemorial habit regards it as divine 

^^^ and obeys it as such. But were some questioning 

Common- spirit Suddenly to destroy the divinity which hedges 

need of the British throne in India, order would quickly yield 

a^m^*^^ to anarchy. Yet as surely as day follows the night 

piiahment ^]^^ jjjjj^g must comc whcu, as knowledge spreads in 

India, the aureole which envelops and sanctions its 
authority will be dispelled. A despotic government 
might long have closed India to Western ideas. But 
a commonwealth is a living thing. It cannot suffer 
any part of itself to remain inert. To live it must 
move, and move in every limb. It must quicken 
with the principle of its own vitality every substance 
that it incorporates in its system, and though it 
must control and guide the process, it must not 
resist it. Under British rule Western ideas will 
continue to penetrate and disturb Oriental society, 
and whether the new spirit ends in anarchy or leads 
to the establishment of a higher order depends upon 
how far the millions of India can be raised to a 
fuller and more rational conception of the ultimate 
foundations upon which the duty of obedience to 
government rests. Some beginning of representative 
institutions has been made; but their further 
development will depend upon how far and how 
fast Indians rise to a sense of their duty to their 
fellow-citizens, and realize it in the practice of daily 
life. The work which the British Commonwealth 
has to do for them includes that which Rome did 
for the peoples of Europe; but it includes much 


more. It is, in its nature, far more delicate, and chaI>. 

• . Ill 

if it is to last it needs a mncb longer period in which 

to confirm its results. Had Oaesar and Augustus 
never lived, had Rome perished at the Christian era 
and Europe then reverted to anarchy, the world 
would have lost all that it has inherited from Greece 
and Rome, because the principles for which they 
stood would never have become rooted in the habits 
of any important section of mankind. But Rome's 
work was easier and more quickly done because the 
ancestco's of modem JEktropeans were mx)re primitive 
and more plastic than the peoples of the East. In 
Asia the British Commonwfeahh has to deal with 
the rigid and deeply rooted traditions of a civilization 
fer moire ancient than its own. Were the British 
Commonwealth to be dissolved in the course of the 
next century there would follow a period of world- 
wide cataclysm, more terrible than any which occurred 
in the centuries after the opening of the seas. Before 
the subject raees it now includes could change masters, 
a struggle would ensue in the course of which the 
habits of law and order which the British Common- 
wealth is planting in India would perish as corn in 
the blade wheB trampled beneath the feet of contend- 
ing hosts. The work done would be but a tale that 
is told, and its effe^ on the future not more than 
that of the moral to which it points. It needs for 
firuition not years nor decades but centuries, unless 
it is to perish as a harvest that has never been 
ripened and reaped. This project of a commonwealth 
is the noblest enterprise yet conceived in the cause 
of liberty, for it has played a part greater than any 
before it in joining together without binding in 
ehains the divers families of mankind. Never before 
was known such an element of stability as that which 
it gives to the enrtire fabric of human society. But 
to maintain it the project must be carried to its issue, 





a work for which much time is needed, a strength 
growing with the burden of the task, an understand- 
ing deeper and an aim higher than have ever been 
brought to bear on it in the past. 


so small 
a country 
as Britain 
to carry 
such yast 


The English Commonwealth was thus led by the 
opening of the seas in the sixteenth century to iassume 
responsibilities destined to become greater than any 
which have yet rested on the shoulders of a single 
state. Hardly any commensurate area in the world 
is capable of carrying a larger population than the 
British Isles, because, as may be seen from Plate IX., 
their position makes them for purposes of commerce 
and manufacture the centre of the world. The exact 
centre of the land hemisphere is at 47 J^ N., 2^ W., 
a point on the sea just outside the mouth of the 
Loire. For ships coming from the south and west 
the coasts of Britain are scarcely lesel central. Its 
numerous harbours are singularly convenient for 
maritime trade, and the very smaUness of the islands 
facilitates transport by means of coasting vessels 
between its various centres of commerce and industry. 
It contains, moreover, deposits of excellent coal, large 
enough to furnish more than a quarter of the world's 
present supply. Nature has in fact made this little 
territory the best place in the world for working and 
combining materials collected from ail the continents 
into goods for redistribution to all their inhabitants. 
Whether as an emporium or a centre of manufacture, 
the natural advantage of these islands is unique. 




Not are they dependent upon their own soil for the ohap. 
support of the people engaged in these occupations, 
because a very large part of their food is brought 
to them by ships returning from oversea. When 
the oceans were first opened to traffic the English 
population numbered about 8,000,000, and English- 
men of that age can no more have realized how 
large a population their island could carry than 
they can have foreseen the load which their little 
commonwealth was destined to take upon itself. 
It is this, indeed, which has hitherto enabled so 
small a section of Europe to support so overwhelming 
a share of the burden of government created by the 
history of Europe as a whole. 

The late Lord Salisbury advised students of Popuia- 
foreign politics to use large maps. But it is even of United 
more important that they should also use maps ^nnot'™ 
drawn upon a scale small enough to enable them fiopoto 

^ o keep pace 

to compare the countries whose relations they study, with 
and the reader should look once more at fhe map ^^nsi- 
of the world on Plate 11.^ For reasons explained Sl^^ 
in the notes thereto, the Northern territories are upon it 
greatly exaggerated by Mercator's Projection, so that 
the British Islands, when compared with countries 
nearer the equator, appear much larger than they 
really are. A correct comparison can, however, be 
made by glancing at the dotted rectangles which 
show the areas of the several countries in their 
true proportions. Wherever these rectangles are 
smaller than the coloured squares, as for example 
in the case of India, the population is denser than 
that of China, and in none of them, except Belgium, 
is it so dense as in the Britist Isled. When every 
allowance is made for the peculiar advantages they 
enjoy, a limit must sooner or later be reached in 
the numbers which territories with so small an area 

' This map will be found at the end c^ the volume. 




Danger to 
a common- 
wealth of 
too far 
the pro- 
of citizens 
of govern- 

can support. The water uequired for the purposes 
of their health and industry is but one of the factors 
which set bounds to the indefinite growth of an 
island community. As a matter of fact there now 
remains but one watersJbed of importance whioh 
has not as yet been tapped by one or other of the 
great cities. This, like every other restricting 
factor, reflects itself in the rate of wages and the 
cost of living; and the growing pace at which 
emigration flows from this densely populated country 
shows that it is approaching the point of saturation. 
Now that the empty parts of the world have all 
been opened to settlement, their populations will 
continue to increase by leaps and bounds, and in 
any case the inhabitants of these little islands must 
represent a steadily dwindling proportion of the 
white race, that is to say, of the governing faculty 
of the world. Will any one venture to assert that 
this diminishing section of Christendom can continue 
indefinitely to control the fiiture of one-fifth of the 
human race ? The 'force of thia poioat will be better 
understood by reference to Plate VIIL, where the rela- 
tive proportions of the existing popuJatioois of the 
world and of the areas, they severally inhabit are 
shown. ^ 

The previous pages have shown how the British 
Commonwealth has been led to include within its 
bounds an enormous section of the non - Eiuropeaiu 
races, not because they were fit to ahwe in its 
government, but for the opposite reason that eontact 
with Europe has made them unable to govern them- 
selves in their own primitive way. Under these 
conditions, inclusion in the British Commonwealth, 
where the rule of law was better understood and 
observed than by any continental state, was the 
best alternative open to them, and that Conunon* 

1 Plate VIII. will be found fifing pi 157. 


wealth has been able to admit them without, like qha?. 


the Republic of Rome, destroying its own character 
as such. The idea that the principle of the common- 
wealth implies universal suffrage betrays an ignorance 
of its real nature. That principle simply means 
that government rests on the duty of the citizens 
to each other, and is to be vested in those who 
are citable of setting public interests before their 
own. In human affairs the application of principles 
is always a rough business; but the faict that men 
rarely approach perfection in practice must not be 
allowed to obscure the principles upon which they 
should endeavour to act. The principle of the 
commonwealth means entrusting sovereignty to all 
those whose sense of duty to their fellow- citizens 
is strong enough to justify the trust. But if they 
be too few to enforce obedience the state will 
collapse. It is the fear of such a catastrophe which 
makes Americani^ shrink from the idea of including 
countries like Cuba and Mexico in the United States. 
But the prospect would lose many of its terrors 
if at the same time they coald count on including 
the people of Canada. 

Herein lies the key to the problem raised for the conse- 
British Commonwealth by the opening of the seas. ponLVcT 
That stupendous revolution in human affairs was to °^ ^^^. 

•^ . . , question 

extend its dominion over vast communities incapable, whether 
for the present at any rate, of sharing the burden of of Eu^pe^ 
government. But its dominion was also to spread ing"}^e 
over empty continents and to implant in them the ^®^ ^■ 
system and institutions through which that dominion were to 
was exercised. These vacant lands were to inherit the burden 
the principle of the commonwealth, not that of auto- ^l^^^^' 
cracy, and receive population not only from the British dej)end 
Isles but to an even larger degree from continental 
Europe. How far were these people as they entered 
the circle of the commonwealth to assume their share 



CHAP, in the gigantic burdens which were heaping upon it ; 

or were the inhabitants of the British Isles to remain 

for ever responsible for the equilibrium of mankind ? 

How far, in a word, were the new worlds to be called 

in to redress the balance of the old ? These questions 

are indeed the gist of this inquiry, and for their answer 

it is necessary to turn from the East to the West and 

to trace the results which followed the discoveries of 

Christopher Columbus and John Cabot. The map of 

North America on Plate X. is designed to illustrate 

the following pages and should now be unfolded.^ 

Coioniza- The narrative of the Western discoveries paused at 

Engii^^of ^^^ conquests of Cortes and Pizarro, and Spanish 

the North names in the South and West of the United States 


coast still show how far that nation was able to assert its 

1519. claim to the exclusive possession of North America. 

1588. When, however, by the destruction of the Armada, 

the Spanish monopoly of the high seas was broken, 

the English had already determined to put * a byt 

into the anchent enymye's mouth '^ by occupying 

some of the American mainland. Various attempts 

at colonization made in the reign of Elizabeth, first 

1578. by Sir Humphrey Gilbert and afterwards by Sir 

1585. Walter Raleigh, failed in their object. Raleigh's 

attempt, however, led to the formal annexation by 

England of part of the coast under the title of Virginia. 

The first real settlement was efi^ected by the Virginia 

Company under a patent granted by James I. to Sir 

Thomas Gates and others in which the whole of North 

1606. America between parallels 34 and 45 was claimed by 

the king, that is to say, the eastern coast from the 

southern boundary of North Carolina to the point 

which now divides the State of Maine from the 

Province of New Brunswick. The Royal Council of 

Virginia was organized for the manetgement of this 

' See especially map (c) on Plate X. at the end of this volttme. 
^ Dale to Winwood, June 1616. Brown, Genesis of the United States of 
America^ vol. ii. p. 783. 


, territory, which, together with certain extensions, ohap. 

was occupied' in the course of the next 125 years by 
the colonies of Virginia, Massachusetts, ' Maryland, 
New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, North 
Carolina, South Carolina, New York, Delaware, New 
Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Greorgia. It must be 
noted, however, that the continuity of the English 
possessions was broken by the plantation of Dutch 
colonies round New Amsterdam, until they were 1622. 
seized by England and the name of New Amsterdam 
changed to New York. Henceforward, Holland, 1664. 

i except for a moment, ceased to play any part in 

the struggle for North America, for .her power was 
paralysed by the growing "pressure of France on her 

I frontiers. 

The French, however, had anticipated the English occupa- 
in securing a footing on the Northern continent, and FrancJof 
were destined to prove the rivals with whom they ^^^^^"1 
had to reckon. After the discovery of Newfoundland behind uie 
and the coast of Canada by John Cabot the value of colonies. 
the fisheries in those waters was quickly realized, and 1497. 
in the early years of the sixteenth century fishermen 
firom Western Europe began to frequent them. 
Jacques Cartier, a fisherman of St. Malo, was sent 1534. 
by Francis I. to explore the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 
and ventured as far as the present site of Montreal. 1535, 
But little was done to follow up the discovery till 
Samud de Champlain sailed up the great river in leos. 
search of furs. Presently he founded Port Royal on leos. 
the present site of Annapolis and established a post 
at Quebec, a point whose natural strength enables 
its possessor to command the navigation of the St. leos. 
Lawrenca To the south he discovered Lake 
Champlain, and, in searching the west for China, 
explored the lakes Huron and Ontario. Port Royal leis. 
and Quebec were taken by the English, but restored 1629. 
to France by Charles I. Meantime, the Company of 1682. 


OHAF. New Fraace was formed, under the aegis of Cardinal 
^^^^^^^^^ Bicheliea, to which waa granted for fifteen years a 

1627. monopoly of the trade of the Stu Lawrence valley. 
It was to settle the country with Catholics, but in 
thirty years it only succeeded in planting 2000 

1664. French. Its charter was cancelled and a new Company 
formed, which was not much more successful. The 
population was indeed trebled, but mainly by the 
energy of the French Grovernment. Ten years later 

1674. this Company was abolished, and thereafter 'New 
France became a royal province, with governor, 
intendant, etc., on the model of the provinces of 

1666. France.'^ The French meantinae had established a 
mission on Lake Superior, from which two of their 
explorers, Joliet and Marquette, reached the head- 

1673. waters of the MissiaeippL Cavalier de la Salle 
1681-82. presently descended that river to its mouth in the 
Gulf of Mexico and claimed the whole valley for 
France under the title of Louisiana. Thus, while 
the English were founding settlements on the Atlantic 
coast, the French were establishing claims in the 
hinterland of the English colonies to the five lakes 
and the two mighty rivers which rise from or near them 
—in &ct, to the great system of waterways by which 
the interior of the continent might be opened to 
settlement. By an encircling mov^ooient from the 
mouth of the St. Lawrence on the north to that 
of the Mississippi on the south, the French had 
completely surrounded the English settlements along 
the seaboard. So long as they commanded the inland 
waterways the English colonies were limited in their 
growth to a strip down the coast which represented 
a fraction of the present territory of the United 
States. The policy of the French was to narrow this 
strip by advancing eastwards up the Ohio and its 
tributaries, and to pjress the English settlements back 

1 Wrong, i&wy. Brii, voL v. p. 157, 11th Ed. 


towards the coast. The policy of the English was chap. 
to connter this move by striking at the French com- 
munications on the St. Lawrence. In the seventeenth 
century no conspicuous success rewarded their efforts, 
and an attack on Quebec from New England was i69o. 
repulsed by the Canadian governor, Frontenac. 

Though the estuary of the St. Lawrence River was struggle 
the key to the inland water system, no government England 
in Europe eould hold that key unless its communica- ^^^^ ^^^ 
tions across the Atlantic were secure. The failure of '^®^' 
French fleets to command the Atlantic was bound to ultimate 
neutralize the success of French armies in America ; ^^^ 
for the system of centralization which enabled France 
to concentrate such powers as she had there was also 
fatal to their local development. In the War of the War of the 
Spanish Succession Britain seized Nova Scotia, which suction, 
had been held by the French under the title of ^702-i3. 
Acadia. By the Peace of Utrecht, which ended the 
war, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and the territories 
surrounding Hudson Bay were permanently secured 
to the British Crown. The French, however, kept 
Cape Breton Island, and to replace their losses 
fortified at immense expense the ice-free port of 
Louisbourg, from which in the next war, that of the 
Austrian Succession, they were able to harry the warofthe 
trade of New England. On the proposal of Governor si^^on, 
Shirley the colony attacked the fortress and took it, i7*o-48. 
with the support of four British warships under the 
command of Admiral Warren. *The achievement 
stands by itself as the only considerable warlike 
enterprise undertaken and carried through by the 
American colonists without the instigation, help or 
leadership of the mother-country, other than such 
assistance as Warren's ships rendered in keeping the 
coast clear/ ^ On the opposite side of the globe 
the French had taken Madras, and when temporary 

^ Biadlej, Cambridge Modem Siaiory, vol. vii p. 116. 


CHAP, exhaustion drove both sides to negotiate for peace at 
^,,^^^^^^^^^ Aix-la-Chapelle, it was agreed that the territories 
1748. conquered by each should be handed back to their 
original owners. The English had decidedly the best 
of the exchange.^ *But the Colonies could not be 
expected to see things in the same light. All that 
they saw was that their own trouble and valour had 
been given in vain, and that others entered into the 
fruits of their success.' ^ The cost of the expedition, 
however, was repaid to the colony by England.* 
The ink on this treaty was scarcely dry before the 
French began to press on the western hinterland of 
Pennsylvania and Virginia. The efiForts made by 
Dinwiddie, the Governor of Virginia, and his emissary, 
George Washington, to check their advance, were 
not supported by the colonial assemblies, and Fort 
Duquesne was established on the site where Pittsburg 
now stands. Reinforcements under Braddock were 
despatched by the British Government, but his defeat 
1755. on the Monongahela exposed the settlers along the 
colonial frontiers to massacre by the Indian tribes 
let loose upon them by the French. Meanwhile, the 
English Government ejected from Nova Scotia the 
French inhabitants who, at the instance of the Canadian 
Government, had refused to recognize the sovereignty 
of Britain. The struggles on American soil between 
French and English forces, while the two countries 
were still formally at peace, inevitably led to the 
The Seven Outbreak of the Seven Years' War. The British 
^a™ forces were worsted at almost every point till Pitt's 
1756-68. advent to power changed the course of the struggle. 
Louisbourg was recaptured, and Fort Duquesne, 
abandoned by the French on the approach of Forbes, 
was re-named Pittsburg in honour of the great 

1 Mahan, Inflxunce of Sea Power on History, p. 277. 

* Egerton, Short History of British Colonial Policy, p. 146. 

* Bradley, Cambridge Modem History, vol. vii. p. 166. 


minister. Quebec yielded to Wolfe, and after the chap. 
surrender of Montreal, Canada was for ever severed ,,,^^^„^^^^^ 
from France by the Peace of Paris, which closed the 1759. 
war. The opinion of historians is divided on the i^es. 
question how far by that peace Britain sacrificed 
some of the most valuable fruits of victory. Voices 
were raised in favour of abandoning CSanada in order 
to secure Guadeloupe. Some there were who per- 
ceived how far the fear of conquest by France had 
reconciled the English colonies to the sovereignty of 
the parent commonwealth. Canada, however, was 
retained, and as Louisiana was ceded to Spain, the 
dominion of France in America practically came to 
an end. The British had conquered the New World 
for their institutions, but not, as the event was to 
prove, for themselves. Their struggle for the right 
to colonize North America opened its doors to the 
people of Europe while closing them to the system of 
government for which the Continent stood, and as 
they poured into the mould, they took the shape 
which Britain had impressed on it. 

How little this result was due to any foresight Success 
or purpose on the part of the English is apparent entwpri^r 
when the motives which prompted them to seek a ^^^^^^^^' 
footing in America are examined. From the language dependent 
of modem diplomacy it might almost be inferred that of those 
the nations of Europe value possessions in the other *n^ to 
continents mainly as markets for their own wares. mo<iifyojd 

11 1 11 ideas and 

The simpler and less industrialized society of the methods 
sixteenth century thought less of the goods which conditions. 
such countries would consume than of the wealth they 
could be made to yield, and in that age gold was 
looked upon as almost synonymous with wealth. 
Naturally their statesmen believed that what other 
nations gained from America would be lost to their 
own. Kings, captains, and merchants sent their 
agents from Portugal, Spain, France, Holland, and 


CHAP. England to gather the spoilfi of the West, and each 
^^.^.^^^.^^ fought to exclude the others. Kepresentatives of all 
of them remained and took root in various parts of 
the new continent, and quickly there sprang into 
being communities which drew their vitality from its 
soil. They began to produce the raw materials of 
wealth, and to o£fer them in exchange for the products 
of civilized life which the industries of Europe alone 
could supply. The merchants and artificers of 
Europe thus came to regard their several colonies as 
markets which they were entitled to treat as their 
own preserves. The possibility that they might 
actually do better by opening them to the world at 
large had yet to be recognized, and statesmen of that 
age are no more to be blamed for not perceiving it 
than astronomers before Ciopernicus for assuming that 
this earth was the centre of the Universe. Economics 
had not then been conceived as a science, and the 
commercial conditions from which its more obvious 
conclusions have been drawn were still in embryo. 
Only in the light of experience can the principles of 
human society be discerned, and the best political 
system is that which makes it easiest for people to 
mark the lessons of their own experience and turn 
them to account. Inevitably the nations of Western 
Europe approached the problems of the new era 
under the influence of mediaeval ideas, and the 
failure or success of each in the novel enterprise 
of colonization was destined to depend upon their 
relative capacity for adapting their systems to 
conditions different from those which had produced 
them in Europe. 
Rigidity Gold, as already noticed, was in that age identified 
hiap^iy. with wealth, and a country held wealthy in so for 
insti^u^- as it contained gold. It was not without difficulty 
th'^N^ that the English East India Company got leave to 
World, export gold in limited quantities for the purchase of 


Indian goods. In England, however, the immediate chap. 
and obvious interest of the merchants, coupled with ^^^ 
the national habit of leaving things to take their 
course, averted the more mischievous results of a 
&Ise eeonomie idea. It was otherwise with the 
Spaniards, whose more military habits made it easier 
for them to mistake gold, the natural object of 
plunder, for wealth. To the ^aniflh autocracy 
colonizatkm was a political enterprise mainly under- 
taken with the object of obtaining gold for tibe stata 
' To plant active and self-dependent societies in the 
lands which she had conquered was an ambition alien 
to her genius and her history. In some respects 
her conception of colonization was narrower than 
that of any other people of her time. All sought 
to utilise the resources of the new lands for the 
upbuilding of their own strength; but Spain con- 
tinued to concentrate her attention on, and measure 
her succeed by, the volume of treasure transported to 
her from the New World. Learning little and for- 
getting little, though the art of colonization was 
b^g rapidly transformed, she pursued throughout 
these years her historic course, adding new territory 
by the sword, exploiting principally its mineral 
resources, and seeking to administer it in such a 
manner that it would yield an ample revenue to the 
Crown. ... At Lima and Mexico the Viceroys ruled 
in state^ endowed with abadlute authority, though 
unable always to exercise it in the remoter parts of 
their vast dcNDoiniona . . . The powers possessed by 
the cahUdoSy or town councils,, and the consuladoSy or 
commiercial chambers, of Mexico and Lima, were too 
slight to enable these bodies to modify the character 
BfjoA spirit of so carefully organized a systaEn of 
absolute government. The life of the country was 
quiet, even stagnant; it moved in fixed channels, 
and. lacked the elasticity of develo|Hnent that often 


CHAP, marks the first stages of a young society's progress. 
... It was difficult also, owing to the wee^ness of 
Spain at sea, to protect the coasts from the raids of 
enemies and to prevent contraband trading. But as 
the Spanish population was comparatively small, and 
the greater part lived in towns, which were generally 
well garrisoned, the authority of the Viceroys over 
their subjects was maintained unquestioned. Equally 
unquestioned was the submission of the colony to the 
mother country. This was partly a result of Spanish 
methods of colonization and of the attention lavished 
on the problem of governing dependencies. Without 
faith in her own offspring, Spain was more concerned 
to weaken ihan to strengthen her colonies, and pre- 
cautions were redoubled to ensure their attachment 
to the empire. The authority of the Crown, the 
Church, and the nobility, the three principal agents 
in Spanish colonization, followed swiftly in the foot- 
steps of the conquering generals ; and the political 
conditions of the mother country were speedily 
reproduced in the colony. A despotic government, 
so organized that its different parts should act as a 
check upon each other, suspected by the Crown and 
suspicious of the Creole, laboured to raise a large 
revenue for transmission home. A wealthy Church, 
with numerous clergy and monastic establishments 
and magnificent buildings, pressed upon the pro- 
ductive resources of the country. The tribunal of the 
Inquisition, enjoying great power, sat in the capital 
cities, supervised conduct, and repressed heresy. A 
needy nobility shared out large portions of the land 
in huge estates. Amongst the people in general, law 
and custom combined to stereotype a caste division, 
which fixed the social position of a man and his legal 
rights according to the shade of colour which his skin 
exhibited. The mother country encouraged the 
antagonism which thus separated the various classes 


of her subjects, and felt her authority the more secure chap. 
on this account. But it was impossible to build a 
strong and progressive community by setting the 
home-bom white against the native white, the white 
against the half-breed, the coloured man against the 
white man, the negro against the Indian. . . . But 
what was really more unfortunate for Spain was the 
dwindling away of her colonial trade. In its broadest 
features her commercial policy had not been illiberal 
towards her colonies. No systematic ejBfbrt had been 
made to shackle their indnatrial and agricultural 
progress in favour of producers at home. Skilled 
artisans were permitted to migrate to America, and 
the province of Quito numbered an industrial element 
in its population. If the Spanish colonies were 
economically backward, it was their social organiza- 
tion and the character of their people that placed 
the greatest restraints on their productive powers. 
None the less, the manner in which the mother 
country conducted her commerce with her de- 
pendencies was most injurious both to herself and to 
them. The Casa de Contratotdon, which administered 
the economic affairs of America, pushed its regula- 
tions into the minutest details. Never perhaps has 
a government lavished so much care only to repress 
the energies of its subjects and to ruin their com- 
merce.' ^ 

By the French Court, on the other hand, which character- 
had not as yet become so hide-bound as the Spanish autocracy 
autocracy, some disposition to give play to individual JS^^]p?^h 
enterprise was shown. The funds for the Canadian methods of 

'■' , coloniza- 

settlements were first supplied by merchants, but ' an tion. 
indication of an early intention on the part of the 
Crown to treat the colonies on imperial principles 
appears in the title ** Viceroy," long before given to 

* Benian, Cambridge Modem History, vol. v. pp. 680, 681, 682, 683, 684. 
See also Note C at the eud of this chapter, p. 227. 



CHAP. Soberval and now again to Cond^, as whose agent 
Champlain acted from 1612 with the title ''Lieutenant- 
General." ' ^ After the first forty years the efforts of 
indiridual enterprise were swept aside by the state, 
and as Professor Wrong has observed, Canada was 
organized as ' a royal province, with governor, 
intendant, etc., on the model of the provinces of 
France.' 'At first it seemed likely that municipal 
institutions would develop^ In 1668 a meeting of 
the habitants of Quebec and its hanlieu was con- 
voked to proceed by election to the choice of a mayor 
and two bailiff. The election threateuied to becomie 
a reality ; whereupon the system was cancelled, and 
the municipal idea was rooted out from Canada. 
De Tracy urged TaLon to avoid any "balance of 
authority among subjects," which might lead to a 
dismemberment of the community.' * At this time, 
when the Court wsfi endeavouring to exterminate the 
Huguenots or to ejeet them from France, 'One of 
the ablest of Canadian governors, La Galissoni^re, 
seeing the feebleness of the colony compared with 
the vastness of its claims, advised the King to send 
ten thousand peasants to occupy the vaUey of the 
Ohio, and hold back the Britii^ swarm that was just 
then pushing its advance-guard over the All^hanies. 
It needed no effort of the King to people lus waste 
domain, not with ten thousand peasants, but with 
twenty times ten thousand Frenchmen of every 
station, — the most industrious, most instructed, most 
disciplined by adversity and capable of self-rule, that 
the country could boast.' ^ ' When some Huguenots 
made application to join the colony, Louis XIY.'s 
reply was that he had not chaaed the heretics from 
his kingdom in order to found a republic for them 

^ Batesou, Cambridge Modem History, vol. viL p. 72. 

* Ibid, vol. vii. p. 81. 

' Parkman, Montcalm cuid fFoffe, vol. i. pp. 28-4. 


in America.' ^ * While La Galissoni^re was asking chap. 

for colonists, the agents of the Crown . . . were 

pouring volleys of musketry iiito Huguenot con- 
gregations, imprisoning for life those innocent of all 
but their faith, — the men in the galleys, the women 
in the pestiferous dungeons of Aigues Mortes, — 
hanging their ministers, kidnapping their children, 
and reviving, in short, the dragonnades. Now, as 
in the past century, many of the victims escaped to 
the British colonies, and became a part of them. 
The Huguenots would have hailed as a boon the per- 
mission to emigrate under the fleur-de-lis, and build 
up a Protestant France in the valleys of the West. 
It would have been a bane of absolutism, but a 
national glory ; would have set bounds to English 
colonization, and changed the face of the continent.' * 
'The contesting forces which at this epoch were to 
settle the destinies of North America were numerically 
insignificant; and it is possible that ten thousand 
sturdy Huguenot settlers sent up the Mississippi at 
this moment might have changed the history of the 
world.' • * The opportunity was spurned. France 
built its best colony on a principle of exclusion, and 
failed ; England reversed the system, and succeeded.'* 
Afi in the Spanish colonies, the system of centraliza- 
tion natural to a despotism checked the growth of 
any local sense of responsibility. * Canada was the 
prey of official jackals, — true lion's providers, since 
they helped to prepare a way for the imperial beast, 
who, roused at last from his lethargy, was gathering 
his strength to seize her for his own. Hbnesty could 
not be expected from a body of men clothed with 
arbitrary and ill-defined powers, ruling with absolute 
sway an unfortunate people who had no voice in their 

' Bateson, Cambridge Modem History ^ vol. vii. p. 88. 
' Parkman, Montcalm amd Wo\fey yoI. 1. p. 24. 

* Bateson, Cambridge Modem History ^ vol. vii. p. 114. 

* Parkman, Montcalm and Wolfe^ vol. L p. 24. 


CHAP, own destinies, and answerable only to an apathetic 
master three thousand miles away.' ^ When Canada 
was irretrievably lost to France a public inquiry in 
Paris brought to light the manner in whic^ the 
officials had plundered the French Government and 
the people of the colony. Too late the King dis- 
covered that the stcnres which might have enabled the 
colony to resist Wolfe had been sold for their own 
profit by the intendant and his accomplices. 
Superior- The French system, however, secured to their 

French^ Icadcrs a power of concentration in policy and war 
handling which almost made up for the weakness of their 
Indians, tesources. In no direction was this advantage more 
marked than in the handling of native a£fair8, for the 
centralized and despotic government of Canada was 
able to maintain a uniform control of its own 
colonists in their dealings with the Indian tribes. 
In the English territories a dozen democracies were 
all handling the natives in different ways, or, to be 
more accurate, were failing to handle them at all or 
to establish any orderly relations between the two 
races. Here as elsewhere had begun the inevitable 
conflict between civilized and tribal notions of tenure. 
To the Indians, with their communal ideas, their 
hunting grounds were regarded as tribal pix)perty. 
What was every man's land the colonist deemed to be 
no man's land, of which each new-comer was free to 
appropriate so much as he needed for his own use. 
The communal system of a primitive people was 
ignored, and the Europeans imposed on the country 
their own system of individual ownership. That 
pathetic cry, long heard in Ireland and destined to 
be re-echoed wherever men bred under the individual* 
istic laws of civilized states have invaded the com- 
munes of tribal societies, was now raised in America. 
' We don't know what you Christians, En^ish and 

^ Parkman, Monicalm and Wolfe^ vol. ii. p. 33. 


French, intend/ said one of the Indians. *We are chap. 
80 hemmed in by you both that we have hardly a ^" 
hunting-place left. In a little while, if we find a 
bear in a tree, there will immediately appear an 
owner of the land to claim the property and hinder 
ua from killing it, by which we Uve. We are so 
perplexed between you that we hardly know what to 
say or think.' ^ The problems were such as the 
autocratic French government could control far better 
than the weak and numerous governments of the 
English colonies. It is never so hard for a people 
who have learnt how to govern themselves to mete 
out justice to those who have not, as where they have 
rooted themselves and made their home in the soil of 
a more backward society. It is this which accounts 
for the contrast between England's success in India 
and her failure in Ireland. In mixed societies the 
subject race may fare worse than under autocracies 
such as those which Spain and France established. 
In North America, however, the French and English 
had a direct motive for enlisting the aid of the natives 
against each other, and in bidding for their support 
the centralized French Government had a great 
advantage. It was only when the power of the 
French began visibly to fail that the majority of 
the Indians definitely transferred their allegiance to 
the other side. 

This same unity of control in all the operations Methods 
of war nearly enabled the French to defeat the ^lonwa^ 
divided councils and forces of the English who out- ^^fica^i^ 
numbered them by more than twelve to one. Their opmmer- 
disunion, indeed, was due to methods of colonization religious 
as diverse and casual as those of Spain and France ™°^^^®*' 
were uniform and systematic. Visions of the fabled 
El Dorado and of the boundless supplies of wealth 

^ New York Colonial Doewnania, vi 818, qootdd by Parkman, MorUccUm 
and Wolft^ vol i. pp. 178-9. 


CHAP, to be drawn therefrom in the form of gold had figured 
largely even in the mind of Raleigh. But the growth 
of commerce and the experience it brought suggested 
other and sounder reasons for securing a footing on 
the American continent. The Government as well 
as the merchants of England had begun to realize 
that its safety as well as material prosperity had 
come to depend on sea -borne traffic They foresaw 
the risk of an attempt, such as Napoleon actually 
made two centuries later, to starve England into 
submission by closing the ports of Europe against 
her. From the Continent she drew not merely the 
wealth to pay for the ships that defended her shores, 
but also the actual materials from which they were 
built. Then, as in the days of Nelson, she depended 
on the Baltic for tar, pitch, rosin, flax, cordage, 
masts, yards, timber, and other naval stores.^ The 
idea was conceived that all these stores, and many 
other things as well, notably wines, for which England 
was dependent on Southern Europe, could be drawn 
from America. Both these motives, political and 
material, find expression in the words of a pamph- 
leteer of the time : ' We shall reare again such 
marchants shippes both tall and stout, as no forreine 
sayle that swimmes shall make them vaile or stoope, 
whereby to make this little northerne comer of the 
world the richest storehouse and staple for mar- 
chandize in all Europe.' * But that motives were at 
work other than those of policy or trade is evident 
from a prayer which appears in a contemporary 
pamphlet to ' That merciful and tender God who is 
both easie and glad to be entreated, that it would 
please Him to bless and water these feeble beginnings, 
and that as He is wonderful in all His workes, so to 
nourish this graine of seed that it may spread till 

1 Egerton, A ShoH History of BrUisk Colonial Policy, p. 23. 
» Ibid, p. 41. 


the people of this earth admire the greatnesse and ohap. 
aeeke the shade and fruits thereof/ ^ v..-,..^^,^ 

Thus, the religious as well as the commercial Private 
* feelings of the people sympathized with the national and^inde- 
instinct to put 'a byt into the anchent enymye's p^^^^*^ 
mouth.' Individual enterprise was less trammelled awistance 
in England than in any part of the Continent, and gaishinx 
English adventurers were readier, even than thpse ^gf 
of Holland, to rely on their own eflForts to gain their enterprise 
own ends. They were not so much concerned to 
secure active assistance from government as guarantees 
that it would leave them a free hand to carry through 
whatever they undertook. The successive patents 
granted by the Grown were rather of the nature of 
licences defining the limits within which private 
adventurers were free to act. As in the case of the 
East India Company, the sinews of the enterprise 
were furnished by private individuals or associations. 
The incorporators of the Virginia Company consisted 16O6. 
of 56 City Companies and 659 private persons, of 
whom 21 were peers, 96 knights, 11 professional men, 
53 captains, 28 esquires, 58 gentlemen, 110 merchants, 
and 282 citizens.^ At least 2,000,000 square miles 
had been claimed by England in the patent granted 
to Raleigh, but of this tract not more than one- 
hundredth was allotted to two Corporations, one of 
which was the Virginia Company. For the super- 
vision of the whole territory there was called into 
being a second edition of the Privy Council, styled 
' The Royal Council of Virginia.' 

The freedom with which the regulations for the 
government of the colony in Virginia were varied 
in the earlier years of its existence suflSiciently reveals 
the habit already formed by Englishmen of feeling 
their way little by little as experience might suggest. 

^ Egerton, A Short History 0/ British Colonial Policy , pp. 41-2. 
' Ibid. p. 25. 




tion in 
New World 
from the 
outset of 
lying the 
tions of 
countries ; 
in the 
of France 
and Spain, 
and tne 
spirit of 

and local 
control in 
those of 

to the 
of Virginia 
and to the 
for which 
it stood. 

In the colonies of Spain and France the institutions of 
autocracy reproduced themselves and crushed any 
faint attempts towards individual enterprise which 
appeared at the outsetw Absolutism was ultimately- 
fatal whether to private experiments in the practice 
of government or to the growth of municipal in- 
stitutions. In exactly the same way the principles 
which underlay the institutions of the Englirfi 
Commonwealth began to assert themselves after the 
first few years. *In 1619 ... a new order of 
things was set on foot by the summoning of a 
popular Assembly, which met on the 30th of July of 
that year. Hutchinson speaks of it as "breaking 
out," and Professor Seeley has repeated the ex- 
pression. But, in fact, it was duly summoned 
by Yeardley, according to the instructions which 
he had received from home. The Assembly was 
to be composed of the Governor and his Council, 
together with Burgesses, elected by the freemen 
from each plantation, each county and hundred 
returning two members. The Assembly was to 
have power to make and ordain whatsoever laws 
and orders should by them be thought good and 
profitable.' ^ 

* That the settlement of Virginia had given great 
dissatisfaction to Spain is of course certain. The 
very valuable collection of Simanca documents first 
collected in Mr. Brown's Genesis of the United States, 
enables us to follow in detail the intrigues and plots 
of Spain against the young Colony, for the first ten 
years of its existence. We now recognize that a 
ceaseless diplomatic war was carried on by Spain 
against the interests of the Colony. She is found 
screwing up her courage to make an end, once and 
for all, of the intruder, but for one reason or another 
postponing the effort. It was hoped in Spain that 

* Egerton, A Slwrt History of British Colonial Policy, pp. 31-2. 


the death of Prince Henry ^ would make the business chap. 


grow cooler, while at another time, the Colony appears 
dying of itself. In 1613 we hear of a formal claim 
made to Virginia under the Papal Bull, and a hot dis- 
pute between the English ambassador and the Spanish 
Secretary of State. And an expedition from Lisbon 
to destroy the Colony was on the point of starting. 

* The author of the pamphlet, " A perfect description 
of Virginia," published in 1649, states that *'it is 
well known that our English plantations have had 
Httle countenances, nay, that our statesmen, when 
time was, had store of Gondemore's ^ gold to destroy 
and discountenance the plantation of Virginia ; and 
he effected it in a great part, by dissolving the 
Company, wherein most of the nobility, gentry, 
corporate cities, and most merchants of England 
were interested and engaged; after the expense of 
some hundreds of thousands of pounds. For Gunde- 
more did affirm to his friends that he had commission 
from His Master to ruin that plantation. For, said he, 
should they thrive and go on increasing as they have 
done, under the government of that popular Lord 
of Southampton, my master's West Indies and his 
Mexico would shortly be visited by sea, and by 
land, from those planters of Virginia. And Marquis 
Hambleton told the Earle of Southampton that 
Gundemore said to King James that the Virginia Courts 
were but a seminarie to a seditious Parliament."'^ 
Something more was afoot than a struggle of states 
for the possession of America. Behind it was a 
mortal conflict of principles, inevitable as soon as 
both were applied to a new and common sphere. 
The despotism of Spain instinctively felt that the 
active little democracy which had entered its preserve 

^ Elder brother of Charles I. and an enUiusiast for English colon issation. 

' Spanish Ambassador at the Court of St. James. 

' Egerton, A Short History of British Coloiiial Policy^ pp. 35-6. 




Failure of 



to select 



which led 
to colon- 
ization of 
in America 



was the embodiment of an ideal fatal to its own. 
' In the bottom of its cold heart it was afraid/ and 
history has proved that its fears were just. ' Happily 
for the world, the misfortunes of the Colony were 
such as to enable the Spanish power half to delude 
itself into the belief that it was rather the unimport- 
ance of Virginia than its own inherent incapacity, 
which allowed the egg to be hatched from which was 
to arise a cockatrice to Spain's American Empire/ ^ 

The importance of the Virginia Company lies 
chiefly in the fact that the English Government was 
led by its enterprise to make formal claim to the 
coast belt of North America. Where the Company 
failed was in finding settlers of character, and many 
of those sent out were described as ' unruly gallants, 
packed thither by their friends to escape ill-destinies.' ^ 
In order to obtain quick profits its efforts were con- 
centrated on the planting of tobacco, and labourers 
were sought for the plantations without any regard to 
their fitness to form the nucleus of a future com- 
munity. Very early in the history of chartered 
companies the inherent conflict between their duty to 
their shareholders and their duty to the * unborn 
millions ' ^ who would people their territories began to 
assert itself. 

But other forces already at work were soon to 
supply the material from which the real fibre of the 
national character was to be drawn. The English 
Reformation in the sixteenth century was a revolt 
against that spirit of uniformity which was the legacy 
to Europe of the Roman Empire. It was, however, 
but the first of many steps towards toleration in 
matters of religion. So far as the intentions of 
Government were concerned it meant that in England, 

^ Egerton, A Short HiMory of British Colonial Policy^ p. 86. 
« Ibid. p. 30. 

' Sir George Grey's favourite phrase when addressing the people of New 


church and state once for all repudiated the authority chap. 
of Rome. Such a step was, of course, rendered 
possible by the spirit of Protestantism which had been 
growing amongst the lower ranks of the people from 
the time of Wyclif onwards. But what Henry VIII. 
denied to Bome, he and his successors claimed for 
themselves. Freedom had many battles to win before 
the English Government was willing to allow English- 
men the right to adopt what form of religion they 
chose. As the Catholic sovereigns had persecuted 
those who denied the authority of Rome, so their 
Protestant successors persecuted those who denied 
their own authority as heads of the English Church. 
But in heading the secession from Rome they had 
released elements of revolt against all authority in 
matters of faith too strong for themselves to suppress ; 
and for more than two centuries dissenters and papists 
were ali^e the victims of official persecution. 

James L was especially zealous in asserting his The 
claim to religious obedience, and certain noncon- FaSera. 
formists of Scrooby, near Nottingham, took refuge at ^gXte 
Leyden from his vexatious measures, but after some character 
eleven or twelve years it seemed better to them to ^^^^' 
move to some place where their little community would 
not be in danger of merging its identity and character 
in an alien race. * Amongst many other inconveni- 
ences,' they considered 'how hard the Country was 
where we lived, how many spent their estate in it, 
and were forced to return for England, how grievous 
to live from under the protection of the State of 
England ; how like we were 'to lose our language, and 
our name of English ; how little good wee did, or were 
like to do to the Dutch in reforming the Sabbath ; 
how unable there to give such education to our 
children, as wee our selves had received, etc.' ^ A con- 
cession was obtained from the Virginia Company, and 

* Winslow, Hypocrme Uhmaskedy p. 89. 


CHAP, on the 6th September 1620, the Mayflower started 
on her famous Toyage with aboot 120 of them on 
board. Through stress of weather and the unwilling- 
ness of the ship's company to carry them farther, they 
were forced in December to land in the harbour which 
lies behind Cape Cod, on the coast of New England. 

Within a few hours of going ashore the first party 
were obliged to defend themselves with firearms 
against an attack from Indians. Half their number 
died of scurvy in the first few months. ^ It is not 
with us,' wrote their leader, *as with other men 
whom small things can discourage, or small discon- 
tentments cause to wish themselves at home again.' ^ 
Founda- The spot whcrc th^ landed was North of the 

New"* region granted to the Virginia Company, from which 
ofN^w^ they held their concession, and in the territory 
Plymouth, allotted by royal charter a month before to the 
• written Plymouth Company lately established * for the 
tion. * " planting, ordering, ruling, and governing of New 
England in America.'* From it they obtained a 
concession in 1621, and three years later were able 
to purchase the rights of the Company itself * I 
shall a litle returne backe,' says their chronicler, Brad- 
ford, the second governor of the colony, * and begine 
with a combination made by them before they came 
a shore, being the first foundation of their govem- 
mente in this place ; occasioned partly by the 
discontented and mutinous speeches that some of 
the strangers amongst them had let fall from them 
in the ship ; That when they came a shore they 
would use their owne libertie; for none had power 
to command them, the patente they had being for 
Virginia, and not for New england, which belonged 
to an other Goverment, with which the Virginia 
Company had nothing to doe. And partly that 

^ Egerton, A Short History of British Colonial Policy, p. 42. 
2 Ihid. p. 42. 


shuch an aete by them done (this their condition chap. 
considered) might be as firme as any patent, and 
in some respects more sure. 

* The forme was as foUoweth. 

' In the name of God, Amen. We whose names 
are underwriten, the loyaU subjects of our dread 
soveraigne Lord, King James, by the grace of God, 
of Great Britaine, Franc, and Ireland king, defender 
of the faith, etc. 

* Haveing undertaken, for the glorie of God, and 
advancemente of the Christian faith, and honour 
of our king and countrie, a voyage to plant the 
first colonic in the Northerne parts of Virginia, 
doe by these presents solemnly and mutualy in 
the presence of God, and one of another, covenant 
and combine our selves togeather into a civill body 
politick, for our better ordering and preservation 
and furtherance of the ends aforesaid ; and by vertue 
hearof to enacte, constitute, and frame shuch just 
and equall lawes, ordinances, acts, constitutions, 
and offices, from time to time, as shall be thought 
most meete and convenient for the generall good 
of the Colonic, unto which we promise all due sub- 
mission and obedience. In witnes whereof we have 
hereunder subscribed our names at Cap-Codd the 
11 of November, in the year of the raigne of our 
soveraigne lord, King James, of England, France, 
and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the 
fiftie fourth. Anno Dom. 1620.' ' 

This document has often been described as the Nature 
first written constitution, and for the purpose of the document 
present inquiry it is of interest to consider wherein aXVcd. 
consisted its efficacy as a basis for the government 
of New Plymouth. It is usual .to describe it as 
a 'compact of government,'^ and in form it un- 

* Bradfoi-d, History of Plymouth Plantatianj pp. 189-91. 
' Egerton, A Short History of British Colo7tial Policy, p. 42. 


CHAP, questionably was so. But if its value depended 

on compact, its force must have expired with those 

who signed it. In essence it was a confession of 

purpose and faith, a dedication for all time and all 

purposes by the founders of the community to its 

general interest, not only of themselves, but of all 

who should hereafter come within its jurisdiction. 

In practice [its efficacy depended on a sufficient 

recognition by a sufficient number of colonists of 

their duty to uphold the government it established, 

whether by restraining enemies who threatened its 

existence from without, or by constraining to 

obedience those who might question its authority 

from within. Even in this small and heroic company 

there were already some, as the narrative shows, who 

had declared their intention of putting their own 

interests before those of the community, and the 

document originated in the determination of the 

others to suppress such conduct by force. There 

were dangers from without, moreover, to be reckoned 

with, and Bradford indicates that the necessity of 

acme military organization was recognized from the 

outset. ' After this they chose, or rather confirmed, 

Mr. John Carver (a man godly and well approved 

amongst them) their Govemour for that year. And 

after they had provided a place for their goods, or 

comone store, (which were long in unlading for want 

of boats, foulnes of the winter weather, and sicknes 

of diverce,) and begune some small cottages for their 

habitation, as time would admitte, they mette and 

consulted of lawes and orders, both for their civill 

and military Governmente, as the necessitie of 

their condition did require, still adding therunto as 

urgent occasion in severall times, and as cases did 


* In these hard and difficulte beginings they found 
• some discontents and murmurings arise amongst 


some, and mutinous speeches and carriages in other ; ohap. 
but they were soone quelled and overcome by the 
wisdome, patience, and just and equall carrage of 
things by the Gov(enio)r and better part, which 
clave faithfully togeather in the maine. ' ^ The narrative 
by its very simplicity lays bare the foundation of the 
state. Freeman himself might have learned from it 
that even a commonwealth cannot escape the necessity 
of constraining unwilling subjects.^ States are not 
based on force and cannot be founded on self-interest. 
On the contrary, they originate in the truth that men 
cannot live by bread alone, together with all that 
that truth implies. As no state can rest on force so 
none can exist without using it to impose the con- 
science of the community upon those who repudiate 
its demands. If no limit can be allowed to the duty 
owed by the citizen to his commonwealth, that 
boundless duty may require him to exercise force 
when summoned by law to vindicate its claim. 

Further settlements were made by the Puritans in Founda- 
New England, the most important being that of the fisher 
Massachusetts Bay Company under a charter secured ^J[}^° 
by John Winthrop. Thus from the original stock of menta at 
English radicalism, which was destined henceforward chusetta 
to play so large a part in the life of the British ^fXere, 
Commonwealth, were planted communities which ^^^9. 
aspired at the outset to be virtually independent of 
the British connection." 

Their example was followed by Roman Catholics, Roman 
who sought to find in a new country freedom from ^etUement 
the annoyance to which they were subjected at home. i^n^^'Jgg 
One of their leaders, Lord Baltimore, obtained a 
charter for the colonization of Maryland, the practical 

1 Bradford, Hi$tory of PlymnUh Plantation 16X0-1647, pp. 189-98. 

* See Note D at end of this chapter, p. 228. 

3 Egerton, A Short History of British Colonial Policy, p. 45. See also 
Osgood, The American Colonies in the Seventeenth Century, vol. iii. p. 512, 
and Winthrop's Journal, vol. ii. pi 301. 


CHAP, effect of which was to allow the exercise of the 
Eoman Catholic religion. As the next Lord Baltimore 
wrote, his father * had absolute liberty to carry over 
any from his Majesty's dominions willing to go. But 
he found very few but such as for some reason or 
other could not live in other places, and could not 
conform to the laws of England relating to religion. 
These declared themselves willing to plant in this 
province, if they might have a general toleration 
settled by a law, by which all, of all sorts, who 
professed Christianity in general might be at 
liberty to worship God in the manner most agreeable 
to their conscience without being subject to i^ny 
penalties. ' ^ 
Result of In the patents granted in the last century to 
i^^E^gr4 Gilbert and Raleigh, conformity with the Church of 
colonies in EnjDfland had been prescribed in terms. Professor 

fostering ^ ^ 

their Egcrtou shows that Charles I., while attempting to 

Sntrasted cuforcc confomiity in England, deliberately sanctioned 

TofiliiM' *^^ policy of leaving the American settlers to use 

^fCon- what form of worship they chose. Nothing could 

states. better illustrate the contrast between the tendencies 

at work on the Continent and in England. The 

Inquisition planted at the outset in the Spanish 

colonies gnawed their vitality from within. The 

French Court closed Canada to the Huguenots who 

sought to escape its persecution. In England the 

very kings who contested the claims of Parliament 

and endeavoured to enforce conformity to the 

established church were fain to wink at dissent in all 

its forms when practised beyond the Atlantic. The 

traditions of the national life were too strong for 

them, and the consequence was that some of its more 

vigorous elements poured into the colonies and 

flourished there. After them entered kindred elements 

from countries which denied to the spirit of in- 

^ Egei-tou, A SKori History of British Colonial Policy, pp. 47-8. 


dependence an asylum even in their own colonies, chap. 
The Huguenots shut out from Canada found freedom 
and safety beneath the English flag. Religious 
persecution there was, but it was instituted not by 
the English Government but by the colonists them- 
selves and was soon extinguished by public sentiment. 
From Virginia the Anglicans sought to exclude 
dissenters. In New England the Puritans were 
equally hostile to Quakers and to English and Eoman 
Catholics. The latter had their headquarters in 
Maryland where, however, there was a large dissent- 
ing population. At a later date Pennsylvania came 
into existence as the outcome of Penn's Holy 
Experiment. It was ' a conglomerate of creeds 
and races, — English, Irish, Germans, Dutch, and 
Swedes; Quakers, Lutherans, Presbyterians, Roman- 
ists, Moravians, and a variety of nondescript sects. 
The Quakers prevailed in the eastern districts ; quiet, 
industrious, virtuous, and serenely obstinate. The 
Germans were strongest towards the centre of the 
colony, and were chiefly peasants ; successful farmers, 
but dull, ignorant, and superstitious. Towards the 
west were the Irish, of whom some were Celts, always 
quarrelling with their German neighbors, who de- 
tested them ; but the greater part were Protestants 
of Scotch descent, from Ulster; a vigorous border 
population.' ' 

In New York, * the English, joined to the Dutch, 
the original settlers, were the dominant population ; 
but a half-score of other languages were spoken in 
the province, the chief among them being that of the 
Huguenot French in the southern parts, and that of 
the Germans on the Mohawk. In religion, the 
province was divided between the Anglican Church, 
with government support and popular dislike, and 
numerous dissenting sects, chiefly Lutherans, In- 

^ Parkman, Montcalm and Wolfe, vol. i. pp. 33-4. 


CHAP, dependents, Presbyterians, and members of the Dutch 
"^ . Reformed Church.'^ 

The general result is summed up by Parkman in 
the following words : * The thirteen British colonies 
were alike, insomuch as they all had representative 
governments, and a basis of English law. But the 
differences among them were great. Some were 
purely English ; others were made up of various 
races, though the Anglo-Saxon was always predom- 
inant. Some had one prevailing religious creed ; 
others had many creeds. Some had charters, and 
some had not. In most cases the governor was 
appointed by the Crown ; in Pennsylvania and Mary- 
land he was appointed by a feudal proprietor, and in 
Connecticut and Rhode Island he was chosen by the 
people. The differences of disposition and character 
were still greater than those of form.^ 

'. . . The attitude of these various colonies towards 
each other is hardly conceivable to an American 
of the present time. They had no political tie 
except a common allegiance to the British Crown. 
Communication between them was difficult and slow, 
by rough roads traced often through primeval forests. 
Between some of them there was less of sympathy 
than of jealousy kindled by conflicting interests 
or perpetual disputes concerning boundaries. The 
patriotism of the colonist was bounded by the lines 
of his government, except in the compact and kindred 
colonies of New England, which were socially united, 
though politically distinct. The country of the New 
Yorker was New York, and the country of the 
Virginian was Virginia. The New England colonies 
had once confederated; but, kindred as they were, 
they had long ago dropped apart. William Penn 
proposed a plan of colonial union wholly fruitless. 

^ Parkman, Montcalm and Wolfe^ vol. i. pp. 34-5. 
* TWd. vol. i. pp. 27-8. 


James II. tried to unite all the northern colonies chap. 
under one government; but the attempt came to 
naught. Each stood aloof, jealously independent. 
At rare intervals, under the pressure of an emergency, 
some of them would try to act in concert ; and, except 
in New England, the results had been most discourag- 
ing. Nor was it this segregation only that unfitted 
them for war. They were all subject to popular legisla- 
tures, through whom alone money and men could be 
raised; and these elective bodies were sometimes 
factious and selfish, and not always either far-sighted or 
reasonable. Moreover, they were in a state of cease- 
less firiction with their governors, who represented 
the King, or, what was worse, the feudal proprietary. 
These disputes, though varying in intensity, were 
found everywhere except in the two small colonies 
which chose their own governors; and they were 
premonitions of the movement towards independence 
which ended in the war of Revolution. The occasion 
of difference mattered little. Active or latent, the 
quarrel was always present. In New York it turned on 
a question of the governor's salary ; in Pennsylvania 
on the taxation of the proprietary estates ; in Virginia 
on a fee exacted for the issue of land patents. It 
was sure to arise whenever some public crisis gave 
the representatives of the people an opportunity of 
extorting concessions from the representative of the 
Crown, or gave the representative of the Crown an 
opportunity to gain a point for prerogative. That 
is to say, the time when action was most needed was 
the time chosen for obstructing it. 

* In Canada there was no popular legislature to 
embarrass the central power. The people, like an 
army, obeyed the word of command, — a military 
advantage beyond all price. 

* Divided in government ; divided in origin, feelings, 
and principles ; jealous of each other, jealous of the 



CHAP. Crown ; the people at war with the executive, and, 
"^ by the fermentation of internal politicB, blinded to 
an outward danger that seemed remote and vague, 
— ^Buch were the conditions under which the British 
colonies drifted into a war that was to decide the 
fate of the continent. 

' This war was the strife of a united and concentred 

few against a divided and discordant many. It was 

the strife, too, of the past against the future ; of the 

old against the new ; of moral and intellectual torpor 

against moral and intellectual life; of barren 

absolutism against a liberty, crude, incoherent, and 

chaotic, yet full of prolific vitality.'^ 

SnoceMof No cAudid ethnologist would hesitate to declare 

^^^^ that a natural superiority has enabled the people of 

tion due JJurope rather than those of Africa to discover and 

to supenor * ^ 

capacity posscss America. It would be difficult, however, to 
tion ^ point to qualities inherent in the English which 
secured by ^ty^g^igj^ them abovc their neighbours on the 

Inhe^^ Continent. The materials from which the nations of 

common- Europe are drawn are too closely akin, and in Britain, 

^^ ' at any rate, these materials are so mixed that it is 

impossible to establish any theory of racial supmority. 

English success in planting North America, and in 

the comparative failure of their rivals must, in fact, 

be traced to the respective merits not of breed but of 

' institutions. In the course of the last few thousand 

years the peoples of Europe have distinguished 

themselves &om those of Asia, Africa, America, and 

Oceana by their higher capacity for adaptation. 

Nowhere had this capacity such free play as in the 

islands protected by the British Channel, with the 

result that it developed there a society which differed 

specifically from that of the Continent. The English 

had advanced further than the other nations of 

Europe in replacing the personal authority of rulers 

^ Parkman, Montcalm and Wolft, vol. i. pp. 36-8. 


by laws based on the experieiice of those who obeyed ohap. 
them and subject to reykiion in thie light of theii 
future experience. From its nature such a system 
was bound to succeed better tiian a less flexible one 
when apjdied to conditions that were entirely new. 
In the Middle Ages the rule of Law, by lisiitiDg the 
activity of personal rulers, made a larger call on the 
initiative of the subject, while it left him with greater 
freedom of action. In private enterprise the English 
adventurers of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries 
surpassed those of Europe in mueh the same way 
as the Athenians had surpassed the Spartans two 
thousand years bef(»:e. When the methods of the 
English and thair Continental rivals are examined 
thiJs difference will be £Dund in many directions. 
Spanish cdonization depended from the outset on the 
support as well as the direction of the Court. For 
a time the French monarchy used the agency of 
companies under the aegis of some minister hke 
Richelieu ; but so disappointing were tibe results that 
ere long the government swept the companies aside 
and took the task into its own hands. On the surface 
the Ccmtinental system might seem to have every- 
thing in its favour. It meant thsM} a colonial enter- 
prise had behind it the whole resources of the state, 
and it might naturally be supposed that an organized 
govemm^it with its power of general control would 
be able to apply these resources to the best purpose. 
' Private purses are cowlde oompforters to adventurers 
and have been founde £atall to all enterprises hitherto 
undertaken by the English by reason of ddaies and 
jeloces and unwiUingnes to backe that project, which 
succeeded not at the first attempt.'^ These words, 
quoted £rom a pamphlet of the time, show how feeble 
the resources of English adventurers must hav« looked 

^ 'Reasons for raising a Fund for the Support of a Colony at Virginia,' 
quoted by £gerton, A Short History of British Colonial Polieyy pp. 24-5. 


CHAP, when first matched against enterprises backed by the 
"' treasuries of Spain and France. Thinkers of that age 
may well have felt that the planting of colonies, no 
less than the conduct of war, was essentially a task 
for organized govemmenta But various as were 
the problems of military science, they were not so 
various as those of colonization, and indeed no 
practical problem could be wider than one which 
related to the construction of human society. In 
war there were certain methods and principles, 
recognized as the result of long experience, which 
governments had to go upon. But at the close of 
the Middle Ages the problem of planting civilized 
societies in countries differing widely from those in 
which their own civilization had been developed was 
practically a new one. The compensating merits of 
the English system were to appear more gradually, 
as the novelty of the conditions which Europe was 
trying to handle began to assert itself These 
conditions were extremely diverse and the principles 
to be followed in dealing ^th them less ob^ous 
than those which govern war. Ultimate success in 
an untried region of enterprise can only be secured 
as the fruit of experience. Many different attempts 
must be made and remade until the right principles 
and their appropriate methods are recognized in the 
few survivals from many failures. 'Planting of 
Countries,' says Bacon, ' is like Planting of Woods ; 
For you must make account, to leese almost Twenty 
yeeres Profit, and expect your Recompense, in the 
end.' ^ He might have added that, in other respects, 
it is like sinking for mines. The greater the number 
of trials that are made, the more likely are a few 
successes in the end to outweigh the loss involved 
in all the failures. The most likely places for 
settlement and the methods applicable to each will 

^ Bacon, EMsaya, zxxiL 


gradually reveal themselves where the attempts are ohap. 
sufficiently numeroua and varied. In this respect "» 
the English system gained by the freedom it left to 
private adventures, for schemes were launched by 
a number of people for a variety of motives at many 
diflFerent points and in many diflferent ways. The 
state was not identified with the success or failure of 
any particular venture, and in case of disaster the 
loss was limited in extent. Settlements took root 
wherever the choice of the district and method was 
happy, and once established were capable of an 
indefinite growth in time to come. 

It was natural and inevitable that all the mother Policy of 
states should set out to reproduce in the New World xiv* in 
their own social, religious, and political systems, and y!^^ 
this was true of England no less than of the others, i^stitu- 

■Tfc 1 • • • £• r« • 1 -n tions on 

But the mstitutions of Spam and France were Canada. 
riveted on the infant communities like plates of 
armour too strong for them to burst as they grew. 
Cramped into the harness of Spanish and French 
society which was quite out of keeping with their 
new conditions, they were crippled in the process. 
The system of nobility was transferred to the soil of 
America. Nothing could have been less suited to a 
new and growing society than the feudal system of 
land tenure evolved by Europe in the Dark Ages, 
yet it was forced on Canada in all its rigidity by 
Louis XIV. Its fundamental principles prevailed 
everywhere in France ; but while the monarchy was 
still weak the various provinces had developed their 
own local customs, and in certain provinces these 
customs had been reduced to codes of which the clearest 
and most concise was the * Custom of Paris.' The 
fact that most of the officials, priests, and merchants 
in Canada came from the capital is the most likely 
reason why this particular code was prescribed as 
the system of land tenure for Canada. Most of the 




Power of 
secured to 
bv the 

habitants, however, were used to the Custom of 
Normandy from which they eame^ a code adapted to 
suit the rural conditions of that province. The 
Custom of Paris, of which they knew nothing, was 
a code framed to suit the conditions of a thickly 
populated and highly developed district. * Again 
and again the colonial courts and the administrative 
officials found themselves called upon to settle dis- 
putes which, but for the almost entire ignorance of 
the custom on the part of the disputants, would not 
have arisen.'^ Canada was but the wicket of a 
continent, the threshold of a vast untravelled 
solitude, and lay within the call of its mysterious 
voice. Nature herself forbade the attempt to establish 
there the relations of a feudal tenant to his lord. 
* Successive governors and intendants adverted to 
the great difficulty experienced in persuading the 
habitants to stay on their farms. The fascination 
of forest life appealed especially to the young men, 
who went off to the western wilderness by the score 
almost every year.' ^ The more glaring inconveniences 
were gradually modified, but the process of adjust- 
ment was incomparably slower than in the English 
colonies, where local assemblies were year by year 
at work transforming the laws in accordance with 
the experience they had gained. 

' The physiognomy of a government,' as Tocque- 
ville remarked, * may be best judged in its colonies, 
for there its features are magnified and rendered more 
conspicuous. When I wish to study the merits and 
faults of the administration of Louis XIV., I must go 
to Canada ; its deformity is there seen as through a 
microscope.'® Whether applied to the colonies of 
France or England this observation is equally just. 

1 Munro, The SH^wiorial System in Canada^ p. 10. 
» nnd, p. 46. 

* Tocqueville, The Old Hdgime and the lUvolution, p. 299, quoted by Munro, 
The Seigniorial System in Canada^ p. xiv. 


The centtalized system natural to the French auto- chap. 
crac j was repeated and emphasized in Canada. With 
no less fidelity the institutions of the commonwealth 
were reproduced, and in certain directions were 
developed by the customs which the colonists carried 
from England to their new homes. With them they 
brought their habit of obedience to law, spontaneous 
because the law was amenable to the collective will 
of those who obeyed it. Its burden they felt as that 
of a stafF carried in the hand rather than as gyves 
riveted on their feet. Cut and shaped by the experi- 
ence of their fathers to meet the needs that had been 
theirs, it was yet within the competence of themselves 
and their children to refashion it in accordance with 
their own experience to meet the changes of place and 
time. Law-making was work they understood, and 
what is more they knew the tools essential to the 
craft. From the outset each settlement developed 
an organ for gathering the experience of the little 
community and transforming it into law. Such a 
system was fatal to institutions which were the 
natural growth of European conditions and history, 
but unsuited to the climate of the New World. 
Projects for colonial aristocracies were mooted in 
England but never took root in the colonies them- 
selves. Under the Canada Act of 1791 such a pro- 
ject was actually passed into law ; but even in the 
one colony accustomed to distinctions of rank no 
attempt was made to enforce its provisions.^ Thp 
autonomy of the English colonies, moreover, pre- 
vented the wastage of their local resources, for the 
assemblies had absolute control of their internal 
revenues. An authority centralized in France, how- 
ever absolute, was powerless to check the peculations 
of local officials who silently devoured the public 

1 Egerton, A Short History of BrUiah Colonial Policy, p. 251. See also 
pp. 187 and 821. 



' III 

in French 
panied by 
tion ; in * 
panied by 

funds. Doubtless the revenues of the English colonies 
would have shared the same fate had they lain at the 
disposal of the Government in London where, for 
reasons given in the previous chapter, corruption was 
a recognized institution.^ But the jealous parsimony 
of the colonial assemblies, though carried to a point 
which often jeopardized the public safety, was an 
effective antidote to the poison which sapped the 
vitality of the French colony. It was not till the 
nineteenth century that corruption infected the public 
life of America. But the pest was of native growth, 
and England had then purged herself of it in the 
throes of her great struggle for existence with France. 
Thus, while France was founding one great 
dependency under a single organization, which 
enabled the French colonists to move and act as one 
concentrated force against their enemies, the enter- 
prise of the English adventurers, subjected to a 
minimum of state control, was scattering along the 
Atlantic a dozen communities, alike mainly in the 
liberty they enjoyed of differing from each other as 
well as from the country whose children they were. 
Then, as now, flags were portable, but how far the 
English or Continental system was to extend in 
America was to depend, not upon claims pegged by 
explorers, but on the ability of the competing 
societies to people them. In the earlier stages of the 
struggle what most determined the issue was the 
relative capacity of the different colonies to draw 
from Europe the best of its emigrants and the largest 
share of them, and here the number and the diversity 
of their settlements gave to the English their greatest 
advantage over Spain and France. To men with 
capital the tobacco plantations of Virginia or the 
Carolinas offered a highly remunerative investment. 
The yeoman or labourer could find his natural place 

1 See p. 106. 


in any of the Northern colonies. In one or other of ,chap. 
them an asylum was open to those whose need was v,^^,^,^,.,,^ 
liberty to worship after some fashion of their own. 
Spain and France closed their colonies to all who 
failed to conform to the religious and political 
pattern prescribed by the state. Those of England 
were open to the more independent inhabitants, not 
merely of the British Isles, but of all Europe. The 
volume of emigrants directed from France to Canada 
depended on the energy of its centralized government, 
but wherever a nucleus of civilization was established 
in the domain of the English Commonwealth, there 
population began to flow from a variety of sourcea of 
its own accord. Canada, however, by the prosperity 
it began to enjoy from the moment of its transfer, 
was to o£fer the best evidence that the English 
system rather than that of the Continent was suited 
for transplantation to new countries. Before the 
Seven Years' War was over, Haldimand, by descent 
a Huguenot, by birth a Swiss, who had taken service 
in the British army, reported to Amherst that there 
was nothing the Canadians dreaded so much as the 
return of French rule.^ Never, indeed, from the i76i. 
close of that war till the present have the Canadians 
evinced the slightest desire to revert to the sove- 
reignty of France. More significant still was their 
absolute refusal to join the forces sent from France 
to assist the English colonies in expelling Britain from 
America. The general result may be briefly stated in 
the words of Parkman : * At the middle of the century 
the English colonies numbered in all, from Greorgia to 
Maine, about 1,160,000 white inhabitants. By the 
census of 1754 Canada had but 55,000.^ Add those 
of Louisiana and Acadia, and the whole white popula- 

1 Egerton, A Short History of British Colonial Policy, p. 286. 

* Oenstues of Canada, iv. 61. Rameau {La France aiia Colonies, ii. 81) 
estiinates the Oanadian populatioD, in 1775, at 66,000, besides vayageurs, 
Indian traders, etc. Vaudreuil, in 1760, places it at 70,000. 




The con- 
clusion of 
the whole 

tion under the French flag might be something more 
than 80,000. Here is an enonnons disparity; and 
hence it has been argued that the success of the 
English colonies and the failure of the French was not 
due to difference of religious and political systems, but 
simply to numerical preponderance. But this pre- 
ponderance itself grew out of a difference of systems.' * 
It is a commonplace of history, yet abundantly 
true, that the English system prevailed by virtue of 
its freedom. That word is too often used of con- 
ditions that resemble freedom only as ferocity 
resembles courage, or lust love. Of all good things 
freedom is the most easily confounded with its 
correlative evil, and hence it is that so often men 
acting in the name of liberty, equality, and fraternity 
have achieved the negation of all three. The world 
gains by the freedom of men or societies only in so 
far as they themselves are liable to the consequences 
of what they were free to do or to leave undone, and 
are capable of reading, however slowly, the lesson 
of results. True freedom means that men, by reaping 
what they sow, shall learn with what seeds and how 
best to sow again and again. * Good and evil we 
know in the field of this world grow up together 
almost inseparably ; and the knowledge of good is so 
involved and interwoveii with the knowledge of evil, 
and in so many cunning resemblances hardly to be dis- 
cerned, that those confused seeds which were imposed 
on Psyche as an incessant labour to cull out, and 
sort asunder, were not more intermixed. It was 
from out the rind of one apple tasted, that the know- 
ledge of good and evil as two twins cleaving together 
leapt forth into the world. And perhaps this is 
that doom which Adam fell into of knowing good 
and evil, that is to say of knowing good by evil.' * 

* Parkman, Montcalm and Wolfe, vol. i. pp. 22-8. 
' Milton, Areopagitica, p. 45. 


Freedom is the principle by which nature is left, chap. 
as far as possible, to attach the appropriate 
penalties to error and crime and, by an automatic 
system of punishment, to enable men to distinguish 
the true from the false and the right from the wrong. 
The value of liberty lies in its discipline, in its power 
to confront men with facts and to teach them 
what are the tasks, always the same yet ever chang- 
ing, that they are called upon to face from time 
to time. It was this which freedom had done for 
Europe, and for England in an even higher degree. 
There, under the guidance of statesmen like Simon 
de Montfort and Edward I., a machinery of govern- 
ment had been devised whereby experience could 
be gathered from a country and a population larger 
than that of any previous commonwealth, from a 
nation instead of from a city, in such a manner 
that it could be formulated into law and so made the 
directing as well as the driving power of the state. 
For men educated to the system there was no great 
diflSiculty, as they spread to the continents oversea, 
in reproducing that machinery for similar areas. 
The colonists were thus able to control the immediate 
problems with which they themselves were faced, 
and, what is more, they became responsible for 
controlling them and so developed a sense of duty in 
respect of their own local affairs. Within certain 
limits they were left to make their own mistakes 
and to suffer by what they did, and so by hard 
experience to learn to distinguish good from evil. 
The domestic laws which they themselves made they 
were as ready to obey as the most law-abiding 
community in England itself. Hence, while the 
colonies of 8pain and France languished, those of 
England grew and prospered. But at the moment 
when the final seal was given by Edward I. to 
the principle of representation a new problem came 


CHAP, into being. By that principle he rendered the 
affairs of England amenable .to the control of the 
English people and at the same moment rendered the 
affairs of the English colonists in Ireland amenable 
to their own control Bnt as experience had already 
proved, and was to prove again and again, the in- 
habitants of England and Ireland had interests which 
could not be dealt with apart. And this was true of 
Scotland also, as Edward I. had reason to know, for 
he had caused the Scots to send representatives 
to the British parliament. There were interests 
common to the people of the British Isles which, if 
the principle of the Commonwealth were to be applied 
to them, must be rendered amenable to their in- 
habitants as a whole. For these interests (and they 
included those of national life and death) no pro- 
vision was made. By the opening of the seas and 
the consequent establishment of English colonies 
in America this defect in the structure of the 
Commonwealth was greatly increased. In the long 
struggle with Europe which ensued the existence of 
the Commonwealth in Britain, Ireland, and America 
was equally at stake. The task of self-preservation 
was the task of all. At the same time and owing to 
the same cause destiny was placing on the shoulders 
of this Commonwealth an overwhelming share of 
the duty imposed on Europe — that of controlling 
its relations with races more backward than its 
own. But how were the citizens of the Common- 
wealth in Scotland, Ireland, and the American 
colonies to be brought to recognize tasks as much 
more hard to discern as they were more vital tiian 
those involved in their local affairs ? Some plan as 
pregnant with future results as that conceived by 
de Montfort and Edward I., some act not less 
creative than the institution of Parliament itself, was 
needed if the principles of the commonwealth were to 



be realized to meet the far-reaching changes wrought OHiiP. 
by the work of Henry the Navigator. Were statesmen ^-^v-w 
again to be found with the eye to see and the hand 
to shape ? The destiny of the Commonwealth hung 
and yet hangs on the question. ' He that keepeth the 
law, happy is he/ But to make the law there must 
first be vision, and in the same place it is written 
that ' Where there is no vision, the people perish.' ^ 

Such were the issues raised by the opening of Absence of 
the seas, but before closing that part of the narrative fr^the 
which deals with this epoch it is well to remark the X^^ 
absence from this chapter of a name which fignired arose from 
conspicuously in the previous two. Portugal, Spain, ing ofthe 
France and Holland all took part in the struggle 
with England, which lasted for three centuries, 'and 
was to decide how far the other continents were to 
be brought under the influence of their respective 
systems; but amongst the rivals in this titanic 
contest was not included that power which is now 
the greatest in Western Europe. Still raking in 
the ruins of the Empire they had overthrown the 
Grermans had as yet no eyes for the crown of state- 
hood, and the name at which Rome trembled and 
fell had ceased to be more than a geographical ex- 
pression. Not till the close of the nineteenth 
century was their belated union to restore to the 
Grerman people the position in Europe due to their 
vigour and their virtue. But the world beyond it had 
limits, and those limits had been reached. It was 
then too late for them to secure an adequate place 
in the regions opened by Henry the Navigator, with- 
out convulsing the framework of human society. 
Those who think to interpret the present without 
pausing to interrogate the past will do well to reflect 
on these facts, for the situation which the World is 
now facing hinges upon them. 

^ Proverbs xxix. 18. 



^^^ NOTE A 


See page * In the meanwhile, in deference, to a great extent, tx> British 

155. public opinion, a certain development of free inBtijUitions wtua 

pressed. But Lord Dufferin appears to have had little con- 
fidence that he would succeed in "creating a vitalised and 
self -existent organism, instinct with evolutionary force." "A 
paper constitution," he said, "is proverbially an unsatisfactory 
device. Few institutions have succeeded that have not been 
the outcome of slow growth, and gradual development ; but in 
the Elast, even the germs of constitutional freedom are non- 
existent. Despotism not only destroys the seeds of liberty, but 
renders the soil, on which it has trampled, incapable of growing 
the plant A long-enslaved nation instinctively craves for the 
strong hand of a master, rather than for a lax constitutional 
regime. A mild ruler is more likely to provoke contempt and 
insubordination than to inspire gratitude." 

' It was, without doubt, desirable to make some beginning in 
the way of founding liberal institutions, but no one with any 
knowledge of the £ast could for one moment suppose diat the 
Legislative Council and Assembly, founded under Lord Dufferin's 
auspices, could at once become either important factors in the 
government of the country, or efiicient instruments to help in 
administrative and fiscal reform. 

* Where Order deigns to come, 
Her aifiter, libeity, cannot be far.^ 

*What Egypt most of all. required was order and good 
government. Perhaps, lofngo ijUervaUoj liberty would follow 
afterwards. No one but a dreamy theorist could imagine that 
the natural order of things could be reversed, and that liberty 
could first be accorded to the poor ignorant representatives of 
the Egyptian people, and that the latter would thefn be aUe to 
See page evolve order out of chaos. In the early days of the struggles 
^^^- which eventually led to Italian unity, Manzoni said that " his 

country must be morally healed before she could be politically 
regenerated." * The remark applied in a far greater degree to 
Egypt in 1882 than it did to Italy in 1827. Lord Du&rin was 
certainly under no delusion as to the realities of the situation. 
In the concluding portion of his report, he said that one of the 
main points to consider was " how far we can depend upon the 

* Akenside, Pleasures of the ImagiTiatian. 

' Bolton King, History of Italian Unity , voL i. p. 112. 


eontinued, steady, and frictionlefis operation of the machinery CHAE. 
we ahall have set up. A great part of what we are about to HI 
inaugurate will be of necessity tentative and experimental . . . '^^-^'^n^^---^ 
Before a guarantee of Egypt's independence can be said to exist, 
the administrative system of which it is the leading characteristic 
must have lime to consolidate, in order to resist disintegrating 
influences from within and without, and to acquire the use and 
knowledge of its own capacities. . . . With such an accumulation See page 
of difficulties, native statesmanship, even though supplemented ^^^' 
by the new-born institutions, will hardly be able to cope, unless 
assisted for a time by our sympathy and guidance. Under these 
circumstances, I would ventui'e to submit that we can hardly 
consider the work of reorganisation complete, or the responsi- 
bilities imposed upon us by circumstances adequately discharged, 
until we have seen Egypt shake herself free from the initial 
embarrassments which I have 'enumerated above." In other 
words, Lord Dufferin, without absolutely stating that the British 
occupation must be indefinitely prolonged, clearly indicated the 
nuiintenance of the paramount influence of the British Govern- 
ment for an indefinite period as an essential condition to the 
execution of the policy of reform.' ^ 




The following extracts from the life of John, Paiony a See {lage 
missionary < in the New Hebrides, afford some glimpses of the ^^^* 
conditions which come into existence where no European state 
has made itself responsible for controlling the relations of 
primitive people with European traders : — 

'We found the Tannese to be painted Savages, enveloped 
in aU the superstition and wickedness of Heathenism. All the 
men and children go in a state of nudity. The older women 
wear grass skirts, and the young women and girls, grass or leaf 
aprons like Eve in Eden. They are exceedingly ignorant, ' 
vicious, and bigoted, and almost void of natural affection. 
Instead of the inhabitants of Port Resolution being impi*oved 
by coming in contact with white men, they are rendered much 
worse ; for they have learned all their vices, but none of their 
virtues, — if such are possessed by the pioneer traders among 
such races ! The Sandalwood Traders are as a class the most 
godless of men, whose cruelty and wickedness make us ashamed 
to own them as our countrymen. By them the poor, defenceless 

^ Cromer, MoAem Egypt, pp. 266-7. 



CHAP. Natives are oppressed and robbed on every hand ; and if they 
ni offer the slightest resistance, they are ruthlessly silenced by 
^—""v-^*-^ the musket or revolver. Few months here pass without some 
of them being so shot, and, instead of their murderers feeling 
ashamed, they boast of how they despatch them. Such treatment 
keeps the Natives always burning under a desire for revenge, 
so that it is a wonder any white man is allowed to come among 
them. Indeed, all Traders here are able to maintain their 
position only by revolvers and rifles ; but we hope a better 
state of affairs is at hand for Tanna. . . . 
See pages ' Thousands upon thousands of money were made in the 

161 and sandalwood trade yearly, so long as it lasted ; but it was a trade 
steeped in human blood and indescribable vice, nor could God's 
blessing rest on the Traders and their ill-gotten gains. . . . 
Sandalwood Traders murdered many of the Islanders when 
robbing them of their wood, and the Islanders murdered many 
of them and their servants in revenge. White men, engaged in 
the trade, also shot dead and murdered each other in vicious and 
drunken quarrels, and not a few put end to their own lives. 
I have scarcely known one of them who did not come to ruin 
and poverty ; the money that came even to the shipowners was 
a conspicuous curse. . . . 

' One morning, three or four vessels entered our Harbour and 
cast anchor in Port Resolution. The Captains called on me; 
and one of them, with manifest delight, exclaimed, " We know 
how to bring down your proud Tannese now ! We41 humble 
them before you ! " 

' I answered, " Surely you don't mean to attack and destroy 
these poor people ? " 

* He replied, not abashed but rejoicing, " We have sent the 
measles to humble them ! That kills them by the score ! 
Four young men have been landed at different ports, ill with 
measles, and these will soon thin their ranks." 

* Shocked above measure, I protested solemnly and denounced 
their conduct and spirit; but my remonstrances only called 
forth the shameless declaration, "Our watchword is, — Sweep 
these creatures away and let white men occupy the soil ! " 

* Their malice was further illustrated thus: they induced 
Kapuka, a young Chief, to go off to one of their vessels, 
promising him a present. He was the friend and chief supporter 
of Mr. Mathieson and of his work. Having got him on board, 
they confined him in the hold amongst Natives lying ill with 
measles. They gave him no food for about four-and-twenty 
hours ; and then, without the promised present, they put him 
ashore far from his own home. Though weak and excited, 
he scrambled back to his Tribe in great exhaustion and terror. 
He informed the Missionary that they had put him down 
amongst sick people, red and hot with fever, and that he feared 


their sickness was apon him. I am ashamed to say that these qhaP. 
Sandalwood and other Traders were our own degraded country- III 
men ; and that they deliberately gloried in thus destroying the 
poor Heathen. A more fiendish spirit could scarcely be imagined ; 
but most of them were horrible drunkards, and their traffic of 
erery kind amongst these Islands was, generally speaking, 
steeped in hUBian blood. 

* The measles, thus introduced, became amongst our Islanders 
the most deadly plague. It spread fearfully, and was accom- 
panied by sore throat and diarrhoea. In some villages, man, 
woman, and child were stricken, and none could give food or water 
to the rest. The misery, suffering, and terror were unexampled, 
the living being afraid sometimes even to bury the dead. . . . 

* The sale of Intoxicants, Opium, Fire-arms and Ammunition, 
by the Traders amongst the NewHebrideans, had become a terrible 
and intolerable evil. The lives of many Natives, and of not a 
few Europeans, were every year sacrificed in connection there- 
with, while the general demoralization produced on all around 
was painfully notorious. Alike in the Oolonial and in the Home 
Newspapers, we exposed and condemned the fearful consequences 
of allowing such degrading and destructive agencies to be used 
as barter in dealing with diese Islanders. It is infinitely sad to 
see the European and American Trader following fast in the wake 
of the Missionary with opium and rum ! But, blessed be Qod, 
our Christian Natives have thus far, with very few exceptions, 
been able to keep away from the White Man's Fire- Water, that 
maddens and destroys. And not lesr cruel is it to scatter fire-arms 
and ammunition amongst Savages, who are at the same time to 
be primed with poisonous rum ! This were surely Demons' work. 

' To her honour, be it said, that Great Britain prohibited all 
her own Traders, under heavy penalties, from bartering those 
dangerous and destructive articles in trade with the Natives. 
She also appealed to the other trading Nations, in Europe and 
America, to combine and make the prohibition '^ International," 
with regard to all the still unannexed Islands in the Pacific 
Seas. At first America hesitated, owing to some notion that it 
was inconsistent with certain regulations for trading embraced 
in the Constitution of the United States. Then France, 
tempcnrising, professed willingness to accept the prohibition when 
America agreed. Thus the British Trader, with the Man-of-War 
and the High Commissioner ready to enforce the laws against 
him, found hhnself placed at an overwhelming disadvantage, 
as against the neighbouring Traders of every other Nationality, 
free to barter as they pleased. More especially so, when the 
things prohibited were the very articles which the masses of 
the Heathen chiefly coveted in exchange for their produce ; and 
where keen rivals in business were ever watdbful to inform and 
to report against him. If illicit Trading prevailed, under such 



CHAP, conditions, no one that knows average Human Nature can feel 
HI any surprise. 
'^— "v^-^ * By-and-bye, the Australian New Hebrides Company^ with two 
Steamers plying betwixt Sydney and the New Hebrides, took 
up the problem. Having planted Traders and Agents on the 
Islands, they found themselves handicapped in developing 
business, and began a brisk agitation in the Australasian and 
English Press, eiUier to have the Prohibition applied all round, 
or completely rescinded. We have never accepted that alter- 
native, but resolutely plead for an International Prohibitive law, 
as the only means under Ood to prevent the speedy sweeping 
off into Eternity of these most interesting Races by the tide of 
what is strangely styled Civilization. 

* At length Sir John Thurston, Her Majesty's High Commis- 
sioner for the Western Pacific, whose sympathies aU through 
have been on our side, advised that the controversy in the 
Newspapers cease, and that our Missions and Churches send a 
deputation to America to win the assent of the United States. 
Consequently, the next Federal Assembly of the Australasian 
Presbyterian Churches instructed two of its Professors in the 
Divinity Hall of Victoria, who were then visiting Britain, to 
return by America, and do everything in their powen to secure 
the adhesion of the United States Government to the Inter- 
national proposal Lest^ however, these Deputies found them- 
selves unable to carry out their instructions, the same Assembly 
appointed me as Deputy, with identical instruotibns, to under- 
take the task during the suooeeding yestf. . . . 

* We reached Honolulu, the Etawaiian Capital, on the 25th, 
and spent nearly a whole day on shore. . . . The Queen had 
been deposed or deprived of power. National interests were 

See pa^ sacrificed in self-seeking and partisanship^ One could not but 

162. ^^^^ ^^^ some strong and righteous Government They are a 

people capable of great things. Everything seems to invite 

America to annex the group ; and it would be for the permanent 

welfare of all concerned.' ^ 

These words were written by John Paton in 1892, but the 
control of the New Hebrides is still shared by ikigland and 
France, with the consequences which usually attend a divided 
responsibility. The complaints that the prohibition againat the 
sale of fire-arms and intoxicants are only enforced by one nation 
continue. The condition of the islands is one of anarchy which 
would at once become a danger to the peace of the world if a 
re-grouping of European powers should again remove the present 
necessity which is laid on Britain and France to preserving at 
all costs a united front. The Hawaiian Group annexed by the 

^ John Q. PaUm, Missionary to ihe New Hebrides, pp. 86, 87, 180, 150, 151, 
448, 449, 450, 451. 


United States shortly after Paton's visit now afford an instructive CHAP. 
contrast to the conditions which still prevail under dual control III 
in the New Hebrides. v.-ii-v-i*^ 



Mr. E. G. Bourne defends the methods of Spanish coloniza- See page 
tion with much learning in the volume entitled Spain inAmericay ^^^' 
of the series edited by Professor Hart under the title of The 
American Nation, A History, By a minute examination of the 
colonial laws enacted in Spain^ Mr. Bourne proves the excellent 
intentions of the Spanish Court. His book contains, however 
but little evidence to show how far these good intentions were 
translated (or were indeed capable of translation) into the 
results they were intended to produce in the American colonies, 
thousands of miles from Madrid. He writes almost as though 
he were an admirer of the system under which the Spanish 
Court endeavoured to regulate the domestic affairs of the colonies 
through a strong council located in Spain.^ When, moreover, 
he argues that the Spanish Empire was comparable rather to 
the Indian than to the colonial Empire of England, he fails to 
realize the ruin which would have overtaken India if the English 
Government had endeavoured to regulate in London details 
similar to those which in America the Spanish Government 
attempted to control from Madrid. To any one with experience 
of colonial administration the facts collected in this book are 
sufficient to explain the comparative failure of Spanish colonial 
methods as judged by their results at the present day. Mr. 
Bourne shows little perception of the truth conveyed by the 
remark made in New Zealand by Godley, who was afterwards to 
become the head of a department in Whitehall, ' I would rather 
be governed by Nero on the spot^ than by a board of archangels 
in London.' 



' " Empire " forsooth ; there is something strange, nay some- See page 
thing ominous, in the way in which that word and its even more ^^^* 
threatening adjective seem ready to spring to every lip at every 
moment. The word sounds grand and vague; grand, it may 

^ See pp. 229-30. 


CHAP. ^^> beoause of its vagueness. To those who striTe that every 
III word they utter shall have a meaning; it oslls up mighty and 

''-'^0's/-'^^ thrilling memories of a state of things which has passed away 
for ever. Its associations are far from being wholly evil. It 
calls up indeed pictures of the whole civilized world bowing 
down to one master at one centre. But it caUs up thoughts of 
princes who bound the nations together by the tie of a just and 
equal law; it calls up thoughts of princes who gathered the 
nations round them to do the work of their day in that Eternal 
Question which needs no reopening because 'no diplomacy has ever 
closed it, the question between light and darkness, between West and 
East. But the thought of Empire is in all shapes the thought, 
not of brotherhood but of subjection ; the word implies a master 
who commands and subjects who obey ; '' Imperium et Libertas * 
are names either of which forbids the presence of the other. 
The thought of ^Empire/' alike in its noblest and its basest 
forms, may call up thoughts of nations severed in blood and 
speech, brought together, for good or evil, at the bidding of a 
common master ; it cannot call up the higher thought of men of 
the same nation, scattered over distant lands, brought together, 
not at the bidding of a master, but at the call of brotherhood, 
as members of a household still one however scattered. In the 
gatherings of the Hellenic folk around the altars of the gods of 
Hellas the thought of Empire was unknown. . . . 

See page ' That this now familiar name of '* Empire '' expresses a fact, 

^^^' and a mighty fact, none can doubt. The only doubt that can be 

raised is whether the fact of Empire is a wholesome one, whether it is 
exactly the side of the position of our island in the world which we 
sh^mld specially pick out as the thing whereof to boast ourselves. 

See pages Empire is dominion ; it implies subjects ; the name may even 

205 an^ g^ggest unwiUing subjects. . . . 

^ The fact of Empire then cannot be denied. The burthens 
of Empire, the responsibilities of Empire, cannot be denied. 
They are burthens and responsibilities which we have taken on 
ourselves, and which it is far easier to take on ourselves than to 
get rid of. Hie only guesHon is whether ^is our Imperial position 
is one on which we need at all pride ourselves^ one about which it is 

Seepage wise to be ever blowing our trumpet and calling on all the 

^^^- nations of the world to come and admire us. Is there not a more 

excellent way, a wa/y which, even if it is too late to follow it, we may 
at least mourn thai we ham not foUewedf Is it wholly hopeless, 
with this strange, yet true, cry of " Empire " daily dinned into 
our ears, to rise to the thoughts of the old Greek and the old 
Phoenician, the thought of an union of scattered kinsfolk bound 
together by a nobler tie than that of being subjects of one Empire 
or "peoples" of one sovereign ? Will not the memories of this day ^ 

' The birthday of Washington. The singular infelicity of this panegyric 
will be seen by reference to pp. 594 and 615. 


lift 118 above this confused babble about a British Empire cHAP. 
patched up out of men of everj race and speech under the sun, lit 
to the higher thought of the brotherhood of the English folk, '--••v^-*-^ 
the one English folk in all its homes t Surely the bnrthen 
of barbaric Empire is at most something that we maj school 
ourselyes to endure ; the tie of English brotherhood is something 
that we may rejoice to striTe after. Cannot our old Hellenic See page 
memories teach us that that brotherhood need be none the less ^^^* 
near, n<me the less endearing, between coBftmunities whose 
political connexioii has been severed — alas, we may cry, that 
ever needed severing 1 ' ^ 

The generalizati<m that ^ " Imperium et Libertas " are names 
either of which forbids the presence of the other ' comes strangely 
from a historian who has done so much to explain the early 
growth of the English C(»nmonweaIth. As Freeman himsetf 
remariced in a passage quoted on page 9^ of this enquiry 'no 
one aet in English history is more important than ' that of 
William the Conqueror in exacting the claim of the central 
government todireet obedience from every inhabitant of England. 
The reason why the liberty implicit in Tentonic custom perished 
in Germany, was due to the fact that the German Emperors 
&iiled to establish a genuine 'Imperium.' The student need 
go no further than IVeeman's own writings to learn that the 
growth of thtt English Commonwealth was only made possible 
because kings like the first William and Edward, unlike the 
Qerman Emperors, had first made the sovereignty of the state 
a fack The tmth 

Where Ord«r deigns to come 
Her sister, Liberty, cannot be far 

is written broadcast over his own pages. The condemnation of 
Empire on the ground that it implies ' dominion ' and ' subjects ' 
and ' may even suggest unwilling subjects ' ignores the obvious 
fact that a commonwealth no less than any other kind of state 
assumes the right to the unlimited obedience of its citizens. Its 
laws, once promulgated, are presumed to be just as binding as 
the rescripts of an autocracy. In the matter of obedience the 
citizens of a commonwealth are no less subjects than those of 
an autocracy, despite the fact that in the formulation of the 
laws they may occupy a different position. The conception of 
d(miiniork, of irnperivm, of sovereignty is no less vital to a common- 
wealth than to any other class of state. No commonwealth 
ever eodstad which did not contain unwilling subjects, nor will 
such a commonweahh ever exist till human nature is perfect. 
The existence of a criminal law in every commonwealth is incon- 
trovertible proof that they all contain unwilling subjects. The 

* Freeman, Cheater Greece and CfneUer Britain^ pp. 76, 77, 78, 79, 83, 84, 
The italics are not the author's. 


CHAP, necessity of compulsory education is a sufficient proof that the 
ni most enlightened commonwealths cannot depend upon all their 
**— '^v^"^^ citizens, even those which exercise the franchise, willingly and 
continuously to respond without compulsion to the duties laid 
upon them by the state in the interests of their own children^ 
No one knew better than Freeman, when not carried away by 
his own eloquence or prejudice, that no state, however republican, 
can ever exist as a voluntary association. 

Another curious feature in the passage above quoted ;s the 
frank recognition of the overmastering importance of the problem 
arising from contact between different levels of civilization, 
'that Eternal Question which needs no reopening because no 
diplomacy has ever closed it.' He speaks with seeming admira- 
tion 'of princes who bind the nations together by the tie of a 
just and equal law/ Did he really mean that this supreme 
function was one which should be left to autocrats for fear that 
commonwealths should injure their own character by touching 
It f To turn from the abstract to the concrete, what did he 
think should be done with India) Did he honestly believe 
that its population were capable of governing themselves, and 
if not, would he really have been in favour of leaving them to 
anarchy or of transferring them from the British to the Russian 
Empire 1 The whole passage suggests that his views on imperial 
policy were the result of preconceived ideas which had never 
been tested by reference to the facts to which they were applied. 
His natural dislike of the word 'Empire' prevented him from 
grasping the fact that the dependencies are incori)orated in the 
Commonwealth, and are not something which stands outside it. 
They and Britain are from every point of view one international 
state, and that a state organized on the principle of the common- 



Eidradfrom Argument on behalf of Governor Mostyn A.D. 1773. 

Seepage 'Of all the Minorquins in that island perhaps the plaintiff 

169. stands singularly and most eminently the most seditious, 

turbulent, and dissatisfied subject to the crown of Great Britain 
that is to be found in the island of Minorca. Gentlemen, he is, 
or chooses to be, called the patriot of Minorca. Now, patriotism 
is a very pretty thing among ourselves, and we owe much to it ; 

TW& ovwsma of the htoh sms 231 

we owe our liberties to it; but we should have but little to CHAP, 
value, and perhaps we should have bat little of the liberty we HI 
now enjoy, were it not for our trade. And for the sake of our ^^^"^^^-^-^y 
trade it is not fit we should encourage patriotism in Minorca ; 
for it is there destructive of our trade, and there is an end to 
our trade in the Mediterranean if it goes there. But here it is 
very well ; for the body of the people of this country they will 
have it : they have demanded it ; and in consequence of their 
demands they have enjoyed liberty which they will continue to 
posterity, — ^and it is not in the power of this government to 
deprive them of it. But they will tc^e care of all our conquests 
abroad. If that spirit prevailed in Minorca, the consequence 
of it would be the loss of that country, and of course our 
Mediterranean trade. We should be sorry to set all our slaves See page 
free in our plantations.' * 1^^« 

Argument of Athenian Envoys wUh Mdiaai Commissmwrs KC. 416. 

<The Athenians also made an expedition against the isle of 
Melos with thirty ships of their own, six Chian, and two Lesbian 
vessels, sixteen hundred heavy infantry, three hundred archers, 
and twenty mounted archers from Athens, and about fifteen 
hundred heavy infantry from the allies and the islanders. The 
Melians are a colony of Lacedaemon that would .not submit to 
the Athenians like the other islanders, and at first remained 
neutral and took no part in the struggle, but afterwards upon 
the Athenians using violence and plundering their territory, 
assumed an attitude of open hostility. Cleomedes, son of 
Lycomedes, and Tisias, son of Tisimachus, the generals, en- 
camping in their territory with the above armament, before 
doing any harm to their land, sent envoys to negotiate. These 
the Melians did not bring before the people, but bade them state 
the object of their mission to the magistrates and the few ; upon 
which the Athenian envoys spoke as follows : — 

' Athenians, — " Since the negotiations are not to go on before Procedure 
the people, in order that we may not be able to speak straight on ^ ^ 
without interruption, and deceive the cans of the multitude by ^ ^^® * 
seductive arguments which would pass without refutation (for we 
know that this is the meaning of our being brought before the 
few), what if you who sit there were to pursue a method more 
cautious still ! Make no set speech yourselves, bv^t take us up 
at whatever you do not like, and settle that before going any 
farther. And first tell us if this proposition of ours suits you." 

' The Melian commissioners answered : — 

' Melians. — " To the fairness of quietly instructing each other 
as you {MTopose there is nothing to object; but your military 

* Howell, 8t€ae Triahf vol. xx. p. 106. 




of the 

preparatioiis are too far advanced to agree with what you aay, as 
we see you are come to be judges in your own cause, and thai 
all we can reavonaUy expect from this negotiation is war, if we 
prove to hare ri^t on our side and refuse to submit^ and in the 
contrary case, skrery/' 

* A^umans. — " If you have met to reason about presentiments 
of the future, or for anything else than to consult for the safety 
of your state upon the facts that you see before you, we will 
give over; otherwise we will go on.*' 

'MdioMS. — *' It is natural and excusable for men in our position 
to turn more ways than one both in thought and utterance. 
However, the question in this conference is, as you say, the 
safety of our country; and the discussion, if you please, can 
(HTOoeed in the way which you propose." 

' Athenians. — " For ourselves, we shall not trouble you with 
specious pretences — either of how we have a right to our empire 
because we overthrew the Mede, or are now attacking you 
because of wrong that you have done us — and make a long 
speech which would not be believed ; and in return wo hope 
that you, instead of thinking to influence us by saying that you 
did not join the Lacedaemonians, although their colonists, or 
that you have done us no wrong, will aim at what is feasible, 
holding in view the real sentiments of us both ; since you know 

as well as we do that right, as the world goes, is only in question 

between equals in power, while the strong do what they can 

and the weak suffer what they must.*' 

* AWtaTW.-— " As we think, at any rate, it is expedient — we 
speak as we are obliged, since you enjoin us to let right alone 
and talk only of interest — that you should not destroy what is 
our common protection, the privilege of being allowed in danger 
to invoke what is fair and right, and even to profit by arguments 
not strictly valid if they can be got to pass current And 
you are as much interested in this as aay, as your fall would 
be a signal for the heaviest vengeance and an example for the 
world to meditate upon." 

' Athenians. — " The end of our empire, if end^it should, does 
not frighten us: a rival empire like Lacedaemon, even if 
Lacedaemon was our real antagonist^ is not so terrible to the 
vanquished as subjects who by themselves attack and overpower 
their rulers. This, however, is a risk that we are content to take. 
We will now proceed to show you that we are come here in the 
interest of our empire^ and that we shall say what we are now 
going to say, for the preservation of your country ; as we would 
fain exercise that empire over yoa without trouble, and see you 
preserved for the good of us both." 

' Melians, — *" And how, pray, could it turn out as good for us 
to serve as for you to rule 1 " 


* Athemms. — "Because you would have the advantage of ohap. 
submitting before suffering the worsts and we should gain by m 
not destroying you." s-^-n/--*^ 

^Mdians. — "So that you would not consent to our being 
neutral, friends instead of enemies, but allies of neither side." 

^Athemam. — "No ; for your hostility cannot so much hurt us Attitude 
as your friendship will be an argument to our subjects of our ^ ^ ^"^ 
weakness, and your enmity of our power." neutrals. 

' MeUam» — " Is that your subjects' idea of equity, to put those 
who have nothing to do with you in the same category with 
peoples that are most of them your own colonists, and some 
conquered rebels ? " 

^Athenians, — "As far as right goes they think one has as 
much of it as the other, and that if any maintain their 
independence it is because they are strong, and that if we do 
not molest them it is because we are afraid ; so that besides 
extending our empire we should gain in security by your 
subjection ; the fact that you are islanders and weaker than 
others rendering it all the more important that you should not 
succeed in baffling the masters of the sea." 

*MeUans, — " But do you consider that there is no security in 
the policy which we indicate 1 For here again if you debar us 
from talking about justice and invite us to obey your interest^ 
we also must explain ours, and try to persuade you, if the two 
happen to coincide. How can you avoid making enemies of all 
existing neutrals who shall look at our case and conclude from 
it that one day or another you will attack them ? And what 
is this but to make greater iht enemies that you have already, 
and to force others to become so who would otherwise have 
never thought of it 9 " 

' Athenians. — " Why, the fact is that continentals generally give Hope 
us but little alarm; the liberty which they enjoy will long ^^^^^^^^ 
prevent their taking precautions against us ; it is rather islanders 
like yourselves, outside our empire, and subjects smarting under 
the yoke, who would be the most likely to take a rash step and 
lead themselves and us into obvious danger." 

^Melians, — "Well then, if you risk so much to retain your 
empire, and your subjects to get rid of it, it were surely great 
baseness and cowardice in us who are still free not to try every- 
thing that can be tried, before submitting to your yoke." 

' AthemoM.-^^" Not if you are well advised, the contest not 
being an equal one, with honour as the prize and shame as the 
penalty, but a question of self-preservation and of not resisting 
those who are far stronger than you are." 

' MelicMS. — " But we know that the fortune of war is sometimes 
more impartial than the disfHroportion of numbers might lead one 
to suppose ; to submit is to give ourselves over to despair, while 
action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." 




The godfl 
favour the 



of help 




' Atheniang, — " Hope, danger's comforter, may be indulged in 
by those who have abundant resources, if not without loss at 
all events without ruin ; but its nature is to be extravagant, 
and those who go so far as to put their all upon the venture see 
it in its true colours only when they are ruined ; but so long 
as the discovery would enable them to guard against it^ it is 
never found wanting. Let not this be the case with yon, who 
are weak and hang on a single turn of the scale ; nor be like 
the vulgar, who, abandoning such security as human means may 
still afford, when visible hopes fail them in extremity, turn to 
invisible, to prophecies and oracles, and other such inventions 
that delude men with hopes to their destruction." 

' Mdians, — ** You may be sure that we are as well aware as you 
of the difficulty of contending against your power and fortune, 
unless the terms be equal. But we trust that the gods may 
grant us fortune as good as yours, since we are just men 
fighting against unjus^ and that what we want in power will be 
made up by the alliance of the Lacedaemonians, who are bound, 
if only for very shame, to come to the aid of their kindred. 
Our confidence, therefore, after all is not so utterly irrational." 

* Athenians. — " When you speak erf the favour of the gods, we 
may as fairly hope for that as yourselves; neither our pre- 
tensions nor our conduct being in any way contrary to what 
men believe of the gods, or practise among themselves. Of the 
gods we believe, and of men we know, that by a necessary law 
of their nature they rule wherever they can. And it is not as 
if we were the first to make this law, or to act upon it when 
made : we found it existing before us, and shall leave it to 
exist for ever after us ; all we do is to make use of it, knowing 
that you and everybody else, having the same power as we have, 
would do the same as we do. Thus, as far as the gods are 
concerned, we have no fear and no reason to fear that we shall 
be at a disadvantage. But when we come to your notion 
about the Lacedaemonians, which leads you to believe that 
shame will make them help you, here we bless your simplicity 
but do not envy your folly. The Lacedaemonians, when their 
own interests or their country's laws are in question, are the 
worthiest men alive; of their conduct towards others much 
might be said, but no clearer idea of it could be given than by 
shortly saying that of all the men we know they are most 
conspicuous in considering what is agreeable honourable, and 
what is expedient just. Such a way of thinking does not 
promise much for the safety which you now unreasonably count 

* Mdians, — " But it is for this very reason that we now trust 
to their respect for expediency to prevent them from betraying 
the Melians, their colonists, said thereby losing the confidence of 
their friends in Hellas and helping their enemies." 



^Athenians. — "Then yoa do not adopt the view that ex- CHAP, 
pediency goes with security, while justice and honour cannot be III 
followed without danger; and danger the Lacedaemonians ^<-^-v^^<*^ 
generally eourt as little as possible.'' 

* Mdkms. — "But we believe that they would be more likely to 
fiice even danger for our sake, and with more confidence than 
for others, as our nearness to Peloponnese makes it easier for 
them to act, and our common blood insures our fidelity." 

* Athenians. — " Yes, but what an intending ally trusts to, is 
not the goodwill of those who ask his aid, but a decided superi- 
ority of power for action ; and the Lacedaemonians look to this even 
more than others. At least, such is their distrust of their home 
resources that it is only with numerous allies that they attack a 
neighbour ; now is it likely that while we are masters of the 
sea they will cross over to an island f " 

^Melians. — "But they would have others to send The 
Cretan sea is a wide cme, and it is more difficult for those who 
command it to intercept others, than for those who wish to elude 
them to do so safely. And should the Lacedaemonians mis- 
carry in this, they would fall upon your land, and upon those 
left of your allies whom Brasidas did not reach ; and instead of 
places which are not yours, you will have to fight for your own 
country and your own confederacy." 

' Atheniafis, — " Some diversion of the kind you speak of you 
may one day experience, only to learn, as others have done, that 
the Athenians never once yet withdrew from a siege for fear of 
any. But we are struck by the fact^ that after 8a3dng you 
would consult for the safety of your country, in all this dis- 
cussion you have mentioned nothing which men might trust in 
and think to be saved by. Your strongest arguments depend 
upon hope and the future, and your actual resources are too 
scanty, as compared with those arrayed against you, for you to 
come out victorious. You will therefore show great blindness 
of judgment, unless, after allowing us to retire, you can find 
some counsel more prudent than this. You will surely not be« Sub- 
caught by that idea of disgrace, which in dangers that are mission to 
disgraceful, and at the same time too plain to be mistaken, yoiy^VcT 
proves so fatal to mankind ; since in too many cases the very dishonour. 
men that have their eyes perfectly open to what they, are 
rushing into, let the thing called disgrace, by the mere influence 
of a seductive name, l^d them on to a point at which they 
become so enslaved by the phrase as in fact to fall wilfully into 
hopeless disaster, and incur disgrace more disgraceful as the 
companion of error, than when it comes as the result of 
misfortune. This, if you are well advised, you will guard 
against ; and you will not think it dishonourable to submit to 
the greatest city in Hellas, when it makes you the moderate 
offer of becoming its tributary ally, without ceasing to enjoy the 




of Melians 
to submit. 


country that belongs to you; nor when you have the choice 
given you between war and security, will you be so blinded as 
to choose the worse. And it is certain that those who do not 
yield to their equals, who keep terms with their superiors, and 
are moderate towards tiieir inferiors, on the whole succeed best. 
Think over the matter, therefore, after our withdrawal, and 
reflect once and again that it is for your country that you are 
consulting, that you have not more than one, and that upon this 
one deliberation depends its prosperity or ruin." 

' The Athenians now withdrew from the conference ; and the 
Melians, left to themselves, came to a decision corresponding 
with what they had maintained in the discussion, and answered, 
" Our resolution, Athenians, is the ssme as it was at first We 
will not in a moment deprive of freed<»n a city that has been 
inhabited these seven hundred years ; but we put our trust in 
the fortune by which the gods have preserved it until now, and 
in the help of men, that is, of the Lacedaemonians ; and so we 
will try and save ourselves. Meanwhile we invite you to allow 
us to be friends to you and foes to neither party, and to retire 
from our country after making such a treaty as shall seem, fit to 
us both." 

' Such was the answer of the Melians. The Athenians now 
departing from the conference said, ^ Well, you alone, as it seems 
to us, jigging from these resolutions, regajrd what is future as 
more certain than what is before your eyes, and what is out of 
sight, in your eagerness^ as already coming to pass ; and as you 
have staked most on, and trusted most in, the Laeedaenonians, 
your fortune, and your hopes, so will you be most completely 

* The Athenian envoys now returned to the army ; and the 
Melians showing no signs of yielding, the generals at once 
betook themselves to hostilities, and drew a line of circum- 
vallation round the Melians, dividing the work among the 
different states. Subsequently the Athenians returned with 
most of their army, leaving behind them a certain number of 
their own citizens and of the allies to keep guard by land and 
sea. The force thus left stayed on and besieged the place. 

' . • . Meanwhile the Melians attacked by night and took the 
part of the Athenian lines over against the market, and killed some 
of the men, and brought in corn and all else that they could 
find useful to them, and so returned and kept quiet, while the 
Athenians took measures to keep better guard in future. 

* Summer was now over. . . . The Melians again took another 
part of the Athenian lines which were but feebly garrisoned. 
Beinforcements afterwards arriving from Athens in consequence, 
under the command of Philocrates, son of Demeas, the siege was 
now pressed vigorously ; and some treachery taking place inside, 
the Melians surrendered at discretion to the Athenians, who pat 


to death all the grown men whom they took, and sold the CHAP, 
women and children for slaves, and subsequently sent out five HI 
hundred colonists and inhabited the place themselves.' ^ 

The argument in both these passages might be quoted as 
classic examples of what in modern phraseology is known as 

• ••••■• 

Since these last words were written in 1913 the same 
argument has been used by the Chancellor of the German 
Empire to justify the invasion of Belgium. 

* Gentlemen, we are now in a state of necessity, and necessity 

knows no law! Our troops have occupied Luxemburg, and 

perhaps (as a matter of fact the speaker knew that Belgium 
had been invaded that morning) are already on Belgian soil. 
Gentlemen, that is contrary to the dictates of international law. 
It is true that the French Government ha0 declared at Brussels 
that France is willing to respect the neutrality of Belgium as 
long as her opponent respects it. We knew, however, that 
France stood ready for the invasion. France could wait, but 
we could not wait. A French movement upon our flank upon 
the lower Bhine might have been disastrous. 80 we were 
compelled to override the just protest of the Luxemburg and 
Belgian Governments. The wrong — I speak openly — that we 

are committing we will endeavour to make good as soon as our 
military goal has been reached. Anybody who is threatened, 
as we are threatened, and is fighting for his highest possessions 
oan have only one thought — how he i\ to hack his way 
through (toie er sich dwrchkaut) ! ' ^ 

If the words here underlined are compared with those 
similarly marked on p. 232, and with the argument on behalf 
of Governor Mostyn on p. 230, the essential similarity of the 
reasoning will be seen. 

^ ThucydideB, Pshponnetian fVar, translated by Bldiard Orawley, voL 
ii pp. 58-67. 

^ Speech of the German Chancellor, delivered in the Reichstag on 4th 
Angost 1914. Eztraoted from the TinuSf Tuesday, August 11, 1014, 
p. $, col. 1< 



CHAP. Contact with worlds both older and younger than 
.^^^^.^^^^^^ herself led to deep and far-reaching changes in the 
Social and internal condition of Europe. At the time of Henry 
^uiT^^ the Navigator the soil wai parcelled out in great 
m^Eoro^ estates held by nobles and by religious foundations, 
by the and, as their produce could not be marketed and 
t£eT^ ^ turned into cash, it was mostly consumed on the spot 
p^ecte^f i^ supporting large bodies of feudal retainers. His 
coioniza- inventions, however, greatly improved the facili- 
ties for exchange. Articles of value were multiplied, 
the materials of i)oinage were increased, and the desire 
of the wealthy to possess them was stimulated. As 
in the present age the standard of living was rapidly 
raised. Landowners learned that it was possible to 
divert the bulky produce of their estates from the 
entertainment of their dependents to purchasing 
objects of luxury for themselves. Many sought, 
moreover, to increase their wealth by investing it in 
trade with the newly opened continents. In England 
the diversion of agricultural produce from feudal 
hospitality to manufactures and exchange was 
hastened by the dissolution of the monasteries. A 
great part of their wealth was applied to the creation 
of a new nobility, who spent it not on the poor but 
on themselves, or else invested it in foreign or colonial 
enterprises. ' It is generally recognized that, from 



the latter half of Elizabeth's leign until the outbreak chap. 
of the Civil War, England was in a flourishing con- 

i dition. In fact this very prosperity implied economic 

distress among some classes. As civilization advances, 

I it becomes more complex, and economic progress, 

! while denoting an absolute increase in wealth, has 

hitherto implied a more uneven distribution thereof 
and greater extremes of riches and poverty. Such a 
period of progress, almost tantamount to an economic 
revolution, dates from the latter years of Elizabeth's 
reign. Wealth increased greatly, but at the same 
time pauperism became a permanent evil. . . . For 
virtually the first time Englishmen beheld as an 

i every -day sight " the spectacle of Dives and Lazarus 

existing side by side."'^ Where society is divided Rich and 
into the very rich* and very poor there naturally S^oa^^ 
appears a host of adventurers who aspire to wealth ^e^in 
which they know cannot be accumulated merely by distant 
the work of their own hands. The opening of the 
seventeenth century thus saw a decided increase of 
men eager to enrich themselves further by investing 
their property in foreign and colonial trade, and also 
of penniless adventurers ready to seek their fortunes 
across the seas, usually with the hope of returning 
home to enjoy their gains. 

This world-wide revolution had also helped to RoUgioua 
disturb the balance of religious ideas. Western Sso^^ 
Europe was now divided into contending camps, and ^^^ 
nowhere more than in England itself Hence there ^^™® 

i was a third class disposed to seek in the new countries Projects of 

not wealth, but a home where, in spite of physical uon^th^ 
hardship, they might enjoy the liberty to worship as ^^"^t 
they chose. Unlike the adventurers such emigrants 

> Beer, The Origins of the British Colmial SysUm, 1578-1660, pp. 44-6. . 
From the fiuboequent pages of this inquiry will be seen how deeply it is indebted 
to the recent researohes of this eminent American historian. The thanks of 
those interested in the inquiry are due to Mr. Beer and his publishers, for 
permiscnon to print the copious extracts made from his works. 




of English 

of medi- 
formed to 
areas to 
to circum- 
organs of 
ment ; (2) 

went to America meaning to stay there. They 
settled for the most part in the Northern colonies, 
and it was from them that the bulk of the American 
colonists were drawn. 

Thus in the beginning of the seventeenth century 
there were two influences at work, the one economic, 
the other religious, disposing Englishmen to found 
communities in the New World. The object of the 
present chapter is to examine the attitude of those 
in charge of English public affairs towards the various 
enterprises projected by those who sought wealth or 
freedom in America. As shown in Chapter III. the 
colonizing movement was one in which rulers followed 
rather than led their subjects. Even for English 
rulers, however, it was necessary that they should 
ask themselves in what relation the new communities 
were to stand to the old. With the powers of Europe 
struggling for possession of the New World, English- 
men, whether mercantile adventurers or religious 
refugees, were unable to found colonies entirely 
beyond the protection and control of the English 
Commonwealth, even had they desired to do so. 
The sanction and authority of the English Govern- 
ment had to be obtained ; and when application was 
made to the King and his ministers it was natural 
for them to consider how these ventures could be 
turned to the advantage of tho State. 

It is important to remember the form in which 
these projects were submitted to them. In the 
Middle Ages mechanics and merchants had developed 
the practice of forming guilds or corporations for 
the management of such aspects of their business 
as each individual could not control for himsell 
Guilds, like the Goldsmiths and Merchant Taylors, 
were formed to regulate the conduct of the several 
crafts, neither needing nor asking, to begin with at 
-least, any authority from the State. Craftsmen of 


all kinds and the meschants who deal in their wares chap. 


naturally tend to congregate together for the purpose 
of exchange. 

Such a congregation of human beings introduces 
certain dangers to health and social order to which 
agriculturists, from the more scattered nature of their 
occupation, are less exposed. Two thousand people 
collected in a town have common needs which do not 
arise in the life of a population distributed on farms. 
The principle of association already used in the regu- 
lation of individual trades was applied to meet these 
needs. Corporations were created to protect the town 
against internal disorder or external attack. Such 
corporations, therefore, soon found themselves called 
upon to fulfil certain functions appropriate to a 
government, and the powers derived from voluntary 
association were insufficient for the task. They tended, 
therefore, to develop in one of two directions, accord- 
ing to the nature of the country in which they were 
established. In parts of Germany and Italy, where 
no effective government was established, these cor- 
porations assumed the powers they needed and grew 
into city states. In a country like England, where 
the conditions of statehood had been realized, the 
corporation met the difficulty by obtaining from 
the central Government a delegation of its powers 
for local purposes. Powers of government were in fact 
delegated to the corporation in the form of charters. 
Thus in England corporations had developed, not 
into separate states, but into organs of local govern- 

The opening of the seas brought within the cjorpora- 
range of adventurers tasks which were usually too fimedfor 
large for one individual. Such enterprises were of ^'^^^t 
two kinds. Unlike the Portuguese the English at countries 

/» . 1 1 "L'l- I* • f .1 forced to 

first had no ambition for possessing or ruung the apply to 

Far East. They merely desired to trade with it, but for prhd^ 

R loges. 





formed for 

rights, and 
thus were 

the trade was too risky for single adventurers or ships, 
for * it was an accepted maxini that there was *' no 
peace beyond the line." ' ^ The result was the associ- 
ation of merchants desiring to engage in the Indian 
trade into a company whose business it was to 
organize fleets large enough to protect themselves. 
The possibility, if not the certainty, that such fleets 
would have to fight the navies of the Spanish king 
was foreseen, and it was essential that they should 
obtain beforehand some guarantees that their own 
Qovernment would not disown them as pirates. The 
new business, unlike that of a guild of craftsmen or 
of a municipal corporation, was such as was sure to 
provoke foreign complications, and hence arose the 
necessity of obtaining the authority of Government 
in some shape or fonn. Quite naturally such advent- 
urers assumed that those who contributed to the cost 
of the venture would alone enjoy the benefits to be 
reaped from it. Obviously it would have been 
inequitable if merchants who would not subscribe 
to the company had been allowed to send their ships 
under the protection of its convoys. Accordingly, 
what such companies asked for and got firom the 
Grown was a monopoly of the trade which they 
engaged to open ; nor could they, indeed, have raised 
the capital necessary for the purpose on any other 
terms. To understand the relations of England to 
Scotland and to the Irish and American colonies in 
the period under review, it is essential to remember 
that the whole Eastern trade was in the hands of a 
company, and also to realize how and why that 
company had acquired this vast monopoly. 

In searching, moreover, for new routes to the 
populous and civilized East, Europe had stumbled 
across a continent largely vacant, and in the parts 
nearest to Europe inhabited by savages unfit for any 

> Beer, The Origins <tf the BrUieh Colonial SysUm, 1678-1660, pp. 7-8. 


employment but hunting and war. In order to chap. 
realize the virgin wealth of America it was necessary s.^^,,,,^^^,^^^ 
to possess and to people it. The movement to destined 

J "I j.*i« J jj. j.a.to develop 

acquire these territones seemed, and to some extent mtoor^ns 
was, no more than a repetition of the movement ^^^. 
which had once brought to England the Saxons and pent or 
Normans, and had subsequently led Strouffbow and separate 
hi« companions to IrelwS Just as Stronibow had '^^^ 
been granted by Henry II. such Irish lands as he 
might conquer, so were territories in North America 
granted by the Crown to the adventurers who applied 
for them. * These grants were distinctly feudal in 
nature, in that governmental rights were treated like 
private property, and were bestowed together with 
the soil upon the patentea' ^ The earliest of these 
grants which led to effective colonization was made, 
not to an individual, but to a corporation, controlled 
by a court elected from the members and presided 
over by an official who was called, as is the chairman 
of the Bank of England at the present day, a 
Governor.* In the light of after events it is plain 
that these corporations could not, like the Merchant 
Taylors or Bank of England, retain their original 
character. They might have become, like the English 
municipal corporations, organs of the State, provided 
that their members could be made to share the 
responsibilities of the Commonwealth as a whole. 
Failing that, it was natural that their devotion to 
the Commonwealth should languiBh, and that their 
members should come to regard themselves as dedi- 
cated first and foremost to the corporation in the 
control of whose fast-increasing interests they shared. 
In the latter case it was inevitable that a corporation 

* Beer, The Origins qfihe British Colonial System, 1678-1660, p. 297. 

' The accident of this title is lai^pely responable for the wholly misleading 
idea of a satrapy which clings to theae goyemonhipe. In origin they were 
the head officials of a corporation, and in the case of at least one colony 
remained so till tiie lasti 


CHAP, of men imbued with the principles of English society 
should develop into separate states.^ Presently, when 
English colonization had secured a footing on 
American soil, grants were made to individuals like 
Lord Baltimore, in whom was vested the power to 
make and enact laws ^ of and with the Advice, Assent, 
and Approbation of the Free-men of the same Pro- 
vince, or of the same part of them, or of their 
Delegates or De|)uties/ ^ To the settlers in these 
proprietary colonies were given rights similar to 
those bestowed on men who held their lands under 
chartered companies, like those of Virginia or Massa- 
chusetts. The result was the same. Both contained 
the germ of an institution which must* necessarily 
develop either into an organ of local government .or 
else into the legislature of an independent common- 
Element of It is important to realize further that in the grants 
inThSe^ made to these corporations there was, from the ter- 
ritorial nature of the privileges sought from the 
English Government, an ekment of monopoly. The 
intrinsic value of the rights secured by the Virginia 
Company and its successors from the Crown lay in 
the exclusive title secured to them under their patent 
to the ownership of land within certain wide limits. 
This element of monopoly is further obscured by the 
fact that they developed into states so completely 
that after generations have forgotten that originally 
they were no more than corporations.^ 
Colonizing Something more, however, was granted by the 
tioM^* Crown under its patent to these companies than a 
demand monopolv in land or trade. The very existence of the 

protection r ^ j 

against settlements they founded was menaced by France and 
BtateT Spain, and the shipping which brought their produce 

^ Beer, The Old Colonial System, Part I. vol. ii. pp. 284-6. 
s Maodonald, Select Charters iUustratine of Ameriean History, 1606^1776, 
p. 56. 

» Beer, ITie Origins qfthe British OoloniaZ System, 1678-1660, p. 324. 



from America to England was exposed to attack chap. 
by the fleets of both these powers, and also by those 
of the pirate states of North Africa. The Moslems 
had now been driven from Spain across the Straits of 
Gibraltar, but they still held their own in Morocco. 
There they had learned that the bridle with which 
Henry the Navigator had curbed Islam might be 
used as a scourge for the loins of Christendom. The 
Moors became a maritime people, and between 1609 
and 1616 their corsairs captured 466 vessels, whose 
crews and passengers were taken as slaves to Algiers 
and Morocco.^ 

That the Glovernment should expect some benefit interest 
for the State from these ventures in return for the Eng^ub 
valuable rights demanded and the onerous duties Q^^®™- 

, . T , , meat in 

assumed in grantmg them was only natural. Anxiety foetoring 
to make England independent of continental Europe ^oniza-^ 
in respect of shipping and of certain raw materials, ^'°^* 
more especially those of the shipbuilding industry, 
was the motive that prompted English statesmen 
to favour projects of American colonization. Her 
shipping was to England like the hair of Samson, the 
secret of her national strength. But the principal 
materials for shipbuilding were drawn from Northern 
Europe, and the possibility that she might be denied 
them was the nightmare of English Governments. 
From the Southern colonies they hoped that a 
substitute for the products of Southern Europe might 
in time be produced.^ The customs levied on goods 
imported from foreign countries were, however, an 
important source of public revenue. Till Charles I. 
ascended the throne, tonnage and poundage had been 

^ Trevelyan, England under the StuariSy p. 182. See also Beer, 77^ Old 
Colonial System, Part I. voL i. pp. 122-3. So kte as 1784 the disoovery of 
their own incapacity to deal with the Barbaiy pirates, when no longer pro- 
tected by British fleets, was a factor in impelling the States after secession 
into forming an effective union. Marshall, The Lift of Qtorgt WaehingUm^ 
vol. ii. p. 81. 

* See above, p. 196. 


CHAP, granted by Parliament to the King for his life, and 

^^ neither he nor his ministers were likely to welcome a 

policy which would tend to diminish these sources of 

revenue. While, therefore, they favoured projects 

which, as they hoped, might enable England to 

furnish her necessities from countries controlled by 

herself instead of from those which were or might 

be controlled by her enemies, it was assumed by all 

parties from the outset that the change must be made 

without diminishing the public revenue levied on the 


Contrac- That the colonies would export [their products to 

reiationB England alone and that these products would be 

b^twwln ^ taxed on arrival there, was from the first taken as a 

colonizing matter of course, alike by Government, adventurers, 

tions and and colouists.^ lu this there was no idea of treating 

mentT^ the colouicB as foreign states, for they were allowed to 

J^®^r draw from England supplies which might not under 

binding o x'r © 

nature English law be exported to any foreign state.* Thus 
English from the outset the grant of the patent under which 
the colony was founded was the subject of bargaining 
between the Government and the person or persons 
applying for it ; and the bargain when made was 
binding on the Government itself. A continental 
autocracy could have changed or cancelled the terms 
of a patent with a stroke of the pen. In England 
not the Government but the law was supreme, 
and the individual stood on an equal footing 
with the Government in subordination to the law. 
Thus the patent when granted was a contract with 
the State, ' and could be legally revoked only by the 
courts on suit brought by the Crown, showing that 
their provisions had been violated by the patentees.' ' 
In 1677 the judges pronounced the New England 

^ See Note A at end of this chapter, p. 257. 
^ See Note B at end of this chapter, p. 267. 
3 Beer, 7%« Origins of the British Colonial System, 1578-1660, p. 304. 



colony's charter of 1629 valid, and held that it made ohap. 
' the Adventurers a corporation upon the place/ ^ a 
decision which defeated a scheme to abrogate the 
Massachusetts charter in order to establish direct 
government of the colony by the Crown. 

From th^ first, therefore, the relations of the Relations 
Grovemment with corporations which they regarded J^fh*^^*"*^ 
as purely commercial were dominated by the idea ^^^^^^ 

^ •' .^ '' one of 

of compact. Wherever, as frequently happened, bsi^pin 
terms of the contract were found unsatisfactory by tract from 
either party, it was a question of bargaining to alter ^^® ^^^^ 
them. In 1620, for instance, James L, finding that 
he was not receiving an adequate revenue on tobacco 
from the Virginia Company, persuaded them to ac- 
quiesce in the payment of an increased duty in 
virtue of a promise on the part of the King to 
prevent the growing of tobacco in England iteelf.^ 
The bargain was faithfully carried out in 1636, and 
again in 1661, when regiments of soldiers were sent 
to destroy tobacco crops which had been raised in 
the counties of Gloucest^, Worcester, and Hereford.' 
A year later the Company was found to have started 
a warehouse in a foreign country. Such a course 
was scarcely calculated to commend itself to the 
Gk)vemment which in granting the Company their 
concession hoped that produce might be raised in 
America for England, and yield revenue to the King 
when landed there.* The wrangle which followed 
was ended by the Virginia and Bermuda Companies 
agreeing not to sell tobacco in foreign countries on 
condition that they should enjoy the sole right of 
importing tobacco into His Majesty's dominions. 
'The agreement was distinctly in the nature of a 

> Beer, T?ie Old Colonial System^ Part I. vol. ii. p. 271. 

* Beer, Th4 Origins qfVu British CfoUmial System, 1678^ieS0, pp. 112-18. 

* Ibid, pp. 166-8. See also Beer, The Old Colonial System, Part I. 
vol. i. p. 140. 

* See Kote at end of this chapter, p. 257. 


CHAP, bargain/ ^ The rapidly growing importance of 

commerce due to vastly increased facilities for 

marine transportation between peoples and continents 

led to relations between the new communities and 

the old which seemed from the first to be based 

on bargain and contract. An age had opened when 

the policy of statesmen began to be regulated by 

the maxims of the counter. 

To begin To begin with, adventurers applied to the Crown 

Sngalted ^^ their concessions, and it was with the King, in 

Stete ^*^* ^ ^^^ ^ ^^ name, that their bargains were 

When made. James L and his successor denied that 

ment Parliament had any jurisdiction in the matter, and 

Kinglihe^ hopod, HO doubt, to dcvclop a revenue for themselves 
^nh^^mi ^^7^^^ *^^ reach of parliamentary control. It was 
tractuai the Crowu, therefore, which legislated for the colonies 
waa ren- by Order in council. Here again was exemplified the 
de^te^r truth that no permanent compromise is possible 
^r p^°i^ between the principle of autocracy and that of the 
ment Commonwealth. No people is assured of the control 
superseded of any of their public affairs until they have assumed 
patente*^ the coutrol of all of them. Any powers of govern- 
ment which the Crown retained, the King was certain, 
sooner or later, to enlarge and use as a substitute for 
those he had lost. The struggle was one which could 
never end until Parliament had asserted its right to 
control all the powers of the Crown, including those 
of granting patents. With the execution of Charles 
I. and the suspension of the monarchy, the King's 
power to legislate for the colonies by order in council 
without reference to Parliament vanished, and was 
not reasserted by Charles II. Henceforward the 
commercial relations of England with the colonies 
were determined by Acts of Parliament. But Parlia- 
ment represented the people of England alone, and 
was as much disposed as ever the King or his 

1 Beer, The Origins of the BrUish Colofwd System, 1678-1660, p. 195. 


ministers had been to view the matter from a stand- chap. 
point which was primarily English. Instead of s.,^^^,^^,,,^ 
reversing the contractual principle which inspired the 
policy of the kings and their ministers, Parliament 
accepted that principle as the basis of its own 
statutes. The famous Navigation Act of 1660 
Hook less than a month to pass the House of 
Commons, there being virtually no opposition, since 
the bill embodied principles that were then uni- 
versally accepted, and which already formed part of 
England's traditional policy.' ^ The colonial system, 
or * le pacte colonial ' as the French have accurately 
called it, was embodied in more than one hundred 
statutes, of which the principal were the Navigation 
Act of 1660, the Staple Act of 1663, and the Planta- 
tion Duties Act of 1673. For the purpose of this 
inquiry it will suffice to indicate the broad principles 
which inspired this volume of fiscal legislation, noting 
at the outset that in the detailed application of these 
principles there were many exceptions which may be 
studied by those who are interested to pursue the 
subject in the masterly researches of Beer. 

The original motive of the policy was to make Principles 
English shipping and industries independent of foreign Mng the 
states. Hence the colonies were to be excluded from gH^""^ 
trade with foreign states, and were to trade with 
England alone. The outlying parts of the Empire 
were to pour their products into England like 
tributaries into a common stream. England was to 
be the estuary through which all trade with foreign 
nations was to go out and to come in. There was, 
moreover, an ever-increasing tendency to make 
England the emporium of trade between the differ- 
ent parts of the Empire. Scotland and the Irish 
and American colonies were forbidden to trade 
direct with the East. England was the sole channel 

^ Beer, The Old Colonial System^ Part I. vol. L p. 58. 


CHAP, through which all traffic between the colonies and 


dependencies must pass.^ 

Effect on The hope of developing sources of revenue which 

cofoniai WCFC then less subject to the control of Parliament 
system of ^]^^j^ internal taxes had been one of the motives 

transfer- , 

ring its which influenced James I. and his successor in creating 
from King the systcm. But when their system passed to the 
ment ^"^ coutrol of Parliament this particular motive ceased 
to operate. Parliament, on the other hand, was 
swayed by the influence of merchants whose chief 
concern was to protect their business from com- 
petition.^ The protective motive superseded the 
desire of raising revenue, and according to Beer's 
calculations the system can scarcely have yielded 
£6000 a year to the public revenue at the time of 
the Seven Years' War.' It was the alarming growth 
of public indebtedness and of the cost of defence 
which led Parliament, after the Peace of Paris, to 
treat the system as a serious source of revenue. Up 
till then the ruling motive of the English Parliament 
had been the protection of English industries, and 
their policy towards Scottish, Irish, and colonial 
industries, as well as towards foreign industries, was 
influenced by that motive. The English Parliament 
deliberately set itself to crush the nascent manu- 
factures of Ireland and the colonies, justifying its 
action in doing so on the ground that English 
industries were called upon to meet all but a negligible 
fraction of the cost of Imperial defence. England 
was to undertake the defence of the Empire as a 
whole, and to defray the cost from its industries. 
The Irish and American colonies were to confine 
themselves to producing the raw material of those 
industries. Of the sister kingdom of Scotland no 

1 Beer, BrUish Colonial Policy, 1764-1765, p. 125. 
a Ibid, p. 234. 
' Ibid, Chap. iii. 


particular account was taken in the system. She ohap. 
must regard herself as compensated for finding no 
appropriate place in it by the gratuitous protection 
of the British fleets. 

Such was the underlying idea ; and the innumerable Adminia- 
restrictions which grew up rose from the diflBculty of difficulty 
giving effect to it in practice. Up to the time of enforcing 
the Commonwealth, for instance, a great part of the ^^^^ 
trade between England and the colonies was, through increase of 
the lack of a sufficient number of English ships, tions, (i) 
carried in Dutch bottoms. The practical difficulty f[^^^ 
of securing that a Dutch vessel, when once it had sWpe from 


quitted a colonial port, should discharge its cargo in trade. 
England instead of diverting it to the Continent, was 
one of the motives of the first Navigation Act passed 
by the Eump Parliament in 1651.^ 

The outlying parts of the Empire were at first (2) Re- 
permitted to trade freely with each other. While the onTnter-* 
English Parliament had assumed the right to control ^e!*^ 
by legislation the mutual relations of the various 
parts of the Empire, it possessed nowhere, except in 
England, an effective machinery of administrative 
control. In certain parts of the King's dominions 
such control was conspicuously lacking, especially in 
the sister kingdom of Scotland « and the colonies of 
New England. It was difficult, if not impossible, for 
the English Government to prevent merchants in 
Glasgow or Boston from trading with the Continent 
if they chose to do so. The inevitable consequence 
was that merchants in Ireland and the other colonies, 
who desired to trade with the Continent, were tempted 
to send their goods to those other parts of the Empire 
which had special facilities for illicit trade with foreign 
states. The result was a serious loss to the English 

^ Beer, The Old Colonial Sygtem, Part I. vol. i. p. 61. 
' Keith, CommerciallUlaiionB rf England and SeoUand^ 1603-1707 ^ pp. 71, 




(8) Re- 

and Irish 

devised in 
of colonial 
as well as 
of English 

customs, and an even more serious disadvantage to 
those merchants who conducted their trade in accord- 
ance with the law, and it was to remedy these evils 
that a series of restrictions were imposed on the trade 
between different parts of the Empire. The Acts of 
1660 and 1663 had practically excluded Scotland 
from the legitimate plantation trade. In 1673 an 
Act was passed imposing duties on intercolonial trade, 
and a growing tendency set in to exclude Ireland 
from the trade as well. The administrative difficulty 
of enforcing the law in a decentralized Empire led in 
fact to a general tendency between the middle of the 
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to tighten the 
system, and to insist on the idea that England was to 
be the general clearing-house of commerce, through 
which must pass, not only the foreign trade of the 
Empire, but the trade of one part of the Empire with 
another ; though, as noted already, there were 
numerous exceptions in detail. 

It is a mistake, however, as Beer has shown, to 
treat the policy as one devised entirely in the interests 
of the English people. * A large number of colonial 
products received especial advantages in the British 
market by a system of preferential duties, by direct 
bounties, or by a combination of both, with the 
result that in a number of instances they acquired a 
monopoly thereof at the expense of foreign goods, 
with which under normal conditions they could not 
compete.' ^ In the case of tobacco the law went even 
further in absolutely prohibiting the English farmer 
from cultivating a singularly profitable crop, a prohi- 
bition which was effectively enforced. * It would be 
difficult,' says Beer, *to estimate whether colony or 
metropolis was called upon to bear a greater propor- 
tion of the sacrifice demanded by the prevailing ideal 
of a self-sufficient commercial Empire.' ^ 

1 Beer, British Col<mial Policy, 1754-1765, p. 194. « Ihid. p. 201. 


It was believed, however, in the colonies that the chap. 


commercial advantage of the system lay with England, s.^^^,^,.,^ 
and the English Government intended that it should The 
be so. The colonies were supposed to be compensated ^^^ 
by the immunity which they enjoyed from the Fi™a"iy 
burdens of Imperial defence. The conception which enriching 
inspired the policy of the colonial pact is put in a in order 
nutshell by two seventeenth-century writers quoted Jj^nd^**^ 
by Beer. ' " The true Interest of England is its Trade ; "^^f^^^ 
if this receives a Baifle, England is neither able to bear the 

*" ^ whole 

Support its Self, nor the Plantations that depend charge of 
upon it, & then consequently they must crumble into dTfenol^!^ 
So many distinct independ*^ Govern** & thereby 
becoming weak will be a Prey to any Stronger Power 
w"* shall attacque them." 

*From the very nature of the Empire's political 
organization it followed inevitably that the main 
burden of its defence had to be assumed by England. 
As was said in 1683, " small divided remote Govern- 
ments being seldom able to defend themselves, the 
Burthen of the Protecting them all, must lye upon 
the chiefest Kingdom oi England. ... In case of war 
with forraign Nations, England commonly beareth 
the whole Burthen and chsirge, whereby many in 
England are utterly undone." ' ^ 

The Imperial Government, in fact, undertook to ThePariia- 
secure the whole of the King's dominions, including w^t-* 
Scotland and the Irish and American colonies, against ^^^^ 
external aggi?ession in an epoch when actual conquest g^iahed 
by foreign states was a real and constantly recurring Scottish, 
danger. The immense charge involved was before ^on\l\ 
1765 met by taxes lunited to the inhabitants of ^^^"^ 
the area which sent representatives to Westminster, different 
These conditions account for one fact which it is to the 


* Beer, The Old Colonial System^ Part I. vol. i. p. Ill, quoting John Carey, 
and also England's Guide to Indvstry (London, 1683), pp. 75-7. See also 
Note D at end of this chapter, p. 258. 


CHAP, essential to hold in mind when examining the 

IV . 

relations of England to Scotland, Ireland, and the 
colonies. In these countries the relations of the 
executive and legislature were totally different from 
those developed at Westminster. In Chapter II. the 
inquiry has traced the gradual process by which the 
principle of autocracy was eliminated in England, 
and the State was reconstituted on the principle 
of the commonwealth. Teutonic tradition required 
that the King should rule his people in accordance 
with their customs, and before changing their customs 
he was expected to obtain the consent of the people 
themselves. When the people grew too numerous 
to assemble in one place, the assent was given 
through representatives who became a clearly defined 
legislative organ. This was a great step in the 
development of the Commonwealth ; and down to the 
close of the eighteenth century the separation of the 
legislature and the executive, ' a free and independent 
parliament,' was regarded by political thinkers as 
the final and sufficient condition of liberty. In a 
commonwealth, however, government is simply the 
administration of the law, and the facts to which 
laws apply are constantly changing. The raising 
and spending of revenue, essential conditions of all 
civilized governments, must in a commonwealth be 
made the subject of laws, and the facts with which 
they deal are so fluctuating as to require constant 
revision from year to year. The state cannot continue 
without government, nor government without the 
recurring activity of the legislature. Government 
must be able to secure the funds and obtain certain 
necessary changes in the law, or otherwise the state 
will perish. The executive and legislature could 
only exist as separate and independent organs on the 
assumption that they could always be trusted to 
agree before catastrophe overwhelmed the common • 


wealth. The unvaried experience of the British ohap. 
Commonwealth has gone to disprove this assump- 
tion, and to show that however the legislative and 
executive functions may be distinguished for the 
purposes of theory, in practice they are inseparable 
aspects of one indivisible whole— Government. 

In its victory over Charles I. Parliament had Estebiish- 
asserted, once for all, its position as the sole organ of ^^kf 
leffislation. For the next two centuries there ensued reUtions 

. , . i» "I • between 

a half-unconseions struggle, in the course of which the legislature 
King began by controlling Parliament, which in ao far *^Ltive 
as it yielded to such control, ceased to be answerable to J^i^^r. 
the people. Gradually, however, Parliament acquired 
control of the Crown and became increasingly answer- 
able to the people themselves The change was 
unconsciously effected by a legal fiction. Govern- 
ment was conducted by the leaders of Parliament 
more and more in deference to its views and less and 
less in deference to the views of the King. The legal 
fiction worked because successive monarchs gradually 
acquiesced in the practice of allowing their names to 
be used for policies with which they personally dis- 
agreed. The executive was in fact not separated 
from the legislature, but reunited to it, as it had been 
when, centuries before, the King himself ordained the 
laws. Had the two remained really separate, govern- 
ment would have come to a standstill and the State 
would have foundered. 

In Scotland and the colonies, on the other hand, J^ ^^^ 
none of the assemblies acquired the power of chang- Ireland, 
ing and therefore of controlling their own executives, colonies 
Neither were their executives in reality appointed by tilfnr^ 
the King, for the governors and other oflScials who legislature 

. 7' - - " . . _- T T 1 T 1 and execu- 

constituted the executives, except m Rhode Island and tive were 
Connecticut, held their appointments at the will of R^n^^' 
ministers who held their own offices at the will of the ^V ^^®^ 

so long 

Parliament at Westminster. The reason why such remained 

•' in this 



CHAP, an arrangement continued so long as it did is obvious. 
^ The real responsibility for national life or death 
remained with the Government at Westminster and 
never rested on these minor assemblies. The functions 
of local government assigned to them were not such 
as, if undischarged, brought them straightway face to 
face with destruction. They felt, and had by the 
commercial system been taught to feel, that the 
British Government stood behind them. In several 
of the American colonies government was paralysed 
by the disputes of the legislature with the executive 
when French armies were crossing their frontiers. 
Sooner or later, however, it began to appear that 
the system would only work in the long run if the 
local assemblies abdicated their functions and bowed 
to executives whose authority was ultimately derived 
from the Parliament at Westminster. 

There was in fact one executive in the Common- 
wealth and many legislatures, representing many 
communities. The Parliament at Westminster con- 
trolled the executive, and asserted the right to 
control the relations of all these communities with 
one another and with foreign states. The control was 
avowedly exercised in the interests of English com- 
merce on the plea that the cost of the system was to 
be treated as a charge on that commerce. The 
relations of England to the other parts of the Common- 
wealth were to be based on a balance of material 
interests. In the following chapters it will be necessary 
to see how far it was possible in a rapidly changing 
world to preserve the balance, and what happened to 
relations between the different parts of the Common- 
wealth when the interests upon which they rested 
began to change, shift, and alter their centre of 


NOTE A • ^^iv^' 


' From the very earliest days of the British Empire, it was See page 
clearly understood that the dependencies were to be outside the ^^^' 
barriers of the English fiscal system, and that merchandise 
exported to the colonies or imported from them should pay 
customs duties. The prospective increase in this revenue, as a 
result of colonization, was used by Hakluyt in 1584 as an 
argument in favor of a policy of expansion, and in all the 
colonial charters it was distinctly specified that duties were to 
be levied on this trade.' ^ ^ If the colonial trade had been left 
completely uncontrolled, the colonies would still necessarily 
have been more or less affected by these duties, but the English 
fiscal regulations would not have been integrally connected with 
the colonial system proper.' *^ 




' Parliamentary statutes and royal proclamations prohibited See page 
the exportation from England of a number of commodities. 246* 
Some of these were essential to the development of new settle- 
ments, and accordingly, it was customary to insert in the letters 
patent a clause, permitting the exportation of such articles. 
The Virginia charter of 1606 permitted the shipment from 
England of all commodities necessary for the proposed colonies. 
Similarly the New England charter of 1620 allowed the 
patentees to export weapons, victuals, clothing, utensils, furniture, 
cattle, horses, and " all other things necessary for y* s^ planta^on, 
& for their use & defense & for trade w^ the people there." 
Provisions to the same effect were inserted in the other charters.' ^ 



^The Privy Council ... on October 24, 1621, issued an Seepage 
order, which stated that the King had granted large immunities ^^^* 

1 Beer, The Origins of the British Colonial System, 1578-1660, p. 101. 
' Beer, The Old Colonial SysUm, Part I. voL i. p. 128. 
» Beer, The Origins of the British Colmial System, 1678-1660, pp. 105, 


CHAP. ^^^ privileges to the colony in the expectation that it would 
IV apply itself '^ unto such courses as might mos( firmly incorporate 
^— ^v^*-^ y* Plantation unto His Commonwealth & be most bene- 
ficiall to the same, w^ will best be done if the Comodities 
brought from thence were appropriated unto his Ma*^ subjects 
& not communicated to fforeign Countries but by way of 
Trade & Commerce from hence only"; that the Yii^nia 
Company had settled a magazine in a foreign country, which 
course could not be permitted, " neither in policy nor for the 
hon' of ye state (that being but a Colony derived from thence) 
as also for that it may be a Loss unto his Ma^ in His Customs, 
if not the hazarding of y* Trade w*^ in future times is well 
hoped may be of much profitt use & importance to this 
Commonwealth." Therefore the Privy Council ordered that 
tobacco and all other products of Virginia should be first landed 
in England and the customs thereon paid, before being shipped 
to foreign countries. Thus, on the first organized attempt to 
establish a direct trade from Virginia to a foreign country, the 
English government categorically asserted the principle, that 
the colony's export trade should be exclusively confined to the 
metropolis.' ^ 



Seepage As early as 1623 'a leading member of the Virginia 

2^3- Company asserted that if the colony sought a foreign market 

for its produce, this would in time, "produce an independence 
vpon this Kingdome mutuall comerce beinge the strongest bond 
yt will vnite Virginia to this State." ' * A memorial prepared 
by Robert Mason the proprietor of New Hampshire in 1665» 
illustrates the tendency of Englishmen in ihe seventeenth 
century on both sides of the Atlantic to rely upon a balance 
of interests to unite the colonies to England. Mason urges the 
Grovernment to send commissioners to New England 'who 
should "endeavor to show the advantages which may arise to 
them by a better confidence and correspondence with England 
and by their cheerful submission to those ordinary duties, 
customs, and regulations, which are set upon trade in all other 
His Majesty's dominions, colonies, and plantations." These 
commissioners were further to point out how inconsistent 
exemption from these rules would be with the fact that the 
King of England " in all Treaties, and by his Fleets at Sea takes 

* Beer, The Origins of the British Colonial Systenty 1678-1660, pp. 191, 192. 
« Ibid, p. 177. 


New-England into the Common Protection, and provides for CHAP. 
its Safety as belonging to this Growne, and may therefore expect IV 
some Measure out of the benefitt that arises to them in their 
Trade by their being English and happy subjects of this Crowne." 
... In the eyes of the statesmen and publicists of the day, 
England was fully justified in restricting colonial commerce in 
return for the burden assumed in defending and policing the 
Empire. If there existed any doubts on this point, they were 
more than quieted by the preferential treatment accorded to 
colonial products in the English market. While the enumerated 
articles could not be shipped to any place in Europe but 
England, in return competing commodities of foreign nations 
were virtually excluded from this market. The reciprocal 
nature of the old colonial system is manifest not only in the 
scheme of imperial defence, but to an even more marked degree 
in the preferential features of England's fiscal system.' ^ 

^ Beer, The Old Colonial System, Part I. vol. i. pp. 108, 109, 127. 




CHAP. In the Middle Ages Scotland had been united to 
.^^.^^^^^^^ England by the conquests of Edward I. , who actually 
Conquest summoued Scottish members to his Parliaments. 
?and by This uuiou, howevci, was destroyed at Bannockburn, 
mTand ' ^^^ ^^^ *^® present it is sufficient to notice two 
1298. results which followed the severance of the two 
and the kingdoms. Robert the Bruce, who had sat in the 
5^W ' Parliaments of Edward L, copied his example on 
ascending the Scottish throne, by instituting a Parlia- 
ment in his own kingdom, which maintained a some- 
what shadowy existence till the eighteenth century. 
The second result of Bannockburn was a deep 
antagonism of the two kingdoms, leading to a close 
alliance of Scotland with France. To England, as 
Shakespeare's Henry V. says, the Scot was * a giddy 
neighbour ' : 

For you shall read that my great-grandfather 

Never went with his forces into France 

But that the Scot on his unfumish'd kingdom 

Came pouring, like the tide into a breach, 

With ample and brim fulness of his force, 

Galling the gleaned land with hot assays, 

Girding with grievous siege castles and towns ; 

That England, being empty of defence, 

Hath shook and trembled at th' ill neighbourhood.^ 

' Shakespeare, King Henry V, Act i. Scene iL 



The marriage of Margaret, daughter of Henry VIL, chap. 
with James IV. was destined to unite the two Crowns, ,„^^^.,^^^^ 
just when their common revolt £rom Eome was Results of 
beginning to reconcile the two peoples. Scotland was fomation 
alienated from France by the Reformation, which led l^^^^^' 
to the establishment of the General Assembly of the umon of 
Presbyterian Kirk, a body which gave the Scots what crowns, 
their phantom Parliament had never given them, a ^^^' 
real organ of the popular will. In 1603 the great- 
grandson of Margaret and James IV., who in 1567 i567. 
had been crowned James VI. of Scotland, peacefully 
succeeded to the English throne.^ 

The accession of the Scottish dynasty to the Effect of 
English throne had curiously diflFerent results in the of ti^^^° 
two kingdoms. In Scotland the King found himself, ^otUnd!** 
for the first time, backed by forces drawn from 
England, strong enough to repress the elements of 
disorder and to exact some semblance of a general 
obedience to the national Government. Four years 
after the union of the Crowns, King James said to his 
English Parliament, * I write and it is done, and by a 
Clearke of the Councell I goveme Scotland now, 
which others could not do by the sword.' ^ 

In England, on the other hand, the accession of a Effect of 
dynasty accustomed to the subservience of Scottish of the"*°" 
Parliaments hastened the crisis which transferred the Engknd?" 
sovereignty from the King to the people. To James 
his Scottish Estates were * the model of what Parlia- 
mentary institutions ought to be : "If any man doe 
propound or utter any seditious or uncomely speeches, 
he is straight interrupted and silenced. Only such 
bills as I allowe of are put into the Chancellor's hand 
to be propounded to the Parliament. When they 
have passed them for lawes, they are presented unto 

^ For a more detailed account of Scotland and the Scottish Parliament 
before the Union of the Crowns see Note A at end of this chapter, p. 296. 

* Rait, Scotlandy p. 166. See alap Keith, Commercial Relations of Engiand 
and Seotlandy 1603^1707, pp. 20-1. 

the ecclesi- 


CHAP, me, and ... I must say : * I ratifie and approve 
all things done in this present Parliament.' And if 
there bee anything that I dislike, they rase it out 
before." ' ' 
English Finding himself the recognized head of the Epis- 

s^ttish copal Church of England, he proceeded to enforce 
mente conformity with its tenets on his subjects in both 
united in kingdoms. This policy, continued by his uncompromis- 

a solemn x. >/ * j x. 

league and ing SOU, forccd the General Assembly of the Presby- 
to q?pose terian Church and the Parliament of England, itself 
largely Presbyterian, to combine against him. In 
of negotiating such an alliance, however, it was natural 
1643. *' that the English Parliament should prefer to deal 
with a civil body which like itself could claim to 
represent the nation as a whole, than with the 
Assembly of the Scottish Presbyterian Church. 
Henceforward the Scottish Parliament began to over- 
shadow the ecclesiastical body which had done so 
much more than itself for the national unity of 
Scotland. Quickened by the example and vitality of 
the English Parliament, it now began to speak as the 
real mouthpiece of the Scottish nation, and to be 
recognized as the one authority competent to do so. 
The result was a solemn league and covenant between 
the two Parliaments which ' bound the three nations 
of England, Scotland, and Ireland to swear "each 
one of us for himself, with our hands lifted up to the 
Most High God," to " endeavour to bring the Churches 
of God in the three kingdoms to the nearest conjunc- 
tion and uniformity in religion, confession of faith, 
form of Church government, directory for worship 
and catechizing *' ; to " endeavour the extirpation " 
of Popery, Prelacy, and schism ; to " preserve and 
defend the King's Majesty's person and authority in 
the preservation and defence of the true religion, and 
liberties of the kingdoms " ; and to bring to trial and 

1 Rait, Scotland, p. 167. 


"condign punishment" all enemies of the Solemn chap. 
League and Covenant. It was ratified by the Parlia- ,,^^..^^^,^ 
ment and by the Assembly of Divines at West- 
minster and " ordained to be solemnly taken in all 
places throughout the Kingdom of England and the 
Dominion of Wales." The General Assembly saw to 
its subscription in Scotland.' ^ 

As has happened so often before and since, an Attempt 
attempt was made to control Britain through Ireland, if in iLT 
and to support his tottering cause Charles now fell Engiimd^ 
back on forces recruited from the Catholic Irish. J"^, , 


But the attempt was viewed by Protestant England with Irish 
and Scotland in much the same light as the burghers leading 
of the Orange Free State and the Transvaal thirty ^ecution 
years ago would have regarded an attempt by England ^^ i^^^- 
to subdue them by forces recruited from the Zulu and 
Basuto tribes. In Aberdeen, where the Irish were 
left by Montrose * " killing, robbing, and plundering 
... at their pleasure. . . . The wife durst not cry 
nor weep at her husband's slaughter before her eyes, 
nor the mother for her son, nor daughter for father ; 
if they were heard, they were presently slain also." 
For three days the ** savage Irish " worked their will, 
even while Montrose, at the market cross of this 
Royalist town, was making proclamation of letters 
patent which promised pardon to penitent subjects of 
the King.'* Montrose, however, was defeated by 
Leslie at Philiphaugh, where *A butchery "more 
horrible than any that had followed upon any of 
Montrose's victories" stained Leslie's laurels on his 
great day. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a 
tooth would have been a code of mercy at Philip- 
haugh. The defenders of Christ's Crown and 
Covenant slaughtered in cold blood 300 Irish women 
and children, and fifty soldiers whose lives they had 

1 Rait, Scotland, p. 216. 
« lUd, pp. 220-1. 


CHAP,] promised to spare. Provocation had not been want- 
^^^^^^^^ iug, for Montrose's Irish had alain men "with no 
more feeling of compassion and with the same careless 
neglect that they kill a hen or capon for their supper," 
and the Ulster massacres had created a feeling against 
Irish Roman Catholics similar to that which in more 
recent days the massacre of Cawnpore aroused against 
the Sepoys.' ^ The King surrendered to the Scottish 
•- 1646. army near Newark, and was handed over to the 
English Parliament on condition that no harm should 
befall his person. The Irish card having failed, 
Charles began to intrigue with die Scots, seeking with 
their aid to regain his liberty and the mastery of 
England. The growing importance of their Parliament 
had now attracted to its benches the flower of the 
Scottish nobility, who were thoroughly alarmed by the 
growth of the Republican movement in England. 
Charles treacherously promised to establish by force the 
Presbyterian Church in England ; and the Scottish 
Parliament by a large majority resolved to invade 

1648. England, and sent Hamilton with 10,000 men across 
the border, but only to be destroyed by Cromwell 

1649. near Preston. The execution of the King was the 
immediate result. 

Execu- Horrified at this act, the Scottish Parliament 

ow^i. hastened to proclaim Charles II., not merely as King 
denounced q£ Scotland, but also as King of England and Ireland. 
Scottish Cromwell, returning from Ireland,* where he had gone 
wMch™^" to reassert the authority of the English Common- 
waron^ Wealth, iuvadcd Scotland and defeated Leslie at 
England. Duubar. Charlcs 11. , however, was crowned at Scone, 
Leslie and marched on England with an army furnished by 
afi^^bar, ^^^ Scottish Parliament. At Worcester his forces were 
1650 ^' defeated and destroyed by Cromwell on the anni- 
Charies II. vcFsary of Duubar. Charles fled the country, and in 

defeated at 

Worcester i Rait, Scotland, p. 224, quoting Gardiner, OrecU Civil War, vol. ii. p. 

?«?i' ^' 356. 


Scotland as well as in England the monarchy for the chap. 
time being ceased to exist. The bond established 
between the two countries by the union of the Crowns 
was gone. 

Recent events, however, had proved that the Pariia- 
lives of the two nations were inseparably con- un^no^ 
nected, and some new bond had to be found for two ^nl^*^^ 
communities which were now Commonwealths not Scotland 
merely in substance but also in name. ' The English Cromweii. 
Parliament at first spoke of asserting the right of 
conquest over " so much of Scotland as is now under 
the power of the Forces of this Commonwealth." ' ^ * It 
is not for the honour of the English nation to have 
foreigners to come and have a power in the legislature. 
They are but provinces at best. In justice you ought 
not to admit any other to have an equal power with 
your own nation.' These words, uttered by Thomas 
Go wen, the member for Launceston in 1659, show 
that in the Rump there were not wanting men who 
would have treated the Scots as they had treated the 
Irish, and as Athens had once treated her Ionian 
allies. When, however, the whole country lay at 
England's feet, wiser counsels prevailed, and it was * 

determined to incorporate England and Scotland as 
one Commonwealth. Hence it was felt that some 
form of assent should be obtained from the Scottish 
people themselves, and representatives from the shires 
and burghs were assembled at Dalkeith for the pur- 
pose. Scotland was accorded thirty members in the 
* British Parliament. The second Protectorate Parlia- 
ment, which included three Scottish peers in the 
House of Lords, formally ratified the Uuion. 

Cromwell died soon after, and the Rump, which Death of 
reassembled in the following May, declined to less!^^ ' 
recognize the legality of the measure, but was itself 

' Rait, Scotland^ pp. 237-8, quoting C. S. Terry, The Cromwellian 
Union (Scottish Historical Society). 


CHAP, dissolved by Monk before it had perfected a new 
^^^^^^^^^^^^ Bill to ratify the Union. Monk proceeded to 
Dissoiu- summon a separate Parliament for Scotland, which 
tiiTunion ^^^ hailed the restoration of Charles II. as a deliver- 
i66o^T^d *^^® from subjection to the English Commonwealth. 
restoration The Uniou was far from popular in England itself, 
II. where for the moment it had seriously increased 

the cost of government to the tax- payers.* 
Obsequious- Charlcs 11. began by appointing an obsequious 
ScSt^h Privy Council, and a new Parliament, in which the 
summwied* elcctivc members as well as the temporal and spiritual 
in 1661 by peers wcrc allowed to choose their own Lords of the 
Articles,' was summoned and met at Edinburgh. 
By judicious packing Charles 11. was able to maintain 
in Scotland Parliaments as obsequious as his Privy 
Councils. But the necessity of packing his Parlia- 
ments points to the fact that the King could no 
longer hector them as his grandfather had done. 
The English system, under which changes in the 
law required the consent of Parliament, - had come 
to stay. In Scotland as in England the legislative 
power, at any rate, had once for all passed from 
King to Parliament, and the effect on their mutual 
relations began to appear. 
James Jamcs, Dukc of York, who was the heir to the 

inmo throne, was a bigoted Catholic, and the prospect of 
^dusion his succession was increasingly distasteful to the 
^»y <^he English people. To exclude Jiim, a Bill was introduced 
Parliament into Parliament, the supporters and opponents of 
English^ which, first known as ' Petitioners ' and ' Abhorrers,' 
induct ^®^^ afterwards called Whigs and Tories. The Bill 
tiie passed the Commons, but was rejected in the Lords. 

Parliament Jamcs, howcvcr, fearing that his right to the English 

in 1680 t0/->i •• jjij."j^ i_* 

ratify his Crowu was lu jcopardy, determined to secure his 
to the ancestral title to the  Northern kingdom. For seven 


throne. * Keith, Commercial delations of England and Scotland ^ 1608-1707, p. 59. 

- See Note A at end of this chapter, p. 299. 


years no Scottish Parliament had sat, but James, as chap. 

his brother's Royal Commissioner (a position answering 

to that of Viceroy in Ireland), proceeded to convene 

a Parliament, which in obedience to his wishes passed 

an Act declaring that any one who attempted to alter lesi. 

the succession was guilty of perjury and rebellion. 

When James 11. succeeded to the throne the James ii. 
Scottish Parliament, not pliable enough to repeal the thet^rone, 
penal laws against Catholics at his bidding, was dis- scotuah 
solved. No other was called, and the King ffoverned P^^'i^r 

mcnt 18 

through the Privy Council, which he filled with dissolved 
members of that religion. His attempt to pursue a to supi^rf 
similar policy in England so alienated all Protestant cathoii« 
sections of opinion that the leaders of both parties v^^^y>, 

wliicli in 

invited William of Orange, Stadholder of the Dutch England 
Republic, who had married James's daughter, Mary, [if " '° 
to come over and assume the government. William wiiHMn*^" 
landed at Torbay, and James fled to France. and Mary 

In England the Revolution was consummated by the throne 
the Bill of Rights, an Act of Parliament which began "^ ^^^^" 
by declaring that James had abdicated the throne, and The Bill 
that William and Mary were now joint sovereigns of °|^^^^8^^* 
England, Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto belong- ultimate 
ing. After their death the Crown was to go to the transferring 
descendants of Mary, or, failing such descendants, to of external 
th«e of James', ieond d.o|hter, Anne, who .« £^. 
married to Prince George of Denmark. Papists, King to 

" "*■ ministers 

or persons marrying Papists, were for ever excluded responsible 
from the succession. * It hath been found by experi- Eiigiisii 
ence,' so ran one of the articles, ' that it is inconsistent n*^|[*^" 
with the safety and welfare of this Protestant Kingdom, 
to be governed by a Popish Prince or by any King 
or Queen marrying a Papist.' ^ In a document which 
aimed a deadly, blow at the doctrine of divine right, 
this frank appeal to experience deserves to be noted. 
Occasion was also taken in this statute to codify 

* Bill of Rights, sec. ix. 


CHAP, certain principles now recognized as essential to the 
constitution, such as the exclusive control of Parlia- 
ment over legislation and supply. In one respect, 
however, the Bill of Bights went further, for up to 
the Revolution 'an express law declared the whole 
power of the militia, and immemorial custom admitted 
the general control of the army, to lie solely with 
the King/^ The Bill of Rights now abrogated 
custom and law by enacting 'that the raising or 
keeping a standing army within the Kingdome in 
time of peace, unless it be with consent of Parlyament, 
is against the law.'^ As a standing army was 
essential to the safety of the kingdom, this meant 
that its existence in future depended on the sanction 
of Parliament, a sanction since maintained by pass- 
ing the Army Annual Act for one year only. The 
control of defence is inseparable from the control of 
foreign policy. It is not a separate function, but 
merely one aspect of the primary function of govern- 
ment, that of controlling the issues of national life 
and death. Parliament, by securing the control of 
the forces, had secured the power of paralysing the 
foreign policy of the King. And this in fact was 
what it did. The King, taught by his supreme 
responsibility for the safety of the State, saw that 
the maintenance of English liberties depended upon 
checking the steadily increasing power of France. 
Parliament and the nation, not feeling that re- 
sponsibility, were blind to the danger, and denied 
William the troops necessary to support his policy. 
William now hit upon the device of choosing his 
ministers only from the leaders of the largest party 
in the House of Commons. He himself was in some 
measure able to dominate his ministers ; but his less 
forceful successors rapidly drifted into the position 

* Temi»erley, Cambridge Modem History^ vol. v. p. 252. 
' Bill of Rights, sec. i. 



of accepting the policy of whatever leaders could for chap. 
the time being undertake to control Parliament. ^^,.,,^^.„^^ 
The final control of external as well as of other 
executive business thus passed (though in the case of 
foreign affairs rather more gradually than in the case 
of domestic aflfairs) from the King to leaders whom 
Parliament could change just as the electorate could 
change Parliament itself. Henceforward candidates 
began to appeal to their constituents on the ground 
that if elected they would support a particular leader 
identified with a particular policy. Ministers, members, 
and electors began to realize that the responsibilities of 
national life or death now rested on themselves, and 
therefore began to develop some understanding of 
the issues for which they were responsible. Thus in 
England during the period under review, the Crown, 
having lost already the power of making the law, was 
now. fast losing the power of administering it. Parlia- 
ment through its leaders was acquiring an undisputed 
control over foreign as well as over domestic policy. 

More rapidly, because more consciously, the The 
Scottish Parliament was advancing the same claim paru^ent 
for itself. When James II. fled, it brushed aside the ?°^ "i°^® 

' importu- 

pretence put forward in the English Bill of Eights natethan 

that James had abdicated the throne, and frankly English 

asserted its right to uncrown a king who had violated |^*J[^erting 

the laws which ParHament had made. In other ^^. ^ 

claun to 

respects the measure which it passed coincided with control the 
the Bill of Rights. For the moment, indeed, the two ^^^^^ ^^^' 
kingdoms were animated by the common and over- 
mastering desire to rid themselves for ever of 
sovereigns who acknowledged the supremacy of Rome. 
The next act of the Scottish Parliament, however, 
was to secure William's assent to the abolition of 
the practice of delegating business to a committee 
which was practically beyond its control, and once 
for all the Lords of the Articles were abolished, ' At 


CHAP, one bound the Estates adopted the conetitutioDal 

.__^_.^__, prineiples for which English ParliamentB had fonght 

since the fourteeDth centiuy. The Scottish constitn- 

tionaliBm of the reign of William of Oiange was the 

gif^ of England ; it had bat small roote in the past 

of a country where freedom' had not broadened from 

percedent to precedent. The Scottish Parliament 

bad plajed an insignificant part in the making of 

the nation, but the mere existence of parliamentary 

institutions is always potentially a menace to any 

Government nOt founded on the will of the people. 

If the Estates had not fought for power it was 

equally true that they had never been beaten, and 

they could reasonably argue that what they had not 

dared to oppose had depended upon their sanction 

and concurrence. If constitutionalism was young, 

it was ako vigorous, and the Scottish Convention 

went beyond the English in its assumption of 

complete and uncontrolled power.' ' 

T)>c im- Id both kingdoms the principle was now established 

l^'diTidi4 t'bat the succession to the throne was based on laws 

t^^i^tV- 'fbich, like all others, could be changed only by the 

mentathB ^jj] q£ (Jie pcoplc themsclvcs. And, as in the 

control of . ,  , i . . , 

the policy American colonies, the claim to control the executive 

toSra was urged more importunately in the younger 

Ind^y assembly than in the older one. But history had 

offireat conclusively proved that the two peoples were now 

inseparably connected by common interests. Of 

lese the fiist and greatest was the maintenance of 

le pctx Britannica in its strictest sense, — the interest 

I both in avoiding a war with each other. Plainly 

ich a struggle must expose Britain to the growing 

3wer of France, which would be used to force upon it 

dynasty to whose religious and political principles 

le majority in both commonwealths were averse. 

enturies of experience had proved that under 

' Eait, Scotland, pp. 278-7. 


separate Governments war between Scotland and chap. 

England could not long be avoided. As against ^ 

Europe, moreover, and in the interests of the system 
for which the entire island now stood, there was 
room for only one policy. But if there were two 
Governments independent of each other, by whom 
was that policy to be controlled ? To entrust it to 
their common King was to remove it from the control 
of either Parliament. To leave it to the larger of the 
two Parliaments was to tempt the stronger to neglect 
the interests of the weaker. Unschooled by responsi- . 
bility, the vassal state would in any case believe that 
its interests were neglected. Vassalhood, more- 
over, would deprive it of the experience and contact 
with vital facts which alone enabled the people of 
a commonwealth to face the sacrifices required of 
citizens in the interests of the State. 

For more than a century, from the Eeformation Ruin of 
to the Revolution, Scotland had been preoccupied trade^and 
with religious aflFairs. Under the influence of James f^'J^^eriah 
I. and VI. attempts at colonization had been made ment 
which were not without subsequent importance, on the 
Nova Scotia, where one such attempt had been made SJe^crow 
in 1621, was practically abandoned to the French by 
Charles I. in 1632. Of greater importance was the 
settlement of Scots afi'ected by James in Ulster, 
Donegal, Tyrone, and Fermanagh, which was destined 
to leave an indelible mark alike on Irish and American 
history. But the nation at this period was too intent 
upon religious issues, and too much weakened by the 
struggles they produced, to attend as closely as its 
Southern neighbour to far-reaching projects of industry 
or commerce. In England, throughout this period, 
the subtle influence of the continents opened by 
Henry the Navigator was rapidly afi'ecting the 
economic condition of the people, and modifying the 
whole course of national policy. The vigorous policy 



CHAP, of Cromwell strengthened the hands of the great 
^^^^^.^^^^^^ East India Company, and a further impetus was 
given to its trade when Charles II. renewed its 
charter. In twenty-three years the annual value of 
imports from Bengal alone increased from £8000 
to £300,000, and shares worth £70 in 1664 had risen 
to £300 in 1681.^ Except during the brief period 
when Cromwell united the two countries, the Scots 
were excluded by the navigation laws from the 
lucrative trade with America, and by the monopoly 
of the East India Company from sharing the wealth 
which flowed from Asia.^ James I. had failed to 
secure the assent of the English Parliament to a 
treaty establishing free trade with Scotland in all 
articles except wool, cattle, hides, and linen yam, 
though by an unconstitutional exercise of the Royal 
prerogative the boon was granted ' till it was cancelled 
1650. by Parliament in 1650. Free trade between the two 
countries, however, was re-established by Cromwell's 
Union, but withdrawn once more when the Scots at 
the Restoration reasserted their right to a separate 
Parliament, which, failing to secure a zoUverein, 
retaliated by passing navigation laws of its own.* 
Further negotiation in 1668 and 1685 was abortive. 
The reduction of her ancient commerce with France 
and the Netherlands after the union of the Crowns, 
and the disorders of the seventeenth century had 
combined with the absorption of her national energy 
in religious affairs to reduce Scotland to the depths 
of poverty. * A report on the Scottish Burghs, drawn 
up in 1692, shows that in Glasgow " near five hundred 
houses were standing waste," that the Harbour of 
Ayr was ruinous, and that the High Street of 

^ Mathieson, Scotland and the Union, 1695-1747, p. 26. 
^ See Note B at end of this chapter, p. 800. 

3 Mathieson, Scotland amd the Union, 1696-1747, p. 21. See also Keith, 
Commercial ItelcUions of England a7id Scotland, 1603-1707, p. 17. 

* Keith, Commercial Relations of Ejigland and Scotland, 1603-1707, p. 90. 


Dumfries contained scarcely a habitable house/ ^ .chap. 
* The poverty, the abject misery of the country, was 
such that every bad season produced a literal famine. 
In 1698 and the three preceding years the harvests 
were very bad, and Fletcher of Saltoun — one of the 
greatest intellects and one of the most ardent patriots 
of Scotland — wrote a discourse on the state of the 
nation which throws a vivid light on the material 
wretchedness and the moral anarchy that prevailed. 
" Many thousands of our people," he said, " are at this 
day dying for want of bread. . . . Though perhaps 
upon the great want of bread, occasioned by the 
continued bad seafions of this and the three preceding 
years, the evil be greater and more pressing than at 
any time in our days, yet there have always been in 
Scotland such numbers of poor, as by no regulations 
could ever be orderly provided for ; and this country 
has always swarmed with such numbers of idle 
vagabonds as no laws could ever restrain." " There 
are at this day," he adds, ^^in Scotland (besides a 
great many poor families very meanly provided for 
by the church-boxes, with others, who by living upon 
bad food fall into various diseases) two hundred 
thousand people begging from door to door." ' ^ 

It was at. this juncture that the 'Revolution took Effect 
place, and that the Crown of Scotland was offered ^voiu- 
by its Parliament to William and accepted by him Vp° ^i? 

J - r J diverting 

on condition that ?the Presbyterian Church should the 
be established in Scotland. The struggle with of Scotland 
Episcopacy as well as with Papacy was thus closed ^i^on to 
by the Revolution, and, suddenly released from 551^^5®^^^;^ 
religious controversies, the nation found itself free scheme. 
to think of mundane affairs. ' By an unforeseen and 
unexpected change of the genius of this nation, all 

1 Rait, Scotlandy p. 282. 

^ Locky, History of England in the Eighteenth Century ^ voL ii. pp. 178-9, 
quoting Fletcher, Political Works, pp. 122-3, 144. 


CHAP, their thoughtjs and inclinations . . . seem to be 
^^^^^^^^ turned upon trade.' ^ In matters of business as well 
as in matters of State, the history of Scotland had 
been one of arrested development. Hoping to equal 
at one stroke the commercial as well as the con- 
stitutional achievements of the English, the Scots 
hastened to stake their slender resources on a single 
venture, which, as they believed, would enable them 
to share in the wealth now pouring into England 
across the seas. The scheme itself cannot be under- 
stood without some notice of the personalities and 
interests of which it was the joint product. Of 
these personalities the most important was William 
Paterson, son of a Lowland farmer, who, having 
tried his fortune as a pedlar in England, migrated to 
the West Indies. There he made the acquaintance 
of certain pirates who knew the track first opened 
by Balboa across the Isthmus of Darien and * re- 
counted with transport the ease with which they 
had passed and repassed from the one sea to the 
other, sometimes in hundreds together, and driving 
strings of mules before them loaded with the plunder 
1694. of friends and foes.'^ Returning to England, he 
proved his aptitude for practical affairs by founding 
the Bank of England, and while doing so must have 
realized how vast were the profits which the English 
East India Company derived from their trade with 
the East. His next project wa^ one which, had it 
been realized, would have destroyed the monopoly 
of the English Company. This was to connect 
Europe with Asia by planting an international colony 
whose business it would be to open and maintain a 
route across the Isthmus of Darien. Avoiding the long 
and dangerous voyages by the Horn or the Cape of 

' Fletcher, Political fVorks, p. 82, * First Discourse concerning the Affairs 
of Scotland.' 

* Scott, Tales of a Ora/ndfaiher^ vol. iv. p. 28, quoting Daliymple, History^ 
vol. ii. p. 90. 


Good Hope, the wealth of the East was to be shipped chap, 
across the Pacific, transported across the Isthmus by 
the colony and reshipped across the Atlantic to 
Europe. 'The isthmus of Darien or Panama was, 
in his estimation, the '' door of the seas and the key 
of the universe " ; a Scottish colony planted on this 
neck of land would draw to itself the commerce of 
both the Atlantic and the Pacific ; wafted by the 
trade winds, and transferred in a single day's journey 
from sea to sea, the commodities of Europe, America, 
and the West Indies would be exchanged here for 
those of the East Indies, China, and Japan ; and " the 
universal force and influence of this attractive 
magnet" would "enable its proprietors to give laws 
to both oceans, and to become arbitrators of the 
commercial world, without being liable to the fatigues, 
expenses, and dangers, or contracting the guilt and 
blood of Alexander and G»sar." ' ^ In principle he 
had anticipated the vast enterprise which the United 
States is just carrying to its completion in the 
Panama Canal. To render it more attractive, how- 
ever, huge projects of settlement in South America 
were grafted on to it, and Paterson, who seems to have 
dreamed of floating his scheme on an international 
basis, proposed it to * the merchants of Hamburgh, to 
the Dutch, and even to the Elector of Brandenburgh ; 
but it was coldly received by all these states. The 
scheme was at length ofiered to the merchants of 
London, the only traders probably in the world 
who, their great wealth being seconded by the 
protection of the British navy, had the means of 
realizing the splendid visions of Paterson. But 
when the projector was in London, endeavouring to 
solicit attention to his plan, he became intimate with 
the celebrated Fletcher of Saltoun. This gentleman, 
one of the most accomplished men, and best patriots, 

^ Mftthieson, Scotland and the Unian, 1696-1747, pp. 36-7. 



• CHAP. 

' Act for a 
tradeing to 
and the 
by the 

whom Scotland has produced in any age, had, never- 
theless, some notions of her interests which were 
more fanciful than real, and, in his anxiety to render 
his country service, did not sufficiently consider the 
adequacy of the means by which her welfare was to 
be obtained. He was dazzled by the vision of 
opulence and grandeur which Paterson unfolded, 
and thought of nothing less than securing, for the 
benefit of Scotland alone, a scheme which promised 
to the State which should adopt it the keys, as it 
were, of the New World. The projector was easily 
persuaded to give his own country the benefit of his 
scheme of colonization, and went to Scotland along with 
Fletcher. Here the plan found general acceptation, 
and particularly with the Scottish administration.' ^ 

The measure now contemplated by the Scottish 
administration was designed to open to Scotland the 
trade of the West as well as of the East and of the 
countries which lay upon the road thither. Under 
its terms a Scottish company was to be empowered 
'to trade with Asia, Africa, and America; to plant 
colonies in places not already possessed by any 
European power ; to defend their trade and colonies 
" by force of Arms " ; to make reprisals for any damage 
done them ; to conclude treaties with foreign powers ; 
and to have all rights of government and admiralty in 
their colonies. All their ships and goods were to be 
free from customs and duties for twenty-one years. 
The Scots Navigation Act of 1661 was suspended in 
their favour, and they were granted a monopoly of 
trade to Afirica, America, and the Indies, " excepting 
and without any prejudice to any of the Subjects of 
this Kingdom to trade and navigat ... to any part 
of America where the CoUonies plantations or posses- 
sions of the said Company shall not be setled," that 
is, of course, reserving the Scots trade to the English 

* Scott, Tales of a Orandfaiher^ vol. iv. pp. 28-9. 


Plantations. Lastly, His Majesty promised to inter- chap. 
pose his authority to have restitution made for any ^^^ 
harm done to the company. This Act was clearly 
the work of an independent Scots Parliament. In 
pre - Revolution days, when Court influence was 
supreme, through the Lords of the Articles, such an 
Act could not have been passed. The oflBcial who 
now represented the Court, Tweeddale, Lord High 
Commissioner, obviously went beyond his instruc- 
tions. Burnet says that the King " drew an instruc- 
tion impowering the commissioner to pass a bill 
promising letters patent for encouraging of trade, yet 
limited, so that it should not interfere with the trade 
of England.: when they went down to Scotland, the 
king's commissioner either did not consider this, or 
had no regard to it ; for he gave the royal assent to 
an act, that gave the undertakers either of the East 
India or West India trade, all possible privileges." ' ^ 
The Scottish Parliament had, indeed, claimed the 
right to confer privileges such as would enable any 
one who chose to trade from Scotland to evade the 
system by which for a century England had sought 
to regulate her own trade with the East and West.^ 

Paterson, though persuaded by Fletcher to Hostility 
nationalize his project, realized, as Fletcher did not, me^ha^te 
that- Scotland was unable to finance it.* He turned, ^^"fj|^^ 
therefore, to English financiers for support, and for Company. 
reasons which must now be explained he had cause proposal 
to think that he would not look for it in vain. As ^e ' 
noted in Chapter III.* the English East India ^^^^^^^ 

IT -I t .Pi , company. 

Company had created and maintamed at their own 
charge the conditions necessary for trade with India, 

^ Keith, CommercicU Belaiians of England and ScoUavd, 1603-1707, pp. 
167, 168, quoting Burnet, History ofhia own Times, vol. iv. p. 277. 

' See Note B at end of this chapter, p. 301. 

' Keith, CommerdcUlielations of England and Scotland, 160S-1707, p. 169. 

* See above, pp. 148-50. Also Hunter, History of British India, vol. ii. 
pp. 322-8. 




on the part 
of Enelish 
East India 

In the closing decades of the seventeenth century 
interlopers in ever-increasing numbers were tempted 
by the growing value of the trade to ignore the mon- 
opoly. When the Company tried to repress them 
they attacked it on the ground that such privileges 
as the Company claimed could not be conferred by 
the King but by Parliament only, thus opening an 
important phase in the struggle of Parliament to 
control the prerogative. Some of the interlopers 
formed a new company which competed with the old ^ 
one for parliamentary powers. The struggle which 
raged in and out of Parliament in the last decade of 
the seventeenth century was closed in 1702 by the 
voluntary union of the two companies. Meantime, 
however, there were others in London who aspired to 
share in the Eastern trade, and thought that the 
English Company's monopoly might be attacked 
more successfully from Scotland than England. 
Paterson got into touch with them, and they under- 
took to find £300,000. A further £200,000 was 
to be raised in Hamburg and Amsterdam. The 
remainder was to be found in Scotland itself. 
* Almost every one who had, or could command, any 
sum of ready money embarked it in the Indian and 
African Company ; many subscribed their all ; maidens 
threw in their portions, and widows whatever sums 
they could raise upon their dower, to be repaid an 
hundredfold by the golden shower which was to 
descend upon the subscribers. Some sold estates to 
vest the money in the Company's funds, and so eager 
was the spirit of speculation, that, when eight hundred 
thousand pounds formed the whole circulating capital 
of Scotland, half of that sum was vested in the 
Darien stock.' ^ 

It was hardly to be expected that the directors of 
the English East India Company should watch with- 

* Scott.) TaUs of a Orand/ather, vol. iv. p. 31. 



out concern the products of the East pouring into chap. 
Scotland duty frecy to be smuggled thence into 
England duty free again, for every one knew that a 
large proportion of the dutiable articles which reached 
England evaded the vigilance of the customs authori- 
ties. Scotland, moreover, too poor to protect her own 
sea-borne * commerce, depended upon the protection 
of the English fleets. The English East India Com- 
pany now realizing that their position was at stake, 
moved their Parliament to address the King. William 
replied that * the King had been ill served in Scotland, 
but hoped some remedies might still be found to 
prevent the evils apprehended,' and dismissed Tweed- 
dale from office. Parliament, moreover, by threat- 
ening the English subscribers with impeachment, 
compelled them to .withdraw their support, and 
diplomatic pressure was successfully applied to the 
same purpose in Hamburg and Holland. 

A demand for separate ambassadors accountable Fletcher's 
to Scotland alone was the immediate result. * His fo^p™*" 
majesty's ministers abroad,' said Fletcher in the ^mbawa- 
Scottish Parliament, ' paid by the Crown of England, dor. 
are no longer to be looked upon as ministers for the 
Crown of Scotland. Since we are separate kingdoms, 
and have separate ministers at home, we ought to 
have separate ministers abroad ; especially in an affair 
wherein we niay have a separate interest from Eng- 
land, which must always be in matters of trade. . . . 
Neither ought we to have separate ministers only 
upon the account of trade, but upon all occasions,' 
wherein the honour or interest of the nation is con- 
cerned. That we have not had them formerly, since 
we were under one king with England, was, I suppose, 
to save charges, and because we trusted to the imparti- 
ality of such as we judged to be the ministers of 
the King of Great Britain. ' ^ 

^ Fletcher. Political Works, p. 86, ' First Discourse on tlie Affairs of Scotland.' 


CHAP. Fletcher's speech shows how easily a people, 

^^.^^^^^^ situated as the Scots then were, drift without knowing 
Failure it into supposing that they can enjoy membership 
M)on8iWe ^ *wo statcs and continue indefinitely to reap the 
Govern- benefits of both. The Scottish ministers were to 

ment to 

proportion treat the interests of the Scottish State not merely 
encU. as separate from those of England, but a^ opposed 
to them. And yet, when that treatment brought 
Scotland into collision with foreign powers, the 
English ministers were to treat Scotland as an integral 
and inseparable portion of the State of Great Britain. 
It is not children only, but men put in the position 
of children, that fall into thinking that they can eat 
their cake and also keep it. Never having been 
called upon to handle foreign affairs, Fletcher and the 
Scottish Parliament, like Grattan and the Irish 
Parliament a century later, were adrift of the realities 
which underlay them. But an ordinary sense of 
humour might have saved Fletcher from the suggestion 
that * It will be also fit, that the company petition 
the parliament to address his majesty, that the three 
small frigats, lately built at the expence of this 
nation, may be appointed for a convoy to the next 
ships they shall send out.'^ Fletcher's view was, 
however, adopted by the Scottish Parliament. In 
the Act to authorize the incorporation of com- 
panies for foreign trade they provided that if traders 
' happened to be attacked and violently seized and 
otherwise disturbed by persons not in open war with 
Their Majesties, that then and in that case Their 
Majesties would be pleased to order that the recovery 
of the ships and goods so seized or otherwise molested 
and hindered be carried on and prosecuted by publick 
means and at publick expense.' But the only means 
with which the Scottish Parliament had furnished the 

1 Fletcher, Political Works, ]p^. 88-9, 'First Discourse on the Affairs of 


King for the purpose were the three frigates, ' which/ chap. 
as Hodges said to them, ' for pinching their charges 
you have laid up to rot.' If the King were indeed 
to protect the Darien argosies it could only be with 
fleets maintained by the very English commerce 
which, as Englishmen believed, the Darien scheme was 
intended to divert. The truth was that Scotland, 
without realizing the fact, had lived under the pro- 
tection of English fleets and had learned to depend 
on it. But three years before, the Scottish ministers i695. 
had applied to those of England for protection against 
the corsair states of Barbary, and the English admiral 
in the Mediterranean had been instructed to protect 
their ships. The English Government had granted to 
Scottish merchants the convoys for which they 
applied, and it was not unnatural that both English 
Houses should protest against a measure which ' did 
seem to engage the shipping and strength at sea 
of this nation to the great detriment even of this 

The Darien scheme was not merely one which Pianution 
needed adequate protection from aggressors, but was Scottish 
in itself an act of aggression. If there was any place s?^"^^^" 
in the New World which Spain might claim as her territory. 
own by right of discovery, that place was the Isthmus settiere 
of Darien.*" The route across it was first tracked in by^p^in. 
1513 by Balboa, who had claimed for Spain not only ^gjg 
the land but the seas beyond it.^ It was athwart 
this very route that the Scottish Parliament now 
proceeded to plant a colony of their own, at a 
moment when the impending struggle with France 
made it of vital importance for England to remain 
on friendly terms with Spain. On the 26th July 
1698, the first expedition sailed from Leith Eoads^ i698. 
disembarked at the Bay of Ada, and founded a town 

^ See Kote at end of this chapter, p. 302. 
^ See above, p. 133. 


CHAP, which was called New Edinburgh. Tropical disease, 
^ however, want of capital, and the consequent failure 
of supplies quickly began to work their ruin. 
Jamaica, the Barbadoes, and the American colonies 
had been warned by the English executive to give 
them no relief, and the settlement was abandoned. 
The vacant site, however, was occupied by a second 
and third contingent until they were forcibly ejected 
by the Spaniards. Some of the Scottish adventurers 
languished in Spanish prisons in danger of execution 
as pirates until they were released on the intervention 
of the English ambassador. 
Resent- Scotland was reduced to the verge of bankruptcy,^ 
^ti^l and the feelings provoked by the failure of the enter- 
Pariia- pnse wcrc voiced on the meeting of the Scottish 

ment. ^ ^ o ^ 

Parliament. ' It must still be fresh in every man s 
memory, that insults were made upon the sovereignty 
and independence of this nation, in the matter of 
their late trading company, both before their settle- 
ment in Darien by the legal actings of the Scots 
Parliament, and by the scandalous memorials given 
in by the English resident at Hamburgh, most falsely 
representing the Scots company as private persons, 
having no authority ; as also, by the said resident's 
using threatening denunciations and expressions 
against the Hamburghers, if they should enter into 
any trading society with them ; and likewise, after 
that company was settled in Darien, by their most 
barbarous and inhuman execution of some proclama- 
tions issued out against them. That whether these 
most injurious stretches were calculated really for the 
sake of an interest altogether foreign to this island, 
it was not proper here to dispute ; but that it was 
certain, that this had raised an insuperable jealousy 

^ Under the terms of the union of 1707 the shareholders got back their 
capital and 5 per cent up to date (Keith, Commercial Relations of England 
aTui Scotland 1603-1707, p. 197). 


in the Scots nation, which could not fail sometime or chap. 
other, to break forth into consequences dangerous to ^^^^^^^.^^ 
both nations. And, therefore, he concurred with 
those noble and worthy members in promoting the 
overture, from which he should expect, that some 
laws should be enacted towards regulating the 
administration and government at home, as might 
deliver a Scots prince and ministry from foreign 
influence, and might thereby ccjmpose those hurtful 
jealousies, in all times coming, to the mutual peace 
and quiet of the whole island/ ^ 

The Scottish Parliament now determined to assert Scottish 
its own independence of England in the conduct of fndJa™ura 
foreign affairs. Scarcely had William died and Anne ^^ ?^*'® 
come to the throne when war broke out with France, control of 
Next year the Scottish Parliament passed a Bill* affaiS? 
repudiating the prohibition against the importation of 
French wines into the country, and refused even to 
accept an amendment providing that * No Scots ship 
should trade direct with France now in time of war.' 

At the instance of Fletcher, Parliament then Fletcher's 
turned to the discussion of a series of measures ^'"'P*^^ *• 
designed to transfer the entire control of the execu- 
tive from the Crown to itself. Queen Anne's policy 
was now largely determined by the advice of 
her English ministers. So long, therefore, as the 
Scottish ministers held office at the Queen's 
pleasure, their action must be controlled rather by 
the wishes of the English Ministry than by those of 
the Scottish Parliament. In a Bill which he intro- 
duced, Fletcher proposed to remedy this defect by 
'limiting' the prerogative. The following extracts 
show, however, that he proposed not merely to 
' limit ' but actually to abolish the whole prerogative 
of the Crown. * These are the ends to which all the 

' speech of Member of Soottiah ParUament, May 26, 1708. 
' It is fair to note that Fletcher opposed this measure. 


CHAP, limitations B,i;e directed, that English councils may 
^ not hinder the acts of our parliaments from receiving 
the royal assent ; that we may not be ingaged without 
our consent in the quarrels they may have with other 
nations ; that they may not obstruct the meeting of 
our parliaments, nor interrupt their sitting ; that we 
may not stand in need of posting to London for 
places and pensions, by which, whatever particular 
men may get, the nation must always be a loser, nor 
apply for the remedies of our grievances to a court, 
where for the most part none are to be had. On the 
contrary, if these conditions of government be enacted, 
our constitution will be amended, and our grievances 
be easily redressed by a due execution of our own 
laws, which to this day we have never been able to 
obtain/ ^ * This limitation will secure to us our 
freedom and independence. It has been often said 
in this house, that our princes are captives in 
England ; and indeed one would not wonder if, when 
our interest happens to be different from that of 
England, our kings, who must be supported by the 
riches and power of that nation in all their under- 
takings, should prefer an English interest before that 
of this country. 'Tis yet less strange, that English 
ministers should advise and procure the advancement 
of such persons to ^the ministry of Scotland, as will 
comply with their measures and the King's orders ; 
and to surmount the difficulties they may meet with 
from a true Scots interest, that places and pensions 
should be bestowed upon parliament-men and others : 
I say, these things are so far from wonder, that they 
are inevitable in the present state of our affairs. But 
I hope they likewise shew us, that we ought not to 
continue any longer in this condition. Now this 
limitation is advantageous to all. The prince will 

^ Fletcher, Political Works, pp. 290-1. Speech by a Member of Parlia- 
ment, 1708. 


no more be put upon the hardship of deciding between chap. 
an English and a Scots interest; or the difficulty s^^,,,,,^^ 
of reconciling what he owes to each nation, in con- 
sequence of his coronation oath. Even English 
ministers will no longer lie under the temptation of 
meddling in Scots affairs : nor the ministers of this 
kingdom, together with all those who have places 
and pensions, be any more subject to the worst of 
all slavery. But if the influences I mentioned before 
shall still continue, what will any other limitation 
avail us ? What shall we be the better for our act 
concerning the power of war and peace ; since by the 
force of an English interest and influence, we cannot 
fail of being engaged in every war, and neglected in 
every peace ? ' ^ 

By a stroke of the pen his proposals would have Measures 
placed the executive under the immediate and ^rl^d? 
absolute control of the Scottish Parliament. They 
were never actually carried ; but two instalments were 
placed on the statute-book which, unless the Union 
had been accomplished, would have made it necessary 
to carry them all. The first wfts an ' Act of Peace 
and War ' declaring that ' No person being King of 
Scotland and England shall have power of making 
war . . . without consent of Parliament, and that no 
declaration of war without consent aforesaid shall be 
binding on the subjects of his kingdom.' The second 
was a measure providing that ambassadors repre- 
senting Scotland and accountable to the Parliament 
of Scotland should be present whenever the King 
had occasion to treat with foreign princes or states. 

With his separate parliaments, executives, and Proposal 
ambassadors, competent to declare peace with the to serrate 
enemies of England, Fletcher now dropped the pre- of s^^-^^ 
tence that one titular sovereign could avail to unite land and 

o England. 

* Fletcher, Political Wtyrks^ pp. 342*4. Speech by a Member of Parlia- 
ment, 1708. 


CHAP, two commonwealths. ' No man in this house is more 
convinced of the great advantage of that peace which 
both nations enjoy by living under one prince. But 
as on the one hand, some men for private ends, and 
in order to get into offices, have either neglected or 
betrayed the interest of this nation, by a mean com- 
pliance with the English court ; so on the other side 
it cannot be denied, that we have been but indiffer- 
ently used by the English nation. I shall not insist 
upon the affair of Darien, in which by their means 
and influence chiefly, we suffered so great a loss both 
in men and money, as to put us almost beyond hope 
of ever having any considerable trade ; and this con- 
trary to their own true interest, which now appears 
but too visibly. I shall not go about to enumerate 
instances of a provoking nature in other matters, 
but keep myself precisely to the thing we are upon. 
The English nation did, some time past, take into 
consideration the nomination of a successor to that 
crown ; an affair of the highest importance, and one 
would think of common concernment to both 
kingdoms. Did they ever require our concurrence? 
Did they ever desire the late King to cause the 
parliament of Scotland to meet, in order to take 
our advice and consent? Was not this to tell us 
plainly, that we ought to be concluded by their 
determinations, and were not worthy to be con- 
sulted in the matter? Indeed, my lord Chancellor, 
considering their whole carriage in thiB affair, and 
the broad insinuations we have now heard, that 
we are not to expect her Majesty's assent to any 
limitations on a successor (which must proceed 
from English council) and considering we cannot 
propose to ourselves any other relief from that 
servitude we lie under by the influence of that court ; 
'tis my opinion, that the house come to a resolution, 
" That after the decease of her Majesty, heirs of her 


body failing, we will separate our crown from that chap. 
of England." ' ' ^ 

Fortune indeed had, at this juncture, placed a Act of 
powerful weapon in the hands of the Scottish Parlia- ^^a^^y 
ment. The joint settlement eflFected by both Parlia- ^^'^^t, 
ments at the Revolution had provided that the i/os, pi-o- 
descendants of Mary or Anne should succeed to separation 
the Crown. Mary left no children, and on the death on d^Tth* 
in 1700 of William, Duke of Gloucester, the only 'f^^^'' 
surviving son of the Princess Anne, the whole question failing 
of the succession was reopened. In 1701 the English b/^ng- 
Parliament passed the Act of Settlement fixing the ^ttlsh 
succession of the Crown of England and Ireland upon demands. 
Sophia, Electress and Duchess Dowager of Hanover, ^^^i- 
a grand-daughter of James I. , the senior descendant 
of that sovereign who happened to profess the Protes- 
tant religion. The Scottish Parliament, quick to per- 
ceive the advantage which the necessity for amending 
the Act of Succession had given them, declined to 
follow suit. In 1708, to the urgent demands of the 
English Ministry that the Crown of Great Britain 
should be settled on the Electress Sophia, they replied 
by passing an Act of Security which provided that 
at the death of Queen Anne the Scottish Parliament 
should meet and nominate a Protestant successor of 
the Royal line of Scotland, but not the same person 
as succeeded to the English throne, unless during Her 
Majesty's reign such conditions of government were 
settled ' as may Becure the honour and sovereignty of 
this Crown and Kingdom the freedom, frequency and 
power of Parliaments . . . the religion, liberty and 
trade of the nation from English or any foreign 

That the Scottish Parliament recognized that such Scottish 
an event meant war with England is evident from pi^ji^™*" 

for war 
1 Fletcher, Political Works, pp. 301-8. Speech by a Member of Parlia- with 
ment, 1703. England. 




forced by 
fear of 
to allow 
the Act 
of Security 
to become 


the fact that they also provided for arming the 
Protestant * fencible men of the Kingdom.' * If we 
are not rich enough/ said Fletcher, ' to pay a sufficient 
number of standing forces, we have at least this 
advantage, that arms in our own hands serve no less 
to maintain our liberty at home, than to defend us 
from enemies abroad. Other nations, if they think 
they can trust standing forces, may by their means 
defend themselves against foreign enemies. But we, 
who have not wealth sufficient to pay such forces, 
should not, of all nations under heaven, be unarmed. 
For us then to continue without arms, is to be directly 
in the condition of slaves : to be found unarmed in 
the event of her Majesty's death, would be to have 
no manner of security for our liberty, property, or 
the independence of this kingdom. By being un- 
armed, we every day run the risk of our all, since 
we know not how soon that event may overtake us : 
to continue still unarmed, when by this very act 
now under deliberation, we have put a case, which 
happening may separate us from England, would be 
the grossest of all follies. And if we do not provide 
for arming the kingdom in such an exigency, we 
shall become a jest and a proverb to the world.' ^ 
To this Bill the High Commissioner, acting on 
instructions from the English Government, refused 
the Royal assent. The Scottish Parliament, however, 
declined to grant supplies, thus leaving the Scottish 
forces unpaid. The news of Blenheim had not 
arrived, a French invasion was expected almost 
hourly, and Godolphin persuaded the English Govern- 
ment to yield. By touching the Bill with the sceptre 
the High Commissioner placed on the Scottish statute- 
book a measure which not merely provided for the 
separation of the two Crowns, but contemplated war 
between the two kingdoms. England could scarcely 

1 Fletcher, PolUical Works, pp. 308-9. 



allow matters to stand there unless she was prepared chap. 
to face a return to the days when France could 
always count upon dividing Britain against herself. 
In Scotland, as Lord Haversham said in the English 
House of Lords, * there will never be wanting all the 
promises and all the assistance France will give/ ^ 

The crisis was precipitated by an act of vengeance The 
on the part of the moribund Darien Company, which p^^.^ 
induced the Scottish Government to seize an English ™e°* , 

^ retaliates, 

East Indiaman in the Clyde. Convicted of piracy but opens 
on the evidence of a negro, the captain and several S^st; 
of the crew were hanged. The two nations were on "^^^^ 
the brink of war, but fortunately the English Parlia- 
ment kept its temper and contented itself with 
declaring that unless the Scottish Succession was 
settled by Christmas Day, 1705, Scotsmen were to 
be held as aliens and incapable of inheriting lands ; 
that no arms or horses were to be exported to Scotland, 
and that no Scottish cattle, linen, or coals were to 
be imported into England. The same Act, however, 
empowered the Queen to appoint commissioners to 
treat for union. The Scots 'had endeavoured to 
coerce the English into giving them commercial 
privileges. Now the English were putting pressure 
on the Scots to make them accept a complete union/ ^ 

What the Scottish Parliament desired was not Attempts 
union, but the opening of the English markets to J^ndie 
Scottish commerce, and freedom to trade with the f^f^^d- 
English colonies in America and with the Far East, ence 
all which they hoped to enjoy without any curtailment English 
of their own autonomy. These hopes were expressed °*''^'^®°**°'^- 
in an amendment moved by the Duke of Hamilton 
to the Act authorizing the appointment of Scottish 
Commissioners to negotiate with those from England, 
' That the union to be treated on should no ways 

^ Keith, CommerGicU Belations of England and Scotland, 1603-1707^ p. 191. 
• Ibid. p. 192. 



CHAP, derogate from any fundamental laws, ancient privileges, 
^ offices, rights, liberties, and dignities of the Scots 
Nation/ To the same effect was a resolution moved 
by the Marquis of Annandale in the following year, 
when the report of the Commissioners was considered 
by the Scottish Parliament. 'That we are willing 
to enter into such an Union with our neighbours of 
England, as shall unite us entirely, and after the 
most strict manner in all their and our interests or 
successions, wars, alliances, and trade, reserving to 
us the sovereignty and independency of the Crown 
and Monarchy, and the ancient privileges and im- 
munities of the kingdom, and the constitution and 
frame of the government both of church and state, 
as they stand now, established by our fundamental 
constitution, by our Claim of Right, and the laws 
foUowiDg thereupon.' As Daniel Defoe remarked : 
' " No incorporating union" -was the word — " Let us 
have an Union with England with all. our hearts ; 
but no incorporation — Let us keep our Parliament — 
keep our Sovereignty — keep our independency — keep 
our constitution, and for all the rest we are ready 
to unite with you, as firmly as you can devise." ' 
Such, indeed, was the nature of an arrangement 
advanced by the Scottish Commissioners under the 
name of a 'Foederal Union.' It is important, how- 
ever, not to be misled by terms. The plan proposed 
was in no sense a federal union, but merely a zoUverein 
or customs convention, which left untouched the 
vital question who was to control defence and foreign 
affairs. It was but one of many attempts to settle 
by contract between two states what in fact could 
only be settled by the creation of a single state 
claiming the unlimited obedience of the citizens in 
pro^^ai^ The difficulties were such as must recur every 
for solving time the necessity arises for extending the principle 



of the cominonwealth, and Fletcher in his writings chap. 
has left proposals for their solution which throw 
much light 'on the working of his mind. According 
to these proposals Europe was to be divided into ten 
provinces, and each province into ten or twelve 
sovereign republics modelled on the pattern of 
Greek city states. Those suggested for the British 
Isles were to centre round London, Bristol, Exeter, 
Chester, Norwich, York, Stirling, Inverness, Dublin, 
Cork, Galway, and Londonderry. Concord between 
these sovereign republics was to be secured in each 
province by a common prince, but how he was to 
secure it the author of the proposal failed to explain. 
He was not, however, the last to argue that one 
titular crown will suffice to maintain the unity of 
dominions whose separate sovereignty has been 
recognized as absolute and complete.^ 

That the Scottish Parliament included a mind statement 
more in touch with realities is shown by a speech from real ^ 
Seton of Pitmadden. * My Lord, I am sorry that in ^gj^^ 
place of things, we amuse ourselves with words ; for of 
my part, I comprehend no durable union betwixt 
Scotland and England, but that expressed in this 
Article by one kingdom, that is to say, one people, 
one civil government, and one interest. It is true, 
the words, Foederal Union, are become fashionable, 
and may be handsomely fitted to delude unthinking 
people ; but if any member of this House will give 
himself the trouble to examine what conditions or 
articles are understood by these words, and reduce 
them into any kind of foederal compacts, whereby 
distinct nations have been united, I will presume to 
say, these will be found to be impracticable, or of 
very little use to us. But to put that matter in a 
clear light, these queries ought to be duly examined. 

^ Fletcher, Political Works^ p. 448, ' Account of a Cou7ersation regarding 
a Bight Regalation of Government.' 


CHAP. . . . Whether there can be any sure guaranty 
projected for the observance of the articles of a 
foederal compact, stipulated betwixt two nations, 
whereof the one is much superior to the other in 
riches, numbers of people, and an extended com- 
merce ? Whether the advantages of a Foederal Union 
do balance its disadvantages ? Whether the English 
will accept a Foederal Union supposing it to be for 
the true interest of both nations? Whether any 
Foederal compact between Scotland and England is 
sufficient to secure the peace of this island, or fortify 
it against the intrigues and invasions of its foreign 
enemies ? And, whether England, in prudence ought 
to communicate its trade and protection to this nation, 
till both kingdoms are incorporated into one V ^ 
Fears for The Scottish OomtniBsiouers in fact asked for a 

of Scottish zollverein which would establish freedom of trade 
^am^^^^ between Scotland, England, and the colonies. The 
in the English Commissioners on their part were ready to 
subsequent couccdc thosc privileges, not, however, by way of 
events. treaty, as the Scots proposed, but only as the result 
of a union which would incorporate the Scots and 
English as citizens of one State. And that was the 
solution which Scotland was driven unwillingly to 
accept ; * I see the English Constitution remaining 
firm,' protested Lord Belhaven, * the same Houses of 
Parliament, the same taxes, the same customs, the 
same excises, the same trading companies, the same 
muilicipal laws and courts of judicature; and all 
ours either subject to regulations or annihilations, 
only we have the honour to pay their old debts, and 
to have some few persons present, for witnesses to 
the validity of the deed, when they are pleased to 
contract more.' The complaints of Belhaven had 
their justification in rash utterances such as those 
attributed by Fletcher to Sir Edward Seymour : 

^ speech by Seton of Pitmadden, November 1, 1706. 


* What a pother is here about an union with Scotland, chap. 
of which all the advantage we shall have, will be no 
more than what a man gets by marrying a beggar, a 
louse for her portion.'^ Such happily was not the 
general attitude of Englishmen towards the Scots. 
Beneath the antipathies which ruffled the surface was 
a sense of mutual affection and respect which made 
the prospect of an internecine war hateful to both 
alike. Common responsibility for the welfare of a 
common state was alone needed to develop the 
patriotism necessary to unite Scots with Englishmen 
in a single commonwealth. How little the event has 
justified the fears of Belhaven may be judged from the 
remarks of a modern American observer : * The Act of 
Union preserved the ecclesiastical and legal institutions 
of Scotland ; and at the present day she has her own 
established church, which is Presbyterian ; her own 
system of education, which is quite different from 
the English ; and her own system of law, based upon 
the Civil not the Common Law, and adorned by a 
nomenclature so disfigured as to pass for her own. 
With such differences as these it has been not un- 
common for Parliament, even where the same legis- 
lative principles were to be applied on both sides of 
the Tweed, to enact them in separate statutes, each 
adapted to the institutions of the country in which 
it is to operate. Socially, also, the fusion has not 
been complete. Every Scotchman is an Englishman, 
but an Englishman is not a Scotchman. The Scotch 
regard themselves as an elect race who are entitled to all 
the rights of Englishmen and to their own privileges 
besides. All English offices ought to be open to them, 
but Scotch posts are the natural heritage of the Scots. 
They take part freely in the debates on legislation 
affecting England alone, but in their opinion acts 

^ Fletcher, PolUical fForka, p. 411, 'Account of a Oonversation regarding 
a Right Regulation of Government' 


CHAP, confined to Scotland ought to be, and in fact they are 
^ in the main, governed by the opinion of the Scotch 
members. Such a condition is due partly to the fact 
that Scotch institutions and ideas are sufficiently 
distinct from those of England to require separate 
treatment, and not different enough to excite re- 
pugnance. It is due in part also to the fact that the 
Scotch are both a homogeneous and a practical 
people, so that all classes can unite in common 
opinions about religion, politics, and social justice/ ^ 
Effect of The real nature of the transaction is explained in 

in^creSbSg ^ few words by the greatest living authority on the 
ttotir British Constitution. * Though the fact is often 
overlooked, the Parliaments both of England and 
Scotland did, at the time of the Union, each transfer 
sovereign power to a new sovereign body, namely, 
the Parliament of Great Britain/ ^ In other words, a 
new state was created with a new sovereignty of its 
own : the two separate states with their two separate 
sovereignties vanished. The last act of the two 
sovereignties was to order their respective subjects to 
behave in future as citizens of a common state, an order 
which was obeyed, although to a large number it was 
unpalatable. Nothing but time was wanted to create 
the habit of obedience to the new Commonwealth, 
because that habit was fostered by the exercise of a 
responsibility imposed on the inhabitants of both 
kingdoms. There was not, as in Ireland, an over- 
whelming section of the population excluded from 
full participation in the life of the Commonwealth. 
The transaction, moreover, partook in no essential 
respect of the nature of a contract. The only parties 
between whom a contract could have been made were 
the two sovereignties, which the moment the trans- 
action was completed themselves vanished, and with 

^ Lowell, The Government of England^ vol. i. pp. 138-9. 
2 Dicey, The Law of the CkmstittUion, pp. 66-7. 


them a contractual condition which was merely chap. 
temporary. Henceforth the bond by which a Scot 
and Englishman were united was the claim made 
by a commonwealth, in which both were embraced, 
to the unlimited devotion of each. 

To none of the Commissioners, however, does it Why 
seem to have occurred that the continued existence in P^^^^^^^y 
Edinburgh and London of provincial executives and ^^^^^f^j^ 
legislatures, entrusted respectively with interests and 
which were strictly Scottish and strictly English, was Pariia- 
not incompatible with the policy of merging Scots ^tJJ^^^ate 
and Englishmen in a common state. The possibility }^^ ^^^ 
of distinguishing local from general interests had not the new 
as yet been realized. The truth is that statesmen w^ST^ 
of that era had far less experience to draw upon than ^^^^ 
those who have followed the establishment of the ^'*^??^ , 
American Republic. To the ministers of Queen Anne 
the only alternative to absolute separation was to 
centralize all government, local as well as imperial, at 
Westminster. The American method of preserving 
existing state governments as local organs of the 
wider state into which they were merged had yet to 
be placed on the political market by its discoverers. 
But the sovereign merit in the architects of this union 
was their uncompromising rejection of shams. As 
usual, there were not wanting Englishmen of the type 
of Growen and Seymour who comprehended so ill the 
principles for which their race stood as to think that 
Scotland could permanently be treated as a means to 
English ends. Across the border were the Fletchers 
and Belhavens, specimens of a no less constant type, 
who wanted to retain the essential condition of 
separation by a contract dignified by the name of a 
Foederal Union. Had either of these counsels pre- 
vailed, Scotland would have been linked to England by 
bonds similar to those which connected the confederate 
states with Athens. Upon either principle the two 




Commonwealths were to live apart, and a false union 
which purported to unite them without impairing 
the sovereignty of either would infallibly have ended 
in the domination of the weaker by the stronger, a 
domination which would have been exercised, as in 
Ireland, in part by corruption and in part by force. 
Judging from Ireland the results would so have em- 
bittered the relations of the two peoples as to have 
made the final achievement of union at a later date 
immeasurably harder. As it was, the citizens of both 
countries faced fiicts, and above all things faced them 
in time. The fears of Belhaven that the Scots would 
lose their national character have been plainly falsified 
by events. To a great extent they have dominated 
the polity in which they were merged. More than 
any other portion of Great Britain, Scotland has 
devoted to India and the great Dependencies the 
best of her sons, and has realized the sense of re- 
sponsibility to the races of the other continents, which 
alone has made possible the inclusion of so vast a 
number of them within the limits of the British 


See page 

in early 
a separate 
unit from 



When Scotland first came into touch with civilization it was, 
like the rest of Britain, inhabited by Celtic tribes. Boman 
and Saxon invaders in the dark ages alike failed to penetrate 
the Highlands, and till two centuries ago the tribal organization 
of society there remained intact The Saxons, however, like 
the Bomans, conquered the Lowlands, filling the South-East of 
Scotland as far as the Forth with a people who were largely 
Teutonic. The modem counties of Boxburgh, Berwick, 
Haddington, and Midlothian were indeed part of the English 
Kingdom of Northumbria in the age of the Heptarchy. About 
the time of the Saxon invasion there arrived from Ireland a 
tribe called the Scots, who settled in Argyllshire, and some 


centuries later the East coast^ North of the Forth, was colonized OHAP. 
by Norsemen. In the eighth and ninth centuries these two V 
races, together with the aboriginal population of the Highlands, ^-'•^v-^i^-^ 
both Pictish and Celtic, were united under the King of the 
Scots. Gradually they pushed their frontiers South till in 
1034 the Duncan, who figures in Shakespeare's tragedy of 
Macbethy became King of the whole mainland, North of the 
Tweed, which thereafter was recognized as the frontier between 
England and Scotland. In 1072 William of Normandy, having 
completed the conquest of England, invaded Scotland and 
exacted homage from the Scottish King, Malcolm Ganmore, 
without^ however, achieving an effective conquest of the 

Malcolm had married an English wife, Margaret, grand- Anglicizing 
daughter of Edmund Ironside, a descendant of Alfred the influence 
Greats who had fled from the Normans to seek the protection Mi^e^t 
of the Scottish King. Regarding herself as a missionary of in the 
English civilization, she devoted herself to anglicizing the eleventh 
Scots, an enterprise in which she was doubtless assisted by ^^"""7* 
those of her countrymen who were driven by the Normans 
across the border, and also by the growth of commerce between 
the Eastern ports of the two kingdoms. Although Scotland 
remained a separate kingdom, the English law, language, and 
religion began gradually to prevail over those of the Celt. 

To consolidate the inhabitants of Great Britain into one Incorpora- 
state was a natural ideal and one sure to commend itself to a ^|?° ^^, 
vigorous king who ruled the larger part of the island. The effective 
turbulent state of the Welsh Marches were a menace to order conauest 
in England itself, and led to the conquest of the Welsh tribes ^ ^^^ 
by Edward I. Wales remained a dependency of England o^^mon- 
tOl the time of Henry YIII., and was happier than Ireland wealth. 
in this, that the kings made the law there supreme as in 
England itself. In 1536 Welsh members were summoned to 
the English Parliament, so that, as the sovereignty passed from 
the King to Parliament, it passed to the Welsh as well as to the 
English people, and thereafter no separate constitutional question 
ever arose in respect of Wales. 

At first Edward I. set to work to incorporate Scotland by Failure of 
pacific means. His plan, cordially accepted by both countries, ^^"^ V^ 
was to unite the Crowns by marrying his infant son to the incoroorate 
Scottish Queen, a child of six, known as the Maid of Norway. Scotland. 
The scheme, however, was frustrated by her premature death, 
and from a number of rival claimants to the throne Edward 
selected John Balliol, who did homage to the English monarch 
for his crown. Balliol, however, intrigued with France and 
rebelled. Henceforward the feeling that Scotland might stab 
them in the back when struggling with France became the 




hostility of 

a danger 
to their 



in its origin 
a copy 
of the 

nightmare of English kings. Edward I. promptly dethroned 
Balliol, conquered Scotland as far North as Elgin, and then 
attempted to deal with it as he had dealt with Wales. In the 
place of a vassal king he now appointed his own viceroy, and 
Scottish representatives were summoned and sat in his 
parliaments at Westminster. One of them was Itobert the 
Bruce, who presently headed a revolt against Edward The 
great King died before he could crush him, leaving his son 
Edward II. to lead into Scotland the forces he had collected at 
Carlisle. The struggle continued till at Bannockbum Bruce 
defeated Edward II. and separated the Crowns of Scotland and 
England once more, a separation which was to continue for 
close on three centuries. 

Henceforward the two kingdoms were frequently at war, and 
the border between them was a scene of perpetual conflict. 
French influence was paramount North of the Tweed, and the 
Courts of Scotland and France were in constant alliance. The 
fear of conquest by any power but England never figured in the 
Scottish imagination, for no Continental monarch would have 
thought of invading Scotland, unless, like William of Normandy, 
he had mastered England first of alL To the Scots England 
was their only enemy, and they can scarcely have realized that 
English liberty was the bulwark of their own, or that if they 
helped to destroy it they would be establishing on their Southern 
frontier a foreign and much moi:je dangerous foe. 

The parliamentary union of the two kingdoms effected by 
Edward I. left, however, one important ti'ace on Scottish in- 
stitutions, which survived the predominant influence of France. 
The Great Council of Scotland had already been modelled upon 
that of England and was an assembly of tenants in chief, lay 
and clerical. As a member of the parliaments of Edward I., 
Robert the Bruce had seen English burgesses summoned to their 
councils, and as King of Scotland in 1326 he, like Edward, 
finding himself in need of money, summoned burgesses to a 
Scottish parliament at Cambuskenneth. A century later James 
I., a prisoner in England in the days of Lancastrian constitu- 
tionalism, tried on his return to Scotland to strengthen the 
popular element in Parliament as a counterpoise to the influence 
of the barons. To this end he enacted that the small barons 
and free tenantry, a class corresponding to the country gentle- 
men of England, need not attend in person, provided that they 
sent representatives. But it was not until 1587 that the 
country gentlemen were definitely forbidden to sit in person 
and ordered to send representatives. By then the representation 
of the burgesses was firmly established. Thus before the union 
of the Crowns the Scottish parliament consisted of lords 
temporal and spiritual, who appeared in person and sat in their 
own right because they were few enough to do so, and also of 


representatives of the coantry gentry and of the mercantile CHAP, 
interests in the towns. V 

Before the union of the Crowns in 1603, and indeed for ^— •-v-«»-^ 
some time after, the Scottish parliament was no more than a Failure 
faint reflection of its English original. Like the French g^^o^jg}^ 
parlemenis it sat to register rather than to make the law, and monarchy 
acquired no real sovereignty for the simple reason that there *? fi^tab- 
was none to acquire so long as the Lowland and Highland gupremacy 
communities adhered, the one to a feudal, the other to a tribal of law 
condition of society. The conditions of statehood were no prevented 
more realized in Scotland while under separate kings than in oft^rij^ 
England before the Norman Conquest. The Scottish monarchy mentary 
never finally mastered the barons and chiefs, and the King's institu- 
writ was never sure of running until James VI and his l^gj^^a!" 
successors succeeded to the English Grown and were able to 
employ the resources of the English Commonwealth to enforce the 
obedience of their Scottish subjects. ' " The greatest hindrance 
to the execution of our lawes in this countrie," wrote James VI., 
'*are these heritable Shiredomes and Eegalities, which being 
in the hands of the great men, do wracke the whole countrie." 
It was more easy to ordain frequent sessions of " the Chancellor 
and discreet persons," to forbid riding to the court "with 
multitudes of folkis na with armys," and to threaten 
the punishment of negligent sheriffs, than to carry out these 
schemes. The only guarantee for their receiving any obedience 
lay in the personal strength of the king.' ^ Till the Reformation 
the history of Scotland is a series of factious struggles between 
chiefs and nobles for the control of a monarchy in which 
the monarch himself was often no more than a pawn — to 
story-tellers like Scott, an inexhaustible mine, but to students of 
history as tedious as the battles described by Homer and 
Virgil, because success for the moment depended upon the 
prowess of individual leaders. Unlike England, Scotland 
failed to develop for herself an effective monarchy on which to 
found the supremacy of law. Where no true imperium existed 
there was none for the Scottish parliament to assume, and the 
first condition necessary for the development of a commonwealth 
was lacking. It is the abuse of sovereignty, not sovereignty 
itself, that is opposed to freedom. 

In these disordered conditions the nobles were able about How the 
1367 to establish a procedure which scotched the popular practice of 
element in Parliament and arrested the growth of its influence, to tl^ ^^^ 
Parliament itself only met at the opening and close of each Lords 
See page session. The actual transaction of business was delegated to a ^^ *^® 
^^' committee known as the Lords of the Articles, in the selection ar^ted 

of which the representative members had no voice. On the the growth 

^ Kait, T?ie Scottish Parliament^ pp. 79-80, quoting King Jaities VI., Scottish 
Basilikon Dor on ^ Book ii. Parlia- 



CHAP, last day of the session Parliament met to ratify or reject the 
^ measures framed by the Lords of the Articles. The procedure 
by which this body was appointed varied until the union of 
the Crowns, when it was finally settled in 1612 by James I. 
and VL, that the bishops should select certain lords and the 
lords certain bishops. The lords and bishops thus chosen were 
then to select suitable men from the popular representatiyes. 
Such a committee was the instrument, not of Parliament, but 
of the ruling faction of nobles when the King was weak, or of 
the Ring himself when he was strong. 



See page The following is an extract from the minutes of the Privy 

^^^' Council, relative to a proposal that the dissolution of the 

parliamentary union affected at the Restoration should not 

involve the exclusion of Scotland from trade with the English 

colonies. — 

Whitehall, 22 November: 1661. 

(The Committee to consider Scotland's position under the 
Navigation Act receive an unfavourable report from the Com- 
missioners of the Customs under four heads. No. 2 concerns 
the Plantation trade : — ) 

(2) They by this Liberty may trade to the Plantations which 
are absolutely English which will bring infinite losse to his 
Majestie and as much prejudice to the English Subject. 

Ist. They may carry, by this Admittance, all the Growth of 
these Plantations into fforraine parts, which must lessen his 
Majestys duties and by this they may carry away the English 
mens Estates, who haue propriety both in goods and Lands, by 
whose Cost and Industry they haue beene Planted, and who 
euery yeare looke for the retumes as well to Improue their 
Estates as pay their Debts, 

(21y) They may serue ail forraine Parts (as Germany, Holland 
&c : ), with the fruits of the English Labours and make Scotland 
the Magazine, and leaue this Nation to its home Consumption, 
and the King in his Duty, and the Merchant in his returnes fall 
short in their exspectation, and perhaps the Proprietor forct to 
goe into Scotland to looke his Estate. 

(Sly) If they should say that they would come for England, 
Ireland, or Wales &c : They can giue no secuiity either to the 
Gouernor there, or the Officers of the Customes here. Where 
they haue no Interest, they cannot be responsible, and their 
Bonds are worth little, if once gonn, and the forfeiture is little 


worth to his Majestie they being as forregners to this Nation, CHAP, 
being now vnder our lawes and Oouemment In fine the Planta- V 
tions are his Majestys Indies without Charge to him raysed and ^— v-*-^ 
supported by the English SubjectSi who Imploy aboue 200 
Sayle of Qood Sbipps euery yeare, breed abundance of Maryners, 
and begin to growe into Comodoties of great value and Esteeme, 
and though some of them continue in Tobacco, ^ett vpon the 
Betume hither it smells well and payes more Gustome to his 
Majestic then the East Indies foure times ouer, 

(And as it appears that an Act of Parliament would be 
necessary for granting such liberty to the Scots, the order of 
30 August in their favour is accordingly revoked, and they are 
referred to Parliament for redress.) ^ 

Similar objections were raised to the 'Act for a Company Seepage 
Trading to Affrica and the Indies ' passed by the Scottish parlia- ^^7* 
ment in 1693. 

' The matter was also considered in relation to the Plantation 
trade. Bandolph, government agent in the Colonies, wrote soon 
after the Act was passed, that the Scots, ''under pretence of 
Erecting an East India Company in y^ Kingdome ... do 
Engage themselves with Great Sums of money in an American 
Trade; a Trade which has already for Several Years been 
carried on by Scotchmen." He feared that they might make 
a settlement in some unappropriated spot near Pennsylvania, 
or in an island near the coast, which might become "a staple 
not only of all Sorts of European Manufactures, but also of 
the Enumerated Plantation Commodities." Like the East India 
Company, Randolph used the Scots project as a stalking 
horse for impressing on the government the necessity for those 
measures which he desired, the tightening up and stricter 
enforcement of the Navigation Acts, and the necessity of joining 
small proprietary colonies to the government of some province 
directly under His Majesty's authority. The Lords, influenced 
by the Customs Commissioners, also paid some attention to 
this aspect of the Scots Act. They ordered the Commissioners 
to attend the House, " to give an Account, whether as the Law 
now stands, there be a sufficient Power, in Carolina, Maryland, 
Pennsilvania and other Plantations where there are Proprietors 
to collect the Kihg's Duties there: and whether there be the 
same Security to prevent the Inconveniences that may arise to 
the Proprietors and Planters there, from the Act of Parliament 
in Scotland." These inquiries were followed by the "Act for 
preventing Frauds and Regulating Abuses in the Plantation 
Trade." Besides making the regulations more stringent, with 
a view to checking the existing Scottish trade, the Act took 
some precautions against a Scottish settlement being founded, 
by declaring that no land in the colonies was to be sold to 

^ Acts of the Privy Council (Colonial), 1661, voL i. pp. 818, 819, 820. 


CHAP, any but natives of England, Ireland, or the Plantations. The 
^ agitators against the Scots Act connected with the Plantation 
trade were therefore more successful than the traders to the 
East. Parliament considered the Plantation trade of greater 
importance to England than the Indian trade, as in America 
there was a better market for England's chief product, woollen 
cloth; and also the returns from the colonies were esteemed 
of more value than the goods which were brought from the East. 
They were therefore anxious both to stop the Scottish trade 
vrith the West, which already went on, and also to prevent the 
Scots from securing any land near the colonies, where they 
might establish a depdt for colonial goods, and from which, with 
the help of Dutch shipping, Europe might be supplied.' ^ 



Seepage Th^ commercial interests in England would have had no 
compunction whatever in seizing on Spanish territory if their 
government had been prepared to back them with its fleets, for 
on September 16th, 1698 the English Council of Trade passed 
a resolution Hhat the said country has never been possessed 
by the Spaniards and that England should instantly seize Golden 
Island and the part opposite to it on the Main to the exclusion 
of all Europeans . . . lest the Scotch Company be there before 
us, which is the utmost importance to English trade.' 

^ Keith, Commercial Relations oj England aTui" Scotland^ 1603-1707 ^ 
p. 173. 



How the idea grew up that a balance of mutual chap. 
interests would suflBce to maintain the connection 
between England on the one hand and Scotland and Results 
the colonies on the other, was explained in Chapter f^^^o 
IV., as well as the political and commercial system ^Wtera 
to which that idea led. The conditions, however, to i=w<^- 
which the system was applied were always changing ; 
the balance it was designed to maintain was for ever 
shifting. The system therefore had to be controlled, 
and, in the absence of any effective authority common 
to all the communities interested, the necessary 
control was exercised by the Englisk Parliament. 
Shut out from any share in the control, the Scottish 
people naturally believed that the system operated to 
stifle their industries and commerce. This belief was 
in fact justified ; the balance of interests could never 
remain a true one, and no sooner had the sovereignty 
passed from the King to the Scottish Parliament, 
than that body attempted to control the external 
relations of Scotland for themselves. The immediate 
result was a deadlock, which led to the complete 
abandonment, so far as the relations of England and 

^ A grateful acknowledgment is again necessary to Mr. Beer for allowing 
copious extracts to be made from his works in the text and appendices of this 

A very free use has also been made of recent researches of Mr. L. B. Namier 
in libraries and archives on both sides of the Atlantic. These have not as yet 
been given to the public, but Mr. Namier has kindly allowed them to be used. 



CHAP. Scotland were concerned, of the whole principle which 
s,^^,.^^^^^^ inspired the mercantile system. The union which 
followed was based upon the opposite principle 
that every inhabitant of Great Britain was to be 
considered as dedicated to the supreme interests of 
a common state claiming the obedience of all, irre- 
spective of their individual interests. The relation 
of every Scot to every Englishman was henceforward 
to be the same as the relation of Scots to each other 
and of Englishmen to each other. The attempt to 
unite two commonwealths by a balance of their 
mutual interests had failed, and the opposite plan 
of uniting the citizens of both in one new and greater 
commonwealth on the principle of mutual obligation 
was accepted as the only alternative to an open 
conflict between them. In turning to the colonies, 
therefore, it ^will now be necessary after 1707 to 
speak of their relations to Great Britain, and not 
to England, as heretofore. Scottish ministers, indeed, 
played almost as large a part as those bom south of 
the Tweed in the events which led to the rupture 
with the American colonies. 
Freedom At the closc of this period there were in all seven- 

tion^to** t®®^ colonies,^ with assemblies which exercised in 
anew strictlv local matters a control greater if anything 

environ- •' ^ ^ . 

mentin than that exercised by the people of Great Britain 
rendered ovcr domcstic affairs in their own country.^ It was 
^jJ'J® in this liberty, acquired by the colonists from the 
institution g^gt^ ^f fashioning in the light of their own experi- 
smaUseif- eucc the rudimcnts of their new life, that the 
sovereign merit of the English system lay. It 
enabled them to adapt for themselves their own 
social system to novel surroundings, because it 
allowed them, not only to manage their own 
affairs in their own way, but also to group themselves 

1 Lecky, History of Bnglcmd in the Eighteenth Century^ vol. iv. p. 65. 

2 Ibid. p. 42. 



into communities not too large for the purpose, chap. 
The action not of one but of many popular assemblies 
was needed to adapt American society in detail to 
the variations of its widely diflferent climates and 
soils. The plastic quality of English society, the 
freedom with which it was left to assume a shape 
complex and multiform as the conditions of the 
continent over which it was spreading, enabled it to 
secure a hold on America firmer than was ever secured 
by the societies of Spain, Holland, or France. 

But for this to be possible it was also necessary that The 
Spain, Holland, and France should be kept in check, ^^abie to 
Here, however, the institution of local assemblies J^^ ^ 
enabled the colonists to do nothing effective for their local 

>— • Assemhlies 

themselves. To keep America for the colonists until in the 
they had time to establish English society there was tasls^of 
recoffnized as a task beyond the powers of any but the general 
the Government of Great Britain itself The colonists weaitii, 
were given no share in the control of that Government. ItZio. 
Whether it would have been possible to have included common- 
colonial representatives in the Imperial Parliament ^^^^^ 

^ ^ ^ -^ , therefore 

must always remain in the field of conjecture. That languished 

they were not so included every one knows, and the 

student of history will be justified in observing that, 

as they had no voice in the Government responsible 

for the Commonwealth as a whole, and as there was 

laid upon them no obligation to contribute effectively 

to its necessities, it was impossible that they should 

develop the same sense of responsibility in respect of 

its common interests as Englishmen or Scotsmen 

who shared in the control as well as in the burdens 

which it involved. 

These, however, were not the only tasks into Through 
which the colonial system failed to initiate the numerous 
American colonists. Within areas vaguely described afaembUes 

o •' they were 

by their several charters they learned by making also unable 
mistakes how to avoid mistakes, and because they interests 



CHAP, were able, through their local assemblies, to apply 

J!l^ the leBBons so learned, they developed a sense of 

common to responsibility to each other for doing so. By virtue 

asTwh^ie. ^^ *^is powor o£ self-adaptatioH each little community 

prospered and spread through the wilderness, till at 

length it found itself in contact with others. The 

moment this happened the colonies were faced by 

problems of a new order, those arising out of their 

mutual relations. Between two contiguous colonies 

it was necessary to draw boundaries and to determine 

exactly what territory belonged to each. Here was 

a question which neither could settle for itself. The 

Indians, moreover, could scarcely be expected to 

distinguish the colonies from each other, and, when 

exasperated by one, wrought havoc throughout the 

settlements, regardless of frontiers. 

They In examining the American situation it is essential 

there- to realize the existence of interests such as these, 

^'^.i^.^ narrower than the general interests of the British 

Ameri^n Commonwealth as a whole, but wider than the local 

uch interests of the several colonies. They belonged to 

spiriras the same order as those which in the last fifty years 
developed ^*^® Called iuto cxistencc the Governments of the 
was com- Canadian Dominion, the Australian Commonwealth, 

mensurate t t n ia/»- tt« x 

with the and the South African Union. In the strictest sense 

lo^l ^ they were the interests of the American colonists 

ofThelr themselves, and touched them so vitally that they 

responsi- could hardly fail to recognize their existence. But 

under the colonial system they developed no organ 

through which to control them, and made no serious 

effort to do so. These strictly American affairs were 

left in the hands of the British Government, and the 

indifference of the colonists towards the general 

interests of l^e Commonwealth was scarcely more 

marked than their indifference towards those of 

America itself. The patriotism developed under 

the colonial system was confined to the colonial 


areas, those in which the colonists were able to chap. 

apply their experience and were responsible for .^^^^^^^^^,^ 

doing so. 

As explained in Chapter IV., the policy of British imperial 

.tatesme. towards the colonies w« moulded by the SjSa 

conceptions of the commercial system. . They left the nfeS 

colonists to concentrate their attention on the local concep- 

affairs of their several communities, in the belief that 
Britain could bind them to herself by undertaking 
to defend them against foreign aggression, and by 
offering a preference to their raw products, in return 
for which she was to confine the market for those 
products to herself. This system was based on a 
fi&lse deduction from a true estimate of facts. In the 
seventeenth century it was rightly seen that for 
England the growth of her trade was henceforward 
the condition of her national existence. The habit, 
to which this led, of regarding trade as the end and 
object of national life, though natural and easily 
acquired, was none the less mischievous. English 
statesmen of the seventeenth century were not 
interested in colonial projects as an outlet for surplus 
population ; ^ nor were they interested in colonies 
either as homes of freedom, or, except indirectly, as 
asylums for religious refugees. By the middle of the 
eighteenth century commercial interests had come to 
obscure all others in the minds of political thinkers. 
* There is no Situation,' wrote William Burke, 'in 
which Wealth is not Strength, and in which 
Commerce is not Wealth. If Commerce is our Object, 
we know, and in all other Cases we can at best only 
guess what we acquire.' * ' Happily for this country,' 
says another writer, ' the Real and Substantial, and 
those are the Commercial Iiiterests of Great Britain, 

1 See Note A at end of thie ohapter, p. 878. 

' Burke, An Examination of the Commercial Principles of the late Negotia- 
tion, London, 1762, pp. 8, 4, quoted by Beer, British Colonial Policy^ 1764- 
1766, p. 148. 


» 1 

CHAP, are now preferred to every other Consideration. 
^^ Their tendency to think of trade as the ultimate goal 
of national policy was one that Cobden and his school 
unconsciously inherited from the exponents of the 
system they attacked. 

One step in the downward path of error leads to 
another, and men who began by supposing that 
because trade was the condition, it must also be the 
object of national life, naturally assumed that the 
maxims and methods of commerce must be applied to 
the solution of political problems. Trade, as already 
observed,^ depends on a community of material 
interests, and can only be established where such 
a community existe. The old colonial system was an 
unconscious attempt to apply this idea to the political 
relations of a group of self-governing communities. 
Britain was to unite them to herself, simply by 
maintaining conditions under which it would be for 
the material interest of all to remain united. Their 
mutual relations were to be those of partners held 
together by material interests for the purpose of 
business. It was like an attempt to base family 
life on an arrangement from which everything is 
eliminated but tibe marriage settlements. As in 
trade, the relations between the mother country and 
her colonies were from first to last to be governed 
by the notion of contract. 
Colonists Such wcrc the ideas of English statesmen, and 

^e^com-^ American society was bred to them as a child is bred 
^^^^ to the ideas of its parent. On colonial character 

system ^ ^ 

to regard they had the same kind of dominating influence. 
relation to As early as 1683 Downing was urging that a new 
Ssedupon patent should be issued to Massachusetts, in which 
contract. « ^j^^ King " will be pleased to covenant to ayde 
and assist them, if need require ag^ all forreigne 

^ Whately, Th^ BeguUdions lately mcuU Concerning the Coltmies, 1765. 
 See above, p. 161. 


enemies." ' ^ By the middle of the eighteenth century chap. 
the contractual idea had become ingrained in colonial ^^ 
opinion. * " We have, by our own express consent, 
contracted to observe the Navigation Act, and by 
our implied consent, by long usage and uninterrupted 
acquiescence, have submitted to the other acts of 
trade, however grievous some of them may be."*^ 
So, too, Stephen Hopkins in 1765 : * ** The protection 
promised on the part of the crown, with chearfulness 
and great gratitude we acknowledge, hath at all times 
been given to the colonies." ' ^ 

In the later stages of the controversy which claim of 
preceded the Revolution the colonists were driven piJii^ent 
by the force of logic to question the title of the ^g"*^^**^ 
English Parliament to regulate their trade, and commerce 
historians whose miormation is derived from con- by the 
temporary pamphlets have explained the Revolution °°^°^^**' 
as largely a revolt against the Navigation Acts. 
As a matter of fact not only were the principles of 
the commercial system accepted by the colonists, but 
the system itself In 1754 Franklin declared that the 
Americans did not complain of the taxes imposed, 
though they had no share in laying or disposing 
of them, and ten years later, Otiai, the protagonist 
of the Revolution, wrote : * The act of navigation 
is a good act, so are all that exclude foreign manu- 
factures from the plantations, and every honest 
man will readily subscribe to them.'^ It was not 
the existing system, as in France, which provoked the 
Americans to revolt, but the attempt to change the 
system as they knew and understood it. 

The inherent defect of the system lay in the fact 

1 Beer, Origins of the British Colonial System, 1678-1660, p, 326. 

* Adams, Writings, IK, p. 113, quoted by Beer, British Colonial Policy, 
1764-1766, p. 806. 

' Stephen Hopkins, The Rights of the Colonies Exa/mffned (Providence, 1765), 
p. 9, quoted by Beer, BrUish Colonial Poliey, 1764^1766, p. 268. 

* See Note B at end of this chapter, p. 380. 


CHAP, that it was one which could not exist without control, 


^^^^^^^^^^^ and that control lay in the hands of only (me of the 

In Britain parties to the bargain. Each side was so situated 

^^J^^ as to think mainly or exclusively of its own interest, 

some which was but a part of the whole. There was no 

corrected common coutfol in which all shared, such as might 

^^cora^^ compel them to think of the interests of all — of the 

s^stera^to ii^t^rests, that is to say, of the Commonwealth as a 

coiTurt whole. In Britain the results of the system were 

opinion, uot secu at their worst, because the silent influence 

of responsibility was ever at work to correct and 

elevate public opinion. Statesmen like Chatham 

were the product of that influence. ' In selecting 

Canada instead of Guadeloupe (for retention after 

the Seven Years' War), which was the crucial point in 

the negotiations, Pitt was probably little influenced 

by the purely economic argument. To his large 

imagination, the prospect of a vast territorial increase 

of the Empire's area appealed strongly. Although 

these negotiations of 1761 came to naught, they 

furnished the basis on which the final treaty of 

peace was concluded a year later.' ^ In a pamphlet 

of the time already quoted, which, according to Beer, 

reflects the views of Grenville himself, are to be 

found some glimmerings of the larger view. * " Tho' 

we resign a valuable Branch of Trade in their (the 

colonies') Favour. . . . yet the Preference is given 

upon truly national Considerations, when the (British) 

Inhabitants of America and of Europe are looked 

upon as one People." ' ^ This was the ground frankly 

adopted by the party which supported in Parliament 

the retention of Canada and the cession of Gaude- 

loupe. * *' Neither ought the value of any country 

to be solely tried on its commercial advantages ; 

» Beer, British Colonial Policy, 1754-1765, p. 168. 

^ Tfie Regulations Lately 'Made (London, 1765), pp. 49-50, qnoted bj Beer, 
British Colonial Policy, 1754-1765, p. 221. 


that extent of territory and a number of subjects chap. 
are matters of as much Consideration to a state 
attentive to the sources of real grandeur as the 
mere advantages of traffic." ^ These arguments were 
. . . the general basis on which the statesmen of 
the day justified their choice of territorial acquisitions 
on the continent in preference to tropical expansion. 
Unquestionably the immediate advantage of British 
commerce was sacrificed to some future benefits. A 
broad policy resting on possible future advantages 
triumphed over a narrow policy of actual and im- 
mediate profita'^ 

This tendency in English political circles to make But even' 
human instead of material standards the measure of the mater- 
colonial values was too weak and came too late to ^ndraciea 
save the situation. * Colonies/ wrote an English ^^ *^« 
official in 1765, 'are only settlements made in prevailed. 
different parts of the world for the improvement 
of trade/ ^ This in a nutshell was the idea which 
inspired the old colonial system from the opening 
of the seventeenth century. The function of the 
colonies was not to extend English society to America, 
but to supply England with such materials aa she 
could not raise for herself. 'This was the general 
standard by which the value of colonies was gauged 
until about 1745. According to it, the New England 
and Middle colonies were found wanting, while those 
in the West Indies stood the test best. Hence £ar 
more attention was paid to the island colonies than to 
those on the mainland. The former were considered 
pre-eminently the valuable colonies. The sugar trade 
occupied in foreign commerce a somewhat similar 
position to the woollen trade, being popularly con- 
sidered a pivotal industry. In addition, the West 

1 Pari, Hist, 15, pp. 1271, 1272. 

2 Beer, BrUish Colonial Policy, 176Jhl765, p. 166. 

' Whately, The BegiUaiions lately made Gonceming the Colonies^ 1766. 


CHAP. Indian interest was strongly represented in England, 
^^^^^.^^^^^^ many of the governing classes having estates in 
those colonies.' ^ Hence the attitude of suspicion 
and dislike towards the New England colonies which 
prevailed amongst English statesmen in the seven- 
teenth century. These populous and powerful colonies, 
the national and typical o&pring of England herself, 
would not square with the commercial system, and 
Sandwich did not scruple to tell Charles II. that it 
was 'advisable to hinder their growth as much as 
can be.'^ Such continued to be the tendency of 
^ official opinion until in the face of discouragement 
New England had grown so populous as to offer a 
valuable market for the products of British industry. 
Effect of This failure of English statesmen to estimate 

Smln*^ rightly political values inflicted no injury on the 
Imperial: Northcm colouies which could not be remedied by 

Solicv on . , , , "^ 

eveiop. time. With the Southern colonies it was otibierwise. 

of the In order to make them yield the tropical products^ 

(^jg^iJ^^;ry . which in the view of European statesmen rendered 

(2) Prefer- colonies worth having, myriads of negroes were 

ence , o' y o ^ 

for slave pourcd iuto thcsc plantations. Since the continents 
^ were first opened and their inhabitants brought into 

contact, the most vital of all secular needs has been 
for the statesmanship which could avoid or heal the 
injuries inflicted on each other by the various levels 
of society. Mutual intercourse between them is now 
inevitable, and so long as they come into contact, as 
Britain and India have done, edge to edge, the evil 
consequences are such as foresight and perseverance 
can surely turn to good. But the mutual corrosion 
set up when radically different societies are laid face 
to face is beyond the reach of human intelligence to 
control. No reasonable person will now deny that 
the plantation of an African society in America, side 

' Beer, British ColonidL Policy, 1764-1766, p. 185. 
^ See Note at end of this chapter, p. 883. 


by side with European society, was one of the incurable chap. 
blunders of history. It is as well, therefore, to note 
that it was the direct result of a habit in statesmen 
of valuing new countries, not in terms of men but in 
terms of wealth, for the products they might draw 
from them, and not for the society they might plant 
there. To ignore ultimate values because they are 
imponderable and to consider nothing but what can 
be handled and measured with accuracy, is a natural 
failing of the human mind. The immediate profits 
of slavery were plain and easy to reckon, the future 
results to American society distant and incalculable. 
Hence the practical conclusion deduced by Burke 
that Guadeloupe with its slave plantations was more 
to be valued than half the continent of North 

As with Scotland before the Union, no appropriate Result of 
place was found for the Northern colonies in the old &em 
colonial system. For all its outward symmetry the l^l^ ^ 
philosophy which inspired it was too narrow for the motive for 
facts. Like their climate and population, the goods 
they produced and consumed most nearly resembled 
those produced and consumed by the English them- 
selves. New England was justified in the name 
bestowed upon it, and the Puritans who settled there 
soon found that it suited them to trade direct with 
Europe just as they would have done if they had 
remained at home. It was to their advantage to 
import such products from Europe as they needed, 
and to pay for them with sugar and tobacco from 
the West Indies and colonies to the South. Individual 
traders in New England had thus a private interest 
in ignoring the restrictions of the Navigation 
Acts,^ which was scarcely likely to be restrained by 
the public consideration that England bore the 
charge of Imperial defence. But once organized, 

^ See Kote D at end of this chapter, p. 384. 


CHAP, the illicit trade was by no means limited to the 

VI !• 

requirements of the colony in which it centred. 

New England, like Scotland before the Union, became 

a general artery of illegal commerce between all the 

colonies and foreign states. The loss to the English 

customs revenue due to the smuggling trade of New 

England was reckoned at £100,000 per annum.^ 

Lack of It was easy enough for the English Parliament 

'^yt to pass laws in restraint of trade. The difficulty 

S^^en-^ began when the English Government addressed 

traiized itself to the task of enforcing them. The customs 

Empire, officials iu America were of course appointed from 

whicifto England, and when they prosecuted a colonial 

trade^^ merchant before a colonial jury for some contravention 

regulations, of the Navigation laws they stood but a poor chance 

of securing a conviction.^ An attempt was made to 

overcome the difficulty by the establishment in the 

colonies of local Admiralty courts, that is to say of 

Imperial as opposed to colonial courts, and the 

English navy was used to seize colonial ships which 

were trading in contravention of the Navigation Acts. 

The attempt to control the system from England 

produced the same results as when France had tried 

to govern Canada from Paris. Traders who were 

interested in violating Imperial laws corrupted the 

Imperial officers appointed to enforce them.* 

Control of lu the theory which underlay the system, a line 

dl^ebp- was drawn between the internal affairs of the colony, 

ment which Were left to the control of its own assembly, 

inseparable ^ , •' ' 

from and external affairs, which remained under the 

^^xternai coutrol of the British Government. Oversea trade 

The com- ^^ included in the category . of Imperial affairs. 

merciai g^^J tj^^ truth was that internal development was 

system .  

ifirnored inseparably connected with external trade;* the 

this fact. 

^ Beer, The Old Colonial Syst^iny Part I. vol. ii. p. 269. 

^ See Note £ at end of this chapter, p. 386. 

' See Note F at end of this chapter, p. 387. 

* Beer, BrUish Colonial Policy, IIBJ^HQB, p. 204. 


system worked only so long as it could be freely chap. 
evaded in the' colonies. Britain, on the other ^^ 
hand, could only enforce the system by adopting 
a centralized machinery appropriate only to such 
empires as those of Spain and France and contrary 
to the spirit of the institutions which she had' 
planted in America. The upshot was that the 
system was largely inoperative. A great volume of 
illicit trade sprang up between foreign states and the 
British colonies, but especially with New England. 

This trade, while contributing greatly to the Colonial 
material prosperity of the colonies, was deeply JS^y*" 
demoralizing from a national point of view. To Jjf^^V^ 
ignore the law whenever it was profitable to do so traiimgin 
became a fixed habit of the trading community, treason- 
which bore disgraceful fruit when the Commonwealth ^th*™ ^ 
was struggling for existence with its ancient foes. ®U^™J/ ^ 
The advantage of the British Commonwealth lay in ^<^r- 
the power of its navies, maintained by the British 
taxpayer with no perceptible charge to the colonies, 
to prevent France and Spain from sending supplies 
to their forces in America. That advantage when 
achieved was in great part neutralized by the supplies 
furnished by colonists to the enemy. The law, as 
a matter of fact, permitted the export of provisions 
to French and Spanish colonies in time of peace, but 
of course forbade it in time of war. But the habit 
of evading trade laws was too strong for the colonial 
traders, and when the outbreak of war increased the 
profits to be gained from the provision trade, many 
of them ignored the fact that it had also rendered 
it treasonable. * When they were asked to desist 
absolutely from all commercial dealings with their 
best customers, their good friends the enemy, the 
sacrifice seemed even too much for their simple 
loyalty.' ^ In 1750 the English admiral declared that 

1 Hall, 'Chatham's Colonial Policy,' Am. Hist, Hev, July 1900, p. 666. 


CHAP, the supplies furnished to France from the English 
^^^^^^^^^^^ colonies had caused the failure of British operations 
1756-63. in the Caribbean Sea. In the Seven Years' War, 
'to a large extent, the colonies neutralized the ad- 
vantages arising from British naval activity, both 
supplying the French colonies with the sorely needed 
provisions, and also furnishing a market for their 
produce.' ^ * If it were not for these supplies we get 
from the enemy we should have to live upon what 
this place can furnish us,' wrote a Frenchman from 
the West Indies in 1758 in a letter which the British 
captured at sea. The English colonies were large 
producers of food for export, but so extensive was 
this trade with the enemy as to exhaust their surplus 
supplies ; while the French forces were abundantly 
supplied, those of England were actually in want 
and had to be furnished by imports from Europe.^ 
Provisions were more plentiful and cheaper in the 
French settlements than in the English West Indies.* 
Families like the Livingstons, who figure amongst the 
heroes of the Kevolution, were engaged in the trade.* 
indiffer- The demoralized state of public opinion which 

colonial Diade such things possible is best described in the 
opinion to words of Bccr himself. ' The trade,' he remarks, * was 
interesto Carried on so immoderately that it brought consider- 
Common- able wealth to the colonial merchants engaged in it. 
wealth. Burnaby, an English traveller who was in America 
during the war, reported that New York had "ac- 
quired great riches " in this manner. The immoderate 
extent of this trade was due to the temptations 
offered by the large profits, together with the absence 
of a strong imperial sentiment to counteract the 
promptings of self-interest. As was said at the time, 
in connection with these practices in Jamaica and in 
the North American colonies : *' Here it is an Island 

1 Beer, BrUish Colonial Policy^ 1764^1766, pp. 87-8. 

2 Ibid, p. 105. » Ibid, p. 102. * Ibid. p. IH. 


Interest, There it is the Interest of the Colonies; chap. 

• VI 

What opposes this Interest is, of all other Things v^,,,,^^.,^ 

the most obnoxious to them, For the Public or 

National Interest is out of the Question with both.'* 

At the outset the continental colonies supported this 

policy of non - intercourse, as their own immediate 

interests were concretely involved in repelling the 

French advance. In 1758 the tide turned, and in 

the following year, with the fall of Quebec, the i769. 

power of France on the continent was broken. It 

is significant that this trade with the enemy reached 

its high mark in 1760, when France was no longer 

; a source of danger to the continental colonies. In 

j the eyes of the British government, then under the 

I guidance of the great imperialist Pitt, France was 

the enemy, whether in India, Africa, Germany, North 
America, or the West Indies. It would seem, that 
to many in the colonies, France on the continent of 
America was the preeminent source of danger, but 
that France in the West Indies was merely an un- 
failing source of wealth. The marked provinciaUsm 
of the colonies blinded them to the fact that any 
support given to France in the Caribbean strength- 
ened her in Canada. What was in its essence a 
world-wide struggle between Great Britain and France 
— between two distinct types of civilization — con- 
tracted in the narrow vision of the colonies to the 
dimensions of a local conflict.' ^ 

Most, but not all, of the assemblies passed laws Demorai- 
I in restraint of the practice, and in doing so at once of public 

I placed their own traders at a disadvantage, and l^^^ 

rendered the business far more profitable for traders subiect of 
in the colonies which declined to follow suit.^ the enemy. 
Pennsylvania and Rhode Island were conspicuous 
offenders, and Boston J merchants organized them- 

1 Beer, BrUish Colonial Policy, 1754-1765, pp. 180-1. 
» Ibid. pp. 82-8, 90. 


CHAP, selves to engage in the trade in defiance of the laws 
enacted by Massachusetts until Rhode Island and 
Connecticut had placed their own trades under similar 
restraints.^ But, again, it was one thing to pass laws 
and another to find juries in the colonies to enforce 
them.^ The failure of the Imperial Government to 
secure convictions for trading with the enemy, where 
the oflFence was clearly proved, shows that it was not 
merely individual merchants but public opinion which 
had become demoralized. Even the Admiralty courts 
were influenced by the laxity of the atmosphere in 
which they worked.* In every commercial state 
individual traders are to be found who cannot resist 
the temptation to make large profits by furnishing 
the public enemy with means for the destruction of 
their countrymen. But there is something strangely 
amiss with a community in which public opinion 
condones such treason. An American trader sus- 
pected in 1898 of furnishing supplies to the Spanish 
fleet would have found short shrift in the streets of 
Charleston, Boston, or New York. Yet a temporary 
rebuff to American prestige was the worst that could 
have happened in the Spanish war. In the Severn 
Years' War, when every one knew that the existence 
of the colonies themselves was at stake, there was 
general indifference to thesordid treachery of furnishing 
the enemy with supplies. No better example could 
be cited of the effect on young communities of a system 
which permits control of domestic interests but denies 
responsibility for the issues of national life or death.* 
The com- To the colouists the position for which France 
ayatem was fighting in America was a greater menace 
afolse''" *^*^ *^ *^® English themselves. Their material 

{o|^. ° 1 Beer, British Colonial Policy, 1764-1765, p. 118. 

« Ibid. p. 121. 
« Ibid. p. 126. 

* See Note G, at end of this chapter, in which Beer's treatment of this 
important subject may be studied at length, p. 388. 


interest in defeating France was at once more im- chap. 


mediate and obvious. It supplied exactly the kind 
of motive upon which the exponents of the com- 
mercial system relied as a sufficient link between the 
colonists and the Commonwealth from which they 
sprang. But their reading of human nature was 
wrong from the first, because it was based on com- 
merce, and assumed that commerce was the beginning 
and end of life. The moment great cracks in the 
fabric began to appear and widen, those who were 
concerned for its unity forgot to talk of interests, 
and the word * loyalty' was on every man's lips. 
Suddenly they realized that material interests may 
bring men together, but nothing can be trusted to 
keep them together but the devotion which enables 
them to forget their interests and themselves. To 
breed such devotion in the men they govern is the 
ultimate task of statesmen, and it behoves them before 
all things to know how it is engendered. But the 
forces which unite men cannot be understood when 
studied in the market and not in the feunily, which 
after all is the primary unit of society. There it is a 
matter of common observation that parental is stronger 
than filial responsibility, that one father can oftener 
support ten sons than ten sons one father. The filial 
sense is strongest in children who have been called 
upon early to share the responsibilities of the family 
life. A sense of responsibility is indeed developed 
in proportion to the calls which are made upon it. 
The radical defect of the old colonial system was 
that firom the outset it ignored this side of human 
nature and placed on the colonists no duty for 
maintaining the Commonwealth as a whole. That 
task the parent community reserved to herself, believ- 
ing that she might depend upon the gratitude of the 
colonies to sustain their loyalty. The exponents of 
the commercial system missed the truth that loyalty 


CHAP, could only be sustained by associating the inhabitants 
of America with those of Britain in the task of defend- 
ing their common civilization. To argue that it was 
not possible to associate them is beside the point. 
The object of this inquiry is neither to censure nor 
justify the exponents of the old colonial system, but 
to see what the system was and to trace the results 
to which it inevitably led. 
Decline of That Under it the colonists were not associated in 
loyalty to the general tasks of the Commonwealth is a fact 
monw^ith ^^joud dispute. The effect of this severance from 
through its common life and responsibilities began to make 

want of , r <D 

exercise, itsclf felt from the outset. In Massachusetts, as early 
as the reign of Charles 11. , the assembly had claimed 
that it was * by the pattent a body politicke, in fact 
and name/ and as such that it had full power and 
*authoritje, both legislative and executive, for the 
gounment of all the people heere, whither inhabitants 
or strangers, both concerning eclesiasticks & in ciuils 
w^^out appeale, excepting la we or lawes repugnant 
to the lawes of England.' ^ * Our allegiance,' they 
said, ' is due to the natural body alone of the King, 
not to the publick body.' *The theory of the 
imperial constitution that ultimately prevailed in the 
colonies was that they were united to Great Britain 
solely through the Crown.' ^ In 1764 Stephexi 
Hopkins, the Governor of Rhode Island, * claimed 
that "in an imperial state, which consists of many 
separate governments, each of which hath peculiar 
privileges, and of which kind it is evident the empire 
of Great Britain is ; no single part, though greater 
than another part, is by that superiority intituled to 
make laws for, or to tax such lesser part; but all 
laws, and all taxations, which bind the whole, must 
be made by the whole." ' ^ But citizenship involves 

1 Mass. Col. Rec. IV. Part 11. pp. 24-6. 

* Beer, BrUUh Colonial Policy, 17S4r-1766, p. 310. 

» Ibid. pp. 310-11. 


an unlimited devotion which cannot be rendered to chap. 


two authorities, and Hopkins, like his contemporaries, 
was evading the inexorable question whether that 
devotion was due to the whole or the part. An 
equivocal loyalty clothed itself in the language of 
equivocation, rendering with the lips to the emblems 
of one state the service which the heart reserved for 
another. 'The colonists . . . asserted their loyalty 
to the mother country. Such assertions are, however, 
no proof of the existence of this sentiment. As in 
many other historical movements, the real motive 
was obscured because its revolutionary character 
would have injured the cause. The expression by 
the colonies of a desire for independence would 
inevitably have put on them the burden of proof, 
would have united all parties in Great Britain against 
them, and would have alienated many supporters ii) 
America. Hence the colonies to a great extent 
ignored the underlying cause of their actions, and in 
all sincerity expressed a loyalty, which in reality they 
did not feel. For if in loyalty there is implied any 
idea of sacrifice, then this sentiment was to a marked 
degree absent in the colonies. Their allegiance was 
purely utilitarian, and its fundamental basis had 
disappeared with the conquest of Canada.'^ The 
language which Beer here uses is very precise. 
'Loyalty,' he says, 'was to a marked degree absent 
in the colonies.' It was not, however, extinct. 
When the final crisis was reached, thousands of 
Americans were found to prefer poverty, exile, and 
death, rather than become aliens to the British 
Commonwealth. Their number was yet too small to 
turn the balance. The material was there no less than 
in Britain itself, but it had been left * unexercised 
and unbreathed ' by responsibility, and was therefore 
too little developed to turn the scale. 

1 Beer, British Colonial Policy, 1764 -1766, pp. 308-9. 



OHAP. Stephen Hopkins ' illustrated his conception of the 

.^^^^^^^^^^ British Empire by comparing it to the decentralised 

impractic- German system.' ^ The comparison was a just one, 

theories of ^^^ ^^c claims advanced by the colonial assemblies 

menUn ^^^^ cxactly on a par with those advanced by the 

the German princes, and in either case the result was 

arising imperial impotence. But in America the system had 

o7™ntoct^ bred a race of publicists whose doctrines were 

with facts, un tempered by contact with real political facts. 

The excellence of the principle that all should assent 

to measures affecting all seemed incontestable. But 

what was to happen when universal consent was not 

forthcoming was a question which the leaders of 

colonial opinion simply neglected to face. 

strictly The failure of the colonies to assume their share 

character of ID the general defence of the Empire was not more 

S^teiop^ striking than their incapacity to effect, by joint 

by American action, measurcs required for their own peace, order, 

colonists. ' ^ I' ' » 

and good government. In the letters published in 
1777 purporting to have been written by Montcalm 
it is remarked that the colonists 'in general care 
nothing for the King or Parliament of England. 
If fear of France had not acted as a rein to keep 
them in check, they would long ago have cast off 
their yoke, and each province would haA)e become 
a litUe Republic.*^ Clearly, there was nothing to 
suggest to the author of these letters any tendency 
on the part of the colonists to create an American 
republic. The only devotion he observed was that 
of the colonists to their several colonies. The one 
loyalty which flourished under the system was 
that evoked by the local communities for which 
Americans were really responsible. The only Govern- 
ment they were ready to obey was also the only 
Government which could tax them with effect. 

1 Beer, British Colonial Policy y 1764-1765, p. 811. 
a Jbid, note, pp. 172-3. 



The difficulties which led to the final catastrophe chap. 

• . . A . VI 

did not arise ' from the incapacity of the colonial ^^^^^^^^.^^ 
assemblies to handle Imperial problems, for this they American 
were never called upon by Great Britain to do. Those J^^** 
difficulties arose from their incapacity to handle the /^^^jjj^®^ 
domestic affairs of British America. The point, which imperial 
is of supreme importance, can be rendered clear by (b) from ' 
a simple analogy. In 1867 Canadians created the ij^terrots, 
Dominion Government, in 1900 Australians created tJ^f.^ai 

' subject of 

the Commonwealth Government, and in 1909 dispute. 
South Africans created the Union Government. 
These Governmenti; were created to meet Canadian, 
Australian, and South African needs which experience 
had proved that the existing provincial or colonial 
governments were incapable of meeting. Had they 
failed to erect these Governments, some action would 
have been necessary to meet the most pressing of 
these needs, which, though domestic, concerned more 
than one colony, and would if neglected have led to 
positive disaster. Such action could only have been 
taken, and in South Africa until 1909 was frequently 
taken, by the British Government.^ Now let it be 
supposed that the British Government, having applied 
in vain to the assemblies representing the provinces 
of Canada, and the various colonies in Australia and 
South Africa, for a contribution towards the cost of 
the service rendered, had endeavoured by an Act of 
the Imperial Parliament to levy that contribution 
direct from the colonists, it would have reproduced 
exactly the situation which led to the American 

1 The use of Imperial troops to quoll riots on the Witwatersrand is a recent 1918. 
instanoe due to the faot that the South African Union has not yet had time to 
organize its own forces for the maintenance of internal order. The Union 
Government, however, can be called upon to meet any special charges incurred. 
The Imperial Qovemment has not to recover these chaxges from the four 
colonial governments which existed before the Union, and which would have 
been certain to dispute the basis of apportionment. That was the position 
which the Imperial Government had in 1764 to face in America. 


CHAP. For the purpose of this inquiry it cannot be 

^^^^^^^^^^^ realized too clearly that in the British Common- 
wealth of to-day the particular difiBculty which 
led to the crisis in America has been dealt with 
by the series of constructive operations of which 
the Union of South Africa was the last. The issue is 
complicated by the fact that, while the costly function 
of defence has both a local and a general aspect, the 
two constantly overlap. Unlike the United States 
and Germany the British Commonwealth has never 
been so organized as to command the whole of its 
resources for the general defence.. For that supreme 
purpose the Imperial Government, such as it is, can 
levy no taxes except from the people of the British 
Isles. When, for instance, in 1895 the Govern- 
ment of the United States used language which 
could only be interpreted as a claim to control 
the destinies of Canada, the British Government 
repudiated that claim, but in language so temperate 
that a conflict was happily avoided.^ Had the 
United States persisted in the claim that Canada 
was subject to the sovereignty of the United States, 
a war in defence of the integrity of the British 
Empire would have been the inevitable issue. In 
defence of that cause the Imperial Government would 
have been able to command the whole resources of 
the British Isles. But it was not competent to 
command those of the Australian, New Zealand, and 
South African colonies, nor even those of Canada 
itself, the Dominion most directly concerned. To 
turn from supposition to fact, this was the position 
actually realized when the South African Republics 
1899. issued an ultimatum and invaded Cape Colony and 
Natal. To this extent the British resembles the 
Holy Roman Empire. The feature distinguishing 
the two Empires is the existence in the British 

^ See Note H at end of this chapter, p» 414. 



Empire of one community which up to the present ohap. 
has proved itself able and willing to secure the 
integrity of the whole, and to meet the cost of 
doing so from its own resources. And this so far 
it has accomplished by providing Imperial fleets 
and armies which can be moved to any part of the 
globe for the purpose of destroying forces which may 
anywhere threaten to violate the Commonwealth. 
The fact that India and the Dominions of Australia, 
New Zealand, South Africa, and Canada are still 
parts of the British Commonwealth was determined 
by battles fought at sea off the coasts of Spain 
and Egypt and by land on Spanish and Belgian 
territory. 'America/ as Chatham declared, 'was 
conquered in Germany.' ^ ' It is essential to an under- 
standing of the issues which led to the American 
Revolution to realize that no attempt was made by 
the British Government to tax the American colonists 
in order to meet charges of this class. To Imperial 
defence, as distinguished from the defence of America, 
they were never asked to contribute, • 

The conditions which led to the quarrel will be Thedis- 
clearer if it be imagined that the United States of iraperiai^ 
America had in 1895 pressed the interpretation of ^^jnion 
the Monroe doctrine there advanced by Mr. Olney interests 
to the point of war. The theatre of war would eincidated. 
certainly have been Canada, but in Canada there 
would have been at Ottawa one Government com- 
petent to evoke the whole manhood and wealth of 
British North America in aid of its defence ; and 
there is not the smallest reason to suppose that it 
would have failed in its responsibility. It is not 
at all unlikely that, had the English-speaking world 
been engaged in this internecine conflict, France and 
Russia might have seized the opportunity of challeng- 
ing British supremacy at sea, with a view to realizing 

^ Chatham, Speeches, vol. i. pp. 358-9. 


CHAP, their respective ambitions in Egypt and Asia. The 
British Commonwealth would then, as in the Seven 
Years* War, have been fighting for its life, and its 
ultimate success in resisting the claims of the United 
States of America would have depended, as in the 
eighteenth century, on the adequacy of its equipment 
for general defence — on its power to keep control of 
the sea. 
The To the cost of this general equipment the 

t^o^^ American colonists were never asked to contribute. 
MkS by ^^^ Stamp Act and tea duties were imposed in order 
Britain to to meet in part charges the whole of which the 
to charges Dominion, Commonwealth, or Union Governments 
whwhwere ^^^jj j^^^ assumc as a matter of course. Whatever 
Imperial. ^]^q pretcusions of the American assemblies may 
have been, they were from the character and situa- 
tion of the communities they represented unequal to 
the functions of a modern Dominion Government 
Experience proved them to be suited only for such 
business as now falls within the scope of the 
provincial governments of New Brunswick, Queens- 
land, or Natal. 
incaiMcity To begin with, after the manner of local bodies, 
coionki tbey were for ever quarrelling amongst themselves. 
to^settie^ Britain had really no concern in these quarrels. 
their owD The interests involved in them were entirely 
disputes. American. But the Americans were powerless to 
settle them for themselves, and the British Government, 
as in South Africa a century later, was constantly 
driven to intervene to prevent them from breaking each 
other s heads. ' It is characteristic of the particularistic 
spirit prevailing in the colonies that in 1755, at 
a time when their very existence was threatened by 
the French, Massachusetts and New York engaged 
in a bitter boundary controversy leading to riot and 
bloodshed. This episode called forth a caustic 
rebuke from the Lords of Trade, who wrote to 


Shirley : " It is very much to be lamented, that the chap. 
internal peace of Government should be disturbed v.^.^..^^..,,^ 
by trivial Disputes of this kind, at a time when the 
Colonys are so loudly called upon to exert with the 
greatest unanimity their utmost Strength in their 
own defence, and in vindication of His Majesty's 
Right" '^ 

Boundaries belong to that class of political problems incapacity 
which can be settled once for all. There are others, locai^ 
involving the adjustment of relations between two J^^^^lf 
sets of human beings, which ought not to be called the Indian 
problems, because they admit of no final solution, its 
The basic question arising out of the relation of the ^eri^inl 
settlers to the Indians was a case in point. In character. 
questions of this order conditions must be dealt with 
as they arise, but cannot be handled with any prospect 
of success without reference to certain continuous 
principles. Those who have seen an European society 
established in another continent side by side with its 
native society can best realize the imperative necessity 
of control over the relations of individual Europeans 
to individual natives. The success of such control 
will depend upon the steady application of a continuous 
policy to the whole area of contact between the two 
races. The extent of its failure will be marked by 
injuries to both. As to the incompetence of the 
colonial assemblies to grapple with this question the 
leading American and British historians agree. ' Until 
the middle of the eighteenth century, the British 1753. 
government had left the management of Indian aflfairs 
to the separate colonies. From their very foundation, 
the commercial relations with the aborigines had 
been important. With the development of Canada, 
the bulk of this trade had, however, drifted into 
French hands, yet at all times it constituted a not 
insignificant feature of the economic life of the 

» Beer, BrUish Colonial Policy, 1754-1766, pp. 49-50. 


CHAP. British colonies. The success of the French was due 
in great measure to the centralised form of their 
government, and similarly the failure of the English 
resulted from the fact that each colony sought to 
secure as great a share of the Indian trade as was 
possible, and thwarted the endeavors of its com- 
petitors. The result of this rivalry had been 
pernicious, not only in facilitating the success of the 
French in the fur trade, but also in alienating the 
Indians. . . . 

* This dissatisfaction of the Indians was due to many 
causes : to French incitement ; to the intrusion of 
English settlers on their lands ; to the abandonment 
by the English of the French policy of giving to the 
natives presents of guns and clothing ; and, above 
all, to the low moral character of the English traders 
In 1761, the secretary of state, Egremont, wrote to 
Amherst, condemning in strong terms the shameful 
conduct of the colonial traders in taking advantage 
of the Indians, and pointing out that the French, by 
pursuing a different course, had deservedly succeeded 
in gaining the confidence of the native tribes.' * * The 
earlier researches of Lecky had led him to very 
similar conclusions. ' The relations of the colonists 
to the Indian tribes were scarcely less demoralising. 
White men planted among savages and removed 
from the control of European opinion seldom fail to 
contract the worst vices of tyrants. The voluminous 
and very copious despatches of Sir W. Johnson and 
of Mr. Stuart, who during many years had the 

• Dec. 12, 1761. Am. and W.I. 77. On April 28, 1761, Francis 
Bernard wrote to the Board of Trade that the Indians ' ' are suffered to run 
in debt beyond their abilities & then are allowed to sell their children to 
pay their debts ; they are suffered to harass one another at Law for triviftl 
disputes, which sometimes end in the ruin of both parties ; when they are 
condemned in criminal prosecutions, they are subjected to Fines instead of 
oorporal punishment, so that where the Criminal only ought to be oorreoted, 
his family is ruined ; In civil actions, they are charged with exorbitant costs, 
when it is known they have nothing to pay with." B. T. Mass., 78 LI. 14. 

1 Beer, British Colonial Policy, 1764-1766, pp. 268, 266-6. 


management of Indian affairs, ate, on the whole, chap. 
extremely creditable to the writers. They show that 
the Grovernment laboured with great humanity, 
equity, and vigilance to protect the rights of the 
Indians, but they also show that they had to 
encounter insuperable difficulties in their task. The 
Executive was miserably weak. There were usually 
no troops within reach. Juries in Indian I cases could 
never be trusted, and public opinion on the frontier 
looked upon Indians as little better than wild beasts. 
The French had in this respect succeeded much 
better. The strong Executive of Canada guarded 
the Indians effectually from depredations, restricted 
commercial dealings with them to the better class of 
traders, and attached them by a warm feeling of 
gratitude. But the despatches of Johnson and Stuart 
are full of accounts of how the English settlers 
continually encroached on the territory which was 
allotted by treaty to the Indians; how the rules 
that had been established for the regulation of the 
Indian trade were systematically violated; how 
traders of the lowest kind went among the savages, 
keeping them in a state of continual drunkenness till 
they had induced them to surrender their land ; how 
the goods that were sold to Indians were of the most 
fraudulent description ; how many traders deliberately 
excited outrages, against their rivals; how great 
numbers of Indians who were perfectly peaceful, and 
loyal to the English, were murdered without a shadow 
of provocation ; and how these crimes were perpetrated 
without punishment and almost without blame. 

' A few voices were no doubt raised in the 
colonies on their behalf. Franklin wrote with honest 
indignation denouncing some horrible murders that 
had been perpetrated in Pennsylvania. The Quakers 
were usually noted for their righteous dealing with 
the Indians. ... It is a significant fact that in the 



CHAP. French war the Indians were usaally on the side of 


,^^^,^.^^,„^^ the French, and in the War of Independence on the 
side of the Government, and the explanation is 
probably chiefly to be found in the constant and 
atrocious outrages which they endured from the 
American traders.' * 
Need for The imperative need of some authority in a 

ind^an^™ Sphere which was neither Imperial nor colonial but 
^^ American, was recognized much less clearly by 
by the colonial politicians than by British officials. The 
00^^. truth was that the British Government felt, what 
™ioiiiai the colonial assemblies never felt, that the final 
summoned T^pcnsibility rested upon them. It is only by 
at Albany handling the fiacts that men learn to understand 
proposes a them. In 1753, when the British and French in 
rcob^r America were fast drifting into war, the British 
Government realized that the incapacity of the 
colonial assemblies to handle Indian affairs was about 
to yield a terrible harvest. The coherent policy of 
the centralized French Grovernment had succeeded in 
attracting the more powerful tribes to its cause, and 
the British colonies were threatened with all the 
horrors of an Indian invasion. Not one but many 
colonial frontiers were menaced, and the folly of 
attempting to handle the tribes through a number of 
assemblies was obvious enough. The British Govern- 
ment therefore convoked a meeting of representatives 
from the colonies immediately threatened, to negotiate 
with the Indians. If possible, the instruction ran, 
all the colonies were to be * comprized in one general 
Treaty to be made in his Majesty's name.'^ The 
1754. Congress which assembled at Albany resolved unani- 
mously, in terms which went to the root of the 
whole matter, that a union of all the colonies was 
absolutely necessary for their security and defence, 

^ Lecky, History of England in the Eightunth Century^ vol. iv. pp. 86-8. 
« Beer, BrUish Colonial Policy, 1764-1766, p. 17. 


and appointed a committee to prepare a plan. chap. 
The document which embodied their reasons reveals 
the impotence of the colonists to handle their own 
interests under the existing system. * " The com- 
missioners from a number of the northern colonies, 
being met at Albany, and considering the difficulties 
that have always attended the most necessary general 
measures for the common defence, or for the annoyance 
of the enemy, when they were to be carried through 
the several particular Assemblies of all the colonies ; 
some Assemblies being before at variance with their 
governors or councils, and the several branches of 
the government not on terms of doing business^with 
each other; others taking the opportunity, when 
their concurrence is wanted, to push for favourite 
laws, powers or points, that they think could not at 
other times be obtained, and so creating disputes and 
quarrels ; one Assembly waiting to see what another 
will do, being afraid of doing more than its share, or 
desirous of doing less, or refusing to do anything 
because its country is not at present so much exposed 
as others, or because another will reap more immediate 
advantage ; from one or other of which causes, the 
Assemblies of six out of seven colonies applied to, 
had granted no assistance to Virginia, when lately 
invaded by the French, though purposely convened, 
and the importance of the occasion earnestly urged 
upon them ; — considering moreover, that one principal 
encouragement to the French, in invading and 
insulting the British American dominions, was their 
knowledge of our disunited state, and of our weakness 
arising from such want of union," ... for these 
reasons the commissioners unanimously decided that 
" a union of the colonies is absolutely necessary for 
their preservation." These difficulties had existed 
throughout the entire history of the colonies, but at 
no previous time was the situation so critical. 


OHAP. *The committee appointed by the colonial com** 

^^,^^,^^^,^ missioners accordingly drafted a plan of union, and 
this plan, chiefly the work of Franklin, was in due 
course unanimously adopted. It provided for an 
executive and a legislature ; the former — the president- 
general — to be appointed and supported by the Crown, 
the latter — the Grand Council — ^to be elected by the 
various assemblies in the eleven colonies* This legis- 
lature was to consist of forty -eight members, the 
colonies being represented roughly according to popu- 
lation and wealth. To this Grand Council was given 
jurisdiction over Indian affairs, both political and 
commercial. It was to raise and pay soldiers, to 
build forts for the defence of the colonies, and to 
"Equip Vessels of Force to Guard the Coasts and 
protect the Trade on the Ocean, Lakes, or Great 
Rivers." In order to raise the requisite funds for 
these purposes, the 'Grand Council was given power 
to make laws and to impose general duties and taxes. 
All acts of the Grand Council, however, required the 
consent of the president-general, and, in addition, all 
laws were to be submitted to the king in council for 
approbation. This plan, it is apparent, implied an 
assumption by the colonies of a far greater share of 
the cost of defence than had hitherto been customary. 
The * This proposal for a political union of the colonies 

prowls under one general government in America was ulti- 
j^°^®^^y mately to be brought into effect by an act of the 
colonial Parliament of Great Britain. With the exception of 

lUUlATn ill 1 f^Q 

those from Massachusetts, the colonial commissioners 
did not, however, have full powers, and accordingly 
it was provided that the plan should be, first sub- 
mitted to the colonies. With the same unanimity 
with which their representatives had adopted the 
plan, the colonial assemblies either rejected or failed 
to ratify it. The reasons for this failure were, on the 
oile hand, the particularism of the colonies, and on 


the other, their underlying conviction that Great chap. 
Britain, if left no other choice, would ultimately have 
to assume the task of defending them. According to 
Shirley, the commissioners at Albany '*had no ex- 
pectation " that the colonies would adopt the plan ; 
and he added, " nor could any proper plan be form'd, 
as I apprehend, in w**** the several Gov** would unite." 
Franklin was not more sanguine. On December 29, 
1754, he wrote to Collinson : "All the Assemblies in 
the Colonies have, I suppose, had the Union Plan 
laid before them, but it is not likely, in my Opinion, 
that any of them will act upon it so as to agree to it, 
or to propose any Amendments to it. Every Body 
cries, a Union is absolutely necessary, but when they 
come to the Manner and Form of the Union, their 
weak Noddles are perfectly distracted." ' * 

Franklin strongly advocated that the union should interven- 
be brought into existence by an Act of the Imperial sSish 
Parliament. 'Till it is done,' he wrote in 1755, ^^^^ 
^ never expect to see an American War carried on as ^^^f^^^ 
it ought to be, nor Indian Affairs properly managed.' * and others 
It was the governors, whose office was the link ^^ ™«"ca. 
between Imperial authority and colonial autonomy, 
who realized most keenly the dangers of the system. 

* At the very time that the colonial commissioners 
were sitting at Albany, the clear-sighted lieutenant- 
governor of Virginia, Robert Dinwiddle, in a forcible 
despatch to the secretary of state, bitterly commented 
on the particularism of the separate colonies and on 
their lack of a spirit of cooperation. " Now what. 
Sir, [he wrote] must be the result of this ? Virginia 
alone is not able to support the whole Burthen ; 
k, if some Method is not found to take away these 
destructive Denials of Assistance from the other 
Colonies, when it is judged proper to be demanded 
by his Majesty for the common Good, as now ; The 

» Beer, BrUish Colonial Policy, 175Jhl766, pp. 19-22. ^ /j^. p, 29. 


CHAP. Consequence must be, the present Loss of one of the 
finest & most fertile Countries in America; & the 
future destruction of all the British Dominions on 
this Continent." . . . Two months later, Din widdie once 
more wrote to Robinson, on the great uncertainty of 
obtaining the necessary support from the Virginia 
Assembly, as Maryland and Pennsylvania had been 
so " monstrously backward," and adding, " but really, 
without a British Act of Parliament to oblidge all 
the Colonies to a mutual Supply, I dread the Gover- 
nours will hardly be able to perswade them." ' ^ 
Similar experience was driving Shirley, the governor 
of Massachusetts, to similar opinions. 

* The Pennsylvania legislature, after " an absurd 
obstinate Dispute w*^ Gov'' Morris ab* Instructions 
have adjourned themselves, whilst the Enemy is at 
their Doors, to the beginning of May, without doing 
anything for the preservation of their Country." The 
Maryland Assembly has likewise ^' risen" without doing 
anything further than providing for "a Company of 
fifty men, w"^^ was done before." South Carolina was 
not active in the common cause, and Virginia was 
not doing as much as she should. '' This behaviour 
[Shirley concluded] seems to shew the necessity not 
only of a parliamentary Union but Taxation for the 
preservation of his Majesty s Dominions upon this 
Continent, w^^ the several Assemblies have, in so 
great a measure abandon'd the Defence of, and 
thereby layd his Majesty s Governm'' at home under 
a necessity of taking care of it for the State by suit- 
able assessm^ upon the Colonies." ' ^ 
Particu- Their experience in the last French war had 

TO™niM^ taught the British ministers what to expect from 
as attested ^j^^ co-opcratiou of the colonial assemblies. Inde- 
foreign peudcut testimony on this subject has been left in 

observer, **■ 

^ Beer, British Colonial Policy, 1754-1766, pp. 48, 44-5. 
« Ibid, p. 47. 


the writings of Kalm, a Swede, who visited the chap. 
colonies immediately after the war of the Austrian 
Succession. ' It has commonly happened/ he wrote, 
' that while some provinces have been suffering from 
their enemies, the neighbouring ones were quiet and 
inactive and as if it did not in the least concern 
them. They have frequently taken up two or three 
years in considering whether they should give assist- 
ance to an oppressed sister colony, and sometimes 
they have expressly declared themselves against it.' ^ 

In 1755 the rapid encroachments of the French The 
and Indians were bringing matters to a crisis, and oo^^ 
to save the situation the Ministry resolved to provide ^^ ^ 
four regiments at the expense of the British taxpayer, take action 
Braddock was sent to take couimand, and William expense of 
Johnson was appointed to the charge of Indian affairs, toxjjayen 
The failure of the Southern colonies, includinff Penn- p^ioniai 

' ^ o troops 

sylvania, to support Braddock, largely contributed to largely 
his downfall in 1755.^ Next year the formal declara- ^tish°™ 
tion of war found the American colonies no more ~ 
united and in no better position to conduct their ^^^^' 
own defence. The British Government now fell 
back on the expedient of making grants to the 
colonial assemblies in proportion to the work they 
had actually done. Pitt, who realized that the future 
of the British Commonwealth hung upon the issue 
of this war, saw that so long as it lasted everything 
should be sacrificed to the one object of beating the 
French. In England it was far less difficult to raise 
money than to raise soldiers and transport them to 
America. He persuaded Parliament therefore to 
spend some £200,000 a year in payment to the 
American colonies for their services in defending 
their own territory from the French, and about two- 

* Leoky, History of England in the Eighteenth Century, vol. iv., note on 
pp. 10-11. 

> Beer, BrUiah Colonial Policy, 1764-1765, p. 44. 


CHAP, fifths of the expenditure incurred by the colonies 
.^^^^^^^^ was thus reimbursed by the British Parliament. In 
this way Pitt succeeded in bringing into the field 
a considerable body of colonial troops. Of these 
seven-tenths were furnished by Massachusetts, Con- 
necticut, and New York, which together contained 
one -third of the colonists. The other two -thirds 
sustained a burden less than one-fourth of that 
assumed by the more public-spirited communities. 
Results The general result is thus stated by Beer. ' It is 

experience apparent that a system which allowed a colony to 
vf ^llr^^^ evade in whole or in part the performance of its 
obligations as a part of the Empire was inherently 
vicious. Each colony was intent on seeing what the 
others were doing, and the action of the least zealous 
tended to become the standard by which the others 
regulated themselves. The system was an unfair one. 
It threw a relatively larger share of the burden on 
public -spirited colonies, whose activity was thus 
penalized, while at the same time a premium was 
placed on neglect of duty. It diminished the potential 
military strength of the colonies during the greatest 
crisis of their existence, forcing the mother country 
to make up, in part at least, the deficiency thus created. 
It also limited the extent of the operations themselves ; 
for, had more troops been available, it is probable 
that Louisiana .would have been conquered. From a 
military standpoint as well, the system was deficient. 
The successive commanders-in-chief wasted much 
time and energy in obtaining the colonial levies. In 
order to secure the needed support, they were 
repeatedly forced to interfere in the internal politics 
of the colonies, especially in Pennsylvania. Disputes 
as to the conditions and duration of service were 
frequent. It was never exactly known how many 
troops the colonies would provide, and occasionally 
their tardiness in arriving for service unduly delayed 


an expedition. 'In all these' different ways were chap. 
military operations hampered, and the strength and 
efficiency of the army impaired. Thus, the experi- 
ences of the war served but to reenforce the conclusion 
reached by many already in 1755, that the defence 
of the colonies in time of peace could not with 
safety be left to them because of their lack of union, 
and also that they could not be relied upon as a 
whole to provide voluntarily for their due proportion 
of the necessary military establishment.' ^ 

During the war Johnson had found that as an Ministers 
Imperial officer he was powerless to control the ^^^^e 
colonial traders in their relations with the Indians. conciusioD 

that the 

Laws regulating this trade involved the action of a legisiatire 
dozen legislatures, and the conclusion was forced on of the" ^ 
the British Government : ' That our Interest with ^^^ 
respect to the Indians never can be settled with mentmust 

^ be evoked 

stability, but by the interposition of the Parliament for the 
of Great Britain, in making some general Regulations r^^tioo 
for the management of Indian Affairs, upon some affiS^" 
general Plan, under the sole direction of the Crown 
k its Officers.' ^ 

This was in 1762. The Peace of Paris was signed indiiw 
early next year, but the ink was scsurcely dry before ^^w 
the frontiers of Pennsylvania and Virginia were ?°i^^ 
devastated by an Indian rising of unparalleled ferocity 
and magnitude under Pontiac, an Indian with genius 
for organization. ' A confederation including several 
Indian tribes had suddenly and unexpectedly swept 
over the whole western frontier of Pennsylvania and 
Virginia, had murdered almost all the English settlers 
who were scattered beyond the mountains, had 
surprised and captured every British fort between the 
Ohio and Lake Erie, and had closely blockaded F<M:t 

1 Beer, BrUish Colonial Policy, 1754-1766, pp. 70-1. 

* Board of Trade to Thomas Boone, June 3, 1762. B. T. So. Ca. 29, p. 171, 
qaotod by Beer, Britifh Colonial Pelicy, 1764-1765, p. 266. 



CHAP. Detroit and Pittsburg. In no previous war had the 
^^^^^^^^^^ Indians shown such skill, tenacity, and concert ; and 
had there not been British troops in the country, the 
whole of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Maryland would 
probably have been overrun. In spite of every eflFort, 
a long line of country twenty miles in breadth was 
completely desolated, and presented one hideous 
scene of plunder, massacre, and torture. It was 
only after much desperate fighting, after some losses, 
and several reverses, that the troops of Amhe^rst suc- 
ceeded in repelling the invaders and securing the 
three great fortresses of Niagara, Detroit, and 
Pittsburg.' ' 
The Amherst was instructed by the British Govem- 

asBembiies D^^ut to Call upou the colouics for assistance. But 
haying tj^e Ministry did not dare to ask the people of Oreat 

failed onoe f^ , . . i 

more to Britain, groaning as they were under the burden of 

J^^i. taxation imposed by the recent war, to vote further 

men^or^^ grants as an inducement to colonial assemblies to 

B^twL^* protect their own frontiers from native attacks, which 

Govern- were in fact provoked by the failure of those very 

driven to assemblies in the management of Indian affairs. 

Se raSg Accordingly, Amherst was warned that he must not 

and to offer the slightest hope to the assemblies that the 

maintain __ . ^ ■*■ 

permanent English Treasury would pay for the troops they 
X^S furnished. Again, Beer may be called upon to relate 
wM^madT w^** followed. ' As the situation was a most serious 
one, Amherst asked New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl- 
vania, and Virginia to furnish some troops, but he 
refrained from calling on the New England colonies. 
This led to a number of dijfficulties. The New York 
Assembly thought it unreasonable that all the colonies 
had not been asked, and agreed to contribute their 
quota only if the New England colonies did likewise. 
New Jersey followed the example of New York. On 
account of the lack of response to the requisitions, 

^ Lecky, History of England in the Mghteenlh Century^ vol. iv.. pp. 57*8. 


Gage, who towards the end of 1763 succeeded chap. 
Amherst as commander-in-chief, also asked the New 
England colonies for aid. Massachusetts refused to 
respond to his request, not being willing to submit 
to any dictation from New York. The New Hamp- 
shire Assembly, on the ground that neither Con- 
necticut nor Massachusetts had complied, likewise 
refused, alleging also that they could not support the 
charge of the two hundred men requested by Gage 
"at so great a Distance as Niagara." Similarly, 
Rhode Island would not raise tlte troops demanded 
by the Commander-in-Chief Some of these difficulties 
were overcome. Thus Connecticut finally agreed to 
levy a small body of soldiers. But in Pennsylvania, 
the old dispute between the proprietors and the 
legislature interfered with the grant of effective 
support. Virginia, however, had responded energetic- 
ally to Amherst's requisition. New York ultimately 
raised somewhat over one -half of the number of 
troops desired, whereupon New Jersey agreed to 
provide three hundred instead of the six hundred 
that Amherst had requested. 

*The general attitude of the colonies is compre- 
hensively described by the governor of New Jersey in 
a despatch in which he discussed the difficulty of 
raising troops in the colonies. On March 6, 1764, 
William Franklin wrote to the Board of Trade : "The 
Want of Union among the Colonies must ever occasion 
Delay in their military Operations. The first that 
happens to be called upon postpones coming to any 
Determination till 'tis known what the other Colonies 
will do ; and each of those others think they have an 
equal Right to act in the same Manner. This pro- 
crastinating Conduct, owing to the Jealousies and 
Apprehensions each Colony has lest it should happen 
to contribute Somewhat more than its Share, is the 
Reason why the American Levies are sometimes 


CHAP, delay'd till the Season for Action is nearly elapsed." 
^^ In view of these facts, the following words of Halifax 
seem somewhat mild. On May 12, 1764, he wrote 
to Golden : " It were much to be wished that the 
several Colonies whose assistance was required had 
chearfuUy exerted themselves to raise the full numbers 
of Men demanded of them by His Ma*^* Commander- 

* Thus it was again demonstrated that the requisi- 
tion system was absolutely unworkable. Its inefficacy 
rendered the establishment of a standing army in 
America essential. In fact, the failure of the colonies 
to respond to the requisitions in 1764 forced both 
Amherst and Gage to disobey their instructions to 
reduce the regular force in America. The British 
government was left no choice, and was forced to 
keep a large force on the continent. 

*This measure was a direct result of existing 
military conditions. As, however, it was generally 
recognized in England that there was in the con- 
tinental colonies a marked tendency toward inde- 
pendence, the fact that such a standing army would 
serve as a counteracting agency was not totally 
ignored. At most, however, if at all a motive of 
this measure, it was a distinctly subordinate one. 
Until the revolutionary movement was well under 
way, several years after the adoption of this policy, 
but very slight, if any, stress was laid on the American 
army as a weapon of coercion.' ^ 
Question The cost of the force necessary was estimated at 

^urees^^ £220,000 over and above the amounts voted by Parlia- 
fr?™ ment to support American garrisons before the war. 

the cost * The difficulty in securing adequate support fix)m the 
forceTfn colonics during the war with France, and subsequently 
wM^to^be thereto during the Pontiac conspiracy, convinced the 
met The British government that parliamentary taxation was 

> Beer, BrUiah Colonial Policy, 1754-176/), pp. 263-6. 


the sole aud only means of obtaining from the chap. 
colonies their just share of the cost of their own .^^^^^^^.^^ 
defence. Thus on March 10, 1764, Calvert wrote to dilemma 
Governor Sharpe of Maryland that he had predicted Imposedon 
tiiiat colonial taxation would be inevitable on the the British 


return of peace because of " the colonies remiss^ of ment 
Duty to the Crown & themselves in defence g^ the 
Enemy the French, who neither at the commence nor 
during the War in America were our equals, either 
in Strength or Circumstances, our Colonies Superiour 
in all, & with a Little Assistance our People of the 
Colonies might have subdued the French." But an 
army had to be sent from England which gained the 
victories which resulted in the peace of 1763. Since 
then, a " War has broke out upon the Colonies by the 
Savages, the colonies neglect by their provincial 
Legislatures not raising subsidies to avert, nor in 
defence, stand still & see their Neighbours cruly 
Butchered by the Savages, squabliug ab* framing 
Asaessm^ Bills to pass, tho' in Defense bound to his 
Majesty & themselves, send to the mother country 
for money aid & assistance of Troops." 

' In consequence of the patent fact that the 
colonies, as a whole, would not voluntarily con- 
tribute their share of the military burden, it was 
decided to tax them for this purpose. This decision 
was the logical result of events from the year 1754 
on. The British government might again have tried 
to form a union of the colonies as it had done in 1754 ; 
but the colonies had shown such an aversion to the 
scheme that any such attempt was inevitably doomed 
to failure. On the other hand, the mother country 
might have borne the whole burden of defence, even 
though this would have violated the prevailing theory 
and custom. Such a step was, however, decidedly 
inadvisable, not only because it might be the entering 
wedge for still larger future increases in the colonial 


CHAP, budget, but also because of the existing strain on 
British finances. The war had about doubled the 
debt, which stood at the exceedingly large figure of 
one hundred and thirty milUon pounds, with an 
annual interest charge of four and one half million 
pounds. In addition, Great Britain was spending 
large sums on the navy, which was regarded as the 
Empire's main bulwark. Even after the conclusion 
of peace, Parliament granted annually one and a half 
million pounds for this purpose. Consequently, 
British financial resources were severely strained, and 
the already overburdened taxpayer in the mother 
country was in no humor to undertake more than 
his fair share of the expense of defending the colonies. 
In the eyes of the colonies, the imposition of a parlia- 
mentary tax on America would, however, violate the 
principle of "no taxation without representation." 
This principle they regarded as the basis of civil and 
political liberty ; and even if its violation could be 
justified in their eyes, it meant that the colonies were 
to contribute funds toward the support of an army 
over whose actions they would have no control. The 
adoption of either alternative of this dilemma was 
bound to lead the British government into serious 
diflficulties. But some decision was imperative, for a 
policy of inaction would have been suicidal.' ^ 
Necessity The gist of the whole matter was that the Seven 
X::., rW ^.r had forced into prominence problen« 
connection ^hich, though strictly American, were yet too large 
tivewith for any of the autonomous colonies of America to 
®*^ * "®' handle. The Indian question alone occupied a field 
too wide for any executive which the colonists con- 
trolled. The British Government attempted to fill 
the r61e of an • American executive, and to provide 
such uniformity in the administration of native 
afiairs as was necessary to prevent constant blood- 

1 Beer, BrUish Colonial Policy, 1754-1766, pp. 269-73. 


shed. At once, however, their oflScers were brought chap. 
up by the fact that sooner or later administration 
involves the enactment of a law to administer. They 
were also brought up by the fact that administration 
involves expenditure and expenditure involves the 
raising of revenue. To enact laws or vote revenue 
were both functions which lay beyond the scope of 
an executive. Where the supremacy of law has once 
been established, an executive without a legislature 
is as much a creature of fancy as those winged heads 
that adorn the canvasses of Raphael and Murillo, 
though publicists of that date were not the last to 
talk as though political wonders could be worked by 
the magic of executives suspended in the air. In 
fact, nothing effective could be done in the interests of 
America as a whole without reference to a legislature. 
The subsequent experience of the American colonies 
themselves was to prove the impotence of an execu- 
tive which depended on a number of legislatures, 
even where that executive was their own joint 
creation. A head cannot exist without a body ; but 
neither can it exist with more than one. Executive 
and legislature are but organic parts of one being, 
Grovernment, and Government begins to lose its 
vitality as soon as the arteries which connect those 
parts are cut. 

The British Ministry and its oiticers thus found vital 
themselves paralysed for lack of the powers and f^^^l 
revenue which could be derived only from a single solution 

^ " attempted 

legislature, and instead of addressing themselves to by the 
the constructive task of creating an appropriate Oovem- 
legislature, sought what they needed from the ^^^^' 
already existing legislature of Great Britain. This 
meant that the law governing Americans in strictly 
American affairs waa in future to be made by an 
assembly in which not a single American was repre- 
sented. Provincial affairs, those transacted by the 


CHAP. States at the present day, would have remained in 
the hands of the colonial assemblies. But in its 
main outlines the fabric of American society would 
have been shaped not by American, but by British 
experience. Worse still, the sense of responsibility 
of Americans would have gone ' unexercised and un^ 
breathed' in all American affairs but those which 
were the most subordinate and local. Content to 
concern themselves with questions of detail only, 
they would have become a people incapable of self- 
government, and therefore unfit to share not only 
in the task of governing America as a whole but 
in that greatest of all human responsibilities, which 
the march of events was fast placing on the shoulders 
of the British Commonwealth. No group of com- 
munities unexercised in the real work of self-govern- 
ment would have been fit to grapple with its titanic 
task of making and keeping the relations of all the 
levels of human society amenable to law. The peoples 
of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland were not 
fit for the government of India until they had 
acquired control of their own relations to each 
other, until the inhabitants of that indivisible unit, 
the British Isles, were masters of their own fate. 
The people of Canada would not. be fit to join in 
the task of Indian government, unless they had first 
achieved control of Canadian affairs. And the same 
is true of Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. 
The day when the needs of mankind could be satis* 
fied by states limited by uniformity of race, language, 
or contiguity of territory had already reached its 
zenith. Henceforward the greatest need was for a 
state wide enough to include all levels of civilization, 
and portions, therefore, of every continent, the pre- 
cursor of that state, still in the remote future, which 
shall embrace them all. But the primary condition 
of such a state was and is a supreme Government 


with all its fetcultiee reserved for supreme affairs, chap. 
It can only be realized by the fullest possible develop- ^...^.^v-.^ 
ment of local self*government. Every comnaunity in 
such a state capable of self-government must be so 
constituted as to be able to govern itself. Wherever 
the Imperial problem (using that word in its accurate 
significance) is met, it may invariably be traced to 
some failure to separate local from Imperial issues. 

The commercial system had only permitted the Legislative 
growth of governments competent to manage the ofa^"*^^ 
affairs of American localities, and had failed to create fxciualve?* 
any government competent to deal with the affairs of repreaent- 
America. £320,000 ^ was now needed on the morrow mopie of 
of a great war for the primary function of creating fp^^ ^y 
peace and order in America. All other means having ^^^^" 
feiiled, the British Government assumed the task, and solution of 
prepared for submission to the British Parliament Txciusiveiv 
measures calculated to raise from America and the t^^^^x. 
West Indies an amount less than a half of the sum of Amenca. 
required. ^''^^• 

Of these the first was a sugar Bill passed by Par- Grenviiie's 
liament in 1764 which, by various alterations in the forieyying 
existing customs system, was estimated to produce bution" 
about £45,000 a year. When introducing it Gren- ^J^"™ \^^ 

•^ . , *^. . American 

ville announced the intention of the Ministry to colonists. 

J.1 1* 11 • •  11 Hisiuvita- 

prepare m the following year a measure requiring all tion to the 
legal documents to be written on paper bearing stamps ^mbiies 
purchased from the British Government. Newspapers ^ suggest 

some altci*' 

and broadsides were also to bear the stamps. A native. 
year's notice was given of the proposal in order that 
the colonial assemblies might, if they saw fit, render 
it unnecessary by raising the contribution for them- 
selves. The agents of the various colonies went in a 
body to see Gren ville, who disclaimed any intention 
of asking the colonies to contribute to the debt 
incurred on account of the recent war. The revenue 

1 Beer, BrUith Cid<mial Piolicy, 176^1766y p. 267. 


CHAP, was required for expenditure necessary in the future 

only, and in America only. He could not ask the 

British taxpayer to bear the whole of this future 

American expenditure, and it was his duty to see that 

Americans contributed at least some part of it. ' " I 

am not, however," he continued, " set upon this tax. 

If the Americans dislike it, and prefer any other 

method of raising the money themselves, I shall be 

content. Write therefore to your several colonies, 

and if they choose any other mode I shall be satisfied, 

provided the money be but raised." ' ^ 

Failure In plain words, while stipulating that American 

coionui taxpayers must at least contribute to the expenses 

assemblies ^f American administration, he invited the colonial 

to suggest , ' 

an alter- asscmbUcs through their own accredited agents to 


because, discuss with him the manner in which it should be 

8ome°" raised. In the following February, when suflScient 

in th? ^^^^ ^^^ elapsed for the agents to transmit their 

political reports and receive further instructions from their 


there was principals, they met Grenville again, but confined 
themselves to arguing against the introduction of the 
1765. measure. Grenville replied, ' " I have really been 
made to believe that, considering the whole circum- 
stances of the mother country and the colonies, the 
latter can and ought to pay something to the public 
cause. I know of no better way, than that now 
pursuing, to lay such a tax. If you can tell of a 
loetter, I will adopt it." Benjamin Franklin, who had 
shortly before come over as Agent for Philadelphia, 
presented the resolution of the Assembly of his pro- 
vince, and urged that the demand for money should 
be made in the old constitutional way to the Assembly 
of each province in the form of a requisition by the 
governor. " Can you agree," rejoined Grenville, " on 
the proportions each colony should raise ? " The 
question touched the heart of the difficulty ; the 

^ Lecky, History of England in the EighUeTiih Century ^ vol. iv. p. 69. 



agents were obliged to answer in the negative, and chap. 
the interview speedily closed/^ Experience before 
and after has proved conclusively that it was impos- 
sible that they should agree. The particular problem 
with which GrenvUle was wrestUng was one which 
could never reach its final solution until there was 
brought into existence an American Government 
which could undertake not a part but the whole of 
the expenditure required for American administrative 
needs. Such a Government would not have been 
called upon to attempt the impossible task of year by 
year agreeing, whether with local American assemblies 
or with the British Government, as to the proportion 
of revenue required. The mistake lay not merely 
in seeking too much but also in seeking too little. 
Imagine, for instance, what would happen if once the 
principle were now admitted that the cost of the - 
Dominion Grovernments was to rest in part on the 
British taxpayer. Suppose that Dominion Treasuries 
were entitled as a matter of custom to rely in part on 
grants from the British Treasury, the annual dispute 
as to the proportions of the expenditure to be allo- 
cated to the British and Dominion taxpayers re- 
spectively would simply operate to poison the minds 
of the two communities against each other. Such 
grants could not be based on any fixed principle 
of justice, and could, therefore, only be settled 
temporarily as the result of hard bargaining from 
which both parties would retire with a sense of 
mutual injury. 

There is no indication that British statesmen ever British 
wished that the Imperial Treasury should cease to and^hlio- 
share the burden of American government. They ^^^^ 
had not apprehended the distinction which separated eighteenth 
American from colonial interests on the one hand, hadn^ 
and from Imperial interests on the other. Therefore ^ut*hl 

* Lecky, History of England in the EigfUeenlh Century y vol. iv. pp. 72-3. 


CHAP, it was impoBsible that they should me to the idea 

^^^^^^^^^ that purely American interests should be controlled 

distinction exclusively by Americans, as purely Canadian interests 

recognized ^^e now Controlled exclusively by Canadians. The 

between nearest approach to these truths in that age was 

provincial, * x^ ^ o 

Dominion, made by Adam Smith, when he urged that the repre- 
imperiai scutatiou of the colonists in the Imperial Parliament 
interests. ^^ ^j^^ ^^^^ alternative to independence. Smith 

had not lived in colonies and, with all his political 

insight, failed to grasp the distinction between colonial, 

American, and Imperial interests, or to see that in 

the long run American interests must be controlled 

and paid for by Americana alona Even minds so 

penetrating as those of Smith or Chatham could not 

travel more than a certain distance beyond the limits 

of their own experienca 

Butiepic- It is the subsequent experience of the British 

i®"^^^^" Commonwealth which has made these issues so 

Pariir" cl®" to-day. But colonial representation, if it 

ment could havc bccu achieved, would have opened the 

have only path by which a peaceful solution could have 

me*n on ^^^ reached and the Commonwealth saved from 

both sides gchism. It would have given the two peoples and 

to arrive , . *^ , *^ ■*• , 

at this their leaders some insight into the vital necessities 
d^^thic-'^ of each other's life, and have enabled them, there- 
tion. £^j,g^ ^Q grasp the real problem before them. No 

serious historian would now contend that the British 
people or their statesmen were anxious to assert 
or to exercise the right of taxing the Americans. 
Modern research has abundantly proved that the 
desire to sever their connection with Britain was 
limited to a very small, though very active, minority 
in America. The vast majority had been bred under 
a system which o£fered the privileges of life in a 
commonwealth without calling upon them to bear 
a due proportion of the burden involved in sustaining 
the system. Theirs was a spurious freedom, one 


wfaicli could not teach them the real cost which had chjlp. 
to be paid by some one for the benefits it brought 
them. Willingness to pay their own footing is the 
final test of a people's capacity to govern themselves. 
But the system must be such as to enable them to 
realize what eosta are properly chargeable to their 
own account The moral perceptions of the colonists 
had, indeed, been blunted by exclusion from all but 
the narrower responsibilities of national life. Their 
resistance during and after the Wu of Independence 
to any proposals for taxation advanced by Congress 
show how seriously their political morale had suffered 
under the influence of the commercial system. But 
when, having quitted the protection t)f Britain, they 
found that th^e was no one but themselves to meet 
the cost of American administration, they were at 
length brought face to face with the naked facts. 
That they were a people amenable to the discipline 
of facts, and therefore fit for self-government, was 
finally proved by their acceptance, in 1789, of an 
American Government with effective powers of 

' According to the British view, the colonies were Repre- 
virtually represented in Parliament,' for the extra- orthe*^*^ 
ordinarj reason that in England the majority had P^'-f"" 
no votes and the great manufacturing towns which imperial 
contributed largely to taxation were not represented.^ ment 

mi •j.' M J* JO.' •T>*a.* advocated 

Ine existmg system of representation m Britain byotis, 
was wholly obsolete, and needed the Reform Bill to ^Tam^^**' 
remove its anomalies. The great towns were in fact Smith, 
unrepresented until they elected members of their Orenviiie. 
own to sit in Parliament. But that was no reason 
why the colonists should also submit to taxation 
without representation. Two wrongs did not make 
one right. The whole plea was as flimsy and worth- 

> Beer, BrUish Colonial Policy, 1754^-1765, p. 297. Also Lecky, A History 
of Bn/glai^ in the EigkteeyUh Century, vol. iv. p. 77. 


CHAP, less as its modem counterpart — the plea that the 
British Cabinet virtually represents the people of 
the Dominions in the conduct of foreign affairs. 
Such arguments are never wanting to apostles of 
' a wise opportunism ' who hold that in human affairs 
all principles are always open to evasion so long as 
every one concerned will only conspire never to state 
them. From that day to this there has been an 
almost general agreement among 'practical persons' 
to regard all proposals to include American repre- 
sentatives in the British Parliament as inherently 
absurd. But the contemporary exceptions to this 
rule are somewhat striking. 'A few voices were 
raised in favour of the admission of American repre- 
sentatives into Parliament ; but this plan, which was 
advocated by Otis ajid supported by the great names 
of Franklin and of Adam Smith, would have en- 
countered enormous practical difficulties, and it found 
few friends in either country. Grenville himself, 
however, appears to have for a time seriously con- 
templated it. As he was accustomed to say to his 
friends, he had never entertained the smallest design 
against American liberty, and the sole object of his 
colonial policy was to induce or oblige America to 
contribute to the expense of her own defence in 
the same manner as Ireland. He had consulted the 
colonial agents in order that the colonies might 
themselves suggest the form of the contribution, 
and establish the precedent of being always in such 
cases consulted. He had deferred the Stamp Act 
for a whole year in order that the colonies might, 
if they chose, make imperial taxation unnecessary ; 
and if the Americans thought that their liberties 
would become more secure by the introduction of 
American representatives into the British Parliament, 
he was quite ready to support such a scheme. He 
would probably, however, have found it not easy 


to carry in England, and it was soon after utterly chap. 
repudiated in America.'^ ^^,.>^.^,^^ 

Grenville, according to Beer, was a statesman ' of orenviiie 
a scientific and unimaginative temperament, with a by^Brmsh 
distinctly legal cast of mind.' ^ Whatever his defects, conserva- 

•^ o ^ , ' tism from 

they were certainly not those of a theorist or a propoaing 
visionary. His reason for not asking Parliament to represenu- 
open its door to American representatives was not, Burke's 
it appears, that he thought that nature was opposed ?^J^^^° 
to such a scheme, but that he felt that the inveterate proposal. 
prejudice of Parliament itself stood in the way. 
What he lacked was the imagination which might 
have inspired him to overcome it. The kind of 
conservatism with which he had to contend domin- 
ated even a mind so active as Burke's. After his i766. 
fall Grenville published a pamphlet in which he 
continued to advocate the principle of his financial 
measures, together with such measures of reform as 
would make Parliament at once representative of 
Britain and the colonies. Burke's reply is worth 
quoting at length as the highest intellectual ex- 
pression of the attitude of mind in British political 
circles which closed the door to any but a violent 
solution of the American question. *Has he well 
considered what an immense operation any change 
in our constitution is ? how many discussions, parties, 
and passions, it will necessarily excite; and, when 
you open it to enquiry in one part, where the 
enquiry will stop? Experience shews us, that no 
time can be fit for such changes but a time of 
general confusion ; when good men, finding every- 
thing already broken up, think it right to take 
advantage of the opportunity of such derangement 
in favour of an useful alteration. Perhaps a time of 
the greatest security and tranquillity both at home 

^ Lecky, History of England in the Eighteenth Century ^ vol. iv. pp. 71-2. 
* Beer, BrUish Colonial Policy, rf6J^TtB6, p. 274. 


CHAP, and abroad may likewise be fit ; bat will the author 
^^ affirm this to be just such a time ? Transferring an 
idea of militarj to civil pradence, he ought to know 
how dangerous it is to make an alteration of your 
disposition in the face of an enemy. 

'Now comes his American repres^itation. Here 
too, as usual, he takes no notice of any difficulty, nor 
says anything to obviate those objections that must 
naturally arise in the minds of his readers. He 
throws you his politics as he does his revenue; do 
you make something of them if you can. Is not the 
reader a little astonished at the proposal of an 
American representation from that quarter? It is 
proposed merely as a project of speculative improve- 
ment ; not firom the necessity in the case, not to add 
anything to the authority of parliament, but that we 
may afford a greater attention to the concerns of the 
Americans, and give them a bett» opportunity of 
stating their grievances, and of obtaining redress. 
I am glad to find the author has at length discovered 
that we have not given a sufficient attention to their 
concerns, or a proper redress to their grievances. 
His great fiiend would once have been exceedingly 
displeased with any p^son, who should tell him that 
he did not attend sufficiently to those concerns. He 
thought he did so, when he regulated the colonies 
over and over again ; he thought he did so, when he 
formed two general systems of revenue ; one of port- 
duties, and the other of internal taxation. These 
systems supposed, or ought to suppose, the greatest 
attention to, and the most detailed information of, 
all their affairs. However, by contending for the 
American representation, he seems at last driven 
virtually to admit, that great caution ought to be 
used in the exercise of cdl bur legislative rights over 
an object so remote from our eye, and so little 
connected with our immediate feelings ; that in 


prudence we ought "not to be quite so ready with chap. 
our taxes, until we can secure the desired representa- ^^ 
tion in parliament. Perhaps it may be some time 
before this hopeful scheme can be brought to perfect 
maturity, although the author seems to be in no wise 
aware of any obstructions that lie in the way of it. 
He talks of his union, just as he does of his taxes and 
his savings, with as much sang froid and ease as if 
his wish and the enjoyment were exactly the same 
thing. He appears not to have troubled his head 
with the infinite diflBculty of settling that representa- 
tion on a fair balance of wealth and numbers through- 
out the several provinces of America and the West 
Indies, under such an infinite variety of circumstances. 
It costs him nothing to fight with nature, and to 
conquer the order of Providence, which manifestly 
opposes itself to the possibility of such a parliamentary 

' But let us, to indulge his passion for projects and 
power, suppose the happy time arrived, when the 
author comes into the ministry, and is to realize 
his speculations. The writs are issued for electing 
members for America and the West Indies. Some 
provinces receive them in six weeks, some in ten, 
some in twenty. A vessel may be lost, and then 
some provinces may not receive them at all. But 
let it be, that they all receive them at once, and in 
the shortest time. A proper space must be given for 
proclamation and for the election ; some weeks at 
least. But the members are chosen ; and, if ships are 
ready to sail, in about six more they arrive in London. 
In the mean time the parliament has sat and business 
far advanced without American representatives. Nay, 
by this time, it may happen, that the parliament is 
dissolved and then the members ship themselves 
again, to be again elected. The writs may arrive in 

America, before the poor members of a parliament in 

2 a 


CHAP, which they never sat can arrive at their several 
provinces. A new interest is formed, and they find 
other members are chosen whilst they are on the high 
seas. But, if the writs and members arrive together, 
here is at best a new trial of skill amongst the 
candidates, after one set of them have well aired 
themselves with their two voyages of 6,000 miles. 

' However, in order to facilitate every thing to the 
author, we will suppose them all once more elected, 
and steering again to Old England, with a good heart, 
and a fair westerly wind in their stem. On their 
arrival, they find all in a hurry and bustle ; in and 
out ; condolence and congratulation ; the crown is 
demised. Another parliament is to be called. Away 
back to America again on a fourth voyage, and to a 
third election. Does the author mean to make our 
kings as immortal in their personal as in their politic 
character ? or, whilst he bountifully adds to their life, 
will he take from them their prerogative of dissolving 
parliaments, in favor of the American union ? or are 
the American representatives to be perpetual, and to 
feel neither demises of the crown, nor dissolutions of 
parliament ? 

* But these things may be granted to him, without 
bringing him much nearer to his point. What does 
he think of re-election ? is the American member the 
only one who is not to take a place, or the only one 
to be exempted from the ceremony of re-election ? 
How will this great politician preserve the rights of 
electors, the fairness of returns, and the privilege of 
the House of Commons, as the sole judge of such con- 
tests ? It would undoubtedly be a glorious sight to 
have eight or ten petitions, or double returns, from 
Boston and Barbadoes, from Philadelphia and Jamaica, 
the members returned, and the petitioners, with all 
their train of attomies, solicitors, mayors, select men, 
provost marshals, and above five hundred or a thousand 


witnesses, come to the bar of the House of Commons, chap. 
Possibly we might be interrupted in the enjoyment 
of this pleasing spectacle, if a war should break out, 
and our constitutional fleet, loaded with members of 
parliament, returning ofiicers, petitions, and witnesses, 
the electors and elected, should become a prize to the 
French or Spaniards, and be conveyed to Carthagena 
or to La Vera Cruz, and from thence perhaps to 
Mexico or Lima, there to remain until a cartel for 
members of parliament can be settled, or until the 
war is ended. 

' In truth, the author has little studied this busi- 
ness ; or he might have known, that some of the most 
consideralble provinces of America, such, for instance, as 
Connecticut and Massachusetts Bay, have not in each 
of them two men who can afford, at a distance from 
their estates, to spend a thousand pounds a year. 
How can these provinces be represented at West- 
minster? If their province pays them, they are 
American agents, with salaries, and not independent 
members of parliament. It is true, that formerly in 
England members had salaries from their constituents ; 
but they all had salaries, and- were all, in this way, 
upon a par. If these American representatives have 
no salaries, then they must add to the list of our 
pensioners and dependents at court, or they must 
starve. There is no alternative. 

* Enough of this visionary union ; in which much 
extravagance appears without any fancy, and the 
judgment is shocked without anything to refresh the 
imagination. It looks as if the author had dropped 
down from the moon, without any knowledge of the 
general nature of this globe, of the general nature of 
its inhabitants, without the least acquaintance with 
the affairs of this country. Governor Pownall has 
handled the same subject. To do him justice, he 
treats it upon far more rational principles of specula- 




real objec- 
tion to 
ation fear 
that it 
leaid to 
in the 
House of 

tion ; and much more like a man of business. He 
thinks (erroneously, I conceive ; but he does think) 
that our legislative rights are incomplete without such 
a representation. It is no wonder, therefore, that he 
endeavours by every means to obtain it. Not like 
our author, who is always on velvet, he is aware of 
some difficulties ; and he proposes some solutions. 
But nature is too hard for both these . authors ; and 
America is, and ever will be, without actual repre- 
sentation in the House of Commons ; nor will any 
minister be wild enough even to propose such a repre- 
sentation in parliament ; however he may choose to 
throw out that project, together with others equally 
far from his real opinions, and remote from his 
designs, merely to fall in with diflferent views, 
and captivate the affections, of different sorts of 


> 1 

The whole passage is a warning against the 
dangers of eloquence. Nothing is easier for a man 
with the gift of words than to pour ridicule on a 
constructive proposal he dislikes. The ridicule once 
uttered, he drifts with fatal facility into the belief 
that it constitutes the- real ground of his objection. 
The true motive at the bottom of his mind may 
be gathered from a letter written about December 
1779 to thank Maseres, the Attorney -General of 
Canada, for a copy of the Canadian Freeholder^ 
a pamphlet answering Burke's arguments against 
colonial representation in the Imperial Parliament. 
' I confess,' wrote Burke, * I still feel in my mind 
many objections to the representation you propose. 
To make it at all practicable, you are obliged, when 
you come to seat American representatives, to alter 
exceedingly the tenure and terms on which the 
present members sit. I believe many more altera- 
tions, and some fundamental, would be necessary 

1 Burke, Wm-ks, vol. ii. pp. 136-143. 


on such an occasion.'^ What he dreaded was, in chap. 


plain words, the reform of Parliament, which the ^„^^,^^,.^^^ 
younger Pitt might have carried before the century 
was closed if the crisis of the French Revolution had 
not postponed its accomplishment till 1832. 

Had Burke exerted his influence to overcome Difficulty 
instead of to justify the conservatism of the British rejecting 
Parliament, a pedestrian statesman like Grenville J^^^t-^ 
might have been encouraffed to propose, and Parlia- ation had 

' one been 

ment have been persuaded to accept, such a measure made, 
as would have robbed of all its strength the case 
which the extremists were urging in America. Those of 
them like Adams, who consciously desired separation, 
were the merest handful. A substantial minority, as 
the event proved, were ready to risk their lives and 
fortunes rather than surrender their status as citizens 
in the British Commonwealth. Others, like Washing- 
ton himself, were pushed step by step into active 
resistance, because, to men jealous of liberty, no 
other exit from the position was opened. A frank 
invitation to send representatives would have opened 
such an exit, and until it had been tried and had 
failed, Washington and others who thought with 
him were not the kind of men to resort to violent 
solutions. Such an invitation is very difficult to 
refuse, as Scottish constituencies had found in the 
time of Queen Anne. But the most significant fact 
of all was the frenzy of apprehension betrayed by 
Adams and others who desired separation, whenever 
the proposal was mentioned. The colonies found no 
difficulty in sending agents to London; and what 
right had any one to assume that in America no 
candidates would be found to offer themselves for 
election, or that the constituencies would simply 
ignore the summons to return them ? 

* Burke's Correspondence, edited by the Earl Fitzwilliam, 1844, vol. ii. 
p.' 310. 


CHAP. It is worth considering what the result might have 

^^^7^ been if the first proposals to tax America for 
Common American purposes had been raised in a Parliament 
diacuBsion ^j^^^j^ included Americans. Apart from a few fire- 
probiem brands, the colonists merely desired to resume their 

m Parlia- ' •' . , . 

ment old freedom from all but purely colonial taxation. 
hive Even in 1773, the Massachusetts Assembly simply 
th^^y asked to be restored to the situation they were in 
^tobUsh ^^^^^^ ^^^ Stamp Act.^ The people at large were not 
ment of a in a position to grasp the reality of intercolonial 
Govern- nccds, or to scc that those needs must be paid for by 
America, somc onc. lu a couutry where the orators all took 
one side and no one was responsible for putting 
the other, it is not to be wondered at that many 
should have thought that the British were attempt- 
ing to tax Americans for the benefit of Britain. Few 
realized that the continuance of the existing situa- 
tion meant saddling the British taxpayer with the cost 
of American administration. Americans never saw 
themselves as the British saw them. No more was 
the gross outrage on colonial sentiment involved by 
the Stamp Act realized in Britain. Each party knew 
that the position adopted by the other was an 
impossible one, but neither recognized the impossible 
nature of its own. Repeated discussion in a public 
assembly by representatives of both sides could 
scarcely have failed to reveal to some of them the 
weakness of their own case. The specious theories of 
the commercial system, which enabled the Americans 
to argue as though Britain were under contract to 
furnish military defence, local as well as general, 
could scarcely have stood the ordeal of public debate. 
The old colonial system, with its underlying principle 
of contract, would never have survived so long had 
it been exposed to discussion in a Parliament which 
included spokesmen for all the communities which it 

^ Lecky, History of Engla7id in the Eighteenth Century ^ vol. iv. p. 160. 


purported to connect. Face to face with ministers chap 
in Parliament American representatives would have ^^^.^^^^^^ 
realized in time that the only Government which 
could act for America as a whole was compelled to 
grapple with the Indian problem, was compelled 
therefore to maintain expensive forces, and would ere 
long be compelled to pass laws regulating the relations 
of settlers and natives. Other intercolonial problems, 
such as boundary disputes, would have been forced on 
their notice, and they might gradually have realized 
the cKistence of American interests which lay beyond 
the scope of the colonial assemblies. They might 
also have seen the inconvenience of settling them in 
Britain and have recognized the necessity of an inter- 
colonial Government, through which Americans might 
dispose of such matters for themselves. By inter- 
course with colonial colleagues British members might 
have seen the wisdom of leaving American as well as 
colonial aflfairs to be controlled in America. Their 
American colleagues might have seen that, if 
Americans must manage American affairs, they must 
likewise meet the cost for themselves. 

An American Government once established, the Theinsti- 
process of discovering and defining the line which Dom^ion* 
divides Dominion from Imperial responsibilities would Govern- 
have begun — the process afterwards initiated with America 
the institution of responsible government in Canada. havJ ^ 
Not without a long struggle, doubtless, but yet ^^^£rt. 
without schism or bloodshed, the British Common- antdis- 
wealth might have arrived at the momentous discovery that the 
that in a state distinguished from all others by the taSffis^in^ 
fact that it exists to unite in one organic whole, not cJ)^^on.^ 
merely different classes mixed together, nor different wealth 
races living side by side within the circle of one ftinction 
frontier, but different levels of civilization and different toSfe 
communities separated by oceans — that in such a ^oTtoth"' 
unique state the control of trade is a function proper imperial, 

* *■ authority. 


CHAP, rather to the territorial parts than to the whole. 


The control of fiscal relations in a world -state is 
a territorial, not an Imperial function. The question 
is one, not of right, but of necessity and of good 
government. The experience of the British Common- 
wealth may surely be taken to have proved that 
each Dominion must shape for itself the structure of 
its own society through its own Goverument. The 
physical conditions of the United Kingdom, of Canada, 
of Australia, of New Zealand, and of South Africa 
all differ, and all therefore demand the development 
of corresponding differences in the societies inhabiting 
them. No central Government could have the know- 
ledge, nor, if it had the knowledge, the time, to adapt 
the framework of these widely sundered communities 
each to their local environment. It is the essential 
quality of freedom, which means power of self-adapta- 
tion to circumstance, that each part should be left to 
do this for itself. The condition of its power to do 
so is that each territorial community should acquire 
an organic Government adequate for the purpose. 
Such a Government has now been acquired by every 
Dominion. The title of each Dominion to control its 
own internal system of communications, its railways, 
its canals, is simply based on the fact that it, and it 
alone, can control them with effect. It is only 
necessary to imagine that such control had been 
finally left to colonial or provincial assemblies, or 
that an attempt had been made to vest it in the 
hands of an Imperial Government, however representa- 
tive, to see that this is so. The same considerations 
apply to tariffs. The creation of Dominion Govern- 
ments was largely due to the economic paralysis 
caused by leaving the control of tariffs in the hands 
of provincial and colonial governments. The attempt 
of the revolted American colonies to control tariffs 
led them to the brink of an internecine war on the 


morrow of their struggle with Great Britain. But it chap. 
is safe to say that any attempt on the part of an 
Imperial Government to frame a system of tariffs for 
all its widely sundered communities would produce 
evils far worse than a similar attempt to control 
the development of their railways from the centre. 

It is happily a matter not now in dispute between 
any parties in any part of the Empire that each self- 
governing unit must retain a final and absolute con- 
trol of its own fiscal system. This general agreement 
is not in the least affected by the rise in the last 
decade of a school which urges that each Dominion 
Government should, in framing their tariffs, accord 
preferences to each other of their .own fi:ee wilL 
Neither in the Dominions nor in the United Kingdom 
has any recognized party advocated the transfer to 
any central legislature of the ultimate power to 
modify tariffs. It has long been the accepted policy 
of the British Government to cancel any provisions 
in treaties operating in restraint of the absolute 
control of its own exports and imports accorded to 
a Dominion Government. The principle that the 
trade relations of self-governing communities must, in 
the interests of all, be controlled by each for itself is 
no longer in dispute, and it is safe to predict that it 
never will be. What is now so clear was exceedingly 
obscure in the middle of the eighteenth century, 
before the experience which has made it obvious had 
been gained. But if once there had been established 
in America a Dominion authority competent to handle 
the Indian and other intercolonial questions, it is not 
too much to suppose that the absolute necessity of leav- 
ing it to control the trade of America would in time 
have been felt. To have effected the change would, 
as- in the case of Canada, have required a struggle, 
but it is at least possible that the struggle, as in 
Canada, would have been bloodless and constitutional. 





of an 
the agency 
of a repre- 
ment a 



of their 
in an 
would in 
time have 

to the 
of the 

It is idle to suggest that, had Grenville been 
content to wait, the colonial assemblies would them- 
selves have evolved a plan for an American Govern- 
ment. Their reception of the Albany proposals and 
their whole conduct in the two wars with France 
and Britain point directly to the opposite conclusion. 
The public opinion which eventually overruled them 
and called into being the Government of the United 
States was the fruit of a tremendous experience. 
So also was the authority of ^ Washington, whose 
patriotism public opinion had learned to trust. 
Elective assemblies are as jealous of their own 
personal authority as hereditary princes, for like 
princes they are just creatures of clay. So long 
as governments are composed of men, so long will 
those men have interests of their own distinct from 
those of the people they govern, and liable therefore 
to deflect and narrow their judgment. To create 
an American Government it would have been 
necessary to evoke the legislative authority of the 
Imperial Parliament, as urged by Franklin in 1754 ; 
but a measure enacted with the approval of the 
American representatives in that Parliament would 
scarcely have led to armed resistance. 

Gradually the habit would have been formed of 
accepting the decisions of the Imperial legislature 
as final, and the necessity of an Imperial legislature 
would have been realized. With their representatives 
in that body the colonists would have developed the 
same sense of responsibility for the Commonwealth 
as their fellow-citizens in the British Isles. The 
duty of keeping the whole inviolate would have 
become just as sacred in their eyes. Any policy 
directed to that end would have been theirs no less 
than that of the British people, and must inevitably 
have associated them with the conduct of East Indian 
affairs, always inseparable from that of foreign affairs. 


Thus they would have been brought with their fellow- chap. 
citizens in Britain into touch with the widest of all 
civilized functions, that of maintaining in contact 
without conflict the East and the West. They would 
then have shared in the titanic burden of holding 
in equilibrium the diverse elements of the human 

On both sides of the Atlantic the theory that The offer 
the schism of the Commonwealth was foreordained seDtetion 
has acquired the authority of a creed. According to °^e/ded*no 
historians the business of statesmen was to recognize wore© con- 
this, and to have seen to it that the independence than 
of America was consummated with bows instead of the^^ 
with blows. They are some of them concerned to J^^™p^ 

J to enforce 

adjudicate the exact measure of blame due to each taxation 
for an issue less fertile in glory than in bloodshed repesent- 
and bitterness. That task will not be attempted **^^'^' 
here. What has been, has been, and God Himself 
cannot change the past. But since to mere human 
intelligence has been given the power to mould the 
future, the purpose of the present inquiry is to 
examine what dead men ought to have done, only 
as a clue to discovering what living men, and men 
yet to live, are called upon to do. This at least is 
clear, that a policy of opportunism availed the 
Commonwealth but little at the crisis of its fate. 
No worse consequences could have befallen if Gren- 
ville had had the genius to see that in such a crisis 
the only safety lay in recognizing and applying the 
principles vital to its existence. The only possible 
path to a solution at once final and peaceful was to 
persuade Parliament to open its doors to the colonists 
before it attempted to assert its legal powers of taxa- 
tion, and that path was never attempted. To have 
done so, indeed, would have needed the genius of 
a Pitt. Neither Grenville nor those who followed 
him had that genius. They did not see, as English 


CHAP, statesmen who faced and solved the Scottish problem 
^^^..^^^^^^ in 1707 had seen, that a constitutional operation, an 
act of political surgery, alone could avail to forestall 
the bursting of blood-vessels, or the ultimate dis- 
ruption of the body politic. Few in America and 
scarcely any one in Britain realized that a crisis 
impended, and the colonial assemblies having failed 
to advance an alternative proposal, the Stamp Act 
1764. was passed. 

From that moment onwards the game was thrown 
The stamp iuto the hauds of the small but ardent minority 
gave^ ^^^ whose couscious purpose it was to destroy the authority 
force to the ^^ *^® Imperial Government in America. If Hamp- 
Revoiu- den was right in refusing to pay ship money, despite 
secured the fact that the public safety demanded the main- 
support of tenance of a navy, the Americans were right in resist- 
WMhS^- ^^S ^^^ principle of the Stamp Act. The motive 
ton. which actuated most of the colonists in their resist- 

ance was, however, not the motive which actuated 
Hampden. It was the reluctance of the colonists to 
assume obligations which were really theirs, born of a 
system which had never compelled them to see that 
these burdens were not only theirs, but vital to their 
existence. Under the commercial system the political 
conscience of America had become dormant ; but it 
was not dead, and it is hard indeed to imagine Wash- 
ington and Hamilton and men like them, upon whom 
the ultimate success of the movement depended, 
justifying so sordid a motive for opposing the 
Imperial Government. The Stamp Act elevated 
what would otherwise have been the meanest of 
causes almost into a religious duty. The colonists 
would have been untrue to all that was best in their 
English tradition had they admitted the principle 
that a Parliament, while failing to open its doors to 
them, could assert the right to be master of their 


One wholesome effect the Act had. For the first chap. 
time it called into being a body which could in some s^.,.,,^.,,^ 
sort think even if it could not act for the colonies as The 
a whole. Nine states sent representatives to a Con- congress^ 
gress at New York, which drew up the case for the J^l^^^^ 
colonies in a statement of marked ability. They wMthe 
acknowledged not only that allegiance was due to the towards 
Crown, but likewise 'all due subordination to that unity!^^ 
august body, the Parliament of Gt. Britain.' They 17^4 
maintained, however, * that it is inseparably es^ential 
to the freedom of a people, and the undoubted right 
of Englishmen, that no taxes be imposed on them 
but with their own consent, given personally or by 
their representatives/ ' 

It was in the nature of things that assemblies so Methods 
essentially local in their capacity as those of the the^ ^^ 
colonies should have attracted to their ranks a class co^itted 
ofpoliticianespeciallyprone to particularism. The type j he major- 
is seen at its best in the character of Samuel Adams, resistance. 
* His strength lay in his vehemence, his total inability 
to see more than one side of any question, and still 
more in his subtle influence upon the Boston town 
meeting, upon committees, and in private conclaves 
. . . No view of the Revolution could be just which 
does not recognize the fact that in no colony was 
there a large majority in favor of resistance, and in 
some the patriots were undoubtedly in a minority. 
The movement, started by a few seceders, carried with 
it a large body of men who were sincerely convinced 
that the British government was tyrannical. The 
majorities thus formed, silenced the minority, some- 
times by mere intimidation, sometimes by ostracism, 
often by flagrant violence. One kind of pressure was 
felt by old George Watson of Plymouth, bending his 
bald head over his cane as his neighbors one by one 
left the church in which he sat, because they would 

^ Lecky, History of England in the Eighteenth Century, voL iv. p. 80. 


CHAP, not associate with a ''mandamus councillor." A 


— ^_ different argument was employed on Judge James 
Smith of New York, in his coat of tar and feathers, 
the central figure of a shameful procession. 

' Another reason for the sudden strength shown by 

the Revolutionary movement was that the patriots 

were organized, and the friends of the established 

government did not know their own strength. The 

agent of British influence in almost every colony was 

the governor. In 1775 the governors were all driven 

out. There was no centre of resistance about which 

the loyalists could gather. The patriots had seized 

the reins of government before their opponents fairly 

understood that they had been dropped.' ^ 

Anxiety Jcalousy of the Imperial authority was far more 

t^t' intense in the asBemblies than amongst the people at 

suppreae^ large, and the first and dearest concern of these poli- 

deuiandB ticians was to scotch any movement, such as that 

for repre- ^ «' ' 

sentation which Franklin and Otis had approved, towards 

Imperial representation in the Imperial Parliament. Otis was 

ment ^^^ ^f ^^^ three delegates sent by the Massachusetts 

^^®^^ . Assembly to the Stamp Act Congress. But he was 

success in •' ^ ^ 

doing 80. bound by their instructions ' not to urge or consent 
to any proposal for any representation if such be 
made in congress.' The destructive influence of 
Samuel Adams had already prevailed against the con- 
structive counsels of Otis, and indeed with Otis him- 
self. The Stamp Act Congress endorsed the attitude 
of the Massachusetts Assembly and declared * that the 
people of these colonies are not, and from their local 
circumstances cannot be represented in the House of 
Commons in Great Britain.' The resolution was 
repeated by the colonial assemblies like the chorus of 
a Greek tragedy, to be iterated down the centuries 
with the monotony of a parrot cry. Within three 
years it was so generally admitted as an axiom that 

1 Hart, FamuUian of the Union, 1750-^18^9, pp. 57, 64-6. 


the colonies could not be represented in London, that chap. 
the Massachusetts Assembly were able to deduce the 
desired conclusion that therefore Parliament could 
not tax the Americans. Nay more, such taxation 
without consent, * grievous as it is, would be prefer- 
able to any representation that could be admitted for 
them there.' 

When the Albany Congress was convened on the 1754. 
eve of the Seven Years' War, ministers had come British 
within an ace of perceiving that an American Union SsjSred 
was the key to the problem. The conceptions, how- c^^^ei-ciai 
ever, which underlay the commercial system were system 

iiTfc''i !•• 1 opposed to 

strong enough to lead JDritisn statesmanship m the American 
opposite direction. Its maxims, which taught that ^^^^^' 
colonies were to be united to the mother country by a 
mere calculation of convenience, pointed clearly to the 
wisdom of keeping the colonies weakened by their 
divisions and dependent on the sheltering arm of the 
Imperial Government. Burke himself was unable to 
escape the blighting influence of the prevalent creed ; 
and, writing in 1769, he speaks of the Great Empire 
which * we have to rule, composed of a vast mass of 
heterogeneous governments ... all to be kept in 
peace and out of conspiracy with one another, all to 
be held in subordination to this country.' ^ On the 
lips of Louis XIV. such words would have been 
thoroughly appropriate, for to seek security in the 
divisions of their subjects is a motive natural to 
despots. From the rulers of a commonwealth such 
language is a sign that they are getting adrift 
of principles vital to its structure and growth. If 
once their policy is vitiated by the fallacy that in- 
terest rather than duty is to be relied upon as the 
ultimate bond of society, their maxims and methods 
will begin to resemble those of a despotism. From i763. 

^ Burke, Observations on a late Fiiblicationj intituled^ the Present State of the 


CHAP, the close of the Seven Years' War the desire to 

^^^^.^^^^^ keep colonies divided became the conscious motive 

of British policy. 

Loyalist As Hoticed already, the dogma that representation 

inverting ^^ *h® colonics in the Imperial Parliament was physic- 

into^T* ^^^y impossible had been accepted in America even by 

American thosc who most dcsircd to avoid a rupture with 

ment Britain. The depth and sincerity of their loyalty to 

bySe *^^ Commonwealth prompted them, however, to 

indiflFer- work at the eleventli hour for an American Union as 

ence of 

British the one chance of avoiding a rupture. The habit now 
"JSte" formed of meeting in Congress was a step in that 
Ameri^cM ^ direction, and Galloway, the loyalist leader, evolved 
extremists, fche idea of converting Congress into an American 
Government under a British Viceroy. The scheme 
submitted by him to the first continental Congress in 
1774. 1774 was closely modelled on that put forward in 
Albany twenty years before, except that it explicitly 
made the Acts of the American legislature subject to 
endorsement by the British Parliament, an arrange- 
ment which could scarcely have been maintained in 
practice. It was this feature, perhaps, which facili- 
tated its ultimate defeat at the hands of the extremists, 
who, wanting not a settlement but a rupture with 
Britain, were determined to frustrate Galloway's 
proposal. In England opinion was at length develop- 
ing in favour of such a plan as the one remaining 
chance of avoiding a rupture, but it was not strong 
enough to oblige ministers to support the loyalist 
proposal. Congress received it favourably at first, 
and referred it to a committee for report. The 
opposition, however, led by representatives from 
Massachusetts and Virginia, were able to secure, first, 
the rescission of this ' formidable motion ' by a 
small minority, and presently its erasure from the 
minutes of the conference. The extremists had 
defeated a proposal which might have rendered 


America governable within the limits of the British chap. 


Commonwealth. Whether her people were ultimately 
to cut themselves off and to form an independent 
state, or whether they were to shaire with those of 
Britain the vast responsibilities which were crowding 
upon the original Commonwealth, was a question 
which, as in the case of the Dominions at the present 
day, would then have been suspended for future solu- 
tion. Galloway's motion would have disentangled 
two interrelated but yet perfectly distinct problems, 
that of the government of America and that of 
America's connection with Britain. Its defeat left 
them hopelessly mixed, and by securing its rejection 
the extremists in America closed the last avenue by 
which a peaceful and constitutional settlement might 
have been reached. In Britain the statesmanship 
which guided the destinies of the Commonwealth was 
that of laths painted to look like steel, which resist 
only to break, and break only to lacerate with 
splinters the hands that press them. To them the 
extremists in America owed their ultimate success in 
overcoming the profound disinclination of the majority 
to an armed conflict. 

So feeble, indeed, was the executive machinery of To begin 
the British Government that it was unable to collect colonists 
the taxes imposed by the Stamp Act ' in the face of ^^^ ^^^^ 

*• , '' * supporters 

opposition, and in 1766, Grenville having fallen, the inEngiand 
Act was repealed. To save its face, however, Farlia- the 
ment passed an Act declaring its own right to make ^t?on^® 
laws binding the colonies. The real obiection to the ^^\, 

. . •* Parliament 

Stamp Act was, that it violated the principle that a is excluded 
people fit to govern themselves must have a voice in the^nghT 
all taxes levied upon them. But the opponents of twatfo™*^ 
the Act were faced by the fact that the colonies had i"^^? 
under the commercial system always acquiesced in 
the payment of taxes which, though insignificant in 
amount, were imposed by a British Act of Parliament. 

2 B 


CHAP. With the instinct of their race to distmst principles 
and rely on precedents, the opposition in Britain as 
well as in America at first took their stand on the 
ground that, while Parliament might regulate the 
customs, inland revenue, as the Treasury would now 
term it, was the preserve of the ' colonial assemblies. 
Their champion in the House of Commons took his 
stand upon distinctions which were no less artificial. 
' Pitt, illogically and unscientifically, maintained that 
Parliament's absolute legislative authority over the 
colonies did not include the power of taxation.' * But 
events were soon to teach both parties that either 
Parliament or the colonial assemblies must be recog- 
nized as absolute in America. It was not in the 
nature of sovereignty that it could be divided 
between them both. 
Towns- Pitt's return to power in 1766 as Earl of Chatham 

did not improve matters, since in 1767 he became too 
raising ^j ^^ attend to business, and the reins of government 
from the fell iQto the hands of Charles Townshend, the Chan- 
o^terJS ^ cellor of the Exchequer. By this time the British 
taxation. Qovemmcnt were in direct collision with two of the 
^^^^' colonial assemblies over the Mutiny Act, which 
required the colonists to furnish the English troops 
with some of the first necessaries of life. Boston 
disputed this obligation at every point, and New York 
positively refused to obey. The ultimate issue, the 
question where sovereignty lay, was rapidly being 
forced to the front. Townshend determined to assert 
the authority of the British Government in America, 
and introduced a series of measures to give effect to 
his policy. By one, the governor was forbidden to 
give his sanction to any law passed by the New York 
Assembly till the terms of the Mutiny Act had been 
complied with in that colony. By another, a board of 
commissioners was established in America with largely 

1 Boer, Briti$h CoUmial Policy, 176Jhl765, p. 307. 

for raisii 


extended powers for administering the laws relating chap. 
to trade. In Townshend's view the distinction ^^ 
between internal and external taxation, upon which 
the colonies had laid such stress and which Chatham 
himself had approved, was worthless. Townshend's 
proposal, however, was to take the colonists at their 
word and to raise the revenues necessary for colonial 
defence by additional duties upon glass, red and white 
lead, painters' colours, paper, and tea imported into 
the colonies. 

The Stamp Act was the first serious attempt by The prin- 
Parliament to encroach upon the internal revenues ^vereignty 
of which the colonists were accustomed to dispose ^e^^^er 
for themselves through their own assemblies. Until to tax 

I'll! •! reoognized 

recent years the customs duties had been too easily and 
and too freely evaded to be felt, and there was ^Tp^- 
nothing to counteract the growth of l^e idea, which ^^^^ 
had long been a habit of mind with the colonists, 
that no authority was entitled to tax them but the . 
local assembly responsible to themselves. It is a 
commonplace of history that the Crown, once de- 
prived of the right to levy taxation without the 
consent of Parliament, could not continue as the 
mainspring of government. Sooner or later sove- 
reignty must be recognized to have passed to the 
organ wherein the actual power of taxation lies. 
Parliament was now to learn the unpalatable truth 
that the principle is no less true in the case of 
assemblies than it had been in the case of monarchs. 
But a few years of bitter experience were needed 
to teach the Americans themselves that ' power with- 
out revenue, in political society, is a name.*^ In 
whatever organ of the state there exists an effective 
power of taxation, there sovereignty will be found to 

Townshend, recognizing the vital importance of 

^ Alexander Hamilton, Works^ vol. i. p. 262. 


CHAP, the question at stake, resolved to put it to the test. 
^^^^^.^^^^^ The revenue anticipated from the measures he pro- 
Towns- posed amounted to less than £40,000 per annum, 
r^oive to *i^d was to be employed in paying the salaries! of the 
to^an '^^u governors and judges in America, the surplue, if any, 
endorsed to ffo towards the cost of colonial defence. Certain 

by Parlia- 

ment. Tcmissions of duty were granted to the colonies at 
Jf^Le^g-^ the same time. Townshend's policy was accepted by 
ton the Parliament, and henceforward the real issue at stake 

result. ' 

was whether the experience and will of its own 
inhabitants or those of Britain were to determine the 
destinies of America. The possibility that the safety 
of Britain and America might still be treated as a 
common interest to be controlled by the common will 
of the inhabitants of both countries faded from the 

1774. view of either party. On September 5, 1774, the 
delegates of twelve colonial assemblies met in Con- 
gress at Philadelphia. ^"Th« die is now cast, the 
colonies must either submit or triumph," were the 

1775. words of George III.' * On April 19, 1775, hostilities 
broke out at the battle of Lexington. But it is an 
error to suppose that the Americans were in any 
sense united in opposition to the claims of Britain. 
' The more closely the correspondence of the time is 
examined the more evident it will appear that, in the 
middle colonies at least, those who- really desired to 
throw off the English rule were a small and not very 
respectable minority. The great mass were indif- 
ferent, half-hearted, engrossed with their private 
interests or occupations, prepared to risk nothing till 
they could clearly foresee the issue pf the contest. 
In almost every part of the States — even in New 
England itself- — ^there were large bodies of devoted 
loyalists.' ^ 

^j^Lecky, History of £higland in the EighUenih Century^ vol. iv. p. 176. { 
^ Ibid. pp. 380-1. On this wholejsubject see Note I at end of this chapter, 
pp. 415-17. 


Fifteen months of civil war had elapsed before ohap. 
OongresB could be brought to call on tke colonists ..^^^^^ 
to renounce for ever their citizenship in the British UnwiUmg- 
Commonwealth. * Even after tke enlistment of c-^n^sts ^ 
foreign mercenaries by Grreat Britain, the diflGLculty ^gi^/u^^. 
of carrying the Declaration was very great. As late pendence. 
as March 1776, John Adams, who was the chief rendered 
advocate of the measure, described the terror and STolSer^to 
disgust with which it was regarded by a large section ^^jj^^^g® 
of the Congress.'^ Itb leaders, however, now saw of France. 
that without foreign support the colonies would 
infallibly be crushed, and turned to their old enemy, 
France. But France had no possible interest in 
supporting them unitil they were pledged to the 
dismemberment of the Briitish C!ommonwealth, and 
on July 4, 1776, Congress nerved themselves to issue i776. 
ihe Declaration of Independence. 

The step was taken just in time to revive the -The 

/»•!• • /•iiA • tj^ j_i success 

laiimg energies of the Amerix^ans and to secure the t^the 
active intervention of France, without which, as ^^Ty m^e 
Lecky has shown, the revolt would have failed, possible 
A large mmon,ty detested the revolution. A large help. 
majority were perfectly indifferent to it, or were at 
least unwiUing to make any sacrifice for it. Jealousies 
and quarrels, insubordination and corruption, in- 
ordinate pretensions and ungovernable rapacity 
divided and weakened its supporters. The extreme 
difficulty of inducing la sufficient number of soldiers 
to enrol themselves in the army of Washington, the 
difficulty of procuring cannon and gunpowder and 
every kind of military stores, the want of woollen 
clothes and of other important articles of European 
commerce, the ruin, the impoverishment, and the 
confusion that resulted from the enormous deprecia- 
tion of the currency, and finally the impossibility 
of paying for the essential services of the war, made 

^ Lecky, History of England in the MghUen^ CtnUuryj toL iv. pp. 244-5. 


CHAP, it probable that a peace party would soon gain the 
ascendent, and that the colonies would soon be 
reunited to the mother country. 

* If America had been left unaided by Europe this 

would probably have happened. A large proportion 

of the States would almost certainly have dropped 

off, and although the war might have been continued 

for some time in New England and Virginia, it was 

tolerably evident that even there no large amount 

of gratuitous service or real self-sacrifice could be 

expected. Washington himself at one time gravely 

contemplated the possibility of being reduced to 

carry on a guerilla warfare in the back settlements. 

But at this most critical period foreign assistance came 

in to help, and it is not too much to say that it was 

the intervention of France that saved the cause.' ^ 

The iThe British Commonwealth was now divided against 

Buprorted" ite^lfj fl'^d France saw her chance of perpetuating the 

^France, division and of humbling her ancient rival in the 

American dust. Congrcss, howevcr, had found the states scarcely 

claim . 1. .'. ••<• ii 

yielded by more generous m responding to its requisitions than 
Bntam. j-j^^y ^iSi^ been in responding to those of the British 
Grovemment. The resources of the Revolution were 
almost exhausted when France, though still hesitating 
to declare war, began to refresh them with secret 
loans and volunteers. Burgoyne's surrender, however, 
in October 1777 decided her, and in the beginning 
1778. of 1778 she recognized the independence of North 
America, and war W6U3 declared. The English Parlia- 
ment endeavoured to compose the struggle by sur- 
rendering everything for which they had contended. 
An enactment was passed whereby England resigned 
for ever the right to levy taxation in the colonies.^ 
The Americans, however, apart from their obligations 
under the treaty with France, were now determined 

' Lecky, History of England in the Mghteenth Century^ vol. iv. pp. 401-2. 
^ See Note J at end of this chapter, p. 418. 


on independence. Attempts on the part of England ohap. 
to prevent Europe from sending supplies to America ^^^^^..^^..^^ 
had led meanwhile to the armed neutrality of Den- Britain 
mark, Sweden, Eussia, and Holland, and to open war ^iththe^ 
with Holland in 1780. * The aspect of affairs at the SS^^fi^y of 
close of 1780 might indeed well have appalled an Europe 
English statesman. Perfectly isolated in the world, America. 
Engls^nd was confronted by the united arms of France, ence oftlie 
Spain, Holland, and America; while the Northern g^^ 
league threatened her, if not with another war, at acknow- 
least with the annihilation of her most powerful \fg^ " 
weapon of offence. At the same time, in Hindostan, i780. 
Hyder Ali was desolating the Camatic and menacing 
Madras ; and in Ireland the connection was strained 
to its utmost limit, and all real power had passed 
into the hands of a volunteer force which was perfectly 
independent of the Grovernment, and firmly resolved 
to remodel the constitution. At home there was no 
statesman in whom the country had any real con- 
fidence, and the whole ministry was weak, discredited 
and faint-hearted. Twelve millions had been added 
this year to the national debt, and the elements of 
disorder were so strong that London itself had been 
for some days at the mercy of the mob-' ^ 

Opposed by a world in arms Britain lost control 
of the sea, and in 1781 Cornwitllis surrendered to i78i. 
Washington at Yorktown. All parties except the 
King now recognized that further effort was useless, 
and on November 30, 1782, provisional articles of 
peace between England and the United States ended 
the war by conceding the independence of the American 

According to the estimates of Lecky there were The claim 
scarcely less than 100,000 loyalists expelled from the majority 
colonies after the peace.^ The struffirle in fact had to remain 


^ Leoky, Hiitory of Ettgland in the Eighteenih Cmiury, vol. t. pp. 73-4. 
^ Ibid. p. 208. 


CHAP, assumed the character of a civil war between two 

* VI 

minorities, the one determined to destroy, the other 
resolute to preserve the integrity of the Common- 
wealth. The majority, especially of the native-bom 
colonists, were not prepared to risk their lives or 
property for either cause. They were to learn, how- 
ever, that there are issues which do not admit of 
evasion. ' In January (1778) Washington issued a 
proclamation requiring those inhabitants who had 
subscribed to Howe's declaration to come in within 
thirty days and take the oath of allegiance to the 
United States. If they failed to do so they were to 
be treated as enemies. The measure was an eminently 
proper one, and the proclamation was couched in the 
most moderate language. It was impossible to permit 
a large class of persons to exist on the theory that 
they were peaceful American citizens and also subjects 
of King George. The results of such conduct were 
in every way perilous and intolerable, and Washington 
was determined that he would divide the sheep from 
the goats, and know whom he was defending and 
whom attacking.' ^ 

Presently the British commander-in-chief followed 
suit and issued proclamations which rendered neutrality 
impossible.^ The attitude of most of the colonists 
was purely negative. They did not see why they 
should be called upon to pay taxes they had never 
paid in the past, but questions of principle or 
allegiance made no appeal to them. By neglecting 
to ask their counsel and enlist their service the 
Commonwealth had failed to develop in these citizens 
any active aflFection towards itself On the other 
hand, it had never oppressed them, ' for, as Moses Coit 
Tylor has well said, the colonies **made their stand, 
not against tyranny inflicted, but only against tyranny 

^ Lodge, George WiUkvu^ton^ toL i. p. 183. 

* Lecky, History of England in the EigJiteenth Century, vol. v. pp. 21-8. 


anticipated." ' ^ Most men are wanting in the imagin- ohap. 
ation required to make them risk their lives in a ,,^^^^^^,,^^ 
struggle against tyranny until they have actually felt 
it. The one Government which really meant any- 
thing to them was their own colonial assembly, to 
which they sent members and to which they paid 
their few taxes. But it was not imposing enough to 
inspire the average colonist with the kind of devotion 
which • makes a people spring to arms who have not 
felt the sting of actual oppression. Their politicians 
might talk of * these nations/ but some community 
more truly national had to be created before the 
patriotism of the average American could be called 
into being. It was not surprising that the bulk of 
the population should claim the right to stand aside 
and leave the hotheads to settle such abstract ques- 
tions for themselves. 'Why/ they may well have 
asked, * should the question whether they were British 
or American citizens be raised at all, or at any rate 
allowed to disturb the peace ? If theorists must fight 
over it, why should the sober and practical majority 
be dragged into the struggle?' Whether their 
allegiance was due to the British Commonwealth, or 
to their colony, or to the United States of America, 
were abstract questions which they saw no reason to 
raise themselves, or to answer if raised by others. 
They simply desired to be left alone. 

Nothing is easier than for men to reason so who inexorable 
have never been called upon to consider what is the of ti^ 
state to which their final allegiance is due. The ^ 
reasoning would be just if the state were as other 
forms of association. It differs, however, from all of 
them in this, that it puts no limit to the duty which 
it may exact from each of its members. A common- 
wealth no less than an autocracy is, in the last 

^ Litertay HitUry of the Atn, Rev, i. p. 8, quoted by Beer, British 
Colonial Policy, n6Jhl7ii6, p. 290. 



CHAP, analysis, despotic in its claims. It cannot undertake 

s^,^.,^,.^^ to ask men whether they choose to enter or leave its 

service, to keep or lose their wealth, their homes, 

their wives, or their children, to live or to die. What 

it claims from its members is no less than their all ; 

and whenever two states strive for the mastery, that 

claim will be made, and woe to the man who, when 

called upon to answer two such claims, thinks to 

evade both. 

'Tis dangerous when the baser nature conies 
Between the pass and fell incensed points 
Of mighty opposites. 


No true citizenship is possible for men until they 
have chosen the state to which they belong and know 
what they choose, and for those who imagine that 
they can sleep for ever without choosing a rude 
awakening is in store. 



Seepage 'Theory and policy are the direct result of fundamental 

307. social conditions. The present colonial policy of Great Britain 

is largely based on the avowed desirability of finding homes 
within the Empire for British subjects, — "breathing spaces" 
for an expanding population, whose offshoots would otherwise 
be lost to the flag. This idea was alien to the spirit of the old 
Empire. The eighteenth century colonies were not looked 
upon as homes for a surplus population, simply because England 
was not overpopulated. The small population of Great Britain 
in comparison with that of her rival, France, emphasized the 
need for an increase in numbersv Hence, emigration was not 
encouraged, and there was no surer way to condemn a colony 
than to show that it tended to diminish the population of the 
mother country.^ 

^ See, e.g.y Political Considerations (2d ed. London, 1762), p. 52. This 
pamphlet is attributed to James Marriott In the cases of Georgia and Nova 
Scotia, military expediency outweighed this opposition, though in both 
instances the philanthropic motive was also a factor, naturally more so, how- 
ever, on the part of the individuals interested, such as Oglethorpe and Coram, 


'Consequently colonies were esteemed in the main solely OHAP. 
for commercial purposes. The ideal colony was »that which VI 
furnished commodities which Great Britain could not herself 
produce, and which did not in any way compete with the 
industry of the mother country.^ In their economic pursuits, 
mother country and colony were to be mutually complementary ; 
the aim was to create self-sufficient commercial Empire, which, 
while independent of competing European powers, would be 
able to make them economically dependent on it. To this ideal 
type of colony, the West Indies conformed more closely than 
did the continental colonies, with the exception of Georgia, South 
Carolina, Virginia, and Maryland. Newfoundland was merely 
a fishing establishment, and was highly esteemed on account 
of the fishery, which was a nursery of seamen, and hence a 
source of naval strength. The North American colonies between 
Maryland and Nova Scotia were not looked upon with favor, 
as they cctmpeted with the metropolis in a number of industries, 
especially in the production of food-stufiPs, in the fisheries, in the 
ship-building and carrying-trades. At the same time, they had 
but little to export to the mother country, which was still 
largely agricultural. According to this theory of colonization, 
the essential thing was that the colony produced commodities 
that the mother country would otherwise have to buy from 
foreigners. Hence greater stress was laid on colonies as sources 
of supply, than as markets for British manufactures. The im- 
portance of the colony as a market was not entirely ignored, but 
was* regarded as the natural corollary to the more vital fact that 
the colony furnished the mother country with raw materials not 
produced in Great Britain or with tropical products,' * 

than on the part of the government. In the ease of both these colonies, as 
also in general in all the colonies, special efforts were made to build up their 
population by encouraging immigration from continental Europe. See 6 
Geo. II, 0. 25 § vii, and Declared Accounts, Audit Office, Bundle 2131, 
Roll 2 : Sir J. Dick for transporting foreign Protestants from Holland to 
Nova Scotia. 

* Josiah Tucker, in one of his earlier books, "A Brief Essay on the 
Advantages and Disadvantages whicU respectively attend France and Great 
Britain with regard to Trade " (2d ed. London, 1750), pp. 92>95, supported 
this view. To divert the colonies from manufacturing, he favored the policy 
of encouraging them to produoe iron, naval stores, hemp, flax, silk, indigo, 
etc See aUo The Laws and Policy of England Belating to Trade (London, 
1765), pp. 33, 34, wherein it was held that colonies should produce com- 
modities that England could not raise, such as silk, hemp, pitch, tar, rosin, 
turpentine, masts, sugar, tobacco, cotton, rice, and indigo. 

2 Beer, BrUish Colonial Policy, 1764-1766, pp. 133-6. 






See page ' This system, however, did not stand by itselly but was 

^^' integrally connected with that of imperial defence. What 

Patrick Henry called the "original compact between King and 
people, stipuLe^ing protection on the one hand and obedience 
on the other," was not a mere empty formula. The right of 
the mother country to regulate imperial trade» and the general 
manner in which this right was exercised, were justified in the 
eyes of nearly all, whether British or colonial, by the fact that 
through her navy Great Britain protected the colonies in peace 
and in war. Thus, in 1756, in connection with a Massachusetts 
law for enoouraging the manufacture of linen in that colony, the 
Board of Trade wrote to Shirley : " The passing of Laws in 
the Plantations for encouraging Manufactures, which any ways 
interfere with the manufacture of this Kingdom, has always 
been thought improper, & has ever been discouraged. The 
great Expence, which this Country has been and is still at, for 
the defence and Protection of the Colonies, while they on the 
other hand contribute little or nothing to the Taxes with which 
it is burthen'd, gives it a just Claim to restrain them in such 
Attempts." ^ The same idea is also clearly expressed by Arthur 
Dobbs, when writing to the Earl of Halifax that he would do 
his utmost to stop " all such pernicious Illicite Trade Garryed 
on ^ith foreigners to the prejudice of th^ British Trade with 
these Colonies after the Immense Expence and Debt incurred 
in defence of our Civil and Religious 'Rights and liberties and 
future Safety of the Extensive British Empire on this Continent 
and Islands : and therefore the Confinement of our Trade for 
the benefit of Britain against foreigners is a Tribute we ought 
to pay to our protectors." ^ As Dobbs was^an able student of 
economic conditions, and as such had freely criticised on a 
somewhat comprehensive scale certain features *of the systtton, 
his statement is all the more significant. 

* Thus the fact that the mother country afforded protection 
gave an equitable basis to the colonial system, and justified it 
in the eyes of those to whom otherwise it would have appeared 
unfair to the colonies. During the eighteenth century, up to 
the controversies at the beginning of the revolutionary move- 
ment in 1764 and 176.5, the colonies made no complaint against 
the trade laws as a whole. During these two generations there 
were many acute political controversies, but this system did not 

1 B. T. Mass. 84, p. 328. 

« Jan. 14 1764. Am. and W.I. 214. 


figure in them at all.^ The eolonial attitude is well represented OHAP. 
by Franklin, who, in 1754, after enumerating solely those ^I 
r^idations that restricted colonial trade, said : '^ These kind of 
secondary taxes, however, we do not com|dain of, though we 
have no share in the lajdng, or disposing of them/'' As 
Franklin had an intellectual tendency toward those laissez /aire 
ideas that two decades later were embodied in Adam Smith's 
monumental work, this is certainly not a prejudiced statement. 
Similarly, in 1764, James Otis, the leader of the revolutionary 
movement in its earlier phases^ after calling attention to the 
fact that the colonies were "confined in their imports and 
exports, to the good of the metropolis," wrote : ^ Very well, we 
have submitted to this. The act of navigation is a good act, 
so are all that exclude foreign mamifactures from the plantations, 
and every honest man will readily subscribe to them." ^ 

' It should be noted, however, that a Swedish scientist who 
had tmvelled extensively in America, and had carefully observed 
many matters of interest, stated that as a result of the pressure 
of Uiis system, the colonies were less warm to the mother 
country.^ This in itself would not be surprising, as communities 
have always shown a tendency to dwell on the disadvantages 
and to ignore the benefits invtiived in a system of this nature. 
The accuracy of this observation is, however, open to question. 
The validity of the general doctrine that the mother country 
and not foreigners should supply the colonies, "provided the 
Mother Country can & does supply her Plantations with as 
much as they want" was admitted in 1762 by the Virginia 
Committee of Correspondence in a letter to the eolonjr's agent in 
London.^ Furthermore, men enjoying to the full the confidence 

' Naturally, the Molasses Act, as in no sense an integral part of the 
system, is excepted from this statement. 

' Franklin, Writings III, p. 236. 

' James Otis, The Rights of the British Oolonista Asserted and Proved 
(Boston, 1764), pp. 54, 65. Cf. aJao pp. 58, 76. 

* "Genom et 84dant tijckande sker, at Angelska Inwanarena uti Norra 
America &ro mindre warme mot ait Moderland." Kalm, £n Eesa Til Norra 
America (Stockholm, 1756) II, p. 871. As this passage, together with the 
unhistorical habit of regarding past events from the vi&wpoint of a later age, 
has furnished the basis for the cun-ent thesis that the old colonial system, 
as it existed prior to 1768, was the fundamental cause of the American 
Revolution, it is advisable to give the context. After the abore statement, 
Kalm says: "This coldness is kept up by the many foreigners such as 
OermanSf DtUeh^ and FreTieh settled here, and living among the English, who 
commonly have no particular attachment to Old England ; add to this 
Ukewisa that many people can never be contented with their possessions, 
though they be ever so great, and will always be desirous of getting more, 
and of ei\joying the pleasure which arises from changing ; and their over 
great liberty, and their luxury often lead them to licentiousness. *' Travels 
into North America (Warrington, 1770), II, pp. 264, 265. 

* Va. Mag. XI, p. 137. 


CHAP, of the colonies, even farored a more restrictire sygtem than 
VI was the prevailing one. In 1723, Francis Yonge, then the 
agent for South Carolina, and four years prior thereto one of 
the leaders of the revolution in that colony, presented a memorial 
to the Board of Trade, in which he advocated a more stringent 
regulation of colonial trade.^ Similarly, in 1755, William 
BoUan, when agent for Massachusetts, presented to the Board of 
Trade a detailed memorial on the legal defects in the acts of 
trade, with a view to their remedy, and consequently a better 
enforcement of the system as a whole. At the same time he 
advised the placing of all kinds of colonial naval stores in the 
"enumerated list"^ It is also not without some significance 
that Bollan was appointed agent, though he had been the 
prosecuting officer in the colonial Vice-Admiralty Court, and, as 
such, had for years been engaged in punishing violations of 
these laws.^ Similarly, James Otis resigned from this position 
only at as late a date as 1761, in order to attack the use of 
" writs of assistance." There seems to be no adequate reason for 
rejecting Burke's view that during the eighteenth century, prior 
to 1764, the attitude of the colonies toward the system was one 
of acquiescence. " The act of navigation," he said, ^' attended the 
colonies from their infancy, grew with their growth, and 
strengthened with their strength. They were confirmed in 
obedience to it, even more by usage than by law." ^ 

' It would even appear that instead of being a disintegrating 
factor, the system of trade regulation tended to give greater 
cohesion to the Empire. As has been pointed out, British 
policy had never been consistently directed toward creating 
a closely knit political empire. The aim was rather to create 
a self -sufficient economic empire, and, in the main, this result 
had been attained. The West Indian colonies were absolutely 
dependent on the monopoly of the British markets that had been 
accorded to them. Similarly, the prosperity of the continental 
colonies depended, in varying degrees, on the one hand on the 
British markets, or on the other hand on British colonial markets. 
The least dependent colonies were those producing tobacco ; for 
through the long period during which it had enjoyed a monopoly, 
American tobacco had gained a firm hold on the British con- 
sumer. Hence it is not surprising to find that at this time 
there was some objection in Virginia to the " enumeration " of 
its staple crop.^ South Carolina, though absolutely independent 

1 B. T. So. Ca. 1 A 86. 

' B. T. Mass. 74 Hh 51, 52 ; John Ohamberlayne, Magnee Britannitt 
Notitia, part II, p. 59. 

* Lords of the Admiralty to Sir Henry Penrice, April 19, 1742, ordering 
the appointment of Bollan as advocate of the Vice -Admiralty Court in 
Massachusetts. Adm. Sec. Out-Letters, 1054. 

* Burke's Speeches (ed. 1816) I, p. 202. » Bumaby, op, ciL p. 56. 


in 80 far as rice was concerned, relied upon the British bounties CHAP. 
on nayal stores and indigo. North Carolina was similarly VI 
affected by the premiums on tar and pitch. The middle colonies '— -^v^**^ 
and those of New England were especially dependent on those 
other British colonies that in the event of political independence 
would probably not throw in their lot with North America. 
The fisheries, the lumber industry, the provision trade, demanded 
free access to the British West Indies as well as to those of 
foreign nations. Then, only because they were British colonies, 
was the large trade to Newfoundland open to them. To some 
degree also these colonies relied on the naval-store bounties. 
In addition, the prosperity of their ship-building industry 
depended to a great extent on the sale of vessels to Great 
Britain, and on the large carrying-trade between various parts 
of the Empire.' ^ 



'In 1671, the Earl of Sandwich — one of the surviving Seepage 
Cromwellian worthies — put in writing his opinion of the New 812. 
England situation, which was based upon the many sources 
of information open to him as President of the Council for 
Plantations. New England was already at that date, he said, 
a numerous and thriving people and in twenty years was likely 
"to be mighty rich and powerfuU and not at all carefull of 
theire dependance upon old England." As a result, England 
was exposed to the following inconveniences : 1, the loss of 
her exports of manufactures to these colonies — "possibly to 
the value of £50,000 per ann. " — and moreover the likelihood 
of their competing with England in the sale of such goods in 
foreign markets; 2, the dependence of the West Indies upon 
them for provisions and '^all wooden utensills," and the probability 
that they would also furnish those islands with other manu- 
factures "that we doe,'' and so "reape the whole benefitt of 
those colonies ; " their control of the trade in masts and naval 
stores in northern America, whose later development he foresaw. 
Sahdwich realized that it was impossible "to prevent wholly 
theire encrease and arrivall at this power," but he deemed it 
"advisable to hinder theire growth as much as can be." With 
this object in view, he suggested : I, the passage of an Act 
of Parliament prohibiting emigration to the colonies without 
license from the King — "at present 40 or 50 families or more 
goinge yearely thither ; " 2, "to remoove as many people from 
New England to our southern plantations as may be, where 

1 Beer, British Cottmial Policy, 1764-1766, pp. 204-10. 


CHAP, the produce of theire labours will not be oanunodities of the 
yi some nature with old England to out-trade us withalL" 

* Thus, however significant from the standpoint of universal 
history was the colonisation of New England, however vital 
and fundamental a part it played in the transfer of European 
civilisation to the American continent, these communities were 
in the eyes of contemporary statesmen but the unfortunate 
results of misdirected efforts, since in no way did they answer 
t^e national ends of their creation. It would be difficult to 
over- emphasise the influence of New England in the genesis 
of the American Nation, but the Kngliidi government, when 
directing the movement of colonization, did not aim to create 
embryonic national states, but colonies of the plantation type 
or trading and fishing stations, whose commercial and politiod 
welfare would be intimately bound up with that of the 
metropolis. That the outcome was far different from the one 
contemplated is merely one of the innumerable historical instances 
in which forces beyond the foresight of contemporaries in the 
end turned their labors towards an entirely different result 
It was the inexorable force <rf circumstances, not choice, that 
first made England the *' Mother of Nations." The course of 
events in Massachusetts was the most potent factor in forcing 
this unwelcome rdia upon England.' ^ 




See page 'On April 10, 1676, was read before the Lcnrds of Trade a 

^^^' petition from the mercers and silk weavers of London, stating 

that formerly large quantities of silks had been shij^ped from 
England to the colonies, but that in recent years they had been 
supplied by the New England traders with goods imported 
directly from France, Italy, and other foreign countries, "so 
that yo^ pet" send little or none thither, by meanes whereof 
they are many of them totally ruined, others of them greatly 
hurt, and most of them very much prejudiced.'' In addition 
to this illegal importation of silks and stuffs, they asserted that 
the New Englanders furnished the other colonies with brandy, 
wine, oil, and other commodities, all of which by law ought to 
be shipped from En^and and pay customs iSiere, and that the 
total loss to the revenue on these accounts " would amount to 
above sixty thousand pounds per Annum." ^ 

^ Beer, Tfie Old Colonial System^ Part I. vol. ii. pp. 233-5. 
* C. O. 6/908, ff. 106-108 ; 0. 0. 1675-1676, pp. 874, 375. At thia time, 
information was also received that the New ExigUnd traders were implicated 


'Although grossly exaggerated, these statements demanded CHAP, 
further inyestigation, and the Lords of Trade summoned before ^^ 
them a number of men qualified to give information, including 
some who were to be found at the Exchange, " upon the New 
England Walk.*'^ On their appearance before the Lords of 
Trade, some of the New England merchants ''were shie to 
unfold y? mistery thereof, others pretended Ignorance, but the 
most of them declared plainly, how all sorts of goods growing 
in his Ma^'f* other Plantations were brought to New England 
on paym^ of y* duties payable by the Act for going from one 
plantation to another." With these goods, and often also with 
cargoes of logwood,^ they then sailed to all parts of Europe, 
returning with merchandise to the colonies "without euer 
calling at Old England, but when they thought iitt," so that 
wines, brandies and other commodities were sold in the colonies 
for one-fifth less than the English merchants trading according 
to law could afibrd to furnish them. This, they claimed, would 
entirely destroy England's trade to the colonies " and leave no 
sort of dependancy in that place from hence." Thereupon the 
Lords of Trade, thinking it "inconvenient to ravel into any 
of the past miscarriages, but to prevent the mischief in the 
future" resolved: 1, that all the colonial Governors should 
be obliged to take the oaths to obey the Acts of Trade and 
Navigation ; 2, that royal customs officials should be established 
in New England as in the other colonies and, "in case of 
refusall in them to admitt such Officers, that the rest of the 
Plantations should be forbid to allowe them any liberty or 
intercourse of Trade " ; 3, that the captains of the frigates of 
the navy should be instructed to seize and bring in offenders 
" that avoided to come and make their Entries here in England." ' 
But beyond preparing a new form of oath and taking steps to 
see that it was administered to the royal Governors,^ nothing 
further was done, presumably because it was thought advisable 
to await the answer of Massachusetts to the royal letter and 

Randolph's report on his mission.' '^ 

II I  

in the illegal importation of tobacco into Ireland 'which was giving the 
government so much trouble. Cal. Dom. 1676-1677, pp. 586, 587. 

1 C. O. 1675-1676, p. 877. 

' A month after this, Edward Gran field told the Lords of Trade that while 
he was in America ''seventeen sail of New England ships with logwood were 
bound to France whence they bring the commodities of that place to sell in 
the West Indies." 0. 0. 1675-1676, p. 898. 

» C. O. 5/908, ff. 108-110 ; C. 0. 1675-1676, pp. 879, 880. Of. ibid. pp. 
156, 881. 

< 0. O. 824/6, f. 53 ; No. Oa. Ool. Rec. I, pp. 227, 228 ; P. C. Cal, I, pp. 
668, 664 ; C. 0. 1675-1676, pp. 385, 389, 890 ; Cal. Treas. Books, 1676-1679, 
pp. 170, 227. 

* Beer, Tlu Old Colonial SysUm, Part I. vol. ii. pp. 262-4. 



^^^' NOTE E 


See page ' In general, the proBecuting officials greatly preferred to try 

'^^^' seizures in the admiralty courts, as they were much more likely 

to find for the Crown. In cases of this nature,^ they .acted 
without juries, which in the common law courts were prone to 
be over-lenient toward illegal traders. Some of the jurymen 
might be engaged in the same devious pursuits. Moreover, 
the social conscience of the colonies was apt to omit smuggling 
from the list of the crimes. As a result, there was slowly 
developing the opinion that^ in order to secure the effective 
enforcement of the colonial system, it would be necessary to 
establish admiralty courts in sdl the colonies and to give them 
jurisdiction over all breaches of the laws of trade and naviga- 
tion. In 16S0, Sir Henry Morgan^ sent the English govern- 
ment the details of the trial by the Jamaica Admiralty Court 
of a vessel condemned for evading the local revenue laws. 
This verdict was complained of bitterly, and strenuous efforts 
were being made to have it reversed in England.' Morgan 
insisted that the trial had been conducted fairly, and added 
that without the Admiralty Court ''the Acts of Navigation 
cannot be enforced, for it is hard to find unbiassed juries in the 
Plantations for such cases." As an example, he cited the case 
of a vessel that had come directly from Ireland to Jamaica with 
several casks of Irish soap, on account whereof it was seized. 
The case was tried in the common law court, and the jury 
brought in a verdict for the defendant on the evidence of one 
witness, who testified under oath that soap was a foodstuff 
upon which a man could live for a month and that, as it could 
be considered under the category of provisions, it could legally 
be imported directly from Ireland under the Staple Act of 

^ In 1680, in connection with a trial in the Nevis Admiralty Court for 
riot and murder at sea, the Governor, Sir William Stapleton, as Vice- Admiral, 
appointed the Judges, the indictment was made by a grand jury, and the 
prisoner was acquitted by a petty jury. C. 0. 155/1, flF. 1-28 ; 0. 0. 1677- 
1680, pp. 570, 571. 

^ He was Judge of the Jamaica Admiralty Court, but when, at this time, 
as Deputy-Governor, he assumed charge of the government, he appointed 
John White to preside in his place. C. C. 1675-1676, pp. 842-844 ; 0. 0. 
1681-1685, pp. 5, 6. 

» On this case, see 0. C. 1677-1680, pp. 343, 344, 487, 552, 667, 668, 681, 
627, 631, 639 ; P. C. Cal. I, p. 864 ; Brit. Mus., Stowe MSB. 2724, ff. 198, 
200 : C. 0. 138/3, f. 292. 


1663.^ When such fantastic fictions and tortuous evasions^ CHAP, 
could impress a jury, it is not surprising that the imperial ^^^ 
officials placed greater reliance on the admiralty courts. It 
was the futility of attempting to secure a verdict from, a jury 
in even the clearest of cases that ultimately led to the extension 
of the admiralty courts throughout all the colonies. 

* The royal governors, in their position as vice-admirals, and 
the courts established in virtue of the authority thus vested in 
them were the direct agents of the English Admiralty in en- 
forcing the laws of trade. In addition, as has been seen, the 
Admiralty was represented in the colonies by the officers of 
the men-of-war stationed there. Under the Navigation Act of 
1660, it was their duty to seize unfree ships trading to the 
colonies.^ Occasionally in the West Indies such seizures were 
made by them,^ but no especial activity was displayed until the 
'eighties, when the independent course of the New England 
traders threatened to make ineffective the carefully devised 
commercial code/ ^ 




'Instead of exacting the full duties under the law of 1733, Seepage 
the officers of the customs frequently allowed the importation of 
foreign West Indian products on the payment of small sums of 
money which, it appears in some instances, they retained for their' 
own uses. In 1763, in consequence of this abuse, such composi- 
tions for duties were absolutely forbidden. In addition, in some 
instances, the actual appointees to the positions in the customs 
service remained in England, and delegated their functions to 

^ 0. 0. 1677-1680, p. 487. • 

^ In the case of the Eatery which was tried in 1686 in the Nevis Admiralty 
Court for importing candles directly from Ireland, the defence claimed that 
there was *'an adjudged Case in Jameco that Candles Should bee taken as 
provision and the Ship Bringing them acquitted from her Seizure." C. 0. 
1/57, 61 ; ibid, 1/68, 88 i. 

' In 1668, the Council of Trade suggested, among other means for suppress- ' 
ing illegal trade, that directions be given to the ships of the navy and to 
merchant vessels to arrest any ship trading to the colonies contrary to law. 
After looking into the matter, the Privy Council (the King being present) 
declared, early in 1669, that ' ' his Majestys Shippe Of Course " have such 
oommisBions and that, if any merchant ships should desire them, ''upon 
giueing Security (with other usuall formalityes)," the Duke of York was 
authorized to grant them. C. C. 1661-1668, no. 1884 ; ilnd. 1669-1674, p. 6 ; 
P. C. Cal. I, p. 501. 

* See, e.g,, 0. C. 1669-1674, p. 233. 

^ Beer, The Old Colonial Sy^em, Part 1. vol. i. pp. 306-8. 


CHAP, deputies. The Board of Trade had in vain striven against this 
VI vicious system. As the salaries of the customs officers were in 
"^-^ ^v^-^ themselves small, and as they were still further reduced by this 
practice, some of them yielded to the temptation of augmenting 
their income by corrupt means. ^ Thus a number of posts in 
the service had become sinecures. The Commissioners of the 
Customs reported that this was one reason for the small 
revenue arising in the colonies.' ' 


See page [Once again- the indebtedness of the readers of this inquiry should 

318. be expressed to Mr. Q. L. Beer and his publishers for their courtesy in 

allowing Chapters V. and VI. of BrUM Colonial PoUey, 1754-1765,. 

to be appended in full, together with the notes and references.] 



Chap. V. * While events during the war were demonstrating the 

necessity of a more efficient system of defence, the trade of 
the colonies with the enemy directed attention to defects in 
the administration of the laws of trade and to the necessity of 
reforms therein. In accordance with the clearly defined and 
unequivocal principle of British law, all commercial intercourse 
with the enemy was absolutely prohibited in time of war.^ 

* On Sept. 17, 1763, Hutchinson wrote to Richard Jackson: "The real 
cause of the Illicit trade in this province has been the indulgence of the 
officers of the customs, and we are told that the cause of their indulgence has 
been that they are quart-ered upon for more than their legal fees, and that 
without bribery and cdrruption they must starve." Quinoy, op, eU. p. 480. 
Similarly, in 1764, James Otis wrote : *' With regard to a few Dutch imports 
that have made such a noise, the truth is, very little has been or could be 
run, before the apparatus of guardshipe ; for the officers of some ports did 
their duty, while others may have made a monopoly of smuggling, for a few 
of their friends, who probably paid them lai^ contributions ; for it has been 
observed, that a very small office in the customs in America has raised a man 
a fortune sooner than a Government. The truth is, the acts of trade have 
been too often evaded ; but by whom ? Not by the American merchants in 
general, but by some former custom-house officers, their frieinds and partizans. " 
The Rights of the British Colonists Asserted and Proved (Boston, 1764), p. 58. 
In estimating the value of this statement, the controversial character of the 
pamphlet should be taken into account. Similarly, in 1764, an anonymous 
pamphleteer said that the Molasses Act had demoralized the custom -house 
officials, who *'made a very lucrative jobb of shutting their eyes, or at least of 
opening them no farther than their own private interest required." An Essay 
on the Trade of the Northern Colonies (London, 1764), p. 20. See also Howard, 
A Letter from a Gentleman at Halifax, Newport, 1766. 

» Beer, BrUish Colonial Policy, 1754-1766, pp. 281-2. 

' In 1799, in the case of the "Hoop," Sir William Scott, later Lord 
StoweU, said : ' ' There exists such a general rule in the maritime jurisprudence 


Naturally great difficulty has always been encountered in en- CHAP, 
forcing sucb a prohibition, especially when the belligerents VI 
are mutually dependent in their economic interests.^ 

* Throughout the eighteenth century, the British government' 
had found it almost impossible to prevent the English colonies 
from trading with the temporary enemy in America. In the 
War of the Spanish Succession, a large trade was carried on 
Mrith the French and Spanish colonies.^ The trade with Spanish 
America was found so profitable to the Dutch allies that, owing 
to the pressure of the English mercantile classes. Great Britain 
was obliged to legalize it under certain limitations, though not 
waiving the principle involved.^ In the War of the Austrian 
Succession, the commercial relations of the British colonies with 
the French West Indies^ were of so extensive a nature, that 
Admiral Knowles declared they had resulted in the failure of 
English naval operations in the Caribbean Sea.^ 

' The difficulty of putting a stop to this intercourse arose, in 
great degree, from the economic relations existing between the 
French West Indies and the British continental colonies. The 
French islands were not self-sustaining; they devoted their 
energies to the production of sugar, coffee, indigo, and similar 
commodities, and imported a large proportion of their food-stuffs 
from the British colonies. Similarly, French Cape Breton 
depended to some extent also on the English colonies. At the 
same time, Ireland was a large exporter of provisions, especially 
of pork and beef, and it was with supplies purchased in this 
market that French fleets and armies were in part at least pro- 
visioned and the West Indies fed. Thus two great sources of 

of this country, by which all trading with the public enemy, unless with the 
permission of the sovereign, is inteixlicted." Robinson (Philadelphia, 1800) 
I, p. 167, and J. B. Scott, Cases on International Law, pp. 521, 522. See 
F. de Martens, Traits de Droit International (trans, by A. Ldo) III, pp. 200, 
201 ; T. A. Walker, A Manual of Public International Law, p. 121. 

^ Even in so bitter a struggle as the American Civil War, there was 
considerable trade between the belligerents. J. C. Schwab, The Confederate 
States of America, pp. 259-266 ; J. F. Rhodes, History of United States, III, 
pp. 649, 650 ; V, pp. 274, 275. 

'■^ O/.f e.g.f Instructions to the colonial governors. May 2, 1710, and 
Sunderland to Hunter, May 9, 1710. Am. and W.I. 886. 

' Nottingham to the colonial governors, Feb. 23, 1704, and to Board of 
Trade, Feb. 24, 1704. Am. and W.I. 385. C/. Am. and W.I. 1 paasim, and 
Ibid, 6, no. 10. See also 6 Anne c. 87, § xvii. 

* Cf, Am. and W.I. 2, no. 890 ; Ibid, 14, no. 85. 

^ At a hearing before the Board of Trade on Dec. 6, 1750, Admiral Knowles 
said: "Every Captain of his Squadron knows that these North American 
Vessels supplied the French with provisions otherwise he shoiUd certainly have 
taken Martinique. " At one time, he said, there were at Hispaniola 42 British 
colonial veaaels "with fictitious Flags of Truce." B. T. Journals 58. See 
also B. T. Plant Gen. 16 P 18. 


CHAP, proviaions, on which France depended, were in British hands. 
VI At the outbreak of difficulties with France in 1754, the British 
government clearly recognized the immense advantage arising 
therefrom. Without Irish and American provisions, the French 
West Indies would suffer severely, and at the same time, France 
would be unable to refit her men-of-war in America and under- 
take privateering expeditions. It is interesting and important 
to see how Great Britain used this economic weapon against the 
French, and to what extent the colonies aided or hampered the 
policy adopted by the mother country. 

* Early in 1755, Dinwiddle wrote from Virginia to the Board 
of Trade that the French forces in Canada were chiefly supplied 
from Pennsylvania, New York, and the Northern colonies ; that 
flour, beef, pork, and other provisions were taken to Cape 
Breton, where they were exchanged for French rum, sugar, 
and molasses. From Louisburg these provisions were sent to 
Quebec, and thence to the Ohio Valley. He suggested as a 
remedy for this "unjustifiable trade," which supported the 
French Ohio expedition, that colonial provisions be put in the 
" enumerated list," thus prohibiting their exportation to foreign 
parts, and also that Irish provisions be placed under the same 
regulations. Such steps, he pointed out, would paralyze the 
military schemes of the French and would prevent their fitting 
out a fleet.^ At the meeting of the Board of Trade on Aprfl 9, 
1755, this letter from Dinwiddie was read.^ War with France 
had, however, not yet been declared, and consequently this 
trade could not be stopped on the principle of no trade with 
the enemy. On the other hand, the Board of Trade had always 
questioned the legality of any trade whatsoever between the 
English and French colonies in America. In 1717 ^ it had sent 
a circular instruction to the colonial governors to prohibit all 
trade with the French settlements, as contrary to the Treaty 
of Neutrality of 1686 between France and England.* This 
treaty guaranteed to each power an exclusive trade with its 
colonies, and allowed the French and English Crowns respectively 
to seize ships of the other nation attempting to invade this 
monopoly. The Board of Trade's interpretation of the treaty 
was clearly an untenable one, and although it had led to some 
difficulties, chiefly in the Bermudas,^ it had not been insisted 

* B. T. Va. 25 W 183. See also Dinwiddie to Secretary Robinson, Jan. 20, 
1755. Am. and W.I. 68. This is confirmed by DeLancey, Aug. 9, 1755. 
B. T. N.Y. .32 Kk 62. '^ B. T. Journals 63. 

» B. T. Bermuda 32, p. 830. Cf. B. T. N.J. 13, p. 447. 

* This regulation was incorporated in the voliuninous instructions given 
to the governors. See, e.g.^ Instructions to (rovemor John Hart, 1721, § 94. 
B. T. Leeward Isles 63, p. 70. 

^ B. T. Bermuda 12 L 12, 13, 15 et passim; Am. and AV.I. 49, nos. 179, 
184, 273, 278 ; Ibid. vol. 620. 


apon.^ On receipt of Dinwiddie's despatch, the Lords of Trade CHAP. 
again reirerted to this interpretation of the treaty of 1686, but VI 
as they were in doubt^ the opinion of William Murray,^ the 
attorney-general, was asked. He correctly said, that "it was 
not the Intent of the Treaty to provide, nor could it be provided, 
that either of the Contracting Powers should seize the Ships or 
Goods of their own Subjects for contravening the said articles," 
and that consequently the trade in question was not illegal and 
could not be stopped except by some positive law.^ Hence, 
until the outbreak of formal war with France, when the 
prohibition of all trade with the enemy would automatically 
take effect, or until -Parliament had passed some law governing 
the matter, nothing could be done to prevent a patently injurious 
commerce, unless the colonies of their own accord legislated 
against it, or unless recourse were had to arbitrary military 

'Already toward the end of 1754, the naval and military 
commanders had been instructed to put a stop to " the illegal 
correspondence'' between the French and English colonies, to 
prevent such " dangerous Practices," which supplied the French 
with provisions and warlike stores.^ These instructions were 
enforced,^ and were renewed the following year a few days after 
Murray had given his opinion that the trade was not illegal. 
Boflcawen received orders to prevent this trade,^ and the secretary 
of state wrote to Braddock to observe particularly this clause 
in his instructions, especiaUy as regards the inhabitants of 
Pennsylvania and New York who were reported to be ''most 
notoriously guilty of supplying the French with Provisions."^ 
The illegality of these instructions is obvious, as no formal war 
existed and as no British law prohibited this trade. This step, 
however, aroused no opposition, since nearly all the colonies, 
largely on their own initiative, had themselves adopted measures 
to prevent the French from being supplied with provisions. 

' A cessation of trade with the French unquestionably meant 
a great sacrifice on the part, of the colonies, but on the other 
hand they recognized that France hemmed them in, and that 

^ In very many documents this trade is roferred to as illegal, thus increasing 
the number of undifferentiated references to illegal trade, and further adding 
to.the difficulty of estimating the extent of the violations of the laws of trade 
and navigation. ' Better known as Lord Mansfield. 

' B. T. Journals 63, April 11, 1755. 

* Commodore KeppeVs Instructions, Nov. 26, 1754, and Art. 10 of 
Braddook's Instructions. Am. and W. I. 74. 

^ B. T. Nova Scotia 15 H 257 gives a detailed and interesting account of 
the seizure of a Boston vessel by a man-of-war for illicit trade with the French 
at Louisburg in 1754. 

* Art. 8 of the secret instructions to Boscawen, April 16, 1755. Am. and 
W.I. 74. 

7 Sir Thomas Robinson to Braddock, April 16, 1755. ibid. 




their expansion westward was contingent on the expulsion of 
this power from America. It was patent that while the sale 
of provisioi;is to Canada enriched some individuals and the 
colonies as a whole, it tended in the end to their destruction. 
If on the one hand the sacrifice demanded was greats on the 
other still greater was the danger in strengthening to any degree 
whatsoever the position of France. Accordingly, the colonies, 
to a large extent on their own initiative, adopted measures to 
prevent the exportation of supplies and warlike stores to the 
French. In 1755, Dinwiddie laid an emhargo on provisions in 
Virginia, solely as an example to the other colonies, no supplies 
being exported from that colony to the French.^ Similarly, in 
the same year, Pennsylvania prohibited the sailing of any vessel 
with provisions unless bond had been given to carry them to a 
British port.^ Massachusetts likewise passed several acts of this 
nature.* In 1755, New York interdicted the exportation of 
provisions, naval or warlike stores to Cape Breton or to any 
other French possession,^ and Maryland passed a law forbidding 
all trade with the French and their allies.^ These and other 
colonial laws, together with the embargo that was laid in Ireland, 
Shirley wrote, ^ have greatly distress'd the French at Louisbourg, 
& the Effects must be soon felt in all their Settlements in North 
America.'' ® 

'In the following year, on the declaration of war with 
France, all trade with the French colonies became by this 
very fact illegal, and ships engaged therein were, together 
with their cargoes, liable to seizure and confiscation. In 
June, 1756, full instructions to this effect were sent to the 
colonies."^ As pointed out, a number of them had already 
passed laws forbidding this trade; these laws were con- 
tinued and strengthened, and in general similar measures were 
adopted by the other colonies.^ By a perpetual law. New 

1 B. T. Va. 26 W 170. « B. T. ProprietiM 19 V 156. 

' Mass. Laws, 18 Geo. II, c. 3, c. 4, and c. 8 in B. T. Masa 74. See also 
Mass. Acta and Resolves. * B. T. N.Y. 82 Kk 62. 

• Sharpe to Henry Fox, July 17, 1766. Am. and W.I. 70. 

> Shirley to Robinson, June 20, 1766. Am. and W.I. 68. This is con- 
firmed by DeLancey. B. T. N.Y. 32 Kk 62. See also Shirley to Robinson, 
Aug. 15, 1766. Am. and W.I. 82. 

7 B. T. Journals 64, May 20 and June 1, 1766 ; B. T. Plant. Gen. 16 O 

« B. T. Journals 64, Aug. 5, 1756 ; Dobbs to Henry Fox, July 12, 1756. 
Am. and W.I. 70 ; Fitch to Henry Fox, Sept. 29, 1756. Ibid. ; B. T. Journals 
67, p. 86. On March 13, 1756, Henry Fox addressed a circular letter to the 
colonial governors stating that *Hhe King would have you recommend it in 
the strongest manner to your Council and Assembly, to pass effectual Laws 
for prohibiting all Trade and Commerce with the French, and for preventing 
the Exportation of Provisions of all kinds to any of their Islands or Colonies. " 
N.J. Col. Doo. VIII, Part II, p}). 211, 212 ; N.Y. Col. Doc. VII, p. 76. 


Hampshire imposed a death penalty on all guilty of trading cHAP. 
with the French.! VI 

^ The prohibition of all direct trade with the French could not, 
however, give Oreat Britain any marked advantage over the 
enemy, as provisions could still be legally shipped from Ireland 
and from the American colonies to the islands of the neutral 
powers in the West Indies, whence they could be transported to 
the French colonies. This trade centred in the Dutch commercial 
emporia, Cura^oa and St. Eustatius, and tended to neutralize 
the advantage derived from the control of the sources of supply 
in Ireland and America. Connecticut officially informed the 
secretary of state that it was probable the French would be 
supplied from Ireland by way of St. Eustatius.^ The governor 
of New York, Sir Charles Hardy, gave more specific information 
regarding this trade,^ and at the same time sought to induce the 
neighboring colonies to desist from engaging therein. He took 
measures to prevent the direct or indirect exportation of pro- 
visions and warlike stores from New York to the French, but he 
was unable to persuade the governors of the other colonies to 
adopt the same expedients. This, as he pointed out, was fatal 
to lus purpose, for it was useless to enforce such a prohibition in 
New York if its neighbors were not placed under the same 
restrictions.^ This vitally important question seriously engaged 
the attention of the British government.^ On receipt of the 
information, the Board of Trade imparted it to the secretary of 
state.^ The Lords of the Admiralty also wrote to Fox that 
preparations were being made to ship large quantities of supplies 
from Ireland to France in neutral ships in order to provision 
her navy and the French West Indies, and they suggested as 
a remedy that an embargo be laid in Ireland.^ The military 
situation was a most critical one, and the government could not 
afford to abandon any advantage that Great Britain had in the 

* B. T. New Hampahire 4 C 8. Of, Wentworth to Fox, Sept. 2, 1766. 
Am. and W.I. 70 and B. T. New Hampshire 3 B 86. 

« Fitch to Fox, Sept 29, 1756. Am. and W.I. 70. 

» B. T. Journals 64, Aug. 6, 1756. 

< Hardy, Oct. 13, 1756. B. T. N.Y. 83 LI 66. Cf, also Fox to Hardy, 
Aug. 14, 1756. Am. and W.I. 76. » B. T. N.Y. 88 LI 55. 

« Board of Trade to Henry Fox, Aug. 5, 1766. B. T. Plant Gen. 15 O 
143. Ou Aug. 14, 1756, Henry Fox wrote to Hardy that the shipping of 
provisions from Ireland to the Dutch West Indies, to which Hardy had called 
attention, would be looked into, and would be discouraged as much as was 
ixwsible, but that it would be difficult to act in this ])articular, "and perhaps 
be found impracticable.'* Am. and W.I. 75. 

^ Admiralty to Henry Fox, Sept 16, 1756 : In order that this measure 
may be attended with as little inconvenience as is possible, "we humbly 
propose that the king will allow us to direct the commissioners for victualling 
to contract in Ireland for provisions for victualling the fleet in the Mediter- 
ranean." B. T. Pbnt Gen. 15 O 143. 


CHAP, struggle with France. The expressed intention of the govern- 
VI ment was to distress '* the French, particularly in North America 
by a Want of Provisions " ; ^ in order to attain this end, the ex- 
portation of provisions from Ireland and the American colonies 
to the Dutch possessions in the West Indies had to be stopped. 
Accordingly, Fox instructed the Duke of Devonshire, then 
Lord-Lieutenaut of Ireland, to lay an embargo on all ships and 
vessels bound with provisions from Ireland to neutral ports, and 
at the same time he forwarded to the Commissioners of Trade 
the king's commands that they should send similar instructions 
to the colonial governors in America.^ On October 9, 1756, 
the Board of Trade sent a circular letter to the colonial 
governors instructing them to lay an embargo on all ships and 
vessels clearing with provisions from any place in the colonies, 
unless they were bound for some British colony. In that case 
bonds were to be demanded obligating these vessels to go to the 
destination indicated in their papers.^ This action supplemented 
that of the commander-in-chief in America, Loudoun, who had 
already, on August 20, 1756, written to the colonial governors 
requiring them '4n Consequence of his Majesty's Positive Orders'' 
to prohibit the exportation of provisions, because the French 
might be supplied thereby, and because, in addition, the possibly 
ensuing scarcity on the continent might hamper British military 

' These instructions received the cordial support of a number 
of the colonies. Connecticut had, even before the receipt of the 
Board of Trade's letter, passed an act obliging all masters of 
vessels to give bond not to land provisions except in a British 
port, and had in addition laid an embargo on all shipping in that 
province.^ The colonies were, however, not a unit in obeying 
these orders. Thus, despite the protest of the governor, the 
Pennsylvania legislature adhered to a bill ** confining the 
Restraint & Prohibition to America only, leaving Vessels at 
Liberty to sail to any Neutral Ports in Europe."* Violations 
of the instructions were frequent, and as in addition the 
embargo in Ireland was not effective,^ the French continued 

> Henry Fox to the Board of Trade, Oct. 2, 1766. B. T. Plant. Gen. 15 

« B. T. Plant. Gen. 15 143 ; B. T. Journals 64, Oct. 1 and 8, 1756. 

* B. T. Plant Gen. 44, p. 128. * Am. and W.I. 88. 

* B. T. Prop. 20 W 2. For the attitude of Maryland, see B. T. Prop. 19 
V 195 ; for New York, B. T. N.Y. 33 LI 83, and B. T. Journals 65, Feb. 15, 
1757 ;. for New Hampshire, B. T. N.H. 8 B 86 ; for Massachusetts, Spenoer 
Phips to Henry Fox, Dec. 21, 1756. Am. and W.I. 70. 

* William Denny to Thomas Penn, AprU 8, 1757. Am. and W.I. 71. See 
also B. T. Prop. 20 W 8. The assembly claimed that a cessation of this 
trade would ruin Pennsylvania. 

^ On July 20, 1757, Admiral Frankland wrote to Governor Thomas of the 
Leeward Islands : " It is Notorious that in the last Cork Fleet £ight Vessels 


to be supplied with food-stuffs. Thus, in the summer of 1757, CHAP, 
there was a scarcity of provisions in the Leeward Islands, due VI 
on the one hand to the embargo in the continental colonies, 
and on the other to the fact that these colonies had sold 
their supplies to the French by way of St. £ustatiQs.^ Hardy 
reported that a cargo of flour and provisions was shipped from 
Antigua to Cura^oa, the flour being concealed in claret casks.^ 
Such violations were, however, more frequent in. the continental 
colonies.^ Rhode Island especially paid no respect to the orders 
from England.^ Loudoun wrote to Pitt that the traders in this 
colony were '* a lawless set of smuglers, who continually Suply 
the Enemy with what Provisions they want, and bring back 
their Goods in Barter ior them." ^ 

*The Board of Trade had evidently anticipated that these 
instructions, even though issued expressly on the authority 
of the Crown, would not be sufficient At their meeting on 
January 12, 1757, the Commissioners discussed this matter, 
and agreed on the necessity of an act of Parliament that 
should prohibit the exportation of all food- stuffs (except fish 
and rice) from the British colonies in America.® James Oswald, 
a member of the Board and also of Parliament, was instructed 
to bring this matter to the attention of the House of Commons.^ 
The suggestion met with the approval of Parliament, which in 
1757 passed an act prohibiting, during the war with France, 
the exportation of all provisions (except fish and roots, and rice 
under the already existing restrictions)^ from the colonies to 
any place but Great Britain, Ireland, or some British colony. 

Laden with ProviBioDB dropped the Convoy and went into that Island (St. 
fiuBtatins) for the Fi'cnch Market" B. T. Leeward Isles 82 Gc 6. 

> Ibid. 

« Sir Charles Hardy to Pitt, March 11, 1757. Am. and W.L 71. See also 
B. T. Journals 86, April 20, 1757, and B. T. N.Y. 33 LI 97. 

» Hardy to Board of Trade, June 14, 1767. B. T. N.Y. 34 Mm 8. See 
also affidavits. Ibid. Mm 9-12. 

* DeLancey to Board of Trade, June 8, 1767. Jbid. Mm 8. 
» May 30, 1757. Am. and W.I. 86. 
' The subject was naturally considered of utmost importance. Thus, on 

Feb. 4, 1757, the Board of Trade wrote to Charles Pinfold, the governor of 
Barbados : ''The opportunity, which the Enemy has had in time of War in 
supplying themselves with Provisions by means of the Trade carried on in 
that Article from Ireland and our Colonys to the Dutch, and other neutral 
settlements, has long been the subject of much complaint and the source of 
great Mischief and Inconvenience, to remedy which a Bill is now under the 
Consideration of Parliament, which We hope will prove effectual" B. T. 
Barbados 55, p. 311. The various militaiy commanders were careftilly 
instructed to carry oat this policy. See, e.g.y § 6 of draft instructions to 
James Abercromby, Dec. 80, 1767. Am. and W.I. 76. 
' B. T. Journals 66, Jan. 12, 1757. 

* Rice could be exported directly only to Great Britain and her colonies 
and to ports in Europe south of Cape Finisterre. 


CHAT. The penalties for vioUting this law were oonfiscation of the 
VI ship and cargo, heavj fines, and also possible impiisoument for 
the master of the ship.^ 

' In order to make this policy of distressing the French m<Mre 
effective, Parliament in the same session also prohibited for a 
limited time the exportation of grain ^ and its manufactured 
products from Great Britain and Ireland except to the British 
colonies.^ This restraint on the £nglish producer did not, how- 
ever, imply the same economic sacrifice as did that laid on the 
colonies, because England was becoming a less and less important 
factor in the grain export trade. In fiict. Parliament^ at this 
very time sought even to encourage the importation of food-stuffs 
into Great Britain. 

' In addition to the general rule forbidding all trade with the 
enemy and the act of Parliament of 1757 forbidding the exporta- 
tion of food-stuffs from the colonies to foreign ports, temporary 
general embargoes were at various times laid in the colonies, 
partly with the object of preventing the French from being 
supplied, and partly for military purposes. In 1757 Loudoun 
laid such an embargo, which, however, had to be raised on 
account of the failure of the crops in Great Britain and Ireland, 
and the consequent need of provisions there.^ The follow- 
ing year also, Abercromby, acting on instructions from Pitt, 

^ A fine of twenty shillings for every bushel of grain and every pound of beef, 
pork, and other victual, 'Mvhioh said penalties and forfeitures shall be re- 
covered in the high court of admiraltyi or any other chief court of civil or 
criminal jurisdiction, in such respective colonies or plantations." The master 
knowingly guilty could bo imprisoned for three month& Bonds had to be 
given, in treble the value of the cargo, that it would be taken to its declared 
destination. 30 Geo. II, c. 9. As England was anxious to secure the 
neutrality of Spain during the war, on Aug. 9, 1757, an order in council 
was Issued allowing the inhabitants of New York, during the Crown's 
pleasure, to export provisions to St. Augustine. B. T. Journals 66, Nov. 3, 

^ Corn, malt, meat, flour, bread, biscuit, and starch. 

^ 30 Geo. II, c. 1, continued to Dec. 24, 1768 by 31 Geo. II, c. 1. 

^ 30 Geo. II, c. 7, continued to Dec. 24, 1758 by 81 Geo. II, c. 1. See 
also 30 Geo. II, c. 14. The import duties on com and flour were discontinued 
for a limited time ; in addition the Navigation Act was relaxed, allowing com 
to be imported in neutral ships. 30 Greo. II, o. 9, § xiv ; B. T. Plant. Gen. 44, 
p. 180 ; B. T. Journals 65, March 2, 1757. 

° Holdemesse to Loudoun and to colonial governors, both May 2, 1757. 
Am. and W.I. 75 ; N.J. Col. Doc. VIII, Part II, p. 248. In future such em- 
bargoes were not to apply to ships bound for Great Britain and Ireland. 
Eight sliips of Snell k, Go. had been held at New York and Philadelphia, and 
were not allowed to proceed to Ireland with their cargoes of wheat and flour. 
B. T. Plant. Gen. 44, p. 184 and Drid. 15 O 153. This embai^ was laid 
by Loudoun mainly with the object of obtaining suflicient transports to move 
his troops to Halifax. Sir Charles Hardy to John Clevland, May 3, 1757. 
Adm. Sec. In-Letters, Bundle 481. 


adopted the same expedient, preparatory to the Louiaburg OHAP. 
expedition.^ VI 

* Aa the act of Parliament of 1757 did not prohibit the ex- ^— v-^i*-^ 
portation of beef and pork from Irehrnd to neutral porte, and 

as these were the chief food-stuffs in that kingdom, at vaiious 
times also recourse was taken to embargoes there.^ 

' These various measures to prevent France from getting chap. Y I. 
Irish and American provisions were by no means fully effective. See page 
In 1757, a number of vessels th&t had sailed from Ireland with ^^^' 
provisions for the West Indies parted from the convoy, and 
took a large quantity of beef to St. Eustatius. This was 
immediately sent to the French in Martinique and Santo 
Domingo, and enabled them to fit out their vessels.^ In 1758 
it was stated that no less than fifty to sixty thousand barrels of 
provisions had gone or were going from Ireland to this Dutch 
colony,^ their ultimate destination being the French West 

* In the British colonies, both in the West Indies and on the 
continent^ similar practices jHrevailed. The temptation to 
engage in this trade was very great In time of peace the 
foreign West Indies furnished a large market for the surplus 
agricultui*al products of the British oontinental colonies, and 
also provided them with cheap molasses, which, when converted 
into rum, was a most important factor in the fisheries, in the 
slave trade, and in the fur trade with the Indians. In time 
of war this normally profitable trade became even more lucrative. 
The French West Indies suffered from a scarcity of provisions, 
and hence were willing to pay high prices for them.* On the 
other hand, owing to the war, they had great difficulty in 

^ Pitt to Abercromby, Jan. 11, 1758. Am. and W.I. 76. Abercromby to 
Pitt, May 27, 1758. Ibid.%7. See also /&u2. 71 /Mumm, and B.T. Mass. 76 li 47. 

' Bedford Correspondence II, p. 369 ; Pitt Oorrcspondence II, p. 79 ; 
Calendar Home Office Papers, 1760-1765, nos. 484, 498, 522, 526, 552, 
559, 579. 

' William Wood (CommiasioiieTs of Oostoma) to John Olevland (Lords of 
Admiralty), Oct. 28, 1757. Adm. Sec. In-Letters, Bundle 8866. These were 
14 ships with 20,000 barrels of beef. 

^ An intercepted letter from Waterford, Ireland, dated Jan. 26, 1758. B. T. 
Leeward Isles 32 Cc 24. 

' Oovemor Thomas to Board of Trade, May 18, 1758. B. T. Leeward 
Isles 82 Oc 22. On Jan. 7, 1758, Governor Pinfold of Barbados wrote to the 
Board of Trade, that the French obtained provisions from Ireland and St. 
Eustatius. He also added : ''I have good Intelligence that in Cork Nmnbers 
of Dutch Vessels lade with Beef & publiokly dedare it is to be carried to the 
West Indies, all of which is destined for the French Islands. " K T. Barba- 
dos 35 Ee 16. 

" From St. Eustatius, May 12, 1757, Samuel Wells wrote to his father, 
Francis Wells, at Boston, that **the voyages from America now to these 
Islands must be very profitable to those that voyage in (them.) at present 
every kind of Northern produce bear a great rate." B. T. N.Y. 34 Mm 14. 


CHAP, marketing their produce, Buch as sugar and molasses, and hence 
VI were forced to sell them at moderate prices.^ 

' These conditions were the direct results of British sea power, 
which seriously interfered with the communications between the 
metropolis and the colony. France could not send provisions 
to the West Indies, and they, in turn, could not send 
their produce to the European markets. To a large extent, the 
colonies neutralized the advantages arising from British naval 
activity, both supplying the French colonies with the sorely 
needed provisions,^ and also furnishing a market for their 

'In the opening years of the war the colonies carried on this 
trade in two ways, either directly with the French, or indirectly 
with them through some neutral port in the West Indies.^ 
The direct trade was carried on with the connivance of the 
French officials, as it furnished them with otherwise unobtainable 
supplies. The colonial ships engaged in it were not seized 
by the French cruisers and privateers, because in general, they 
had "Lycences from the French Governors who refused them 
to none that applied for them." ^ In addition, a large number 
of British colonial vessels engaged in this trade were protected 
by passes from the governors, authorizing them to go to the 

' Extract from a letter dated Philadelphia, December, 1759, showing that 
the price of French sugar was very low, muscovado at 8a. to 10s. a hundred- 
weight, white at 15«. to 25s. a hundredweight. B. T. Plant. Gen. 16 P 20. 
Of. also B. T. Jam. 37 Oc 19. 

^ A letter from the French West Indies in 1758, which had been taken in 
a French prize, clearly shows this : ' * Nous sommes tous les jours k la veiUe de 
manquer, sans le secours de nos Ennemis nous serons obligez de vivre oommo 
vous nous I'annonoez avec ce que nous foumit la colonie. La Condition est 
dure, et Ton n'y resisteroit pas ; nous S9ayon8 bien qu'il est impossible au 
Commerce de France de nous seoourir, tout est abandonne et La Cour ne pense 
pas k nous." B. T. Va. 26 X 41. 

' On April 18, 1757, Governor William Popple of the Bermudas wrote to 
the Board of Trade, that a great many sloops built in the Bermudas were 
sold to the Dutch West Indies, and that the British register was transferred 
with the vessel. Thus the Dutch would be able to get provisions in the 
British colonies for the French. ''Even now, thd Bond is given to Land 
Provisions at some English Settlement, the Dutch can go to Each English 
Settlement for once, give in Bond, and never return there again." B. T. 
Bermuda 19 51. An act of Parliament, 15 Geo. II, c 31, § 1, was directed 
against such practices, yet there may have been some evasion of this law, 
with the result pointed out by Popple as probable. 

* Sharpe to Pitt, Feb. 27, 1761. Am. and W.L 78. Also in Sharpe Cor- 
respondence II, pp. 490, 491, and Pitt Correspondence II, p. 401. In 1759 
Admiral Cotes pointed out that there was some danger in this trade, as a 
French frigate, newly arrived from Europe and unacquainted with its 
nature, had burnt nine North American vessels. The captain of this frigate 
was censured by the governor of Cape Fran9ois for stopping the only channel 
by which they were regularly supplied with provisions. R T. Plant Gen^ 
16 P 20. 


French colonies, ostenBibly for the purpose of effecting an ex- CHAP, 
change of prisoners. Such vessels were popularly known as VI 
" flags of truce." 

'The British West Indian colonies participated^ in this 
trade, though naturally to a less extent than did the continental 
colonies, where the provisions were originally produced. In 
1757 Barbados passed a law making it high treason to trade 
with the French,^ and in the following year the Governor of 
the colony wrote to the Board of Trade, that every care and pre- 
caution had been taken to prevent the enemy from being supplied.^ 
Despite these measures, Commodore Moore discovered, in 1759, 
that St. Vincent, one of the neutral islands, which had become 
completely French, was constantly supplied with provisions 
from Barbados, and that this trade helped to support the other 
French Islands.^ A number of ships engaged in this trade 
were seized by the navy, and measures were also taken to 
punish those guilty of violating the law.* These vigorous 
steps seem to have been effective in checking such practices in 
the West Indian colonies.® 

* In the continental colonies, this direct trade with the enemy 
was extensively carried on, especially by Rhode Island and 
Pennsylvania, though it was by no means confined to them. 
In many instances the colonial vessels were protected from 
seizure by commissions or other documents in the nature of 
passes issued by the governors, constituting them *' flags of 
truce,'' for tlie ostensible purpose of effecting an exchange of 
prisoners. Although at the beginning these passes may have 
been used for the legitimate purpose of exchanging prisoners,^ 
their issue soon became a crying evil. All pretence of 
legitimacy was abandoned, and, as in the previous war, colonial 
merchants eagerly sought to obtain from the governors these 

1 Wentworth, New Hampshire, Nov. 18, 1757, to Board of Trade. B. T. 
Plant Oen. 49. Gf, R T. Leeward Isles 32 Gc 6 ; B. T. N. Y. 34 Mm 13. 
' B. T. Barbados 35 Ee 5, 6. 

* IWi, 85 Ee 16. Pinfold to Board of Trade, Jan. 7, 1758. 

* Moore to Pitt, October, 1759. Am. and W.I. 100. 

* Crump, Guadeloupe, Dec. 26, 1759, to Pitt Ibid, Pinfold to Board 
of Trade, May 29, 1760. B. T. Barbados 86 Ff 1. 

' The trade was also not unknown in Jamaica. In 1758 a *' flag of truce '* 
of that island, loaded up to the hatches, was seized by a privateer. B. T. 
Ya. 26 X 41. See also the first memorial enclosed in Holmes to Pitt> Jan. 4, 
1761, which states that Jamaica sent money to the enemy, while the Northern 
colonies sent provisions, and that the navy had entirely stopped this flog of 
truce trade from Jamaica. Col. Oorr. Jam. II. Robert Melvill, the Lieutenant- 
€U)veraor of Guadeloupe, wrote to Pitt, Dec. 15, 1760, that he had made 
two seizui-QS in frustrating attempts to send provisions from that island to 
Martinique. Am. and W.I. 100. 

^ Gf, Hopkins, governor of Rhode Island, to Pitt, Dec. 20, 1760. Am. and 

W.I. 7a 


CHAP, documents, under cover of which, with one or two French 
VI prisoners on board, they could with safety to themselves carry 
on a lucrative trade with the enemy. The Ideutenant-Govemor 
of Virginia reported that he was offered four hundred guineas, 
if he " would license a Flag of Truce/' ^ The most scandalous 
conditions prevailed in Pennsylvania, where Crovemor Denny 
openly sold such passes. When bringing these facts to Pitt's 
attention in 1759, Thomas Penn^ said that the Delaware Biver 
at Philadelphia swarmed " with shallops unloading these illegal 
cargoes, brought at their return, and cheating the King of his 
dutys,^ besides carrying provisions and ready money to the 
Enemy." At first Denny sold these licenses in small numbers, 
and under the pretence of transporting French prisoners, though 
all such prisoners could have been embarked in one or two 
vessels at the most. At the outset also the governor received 
large sums for these passes, but as the number issued increased 
their value fell ; and finally '* he scrupled not to set his name to, 
& dispose of great numbers of blank flags of Truce, at the low 
price of twenty pounds sterling or under, some of which," as 
ins successor, James Hamilton, wrote, were sold in 1759 *'from 
hand to hand at advanced prices." In 1759 and 1760, "a very 
great part of the principal Merchants" of Philadelphia were 
engaged in this trade with the French West Indies.^ In a 
number of the colonies, the governors refused to issue flags 
of truce. Fauquier in Virginia^ and Wentworth in New 
Hampshire^ did not issue any, and though Pownall in 
Massachusetts granted two, they were for the legitimate 
exchange of prisoners.'^ Connecticut also asserted its freedom 
from participation in such practices.^ Rhode Island, on the 
other hand, was deeply implicated. 

*In 1757 Rhode Island traded directly with the French in 
Santo Domingo,^ and in the following year it was asserted that 
a regular trade in provisions was carried on from that colony to 
the French West Indies by means of "cartel ships," carrying 

* Fauquier to Pitt, Oct. 28, 1760. Am. and W.I. 72. C/. also Bumaby, 
Travels (ed. R. R. Wilson), p. 129 n. 

» Sept. 12, 1759. Am. and W.I. 72. 

' The duties were those imposed by the Molasses Act of 1733. 

* Hamilton to Pitt, Nov. 1, 1760. Am. and W.I. 72. In a private letter 
from Philadelphia, December, 1759, the writer said of this trade, ''there are 
among us some who think it illegal, while others of larger consciences practise 
it profitably." B. T. Plant Gen. 16 P 20. 

« Fauquier to Pitt, Oct. 28, 1760. Am. and W.I. 72. C/. also B. T. Va. 
27 Y 14. 

8 Wentworth to Pitt, Dec. 9, 1760. Am. and W.I. 73. Wentworth wrote 
that he probably could have made a good deal of money by issuing them. 

' Bernard to Pitt, Nov. 8, 1760. Am. and W.I. 72. 

« Thomas Fitch to Pitt, Nov. 26, 1760, and April 25, 1761. Am. and W.I. 
73. • B. T. N.Y. 34 Mm^M. 


9 few prisoB^rs and protected by flags of truce.^ Stephen CHAP. 
{lopkins,^ the colonial governor, in the course of a detailed yi 
exculpatory despatch to Pitt, said that in the first four years of 
the war thirty- two Ehode Island vessels had sailed to the 
French coloi4es for the purposie of exchanging prisoners. A 
colonial law authorized the governor to issue commissions for 
this purpose, but expressly forbade the exportation of pro- 
visions and warlike stores. Hopkins asserted that the colonial 
officials had not connived at any violations of this law, but he 
frankly admitted that these Rhode Island " jlags of truce " took 
lumber ^and ''Dry Groods of British Manufacture" to the 
French colonies, bringing back molasses and some sugar, 
^pkiiis finally added : " It must be confessed 'tis highly 
probable, that some Vessels from this Colony as well as from 
others, have taken in Cargoes under Pretence of being bound 
to Jamaica," and have then sold them to the French in Santo 
Douango. At the time, it was generally asserted that this 
direct trade with the enemy was openly carried on by Rhode 

' In ^iddition to this direct trade with the enemy, carried on 
under cover of flags of truce or with the connivance of the 
French authorities, the colonies, and Ireland as well, exported 
large quantities of provisions to the neutral ports in the West 
Indies. St. Eustatius was the chief centre of this trade and 
became an important source of supply for the French.^ 

' According to British law, provisions were in general deemed 
contraband of war, and especially so in a. case like this, because 
they enabled the French to fit out their fleets and privateers, 
and because, in- addition, they relieved settlements which were 
in continual danger of being forced to surrender through starva- 
tion.^ Besides, in a number of instances, the Dutch vessels 
went to the French colonies under convoy of French men-of-war. 

> Faaquier to Board of Trade, Sept. 23, 1768. B. T. Va. 26 X 41 ; B. T. 
Journals 66, Dea 12, 1758. * Dec. 20, 1760. Am. and W.I. 78. 

• Sharpe to Pitt, Feb. 27, 1761. Am. and W.I. 78. On May 9, 1761, 
Francis 3emard wrote to the Board of Trade : *' These practises will never 
be put an End to, till Rhode Island is reduced to the subjection of the British 
Empire ; of which at present it is no more a part than the Bahama Islands 
were when they were inhabited by the Bucoanneers." B. T. Mass. 78 LI 16. 

* The Dutch purchasers of these provisions in St. Eustatius furnished the 
oolonial vessels with forged or fraudulent landing certificates, which were 
used to cancel the bonds given in the British colonies not to take their cargoes 
to a foreign port. B. T. N. Y. 84 Mm 14. 

' In 1746 the British High Court of Admiralty declared that "provisions 
are and always have been esteemed contraband." F. T. Pratt, Law of Gontra- 
bfljid of War (London, 1856), p. 93. Cf. also the judgment of Sir William 
Soottin the "Jonge Margaretha," 1799. 0. Robinson, Reports of Oases in 
the High Court of Admiralty (Philadelphia, 1800), I, p. 168. Holland did 
not admit this definition of contraband, which was opposed to the treaties she 
had concluded with £Uigland. See Am. and W.I. 54, no. 124. 

2 D 


CHAP. Thus on November 30, 1758, Governor Thomas of the Leeward 
VI Islands wrote to the Board of Trade, that three fleets of Dutch 
vessels had in the last four months gone in this manner to 
Martinique, and he claimed, that without them the French 
would have been reduced to great distress and could not have 
fitted out their privateers.^ Furthermore, in return for pro- 
visions, the Dutch took Fren^sh produce, which they carried to 

' In normal times, France did not as a rule allow foreigners to 
trade with her colonies. During the war, French colonial trade 
was for the time being opened to Dutch vessels, owing to the 
supremacy of Great Britain at sea. This measure was not one 
"of French councils, but of British force." The British prize 
courts proceeded to condemn all such vessels engaged in this 
trade, contending that a neutral power could not engage in a 
trade which was opened to them only by " the pressure of war." 
This general doctrine is known as the "Rule of 1756."* 
Proceeding on these general principles, the British navy in- the 
West Indies seized Dutch vessels carrying provisions to the 
French colonies, and also Dutch vessels taking produce away 
from them.^ These seizures created a great deal of friction 

^ B. T. Leeward Islands 32 Cc 35, In an intercepted letter from the Gov- 
ernor of St. Eustatius to the Governor of Martinique, March 14, 1758, we read : 
"Je me flatte d'ailleurs, Messieurs, que dans un cas un peu douteux, vous 
voudr^ bien avoir £gard h. la fa9on dont jc me suis porte a foumir des vivres 
& Yos Colonies, dans le terns mSme oil les Anglois insultoient le plus notre 
pavilion." Ibid, Cc 23. See Commodore Moore's despatch to Pitt from 
Guadeloupe, March 6, 1759, to the effect that, as the Butch wero very assid- 
uous in assisting the enemy, he had sent ships to cruiBeu)ff St. Eustatius to 
prevent provisions being sent thence to Guadeloupe, whose complete con- 
quest had not yet been effected. Am. and W. I. 100. '^ Ibid, Cc 6. 

' This mle was based on legitimat/C considerations, which ai'e admirably 
expoimded in a judgment of the famous jurist, Sir William Scott, in the case 
of the '* Immanuel," 1799 : ''It cannot be contended to be a right of neutrals, 
to intrude into a commerce which had been uniformly shut against them and 
which is now forced open merely by the pressure of war ; for when the enemy, 
under an entire inability to supply his Colonies and to export their products, 
affects to open them to neutrals, it is not his will but his necessity that changes 
his system ; that change is the direct and unavoidable consequence of the 
compulsion of war, it is a measure not of French councils, but of British force." 
Robinson (Am. ed.) II, pp. 167, 168. 

* The general contention of the British government was that, " in the present 
War between England and France, the Subjects of Holland have no Right 
to cover the Property of the Enemy of England, ^oing to, or coming from the 
Colonies of that Enemy, directly, nor indirectly to do it) thro' the Medium of 
the Dutch Colonies ; nor to carry to the Colonies of France directly, nor in- 
directly, any Commodities, altho' Neutral Projierty, which have a Tendency 
to support the Enemy." James Marriott, The Case of the Dutch Ships Con- 
sidered (3d ed. London, 1759), p. 1. Marriott was at a later date judge of 
the admiralty court. See also The Annual Register for 1759 (5th ed. London, 
1769), p. 5 ; A Letter to the Dutch Merchants in England (London, 1759), 


between the English and Uie Dutoh.^ Their general eflfect, CHAP, 
however, was to break up the Dutch trade with the French VI 
colonies, and with it the exportation of provisions from Ireland 
and the British, colonies to Dutch ports. Being deprived of 
their Dutch market,^ the continental colonies sought access to 
the French by other means, and in the years 1759 and 1760 
there developed an important trade with Monte Cristi, 
a Spanish settlement in the island of Hispaniola or Santo 

' Both France and Spain had colonies in this island. Monte 
Cristi is situated on its north shore in the Spanish part, 
contiguous to the French boundary. Prior to the war, this 
commercially insignificant place had been closed to foreigners, 
but subsequently it was made a free port^^ for the purpose 

pp. 4, 18 (this pamphlet is attributed to Marriott) ; Authentic Memoirs of 
Chatham (London, 1778), pp. 19, 20. 

^ To the frequent complaints of the Governor of St. Eustatius that the 
capture and condemnation of Ihitch vessels bound with provisions to the 
French islands was contrary to the treaties subsisting between Great Britain 
and Holland, Governor Thomas of the Leeward Islands replied, that if the 
condemnations were deemed unjust, an appeal could be taken to his Majesty 
in Council. B. T. Leeward Islands 32 Oc 22. The documents regarding this 
matter were sent to Pitt by the Board of Trade, July 26, 1758. Ibid, 57, 
pp. 124, 125, 130. For the activity of the British fleet) see ibid, Cc 35. 
Gura^oa was less concerned in this trade than was St. Eustatius. Up to 
a short time before the end of the war, only seven vessels from Cura^oa had 
been condemned in Jamaica for trading with the French West Indies. Col. 
Corr. Jam. II, May 10, 1762. For the decisions on appeal in England in 
these cases, see GrenviUe Papers I, pp, 270, 288, 284, 296. 

^ On March 28, 1759, Lieutenant-Governor Henry Moore of Jamaica wrote 
to the Board of Trade that the squadron had put an end to the commerce 
between the French and the Dutch, and that tlus branch of trade was then 
taken up by the Northern colonies. B. T. Jam. 84 Z 43. The trade through 
the Dutch channel, however, did not cease entirely. See Bradley to Amherst, 
Dec. 6, 1760. Am. and W.L 78 and 95. 

' Tlie first mention of this trade is in DeLancey's despatch to the Board 
of Trade, June 8, 1757. B. T. N. Y. 34 Mm 3. Nothing further was heard 
until two years later, when the Board of Trade said that its first information 
regarding this trade came fi'om a despatch from the Lieutenant-Governor of 
Jamaica, March 28, 1759. B. T. Journals 67, p. 231. See also B. T. Plant. 
Gen. 44, p. 179 ; B. T. Jam. 84 Z 43. Colebrooke's report of Feb. 18, 1760, 
says that this trade had been carried on since the beginning of the war, but 
in no proportion to what it was in 1759 and 1760. B. T. Plant Gen. 16 P 17. 

* Shirley, in his despatch to the Board of Trade, March 29, 1760, says it 
was a new Spanish settlement. Am. and W.I. 454. The second memorial 
enclosed in Holmes to Pitt, Jan. 4, 1761, says : '* There is here No City, No 
Town, No Port," only a few huts ; the place has no trade of its ovrUy and *Hhe 
Newly established free Port of Monto Christi . . . exists no where, but in the 
airy Regions of Imagination." Col. Corr. Jam. II. It should, however, be 
noted that already in 1562 John Hawkins sailed '' to Monte Christi another 
port on the North side of Hispaniola." Hakluyt X, p. 8. 


CHAP, of facilitating the trade between the British and French 
^I colonies. Nothing was produced here that the English colonies 
wanted,^ nor did the few Spaniards residing at the place afford 
a market for provisions. The exports from Monte Cristi were 
all Fr^ich produce,^ and its imports all went immediately to the 
adjoining French colony. The Spanish governor collected fees 
from the vessels, gave them clearances, and charged duties on 
the sugar and molasses exported.^ But the trade was essentially 
a direct one with the French.^ In many instances the French 
produce was not even landed in Spanish territory, but was 
transferred from small French boats directly to the British 
vessels in the harbor.^ The products brought to Monte Cristi 
were provisions, warlike stores, British manufactures and money.^ 
The commodities exported were chiefly sugar and molasses.^ 

' This trade at Monte Cristi was carried on mainly by the New 
England and Middle colonies,^ but it was by no means unknown 

^ The only Spanish prodace that oould be obtained here was tobacco and 
hides. Hinxman's report in Holmes to Pitt, May 31, 1761. Col. Coir. Jam. II. 

« B. T. Jam. 84 Z 59. 

' B. T. Bahamas 7 £ 3 ; Hinxman's report in Holmes to Pitt, May 31, 
1761. Col. Corr. Jam. II. 

* See Memorial of Bdward Long, Dec. 3, 1760. Col. Corr. Jam. II. Long 
was Judge of the Vice- Admiralty Court of Jamaica, and is the author of the 
well-known history of that island. 

^ B. T. Jam. 34 Z 59. Cf. also second Memorial in Holmes to Pitt, Jan. 
4, 1761, in Col. Corr. Jam. 11, and Holmes to Pitt, May 31, 1761, ibid, 
Holmes's despatch to the admiralty regarding this saliject was likewise sent 
to Pitt. Cal. Home Office Papers, 1760-1765, p. 4. 

^ B. T. Bahama 6 D 87, 7 £ 1 ; B. T. Plant Gen. 16 P 17. It was said 
that the colonies were drained of money by this trade, as a cargo of sugar 
was moi-e valuable than a cargo of proTisions. B. T. Plant. Gen. 16 P 20. 
The North American vessels also brought horses, lumber, and 'fish. B. T. 
Jam. 84 Z 59. The average annual value of the importations from the North 
American colonies into Jamaica during the five years 1766 to 1762 was 
£200,000 Jamaica currency. The exports from Jamaica to these colonies 
amounted to only £50,000 yearly, the balance being paid in money or in bills 
of exchange, which the continental colonies Used to purchase French produce 
at Monte Cristi. B. T. Jam. 37 Cc 19. In 1761 £10,000 Jamaica currency 
was eqtuvalent to £7141 sterling. Ibid, Bb 41. 

7 B. T. Jam. 34 Z 44 and 59. 

^ According to a list of ships spoken by H. M.'s sloop Fiper in Monte 
Cristi harbor, Feb. 5, 1759, 28 of the 29 ships there, ranging from 30 to 150 
tons in burden, belonged to the North American colonies, and had cleared 
from them. They belonged to the following colonies : New York, 7 ; Rhode 
Island, 8 ; Connecticut, 4 ; Massachusetts, 8 ; Viiginia, 1 ; and Bermuda, 1. 
The Virginia ship had put in on account of stress of weather. B. T. Jam. 
34 Z 44. The success of the trade attracted others. On Oct 25, 1760, 
H.M.S. Defiance anchored at Monte Cristi and remained there eight or nine 
days. The commander roportki that there were always fifty vessels in the 
harbor, and that every day some left and some arrived. These vessels belonged 
to £ngland, Ireland, Gibraltar, and the oolonies, and in addition, mention is 


in Virginia^ and in the West Indies.^ In addition, British CHAP, 
subjects in England, Scotland, and Ireland were implicated in it, ^^ 
though to a minor extent.^ The trade assumed large proportions 
in 1759 and 1760. At times during these two yeurs, over one 
hundred North American vessels were at this port^ In 1760 it 
was estimated that in that one year four to five hundred vessels 
had taken in cargoes of French sugar and molasses.^ In order 
to facilitate the trade. North American subjects of the Crown 
resided at Monte Cristi.® 

* In New York, where this trade to Monte Gristi was extensively^ 

made of three vessels under the Danish flag. Second Memorial in Holmes 
to Pitt, Jan. 5, 1761. Col. Corr. Jam. 11. The trial of a North American 
vessel engaged in this trade showed that Messrs. Greg and Cunningham of 
New York and Messrs. Hugh White and Co. of Dublin were heavily interested 
in it. Holmes to Pitt, no date but marked as received May 18, 1761. Ibid, 
Captain Hinjanan, who had been sent by Holmes to investigate, reported that 
on his arrival at Monte Cristi he found in the port 42 British vessels and that 
8 had arrived subsequent to his anchoring. Of these 50 vessels, 36 belonged 
to the North American colonies : Massachusetts, 15 ; Rhode Island, 10 ; 
New York, 9 ; Connecticut, 1 ; North Carolina, 1. The balance belonged to 
the West Indian colonies and to various places, such as London, 5 ; Edinburgh, 
1 ; Ireland, 1 ; Gibraltar, 1. The colonial vessels brought provisions, the 
British manufactures; both took in return French products such as sugar 
and indigo. Holmes to Pitt, May 31, 1761. Ibid, For Danish ships carrying 
French colonial products to market, see Cal. Home Office Papers, 1760-1765, 
pp. 69, 77, 78. 

1 Fauquier to Pitt, Oct. 28, 1760. Am. and W.I. 72. Cf, B. T. Va. 27 
Y 14 and 111. Maryland, on the other hand, seems to have obeyed the act 
of 1767. B. T. Pi-op. 21 X 8. Cf. ibid, 20 W 26 and 27. 

* One Allen Popham of St. Ritts was extensively engaged in this trade of 
sending provisions from Ireland and New York to St. Eustatius, St. Croix, 
St. Thomas, and Hispaniola^ Bradley to Amherst, Dec.- 5, 1760. Am. and 
W.I. 73 and 96. 

' Colebrooke's report of 1760 says: ^'Poliotes of Insurance have been 
opened publickly in London to cover their risque, and at such high praemiums 
as imply consdousness of great hasard attending illegal adventures." B. T. 
Plant. Gen. 16 P 17. See also Sharps to Pitt, Feb. 27, 1761. Am. and W.I. 
78. Golden to Pitt, Dec. 27, 1760. Ibid, Report of the New York Council, 
Dec. 24, 1760. Ibid, In 1761 a small quantity of merchandise was entered 
for export direct from London to Monte Cristi. Customs Records (in Public 
Record Office), Ledgers of Imports and Exports, vol. 61. 

* Governor George Haldane of Jamaica to Bocurd of TVade, June 9, 1769, 
with affidavits to the effect that at times 100 to 120 North American vessels 
were at Monte Cristi. B. T. Jam. 84 Z 69. In 1760 it was said that as many 
as a hundred such vessels had been seen at one time there. B. T. Plant. 
Gen. 16 P 17. C/i aho Shirley to B. T., March 29, 1760, in Am. and W.I. 
454 ; B. T. Bahamas 6 D 87 ; a T. Journals 68 p. 175. 

' B. T. Bahamas 7 £ 1 and d« Admiral Cotes said that more than 200 
vessels had taken cargoes from Monte Cristi in 1769. B. T. Plant Gen. 16 
P 20. « B. T. Jam. 84 Z 69. 

7 George Spenoer to Amherst, Dea 17, 1760, with a list of 46 New York 


CHAP, carried on, it monopolized mach of the time of the CJommander- 
^I in-Chief, as it interfered with the victualling of the forces.^ The 
lieutenant-govemor of this colony, James DeLancey, was very 
active in suppressing the illegal exportation of provisions. 
** Quantities of Flour,'' he wrote, *^ were clandestinely Exported 
to foreign Markets, particularly to Monti Cfaristi, thence to 
Supply the French.'* Some of the offenders were discovered ; 
whereupon Amherst wrote that this was '* a secret Satisfaction " 
to him, and that he hoped they would be punished as they 
deserved. Despite DeLancey's efforts and the detection of some 
of those concerned "in this shamefull abuse," Amherst again 
received complaints of its being carried on to a very great extent ; 
so much so that he feared that nothing but an embargo would 
put a stop to it. He was, however, opposed to such a step if it 
could possibly be avoided without making the army suffer from 
want of flour, and he urged the Governor to punish all delin- 
quents most severely. While his efforts to do so were at least 
in part frustrated,* DeLancey's energetic action succeeded in 
checking the trade, though not in stopping it, and he was able 
to assure Amherst that at all events there would be in New 
York no scarcity of so essential an article as flour. DeLancey's 
fears as to the continuance of this trade were, however, justified. 
On his death in 1760, Cadwallader Golden, as president of the 
Council, became the acting governor. He frankly admitted that 
the New York merchants had been too generally concerned in 
this illicit intercourse, but added that the Philadelphia merchants 
were even more guilty.' 

vessels that had taken proyisions to Monte Cristi and other foreign ports, 
and had returned to New York with French sugair which was entered on 
fictitious clearances. Augustus Bradley to Aniherst, Dec. 18, 1760, with a 
similar list of 39 vessels. Am. and W.I. 95. 

' See DeLiancey to Amherst, Aug. 24, Oct. 22, Nov. 5, 1759 ; and 
Amherst to DeLancey, Oct. 2, 7, 29, 1759. Am. and W.I. 91 and 92. In 
New York, the fraudulent flag of truce trade was not practised, as neither 
Hardy nor DeLancey would countenance it. 

^DeLancey to Amherst, Nov. 5, 1759: "My Proclamation against 
Hcysham, I believe, gave some Check to the Exportation of Provisions ; 
but De Peyster and FoUiott have connections, the former "with two of the 
Judges, and the Latter in the Custom house." Therefore he does not 
think that they will be made examples of; they have prevailed upon the 
witnesses to absent themselves ; and he fears that this trade will continue. 

» Colden to Pitt, Oct. 27, 1760. Am. and W.I. 72. The method of carry- 
ing on this trade in New York was to ship provisions in large quantities to 
the New England governments, " for which the Merchants give bond," as the 
act of Parliament directed. These bonds were in turn cancelled by lauding 
certificates from New England. The provisions were then exported to the 
French, and French sugars were brought back to New England or to New 
Jersey, whence in turn they were imported into New York, ^ith '^cockets" 
to the effect that they had been legally imported. In addition, Colden said 


' By these means British subjects, of whom an overwhelming CHAP, 
majority lived in the North American colonies, supplied the ^^ 
French with provisions and afforded them a market for their 
produce,^ thus to a great extent frustrating the policy of the 
mother country. In fact, according to Shirley, who had been 
transferred from Massachusetts to the Bahamas, provisions were 
more plentiful and cheaper in the French settlements than in 
the English West Indies, and in addition, the prices for French 
sugars rose violently on account of the broad market offered at 
Monte CristL^ Not only did the enemy secure an otherwise 
unobtainable market for his produce, but in addition, the sugars 
purchased at Jklonte Gristi were shipped from the North 
American colonies to London and entered there as British 
sugars,' thus vitiating the preferential system which gave the 
products of the British West Indies a monopoly of the home 
market. Furthermore, as a result of this trade, the price of 
provisions rose rapidly in the North American colonies, especially 

that he had no doubt that provisions were exported from places where there 
were no customs officers. See also Golden to Pitt, Nov. 11, 1760 {Ibid,), 
enclosing the custom-house accounts, illustrating the nature and method of 
this trade. This method implied great frauds in the customs service, which 
Golden laid at the door of the officers in New Jersey and New England. One 
Bradley sent him a copy of a letter from a firm in Norwalk, which had pro- 
cured "numbers of fictitious clearances for Different Persons as Also their 
method & Price for doing it." Bradley to Amherst, Dec. 18, 1760. Am. 
and W.I. 95. In addition, Golden admitted that provisions were shipped 
from New York to the Spanish and Portuguese wine islands off Southern 
Europe and Africa. This, though illegal, he contended did no harm, as all 
provisions thus exported were purely for local consumption in these islands. 
Golden to Pitt, Dec. 27, 1760. Of, also B. T. Va. 27 Y 14. New Jersey, 
whose foreign trade was unimportant, apparently did not engage directly in 
this trade, at least not to a marked degree. Boone to Pitt, Aug. 23, 1760. 
Am. and W.I. 72. ^ B. T. Jam. 34 Z 44. 

^ White sugar had risen from 185. to 265. a cwt, muscovado from ll5. to 
175. 6d. a cwt Shiriey to Board of Trade, Aug. 1, 1760. B. T. Bahamas 
7 E 1. Governor Lyttelton said that on account of this trade provisions 
during the war were scarce and dear in Jamaica. B. T. Jam. 37 Cc 19. 
However, on Jan. 7, 1758, Governor Pinfold wrote to the Board of Trade that 
Barbados was plentifully supplied witli provisions, the trade with the 
Northern colonies being kept open by the activity of the privateers. B. T. 
Barbados 35 Ee 16. 

^ These sugars were "entered as the produce of the island of Guardaloup," 
which had been captured in 1759. B. T. Plant. Gen. 16 P 17. French 
sugars were imported into New York under "the denomination of prize 
sugars & British Sugara from Guardaloup." Golden to Pitt, Nov. 11, 1760. 
Am. and W.I. 72. Shirley pointed out that in addition to the other 
advantages resulting from this trade, France derived a revenue from the 
export duties in Santo Domingo, while the duties that were imposed by the 
Act of 1733 on these products when imported into the English colonies were 
not paid. B. T. Bahamas 6 D 87. On June 13, 1760, the Board of Trade 
sent a copy of this despatch to Pitt. Ibid» 12, pp. 187-188. 


CHAP, in New York, so that at times it would hare been cheaper to 
VI purchase in England the flour and bread needed for the troope 
employed in the colonies.^ 

'Of minor importance, but by no means insignificant^ was 
another branch of this illegal trade: that carried on with the 
French in Florida and Louisiana. New York and Pennsylvania 
did not, apparently, engage in this commerce, which, 4o a great 
extent^ centred in New England.^ A small nmnber of colonial 
sloops constantly traded with New Orleans.' In addition, some 
trade, especially in Indian goods, was carried on by means of 
the Spanish with the French to the tirest of Florida. South 
Carolina was somewhat inyolved therein, but the chief (lender 
was Rhode Island.^ According to William Bull, the lieutenant- 
governor of that colony, it was the Indian goods thus acquired 
that enabled the French to keep their promises to the Indians, 
which, in turn, tended to encourage the Gherokees to keep up 
their war with the English and almost brought the Creeks to an 
open rupture.* 

' The military and naval commanders were naturally indignant 
at a trade which they considered " traiterous," and which inter- 
fered with the success of their operations. Toward the end of 
1759 General Crump wrote to Pitt that the French islands sub- 
sisted entirely by this trade and by the prizes which they took, 
and that, during the last eight months, not a single vessel had 
arrived from Europe with provisions for them. If these practices 
were stopped, he added, it would facilitate any military designs 
on the colonies of the enemy.^ Admiral Cotes called the trade 
iniquitous,^ and Commodore Moore stigmatized those engaged 

^ B. T. Plant. Gen. 16 P 17. Of. also correspondence of DeLancey and 
Amherst. ' Am. and W. I. 91 and 92. 

« CJolden to Pitt, Oct. 27, 1760. Am. and W.I. 72. Hamilton to Pitt, 
Nov. 1, 1760. Ihid. 

' In 1761 a sloop v:as seized at Boston for trading at New Orleans. 
The examination of the crew of this vessel hronght ont the fact that in 
addition to this, two other colonial sloops, one from Rhode Island, the other 
from Jamaica, traded regularly at New Orleans. Bernard to fitt, May 5, 
1761. Am. and W.I. 78 ; B. T. Mass. 78 LI 14 and 19. 

* On May 29, 1760, Bull wrote to the Board of Trade that the French 
were enabled to take advantage of the rupture with the Oherokees by the 
plenty of Indian goods with which they had been 8U})plied by the Northerti 
colonies, especially by the Rhode Island traders, who, being interrupted in 
their traffic at Monte Oristi, "have found out a new, and more pernicious 
Channel for the Industry, by carrying Goods proper for Indians to Pensacola, 
or other parts, where the French at Louisiana can get them." B. T. So.Oa. 
20 M 7. 

» Bull to Pitt, Feb. 18, 1761. Am. and W.I. 78. With a view to 
obviating this result, Bull induced South Carolina to pass a temporary law 
regulating the exportation of goods needed for the Indian trade. 

• Byam Crump, Guadeloupe, Dec. 26, 1759, to Pitt. Am. and W.I. 100. 
' B. T. Plant. Gen. 16 P 20. 


in it as " Traitors to their Country/' ^ It was claimed by those CHAP. 
in the best position to judge of such matters, that this trade VI 
enabled the French to equip privateers, which inflicted much 
suffering, and that it prevented the capture of the French West 

* Full reports were forwarded to Pitt, who characteristically 
expressed his sentiments in no uncertain terms. On August 23, 
1760,^ he addressed a circular despatch to the colonial governors, 
stating that he had received repeated and certain information 
*'of an illegal and most pernicious Trade, carried on by the 
King's Subjects, in North America, and the West Indies, as well 
to the French Islands, as to the French Settlements" on the 
continent of America, by means of which the enemy is supplied 
with provisions and other necessaries, in consequence of which 
France is '' principally, if not alone, enabled to sustain, and pro- 
tract, this long and expensive War." Pitt instructed the 
governors to make strict inquiries into ** the State of this 
dangerous and ignominious Trade," to bring "all such heinous 
Offenders ... to the most exemplary ^nd condign Punishment^" 
and in general to put a stop to "such flagitious Practices." Pitt 
was unquestionably indignant^ and this feeling was intensified 
by the fact that, as a result of the victories of Hawke and 
Boscawen,. French sea power had been utterly shattered. The 
French West Indies were absolutely helpless, and relief from 
France was impossible. Guadeloupe had already fallen into 
English hands, and Martinique, Dominica, and the other " neutral 
islands " would inevitably fall when wanted, unless aided directly 
or indirectly by the English colonies. 

' The chief instrument used to break up this trade with the 
enemy was the royal navy.^ Frequent seizures virtually put an 
end to the fraudulent flag of truce trade ^ and to the direct trade 
with the enemy.^ The indirect intercourse by means of the 

» Moore to Pitt, October, 1769. Am. and W.I. 100. 

> B. T. Jam. 34 Z 43. Henry Moore, March 28, 1769. 

' Am. and W.I. 78. On Nov. 1, 1760, Governor Hamilton of Pennsylvania 
wrote to Pitt that trading with the enemy must ** from the very nature of 
War, be a very high offence." Am. and W.I. 72. 

* In 1757, Sir Charles Hai-dy, who was both governor of New York and 
a Rear - Admiral, advised the employment of cruisers to 'intercept any 
Smuggling Trade that might attempt going to the Neutral Islands" with 
provisiooB. Hardy to Pitt, April 10, 1767. Am. and W.I. 71. At that 
time he seized a Salem vessel returning from St. Eustatius, and took it to 
Halifax where it was condemned in the Admiralty Court B. T. N.Y. 34 
Mm 18. 

^ B. T. Va. 26 X 41 ; Second Memorial enclosed in Holmes to Pitt, 
Jan. 4, 1761. Col. Corr. Jam. II. 

< Hamilton to Pitt, Nov. 1, 1760. Am. and W.I. 72. Sharpe to Pitt, 
Feb. 27, 1761. Ibid. 73. First Memorial enclosed in Holmes to Pitt, Jan. 4, 
1761. Col. Corr. Jam. II. Bernard to Pitt, Nov. 8, 1760. Am. and W. I. 72. 


CHAP. Dutch colonies was also checked by the condemnation of the 
VI Dutch vessels engaged in trading with the French colonies. 
This indirect trade was then diverted to Monte Gristi As this 
was a Spanish port, some legal difficulties were encountered in 
seizing vessels trading there. It was practically impossible to 
condemn colonial vessels carrying provisions to a foreign port in 
violation of the act of 1757, because their papers were always 
in order and indicated as their destination some British port 
Nor, according to a strict interpretation of the ''Rule of 1756," 
could colonial vessels trading at a neutral port, such as Monte 
Cristi, be condemned. 

'At the outset, in 1759, the navy proceeded to seize ships 
engaged in the Monte Oristi trade, but was deterred in this 
activity by the legal difficulties encountered in procuring their 
condemnation.^ The Admiralty Court in England held that 
'' British Subjects have no Undoubted right of Trading at Monte 
Christi, provided they carry on their Trade Band Fide with the 
Spaniards only."^ The Judge of the Vice-Admiralty court of 
Jamaica contended, however, that the trade was not bona fide, 
that the Spaniards produced no sugar, molasses or rum; that 
the trade was virtually a direct one with the French ; and that 
it certainly violated the spirit of the law.^ The naval authorities 
supported this view. On January 4, 1761, Rear- Admiral Charles 
Holmes,^ the commander at the Jamaica station, wrote to Pitt, 
that on his arrival he had instructed the ships of his squadron 
to break up this trade, as well as that carried on ^y flags of 
truce, but that he now found that many doubts had arisen in 
England concerning the legality of seizing and condemning the 
ships coming from Monte Cristi. " Shall others," he asked Pitt, 
'^ the subjects of Great Britain, concerned in this Trade, and 
Swearing with Halters about their Necks, if they bear witness 
to the Truth and Declare, that they keep Correspondence with 
the Enemy and not only Nourish and Support his Subjects in 
their Wants, but cover and carry on their Trade in a most 
prosperous and Successful Manner ; Compeat with, or be 
opposed and Overthrow, the Certain Knowledge of His Majesty's 
Squadron, that there is Neither Port nor Commerce belonging 
to Spain ; at Monte Chris ti, that the Commerce is wholly French ; 
and that the Spaniards are only the Porters of this Trade, not 
into a Port, but into an open Bay and bare Road -Stead ? " 
Holmes added that he would obey whatever instructions he 
might receive, but he pointed out that " the Enemy Cannot be 
hurt here, if the Trade of Monte Christi, under any Colour or 
pretext whatever, be sustained as Legal " ; that this trade was 
even worse than the flag of truce trade, for if British subjects 

» B. T. Plant Gen. 16 P 20 ; B. T. Jam. 34 Z 59 and 80. 

2 Edward Long, Dec. 3, 1760. Col. Corr. Jam. II. 

» Ibid. * Col. Corr. Jam. 11. 


were, by other means, forced to abandon it, the Dutch would CHAP, 
take it up. He therefore hoped that his action in seizing the ^l 
enemy's produce, wherever he could lay hold of it^ would be 
approved. These arguments lead to the extension of the '' £ule 
of 1756 " to the Monte Cristi trade.^ 

*The West Indian Vice -Admiralty courts proceeded to con- 
demn these vessels, and ultimately their action was upheld in 
England. The question of the legitimacy of such seizures once 
settled, great zeal was displayed in breaUng up the trade. To- 
ward the end of 1760, the governor of New Jersey informed 
Pitt that the activity of the cruisers in the West Indies and 
" the Kind of Civil War that has been waged by Privateers on 
these Traders belonging to different Provinces " had made this 
intercourse so hazardous that it cannot be pursued '* so universally 
or successfully as formerly."* Early in 1761, Admiral Holmes 
was able to inform Pitt that he had broken up this trade.^ 

'His report was, however, too sanguine il taken literally. 
The navy seriously interfered with this trade and greatly 
diminished it, but at no time succeeded in entirely eradicating it. 
Many and tortuous were the methods employed to escape the 
vigilance of the men-of-war. Thus in 1761 vessels from Jamaica 
and the continental colonies used Spanish crews and sailed under 
the Spanish flag from Santo Domingo with French produce.^ 
The navy was able to fathom this subterfuge,^ but there were 
apparently other devices, which taken in connection with the 
fact that the navy was not ubiquitous, account for the continuance 
of this trade, though on a greatly diminished scale. At no sub- 
sequent time did it attain the large proportions that it had in 

^ Robinson (Am. ed.) II, pp. 121, 122. 

* Boone to Pitt, Oct. 23, 1760. Am. and W.I. 72. Of. Golden to Pitt, 
N.Y., Oct 27, 1760, to effect that the navy had stopped this trade. Ibid. ; 
Wentworth to Pitt, Dec. 9, 1760. Ibid, ; Hopkins to Pitt, Dec. 20, 1760. 

* Ool. Corr. Jam. II. Not dated but marked received May 13, 1761. Holmes 
added that an attempt was then made to carry French produce to market 
in Spanish ships from Spanish Hispaniola. The aotion of Holmes in seizing 
these Spanish vessels within gunshot of their ports was not approved by the 
Biitish government, whose chief aim, after Pitt's resignation in 1761, was 
to keep peace with Spain. Cal. Home Office Papers, 1760-1765, nos. 397, 
401. On March 29, 1760, Shirley wrote to the Board of Trade that recently 
the Vice-Admiralty Court of New Providence had condemned the cai^es of 
eight Spanish vessels belonging to Monte Cristi. These vessels had been 
captured by a privateer from the Bahamas, and were laden with French 
sugars and molasses. Am. and W.I. 464. 

* Holmes to Pitt, June 16, 1761. Col. Corr. Jam. II. See also Gal. 
Home Office Papers, 1760-1765, pp. 60, 61, for some further details about 
the trade between the French and Spanish in Santo Domingo. 

' The attack of Holmes on this trade led to considerable ill-feeling 
in Jamaica. See complaint against Holmes, Oct. 1, 1761. Col. Corr. Jam. 
II ; and Holmes to Pitt, Oct. 27, 1761. Ibid, III. Qf, pasaim this volume. 


CHAP. 1759 and 1760. In 1762, after Spain had joined forces with 
^1 France, there was, however, a reviyal on so extensive a scale, 
that even the normally imperturbable Cknnmander-in-Chief was 
roused to indignation. 

' On May 10, 1762, Amherst wrote to the Earl of £gremont^ 
that he had Uitely discovered a most iniquitous trade, by means 
of which the enemy was supplied with provisions and stores 
from many ports on the continent of America, the colonial 
vessels sailing directly to the French colonies ; and that he had 
written to the governors and customs officials to put a stop " to 
this pernicious and destructive Trade." ^ In his circular letter 
to ^e colonial governors,^ Amherst stated that he had un- 
questionable proof that the enemy was being supplied with 
provisions from sdmost every port in the continental colonies, 
and that it was absolutely necessary to stop the trade as the 
army needed these supplies. In his letters to the Surveyors- 
General of the Castoms,^ Amherst showed that colonial vessels, 
which had cleared for British ports and had instead gone to the 
enemy's colonies, were yet able^ to procure landing certificates 
from the alleged Biitish port of destination. Such certificates, 
he pointed out, could be obtained only by the dishonest con- 
nivance of the custom-house officials. He enclosed a list of 
such vessels that had gone directly to the enemy's ports, though 
clearing for Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina. 

' To' the colonies most implicated, Amherst wrote separately 
and in great detail To Colden,^ the lieutenant-governor of 
New York, he sent complete evidence of the colony's par- 
ticipation in this trade, such as : a French passport found on 
board a New York vessel, allowing it to trade in French ports ; 
an invoice of sugar shipped on a New York vessel in French 
Hispaniola, with an account of the cargo sold there by this ship. 
Among the number of instances mentioned by Amherst, one 
deserves citation. A New York vessel met a French ship that 
concealed its nationality by hoisting the British colors. There- 
upon the colonial captain hid his French pass. On the New 
York vessel being seized, the true nationality of the capturing 
vessel was made evident, and the hidden passport was produced.^ 

1 Am. and W.I. 97. 

' Dated April 15, 1762. The goyemors of Nova Scotia and of Georgia 
were not included. Am. and W.I. 97. To put **a stop to such infamous 
practices, particularly at a time when there is the gi^eatest demand for 
provisions to supply the King's troops." Ck)l. Rec. of R.I. VI, pp. 811, 312. 

* To Peter Randolph, Southern district, and John Temple, Northern 
district) dated April 24, 1762. Am. and W.I. 97. 

* Amherst to Golden, April 16, and M&y 6, 1762. Ibid, 
^ Amherst's letter of April 16, 1762, shows that families like the Living- 
stons and the De Peysters were engaged in this trade. This trade even 
extended to French Guiana. On Nov. 3, 1762, William Popple, Governor of 
the Bermudas, wrote to the Lords of the Admiralty regarding a New York 


It is not surprising that Amherst wrote that ^'such Infamous CHAP, 
practices at any time ought to be suppressed/' but especially VI 
then, when Great Britain was at war with Spain as well as with 
France, and when " there is the greatest ReiEbson imaginable, to 
think that without Bupplys from this Continent the Enemy 
could not Subsist their Fleets in the West Indies." Colden 
fully admitted the truth of these chaises, and said that the New 
York traders ''consider nothing but thdr private profit," and 
that he would try to punish those engaged in this '' most per- 
nicious trade." ^ 

* Connecticut and Rhode Island also called iorth Amherst's 
indignation. On May 5, 1762, he wrote to Fitch, the governor 
of the former colony, complaining that this trade was still 
continued in Connecticut, and that vessels daily left the 
colony with provisions destined for] the enemy.^ Rhode Island 
also was actively engaged in this commerce, which centred in 

'In this entire correspondence, Amherst emphasized two 
points : first, that the trade helped ,the enemy ; eecond, that it 
interfered with military operations by depriving the army of 
the necessary provisions. Despite the fact that the colonies 
produced a large surplus of food-stuffs, the troops had in part to 
be supplied from Europe.^ This was to a great extent due to 
the traide in question, which enhanced to an abnormal degree 

vessel that had been seized for trading at Cayenne. Her outward cargo from 
New York was lumber, provisions, and horses, and the return cargo was 
cocoa. According to the custom-house papers from New York, her des- 
tination should have been Barbados. Adm. Sec. In-Letters 8819. 

1 B. T. N.Y. 86 Oo 67 : Colden to B. T., May 11, 1762. 

« Am. and W.I. 97. 

3 Amherst to Hopkins, M»y 7, 1762. Am. and W.I. 97, and Col. Rec. of 
R.I. VI, pp. 817, 818. For the seizure of a Rhode Island schooner, which 
had gone to Hispaniola with a cargo of flour, see Peter Blake to Egremont, 
Charleston, Nov. 27, 1762. Am. and W.I. 223. 

4 Even under normal conditions, it is probable that some provisions for 
the army would have been sent from Ireland. See Pitt Correspondence II, 
pp. 79, 109, 110. Of, also Brit. Mus. Add. MSS. 85909 (Hardwioke Papers 
DLXI). In the opening years of the war, wheat was sent to England from 
the colonies, while in the closing years the movement was reversed. Among 
the imports of wheat and flour into England in the year from Michaelmas, 
1756, to the same date 1757 are the following items : from New York, 7 
quarters ; from Pennsylvania, 1988 quarters ; from Yiiginia and Maryland, 
4887 quarters. For the subsequent year the corresponding figures are 688, 
1275, and 2855. Among the exports of wheat from England in 1762 are the 
following items : — 

To the West Indian colonies 7485 quarters 

To Quebec 6602 quarters 

To Newfoundland 720 quarters 

To New York 1657 quarters 
Treas. Ace. Rev. Misc. (England), Bundle 80. 


CHAP, the cost of provisions in the colonies. In consequence of the 
VI ensuing scarcity, the Commander-in-Chief at this time was 
forced to order an embargo laid in the Middle and Northern 
colonies.^ "I see no other way," he wrote, ''of preventing 
those whose Sole Views seem to be to get Money without the 
least regard for the good of their Country from accomplishing 
their Designs."^ Amherst* took this step most reluctantly, as 
it punished both the innocent and the guilty ; ^ consequently on 
receipt of advices that a quantity of provisions for the army 
was coming from England, he allowed the embargo to be raised, 
at the same time expressing the hope that no more attempts 
would be made to supply the enemy> For his activity in 
breaking up this trade, Amherst was duly praised by the 
government.' * 



Seepage On July 20, 1895 Mr. Olney addressed a despatch to the 
324. American Ambassador in London, in which were included the 

following observations : — 

'That distance and 3,000 miles of intervening ocean make 

any permanent political union between an European and an 

American State unnatural and inexpedient will hardly be 

denied. . . . 

* To-day the United States is practically Sovereign on this 

continent, and its fiat is law iipon the subjects to which it 

confines its interposition. . . . 

» B. T. N. Y. 36 Go 67. Amherst^ May 6, 1762, to Fitch ; May 7, 1762, to 
Hamilton ; same date to Hopkins ; eta Am. and W. I. 97. 

^ Amherst to Goyemor Hamilton of Pennsylvania, May 7, 1762. Ibid. 

^ Governor Bernard of Massachusetts complained that the embargo en- 
tailed some suffering in that colony, as fish could not be sent to the British 
West Indies, nor provisions to Quebec and Nova Scotia. On May 6, 1762, 
Amherst in reply wrote to Bernard, that this illegal trade had been carried 
on in a most systematic and wholesale manner, and that its suppression was 
a matter of the highest importance. He would allow Bernard to relax the 
embargo as far as Nova Scotia was concerned provided that satisfactory 
bonds were given. Ibid. 

* Amherst, June 18, 1762, to governors of Rhode Island, Gfonnecticut, 
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. Ibid. 

^ On July 10, 1762, Egremont wrote to him, that * the indefatigable 
Pains You have taken to discover & trace out all the Arts used to cover 
the most scandalous illicit Ti'ade, carried on with the Enemy, have justly 
met* with high approbation. Am. and W.I. 77. 


*With the Powers of Europe permanently encamped on CHAP. 
American soil, the ideal conditions we have thus far enjoyed VI 
cannot be expected to continue.' 

To these observations Lord Salisbury replied : — 
'The necessary meaning of these words is that the union 
between Gt. Britain and Canada ; between Gt. Britain and 
Jamaica and Trinidad; between Gt. Britain and British 
Honduras or British Guiana are " inexpedient and unnatural." 
President Monroe disclaims any such inference from his doctrine ; 
but in this, as in other respects, Mr. Olney develops it. He lays 
down that the inexpedient and unnatural character of the union 
between a European and American State is so obvious that it 
"will hardly be denied." Her Majesty's Government are pre- 
pared emphatically to deny it on the behalf of both the British 
and American people who are subject to her Crown.' ^ 




* It is difficult or impossible to form any safe conjecture of Soe page 
the number of real loyalists in America, but it is certain that ^72. 

it was very considerable. John Adams, who would naturally 
be inclined to overrate the preponderance in favour of in- 
dependence, declared at the end of the war his belief that a 
third part of the whole population, more than a third part of 
the principal persons in America, were throughout opposed to 
the Bevolutiou. Massachusetts was of all the provinces the 
most revolutionary, but when General Gage evacuated Boston 
in 1776 he was accompanied by more than 1,000 loyalists of 
that town and of the neighbouring country. Two-thirds of the 
property of New York was supposed to belong to Tories, and 
except in the city there appears to have been no serious dis- 
affection. In some of the Southern colonies loyalists probably 
formed half the population, and there was no colony in which 
they were not largely represented. . . . 

* The older colonists were not of the stuff of which ardent See page 
soldiers are made. Among the poor, vagrant, adventurous ^^6. 
immigrants who had lately poured in by thousands from Ireland 

and Scotland, there was indeed a keen nulitary spirit, and it 
was these men who ultimately bore the chief part in the war 
of independence ; but the older and more settled colonists were 
men of a very different type. Shrewd, prosperous, and well- 
educated farmers, industrious, money -loving, and eminently 

* Correspondence respecting the Question of the Boundary qf British Ouiana 
[C. 7926], pp. 16-18, 25. 


CHAP, domestic, they were men who, if they were compelled to fight, 
VI would do ao with courage and intelligence, but who cared little 
"--^^v-*-^ or nothing for military glory, and grudged every hour that 
separated them from their families and their farms. Such men 
were dragged very reluctantly into the struggle. The American 
Revolution, like most others, was the work of an enei^etic 
oiunority, who succeeded in committing an undecided aaid 
fluctuating majority to courses for which they had little love, 
and leading them step by step to a position from which it was 
impossible to recede.^ To the last^ however, we find vacillation, 
uncertainty, half -measures, and lin large classes a great apparent 
apathy.' ^ 

Lecky's account is supported by the contemporary authority 
of Chief Justice Marshall. 

' When it is recollected that the parties to the war had been 
members of the same empire ; that no practical oppression had 
been generally experienced ; but that the contest was a contest 

See page ^ One of the most remarkable documents relating to the state of opinion 
547. iu America is the examination of Galloway (late Speaker of the House of 

Assembly in Pennsylvania) by a Committee of the House of Commons, 
June 16, 1779. As a loyalist, his mind was no doubt biassed, but he was a 
very able and honest man, and he had much more than common means of 
forming a correct judgment. He says : ' I do not believe, from the best know- 
ledge I have of that time [the banning of the rebellion], that one-fifth of the 
people had independence in view. . . . Many of those who have appeared in 
support of the present rebellion have by a variety of means been compelled. 
... I think I may venture to say that many more than four-fifths of the 
people would prefer an union with Great Britain upon constitutional principles 
to that of independence.' Galloway was asked the following question : ' That 
part of the rebel army that enlisted in the service of the Congress — were they 
chiefly composed of natives of America, or were the greatest part of them 
English, Scotch, and Irish ? ' Galloway answered : ' The names and places 
of their nativity being taken down, I can answer the question with precision. 
There were scarcely one-fourth natives of America — about one-half Irish — ^the 
other fourth were English and Scotch. ' This last answer, however, roust be 
qualified by a subsequent answer, that he judged of the country of the troops 
by the deserters who came over, to the number of between 2000 and 3000, at 
the time when Galloway was with Sir W. Howe at Philadelphia. I have no 
doubt that in the beginning of the war the proportion of pure Americans in 
the army was much larger, as it was chiefly recruited in New England, where 
the population was most unmixed. It is stated that more than a fourth part 
of the continental soldiers employed during the war were from Massachusetts. 
See Greene's HistoricoU View of th€ American Revolution^ p. 285. Galloway's 
very remarkable evidence was reprinted at Philadelphia in 1855. In his 
Letters to a Nobleman on the Conduct of the Wavj Galloway reiterates his 
assertion that ' three-fourths of the rebel army have been generally composed 
of English, Scotch, and Irish, while scarcely the small proportion of one- 
fourth are American, notw^ithstanding the severe and arbitrary laws to force 
them into the service.' 

'^ Lecky, History of England in Uu Eighteenth Century^ vol. iv. pp. 222, 


of principle, in which a claim was resisted in its commencement, CHAP, 
on the mere ground of rights the pressure of which had not been VI 
felt ; it will readily be supposed that some contrariety of opinion 
must have prevailed in every stage of the controversy. In its 
origin there were very few who took a decisive part in support 
of the claims of administration. The opposition was made by 
the most active, energetic, and intelligent ; and being an opposi- 
tion to taxation, the ultimate consequences of which were 
neither generally foreseen nor apprehended, was, of course, very 
popular; and those who would not then have been willing to 
encounter the difficulties and dangers afterwards experienced, 
either joined their countrymen, or suffered themselves to be 
borne along with the great mass, without enquiring what would 
be the future result of the present measures. 

' As the contest assumed a more serious aspect, and became 
better understood, causes of irritation multiplied, and real 
injuries were sustained. The number of those who were deter- 
mined, at every hazard, to maintain the principle asserted by 
America, greatly increased : but the party disaffected to this 
opposition, assumed a more distinct form, and in many parts 
of the union appeared in greater force than had been at first 

'So soon as fears were entertained that the pen might be 
laid aside, and an appeal be made to the sword, many were 
found unwilling to encounter the danger and the hazards of 
the contest ; and to be more disposed to admit the supremacy 
of the British Parliament, and trust to their not abusing it, 
than to risk everything in order to maintain a principle not 
deemed by all of equal importance. These men, who were 
viewed with infinite contempt and detestation by those who 
believed that to submit to taxation, unaccompanied by re- 
presentation, was the essence of slavery, were denominated 
tories ; and were exposed to the resentment of their neighbours 
who entertained the prevailing opinions. 

* The nominal government not having been yet changed, and 
all concurring in professions of allegiance to the British crown, 
even after hostilities had commenced, no pains or penalties 
could be ordained by law for persons of this description ; but 
they were held up as enemies to the liberties of America, after 
which their condition was worse than if subjected to prosecu- 
tion, according to legal rules, for offences against established 
laws.' ^ 

' Marshairs Lift of Washington, vol. iii. pp. 48-50. 

2 E 



J^^^ NOTE J 



8ee page < Whereas taxation by the Parliament of Great Britain for 

^^^' the purpose of raising a Revenue in His Majesty's Colonies, 

Provinces and Plantations in North America has been found 
by Experience to occasion great uneasiness and disorders among 
His Majesty's faithful subjects who may nevertheless be dis- 
posed to acknowledge the justice of contributing to the common 
Defence of the Empire provided such contribution should be 
raised under the authority of the General Court or General 
Assembly of each respective Colony, Province or Plantation. . . . 
May it please your Majesty that it be declared and enacted and 
it is hereby declared and enacted. . . . That from and after 
the passing of this Act the King and Parliament of Great 
Britain will not impose any Duty, Tax or Assessment whatever, 
payable in any of His Majesty's Colonies, Provinces or Planta- 
tions in N. America or the West Indies; except only such 
duties as it may be expedient to impose for the Regulation of 
Commerce : the net produce of such duties to be always paid 
and applied to and for the use of the Colony, Province or 
Plantation in which the same shalf be respectively levied in 
such manner as other duties collected by the authority of the 
Respective General Courts or General Assemblies of such 
Colonies etc. are ordinarily paid and applied. 

'XL And be it further enacted . . . That, from and after 
the passing of this act, so much of an act made in the seventh 
year of his present Majesty's reign intituled "An act for 
granting certain duties in the British colonies and plantations 
in America "... as imposes a duty on tea imported from Great 
Britain into any Colony or Plantation in America, or has relations 
to the said duty, be, and the same is, hereby repealed.' ^ 

1 18 G«o. in. c. 12 (1778). SialvX^ al Lmrgt, vol. xiii. p. 180. 




Map of 


to illustrate Chapter VII 

»9e 419. 




The independence of the United States of America chap. 


was formally established by the second Peace of .^^^^^^^^^^ 
Paris signed at Versailles in January 1783. In the The 
last chapter the disruption of the Commonwealth has R^oiuTion 
been represented as the inevitable consequence of a ^f^j.^^* 
statesmanship in England which was unable to rise English 
above the maxims of the commercial system. A systei 
variety of causes had long been disposing the minds 
of the colonists towards separation. From the cir- 
cumstances which led to their settlement in America 
they were out of sympathy in various ways with the 
ruling classes in Britain. More earnest in their 
religion, cleaner in their personal morality, at once 
purer and more democratic in their politics and of a 
simpler and more wholesome manner of life, they 
were disposed to regard Britain much as Bunyan's 
pilgrim regarded the City of Destruction. On these 
and other contributory causes of the Revolution 
many volumes have been written, but for the pur- 
pose of the present inquiry it is needless to dwell 
upon them, unless it is contended that, had all these 
merely contributory causes been reversed, the result 
in the end might have been other than it was. 
Suppose that the religion, morals, and manners of 
American society had been those of the ruling classes 
at home, and had changed in sympathy with the 
changes that there took place, is it conceivable even 





A similar 

system in 





SO that the relations of the two peoples could have 
remamed subject to the principles of the commercial 
system ? The United States of America now contain 
more than 100,000,000 souls. Can we conceive this 
vast aggregate of human beings in the political 
situation that was occupied by the colonists of 
Virginia and New England? Can any sane mind 
imagine the foreign relations of North America con- 
ducted to-day by a government responsible only to 
the 45,000,000 inhabitants of the British Isles ? 
If not, it is enough for an inquiry like this to 
examine the one cause which must, if it continued, 
have compelled the colonists to assume independence 
in external as well as internal affairs. It is not a 
very rash statement to say that, unless the people 
of Great Britain had managed to admit the Americans 
to a common responsibiUty for foreign affairs, the 
Americans must in any case have assumed that 
responsibility for themselves. 

An attempt on the part of Scotland to do this 
very thing and the results which followed have been 
dealt with in Chapter V. A similar attempt on the 
part of Ireland was the immediate result of the 
American Revolution. The close connection of Irish 
with colonial affairs was ho mere accident. The 
Irish problem hinges on the fact that Ireland was the 
earliest field of English and Scottish colonization. 




of Ireland 
in early 


The arm of the sea which divides Calais from 
Dover has enabled the English to develop a civiliza- 
tion of their own, differing in important respects 
from that of Europe. The strait which divides them 
from Ireland is thtee times as wide, with the result 


that till recent times the people of England have ohap. 
been in closer contact with those of Western Europe 
than with those of Ireland. A glance at the map, 
however, is enough to show that the fortunes of the 
two islands are inseparably connected. A situation 
which thus enforces connection while discouraging 
intimacy is the key to the misfortunes which have 
overtaken the smaller and more secluded of the two 
peoples. From the outset of their common history 
this situation has operated to the prejudice of Ire- 
land. Britain in a state of barbarism was a constant 
menace to the civilization established by the Romans 
in Gaul, and had to be brought under Roman rule. 
Agricola, who accomplished this work, saw that in 78-85 a. d. 
time the pax Romana established in Britain would 
be threatened in turn from Ireland and advised, but 
never attempted, its conquest ; nor did any of his 
successors. ' It was probably a misfortune that Ire- 
land never passed, like the rest of Europe, under the 
subjection of the Romans, who bequeathed, wherever 
they ruled, the elements of Latin civilisation, and 
also those habits of national organisation in which 
they were pre-eminent.' * Had St. George's Channel 
been no wider than the Straits of Dover, it is at 
least more likely that Rome would have dissolved 
the tribal system in Ireland and given to its people 
a unity which they have never since been able to 
achieve. The Irish seem to have advanced to a state 
of culture as high as can be attained within the 
limits inexorably imposed by a tribal condition of 
society. In the chaos which followed the collapse 
of the Roman Empire the seclusion of the island 
served, in some measure to protect its people from 
external foes. Under the protection of its monas- 
teries Celtic literature and art attained their highest 

^ Lecky, History of Ireland in the Eighteenth Century, vol. i. p. 2. In 
future this authority will be referred to as Lecky, History of Ireland. 


CHAP, development, and Irish missionaries carried Chris- 
tianity to Northumberland and to the barbarians 
of Northern Europe. * From Ireland/ in the words 
of St. Bernard, 'as from an overflowing stream, 
crowds of holy men descended upon foreign countries.' ^ 
Survival Nevertheless, outside the monasteries the tribal 

tribal system remained undisturbed. Tribal custom, known 
system. ^ ^j^^ Brehou law, was recorded with care and 
invested with sanctity. * But there was no authority 
except public opinion to enforce payment of the fines 
determined by the brehon in cases submitted to 
him.' ^ By the twelfth century Ireland had attained 
no greater unity than existed in England before the 
time of Egbert, 
introdac- In the twelfth century feudalism had been 
feudaHsm thoroughly established in England, but it was subject 
stron^^-**^ to a monarchy strong enough to hold the feudal 
bow. chiefe in subjection to a common government and 

thus to impose upon the country the habit of 
obedience to a common government. The whole of 
England was parcelled out in fiefs, and the Crown 
had no more lands with which to reward military 
retainers who had inherited none for themselves. It 
was natural, therefore, for the kings to think of 
Ireland as a possible field for feudal colonization, and 
the internal weakness of the country was such as to 
invite the attempt. The opportunity occurred when 
Diarmait Machmaida, paramount chief of Leinster, 
being worsted in a tribal affray, sought the aid of 
Henry II., who authorized him to obtain the assist- 
ance of some of his more impecunious retainers. At 
Bristol Diarmait obtained the assistance of Richard 
de Claire, Earl of Pembroke, better known as ^trong- 
bow, a nobleman of great ability butr broken fortunes. 
Strongbow asked for and obtained the hand of 

* Lecky, History of Ireland^ vol. i. pp. 242-3. 

* Quiggin, Ency. Brit, vol. xiv. p. 770, 11th eA 


Diarmait 8 daughter Eva. Under feudal law this ohar 
marriage would have made him heir to all the rights 
of Diarmait in Leinster ; but under the tribal law of 
Ireland it gave him no rights to the communal land, 
which was the joint property of the tribe. Thus in 
the twelfth century appears the same collision of 
legal systems which led to the native wars in South 
Africa and in New Zealand, and complicates to this 
day the relations of the native with the colonist. 
Strongbow eventually landed in Ireland with a strong 
force and asserted what he supposed to be his rights. 
In accordance with the agreement Diarmait pro- 
ceeded to grant the territory of Wexford as fiefe to 
Strongbow's allies, Robert Fitzstephen and Maurice 
Fitzgerald. Such grants, however, were utterly at 
variance with the principles of native law. 

Henry II. was quick to perceive that Strongbow Henry ii. 
might become as dangerous to himself as his own fe'S'as 
ancestors had been to the Kings of France. In 1172 l]^2^^^' 
he crossed to Ireland with a strong force and exacted 
the homage not only of the invaders but of the Irish 
chiefs, who did not in the least appreciate the signi^ 
ficance of their act. England owes much to the 
assertion by Henry II. of his authority over the 
Norman nobles ; but in Ireland he was quite unable 
to control the adventurers, and contented himself 
with exercising a nominal authority over them 
through a Viceroy. The adventurers proceeded to 
carve out fiefs for themselves; but their conquests 
were. largely limited to the open valleys, and the 
Celtic tribes remained in undisputed possession of 
the mountainous districts. The Norman conquerors Nominal 
were rapidly absorbed into Irish society, and be- of^E^giuh 
came tribal chiefs rather than feudal nobles. The '^^^®' 
authority of the King was purely nominal, and did 
not avail to impose upon the nobles and their fol- 
lowers, as in England, a habit of obedience to a 








common government. The Irish people were neither 
incorporated like the Welsh as part of the British 
state, nor did they become a separate state. It was 
Edward I. who in England placed the final seal on 
the work begun by William the Conqueror and con- 
tinued by Henry 11. , as a result of which the King's 
writ ran through every county of England, order 
was established, and every one. irrespective of rank 
or station, was accustomed to obey the national 
Government. The history of the British Empire 
would have been very different if he and his successors 
had been strong enough to accomplish the same task 
in Ireland. Wanting that strength, they fell back 
on the fatal expedient of maintaining an appearance 
of authority by keeping Ireland divided against itself 
When Robert D'Ufford in 1298 was called upon by 
Edward to account for the state of disorder in Ire- 
land, he explained that ^ he thought it expedient to 
wink at one knave cutting off another,' whereat the 
King smiled and bade him return to Ireland. 

The English had long traded with Ireland, with 
the consequence which invariably follows, when a 
more orderly community begins to trade with one 
more backward than itself, that they formed settle- 
ments on the coast, just as in the seventeenth century 
English trading posts were established on the coasts 
of India. It is perhaps more accurate to say that 
they utilized and developed Norse settlements already 
established at the most convenient harbours, those of 
Dublin, Wexford, Waterford, and Cork. The area or 
' Pale ' contBoUed by these colonies tended to include 
the surrounding country in proportion to the growth 
of English power. While England was weakened by 
the Wars of the Roses, the area began to contract, 
till, except in the case of Dublin, it vanished alto- 
gether. Even there the English Pale became so 
small ^nd difficult to hold that it was protected by 


a ditch. Within the Pale the English colonists ruled ohap. 


the Celtic inhabitants, and, as happens to some extent ^..,„,^^.„^ 
at the present day in South Africa, the colonists 
reserved their own law to themselves, while governing 
the natives under native law, an arrangement fruitful 
in inequalities. It meant, for instance, that while 
the murder of an Englishman was punished only with 
death, the murder of an Irishman involved nothing, 
more serious than a fine. When the Irish inhabitants 
of the Pale offered to purchase the privilege of Eng- 
lish law for a large sum, their petition was refused 
by the Government at the instance of the English 
prelates and nobles. The colonists, deeply concerned 
to maintain themselves as a separate race and caste, 
compelled the sons of labourers to follow their fathers' 
vocation, and excluded the natives from the patronage 
of the Ohurch. While endeavouring, however, to Fruitless 
prevent the natives from rising to their own level, to ™^ 
the colonists were unable to avoid sinking to that of EnS^" 
the Irish. Regulations such as those forbidding aacend- 
Englishmen to wear moustaches after the fashion 
of the natives reveal a consciousness of their own 
tendency to merge into the primitive society which 
surrounded them. 

* Irish modes of life long continued to exercise an 
irresistible attraction over many of the colonists ; but 
it was inevitable, in such a situation and at such a 
time, that those who resisted that attraction, and 
who formed the nucleus of the English power, should 
look upon the Irish as later colonists looked upon the 
Red Indians — as being, like wild beasts, beyond the 
pale of the moral law. Intermarriage with them was 
forbidden by stringent penalties, and many savage 
laws were made to maintain the distinction. "It 
was manifest," says Sir John Davis, "that such as 
had the government of Ireland under the crown of 
England did intend to make a perpetual separation 



The first 
c, 1295. 

CHAP, and enmity between the English and Irish, pretend- 
ing, no doubt, that the English should, in the end, 
root out the Irish." A sentiment very common in 
the Pale was expressed by those martial monks who 
taught that it was no more sin to kill an Irishman 
than to kill a dog; and that, whenever, as often 
happened, they killed an Irishman, they would not 
on that account refrain from celebrating Mass even 
for a single day.'^ 

When in 1295 Edward I. summoned representatives 
of the English counties and towns to discuss with 
him the affairs of state and frimish him with the 
necessary supplies, he instructed his Viceroy to adopt 
the same procedure in Ireland. The colonists accord- 
ingly were summoned to send representatives to 
Dublin. As in England, the practice became estab- 
lished, and the representatives at Dublin rapidly 
acquired the power of making laws for themselves 
subject to the assent of the King's deputy, which 
was often granted with little or no reference to the 
King himself. In 1459, when England was distracted 
ofTr^andT ^1 ^^ Wars of the Roses, they anticipated the action 
of the American colonies by denying that Ireland 
was subject to the laws and statutes of England. The 
Anglo-Irish colony adhered to the Yorkist faction, and 
it was there that Richard of York gathered strength to 
attack the House of Lancaster. It was there that the 
rebellion of Lambert Simnel was hatched in 1487, to 
end in the Battle of Stoke where, as Bacon remarks, 
' the Irish did not fail in courage or fierceness but 
being almost naked men only armed with darts and 
skeens it was rather an execution than a fight upon 
them.' Presently Perkin Warbeck, a Flemish appren- 
tice to a silk merchant in Cork, was put forward by 
the Yorkist party as rightful heir to the throne and 
was recognized as King of Ireland by the colonial 

* Lecky, History of Ireland^ vol. i. p. 4. 







Parliament. His claims were a source of anxiety to ohap. 


Henry VH. until, after attempting to invade England, ^^^^^.^^.^^^ 
he was at length captured and executed in 1499. 1499. 

Henry VII. recognized that no ruler could secure Poyniug's 
his position in England until he had asserted his no ' 
authority in Ireland, and determined to end the ^^^J^t^ 
practice in accordance with which the deputy and m Ireland 

^ ^ _ ^ . . unless first 

his colonial Parliament made laws with little or no approved 

bv tilie 

reference to the King himself. Accordingly he sent English 
to Ireland as Lord Deputy, Sir Edward Poyning, ^^IcH 
who summoned a Parliament which, at his instance, 
enacted a law providing that in future no Parliament 
should be summoned without the consent of the King, 
and that no business should be laid before it when 
summoned which had not been considered and ap- 
proved by the King in council. By a further act 
the existing statute law of England was applied to 
Ireland. Parliament, of course, represented no one 
but the English colonists, whose authority was con- 
fined to their fortified settlements on the coast. 
Beyond those limits the English settlers had merged 
into the Celtic society about them and had adopted 
the language and habits of the natives. The only 
authority recognized was that of the chiefe, including 
those of Norman descent, who were constantly at 
feud with one another. The colonists were in no 
position therefore to assert their independence of the 
English Government. Henry VII. could afford to 
despise their Parliament, and it was the Viceroy's 
independence, rather than theirs, which Poyning's 
Law was intended to restrict. Henceforward no law 
could be made in Ireland any more than in England 
without the approval of the King himself. 

At the very moment when Poyning's Law was Ireland a 
passed, Columbus was opening the route to America, the 
and within three years Vasco da Gama had landed gp-n^^o?^ 
on the coast of India. * The great impulse which the *^« '^^^^ 



CHAP, discovery of the New World and the religious changes 
of the sixteenth century had imparted to the intellect 
and character of Europe, was shown in England in 
an exuberance of many-sided activity equalled in no 
previous portion of her history. It produced among 
other consequences an extraordinary growth of the 
spirit of adventure, a distaste for routine, an extreme 
desire to discover new and rapid paths to wealth. 
This spirit showed itself in the immense development 
of maritime enterprise both in the form of discovery 
and in the form of piracy, and still more strongly in 
the passion for Irish land. The idea that it was 
possible to obtain, at a few hours' or days' journey 
from the English coasts, and at little or no cost, great 
tracts of fertile territory, and to amass in a few 
years gigantic fortunes, took hold upon the English 
mind with a fascination much like that which was 
exercised by the fables of the exhaustless riches of 
India in the days of Clive and of Hastings. The 
Government warmly encouraged it. They believed 
that the one effectual policy for making Ireland useful 
to England was, in the words of Sir John Davis, " to 
root out the Irish " from the soil, to confiscate the 
property of the septs, and plant the country syste- 
matically with English tenants. There were chronic 
disturbances between the English Grovernment and 
the Irish , chie&, who were in reality almost inde- 
pendent sovereigns, and these were made the pretexts 
for gigantic confiscations ; and as the hunger for land 
became more intense, and the number of English 
adventurers increased, other methods were employed. 
A race of discoverers were called into existence who 
fabricated stories of plots, who scrutinised the titles 
of Irish chiefs with all the severity of English law, 
and who, before suborned or intimidated juries, and 
on the ground of technical flaws, obtained confiscations. 
Many Irish proprietors were executed on the most 



frivolous pretexts, and these methods of obtaining chap. 
confiscations were so systematically and skilfully re- .^^^^^^,.^^^ 
sorted to, that it soon became evident to chiefs and 
people that it was the settled policy of the English 
Grovemment to deprive them of their land.' ^ 

The darkest pages of history are those in which The 
European adventurers are seen using the achievements engendered 
of their civilization for the destruction of more J^L^^^®*^' 

ence in 

primitive peoples. In Ireland it would seem as civilization 


though fate had decreed that no irony should be by 
wanting to complete the tragedy. Unlike the natives JuffS^^cs 
of Africa and America the Irish were Europeans, no 
less capable than any European race of responding 
to civilizing influences which came within their reach, 
or of evolving a civilization for themselves. They 
were just too near for the English to let them alone, 
and yet too far to be incorporated in the English 
state and share in the development of its civilization. 
Except for its reUgion, Irish society was a survival 
of Western Europe before its inclusion in the Roman 
Empire. The Irish had adopted Christianity before 
the Vo,, them,el.», «>d fldeUty to their'^ndent 
creed was now to contribute to their ruin. The 
Reformation was closely associated in England with 
the cause of freedom, and when Elizabeth ascended 
the throne Catholicism was identified with the forces 
which were endeavouring to crush the English Common- 
wealth. The Church reformed^ on English lines was' 
formally estabHshed in Ireland. But the Irish clung 
to CathoHcism and were regarded as an outpost of 
continental autocracy. Religious opinion instead of 
restraining, encouraged and sanctioned the rapacity 
of the adventurers who descended on Ireland. ' The Rebellions 
slaughter of Irishmen was looked upon as literally reprisals 
the slaughter of wild beasts. Not only the men, but E^^beth. 
even the women and children who fell into the hands 

^ Lecky, History of Ireland, voL i pp.. 13-14. 


CHAP, of the English, were deliberately and systematically 
^" butchered. Bands of soldiers traversed great tracts 
of country, slaying every living thing they met. 
The sword was not found sufficiently expeditious, but 
another method proved much more efficacious. Year 
after year, over a great part of Ireland, all means of 
human subsistence were destroyed, no quarter was 
given to prisoners who surrendered, and the whole 
population was skilfully and steadily starved to death. 
The pictures of the condition of Ireland at this time 
are as terrible as anything in human history. Thus 
Spenser, describing what he had seen in Munster, 
tells how, "out of every corner of the woods and 
glens, they came creeping forth upon their hands, for 
their legs could not bear them. They looked like 
aaatomies of death ; they spoke like ghosts crying 
out of their graves ; they did eat the dead carrion, 
happy when they could find them; yea, and one 
another soon after, inasmuch as the very carcases they 
spared not to scrape out of their graves." ... In 
Ulster the war was conducted in a similar spirit. . . . 
" No spectacle was more frequent in the ditches of 
towns, and especially in wasted countries, than to 
see multitudes of these poor people dead, with their 
mouths all coloured green by eating nettles, docks, 
and all things they could rend above ground." . 
In the neighbourhood of Newry, famine produced a 
new and appalling crime. It was discovered that 
some old women were accustomed, by lighting fires, 
to attract children, whom they murdered and de- 
voured. At last, hunger and the sword accomplished 
their work .... and the English ascendency was 
supreme. . . . The English ascendency brought with 
it two new and lasting consequences, the proscrip- 
tion of the Irish religion and the confiscation of the 
Irish soU.' ' 

* Lecky, History of Ireland, vol. i. pp. 6-6, 8-10. 


Naturally the Irish stretched out their hands for chap. 

, yjj 

assistance to Catholic countries, and Spain saw in ,,^^,^..,^^.^^ 
Ireland a possible base for the invasion of England. Spanish 
' A small expedition of Spaniards, with some English ^'^^*®*^°*- 
and Irish refugees, landed at Smerwicke in Kerry in 
1579 to support the rebellion of Desmond, but they 1579. 
were besieged by the English, and after a hard 
struggle the survivors, numbering about 600, sur- 
rendered at discretion, and, except the officers who 
were reserved for ransom, were put to death, as well 
as some women who were found with them in the 
fort. A larger expedition of about 3,500 men landed 
in Einsale in 1601, and was joined by the followers 
of O'Donnell and Tyrone, but it was surprised and 
defeated by the English. The Spaniards were allowed 
to retire to their own country, and O'Donnell and 
many other Irish accompanied them, and planted in 
a happier soil families which in more than one in- 
stance produced noble fruit. From this time it was 
noticed that Irish exiles were scattered widely over 
the Continent. Great numbers of the old nobility 
of the land fought and fell under foreign flags, and 
'' found their graves in strange places ^nd unhereditary 
churches." ' ^ 

As normally happens when Europeans invade the Exteiisive 
territories of a primitive people, the English ignored ^"S"^ 
a semi-communal system of tenure which they did ^^^®^®- 
not understand. ' Under the clan system it may easily 
be conceived what passionate indignation must have 
been excited by the attempt to expel the old chiefs 
from their property, and to replace them by new 
owners who had no single object except to amass 
rapid fortunes, who had no single sympathy or interest 
in common with the natives. But this was not all. 
The Irish land customs of tanistry and gavelkind, as 
established by the Brehon laws, were still in full force 

^ Lecky, History of Ireland, vol. L pp. 11-12. 





tion of 
for Irish 
of land 

among the Irish tribes. According to this system, 
the chief was not, like an English landlord, owner in 
fee of his land ; he was elected, though only out of 
a single family, and the clan had a vested interest in 
the soil. The humblest clansman was a co-proprietor 
with his chief : he was subject, indeed, to many ex- 
actions in the form of tribute that were extremely 
burdensome and oppressive, but he could not be 
ejected, and he had large rights of inheritance of 
common land. His position was wholly different from, 
and in some respects it was superior to, that of an 
English tenant. In the confiscations these rights were 
completely disregarded. It was assumed, in spite of 
immemorial usage, that the land was the absolute, 
hereditary property of the chiefs, and that no com- 
pensation was due to their tenants; and in this 
manner the confiscation of territory became a burning 
grievance to the humblest clansman.' ^ It was only 
in Connaught that the rights of the Irish received 
recognition. There Sir John Perrot, instead of ignor- 
ing their communal rights, converted them into indi- 
vidual tenure or divided them in accordance with the 
notions of English law. Elsewhere the natives were 
ruthlessly dispossessed, and those who survived were 
allowed to remain only in the condition of day 
labourers or ploughmen. 

Immediately, however, they began to reassert their 
hold on the soil. It is the constant complaint among 
the European population of South Africa that great 
landowners find it more profitable to lease their land 
to natives than to whites, and so it was with the 
Irish. ' Accustomed to live in wretched poverty, 
they could pay larger rents than the English ; their 
local knowledge gave them great advantages; they 
were unmolested by the numerous robbers who had 
begun to swarm in the woods ; and after the lapse of 

^ Lecky, History of Ireland^ vol. i. pp. 15-16. 


ten years from the commencement of the Settlement, ohap. 
Spenser complained that the new proprietors, " instead 
of keeping out the Irish, doe not only make the Irish 
their tenants in those lands and thrust out the English, 
but also some of them become mere Irish." '} There 
is reason for believing that Spenser's own grandson 
was dispossessed of land under the Cromwellian 
settlement as a rebel Irishman. 

The process already described was continued by The 
James I., and henceforward Ireland was exploited by pj^nution 
Scotland as well as England. By a decision of the ^^ Ulster 

o ^ J ^ under 

King's Bench, the tribal rights recognized under the James i. 


Brehon law were declared illegal, and Ulster was 
colonized by Scottish settlers. Native reserves were 
at first made, as in Connaught, but in neither case 
were they long respected. Thenceforward the process 
of expropriation was furthered by legal tricks to 
which the sanction of law was accorded by a corrupt 
judiciary. The law as well as the religion of the 
conquerors was thus perverted to the undoing of the 
Irish people. 

In England, meanwhile, the struggle of the Com- Strafford 
monwealth with autocracy was fast approaching its i^38!9*" ' 
crisis, and Ireland became a pawn in the game. 
Charles I. sent Wentworth as his Viceroy to Ireland 
to raise there revenues and forces which would relieve 
him from the necessity of applying to an English 
Parliament for suppUes. With this end in view the 
natives were driven from the lands which Perrot had 
secured to them in Connaught. Wentworth was re- 
called, impeached by Parliament, and executed in 
1641 ; but the Puritans, who were exhorting the 
King to enforce the laws against the Catholics, were 
little disposed to protect the Irish natives. Parlia- 
ment, like the. King, had parasites of its own who 
looked on Irish land as their lawful spoil. Sir William 

* Lecky, Histcry of Irelatidy vol. i. pp. 18-19. 

2 F 




The Irish 

■Charles I. 
in the 
Civil "War, 

Parsons 'ardently desired and purposely stimulated 
rebellion in order to reap a new crop of confiscations/^ 

* The Lords Justices, and crowds of hungry adven- 
turers, saw with keen delight the opportunity of 
obtaining that general confiscation of Irish lands at 
which they had been so long and so flagitiously 
aiming, and of carving out fortunes on a larger scale 
than in any previous period. Lord Castlehaven 
assures us it was a common saying among them that 
** the more were in the rebellion, the more lands 
should be forfeited to them." ' ^ ' Week after week, 
as the attitude of the English Parliament became 
more hostile, the panic in Ireland spread and 
deepened.' * In October 1641 the rebellion began 
with a number of murders but with no general 
massacre. ' From the very beginning the English 
Parliament did the utmost in its power to give the 
contest the character of a war of extermination.'* 
It was the boast of Pym himself 'that the Parliament 
would not leave one priest in Ireland.' ^ In December 
the English House of Commons resolved that the 
Catholic religion should not be tolerated in Ireland, 
and * thus at once extended the range of the rebellion 
and gave it the character of a war of religion.' ® 

In May 1642 the Catholic clergy declared the war 
against the English Parliament to be just and legal, 
seeing that it was waged not only for the defence of 
the Catholic religion but also for the maintenance of 
the royal prerogative. Not only was the aid of the 
Pope invoked but also that of the Kings of France 
and Spain. Many of the old English colonists, who 
remained Catholic and were cavaliers by sympathy, 
threw in their lot with the rebellion. In England 
the King and Parliament were actually at war, and 

* Lecky, History of Irelarid, vol. i. p. 42. 
» Ibid, p. 42. 
» Ibid. p. 40. 

2 Ibid, p. 70-1. 

* Ibid. p. 82. 

• Ibid, p. 82. 



the Irish rebels, to legalize their position, produced chap. 
a commission from Charley which may have been ,J^ 
genuine. It suited the Puritan book to identify 
them with the Bojalist cause, and in 1644 Charles 
with a gaipbler's desperation resolved to land Irish 
Catholics in Britain in order to crush the Puritan 
forces of Scotland and England. ' The Parliaments, 
both in England and Scodand, passed ordinances in 
1644 that no quarter should be given to Irish who 
came to England to the King's aid. These ordinances 
were rigidly executed, and great numbers of Irish 
soldiers being taken prisoners in Scotland were 
deliberately butchered in the field or in the prisons. 
Irishmen taken at sea were tied back to back and 
thrown into the waves. In one day eighty women 
and children in Scotland were flung over a high 
bridge into the water, solely because they were the 
wives and children of Irish soldiers. 

* If this was the spirit in which the war was con- Massacres 
ducted in Great Britain, it may easily be conceived ^" "*" • 
how it was conducted in Ireland. In Leinster, where 
assuredly no massacre had been committed, the orders 
issued to the soldiers were not only " to kill and 
destroy rebels and their adherents and relievers, but 
to burn, waste, consume, and demolish all the places, 
towns, and houses where they had been relieved and 
harboured, with all the com and hay therein ; and 
also to kill and destroy all the men there inhabiting 
capable to bear arms." But, horrible as were these 
instructions, they but faintly foreshadowed the 
manner in which the war was actually conducted. 
I shall not attempt to go through the long catalogue 
of horrors that have been too often paraded; it is 
sufficient to say that the soldiers of Sir Charles 
Coote, of St. Leger, of Sir Frederick Hamilton, and 
of others, rivalled the worst crimes that were per- 
petrated in the days of Carew and of Mountjoy. 


CHAP. " The soldiers," says Carte, " in executing the orders 
^^^^^^^^^^ of the justices, murdered all persons promiscuously, 
not sparing (as they themselves tell the Commissionei*s 
for Irish Affairs in the letter of June 7, 1642) the 
women, and sometimes not children." Whole villages 
as well as the houses of the gentry were remorselessly 
burnt even when not an enemy was seen. In 
Wicklow, in the words of Leland, Coote committed 
" such unprovoked, such ruthless and indiscriminate 
carnage in the town, as rivalled the utmost extrava- 
gance of the Northerns." The saying " Nits will 
make lice," which was constantly employed to justify 
the murder of Irish children, then came into use.' * 
Cromwell's At length in 1649, Cromwell, having crushed the 
^"ireiand, Royalists in England, turned his attention to the 
1649. pacification of Ireland, where he quickly overpowered 
the Catholic forces. * It should always be remembered 
to his honour that one of his first acts on going to 
Ireland was to prohibit the plunderings and other 
outrages the soldiers had been accustomed to practise, 
and that he established a severe discipline in his 
army. The sieges of Drogheda and Wexford, how- 
ever, and the massacres that accompanied them, 
deserve to rank in horror with the most atrocious 
exploits of Tilly or Wallenstein, and they made the 
name of Cromwell eternally hated in Ireland. . . . 
Among the English soldiers who were present at this 
siege was the brother of Anthony Wood, the well- 
known historian of Oxford, and the vivid and most 
authentic glimpse of this episode of Puritan warfare 
which that accurate and painstaking writer has given 
us in his autobiography, furnishes the best commentary 
on the language of Cromwell. He relates how his 
brother " would tell them of the most terrible assault- 
ing and storming of Tredagh, where he himself had 
been engaged. He told them that 3,000 at least, 

* Lecky, History of Irelamd^ vol. i. pp. 88-5. 


besides some women and children, were, after the chap. 
assailants had taken part and afterwards all the 
town, put to the sword on September 11 and 12, 
1649, at which time Sir Arthur Aston, the governor, 
had his brains beat out and his body hacked to 
pieces. He told them that when they were to make 
their way up to the lofts and galleries of the church 
and up to the tower where the enemy had fled, each 
of the assailants would take up a child and use it as 
a buckler of defence when they ascended the steps, 
to keep themselves from being shot or brained. After 
they had killed all in the church, they went into the 
vaults underneath, where all, the flower and choicest 
of the women and ladies had hid themselves. One 
of these, a most handsome virgin arraid in costly and 
gorgeous apparel, kneeled down to Thomas Wood 
with tears and prayers to save her life, and being 
stricken with a profound pitie^ he took her under his 
arm, went with her out of the church with intentions 
to put her over the works to shift for herself, but a 
soldier perceiving his intentions he ran his sword 
through her . , . whereupon Mr. Wood, seeing her 
gasping, took away her money, jewels, etc., and flung 
her down over the works." ' ^ 

Of a population reckoned at 1,466,000 when the His 
war began, over 616,000 or close on half are esti- ^ifi^.^ 
mated to have perished before its close in 1652. *^°°^ 
Slave dealers were then let loose on the land, who 
shipped the destitute children of the dead to Bar- 
badoes. The abuses became such that the Puritan 
Government which had for some time cordially sup- 
ported the system made vain efforts to stop it. * All 
or almost all the land of the Irish in the three largest 
and richest provinces was confiscated, and divided 
among those adventurers who had lent money to the 
Parliament, and among the Puritan soldiers, whose 

^ Lecky, Uiatory of IreXcmd^ vol. i. pp. 101-3. 


CHAP, pay was greatly in arrear. The Irish who were con- 
sidered least guilty were assigned land in Connaught, 
and that province, which rock and morass have 
doomed to a perpetual poverty, and which was at 
this time almost desolated by famine and by massacre, 
was assigned as the home of the Irish race. The 
confiscations were arranged under diflFerent categories ; 
but they were of such a nature that scarcely any 
Catholic or even old Protestant landlord could escape. 
All persons who had taken part in the rebellion before 
November 10, 1642, all who had before that date 
assisted the rebels with food or in any other way, 
and also about one hundred specified persons, includ- 
ing Ormond, Bishop Bramhall, and a great part of 
the aristocracy of Ireland, were condemned to death 
and to the absolute forfeiture of their estates. All 
other landowners who had at any period borne arms 
against the Parliament, either for the rebels or for 
the King, were to be deprived of their estates, but 
were promised land of a third of the value in Con- 
naught. If, however, they had held a higher rank 
than major, they were to be banished from Ireland. 
Papists who during the whole of the long war had 
never borne arms against the Parliament, but who 
had not manifested a "constant good affection" 
towards it, were to be deprived of their estates, but 
were to receive two-thirds of the value in Connaught. 
Under this head were included all who lived quietly 
in their houses in quarters occupied by the rebels or 
by the King's troops, who had paid taxes to the rebels 
or to the King after his rupture with the Parlia- 
ment, who had abstained from actively supporting 
the cause of the Parliament. Such a confiscation was 
practically universal.' ^ 

Cromwell, however, was far too great a statesman 
to believe that the Irish problem could be per- 

^ Lecky, History of Ireland^ vol. i. pp. 105-6. 


manently solved by mere ruthlessness, or even by chap. 
the establishment of a military colony. He realized 
that, if Ireland as well as Scotland was ever to be irUh 
incorporated in the Commonwealth, its people must TOmnonod 
share in the general government. Under his Pro- p ^. 
tectorate Ireland, like Scotland, sent thirty members ment at 
to the Parliament of Westminster. But, as in the minster 
case of Scotland, his work was undone at the Re- jS^^tw- 
storation, for no Irish members were summoned by **^ ^^^ 

• "^ not under 

Charles II. to the English Parliament. It is not too theRestor- 
much to say that the history of the world would 
have been different had representatives of the Irish 
people continued to meet those of England in a 
common assembly. 

When Charles 11. was restored to the throne, his 166O. 
Catholic supporters in Ireland naturally expected to 
regain their lands. But Charles dared not face the 
fury of the Cromwellian settlers. A period of the 
utmost confusion followed, in which the original 
owners got little or nothing. When, however, the 
Catholic James II. had been driven from England he James 11. 
landed in Ireland in 1689 and identified his cause ^39! 
with theirs. Once again the cause of reaction in 
England found in neglected Ireland its natural sup- 
port. James summoned a Catholic Parliament, which 
hastened to revise the Cromwellian settlement and 
to restore the land to the Catholic party. Ireland 
now became a pawn in the long struggle between 
William of Orange and Louis XIV., who was sup- 
porting James. Beaten at the battle of the Boyne, The 
James fled to France in 1690, and at the end of theBojme, 
the following year the last of the Catholic forces ^^*^- 
surrendered at Limerick. A promise of reUgious 
liberty was included in the terms of surrender but 
never fulfilled. 

Though a stream of Protestant immigrants con- 
tinued to flow for several decades from Scotland, 


CHAP, it will be convenient to pause at this juncture to 
^^^^^^^ examine the composition of Irish society. By the 
Composi- sixteenth century the ' old Englishry,' as those were 
irish^^ called who had settled beyond the coast towns, had 
rft^'~ been largely absorbed by the * Irishry/ They inter- 
irishryand married with them, spoke Erse, and adopted their 
Etiffiiahry, tribal customs. At the Reformation they adhered, 
catkoiic ; together with the Irishry, to the Catholic religion. 
(6) the Only the colonists who were segregated in the 

th^^Paie,^ coast towHS retained their English character and 
Siu^n • embraced the principles of the Reformation. For 
them was officially established a colonial Church 
modelled on the same lines as the reformed Church 
of England, an episcopal organization acknowledging 
the King as its head. The settlers who appropriated 
the land in the reign of Elizabeth belonged to the 
Church of England and coalesced with the sister 
Church in Ireland, which, as in England, appro- 
priated such church buildings as survived the 
cataclysm of conquest. 
(c)the A third element was introduced by the Scottish 

settlers, colouizatiou of the North largely encouraged by 
^&n Janaes I. These settlers were mainly Presbyterian 
and violently anti-Catholic, but, from the point of 
view of the Established Church of Ireland, Dissenters. 
Both these Protestant elements were strengthened 
by the successive tides of immigration which swept 
over Ireland till the earlier decades of the eighteenth 
century. The dissenting element was swelled by the 
Cromwellian settlers, many of whom, however, sold 
their titles owing to the insecurity of their position. 
These were largely purchased by Scottish settlers, 
who continued to stream into the North of Ireland 
till shortly after the union of Scotland with England. 
By the beginning of the eighteenth century the Irish 
population was thus divided into three sections. 
Three-quarters were Catholics, including some land- 


owners, gentry, and descendants of the old Englishry. chap. 
But the vast majority of the Catholics were peasants ^^^^^^^^^ 
of mixed origin, in the lowest depth of ignorance and 
degradation. The remaining quarter of the papula- 
tion was divided between members of the Church of 
Ireland and Dissenters. The great majority of land- 
owners and gentry adhered to the Established Church 
of Ireland. The bulk of the Dissenters were farmers 
and artisans, people of the same class as those who 
had colonized New England. Their religious organiza- 
tions, unHke that of the Established Church, were 
active ones, and they constituted the most vigorous 
element in Irish society. 

It was in truth their industry which now brought Trade and 
Ireland within the meshes of the old colonial system, ^ha/in 
The principles of that system, as explained in Chapter 2S!n^ 
IV., were developed by James I. and Charles I. in ^»"<*«- 
fostering colonial projects which originated in the 
form of commercial undertakings. Ireland throughout 
their reigns was too distracted to develop a trade 
valuable enough to claim the attention of the English 
Government. Cromwell's settlers, however, the flower 
of the English farmers and artisans, quickly changed 
all this, and by the time of the Restoration the pro- 
duce of Irish farms and looms had begun to reach 
the English markets. The Civil War had resulted in 
transferring the control of colonial relations from the 
Crown to Parliament. The principles, however, which The 
underlay the commercial arrangements with the ^stem 
colonies remained the same, and were embodied in ^^i^ 
the Navigation Acts of the Long Parliament. Here, trade, 
then, was a colonial policy ready-made, and, the 
moment the Irish colonists developed a trade of their 
own, the principles of that policy were applied to it 
in all their stringency. As with the colonies, the 
English Parliament abstained from drawing revenues 
from Irish taxation into the English Treasury. It 


CHAP, reserved in its own hands the sole responsibility for 

^^^^^^^^^^ naval defence. That was a charge on English industry, 

and therefore the industries of Ireland as well as those 

of the American colonies and Scotland were strictly 

subordinated to what English industrialists regarded 

as their interests. 

strength For more than a century the executive was largely 

^mmerciai coutroUcd by a few noble families, but commercial 

^^ interests were strongly represented in Parliament, 

Eneiish and in all matters affecting trade their voice was 

ment. Considered as final. 'Trade was the Empire,' and 

the classes responsible for trade were treated as the 

determining factor in the settlement of public policy. 

Politics were increasingly treated as though they were 

Adam ' busiucss Writ large.' As Adam Smith pointed out, 

f^;^,,, merchants and master.manu&cturers, from the nature 

selfishness. Qf their occupatiou, are as a class led to devote a 

closer attention to their own material interest than 

other classes of citizens. ' As during their whole Uves 

they are engaged in plans and projects, they have 

frequently more acuteness of understanding than the 

greater part of country gentlemen. As their thoughts, 

however, are commonly exercised rather about the 

interest of their own particular branch of business, 

than about that of the society, their judgment, even 

when given with the greatest candour (which it has 

not been upon every occasion), is much more to be 

depended upon with regard to the former of those 

two objects, than with regard to the latter. Their 

superiority over the country gentleman is, not so 

much in their knowledge of the public interest, as in 

their having a better knowledge of their own interest 

than he has of his. It is by this superior knowledge 

of their own interest that they have frequently im- 

posed upon his generosity, and persuaded him to 

give up both his own interest and that of the public, 

from a very simple but honest conviction, that their 


interest, and not his, was the interest of the public, ohap. 
The interest of the dealers, however, in any particular s^^.,^^,,^ 
branch of trade or manufactures, is always in some Their 
respects different from, and even opposite to, that wiciTnthe 
of the public. To widen the market, and to narrow ™^^^^ 
the competition, is always the interest of the dealers, the oom- 
To widen the market may frequently be agreeable 
enough to the interest of the public ; but to narrow 
the competition must always be ags&nst it, and can 
only serve to enable the dealers, by raising their 
profits above what they naturally would be, to levy, 
for their own benefit, an absurd tax upon the rest 
of their feUow-citizens. The proposal of any new 
law or regulation of commerce which comes from this 
order, ought always to be listened to with great 
precaution, and ought never to be adopted till after 
having been long and carefully examined, not only 
with the most scrupulous, but with the most sus- 
picious attention. It comes from an order of men, 
whose interest is never exactly . the same with that 
of the public, who have generally an interest to 
deceive and even to oppress the public, and who 
accordingly have, on many occasions, both deceived 
and oppressed it.' ^ 

* Smith, The WecUih of Nations, vol. i. pp. 351-2. With this passage it 
is instructive to compare Leoky's refleotioiis on the attempts made by the 
commercial classes in England to frustrate Lord North's proposal in 1777 
to mitigate the restrictions on Irish trade. * Nothing indeed in the 
history of political imposture is. more^ curious than the success with whioh, 
during the Anti-Corn Law agitation, the notion was disseminated that on 
questions of protection and free trade the manufacturing classes have been 
peculiarly liberal and enlightened, and the landed classes peculiarly selftsh 
and ignorant. It is indeed true, that when in the present century the 
pressure of population on subsistence had made a change in the Com Laws 
inevitable, the manufacturing classes placed themselves at the head of a free- 
trade movement from which they must necessarily have derived the chief 
benefit^ while the entire risk and sacrifice were thrown upon others. But it 
is no less true that there is scarcely a manufacture in England which has not 
been defended in the spirit of the narrowest and most jealous monopoly, and 
the growing ascendency of the commercial classes after the Revolution is 
nowhere more apparent than in the multiplied restrictions of the English 
Commercial Code.* — Lecky, History of Irelamdy vol. ii. p. 179. 


CHAP. By the time that Irish industries had strugirled 

J3L into existence the commercial system was fi^ly 
The com- established. The system, as already observed, was 
sv^tem conceived to suit tropical colonies which yielded the 
to f^r ^^^^ materials which English soil could not produce. 
trade in Its Spirit was hostile to the development in the 

England ■*■ ^ i r>t i i ^ • i 

as the sole remoter parts of the Commonwealth of any industry 
Imperial which was capable of being conducted in England, 
revenue, qjj ^j^^ p]^ ^}j^ there and there only was it liable 

to contribute eflfectively to the charges of the common 
defence. Translated into policy, this plea meant that 
Parliament should discourage, so far as it could, the 
development of industries outside the area of taxation 
from which its revenues were drawn. Ireland, no less 
than Scotland and the New England colonies, was 
too like England to suit the system. Its soil and 
climate lent themselves to the same industries as 
Ireland England. But Ireland was in a far worse case than 
miflt^^e Scotland or the American colonies. In Scotland 
system; before the Union the Parliament of Westminster 
claimed no power to legislate. In the American 
colonies the power was limited not by law but by 
facts. In Ireland, however, where the Protestant 
minority depended for their lives and property on 
English support, the Parliament of Great Britain 
asserted its j right to make laws and was also in a 
position to enforce them. The moment therefore 
that English landowners and manufacturers com- 
plained that Ireland was competing with their pro- 
ducts in their own markets, the principles of the 
commercial system were brought into play. As the 
guests of Procrustes were fitted to his bed, so the 
industries of Ireland were fitted by the English 
Parliament to the commercial system. In 1665 and 
1680 the importation into England from Ireland 
of all cattle, sheep, swine, beef, pork, bacon, mutton, 
butter, and cheese was absolutely forbidden. In 


1663, 1670, and 1696 Ireland was excluded from chap. 


trade with the colonies. In 1698 the Irish Parlia- .^^„^.,^^.,^ 
ment was constrained to forbid all exportatioti of 
wool from Ireland except to England, and to dis- 
courage woollen manufactures. In 1699 the English 
Parliament prohibited the exportation of manufac- 
tured woollens from Ireland. The Irish were to 
be encouraged to develop the linen trade, which was 
not, like the woollen trade, regarded as the staple 
of English industry, but the promises of England 
in this respect were imperfectly redeemed. 

The Irish, however, did not, like the American though 
colonies, refuse the burdens of military defence. ^ntri^° 
The Protestant Parliament was always prepared to ^^^ 
maintain a considerable army, partly in order to defence. 
secure itself against the Catholic majority, and these 
troops were constantly used on the continents of 
Europe, Asia, and America. Ireland, however, was 
never taxed for naval defence, and the amount of 
taxation levied per head there was far lighter than 
in England. It was a significant result of the com- 
mercial system that Ireland was at once the least 
heavily taxed and the poorest and most unhappy 
country in Europe.* 

The effect of the commercial restrictions upon the Consequeut 
Protestant colonists are best described in Lecky's iSh°in^ 
own words. ' The manufacturers and the large class ^^^"®^ 
of energetic labourers who lived upon manufacturing 
industry were scattered far and wide. Some of them 
passed to England and Scotland. Great ^numbers 
found a home in Virginia and Pennsylvania, and they 
were the founders of the linen manufacture in New 
England. Others, again, went to strengthen the 
enemies of England. Lewis XIV. was in general 
bitterly intolerant to Protestants, but he warmly 
welcomed, encouraged, and protected in their worship, 

' Lecky, History of Ireland, vol. i. pp. 175, 459. 


CHAP. Protestant manufacturers from Ireland who brought 


^^^^..^^^^^ their industry to Rouen and other cities of France. 
Many others took refuge in the Protestant States of 
Germany, while Catholic manufacturers settled in the 
northern provinces of Spain and laid the foundation 
of an industry which was believed to be very detri- 
mental to England. 
Protestant * The Protestaut emigration, which began with the 
dmSgthe destruction of the woollen manufacture, continued 
centonr"^^ during many ycars with unabated and even accelerating 
rapidity. At the time of the Revolution, when great 
portions of the country lay waste, and when the 
whole framework of society was shattered, much Irish 
land had been let on lease at very low rents to 
English, and especially to Scotch Protestants. About 
1717 and 1718 these leases began to fall in. Rents 
were usually doubled, and often trebled. The smaller 
farms were generally put up to competition, and the 
Catholics, who were accustomed to live in the most 
squalid misery, and to forego all the comforts of life, 
very naturally outbid the Protestants. This fact, 
added to the total destruction of the main industries 
on which the Protestant population subsisted, to the 
disabilities to which the Nonconformists were subject 
on account of their religion, and to the growing 
tendency to throw land into pasture, produced a great 
social revolution, the effects of which have never been 
repaired. For nearly three-quarters of a century the 
drain of the energetic Protestant population continued, 
and their places, when occupied at all, were occupied 
by a Catholic cottier population, sunk in the lowest 
depths of ignorance and poverty. All the miserable 
scenes of wholesale ejections, of the disruption of 
family ties, of the forced exile of men who were 
passionately attached to their country, were enacted. 
Carteret, in 1728, vainly deplored the great evil that 
was thus inflicted on the English interest in Ireland, 


and urged the Presbyterian ministers to employ their chap. 
influence to abate it. Madden ten years later echoed ,,^„^,^,,.^ 
the same complaint, and declared that at least one- 
third of those who went to the West Indies perished 
either on the journey or by diseases caught in the 
first weeks of landing. The famine of 1740 and 1741 
gave an immense impulse to the movement, and it 
is said that for several years the Protestant emigrants 
from Ulster annually amounted to about 12,000. 
More than thirty years later, Arthur Young found 
the stream still flowing, and he mentioned that in 
1773, 4,000 emigrants had sailed from Belfast alone. 
Many, ignorant and credulous, passed into the hands 
of designing agents, were inveigled into servitude, 
or shipped by false pretences, or even with violence, 
to the most pestilential climates. Many went to 
the West Indies, and many others to thie American 
colonies. They went with hearts burning with in- 
dignation, and in the War of Independence they were 
almost to a man on the side of the insurgents. They 
supplied some of the best soldiers of Washington. 
The famous Pennsylvanian line was mainly Irish, 
and Montgomery, who, having distinguished himself 
highly at the capture of Quebec, became one of the 
earliest of the American commanders in the War of 
Independence, was a native of Donegal.' ^ 

Until the forces of resistance in Ireland were Con- 
finally broken in the seventeenth century, disparity ^nt^^ 
in civilization was the prime cause which embittered ™®'}^ ^ 

^ against 

Anglo-Irish relations. The English despised the Irish, England 
and the Irish hated the English as oppressors. No cS^,* 
one deemed to belong to the subject race could count o7^*^ot^* 
on obtaining mercy or even justice. Had Cromwell's religion- 
Union endured, this condition would still have re- 
mained until the difference of civilization between 
the colonists and the older inhabitants had vanished. 

* Lecky, History of Ireland, vol. i, pp. 245-8. 


CHAP. When the Union was reversed, the only kind of 

VII - . 

government possible was one which depended on main- 
taining that difference and upon keeping Catholics 
and Protestants divided against each other. Under 
the commercial system the colonists were taught to 
hate the country of their origin no less than the 
natives themselves. The Irish problem ceased to be 
one merely of disparity in civilization, religion, or 
race. Professor Huzley believed that the Irish popu- 
lation since the plantation of Cromwell has contained 
as large a proportion of Teutonic blood as England 
itself, and Lecky endorses that opinion.^ Wales was 
&r more Celtic than Ireland The fieu^t that the 
descendants of the colonists, English as well as Scottish, 
Episcopalian as well as Nonconformist, rapidly de- 
veloped a kind of hostility to England, proves that 
this antipathy sprang not &om their race, but from 
the situation in which the inhabitants of Ireland were 
placed. * Hostility to the English Government is so 
far from being peculiar to Celts, that it has long 
passed into a proverb that in this respect the descend- 
ants of English settlers have exceeded the natives, 
and there have been few national movements in Ireland 
at the head of which English names may not be 
found. Nor can anyone who follows Irish history 
wonder at the fact. ** If," wrote an acute observer 
in the beginning of the eighteenth century, " we had 
a new sette [of officers] taken out of London that 
had noe knowledge or engagements in Ireland, yet in 
seven years they would carry a grudge in their hearts 
against the oppressions of England; and as their 
interest in Irish ground increased, soe would their 
aversion to the place they left. So it hath been these 
five hundred years ; so it is with many of my acquaint- 
ance but lately come from England ; and so it is likely 
to be till the interests be made one." * ^ 

^ Lecky, History of Jrelandf vol. i. p. 400. ^ Ibid, p. 401. 


These words were written in 1702. In 1698 chap. 
Molyneux had published his famous pamphlet urging s,^^,,.,,^,,^^ 
that, unless the English Parliament were prepared to Moiyneux's 
admit Irish representatives, the Irish Parliament should FeSsiative 
repudiate its jurisdiction. The English Parliament ^^^p®^^' 
ordered his book to be burned by the public hangman; i«98. 
The Irish Parliament was less courageous than 
Molyneux, but realized clearly enou^ that the prin- 
ciples of the commercial system spelt ruin for Ireland 
unless its interests were identified with those of 
England. The project of a Scottish Union was in Exampw 
the air. Scotland was suffering from the exclusion union of 
of her goods from English colonies and the severe ]f°|^*°^ 
restrictions on her trade with England. England, on Scotland, 
the other hand, earnestly desired to consolidate the 
connection between the two countries, which after the 
Revolution was in great danger. After a period of 
great tension England reluctantly agreed to share her 
commercial privileges, and Scotland to surrender her 
legislative independence. The Union was probably 
carried largely by corruption, and long remained 
unpopular in the snialler kingdom, but it bound 
the two countries indissolubly together, and was to 
a great extent the foundation of the subsequent 
prosperity of Scotland. 

* In 1703, four years before the Scotch Union was Resolution 

completed, both Houses of Parliament in Ireland pariiL^ 

concurred in a representation to the Queen in favour J^y^j"J^ 

of a legislative Union between England and Ireland, ^^^^^^^ 

and in 1707 the Irish House of Commons, while 

congratulating the Queen on the consummation of 

the Scotch measure, expressed a hope that God 

might put it into her heart to add greater strength 

and lustre to her crown by a yet more comprehensive 

union. ... In the pliant, plastic condition to which 

Ireland was then reduced, a slight touch of sagacious 

statesmanship might have changed the whole course 






ignored by 
the com- 

of a 

policy of 
against the 

of its future development. But in this, as in so 
many other periods of Irish history, the favourable 
moment was suffered to pass. The spirit of com- 
mercial monopoly triumphed. The petition of the 
Irish Parliament was treated with contempt, and 
a long period of commercial restrictions, and penal 
laws, and complete parliamentary servitude, ensued.'^ 
Had Ireland been incorporated, the Catholics, as in 
Britain, would have been governed by a Protestant 
majority too strong to be frightened into serious 
tyranny. The greater part of this majority, being 
British, would not have had the same motive for 
oppression as the Protestant minority in Ireland. 
The commercial interests having forbidden the adop- 
tion of this policy, there was no alternative but to 
adhere to the old system of trusting to the Protestant 
minority to hold down the Catholic majority. The 
promise of religious freedom made at Limerick in 
1691 was ignored. The English Parliament was not, 
in any case, prepared to extend to Catholics in Ireland 
privileges denied to them in England, and passed an 
Act to exclude them from the Irish Parliament. 
They were thus subjected to a minority in whose 
minds were fresh the memories of the Catholic Parlia- 
ment which had resumed possession of the lands 
formerly seized and now regained by the Protestant 
colonists. The Irish Parliament refused to ratify the 
Treaty of Limerick, and contrary to its provisions 
further expropriations were enforced against the 
Catholics. Henceforward not more than one-eighth 
of the soil of Ireland remained in the hands of 
Catholic proprietors. The Dublin Parliament next 
proceeded to the enactment of measures designed not 
only to confirm the exclusion of Catholics from 
political power, but to render them for ever unfit for 
it. A series of laws were passed depriving Catholics 

* Lecky, History qf IreUmdy vol. v. pp. 124-6. 


of the right to vote, and excluding them from the chap. 
corporations, from the magistracy, from the bar, from 
the bench, from the grand juries, from the vestries, 
and from the army and navy. They might not be 
sheriffs or solicitors, or even gamekeepers or con- 
stables. They were forbidden to possess any arms 
or a horse worth more than £5. No Catholic could 
be a guardian, and all wards in Chancery were brought 
up as Protestants. The land of a Catholic was 
divided amongst his Catholic children, but if an 
eldest son conformed to the Protestant religion, the 
father was reduced to the position of a tenant for life 
and the inheritance of the property secured to the 
Protestant son. Catholics could not hold leases for 
a longer period than 31 years. Foreign priests were 
banished and native priests required to register and 
remain in their own parishes. Successful informers 
under these penal laws were richly rewarded from the 
property of convicted Catholics.^ 

The most malignant of these measures were those Educa- 
designed to confine education to the Protestant rMtrfctions. 
colonists. At the root of the Irish question lay the 
disparity between them and the Catholic Irish, to 
remove which should have been the dearest concern 
of Government. The policy of the colonial oligarchy 
was to emphasize and perpetuate that difference, 
and education, except in Protestant schools, was 
practically denied to the Catholics. No Papist might 
be a schoolmaster or teach any child but his own. 
They were even forbidden to educate their children 
abroad. They were treated not as potential citizens 
but as public enemies and described as such. ' The 
Lords Justices, in 1715, urged upon the House of 
Commons such unanimity in their resolutions ^*as 
may once more put an end to all other distinctions 

* Lecky, History of Ireland^ vol. i. p. 146 ; also Rich^vrd Bagwell, Ency^ 
Brii, voL xiv. p. 779. 




effect on 

in Ireland but that of Protestant and Papist." 
Lord Carteret, in a similar speech, said, ''All the 
Protestants of the kingdom have but one common 
interest, and have too often fatally experienced that 
they have the same common enemy." As late as 
1733 the Duke of Dorset called on the Parliament to 
secure "a firm union amongst all Protestants, who 
have one common interest and the same common 
enemy." The phrase "common enemy" was in the 
early part of the eighteenth century the habitual 
term by which the Irish Parliament described the 
great majority of the Irish people.' ^ The absolute 
subjection of the Irish Catholics was throughout the 
eighteenth century a cardinal point in the cireed of 
the dominant caste. 

The an ti- Catholic laws had an effect on Irish 
character which is traceable to the present day. The 
majority were taught to regard law and government 
as essentially opposed to the religion which they 
revered. The penal laws, which closed to them all 
constitutional means of redress, forced them to look 
to violent remedies and made them experts in the 
practice of conspiracy. Political power was confined 
to the very small minority of the Irish population 
who practised the religion established by law, and 
whose ministers were supported out of tithes paid by 
the Catholic peasantry. Many of the incumbents 
never went near their parishes, and employed curates 
on miserable stipends. Their tithes, which were 
payable in kind, were farmed by agents whose int^est 
it was to be merciless in collecting them. Such a 
Church was inoperative as a civilizing influence, and 
singularly calculated to endear Catholicism to the 
Irish peasants. 

The system might have worked its own cure if 
the whole Protestant minority had been enlisted in 

^ Lecky, History of Ireland, vol. i. pp. 162-3, 166. 


the task of government, for it would then have chap. 
included the Scottish and Cromwellian settlers, who s,,,..^^,,.,^ 
would have kept it in touch with the needs of the Diaabiuties 
lower middle and labouring classes. These, however, protesunt 
were Dissenters in religion. In the reign . of Charles i^i"®'^*®^ 
II. the Test Acts had excluded Dissenters from 
political rights, and it was obviously difficult to 
maintain the exclusion in England unless it was 
extended to Ireland. In 1704 the English Privy i704. 
Council tacked a test clause to one of the anti- 
Catholic measures of the Irish Parliament, which 
gladly accepted the amendment. In 1708 the Whig i708. 
element, having returned to power in England, 
endeavoured to obtain a repeal of the test clause, 
but found both Houses of the Irish Parliament 
determined to maintain it. A second attempt in 
1718 failed, but in 1719 an Act was carried which i7i9. 
enabled Dissenters to practise their own forms of 
worship without violating the law. In 1733 a third i733. 
attempt to repeal the Test Act, made by Walpole, 
was again frustrated by the Dublin Parliament. Till 
1780 political rights were restricted to Protestants 
who were prepared to subscribe to the dogmas of the 
Established Church, and Parliament was controlled 
by a handful of landowners, as narrow, selfish, and 
irresponsible an oligarchy as the world has ever Been. 

When, in the beginning of the eighteenth century, w^kneas 
the English Government declined to incorporate Ire- Irish 

1J-. J. 1.' ±. a.' "i«-i Pariiament 

land, it was trustmg to certam powers which were in the 
wanting in the case of Scotland. The primitive ^ntuiy!''**^ 
tenures of the Irish tribes had been ignored or set 
aside, and as conqueror of Ireland the Crown had, in 
accordance with the feudal conceptions of English 
law, asserted its title to the ultimate ownership of 
the land. The grants made to the colonists were 
subject to quit rents, and these, by the Act of Settle- 
ment passed by the English Parliament in the reign 


CHAP, of Charles II., together with excise customs dues and 
sundry Ucences, had been placed for ever at the 
disposal of the Crown. This hereditary revenue, as 
it was called, did not depend on periodic votes of the 
Dublin Parliament, and until it was exceeded the 
Crown was under no necessity of summoning a Parlia- 
ment in Ireland. None was, in fnct, summoned by 
Charles II. But in any case the existence of a 
separate legislature appeared to raise no constitutional 
difficulties, such as were experienced in the case of 
Scotland, because the English Parliament not only 
claimed but asserted the right to override it, and to 
legislate for Ireland. When the right was questioned 
in the reign of George I., it was affirmed by the 
English Parliament in a declaratory Act. Lastly, 
the English Government had in Ireland the same 
facilities as those which Walpole employed for the 
management of Parliament in England. Though 
Parliament, and Parliament only, could make the 
law, the executive was still controlled by the Crown. 
Such a system could only work in so far as the 
ministers of the Crown were able to control Parlia- 
ment, which they did by appealing to the private 
interests of the members. It was an age when the 
supporters of Government in Parliament were freely 
rewarded with lucrative offices, pensions, and even 
doles from the secret service fund. The process was 
rendered easier by the fact that a large proportion of 
members held their seats, not as the representatives 

of constituencies, but as the nominees of a single 
elector. The corruption by which Walpole secured 

the support of Parliament for his measures was openly 

recognized and justified as necessary to the working 

of the constitution. In Ireland no more than thirty 

great borough holders controlled a working majority 

in the votes of the Dublin Parliament.^ 

^ McDonnell Bodkin, QraUan*8 Parliament Before and After ^ p. 82. 


The ministers of Queen Anne may well have qhap. 
flattered themselves that the Dublin Parliament, led ^^^J^^,^^ 
by a triple cord, must always keep step with the The 
English Parliament, and could never, like that of Sdlpefd- 
Scotland, threaten to upset the whole Commonwealth .^{J^^i^j^ 
by pursuing an independent course. But, as happens Pariu- 
with makeshifts when used as a means of evading the eight- 
principles, the strands of the cord parted one by one. century. 
The hereditary revenue failed to keep pace with the 
expenditure, so that the executive was forced to ask 
the Irish Parliament to vote new taxes. That Par- 
liament indeed, whose proper function was to watch 
extravagance, dehberately created burdens on the 
revenue in order to compel the executive to have 
resort to them for fresh supplies.^ But even when 
the Treasury was in funds, they could always bring 
matters to a standstill by refusing to vote expendi- 
ture. Their policy of crushing the spirit of the 
Catholics for the time being succeeded so well that 
the Irish Parliament so far forgot their fears as to 
question the legislative rights of the Parliament at 
Westminster. As any attempt to assert those rights 
could always be met by a refusal to vote supplies, the 
rights fell into disuse. The eighteenth century was 
not half gone before the British Government had 
found that its constitutional control of the Irish Par- 
liament would last only on condition that it was not 
used. The one real hold they had was on the private BntiBh 
interests of its members, who were paid to pass what- mafntomed 
ever measures were called for by the necessities of ^^J^^^ ^^ 
government. Rulers, forced by the defects of the the 


system they administer to practise corruption in by 
the public interest, seldom if ever resist the tempta- Jnd^co^p- 
tion to practise it in their own, and Irish patronage ^^°'^- 
was habitually used for any kind of job which would 
not stand the criticism of the Parliament at West- 

' Lecky, ffistory of Ireland, vol. ii. p. 58. 


CHAP, minster. Till 1767 the Lord-Lieutenancy itself was 
practically a magnificent sinecure, the head of the 
Irish executive contenting himself with a formal visit 
to Dublin once in two years. The real Irish executive 
was a small knot of men who could undertake to con- 
trol a majority in Parliament in return for a substan* 
tial share of the patronage of the Crown. They 
nominated themselves or their relatives for appoint- 
ment by the Viceroy to the chief offices of state. 
Appropriately called the Undertakers, they managed 
Ireland for England in their own interests upon 
principles which were in harmony with the notions 
of the whole contractual system. A letter of Dean 
Swift to the Viceroy in 1735 recommending some 
friend for preferment gives a glimpse of its working. 

* " He is a very honest gentleman and, what is 

more important, a near relation of the GrattaniS, who 

in your Grace's absence are Governors of aU Ireland 

and your vicegerents when you are here, as I have 

often told you. They consist of an alderman, whom 

you are to find Lord Mayor at Michaelmas next ; of 

a doctor, who kills or cures half the city ; of two 

parsons, my subjects as prebendaries, who rule the 

other half, and of a vagrant brother who governs the 

north. These Grattans will stickle to death for all 

their cousins to the five and fiftieth degree." ' ^ 

A As noticed above, England had observed the spirit 

army ^ of the pac^e colonial so far as never to have imposed 

b *ir^^ on Ireland any charge in respect of the navy. The 

available Government, however, had always to face in Britain 

for service . .... • -0.11? 

abroad. a resolutc oppositiou to any mcrease m the lorces 
available for foreign service, which was due in part to 
the objection to standing armies which had arisen in 
the struggle with the Crown, but still more to the 
aversion of the people themselves from compulsory 
service abroad. Though Catholics were long excluded 

^ Fisher, The End of the Irish Parliament^ p. 16. 


from the army, in no part of the King's dominions chap. 
were recruits more easily raised than amongst the ^.^,..,^^,„,^ 
Protestant colonists in Ireland. The military tradi- 
tion of the adventurers and soldiers from whom they 
sprang survived amongst them/ and the poverty of 
the country encouraged them to enlist. Catholics 
also, from the time of the Seven Years' War onwards, 
were recruited into the ranks. Grolden reasons, 
moreover, could be found to persuade the Undertakers 
to procure from the Irish Parliament an army larger 
in proportion to its population than the English Par- 
liament was willing to furnish. It is important to 
realise that the population of Britain was then little 
more than double that of Ireland. But while Britain 
in peace maintained a standing army of 17,000, 
Ireland maintained 12,000, of whom 8000 were 
available for foreign service. 

Allusion has already been made to the difficulty Thu 
experienced by the British Government at the close of J^t^a^ 
the Seven Years' War in providing garrisons for the f^m^thr. 
great extensions of territory for which they were now theory 
responsible. To America they turned for a contri- colonial 
bution towards the cost of the garrison in that *^®^"^- 
country. To Ireland they turned for a contribution 
of 3000 additional men, and embarked on a 
wrangle with the Irish Parliament, as fruitless and as 
irritating as such discussions always are when the 
subject matter is the apportionment of the cost of 
defence between two countries which have not clearly 
settled the principles upon which that cost ought to 
be determined. In this case the proposal to increase 
the Irish forces was difficult to harmonise with the 
principles of a system under which Ireland was 
supposed to forgo the rights of commercial intercourse 
with the colonies in consideration of the protection 
afforded her by Great Britain. She was now l^ing 

* Lecky, History of Ireland^ vol. ii. p. 85. 


CHAP, asked to increase her forces for the protection of the 

VII • 

very colonies with which she was forbidden to trade. 
Here, as with the American colonies, the theory that 
the union of two communities in one Empire can 
be based upon some supposed balance of reciprocal 
interests broke down the moment it was put to the 
Towns- With each fresh difliculty in Ireland fresh charges 

resident had to be paid to the Undertakers for overcoming it, 
1767^^'. ^^^ ^^ *^® epoch of retrenchment initiated by Gren- 
ville the British Grovemment conceived that it would 
be cheaper to do the jobs for themselves. It was 
decided, therefore, that in future the Viceroy should 
reside, make his own appointments, and manage the 
Irish Parliament for himself, and Lord Townshend, 
brother of the author of the American tea duties, was 
sent over to initiate the new system in 1767. The 
Undertakers proved intractable and Townshend made 
his own arrangements for a parliamentary majority at 
a cost of £500,000.^ The increase of the Irish army 
was carried by a vote of three to one. Townshend, 
however, had earned the undying hatred of the Under- 
takers. The Government, which could never bend 
till it broke, failed to support him, and in 1772 he 
left Ireland abhorred by the politicians, but beloved 
by the people,^ 
The evils Reccut publications of Townshend's secret de- 
landiord- spatchcs and of the reports made to him by the agents 


whom he appointed to inquire into the condition of 
the rural population explain why the land-owning 
oligarchy and the mass of the people regarded him 
with such different feelings. The relations of landlord 
and tenant were very different from those which in 
England were inherited from the Middle Ages, when 
rents paid in kind had, perforce, to be enjoyed on the 
spot. Irish title had originated in an age when the 

1 Fisher, The £nd of the Irish Parliament, p. 62. ^ lind. p. 87. 


revenues of land could be liquidated and spent at a chap. 
distance. Many of the adventurers who secured land s,.^,.,,^,,^^ 
in Ireland had as little interest in its inhabitants as 
the modern capitalist who invests in a tropical plan- 
tation. The tradition of absenteeism became rooted 
in Ireland. Large numbers of landowners seldom if 
ever visited their estates or came in touch with their 
tenants. Their rents were collected through succes- 
sions of middlemen. In such a system there was no 
room for sympathy or mutual knowledge between 
the owners and cultivators of the soil. The natural Conversion 
results were seen when in 1761 a cattle plague in lanTto*^ 
England and Europe raised immensely the value of P«<^«™ge- 
Irish pasture. Estates were diverted from cultivation 
without regard for the interests of the cottiers, who 
were quickly displaced by a few thriving graziers. 
The commons, which afforded pasture to the culti- 
vators' own cattle, were freely enclosed. Faced with conse- 
starvation, the agricultural population formed them- Outbreaks 
selves into lawless organizations, known as 'White- ^y}'^^^^ 
boys' from the fact that the armed parties who boys 'in 
pervaded the country were in the habit of wearing i76i ; 
shirts over their coats. Great parts of Ireland were 
held in terror by the movement. Nameless leaders 
issued proclamations over the signature of Captain 
Right, and exercised all the authority of a secret 
government. Their will was enforced by the hough- 
ing of cattle, by the burning of houses, by mutilation 
and even by occasional murders. 

Ten years later Lord Donegal succeeded in com- andtiie 
municating the movement to the Protestant colony boys^in 
in the North. When the leases of his vast estates fy"^"™' 
in Antrim expired he transferred them for a pre- 
mium of over £100,000 to a syndicate in Belfast, 
which proceeded to displace the existing population. 
A rebellion was organized under the name of the 
* Steelboys,' which large bodies of soldiers were sent 


CHAP, to suppress. In 1772 Captain Erskine, who was 
sent by Lord Townshend with the troops in the 
capacity of a political officer, reported as follows : 
* " When the consequence of driving six or seven 
thousand manufacturing and labouring families 
out of Ireland comes to be felt I question whether 
the rectitude of those gentlemen's intentions will 
be held by the world as a sufficient excuse for the 
irreparable damage they are thereby doing. That 
examples should be made of the principal offenders 
in each county I suppose every one sees the necessity 
of; but should justice be strictly executed on each 
unhappy wretch who comes under the lash of the 
law, it will indeed effectually quiet the country, but 
at the same time render it desolate. And the more 
truth there is in the complaints of the levelling spirit 
of the inhabitants, the more it will have that effect, 
as such a spirit itself sufficiently prompts them to 
settle in America. It seems to me that the first 
thing to be considered in all insurrections is whether 
the complaints of the insurgents are well or ill 
founded. Should the causes of the present riots be 
looked into it will be found that few have had juster 
foundations, that the poor wretches have much to 
plead in their excuse, having had many hardships 
put upon them which the law may perhaps warrant 
but can by no means justify. . . . They complain of 
being driven out of their lands by monopolisers, when 
they offered as great a rent; of those monopolisers 
refusing to sublet to them but at such a rent as 
would make it impossible for them to subsist, and of 
a most exorbitant cess laid on each county by the 
Grand Jury which is avowedly turned into jobs for 
the advantage of private people. A few facts which 
all the country acknowledges the truth of will show 
how much foundation there is for these complaints. 
Lord Donegall, upon his leases falling in, wanted to 


raise upwards of £100,000 by way of 'gorsham/ chap. 
which the fanners, not being able to raise, two or ^^^ 
three merchants in Belfast were preferred to them, 
though they offered moore than the interest of that 
money besides the rent. By this stroke a whole 
countryside was driven from their habitations. What 
was to become of them? They must either go to 
America or take the lands at any rate that the 
Belfast merchants chose to let them." ' ^ 

Mo8t^ of these thrifty and industrious colonists Renewed 
chose the former alternative, and the rising was froJfthe^" 
suppressed with comparative ease. *The complete ^ot«stant 
subsidence of this formidable insurrection in the °' '' 
North forms a remarkable contrast to the persistence 
with which the Whiteboy disturbances in the South 
continued to smoulder during many generations. It 
is to be largely attributed to the great Protestant 
emigration which had long been taking place in 
Ulster. The way had been opened, and the ejected 
tenantry who formed the Steelboy bands and who 
escaped the sword and the gallows, fled by thousands 
to America. They were soon heard of again. In a 
few years the cloud of civil war which was already • 
gathering over the colonies burst, and the ejected 
tenants of Lord Donegal formed a Ictrge part of the 
revokitionary armies which severed the New World 
from the British Crown.' ^ 

This was in 1772 when the American controversy Ulster's 
was approaching its crisis, and, as Chatham had said, ^h^he^ 
* the North of Ireland was American to a man.' American 


Everv circumstance past and present united to enlist tion. 
the sympathies of the Northern colonists in Ireland betwe^ 
with those of New England. They were drawn from gituations 
the same classes in England and Scotland. They in inland 
nourished the same hatred of the episcopal churches. America. 

' Fisher, The End of the Irish ParliaineiU, pp. 70-1. 
^ Lecky, HiUory qf Ireland^ vol. ii. p. 51. 


CHAP. Whole districts in America were peopled by settlers 
from Ulster/ and the steady drain of migration had 
established many personal bonds between them. By 
this time, moreover, the Americans were appealing 
from precedents which were against them to prin- 
ciples which touched the interest of Ireland more 
nearly than their own. The British Parliament was 
asserting the right which it had long claimed over 
Ireland to legislate for the colonies, and the claim 
to legislate included the claim to tax. Resistance 
offered to this doctrine in America rapidly spread to 
all classes in Ireland. Even in the Dublin Parlia- 
ment, consisting mainly of country gentlemen and 
representing only that small section of the population 
which belonged to the Established Church of Ireland, 
an address condemning the American rebellion was 
carried with diflSculty by 92 to 52. It was in fact 
carried by the vote of the rotten boroughs controlled 
by the Government in a House in which more than 
half the members abstained from voting. Later on, 
the influence of the Grovemment was sufficient to 
induce Parliament to sanction the removal of four 
thousand of the troops who were appointed by statute 
to remain in Ireland for its defence, on the under- 
standing that they should be paid, during their absence, 
from the Imperial Treasury. * In this manner, to the 
bitter indignation of a small group of independent 
members and in defiance of a strong Protestant 
opinion in the country, Ireland was committed to 
the American struggle.' ^ 
Injurious Before the outbreak of war the Americans had 
IhTvvAT been, led by the logic of their contention to deny the 
trade^^^ right of the British Parliament, exercised from the 
first, to regulate their industries. Here was a conten- 
tion which appealed more poignantly to the industrial 
community of Ulster than any of the more abstract 

* Lecky, History of Ireland, vol. ii. p. 164, ' /Wd. vol. ii. p. 164. 


rights which had been urged. The outbreak of war chap. 
had brought them, as well as the farmers throughout ^^^ 
Ireland, to the verge of ruin. In compensation for 
the restrictions laid on the woollen industry Ireland 
was allowed to export certain classes of coarse Irish 
linens to the American colonies. The closing of these 
markets by the war and the imposition by the British 
Government, without consultation with the Dublin 
Parliament, of an embargo on the export of Irish 
provisions, for fear that they should reach the revolted 
colonists or the French, led, during the next few years, 
to a rapid collapse of Irish trade. In spite of the 
increasing use of corruption by the Government, the 
Dublin Parliament became so intractable and the in- 
ternal condition of the country so serious, that Lord 
North agreed to relax some of the restrictions on Irish 
trade, and resolutions to that effect were agreed to 
by the British Parliament. But the moment they 
were thrown into the form of Bills a fierce storm of 
opposition broke out from almost every manufacturing 
town in Britain. Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, 
and Bristol were conspicuous in their opposition. 
Burke lost his seat for Bristol by supporting this 
measure of relief for Ireland. Lord North was so 
intimidated that he consented to limit the measure 
in such a way that it failed to relieve the necessities 
of Ireland. At a time when commerce with America 
was wholly suspended, it was almost nugatory, and 
the attitude of the Protestants in Ulster became 
increasingly menacing. 

When in 1778 France declared war, the distracted warwith 
ministers felt that it was time to conciliate the ^^^' 
Catholics and introduced a Bill to relieve them of i>angerou8 
some of the more vexatious restrictions on holding in Ireland. 
land. The Northern Dissenters at once demanded mentof 
the repeal of the Test Act. The Government, terrified 3/1^^ 
at a me^ure which would have admitted the colonists volunteers 

to resist 


CHAP, who sympathized with America to the franchise, were 
^^^^^^^^.^^ not prepared to grant this concession, but the enemies 
of Catholic emancipation in the Dublin Parliament 
supported the amendment in order to destroy the 
whole measure. They fedled ; for, though the amend- 
ment was passed and cut out by the British Govern- 
ment, the Dublin Parliament accepted the Bill in the 
form in which it was returned. Government, how- 
ever, had literally counted without its hosts. To 
retrieve their position in America they had stripped 
Ireland of troops. France was threatening to invade 
the Irish coast, and ' a troop or two of horse or part 
of a company of invalids ' was all that could be f^und 
for the defence of Belfast. However keenly Ulster 
might sympathize with the revolt in America, the 
memories of the Boyne prevented the extension of 
that sympathy to Catholic France. With character- 
istic self-reliance they undertook to defend their coasts 
for themselves. In June 1779, 4000 volunteers were 
enrolled in Belfast. The movement spread like wild- 
fire. By the end of September 40,000 more men 
were in arms under the command of officers elected 
by the rank and file. The disfranchised Protestants 
suddenly found themselves masters of Ireland, and 
a ParUament in which they elected no single member 
became an instrument in their hands. 
The The advocacy of their cause was imdertaken by 

sup^rted Grattan, the greatest orator of an assembly whose 
demand*" Standard of eloquence was second to none. That 
and obtain eloqueucc, howcvcr, had been habitually bought and 
foriiish sold, and it was the inviolable purity of Grattan's 
tiTe repeal character, more than his gifts, which made him so 
Teat Act formidable a champion of the Northern industrialists. 
for Dis- They were now demanding; the removal of all restric- 
1779. * tions on Irish exports, and in October 1779 Grattan 
Actions moved as an amendment to the address 'that it is 
of ii-ish j^qIj i^y temporary expedients, but by a free export. 


that the nation is now to be saved from impending chap. 
ruin/ He was supported even by men who were y^^,^^^,,^,^ 
members of the Irish executive at the time. Hussey Protest- 
Burgh, the Prime Serjeant, did not hesitate to re^esented 
declare that Ireland was now looking to arguments 1,^^^*^^**' 
stronger than those furnished by the mere justice 
of her cause. * " Talk not to me of peace — it is not 
peace, but smothered war. England has sown her 
laws in dragon's teeth, and they have sprung up 
in armed men." A few days later, Burgh sent in his 
resignation. " The gates of promotion," said Grattan, 
** were shut as the gates of glory opened." ' ^ The 
amendment, together with a vote of thanks to the 
volunteers, was passed unanimously. Pery, the 
Speaker, carried the address to the castle through 
armed files of volunteers. Buckinghamshire, the 
Viceroy, reported to the Ministry that he was power- 
less to deal with the situation. Still they refused 
to yield, and on King William's birthday volunteers 
marched round his statue on College Green with 
two cannon inscribed with the motto, *Free trade 
— or this.' Belfast ordered Parliament to withhold 
supplies until the restrictions on Irish trade were 
removed. In December 1779 the news of Burgoyne's 
surrender reached England and the Government 
capitulated. Irish exports were freed, and the 
markets of America and the Levant opened to 
Irish merchants. The Bill relieving Dissenters from 
the test was passed. Henceforward Parliament was 
to represent the whole Protestant colony, and the 
Dissenters forthwith began to demand that it should 
be placed on a footing of absolute equality with that 
of Britain. 

The strength of the volunteers was increasing 
meantime by leaps and bounds, and by the end of i78o 
1780 they numbered from 80,000 to 100,000 armed 

* Lecky, History of Trdatul, vol. ii. p. 241. \ 

2 H 


CHAP, men. One incident revealed the impotence of Govern- 

VII • 

ment Provisions were being shipped from Cork for 
the French fleet, and ministers instructed the Viceroy 
to seize the offending vessels. This, it was pointed 
out, would be ' equal to the gain of a battle at sea.' 
The Irish executive protested that such action would 
be resented by the people as a revival of the old 
embargo, and would be forcibly resisted. They sug- 
gested instead that the Government should buy the 
contraband stores for itself. The mercantile com- 
munity of Cork was mainly Protestant, but a system 
which had imposed on the Irish colony no more 
responsibility for the safety of the Commonwealth 
than it had imposed on those of America had yielded 
exactly the same results. They were reflected in the 
attitude of Grattan himself. Writing in April of the 
same year, he remarked, '^Ireland must continue 
in a state of armed preparation dreading the approach 
of a general peace, and attributing all she holds dear 
to the calamitous condition of the British interest 
in every quarter of the globe." ' ^ 
Orattan's He uow movcd in Parliament a formal resolution 

iTfavour" *o ^^^ ^^^^ *lia* ' No powcr on earth but the King, 
f . , ,. Lords and Commons of Ireland is competent to make 

legislative ^ 

independ- laws for Ireland.' Hid colleagues, however, took 
^fmted. fright. Landowners began to realize that their titles 
depended on a law passed by the English Parlia- 
ment and to ask what would happen if its authority 
were repudiated. Lord Buckinghamshire's term of 
office, moreover, was drawing to a close ; it was 
known that he was compiling the usual lists of 
1781. peerages and compensations, and the debate was 
adjourned. When Parliament met again in October 
1781, Yelverton reintroduced the matter, but, when 
it came up for consideration in December, the news 
had reached Ireland that Cornwallis had been forced 

^ Fisher, The End of the Irish Parliament, p. 174. 


to surrender at Yorktown. Britain had lost control chap. 
of the sea, and the Continent of Europe was com- 
bining with America for her destruction. An era 
was already approaching when every one would be 
called upon to declare whether it was the greater 
or lesser Commonwealth, the whole or the part, 
which might claim his ultimate allegiance. Yelver- 
ton, who, like the American loyalists, still preferred 
the greater, withdrew his motion and substituted 
an address of loyalty to the Crown. He was not 
alone in the Irish Parliament, for when Flood and 
Grattan tried to couple the address with the recital 
of Irish grievances they were decisively defeated. 

The spirit and numbers of the volunteers con- The 
tinned, however, to rise. The Dublin Parliament convention 
grew frightened and protested against their armed ^tDun- 

o o r o gannon, 

demonstrations. The volunteers declared that it was i782. 
simply playing with them, and, determining to take mg views 
matters into their own hands, in January 1782 quJ^^onof 
arranged a convention which was practically a Par- catholic 

^-^ JT ■/ emancipa- 

liament of their own, in Dungannon. Amongst tion. 
many of the Dissenters the growth of rationalism 
in the course of the eighteenth century had gone far 
to mitigate their Protestant fanaticism, and political 
principle was gaining a stronger hold than religious 
prejudice. Their enthusiasm for the independence 
of the Dublin Parliament dated from their own 
admission to the franchise. Hitherto the Catholics 
had not unnaturally regarded the Parliament at 
Dublin with greater distrust than that at West- 
minster. A movement was now set on foot amongst 
the volunteers to enlist the support of the Catholic 
majority by removing their exclusion from political 
rights. Charlemont, Grattan, and Flood had col- 
laborated in preparing the business for the meeting 
at Dungannon, but a serious division of opinion 
arose. Charlemont and Flood were against conceding 


OHAP. the vote to the Catholics: Grattan was in favour 


of it. To a Protestant deputation he said, ' " I 
love the Roman Catholic. I am a friend to his 
liberty, but it is only in as much as that liberty is 
entirely consistent with your ascendency, and an 
addition to the strength and freedom of the Pro- 
testant community. These being my principles and 
the Protestant interest my first object, you may 
judge that I shall never assent to any measure 
tending to shake the security of property in this 
kingdom or to subvert the Protestant ascend- 
ency." ' ^ JSow the liberty of the Catholic majority 
was to be reconciled with the complete ascendency 
of the Protestant minority Grattan failed to explain, 
but like other masters of rhetoric, he had always a 
phrase to reconcile things which were opposite in 
themselves. No better example could be given of 
how a mind undisciplined by responsibility will 
continue to pursue principles while shirking the 
practical issue to which they lead. The convention 
at Dungannon passed a somewhat colourless resolu- 
tion drafted by Grattan, declaring that as Church- 
men, Christians, and Protestants they rejoiced in the 
relaxation of the penal laws against their Roman 
Catholic fellow - subjects. This carefully phrased 
resolution averted for the time the danger of division 
in -the Protestant ranks. 
Separatist The voluntccrs who met at Dungannon in full 
^^utiona ujjifQj.jjj i^ad opened their proceedings by declaring 
bytiiecon- tj^^^^ <a citizcu by learning the use of arms does not 
and by abandon any of his civil rights.' Having thus hinted 

the Irish . . 

Pariia- the nature of their claim to attention, they passed | 

™®"^' a series of resolutions which were in principle exactly i 

those which had been advanced on behalf of the 
colonial assemblies by the Congress of Philadelphia. 

* Lecky, History of Ireland^ vol. ii. p. 97, quoting Grattan, Miscellaneous 
Works, p. 289. 


It must be recalled that in 1778, when it was too chap. 

• VII 

late, the British Parliament had passed an Act in ^^.,..,^,,^ 
principle conceding these demands. A week after 
the convention the same resolutions were moved by 
Grattan in the Dublin Parliament. To gain time the 
Attorney-General warned the Protestant landowners 
of the possible effect on their titles, and the debate 
was postponed. Meanwhile Lord North's Ministry 
had foundered, and Rockingham and Fox had come 
into power. While in opposition, Fox, who was in 
close correspondence with Grattan, had consistently 
supported him ; but in office he began to protest that 
'he would not consent to see England humbled at 
the feet of Ireland.' On April 16 Parliament was 1782. 
convened to meet the new Viceroy, who had arrived 
fourteen days before. In order that he might fully 
understand the situation, the streets of Dublin were 
lined by armed volunteers in full uniform. Grattan, 
declining to delay matters for a single day, proceeded 
to move his resolutions for the last time. They were 
carried unanimously, and Grattan informed Shelbume 
that there was no place for negotiation or compromise. 
He warned ministers that, if they refused to comply 
with the demands of the Irish Parliament, Ireland 
would adopt the same course as the American colonies 
in 1767. * " If our. requests are refused we retire 
within ourselves, preserving our allegiance but not 
executing English laws or English judgments. We 
consume our own manufactures and keep on terms of 
amity with England, but with that diffidence which 
must exist if she is so infatuated as to take away our 
liberty." ' ' 

Shelburne pleaded that the powers to be reserved Surrender 
to the Government in matters of trade and foreign British 
affairs should be made the subject of a 'distinct ^ent^d 
agreement.' Grattan replied that the question was ^P«*}of 

» Fiaher, The Snd of the Irish Parliament, p. 127. ^a^. 1782. 




one not for conference but for surrender, and Fox, 
a month after he had declared he would not see 
England humbled at the feet of Ireland, rose in the 
British House of Ciommons to propose a surrender to 
every claim which the Irish Parliament had made. 
The Act passed by the British Parliament in the 
reign of George I. declaring their right to legislate 
for Ireland and to decide Irish cases on final appeal, 
the power of the Privy Council under Poyning's Law 
to initiate, to suppress, or to alter Irish legislation, 
and the perpetual Mutiny Act to which the Irish 
Parliament itself had assented but two years before, 
were all to be surrendered. The result was announced 
to that Parliament on May 27, 1782, It had thus 
secured for itself the position claimed by the American 
assemblies previous to the Declaration of Independence 
of July 4, 1776. 



His belief 
in co- 
grant of 
for the 

When the news was received on May 27 that 
the British Parliament had surrendered to all their 
demands, Grattan, in moving an address to the 
Crown, declared that no constitutional question would 
any longer exist that could interrupt the harmony 
between the two nations. In speaking to his famous 
resolutions of the previous month he had said : ' Con- 
nected by freedom as well as by allegiance, the two 
nations. Great Britain and Ireland, form a constitu- 
tional confederacy as well as one empire. The Crown 
is one link, the Constitution another, and in my mind 
the latter link is the most powerful. You can get 
a King anywhere, but England is the only country 
with whom you can participate a free constitution.' ^ 

' Lecky, History of Irdand^ vol. ii. p. 301. 


Grattan, deeply concerned to justify the position he chap. 
had created, moved an unconditional grant of s,*PK,,,-i^ 
£100,000 as a contribution towards the British navy. 
The vote was passed, and the Dublin Parliament 
further increased the proportion of Irish troops which 
might be used for service abroad by 5000 men. Any 
difficulties that might arise between two separate and 
sovereign Parliaments were all, as Grattan believed, 
to be soluble in the formula of co-operation. Thus 
Grattan furnished himself with an answer to the 
question with which Grenville in 1764 had confronted 
the agents of the colonial assembly. The Irish Par- 
liament had hastened to prove its own readiness to 
share in the cost of Imperial defence. 

The British Parliament had renounced all claim to Vanoiw 
enact laws enforceable in Ireland. But what was to SSSting^ 
happen if Irish sailors in Irish ships conveying Irish ^^^^jai 
goods were to venture East of the Cape of Good relations 

TT -rrr a t xt • i T n t of Lreiand 

Hope or West of the Horn, mto the sphere of the stiu 
British East India Company reserved for them by SSSoived. 
English law ? What was to happen if they attempted 
to trade with a foreign state in contravention of 
British treaties? There was also the burning 
question of trade with an enemy. If Ireland, repeat- 
ing the practice of recent years, supplied an enemy 
with provisions, were the ships conveying them within 
the jurisdiction of British law ? These were the sub- 
jects upon which Shelburne had desired a * distinct 
agreement' and to Portland, the Viceroy, they had 
caused deep searchings of heart. On June 6. he had 
expressed hopes to Shelburne that the Irish Parlia- 
ment might be induced to pass an Act ' by which 
the superintending power and supremacy of Great 
Britain in all matters of State, and general commerce, 
will be virtually and eflfectually acknowledged, that 
a share of the expense in carrying on a defensive or 
oflFensive war, either in support of our dominions or 


CHAP, those of our allies, shall be borne by Ireland in pro- 
.^^^^^^^^^^^ portion to the tactual state of her abilities, and that 
she will adopt every such regulation as may be judged 
necessary by Great Britain for the better ordering 
and securing her trade and commerce with foreign 
nations, or her own colonies or dependencies/ ^ 
Portland believed that Grattan would support such a 
measure. But he was quickly disabused, and three 
days later informed Shelbume that it was then 
impossible to induce the Dublin Parliament to con- 
sider it. 
Flood These were, indeed, questions which Grattan in the 

Gratt^i true spirit of a Whig was nervously anxious that no 
and enlists qj^^ should raisc. The forces of human nature were, 
support however, too strong for him. Henry Flood had 
volunteers, champioucd the cause of Irish independence before 
Grattan, but his mouth had been stopped by a valu- 
able office. In 1781 he was dismissed and hence- 
forward was morbidly anxious to regain his position 
as leader of the popular cause. He angled, however, 
for the recovery of his lost offices, only to find that 
no government would trust him. 'His ambition,' 
wrote the Viceroy, *is so immeasurable that no 
dependence can be placed upon any engagement he 
may be induced to form.'*. Flood, determined to 
declare open war on the Government which had refused 
his price, now saw his opportunity of supplanting 
Grattan in the public favour. Kealizing that the 
real power in the land lay, not with Parliament, but 
with the volunteers, he determined to place himself 
at their head. In moving for the independence of' 
Ireland Grattan had said : * " I watched over her with 
an eternal solicitude. I have traced her progress 
from injuries to arms and from arms to Uberty. 
Spirit of Swift : spirit of Molyneux, your genius has 

* Lecky, History of Ireland^ vol. ii. p. 326. 

* Fisher, The End of the Irish Parliament, p. 189. 


prevailed. Ireland is now a nation. In that new chap. 

. VII 

character I hail her : and bowing to her august v^^.^^^,^.,^^ 
presence I say, Esto Perpetiia." ' ^ The speech was the 
most eloquent ever uttered in the Dublin Parliament, 
but Grattan's words betrayed the consciousness that 
Irish independence was really the achievement, not of 
his own eloquence, but of the bayonets of the 
volunteers who lined the streets outside. He flattered 
himself, however, that a system which the volunteers 
had erected by force they would leave to be worked 
by argument. * And now, having given a Parliament 
to the people, the Volunteers wiU, I doubt not, leave 
the people to Parliament and thus close specifically 
and majestically a great work. Their associations, 
like their institutions, will perish : they will perish 
with the occasion that gave them being, and the 
gratitude of the country will write their epitaph,' 
The volunteers, under the leadership of Flood, were 
soon to teach him that Ireland was not to be governed 
by words. 

Within a month of Grattan's declaration that no The 
constitutional question could any longer exist to demrnd " 
interrupt the harmony between the two nations, ^^'JJj^qJ^ 
leave was asked to introduce in the Dublin Parliament in 
a Bill declaring its sole and exclusive right to make as well as 
laws in all cases whatever, external as well as internal, a^™ 
Flood supported it, but Grattan persuaded Parliament 
to dismiss the matter. Flood now fell back on the 
support of the volunteers who promptly transferred 
their confidence from Grattan to himself. On July 1 
Rockingham died and was succeeded by Shelburne. 
Lord Temple succeeded Portland as Viceroy, and 
hastened to report that no Government existed in 
Ireland. The country was in the hands not of 
Parliament but of ' a body of armed men, composed 
chiefly of the middling and lower orders, influenced 

1 Fisher, T?ie End of the Irish Parliament, pp. 126-6. 




but are 
obliged to 
f(ive way, 

by no one and leading those who affect to guide 
them/ ^ The game was thrown into Flood's hands 
by the accidental inclusion of Ireland in two Bills 
passed by the British Parliament for the regulation 
of trade, and by Lord Mansfield's action in hear- 
ing and deciding an Irish case which had been on 
the lists for trial in the King's Bench before the 
repeal of the Declaratory Act, The British Govern- 
ment, convinced by Temple that the volunteers 
were prepared to enforce their demands with the 
bayonet, determined to concede them. In vain 
the Duke of Richmond pointed to the impossible 
nature of the position which they were about to 

'Suppose that England should have occasion to 
go to war, and Ireland should find herself disposed 
to remain at peace, should refuse to give aid, and 
furnish her quota to the cause of her empire ; suppose 
that, in negotiations for peace, the terms agreed on 
by the English ministers should be objected to by 
the Irish : suppose that in reg^ulations and treaties of 
commerce with foreign states fhe Irish should contend 
with the English, — in these and a thousand other 
possible suppositions, was it possible that this total 
separation could be submitted to by the people of 
England ? ' ^ 

Ministers had no answer to make to these 
questions, but neither had they troops to oppose to 
the volunteers. It was a case of force majeurey and 
in January 1783 the British Parliament without a 
division passed an Act of Renunciation, which, six 
months before, the Irish Parliament had without a 
division decided to be unnecessary. The Act declared 
that the * right claim by the people of Ireland, to be 

* Fisher, The End of Oie Irish Parliament, p. 142. 

^ Comewall Lewia, An Essay on the Government of Dependencies, Notes, 
p. 362. 


bound only by laws enacted by his Majesty and the chap. 
Parliament of that kingdom in all cases whatever, ^^.,^,,^^.^^ 
and to have all actions, and suits at law or in equity, 
which may be instituted in the kingdom, decided by 
hi§ Majesty's courts, therein finally, and without 
appeal from thence, shall be, and it is hereby declared 
to be established, and ascertained for ever, and shall 
at no time hereafter be questioned or questionable.' 
It went on to provide that no writ of error or appeal 
from Ireland should under any circumstances again 
be decided in England.^ 

Force was now recognized by the volunteers as The 
their one hold over the Irish Parliament. A general uthr^™^^^ 
election reminded them of the fact that out of 300 seats ^f t^*^^ 
some 200 were practically pocket boroughs, and that insh 
it was as easy as ever for the Government to purchase ment. 
a majority. The younger Pitt, who was fast rising volunteers 
to power, had already twice moved for reform in the p^^^ 
British Parliament in the last two years. In March mentary 
1783 a meeting of volunteers in Cork resolved to but are 
demand the reform of the Irish Parliament, and o Jthe 
on July 1, the Ulster volunteers called for a second c»<^^\oUc 

•^ ' question 

convention at Dungannon in the following September. i788. 
The Duke of Portland, however, who had been 
Viceroy a year before and knew the real nature 
of the situation in Ireland, had become Prime 
Minister on April 2, just four months after the 
British Government had recognized the independence 
of the United States. As rapidly as possible troops 
were hastened back from America and placed under 
the command of General Burgoyne, and in Ireland 
the Government proceeded to organize a militia of 
their own. When in September the volunteers met 
at Dungannon, the differences which Grattan had 
succeeded in evading at the previous convention 

* Lecky, History of Irelandy vol. ii. pp. 333-4. See also Comewall Lewis, 
An Essay on the Government of Dependencies, Notes, p. 362. 




The Irish 
on the 
support of 
the troops 

of the 

began to widen. Grattan, in fidelity to his Whig 
principles, was in favour of something which he 
vaguely called Catholic emancipation, provided 
always that the ascendency of the Protestants was* 
carefully maintained. Flood and Charlemont w^re 
opposed to any concession to the Catholics. Grattan 
now held aloof from the meeting at Dungannon, and 
the anti-Catholic party carried the day. The reform 
of the House of Commons was demanded, but on an 
exclusively Protestant basis. At Belfast a town 
meeting was helci which approved this resolution, and 
resolved further that, if the House of Commons should 
' " refuse to express the public will," it would be " the 
duty of a community of freemen not only to reason 
but to ACT." ' ^ It was in harmony with this principle 
that the Dungannon meeting had resolved that a 
national convention of the volunteer army of Ireland 
should be held in Dublin simultaneously with the 
sitting of Parliament. 

Matters now came to an open rupture between 
Grattan and Flood. On November 10 the volunteer 
army met in the Rotunda at Dublin, the volunteers 
accompanying the deputies in force. The rear was 
brought up by Napper Tandy with the Dublin 
artillery, the muzzles of their guns decorated with 
the words, *Open Thou our lips, Lord, and our 
mouths shall show forth Thy praise.' The convention, 
however, was again divided on the Catholic question, 
and the advocates of the Catholic cause were only 
defeated by a trick. A committee was appointed 
to prepare a Reform Bill, and in drafting it Flood 
and Charlemont were able to thwart all proposals 
to include the Catholics. On November 29, the Bill 
was sent to Parliament to be passed, the convention 
remaining in session till the result was known. By 
this time, however, Burgoyne had 12,000 seasoned 

^ Fisher, 21u End of the Irish ParliametU, p. 147. 


troops under his command, and Parliament recover- chap. 
ing its nerve refused to register the decrees of the ^" 
convention. Yelverton, now Attorney -Greneral, 
moved that the House should not consider the Bill. 
He, too, at an earlier date had supported the volun- 
teers, but * when the Volunteers form themselves into 
a debating society, and with the rude instrument, 
the bayonet, probe and explore the Constitution, 
my respect for them is destroyed.' ^ Fitzgibbon told 
them roundly that the forces of the law were suf- 
ficient to crush them to atoms. On a division, leave 
was refused to introduce the Bill by a majority 
of more than two to one, and on Yelverton's motion 
the House resolved that it wou]d maintain its just 
rights and privileges against all encroachments. 
This was a direct challenge, but a majority of the 
volunteers were not prepared to face Burgoyne and 
his veterans, and, after two days' further talk, the 
convention dispersed. Unwilling to admit the 
Catholics to political rights, they felt the absurdity 
of fighting with one hand for liberties which they 
•were withholding from the Catholics with the other. 
There were some who realized that if blood was 
to be shed for reform, reform could not stop short 
of the point achieved by America, and that before 
Ireland could become an independent republic, 
Catholic and Protestant blood must flow together. 
But these were men who bided their time till Britain 
should once more find herself at death -grips with 
a foreign foe. 

The old expedient of governing the native Irish Paralysis 
through the agency of a Protestant colony had been uientTn"* 
defeated by the exigencies of the commercial system, ''^^*'^<*- 
which had alienated half the Protestant garrison 
and had rendered them more ungovernable than 
the Catholics themselves. The two systems had 

> Fisher, The End of the Irish ParlimneiU, p. 159. 




sionfl of 
the fiscal 
of the two 

together defeated each other, and had utterly fisuled 
to create in Ireland the habits and institutions which 
are the essential foundations of order and law. 
Except in time of peace it was impossible to main- 
tain any semblance of order in the country, and 
the moment Britain was at war, she had still to 
regard Ireland as one of the factors upon which her 
enemies could certainly count. Flood's Reform Bill 
was again introduced in the following year, but was 
rejected on the second reading by a majority of 
seventy-four. ' From that time the conviction sank 
deep into the minds of many that reform in Ireland 
could only be effected by revolution, and the rebellion 
of 1798 might be already foreseen.' ^ 

Bad seasons, meanwhile, together with the reaction 
which always follows a long war, had been bring- 
ing Ireland to the verge of famine. Farmers and 
artisans were alike calling for protective duties 
against Britain. Under the concessions of 1780 
Ireland had. obtained the same liberty of trade with 
the colonies and foreign nations as England herself, 
with the exception of trade East of the Cape of 
Good Hope as far as the Straits of Magellan, which 
was still the monopoly of the British East India 
Company. England and Ireland each had a tariff 
of its own which it enforced against the other ; 
but the Irish tariff was low while the EngUsh tariff 
was a very high one. The position of Britain and 
Ireland was in this respect the reverse of the position 
which exists to-day between the United Kingdom 
and the self-governing Dominions. Gardiner, a 
Dublin member, who had just failed to secure a 
peerage,^ introduced a Bill to raise the Irish duties 
against Britain. Flood supported this, but the 
British Government was able to maintain its 
majority, and the measure was rejected. The Dublin 

» Lecky, History of Ireland, vol. ii. p. 877. * Ibid, vol. ii. p. 388, 

views on 


mob rushed the Gallery, but were dispersed by chap. 
troops. The House, before adjourning, invited the ^" 
Government to submit proposals at their next session 
for settling the fiscal relations of the two kingdoms. 

Pitt, who had now become Prime Minister, was Pitts 
resolved to abolish the rotten boroughs. He saw parii 
clearly enough that the reform of one Parliament '^^"^^^ 
would necessitate the reform of the other, and had refonu. 
naturally to ask himself what would be the con- 
sequences in Ireland of substituting the control of 
constituencies for that of individuals over a majority 
of the seats at Dublin. Long experience had taught 
the British Government that it was only by appeal- 
ing to the private interest of the borough-holders 
that they could depend upon securing from the Irish 
Parliament a contribution to the burden of Imperial 
defence. Recent experience showed that, the moment 
the Dublin Parliament was really controlled by an 
Irish electorate, that electorate would demand a 
protective tariflf against Britain. Pitt, however, was 
an avowed disciple of Adam Smith, whose book had 
been published nine years before. In reading the 
Weahh of Nations his eyes had been opened to the 
mischievous results of the commercial system, and he 
came into office with the purpose of giving effect 
to his master's teaching. The Irish Parliament, he 
thought, might agree to commit themselves once 
for all to a contribution towards Imperial defence, 
if the British Parliament would agree to the per- 
manent establishment of free trade between the two 
kingdoms. In this way, as he conceived, the motives 
which compelled the British executive to control the 
Irish legislature would be removed, and with them 
the objections to abolishing the rotten boroughs and 
also the political disabilities of the Catholics. He 
proposed, therefore, to deal with all three questions 
together, and Rutland was sent as Viceroy to Ireland 


CHAP, to carry the scheme. Rutland, however, found the 
.^^^^.^^^^^^ vested interests in the Irish Parliament resolutely 
opposed to the abolition of the rotten boroughs, and 
Fitzgibbon and his advisers were quickly able to 
convince him that a Parliament really representative 
of the . constituencies would render the government 
of Ireland impossible. 
Pitt's Rutland failed to convince Pitt ; but with his own 

for^^uai representative against him, Pitt was unable to press 
w^^ his scheme for Irish reform. Though backed by a 
Britain stroug majority, he was seriously hampered in the 
Ireland, rauks of his owu supportcrs by a certain distrust 
^tSa of his youth, and in April 1785 his Bill for the^ 
J^*^®'^^ reform of the British Parliament was rejected. This 
tribution for the moment made it impossible for him to press 
navy. for rcform at Dublin. He determined, however, to 
prepare the way by settling once for all the fiscal 
and financial relations of the two kingdoms. The 
Irish Parliament had invited proposals, and Pitt 
offered a customs convention under which virtual 
freedom of trade between the two countries was to 
be guaranteed. All foreign and colonial goods might 
pass from England to Ireland and from Ireland to 
England without any increase of duty, and all Irish 
goods might be imported into England and all 
English goods into Ireland either freely or under 
duties which were the same in each country. Where 
duties in the two countries were now unequal, they 
were to be equalized by reducing the higher duty 
to the level of the lower. Except in a few care- 
fully specified cases, there were to be no new 
duties on importation or bounties on exportation. 
Each country was to give a preference in its markets 
to the goods of the other over similar goods imported 
from abroad. Ireland, on the other hand, was to 
make a contribution to the Imperial navy on the 
following lines. The ' hereditary revenue ' now 


amounted to £652,000 a year, and was steadily ohap. 
rising. Pitt proposed that in every year in which 
it reached the sum of £656,000 (subject in time of 
peace, though not in war, to revenue balancing ex- 
penditure) the surplus of the * hereditary revenue ' 
should be appropriated towards the support of the 
naval forces of the Empire in such manner as the 
ParUament of Ireland might direct. 

The discussions which followed in both Parlia- Irish dis- 
ments revealed the inherent impossibility of settling ^ennanent 
once for all the fiscal and financial relations of two "ri^^ti^"" 
coequal Parliaments. The proposal for a permanent which is 
naval contribution was at once greeted by the word tized as 
Hributa' ^s it right,' cried Longfield, *is it con- '^"^"^'^ 
stitutional to give a perpetual revenue? It hath 
been laid down that it is not a tribute. I assert 
it is. I desire gentlemen to look into the law of 
nations, and then they will find that the first grant 
which was voluntary was considered as a tax, but 
the continuance was counted a tribute.' ^ Pitt saw, 
however, that a naval contribution which depended 
upon an annual vote of the Irish Parliament would 
be precarious indeed. ' As it was his object to make 
a final settlement in this negotiation and to proceed 
upon a fixed principle, he wished it to be understood 
that, as he meant to ensure to Ireland the permanent 
and irrevocable enjoyment of commercial advantages, 
so he expected in return that Ireland would secure 
to England an aid as permanent and irrevocable.'^ 
He was willing, however, that the Irish Parliament 
should decide from time to time how the contribution 
should be spent, and endorsed a suggestion made in 
the Irish Parliament that it might be voted for the 
purchase of Irish products for victualling the navy. 
Pitt was deeply concerned to remove the last vestige 

» Irith ParL Debates, vol. iv. p. 208. 
* Pari. Hia. vol. xxv. p. S26. 



CHAP, of the iniquitous restrictions imposed on Irish trade. 
^" He was fast driving home the nails, which Adam 
Smith had started in the coffin of the commercial 
system, and saw that, when trade restrictions were 
gone, Ireland must begin to share on some rational 
principle in the burden of common defence. But 
he was dealing with men whose minds were still 
saturated with the contractual idea. *We have 
been further told,' said Grattan, 'in debate and in 
public prints that our trade has no claim to the 
protection of the British navy. Sir, you pay for 
that protection, you paid for it long ago. I tell 
you that payment was the Crown of Ireland. You 
annexed the Crown of Ireland to that of Great 
Britain and have a right to the protection of her 
navy, as much as she has a right to consider you 
as a part of her empire. . . . You are prevented from 
having an Irish navy and should not be reproached 
with the protection of the British.' ^ 
Proposals There were others who thought that Ireland should 
TOmrate Contribute to naval defence not in money but in ships. 
Irish navy, c j ^^ think,' Said Gardiner, *that as we received the 

Pitt on ' ' , 

theindi- protection of the navy of the Empire, we ought in 
^ ^^^ reason and justice, to contribute something to its 
t^T^!^^ support : and had a design to propose our arming 
and maintaining some frigates for the protection of 
our trade.' ^ With somewhat diflFerent ends in view, 
as will appear hereafter. Flood was for Ireland's 
maintaining a navy of her own. * Do you then for- 
ever relinquish the desire of having a navy of your 
own ? Shall Ireland, an island too, at the moment 
when you tell her of extensive trade, relinquish 
forever a seaguard of her own and give away her 
money never to return, to support the navy of the 
empire ? ' ^ The memory of the part played by the 

1 Irish Pari. Debates, vol. v. p. 489. « Ibid. vol. iv. p. 127. 

• Ibid, vol. iv. p. 214, 


Irish volunteers with Flood's encouragement in the ohap. 
late war was too recent for such language to be ^^^^^^^^^^ 
otherwise than alarming, and when the resolutions 
reached the Parliament at Westminster Pitt adverted 
to the matter. •With regard to the Board of Ad- 
miralty, he observed that the Admiralty of England 
was the Admiralty of Ireland, and of the empire at 
large, and that to divide jurisdiction would be to 
weaken and almost destroy the naval force of the 
empire. Nor could there possibly be two Boards of 
Admiralty, because the branch of executive adminis- 
tration which was under that department, being of 
a military nature, was one of those which, like the 
right of appointing ambassadors, belonged personally 
to the Crown without any local reference to the 
situation of the dominions.' ^ A most difl&cult point, 
however, was raised in debate. Would English sea- 
men in time of war be able to escape the press-gang 
by taking service in Irish ships ? Pitt's answer 
betrayed his embarrassment. ^The situation of the 
Irish seamen with respect to this country was to be 
precisely the same as it was at the present moment : 
for the same claims which the king of Great Britain 
had by the laws of Britain to the services of British 
seamen, he would also have in his capacity of king 
of Ireland to the services of the seamen of that 
country. Thus the general welfare of the two 
kingdoms being one and the same thing, so the 
principal defence of each, those persons who served 
in our navy, would be properly under the same 
head and authority, namely the king of Gt. Britain 
and Ireland.' * 

It thus became apparent that, even if fiscal and Pitt's 
financial relations could be settled on a permanent l^^^ 
footing — which as the event proved was impossible — J^*® 
there were other questions which must sooner or ^f^^^- 

* ment| 

» Pari. Hist, vol xxv. p. 769. » Jhid, p. 673, 



CHAP, later lead to a deadlock, if the English executive 
^^^^^^^^^^ yielded its control of the Dublin Parliament to Irish 
but constituencies. For the moment, however, Grattan 

by^e threw his influence into the scale in favour of Pitt's 
inters tn proposals* aiid the Irish ParUament accepted them. 
England. They wcrc next submitted by Pitt to the House of 
Commons at Westminster. He was now to learn the 
bitter truth of the words quoted from Adam Smith 
on a previous page. Pulteney, writing to the Duke 
of Rutland, who was now Viceroy, observed, *Your 
Grace remembers probably a remark of Sir Robert 
Walpole which Pitt has already seen enough to allow 
the truth of, that a Minister might shear the country 
gentleman when he would and the landed interest 
would always produce him a rich fleece in silence: 
but that the trading interest resembled a hog, whom 
if you attempted to touch, though you was only to 
pluck a bristle, he would certainly cry out loud 
enough to alarm all the neighbourhood.' ^ 
Inherent Pitt's proposals wcrc greeted with a storm of 
thfL^^^^^^^ from the English manufacturing interests 

commercial ^^S^^^^^ ^7 Wedgewood, the Quaker manufacturer 
union was of pottcry, and supported by Fox. The petition from 
unieffl^^ ^ Lancashire, which alone bore 80,000 signatures, 
adopted demanded that counsel should be heard against the 
British scheme, and evidence was accordingly taken from the 
navigation interests concerned. The East India Company suc- 
ceeded in asserting- once more its monopoly of Eastern 
trade. A new diflSculty, moreover, which had not 
been previously faced was now raised, namely that 
the non-British West Indian islands, could, under 
the new arrangement, send their goods to Ireland, 
import them thence to England, and so nullify the 
preference then accorded to British colonies. It was 
realized that to be workable the proposed arrange* 

1 Fisher, The End of the Irish ParliamerU, p. 182. For Adam Smith's 
remarks on this subject see above, p. 442. 


ment required identity between the two kingdoms, chap. 
not only in tariffs, but also in the navigation laws v,^,,,.,^^,^.^ 
which forbad foreign ships to land in Great Britain 
any goods not produced in the country to which such 
ships belonged. All other imports into Britain had 
to be carried in British ships. But if foreign goods 
could be brought to Ireland in foreign bottoms and 
thence imported into Great Britain, the protection 
afforded by the navigation laws to British shipping 
would be rendered nugatory. As Fox put it : 'If 
those (the original resolutions) had passed into a law, 
we should equally have sacrificed the whole of the 
navigation laws of this country. These laws, the 
great source of our commercial opulence, the prime 
origin of our maritime strength, would at once have 
been delivered up in trust to Ireland, leaving us for 
ever after dependent on her policy, and on her bounty, 
for the future guardianship of our dearest interests.' * * 

Obviously it was impossible for a commercial To ensure 
treaty to be negotiated on equal terms if the naviga- of kws^ 
tion laws of the two countries were not the same. b^^^^J^^^ 
Equally obviously it was undesirable to stereotype by a single 
the existing regulations in a matter which admitted ment. 
of such varying conditions. There were, therefore, 
two necessities — ^first, that Ireland should adopt the 
existing" English navigation laws ; secondly, that 
there should be some machinery for ensuring that the 
future navigation laws of the two countries should be 
identical. The point was put in the English House 
of Commons on May 24, 1785, by Eden, an ex-Irish 
Secretary. * It had been well stated by the right hon. 
gentleman who spoke last (Dundas), that if the two 
kingdoms were to have one trade and one navigation, 
they must also have one law for the purpose of pre- 
serving this union of commercial interests, otherwise 
it was easy to foresee that it would speedily cease. If 

* Pari. Hist. vol. xxv. p. 697. 












apply to 



to this 
by Fox for 

then the laws most .hereafter be the same in the two 
kingdoms respecting these extensive objects, it would 
be an absurdity to suppose that the passing of these 
laws could be left to both: it must necessarily be 
given to one : and the only question was under this 
statement, as to which should have the preference. 
. . . Undoubtedly if Ireland should decide to accept 
the essential conditions of the treaty now brought 
forward, she must waive the independence of her legis- 
lature on the points described in the resolution. . . . 
It was mere nonsense to suppose that the intended 
compact could otherwise be carried into execution.' ^ 

Pitt was obliged by the unanswerable force of this 
reasoning to include in the amended resolutions now 
submitted to the British House of Commons, the 
following provision : ' That it is essential . . . that all 
laws which have been made or shall be made in Great 
Britain for securing exclusive privileges for the ships 
and mariners of Great Britain, Ireland, and the British 
Colonies and Plantations ; and for regulating and 
restraining the trade of the British Colonies and 
Plantations shall be, in force in Ireland (by Acts to 
be passed in the parliament of that kingdom) in the 
same manner as in Great Britain : and that proper 
measures shall from time to Lime be taken for effectu- 
ally carrying the same into execution.' * 

The party system is of itself fatal to any policy 
which depends upon the continuous co-operation of 
separate legislatures. To beat Pitt was the dominant 
motive of Fox's conduct, and he was quick to see how 
the new resolution might be used to excite the jealousy 
of the Irish Parliament for their independence so 
lately achieved. Though he could not defeat Pitt in 
the Parliament of England, he might yet do so in that 
of Ireland, and he did not scruple to appeal to their 

1 Pari. Hitt, vol. xxv. pp. 676-6. 

' House of Commons Journals^ vol. 40, p. 1021. 


jealousy. * That she (Ireland) shall agree to follow ohap* 
whatever regulations we may think it right to pursue s.^,,^^,^.^,^ 
from time to time for securing the privileges to our 
shipping or for restraining the trade with our colonies : 
and that such laws shall be in full force in Ireland 
is a remedy certainly of a very hazardous kind : but, 
Sir, though it goes so far it does not satisfy me ; it is 
dangerous indeed but not efficacious ; nor do I think 
that, strong and bitter as it is, it will be attended 
with the various and radical evils which are attached 
to this pernicious system. I am of opinion, that even 
if Ireland should agree to this provision, we shall 
deliver up into the custody of another, and that an 
independent nation, all our fundamental laws for the 
regulation of our trade, and we must depend totally 
on her bounty and liberal spirit for the guardianship 
and protection of our dearest interests.' ^ Then he 
turned to play upon Irish suspicions. The proposed 
convention, he declared, * bound Ireland to impose 
restraints ** undefined, unspecified, and uncertain, at 
the arbitrary demand of another State," and he con- 
cluded his denunciation by a skilful sentence, which 
s^pealed at once to the jealousy of both countries. 
" I will not," he said, " barter English commerce for 
Irish slavery ; that is not the price I would pay, nor 
is this the thing I would purchase." ' ^ Sheridan was 
dexterously harping on the same string. Here was 
* unquestionably a proposal on the part of the British 
Parliament that Ireland should, upon certain condi- 
tions, surrender her now acknowledged right of external 
legislation, and return, as to that point, to the situa- 
tion from which she had emancipated herself in 1782.' ^ 

Fox and Sheridan, recognizing that Pitt was Orattan's 
invincible in the Parliament at Westminster, saw So^* 

* Pari, Hist. vol. xxv. pp. 610-11. 

 Lecky, History of Ireland, vol. ii. p. 448. 

• PwrU Hist, vol. xxv. p. 750. 


CHAP, that they might still defeat him in the Parliament at 


Dublin. Orattan and the Irish Whigs, who were in 
close commnnication with the leaders of the British 
opposition* forgetful of their former anxiety to sup- 
press awkward issues, allowed themselves to be drawn 
into the manoBuvres of parties on the other side of 
the channel The substantial changes made by the 
British Parliament in the resolutions as originally 
approved by the Irish Parliament on Grattan's advice 
afforded him a valid excuse for opposing them in 
their amended form. But he now condemned them 
as 'subversive to the rights of the Parliament of 
Ireland ' for reasons which were just as fatal to the 
proposals which he had previously supported. 'Do 
not imagine that all these resolutions are mere acts 
of regulation : they are solid substantial revenue, 
great part of your additional duty. I allow the bill 
excepts rum and tobacco; but the principle is re- 
tained and the operation of it only kept back. I 
have stated that Great Britain may by these pro- 
positions crush your commerce, but shall be told that 
the commercial jealousy of Great Britain is at an end. 
But are her wants at an end ? Are her wishes for 
Irish subsidy at an end ? No : and may be gratified 
by laying colony duties on herself and so raising on 
Ireland an Imperial revenue to be subscribed by our 
parliament, without the consent of our parliament 
and in despite of our people. Or if a minister should 
please to turn himself to a general excise ... if 
wishing to relieve the alarms of the English manu- 
facturers who complain of our exemption from excises, 
particularly on soap, candles, and leather ; he should 
proceed on those already registered articles of taxa- 
tion, he might tax you by threats, suggesting that if 
you refuse to raise an excise on yourself, England 
will raise colony duties on both.' ^ 

^ Irish Pari. Debates, vol. v. p. 359. 



The point demonstrated at Westminster by the chap. 
British merchants, which Fox had used to such pur- ^^^^^^^„^^ 
pose, was unanswerable. If Britain accorded free The 
trade to Ireland, Ireland must adopt restrictions on ^o^mpat- 
foreign trade identical with those imposed by Britain, i^jj^^^^. 
For if foreign goods might enter Ireland at lower pendence. 
rates or in foreign ships, such trade would pass to denounced 
Britain through Ireland, thus evading the restrictions ^S*^^" 
imposed by the British custom and navigation laws* ^^^^^p^®"^ 
Fox, who cared less for serving Ireland than for creeping 
beating Pitt, had made the most of this point, which 
Pitt had accepted and embodied in the amended 
resolutions. No customs convention was possible 
unless the Irish Parliament were prepared to contract 
away some part of the legislative independence in 
external affairs which Flood and the volunteers had 
wrested from Britain at the point of the bayonet. 
It was difficulties of this nature which on that occa- 
sion Grattan had been so anxious to leave unraised. 
By the irony of the position to which he had since 
committed himself, he was now forced to raise them 
himself. ' It is here said that the laws respecting 
commerce and navigation should be similar and 
inferred that Ireland should subscribe the laws of 
England on these subjects — that is, the same law the 
same legislature; but this argument goes a great 
deal too far; it goes to the army, for the Mutiny 
Bill should be the same: it was endeavoured to be 
extended to the collection of your revenue, and is in 
train to be extended to your taxes : it goes to the 
extinction of the most invaluable parts of your parlia- 
mentary capacity; it is an union, an incipient and 
creeping union : a virtual union establishing one will 
in the general concerns of commerce and navigation 
and reposing that will in the parliament of Great 
Britain; an union where our parliament preserves 
its existence after it has lost its authority ; and our 




for an 
ent of the 

people are to pay for a parliamentary establishment 
without any proportion of parliamentary representa- 
tion/ ' 

Under the influence of Fox, Grattan had relapsed 
into an attitude of mere negation. As in the previous 
debate, further points were raised which showed how 
worthless was the assurance given by Grattan in 
May 1782, that no constitutional question would any 
longer exist that could int^rupt the harmony between 
the two nations. Scarcely three years had passed 
before the demand for a separate executive b^an 
to be heard. ' There was a radical absurdity,' said 
Flood, ' in the whole business : it was absurd for 
Ireland to attempt a negotiation with Great Britain. 
. . . How could Ireland negotiate with England 
upon equal terms ? With England ! who names her 
ministers, her negotiators. With England ! who 
influences her cabinet, her privy council, and who 
has influenced every Parliament of Ireland except 
the present.' ^ By Griffith the demand for a separate 
executive was definitely made. *Tliis country,' he 
said, * is in a novel situation : we are now for the first 
time treating with England and 'it therefore becomes 
necessary that we should have a minister who holds 
himself independent of any administration in Eng- 
land ; who considers himself bound to maintain the 
rights and interests qf Ireland and who is responsible 
for his conduct to the people of Ireland.' And 
* what,' he pertinently asked, * would be the conse- 
quences of either of the contracting parties infringing 
on the treaty ? a circumstance not at all improbable 
to occur. What provision had been made or what 
redress was to be had in such a case ? Was the breach 
of one part sufficient to render the whole treaty void ? 
And what was to be the remedy in such a case?'* 

* Irish Pari, DebcUeSf vol. v. pp. 355-6. 
» Ibid, pp. 308-9. 

2 Ibid. p. 310. 


Floods ironical answer to these queries was couched chap. 


in ominous terms. ' The right honourable member 
he thought a little unfortunate in not being able to 
give an answer to questions which he could answer 
with very great ease. He has asked, how is a breach 
of treaty to be redressed ? I answer, by fleets and 
armies ; by two armies, one of England, the other of 
Ireland, but both at the command of England. By 
a powerful fleet at the command of England, but not 
a single ship belonging to Ireland.' ^ 

As Flood had declared himself in favour of a Fiood;s 
separate Irish navy, his words can only be interpreted to^itt's^^ 
to mean that Ireland must be prepared to enforce «^^e™e- 
her treaty rights against Britain by war. * Above a 
hundred years ago,' he had said, * in the fever of the 
Restoration and in the infatuation of this kingdom 
Ireland had made a perpetual grant for the support 
of an Irish marine. This, England never permitted 
to be applied. Why ? Because she wished to have 
a monopoly of navy to herself — for what purpose let 
her subsequent conduct to Ireland explain. What 
followed ? English ministers in spite of law, dis- 
appropriated this fund and applied it to an over- 
crrown land army, rather than to a marine. The 
defence of this laid army Britain had, and Ireland 
had the burden. . . . When British ministers, eon- 
trary to legal appropriation, had applied the marine* 
fund of Ireland to a land army for the convenience 
of Britain, what right had they to come to Ireland to 
demand a new marine fund, and that not for an Irish 
marine, but for the British navy ? which was in effect 
to demand that Ireland should forever abdicate any 
marine, and make a formal recognition that she ought 
never to have a sea-guard of her own. As to the 
fact of protection, does Britain keep a frigate for the 
protection of Ireland ? ' ^ 

' Irisk Pari DebateSy vol. v. p. 809. * /^^irf. p. 398. 




Its fate 

of negotia- 
are un- 

Flood stigmatized the scheme as nothing but an 
attack on Irish independence. ' I will raise my voice, 
I will be heard in the extremity of the land. I say, 
if you give leave to bring in this Bill, you are no 
longer a Parliament. Meet it boldly and not like 
dastards fearful to guard your rights, though you 
talk bravely to your wives and children, trembling at 
a foreign nation.' ^ 

There was little surprise, and in Ireland a great 
deal of exultation, when the Bill, which had been 
introduced by the leave of a narrow majority of 19, 
was dropped by the Irish Crovemment. None the 
less it is an instructive fact that, while Great Britain 
was able to conclude a commercial treaty with the 
revolted American colonies, she was unable to come 
to terms with the sister kingdom of Ireland. Treaties 
are never so difficult to make, or if made so pre- 
carious, as between communities whose mutual re- 
lations are undefined. Where the independence of 
two states is admitted by both as unqualified and 
unreserved, an element of suspicion is eliminated. 
But where states are endeavouring to square the 
political circle and to reconcile their independence with 
common membership in an * empire,' they view every 
proposal for co-operation with the utmost suspicion 
as *an incipient and creeping union.' Negotiations 
between states which admit their mutual independ- 
ence proceed frankly on the basis of self-interest. 
Those between states of an inorganic empire are 
for ever complicated by appeals to some mutual 
obligation which the parties have failed to define or 
to realize.^ Such is human nature, that negotiators 

* Fisher, The End of the Irish ParliamerUy p. 189. 

' The records of the Imperial Conferencesi espeoially those of 1907 and 
1911, illustrate these observations. Undefined relations, it may be added, 
aggravate the difficulty experienced by a Dominion in making a trade 
agreement with a foreign power. Dread of ' an incipient and creeping * 
separation from Britain has in the past defeated the project of reciprocity 
between Canada and tlie United States of America. On this subject see 


cannot resist the temptation of claiming concessions chap. 
to their particular interests on the ground of Imperial 
obligation, and the whole atmosphere becomes tainted 
with hypocrisy. It was this which was constantly 
vitiating -the relations of Austria to the rest of 
Germany, till Bismarck had forced her to renounce 
any claim to membership in a German Empire ; and 
it was only when the absolute independence of the 
German and Austrian Empires was recognized that it 
became possible to establish satisfactory treaty rela- 
tions between them. 

It is a highly significant fact that the quarrels which Renewed 
embittered the relations of England with Scotland, over^the 
of Great Britain with the American colonies, and fyl^"^^' 
finally of Great Britain with Ireland, had much in 
common. In all of them the poHticians were fond of 
pointing to the Crown as the sole and sufficient bond 
of union. By providing for a separate succession under 
certain contingencies, the Scottish Parliament had 
proved that a common Crown can afford no permanent 
basis of union for two separate commonwealths. 
The temporary insanity of George III. in 1788 at 
once led to a struggle between the British and Irish 
Parliaments, which pointed the same lesson. All 
parties agreed that the Prince of Wales should assume 
the duties of Regent ; but there was a difierence of 
opinion as to the title by which he should assume it. 
Pitt contended that his powers must be based upon 
and limited by an Act of Parliament. The doctrine 
was one that a Whig leader might naturally have 
been expected to support, but Fox opposed it. He 
urged that the full regal authority passed auto- 
matically to the heir-apparent, and that Parliament 
had merely to decide the fact of the King's incapacity, 

Note A at the end of this chapter, p. 521. In the passage there quoted 
it is instructive to note the analogy between Grattan's argument and that 
of another great Irishman, Mr. Edward Blake. 


CHAP, and address the Prince of Wales to nndertake the 
Regency. Principles, indeed, had been subordinated 
to party considerations, for it was believed that the 
Prince of Wales would dismiss Pitt and call Fox to 
power. Pitt's views prevailed with the British Parlia- 
ment, and the Prince of Wales was appointed Regent 
with certain limitations as to his exercise of patronage. 
The Once again Grattan yielded to the influence of 

niStrates ^^^ His objections to Pitt's view were based upon 
the iiwuffi- highly technical grounds. The Irish Parliament might 


cj of 

the Crown pass an Act empowering the Prince of Wales to 
of union, cxercisc the function of the Sovereign in Ireland ; but 
that Act to be valid must first receive the sanction 
of the Regent, whose right to give it was already 
based on an Act of the British Parliament. That, 
argued Grattan, would be tantamount to admitting 
the dependence of the Irish on the British Parliament. 
The difficulty was to be met by assuming, as Fox 
advised, that the Prince of Wales did not require the 
authority of Parliament to exercise the functions of 
Regent. Grattan, then urged that the Irish Parlia- 
ment should present an address to the Prince of Wales, 
calling upon him to assume the office. The spoil- 
hunters of the Irish Parliament, believing that Pitt 
would be dismissed and Fox called to power, deter- 
mined to support Grattan's view, and the address was 
voted by a majority of over fifty. Buckinghamshire, 
the Viceroy, refused to transmit it, and it was en- 
trusted to a deputation headed by the Duke of 
Leinster. The King, however, had recovered before 
the English debates were at an end and was receiving 
his ministers by the time the Irish deputation arrived. 
But the incident had sufficiently revealed the absurdity 
of the contention that one Crown can permanently 
aiFord any real element of unity between two coequal 
and sovereign Parliaments. It may stand as the 
symbol of a unity which the interests or sentiments 


of the people require to be preserved. But unless chap. 
that unity be expressed in time in a real organ of ^^ 
government, the sentiment itself will perish and with 
it the symbol, when its meaning has gone. It is, in 
the end, not symbols but organs that alone can unite. 

The hold which their influence over the owners of Pittbecins 
rotten boroughs gave to the English executive was of 
strong enough only to enable Government to live from ^^^^^ *^^® 
hand to mouth. Pitt, however, had grasped the fact 
that the principle upon which the government of 
Ireland had been based for two centuries, that of 
holding down the majority by a colonial garrison, 
was wrong, and that Government could not so much 
as begin the real tasks which awaited it there until 
the system was abandoned. The failure of his Irish 
measures convinced him that it was impossible to 
carry such reforms through a Parliament which at 
best represented but a fraction of the Protestant 
garrison. It was not unnatural that Pitt should begin 
to regard the merging of the Irish in the British 
Parliament as the first condition of carrying the 
measures required to place the relations of the two 
kingdoms and the relations of the various sections into 
which Ireland itself was divided on a just footing. 
To begin with, such a union would of itself settle the 
fiscal relations of the two countries. The means of 
carrying such a union, however, were not in sight, 
and until they were Pitt felt that it was useless to 
attempt any further settlement of Irish afiairs. 

In Ireland there were men whose despair of the Irish 
Dublin Parliament was leading them in the opposite ^Ij^ete^ 
direction. Flood might describe Britain as a foreign i^^depond- 
nation, and Grattan was never tired of asserting that 
Ireland had attained her independence in 1782, But, 
if so, what then was the status which the American 
colonies, now acknowledged by Great Britain as the 
United States of America, had achieved at the same 



CHAP, moment? The spectacle of the great republic in- 
evitably provoked a sense of make-believe when the 
Dublin politicians used the same word independence 
to describe the relations of Ireland to Britain. In 
the North, where the republican traditions of the 
Puritan settlement had never died out, it encouraged 
the descendants of Cromwell's settlers to dream that 
the Irish might imitate the American colonies. 
The In France, however, the effect of the American 

K^oiu. Revolution was even more rapid. By its active inter- 
tion. Its vention the French monarchy had rendered possible 

principles ^ ^ 

welcomed the independence of the American colonies. The blow 
aimed at Britain by the King of France had cleft the 
Commonwealth in twain, but Uike to the bullet's 
grazing, broke out into a second course of mischief 
and laid his own throne in ruins. Voltaire and 
Rousseau had long been sapping the belie& upon 
which it had rested, and the condition of public 
bankruptcy in which the American War had involved 
France precipitated a crisis. In essence the American 
Bevolution was neither a revolt against inflicted 
oppression nor against monarchy; but in France it 
was inevitably regarded as both. To the doctrine of 
di^dne right, the essential basis of autocracy in Europe, 
the establishment of a great republic in America was 
a deadlier blow than any dealt by Voltaire and 
Rousseau. Not only in France but throughout Europe 
men had endured at the hands of monarchs a grinding 
oppression, and they aspired to achieve a freedom 
which the Americans had long enjoyed, and only 
rebelled to keep. In 1789 the Revolution began in 
France, and its exponents proclaimed not merely a 
national revolt but a European crusade. On the 
Continent no worse oppression had been endured at 
the hands of autocracy than the Irish had suffered 
under the rule of the British Commonwealth, and 
nowhere did the doctrines of the Revolution receive 


a readier hearing. In Belfast the news of the taking chap. 
of the Bastille was received with the wildest enthu- ^ 

siasm. The Northern Whig Club, which included in 
its membership men like *Charlemont and Robert 
Stewart, who ten years later as Lord Castlereagh was 
Pitt's principal agent in carrying the Union, and 
afterwards acquired the reputation of a British 
Mettemich, drank toasts to * The Revolution,' ' The 
National Assembly of France,' * The Majesty of the 
People,' ' Tom Paine,' and ' The Rights of Man.' The 
volunteer companies again turned out to celebrate 
the event with a battery of guns and a portrait of 
Mirabeau, and the future Lord Castlereagh was actu- 
ally present at the celebration. The tidal wave started 
by the American earthquake had travelled across the 
Atlantic. It touched Ireland, flooded France, and 
surging back again to Ireland almost engulfed it. 

The conventions of Dungannon had shown that RepuWic- 
amongst the volunteers there was a section of Irish the^North. 
Dissenters who, republican before they were Protestant, 
were prepared to sink their religious differences with 
the Catholics in order to gain their political ends. 
They recognized the absurdity of supposing that Irish 
independence could be achieved or sustained by the 
Protestant minority alone, and accordingly set out 
to secure the adhesion of the Catholics to their 

The most eager exponent of this idea was Wolfe Threat of 
Tone, a young Irish lawyer of broken fortunes. b^*^een 
Events in a quarter as remote as the shores of the ^^}^^ . 
Pacific were destined to introduce him to the notice about 
of the public. In 1778 Captain Cook had begun the isiaiX^^^ 
exploration of the coast which is now the Western 1778. 
seaboard of Canada. In April 1789 some English i789. 
merchants had followed this up by founding a settle- 
ment at Nootka Sound, in the island since called after 

Captain Vancouver. In 1 7 1 4 Juan Perez had explored 

2 K 




this coast on behalf of Spain as far north as latitude 54°, 
but had never attempted to settle it. Hearing of the 
English settlement the Spanish Government despatched 
two war-ships to Nootka Sound, which hauled down 
the British and hoisted the Spanish flag. Four British 
vessels were captured and their crews treated with 
harshness and indignity. In reply to the remonstrances 
of Britain the Spanish Government cited the Bull 
granted in 1493 by Alexander VI.,^ and claimed in 
virtue of it an exclusive sovereignty over the whole 
of the Western coast of America. In the hope of 
obtaining the active support of France, the King of 
Spain prepared for war. The Jacobins, however, now 
in the first throes of the Revolution, were nervous 
lest a foreign war should throw the game into the 
hands of Louis XVI., whose throne was tottering to 
its fall. Pitt, who had recently brought the British 
fleet into a high state of efficiency, promptly mobilized 
his forces at the cost of three millions. Spain was 
obliged to yield her pretensions without striking a 
blow, and Captain Vancouver, who had served under 
Cook, was sent to plant the British flag upon the 
island which now bears his name.^ 

The immediate interests at stake were trifling com- 
pared with the cost incurred in enforcing the British 
claim ; but it is obvious that, unless Pitt had taken 
this vigorous line, the Dominion of Canada would now 
J^utraiity cujoy uo access to the Pacific. In July 1790 the 
event of Ifish Parliament, with the warm approval of Grattan, 
war. had voted £200,000 in aid of the apprehended war 

with Spain. While the matter was still pending Wolfe 
Tone published a pamphlet over the signature of 
* Hibernicus,' urging that Ireland should take no part 
in an English war over Nootka Sound, and appealing 
to the Irish Parliament not merely to refuse the vote, 







* See above, p. 135. 

' See Note B at end of this chapter, p. 523. 


but to call upon George III. to notify to Spain the chap. 
neutrality of the kingdom of Ireland.* In the Irish 
Parliament meantime Sir Lawrence Parsons was once 
more agitating the questions which had been raised in 
the adoption of Pitt's commercial proposals : ' Where 
are our ambassadors ? ' he asked. ' What treaties do 
we enter into ? With what nation do we make peace 
or declare war ? Are we not a mere cipher in all these, 
and are not these what give a nation consequence 
and fame ? All these are sacrificed to the connection 
with England.' * He went on to assert that the so- 
called independence of Ireland had been followed by 
no improvement in the government, which was fast 
driving Irishmen to follow the example of America. 
Parsons' own mouth was eventually shut by an 
earldom ; but Tone afterwards stated that it was 
Parsons' arguments which first led him to the con- 
clusion that the only hope for Ireland lay in absolute 
and final separation from Britain. 

Presently -Tone published a pamphlet under the He attacks 
signature of a * Northern Whig,' in which he attacked PaJiia ° ^ 
the Irish Parliament itself as the corrupt instrument Jhe^TO^^pt 
of British rule. Grattan's achievement of 1782 he ^^^^^^^^nt 
described as ' a Kevolution which enabled Irishmen to rule 
sell, at a much higher price, their honor, their 
integrity, and the interests of their country ; it was a 
Revolution which, while at one stroke it doubled the 
value of every borough-monger in the kingdom, left 
three-fourths of our countrymen slaves as it found 
them; and the Government of Ireland in the base and 
wicked and contemptible hands who had spent their 
lives in degrading and plundering her ; nay, some of 
whom had given their last vote decidedly, though 
hopelessly, against this our famous Revolution. Who 
of the veteran enemies of the country lost his place or 

^ See Note at end of this chapter, p. 527. 
* Leek J, History of Irdatid^ vol. iii. p. 6. 


CHAP, his pension ? Who was called forth to station or oflBce 


from the ranks of the Opposition ? Not one ! The 
power remained in the hands of our enemies, again to 
be exerted for our ruin, with this diflFerence, that 
formerly we had our distresses, our injuries, and our 
insults gratis, at the hands of England ; but now we 
pay very dearly to receive the same with aggravation, 
through the hands of Irishmen ; yet this we boast of, 
and call a Revolution/ ^ Tone referred to the Nootka 
Sound incident as proving the corrupt subservience of 
the Irish Parliament to British interests. 
He founds His ucxt Step was to Create a society called the 
iriflhmin United Irishmen, the object of which was to secure 
CaUiSkT^ joint action between Catholics and Protestants. He 
emancipa- himsclf was Secretary of the parent society in Belfast, 
and Napper Tandy became secretary of a branch in 
Dublin. The volunteer companies in Belfast were 
already calling for the repeal of the remaining laws 
against Papists, and the Catholic bodies responded 
in an address. Pitt, believing that the existence 
of civilized society, not only in France but through- 
out Europe, was threatened by the progress of the 
French Revolution, resolved to enlist every element 
of conservatism in support of the established govern- 
ment. Catholicism, as he saw, was essentially one of 
them, and he was now determined to conciliate it in 
spite of the opposition of the Irish Government. In 
1792. 1792 the Irish Parliament was induced to concede to 
Catholics the right to vote and to sit on juries, but 
not the right to sit in Parliament. The omission was 
a serious one ; as they learned to listen, not to their 
natural leaders, the Catholic gentry, but to the 
Protestant demagogues, who were intent upon enlist- 
ing them in the ranks of the United Irishmen. The 
political influence of the priests, who were naturally 
consulted as to which of the rival Protestants 

1 Wolfe Tone, PolUical fForks, pp. 346-7. 


candidates ought to receive the Catholic vote, was ohap. 
greatly increased. v...-..,^.,.^ 

In 1794 the moderate section of the Whigs, who Fitzwiiiiam's 
condemned the excesses of the French Revolution and n^sl^^^^^* 
supported the war, broke with Fox and joined Pitt. ^^ , 
The Duke of Rutland, as Home Secretary, became «>rthe 
responsible for Ireland, and Earl Fitzwilliam was to CathoUcs 
be sent as Viceroy to Ireland as soon as a new opening ^caii? 
could be found for Westmoreland, who was now at the 
Castle. Fitzwilliam allowed it to be known that he 
was to replace Westmoreland, and also that he intended 
to dismiss Fitzgibbon and call Grattan and his friends 
to office. Pitt, hearing of the matter, refused to 
consider the dismissal of Fitzgibbon, and after a crisis 
in the Cabinet, which almost led to the resignation of 
the Whig ministers, an agreement was arrived at and 
embodied in writing. Fitzwilliam was to go to Dublin, 
but there was to be no * new system ' of men or 
measures, and he was, if possible, to prevent any agita- 
tion of the Catholic question during the present 
session. On January 4, 1795, Fitzwilliam reached 
Dublin and dismissed all the leading officials except 
Fitzgibbon. A Catholic Relief Bill was actually intro- 
duced in the Irish Parliament, and on February 19, 
Fitzwilliam was censured by his own chief, Portland, 
and summarily recalled.^ Lord Camden took his place. 
The dismissed officials were restored to their offices, 
and Fitzgibbon was promoted to the earldom of Clare. 
In the bitterness of their disappointment a large 
number of the Catholics were thrown into the arms 
of the Protestant republicans. By an unforeseen 
accident Pitt had been thwarted in his attempt to 
conciliate the Catholic majority. The members of the 
Established Church were the only section of the 
population upon whose support the Government could 
now count. They numbered no more than 450,000, 

1 Eosebery, FiU, pp. 174-81. 










of Ireland. 
Revival of 
racial and 

and secret agents reported that the Dissenters, who 
were quite as numerous, were republican. The whole 
Catholic peasantry, they affirmed, would join the 

In the year 1795 the United Irishmen reconstructed 
their society with the avowed object, not of reforming 
the Irish constitution, but of establishing a republican 
government with the assistance of French arms. 
Grattan, whose support they had attempted in vain 
to enlist, had illusions of his own, but they were not 
those of a revolutionary mind. In unmistakable 
terms he warned them that ' the French would merely 
treat Ireland in a manner most calculated to weaken 
England; that they would halloo the lower classes 
against the higher, and make the whole country a 
scene of massacre ; that in a year or two it would be 
given up by the French again to Great Britain, and that 
the convulsion would be the ruin of the country.'^ 
Grattan's warning was amply justified by events 
which have since been disclosed in the archives of the 
French Foreign Office. When in 1797 Lord Malmes- 
bury was negotiating for peace at Lisle, Canada, 
Newfoundland, Gibraltar, India, and even the Channel 
Islands were included in the demands secretly formu- 
lated by the Directory. No mention, however, was 
made of Ireland. Not wanting it for themselves, the 
Directory did not think of asking for terms for their 
Irish allies. 

In reading the polished speeches of Grattan and his 
contemporaries in Dublin, it is somewhat difficult to 
remember that social conditions akin to those of the 
Dark Ages still prevailed in the back blocks of Ireland. 
Many of the English colonists had never lost the 
tradition of regarding their land merely as an invest- 
ment from which to derive an income spent elsewhere. 
The moment war checked prosperity the condition of 

* Lecky, History of Ireland, vol. iii. p. 384. 


the peasants was one approaching famine. Hudson, chap. 
an intelligent clergyman, writing in 1789, notices ^^^ 
* how many traces of savage life still remained in the 
population ; the same laziness and improvidence, the 
same unrelenting ferocity in their combats, the same 
love of intoxication, the same hereditary animosities, 
handed down from generation to generation.' ^ The 
rule of law, elsewhere the identifying mark of British 
government, had scarcely been established in the 
remoter parts of Ireland like Connaught, where ' the 
magistrates took a great number of those whom they ' 
suspected of being Defenders, and without sentence, 
without trial, without even a colour of legality, they 
sent them to serve in the King's fleet.' * 

The * Peep - o' - day boys ' were an organization Growth 
formed to drive Catholics out of Protestant districts. or^I'aL- 
The * Defenders ' were a counter organization originally ^°?^ ^ 
formed by the Catholics to resist these attacks, and 
Inevitably the 'Defenders' turned from defence to ™"^'"®"" 
aggression, and provoked the formation of the Orange 
societies, who next attempted to drive the Catholics 
out of Ulster. In the general paralysis of govern- 
ment the old religious animosities revived, and, in 
spite of the attempt of the Protestant republicaus to 
unite all the creeds against Britain, suddenly came 
to the surface. The tumult of religious, political, 
social, and racial hatreds was like a welter of rock- 
pent waters into which angry seas are breaking from 
several directions. Currents seething in the Devil's 
Punch Bowl or in Hell Bay are no harder to describe 
than the movements of the various elements in 
Irish society during the months which preceded the 
actual outbreak of rebellion. Lord Clare determined 
that Government should be master, and hastened to 
enlist yeomanry mainly recruited from the same 
sections of the population as those which furnished the 

» Lecky, UisUyry of Ireland, toI. hi. p. 428. > Ibid. p. 419. 








Hoche, * 


of Naval 
with that 
of the 

ranks of the Orangemen. Whether he intended to side 
with the Orangemen or not, Lord Clare's dragoons 
were in fact the Orangemen in Grovernment uniforms 
with Government arms. The Catholics were increas- 
ingly thrown into the arms of the United Irishmen, 
whose ranks were recruited from all religions and races. 
In Ulster alone it was estimated that 35,000 rebels 
could be brought into the field, two-thirds of whom 
were Presbyterians and Deists, and one-third members 
of the Catholic and Established Churches. Between 
the Orange yeomanry and the United Irishmen there 
tended to develop a condition of civil war. 

In 1795 Wolfe Tone, who had fled to America, 
went to France to persuade the Directory to invade 
Ireland, urging that its conquest would destroy the 
naval ascendency of England. All property belong- 
ing to Englishmen in Ireland was to be confiscated, 
and Tone dwelt especially upon the great sums which 
some Englishmen had invested in mortgages on Irish 
land. The French despatched an agent, Count 
Richard O'Shea, to Ireland, with a promise to send 
10,000 men, and arms for twice as many. They 
exceeded their promises, and in December 1796 Hoche 
set sail from Brest with 15,000 soldiers and a large 
supply of arms and ammunition for distribution 
amongst the United Irishmen. Wolfe Tone accom- 
panied the expedition, which succeeded in evading the 
British fleets. Part of it reached the south-west 
corner of Ireland and beat up Bantry Bay. That the 
French failed to effect a landing was in no way due 
to the British Navy but to the violence of a storm 
which made the landing impossible, and drove them 
out to sea. 

When Parliament met in January 1797, Grattan 
attacked the British Government for neglecting to 
protect Ireland. This was, he complained, the second 
war within fifteen years in which Ireland had been 


involved by England and then entirely abandoned.^ chap. 
It is instructive to compare this attack on the Govern- 
ment with that made by the Opposition in the 
British House of Commons, and also with the account 
which Admiral Mahan gives from his purely military 
point of view.^ Bridport, the First Sea Lord, who at 
this time was in command of the British Navy, was a 
man of over seventy, whose lack of energy had not 
only communicated itself to the personnel of the fleets 
but vitiated his strategic dispositions. Shortly after 
these occurrences the mutinies at the Nore and Spit- 
head brought the British Empire as near to destruc- 
tion as it has ever been. He was at fault, moreover, 
in failing to keep the squadron blockading Brest suffi- 
ciently near to prevent Hoche's escape, in keeping his 
reserves at Spithead instead of at Falmouth, and in 
neglecting to move the moment he heard that Hoche 
had sailed. In leaving such a man in command of 
the fleets at such a time, ministers were guilty of 
an error of judgment which was afterwards corrected 
by the appointment of St. Vincent as his successor. 
They were at fault, moreover, in not instructing 
Colpoy es, who commanded the squadron off* Brest, that 
if Hoche's expedition succeeded in evading him, he 
should hasten to the Irish coast where Hoche's attack 
would be really dangerous. The Opposition in the 
British Parliament was justified to the full in the 
attack which it made on the errors of judgment com- 
mitted at this period by the GU)vemment in its con- 
duct of naval defence. But the charge brought by 
Grattan that the British Government was prepared to 
abandon Ireland or to sacrifice the defence of its coast 
for that of Britain, was absurd on the face of it. 
Ireland was then the principaj source from which 

* Lecky, History of Ireland^ vol. iv. pp. 6-8. 

' Mahan, T?ie Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution, vol. i. 
chapter xL 


CHAP, naval provisions were drawn. In Cork Harbour 

VII t» 

.^^^^^^^^^^ alone there were collected naval stores to the value of 
£1,500,000, which, if Hoche had succeeded ip landing, 
would have fallen into his hands. The Government 
knew that Ireland was seething with discontent, and 
that thousands of the United Irishmen were ready to 
take up arms in support of the French expedition, 
which was bringing with it muskets for 41,000 rebels.^ 
It had no force in Ireland adequate to deal with the 
combined forces which Hoche and the United Irish- 
men could have put into the field, and for the purposes 
of the war Ireland would then have become French 
territory. When in exile at St. Helena, Napoleon 
regarded his failure to attack Britain through Ireland 
as one of the mistakes pf his career. * On what,' 
he said, ' do the destinies of empires hang ? ... If 
instead of the expedition of Egypt, I had made that 
of Ireland, if slight deranging circumstances had not 
thrown obstacles in the way of my Boulogne enter- 
prise — what would England have been to-day ? And 
the Continent ? And the political world ? ' ^ The 
British Government could indeed have dreaded 
nothing so much as the landing of Hoche in Ireland ; 
merely from the point of view of England's own 
safety, a landing on any part of the British coast 
would have been infinitely preferable. 
Ireland But in the Irish Parliament it was inevitable that 

a voice cvcu SO able a man as Grattan should regard the 
mani^e- Hiattcr from a particularist point of view. Like the 
mentof American assemblies, the Irish ParUament had no 

its , ' 

external voice in the general councils of the Commonwealth 
Consequent OH issues of national life and death. They were free 
wiitfoT^ to criticise, but there was present in that Parliament 
^^f ^ . no member of the Cabinet responsible for the conduct 

criticism. ^ 

of external affairs, no minister competent to answer 

1 Wolfe Time's Journal, Dec 22, 1796. 

3 Las Cases, M^moires de SainU-HOhu, ii. 335 (ed. 1823). 


criticisms which, like those of Grattan, were clean chap. 

... VII 

beside the mark. And if sound criticism was offered 
there, as it was in the British House of Commons, 
it did not fall on the ears of the ministers who 
were actually responsible and could scarcely affect 
their conduct. An Irish Ministry might have been 
established which would have been responsible to the 
people of Ireland, through its Parliament, for the 
conduct of their local and domestic affairs. The 
policy of granting what is called ' responsible govern- 
ment,' which was followed in respect of the British 
Colonies at a later date, might have been applied 
to Ireland ; but even so the Irish people could have 
had no Parliament or Government responsible to it 
for the issues of peace and war so long as the King 
of Great Britain remained the King of Ireland. 
That Ireland should have a separate Eang, or, as 
the United Irishmen desired, become a republic, was 
the policy which Grattan had denounced. Ireland 
was the Commonwealth to which United Irishmen 
were prepared to yield obedience, to which they were 
prepared to subordinate all other interests including 
those of Britain. Tone and his fellow-conspirators 
had made their choice, and were ready to face the 
consequences to the foot of the gallows. Grattan 
was not prepared to face that choice, even though 
in a moment of heat he had declared that he would 
sooner sacrifice the British Empire than the Irish 
constitution. In his calmer moments he maintained 
that Britain and Ireland had common and inseparable 
interests in matters of supreme importance to both. 
He chose to assume that two independent and equally 
sovereign commonwealths could be trusted to concur 
in the defence of those interests. How that concur- 
rence was to be maintained, or where the duty of 
an Irish citizen lay if it should fail, is a problem to 
which he never addressed his mind ; for he spoke 




of the 

of the 


mutiny at 
the Nore 
caused by 

more easily than he thought, and could always 
envelop such problems in a cloud of words which 
concealed them not more perfectly from his hearers 
than from himself. 

Protestant Ulster was now in a condition of 
smothered war. The state to which the United 
Irishmen had reduced the country was one of absolute 
terror. 'It is impossible/ wrote Dean Warburton, 
*to give you an idea of how ferociously savage the 
people have become in these parts.' ^ Loyalists were 
taking the United Irish oath as the only means of 
safety. The Government replied by proclaiming 
martial law, and the loyalist yeomanry enforced it 
by outrages which exceeded those of the United Irish- 
men. The situation was indeed growing desperate. 
In 1795 the United Irish Society appears to have 
been almost entirely confined to Ulster and Dublin ; 
but by 1797 it had spread over a great part of 
Ireland, and a miUtary organization had been grafted 
on to it. The executive of the society computed 
that half a million members had been sworn, and 
that more than 280,000 were merely waiting the 
arrival of the French to rise in arms. 

Ireland is the one spot in the British Common- 
wealth where anarchy has continuously flourished ; 
but the poison from the abscess has aflFected every 
part of it. It had fatally complicated the troubles 
in America. It now broke out at a moment of 
extreme peril in a quarter where it was least ex- 
pected. France had by this time absorbed Holland 
and seized its fleets, which Hoche was preparing 
for a fresh invasion of Ireland. The fleets lying at 
Spithead and in the mouth of the Thames at the 
Nore were saturated with United Irishmen deported 
under martial law. In May and June both fleets 
suddenly mutinied, and for a time the coasts of 

* Lecky, History of Ireland^ vol. iv. p. 82. 


England were threatened by her own ships as well as chap. 
by those of her enemies. At this desperate juncture v,^.,.,,^^,^ 
the Commonwealth was saved partly by the firmness 
of the Ministry and partly by the failure of the 
French to seize their opportunity. Throughout July, 
August, and September the Dutch ships were kept 
in the Texel by contrary winds, and when they 
issued out on October 8, were signally defeated at 
Camperdown by Admiral Duncan, the mutineers of 
May and June fighting with a courage worthy of 
the best traditions of the fleet. Hoche had died 
of consumption three weeks before, and the prospect 
of efifective invasion from Holland ended for the 
moment. ^ Grattan meantime continued to inveigh 
against the war at a time when there was no power, 
either in England or in Ireland, that could have 
stopped it.' ^ 

At the beginning of 1798 the French renewed The 
their promises of help to the United Irishmen, and ^f^ygg^ 
the British Government received intelligence of practically 

^ confined to 

extensive preparations at Dunkirk, Havre, Honfleur, CathoUcs. 
and Calais. Martial law had now been extended 
throughout the Catholic provinces, and was enforced 
with frightful barbarities by the yeomanry, who, as 
has been seen, were simply the loyalist population 
in arms. House-burning, executions without trial, 
massacres, and even torture were the order of the day, 
and provoked similar atrocities on the part of the 
victims. Open rebellion, for which the United Irish- 
men had been preparing for the last five years, first 
broke out amongst the Catholic peasantry on May 23 
in the counties of Dublin, Kildare, and Meath, and 
was quickly followed by a more formidable rising in 
Wexford. The movement had originated amongst 
the Protestant colonists of the North, but, owing to 
a complication of causes characteristic of the tangled 

* Lecky, History of Irelwnd, vol. iv. p. 190. 



CHAP, condition of Irish society, the Northern repablicans 
now hang back. Fitzgibbon had his informers in the 
inner councils of the United Irishmen, and when 
Hoche's expedition had started from France, suddenly 
arrested the leaders. The organization never recovered 
from the blow. Recognizing, moreover, that the seat 
of the conspiracy was in Ulster, he had first pro* 
claimed martial law there. The industrious Dissenters, 
who had more to lose than the Catholic peasants, 
began to realize the consequences of rebellion to. their 
property. By this time, moreover, their instinct for 
liberty had been outraged by the policy of France, 
not only in Switzerland and Venice, but towards 
America, for which the French were now promising 
a similar fate unless she would finance France as 
France herself had financed the Americans in the 
War of Independence. The excesses committed by 
the wild peasantry of the South when once they had 
taken arms shocked the more civilized colonists of 
the North. A deterrent still more powerful was the 
sudden revival on both sides of religious intolerance, 
which explains the rapid development of the Orange 
societies. Hence the United Irishmen in the North 
found themselves weaker at the heart of their move- 
ment than they anticipated, and it was not till well 
on in June that risings took place in Antrim and 
Down, which were suppressed in a few days. 

On August 6, 1798, when the rebellion was 
practically crushed, Humbert, a French commander, 
Bly^nQS succeeded in landing at Killala Bay on the North- 
West coast of Ireland with rather over a thousand 
men. The records of the French invaders give a 
glimpse of the kind of society in which they found 
themselves. ' Many boxes of arms and uniforms had 
been brought over, and when these were opened, the 
peasantry speedily streamed in. . . . But except a 
dislike to tithes, which was far more languid in 

landed at 


Connaught than in either Munster or Ulster, they chap. 
had not an idea in common with the French, and no 
kind of political motive appears to have animated 
them. They joined the invaders with delight when 
they learnt that, for the first time in their lives, they 
were to receive meat every day. They danced with 
joy like children when they saw the blue uniforms, 
and the glittering helmets edged with brown paper to 
imitate leopard's skin, that were provided for them, 
and they rapturously accepted the guns that were 
given them, but soon spoiled many of them by their 
utter inexperience. It was found necessary, indeed, 
to stop the distribution of ammunition, as the only 
way of preventing them from using their new toy in 
shooting crows.' ^ In the West of Ireland the Com- 
monwealth had failed so signally in its task that the 
French found themselves amongst a people scarcely 
more civilized than those which Caesar describes in 
Britain, and their descriptions explain why the 
peasantry are so often referred to as ' natives ' in the 
military reports of the time. The result was that at 
the close of the eighteenth century the suppression of 
the rebellion was, as in the age of Elizabeth and 
Cromwell, attended by the kind of atrocities which 
too often disfigure the wars of civilized powers with 
primitive tribes. 

Humbert, after a brilliant victory at Castlebar Capituia- 
and a skilfully conducted march into the interior, French 
capitulated on September 8, 1798, at Mochill. ^7^^^"' 
The Irish were excluded from quarter and cut down ^^^ °^ 
without mercy. Meantime Napper Tandy landed on Tone, 
the Isle of Arran in Donegal, but fled on hearing of 
Humbert's fate. Another squadron under Admiral 
Bompard with Wolfe Tone and three thousand men 
on board was defeated on October 12 by Sir John 
Warren. Wolfe Tone was captured, and committed 

* Lecky, HiUory of IreJaTid, vol. y. pp. 45-6. 




sion of 


suicide in gaoL ' If his dream of an independent 
Ireland now seems a very mad one, it is bat justice to 
him to remember how different was then the position 
of Ireland, both in relation to England and in relation 
to the Continent. Ireland now contains about an 
eighth part of the population of the United Kingdom, 
and it is hopelessly divided within itself. At the time 
of the rebellion of 1798, the whole population of the 
two islands was little more than fifteen millions, and 
probably fully four and a half millions of these were 
Irish. It was a much larger population than Holland 
possessed when she confronted the power of Lewis 
XIV., or the United States when they won their 
independence, or Prussia when Frederick the Great 
made her one of the foremost nations in Europe. It 
was idle to suppose that such a people, if they had 
been really united and in earnest, could not under 
favourable circumstances have achieved and main- 
tained their independence; and what circumstance 
could seem more favourable than a great revolution- 
ary war, which especially appealed to all oppressed 
nationalities, threatened the British Empire with 
destruction, and seemed about to lead to a complete 
dissolution and rearrangement of the political system 
of Europe ? ' ' 

The news of the Battle of the Nile which arrived 
at the same time relieved Britain for the moment 
from the fear that the Irish rebels could draw any 
further support from France. But it was not till the 
sea-power of the French was destroyed at Trafalgar, 
six years later, that the danger was finally removed. 
The British Isles were in fact guarded from effective 
invasion, not indeed by ships scattered round her 
coasts, but by pitched battles fought at the mouths 
of the Nile or the gate of the Mediterranean. 
Organized resistance, however, was now crushed in 

* Lecky, History of Ireland, vol. v. pp. 80-1 . 


the North as well as in the South of Ireland, ohap. 


Atrocities were continued by the loyalists till 
1799, and ship-loads of United Irishmen were des- 
patched to Australia. There it was observed that 
after the arrival of every consignment of Irish con- 
victs serious disturbances broke out in the settle- 

Tbne and his confederates had failed in their object Tiie 
of uniting Ireland in a rebellion against England, a truly ^ 
The struggle had rapidly assumed the character of a ^^tive^® 
civil war in which the minority, backed by Britain, i^®!^^^^ 
had trampled the majority under foot, not without troubles. 
many of the atrocities which attended previous cure a" ^ 
struggles of the kind. Whether in peace or war, u^n*^^th 
Ireland was a source from which trouble spread, and ^'^. 
is still spreading, through the veins of the entire means by 

r\ ij.i_ T7 i_ J. • which the 

Commonwealth. Years, perhaps centunes, were union was 
required to remedy the neglect of the past, but that Xmif* 
work could not begin until there was a real Govern- 
ment in Ireland. The fact had been overlooked that 
the legislative and executive functions are but aspects 
of the one indivisible function — Government. Re- 
sponsibility for government really lay with a British 
executive, and the independence of the Irish Parlia- 
ment meant that it paralysed that executive, except 
in 80 far as it could be induced by corruption to 
abdicate its own functions. An effective Government 
was the primary need, the inexorable condition of 
satisfying all others. On the morrow of such carnage 
as Ireland had seen, and of such peril as the whole 
Commonwealth had sustained, what justification 
could Pitt have for continuing to accept a system 
under which Government in Ireland had always to 
choose between the opposition of Parliament and the 
purchase of a majority by corruption at the cost of 
Ireland itself ? Its loaded gibbets and smoking ruins 
were sufficient proof of some radical defect in its 



CHAP, system of government. Obviously some change was 
necessary. What was the nature of the change to 
be ? The only alternative to a system in which the 
executive controlled Parliament was one in which 
Parliament would control the executive. But what 
constituencies in Ireland were to control Parliament ? 
Was Pitt to place that control in the hands of a 
minority still thirsting for Catholic blood? Or if* 
not, was he to entrust it to the majority which 
included the United Irishmen and CathoUcs, from 
whose hands the pike and torch had just been torn ? 
Such alternatives had only to be stated in order to be 
dismissed, and, these dismissed, no other expedient 
remained than to go back to the point where Cromwell 
had begun, by abolishing the Parliament at Dublin 
and giving Ireland. Uke Scotland, representatives in 
a common Parliament at Westminster. But the 
consent of the Irish, as formerly of the Scottish 
Parliament, had to be secured ; and in order to obtain 
a majority, Government had no course but to resort 
to the means upon which it had always relied when- 
ever the action of the executive depended upon the 
concurrence of the legislature. Rotten boroughs had 
long changed hands at high figures. In 1797 Grattan 
estimated their value at from £14,000 to £16,000 a 
piece, and Pitt now proposed to expropriate them all 
at a gross cost of £1,260,000. The arrangement so 
made was legal and public, and it is estimated that 
about one-third of this compensation was received by 
borough-holders who cast their votes against the 
Union.^ There is no evidence of purchase of votes by 
clandestine payments of money. In accordance with 
the regular practice at Dublin votes were purchased 
by a lavish distribution of titles, and the Union was 
effected by means no other than those which for a 
hundred years had been used by the executive tq 

* Fisher, The End of the Irish. Parliament^ p. 306. 


carry their measures. Sodden with corruption, the ohap. 
Irish Parliament was extinguished in one final debauch, ^" 
like Clarence, content to drown in liquor most dear 
to its heart. 

In the country the Protestant colonists seem to why 
have been generally, though not universally, opposed to promiae of 
the Union. The Catholics for the most part supported ^»thoiic 
it. Recent events did not lead them to hope that tionwas 
the Dublin Parliament would admit them to its byhinu™ 
ranks nor that it could relieve them of the disabilities 
which still seemed to mark them as enemies of the 
state. Union was held out to them as the prelude 
of Catholic emancipation throughout the United 
Kingdom, and as soon as it was consummated Pitt 
and Castlereagh did their best to realize the promise. 
But Fitzgibbon had privately convinced George III. 
that such a measure would be a breach of his corona- 
tion oath, and would invalidate his title to the Crown ; 
and throughout the three kingdoms George III. knew 
that he was supported by an immense force of un- 
reasoning prejudice. Pitt resigned and, though later 
on he returned to oflGice, never lived to redeem his 

As always with politicral deadlocks, the key was Lessons 
found by appealing from fictions to reaUties. from SL^^. 
forms to principles. One king could unite two or ^^erond- 
more kingdoms so long as he governed in fact as well ^nce the 
as in name. But the development of the Common- before two 
wealth had meant that sovereignty was transferred Panu!^ 
from King to Parliament, that Parliament in fact ™®^**' 
controlled the King ; and, where the sovereignty had 
passed to two or more Parliaments, it was not in the 
nature of things that the Crown which they controlled 
could serve to unite them. That could only happen 
in so far as the Crown controlled the Parliaments, 
which meant that the constitution reverted to literal 
monarchy. As soon, therefore, as the sovereignty 


CHAP, had passed to two or more Parliaments, the com- 
^^ munities which they represented were faced by 
the inexorable question whether the State was to 
dissolve into as many independent commonwealths 
or whether the several parliaments were to be 
merged into one. A commonwealth no less than 
a monarchy is a state, and can abate no particle of 
that infinite claim which distinguishes states from 
all other forms of human aasociation. Politicians 
may declare that, whatever the theory of the state 
may be, in practice it is proved to be otherwise. 
Like Grattan, they may argue that such abstract 
questions can be ignored, evaded, postponed, or 
buried beneath a heap of words, and so they may 
continue until one of those junctures occurs when 
states are driven to make their unlimited call on the 
devotion of those whom they hold to be citizens. 
Suddenly men find, as in Ireland in the closing years 
of the eighteenth century, that two different societies 
are claiming to dispose of their lives and property, 
and are calling upon them to dedicate botib to the 
preservation of one or the other. The alternatives 
between which they must choose are presented on 
the points of opposing bayonets, and then they dis- 
cover that citizenship, like everything else, admits 
of no lasting divorce between theory and practice. 
So it is that sooner or later men in civilized society 
are called upon to declare what is their state and 
where they belong. In the debates on the Union, as 
in the discussions at the making of the American 
Commonwealth, politicians forgot to juggle with the 
technicalities of constitutional law. They found 
themselves uttering truths which at other times they 
would have dismissed as a logic contrary to the 
experience of practical men. A single illustration 
taken from the speech of Grenville will suffice : ' If 
by the British constitution the royal power could be 


exercised free from the control of Parliament, then, chap. 


indeed,, the regal identity might be a bond of con- 
nexion ; but if the whole system of the regal power 
was not only under the control, but could not go on 
without the aid and assistance of Parliament, and the 
Parliaments of each kingdom were to remain distinct 
and separate, then, he repeated, the bond of connexion 
was absolutely null.' ^ 

When the Union was effected, the British Common- Need of 
wealth had still to face fifteen years of the most a^eiop 
desperate struggle for existence which it had ever ^f ^X"* 
experienced. But in any circumstances more than between 
a few years of union were needed to create in the peoples. 
minds of the British people the habit of thinking of gj^^th of 
the Irish, not as a separate and subject race, but as ^^wspi"* 

' ^ J ' danng 

part and parcel of themselves. In Ireland poverty the 
in estate and turbulence of spirit were the necessary century. 
result of conditions which Britain had suffered to 
continue for centuries. A series of such measures as 
Pitt had conceived, the removal of glaring religions 
disabilities, the recognition of the right of the people 
to their own soil, the removal of all that savoured 
of an attempt to govern Ireland as a military colony, 
and above all education, were needed to raise Irish 
society to the level of Western civilization, and to 
incorporate it organically in the tissues of a common- 
wealth. Such measures could only oome as the people 
of Britain learned to feel that they themselves suffered 
in Ireland, as a man suffers in his own hand. It was 
not tDl 1829 that Catholic emancipation was carried, 1829. 
and then in response to fear rather than duty. The 
abolition of the Church tithe in 1838 indicated, how- isss. 
ever, the growth of real sympathy in Britain with 
the position of the majority of the smaller island. 
In 1903 the finances of the United Kingdom were 1903. 

^ Cornewall Lewis, An Essay on the Government of Dependencies^ Notes, 
p. 366. 


CHAP, pledged to the extent of £100,000,000 to repair the 
essential injustice, three centuries old, by which the 
soil of Ireland had been given to English and Scottish 
colonists to be held by them as a pledge for the 
subjection of its native inhabitants. 
The The mutual alienation engendered by the ages in 

of thifl^^ which the English, obliged to concern themselves 
Ssentui ^^ *^® government of Ireland, yet thought of its 
pro-. people as aliens and used them not as citizens 

to the but dependents, is not to be enaced even m a 
tionof^ century. As with men's bodies so with their 
question ^ainds, there are no short - cuts to health when 
disease has been long and deeply established. The 
first essential is a clear conception wherein the 
opposite conditions of disease and health consist. In 
the relations of Britain and Ireland the fundamental 
disease has been a sense of alienation so radical that 
it has been communicated to the English garrison 
itself. The people of both islands have been divided 
from each other, and the people of Ireland have been 
divided against themselves. The union of Ireland 
with Britain is founded on a quicksand so long as it 
is based on the divisions of the Irish people. Con- 
versely, a condition of health is one in which the 
people of both islands feel themselves as much fellow- 
citizens of one state as do those of Scotland and 
England, and when they do so, such internal divisions 
as still make it possible for different sections in 
Ireland to arm against each other will have vanished. 
If ever it should prove expedient to unburden the 
Parliament of the United Kingdom by delegating to 
the inhabitants of England, Ireland, Scotland, and 
Wales the management of their own provincial affairs, 
and the condition of Ireland should prove no bar to 
such a measure, the Irish problem will once for all 
have been closed. The policy of Pitt will be acknow- 
ledged to have reached its fruition if ever Ireland 


should be found peacefully transacting Irish affairs, chap. 
There will then, within measurable time, be no question ^^^ 
that the inhabitants of the British Isles feel to each 
other as members of one Commonwealth, and whenever 
they so feel, the condition of health will at last have 
been realized. But the present inquiry is widely 
astray in the conclusions to which it points if that 
feeling of common citizenship can be maintained, much 
less created, in the breasts of people who do not in 
fact share in the defence of those interests which are 
common to all the citizens, always the most important 
interests though not always easy to recognize as such. 
If Britain and Ireland have common interests, those 
interests must be the subject of common laws, and in 
this Grattan was right, that common laws cannot be 
made by two Parliaments except in so far as one 
submits to the other. Such a system can be nothing 
more nor less than * a creeping and incipient ' return 
to a condition in which Ireland becomes the reluctant 
dependent of Britain, a system which must of its 
nature breed the old sense of alienation, the old failure 
of mutual responsibility, the old inveterate condition 
of disease. 

Irishmen look back on a past from which no ele- The 
ment of tragedy is wanting, and the greatest of all commoV*^ 
is this, that their sufferings still throw from behind ^^^^^ 
them not the radiance of a martyrdom but the shadow memory 
of an execution. They remain in the memories of its wrS^, 
people to curse rather than to hallow the. land, and found™* 
to encourage a patriotism which seeks to draw its ^^^^P[ 
inspiration from hate. Not seldom that gospel is wm. 
preached by descendants of those by whose hand the 
worsts deeds were done, or by whose vote in the Irish 
Parliament the worst laws which have ever blackened 
a statute-book were passed. Time and again the 
sordid tale of wrongs done by the dead to the dead 
is paraded to kindle the hatreds of the living against 







not in 

her own 


but in 

those of 





of this 


each other. There are signs, however, that this ruinous 
heritage of an ancient wrong is working itself out, 
for in Ireland of late years has arisen a school which 
pleads for a patriotism founded in love rather than 
hate. Such patriotism, they argue, springs only when 
and where men study to win from their soil the means 
of better living for each other rather than for them* 
selves. The pursuit of their own interests may unite 
men for a moment. No essential or permanent union 
can result except from a sense of their mutual duties. 
' I have always held,' writes the founder of that school, 
' that to foster resentment in respect of these old 
wrongs is as stupid as was the policy which gave them 
birth ; and, even if it were possible to distribute the 
blame among our ancestors, I am sure we should do 
ourselves much harm, and no living soul any good, 
in the reckoning. In my view, Anglo-Irish history 
is for Englishmen to remember, for Irishmen to 
forget.' ' 

But the lesson is one to be remembered not only 
in England but in every other part of the Common- 
wealth, a lesson as old and as obvious as it is apt 
to be ignored. What makes a city is men, not walls. 
What constitutes a state is not land nor its ' natural 
resources,' but men, living or yet to live, be they 
black, brown, or white. The primal error in Anglo- 
Irish relations was the habit, too slowly unlearned, of 
valuing Ireland for its land rather than its people. 
Those to whom its destinies were entrusted learned 
too late to care for the hive more than the honey, 
and the anger bom of wrongs which can only be 
ended but not undone, has been carried wherever the 
Irish have swarmed. It was an error arising from a 
false standard of values, a wrong habit of mind, not in 
individuals, but in whole communities, and whenever 
one people set out to rule the destinies of another 

* Pluiikett, Ireland in the New CefUtinjy p. 26. 



there it is waiting to lure them from the one straight chap. 
and difficult path. They cannot escape it by refusing 
to tread that path. The one and only way to avoid 
its snares is to hold aloft the principle against which 
the error offends, and to examine every step they 
take in the light which it sheds. In governing peoples 
too backward to govern themselves the wealth to be 
drawn from their country is never to be considered 
as the first object nor indeed as an end in itself. 
The question to be asked, not first, nor once, but every 
day is, * What kind of society the country is destined 
to support?' for the answer to that question will 
decide the answer to be given to all others. No one 
who studies the history of Ireland will think that it 
can be raised too often by members of a Common- 
wealth charged with the care of three hundred and 
fifty millions of fellow-citizens who do not, as yet, 
share in its government, and also with the task of 
fitting them to do so. 


grattan's oijjections against Pitt's pkoposals for com- 

* Any feasible plan of unrestricted reciprocity involved See page 
differential duties ; and involved — as to the bulk by agreement, 493. 
and as to much from the necessity of the case — the substantial 
assimilation in their leading features, of the tariffs of the two 
countries. Tlie absence of agreement would give to each 
country power to disturb at will the industrial system of the 
other ; and unrestricted reciprocity, without an agreed assimila- 
tion of duties, was an unsubstantial dream. For example, he 
said the States could not, without destroying their industrial 
system, admit free our woollen or iron manufactures, the produce 
of wool or iron freely imported by us from beyond seas ; nor 
could we, without destroying ours, levy on raw materials higher 


CHAP, duties than those laid by the Statea Then, since any practical 
VII arrangement substantially involved not only differential duties 
but a common tariff, unrestricted reciprocity became, in these 
its redeeming features, diflScult to distinguish from commercial 

' Commercial union — establishing a common tariff, abolishing 
international custom houses and dividing the total duties 
between the two countries in agreed proportions — ^would be 
the more available, perhaps the only available plan. The 
tendency in Canada of unrestricted free trade with the States, 
high duties being maintained against the United Kingdom, 
would be towards political union, and the more successful the 
plan the stronger the tendency, both by reason of the community 
of interests, the intermingling of population, the more intimate 
business and social connections, and the trade and fiscal relations, 
amounting to dependency which it would create with the States, 
and of the greater isolation and divergency from Britain which 
it would produce ; and also and especially tlm>ugh inconveniences 
experienced in the maintenance and apprehensions entertained 
as to the termination of the treaty. Therefore he said, " What- 
ever you or I may think on that head, whether we like or 
dislike, believe or disbelieve in political union, must we not 
agree that the subject is one of great moment^ towards the 
practical settlement of which we should take no serious step 
without reflection, or in ignorance of what we are doing? 
Assuming that absolute free trade with the States, best described 
as commercial union, may and ought to come, I believe that it 
can and should come only as an incident, or at any rate, as a 
well-understood precursor of political union, for ithich indeed 
wo should be able to make better terms before than after the 
surrender of our commercial independence. Then so believing 
— believing that the decision of the trade question involves that 
of the constitutional issue, for which you are unprepared and 
with which you do not even conceive yourselves to be dealing — 
how can I properly recommend you now to decide on commercial 
union ! " ^ 

'It is hardly necessary to say that the appearance of this 
letter was a profound and painful surprise to the Liberal party. 
There was light, perhaps, in the communication. Leading there 
was not. It was destructive, inconclusive, and embarrassing to 
the last degree. It was like Emerson's New England road, 
which ended in a squirrel track and ran up a tree. Various 
interpretations were put upon the manifesto, and these were 
as conflicting as they were uncertain. The Globe interpreted 
the letter as a declaration for political union ; The Emp-ire as 
a protest against the disloyal tendencies of the Liberal trade 

^ Address of the Hon. Edward Blake to the members of tlie AVest Dnrliani 
Refonii Convention, March 5th, 1891. 


policy. Conflicting and contradictory efforts to find a positive CHAP, 
policy in the letter led Mr. Blake to publish this additional VII 
statement : " The contradictory inferences to which a sentence 
in my Durham letter, detached from, its context, has in several 
quarters unexpectedly given rise, conquer my reluctance to 
trespass again so soon upon your cohunns; and I crave space 
to say that I think political union with the States, though 
becoming our probable, is by no means our ideal, or as yet our 
inevitable future." ^ 

* All that can now be said is that only actual negotiations at 
* Washington could have determined the exact force and justice 
of some of Mr. Blake's criticisms. If unrestricted reciprocity 
was unworkable except upon the lines of commercial union, 
then the term was not properly expressive of the intentions of 
the Liberal leaders, and stood for a proposition which they had 
refused to accept.' ^ 



* He (Pitt) concluded his speech in a strain of justifiable See page 
exultation. "The present prosperity of England," he said, ^^^• 
''was unexampled." "The season of our severe trial is at an 
end, and we are at length relieved not only from the dejection 
and gloom which a few years since hung over the country, but 
from the doubt and uncertainty which, even for a considerable 
time after our prospects had begun to brighten, still mingled 
with the hopes and expectations of the public. ... As far as 
there can be any reliance on human speculations, we have the 
best ground from the experience of the past to look with 
satisfaction to the present and with confidence to the future." 
Much of this prosperity, he said, was due to causes which lay 
beyond the sphere of political acts ; to the spontaneous enterprise 
and industry of the country,^ and to the normal increase of 
capital; but much also must be ascribed to the commercial 
treaty with France, and to the wise adjustment of the whole 
system of customs and taxation on principles which had never 
before been so well understood or so skilfully elucidated. " The 
great work of Adam Smith," said Pitt, " will, I believe, furnish 
the best solution to every question connected with the history 
of commerce and with the systems of political economy." But 
above these immediate causes of industrial prosperity lay others 

' Letter to the Toronto Olohe, March 11th, 1891. 

* Willison, Sir Wilfrid Laurier ami the Liberal Party ^ vol. ii. pp. 170-9. 


CHAP, which were still mora important Sound politics are the essential 
^^I condition of permanent material prosperity. The security 
and prosperity of England; the solidity of credit; the rapid 
increase of capital; the rapid expansion of industry, are all 
" necessarily connected with the duration of peace, the continua- 
tion of which on a secure and permanent footing must ever he 
the first object of the foreign policy of this country," and with 
the maintenance of a constitution in which liberty and law 
are indissolubly united ; which " practically secures the tran- 
quillity and welfare both of indiyiduals and of the public, and 
provides, beyond any other frame of government which has 
ever existed, for the real and useful ends which form at once 
the only true foundation and only rational object of all political 
societies.'' ^ 

'No one can read this speech without perceiving that it 
was the speech of a man who was pre-eminently marked out, 
both by his wishes and by his talents, to be a great peace 
minister. Pitt had, however, learnt too much from his father 
to suffer an exclusive attention to financial considerations to 
make him indifferent either to the security or to the dignity of 
England. One of the most serious dangers of modern popular 
politics is that gambling spirit which, in order to lower estimates 
and reduce taxation, leaves the country unprotected, trusting 
that the chapter of accidents will save it from attack. The 
reduction of taxes is at once felt and produces an immediate 
reputation, while expenditure which is intended to guard against 
remote, contingent, and unseen dangers seldom brings any 
credit to a statesman. It is very possible for an English 
minister to go on year by year so starving the military and 
naval estimates as to leave the country permanently exposed to 
invasion, without exciting any general popular apprehension. The 
warnings of a few competent specialists are easily drowned ; 
each successive reduction of taxation produces increased 
popularity, and if, owing to the course of politics, an invasion 
does not take place, writers are sure to arise who will maintain 
that the event has justified the wisdom of the statesman. It 
would be as reasonable to argue that, because a house does not 
happen to have been burnt, the owner had shown wisdom and 
prudence in refusing to insure it. Among the many noble 
characteristics of the ministry of Lord Palmerston none is more 
deserving of admiration than the consistency and resolution 
with which be maintained the principle, that it is the first duty 
of an English minister to provide at all costs that his country 
shall be practically secure from the possibility of a successful 
invasion, and shall not be found in a condition of impotence if 
unforeseen danger should suddenly arise. Pitt was of the same 
school, and he never allowed the armaments of the country to 

» Pari. Hist. xxix. 816-38. 


sink into neglect. He was much impressed with the fact that, CUAP. 
in 1761 and 1762, Martinique, with a giEarison of only 800 men, VII 
had held out by means of its fortifications for a whole year 
against a large English army, and that in the last war Dominica 
had been taken by the French merely because the English 
sddiers had no fort to retire to till the fleet could afiford them 
relief. He accordingly carried in 1789 an important scheme 
for extending the fortifications of the West Indies ; he at the 
same time strengthened the naval forces both in the East Indies 
and in the Mediterranean ; and when, two years later, serious 
complications had arisen with Spain, it was the promptness and 
efficiency of the British naval force that chiefly averted the 

' The dispute was of the same kind as that which had led to 
the Spanish war under Walpole. Some English merchants had 
begun to seek for the Chinese market furs and ginseng, a 
v^etable largely employed for medicinal purposes in China, along 
the north-west coast of America, and had planted an English 
trading settlement at Nootka Sound, on Vancouver's Island, near 
the coast of California. It was a country which had been 
discovered by Magellan, and first seriously explored by Captain 
Cook, and it had hitherto been entirely unoccupied by Europeans. 
The Spaniards had never penetrated to it^^ but by virtue of a 
Bull of Alexander YL they claimed a sovereignty over all lands 
comprised between Cape Horn and the 60th degree of north 
latitude — ^in other words, the entire western coast both of South 
and North America, and when after a considerable interval they 
discovered the existence of a British settlement in these distant 
parts, they determined to suppress it. Two Spanish ships of 
war accordingly hastened to Nootka Sound, took possession of 
the British settlement, hauled down the British flag, replaced it 
by the flag of Spain, captured four English vessels, and treated 
their crews with extreme harshness and indignity. 

'These events took place in the April of 1789. A few 
months later, accounts, at first dim and confused, but afterwards 
more complete, arrived in Europe, and it soon appealed likely 
that the affair would assume a most formidable character. 
Complaints were made on both sides. The Spanish ambassador 
in London was instructed to desire that the subjects of Great 
Britain should no longer be allowed to trade, settle, or fish on 
the western coast of America, whOe the English denied the 
rights of Spain to this unoccupied coast, and demanded a 
restitution of the captured vessels, with their properties and 
crews, an indemnification for the losses they had sufl^ered, and 
a reparation to His Majesty for the insult that had been 

* Leckj ifi in error here. Juan Perez had explored the coast as far as 
latitude 54° in 1774. 


CHAP, offered to the Britbh flag. The money value of the Nooika 
^'11 Sound trade and settlement was very smaD, and certainly not 
sufficient to compensate for a week of war ; but a question of 
honour and a question of future right of settlement had been 
raised which could not be suffered to dn^ The Spaniards 
answered the remonstrances of England by stating that the 
English vessels had been abready released and their offence 
condoned on the ground of their ignorance of the rights of 
Spain, but they would give no satisfaction or indemnification ; 
they asserted in the strongest terms their ezclusiTe sovereignty 
over the whole of the western coast of America, and they 
rapidly collected and equipped a great fleet. Pitt promptly 
replied by a general impressment of sailors, and by a message 
to Parliament asking for assistance to defend the honour and 
interests of the country. 

' A vote of credit for a million was at once passed ; tbe fleet 
was put upon a war footing; each party began to seek for 
alliances ; and it seemed possible that this petty dispute would 
lead to a general conflagration. Holland and Prussia were 
appealed to by England, in conformity with the late treaty of 
alliance. Spain, on the other hand, negotiated with Russia, 
which was now on bad terms with England ; but she especially 
relied on the assistance of France, which was bound to her by 
the treaty of 1762. The Revolution was now running its 
course in that country, and the direction of its policy was very 
doubtful. Montmorin, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, appears 
to have inclined to war, and a considerable party hoped that 
it would give a new turn to the popular passions which had 
become so formidable at home. Montmorin, in obedience to 
the treaty of alliance, prepared a French fleet, but he held an 
ambiguous and undecided language, and offered or su^ested 
a French mediation. Lafayette, whose influence was at this 
time very great, and who detested England, was a strong partisan 
of war, but the Jacobin opposition vehemently repudiated it. 
Nothing, they maintained, could be now more dangerous to the 
Revolution, nothing would be more likely to save the monarchy, 
than a foreign war. D'Aiguillon, Robespierre, Lamotte, and 
above all Barnave, denounced the policy which, in order to 
stifle the Revolution, was about to plunge France into bank- 
ruptcy, and invoke the spirit of conquest in opposition to the 
spirit of liberty, and they desired to take the power of declaring 
war from the Ring. Mirabeau on other grounds was opposed 
to war, and it was finally agreed that peace and war should for 
the future be voted by the Chamber, though only on the 
proposal and with the sanction of the King.^ 

' This decision made it certain that France would not assist 
Spain in the war, and the latter country therefore found it 

1 See Sybel, Hist, de VJSurope, i. 177-82. 


absolutely necessary to recede. A skilful negotiator, named CHAP. 
Fitzherbert» had been sent to Madrid, and, after some hesitation, ^'^1 
a convention was drawn up and signed in October 1790 which 
substantially satisfied the English demands. It was agreed that 
Spain should restore the buildings and tract of land taken from 
British subjects on Nootka Sound and make reparation for all 
subsequent acts of violence ; and the right of navigating and 
fishing in the Pacific Ocean, and making commercial settlements 
on its coasts, was secured to both nations under the following 
restrictions : — British vessels were forbidden to approach within 
ten sea leagues of any part of the coast actually occupied by 
the Spaniards. The Spaniards and British subjects were to 
have equal and unrestricted liberty to trade in all parts of the 
north-west of America and of the adjacent islands situated to 
the north of the settlements already occupied by Spain ; but 
neither were to form any settlement on the east or west 
coasts of South America southward of the Spanish settlements. 
The success of this negotiation added greatly to the reputation 
of Pitt and to the prestige of England in Eiurope, though the 
cost of the episode, amounting, as we have seen, to nearly three 
millions, remained to be provided for in the Budget of 1791.' ^ 




•Tecum prias ergo voluta 

Haec auimo ante tubas ; galeatum »ero duelli 
Poenitet ! Juvenal. 


* MANY of the ideas in the following pages may doubtless 
appear extraordinary, and some of them, to cautious men, too 
hardy. To the first, it may be answered, that, until the present, 
no occasion has happened where such a question could arise, 
as I venture to investigate. Since the lately acknowledged in- 
dependence of Ireland, this is the first time when our* assistance 

^ Lecky, History of England in the Eighteenth Century, vol. vi. pp. 64-70. 


CHAP, to Britain has become necessary, and the qnestion of right had 
VII better be settled in the outset To the last^ I shall only submit, 
that it is not whether the ideas are hardy, but whether they are 
true, that is of importance to this Kingdom. If the reason of 
my countrymen be convinced, I have no doubt of their spirit. 


' My Lords and Gentlemen : The Minister of England has 
formally announced the probability of a ropture with Spain ; 
the British nation is arming with all possible energy and de- 
spatch; and, from the Land's End to the Orkneys, nothing 
is to be heard but dreadful note of preparation ; ships are 
equipped, press warrants are granted, beating orders issued, and 
a million raised; all parties unite in one great principle — the 
support of the national honor, and pulling down Spanish pride ; 
and hope and glowing expectation kindle the native valor of 
England ; the British lion has lashed himself into a fury, and 
woe to the unlucky Spaniard whom he may seize in his gripe. 

' But this is not all ; the Minister of England, in the over- 
flowing of his benevolence to this happy Isle, has been 
graciously pleased to allow us an opportunity of following the 
noble beast in the course of glory and of profit ; so that we may, 
from his leavings, glean up sufiicient of honor and wealth to em- 
blazon and enrich us till time shall be no more. Press warrants 
are granted, and beating orders issued here, too, and the youth 
of Hibernia have no more to do but to take the King's money 
first, as earnest, and the riches of Spain follow of course. 

' I know the ardent valor of my countrymen, ever impatient of 
peace and prompt for battle, heightened and inflamed as it now 
is by the eloquence of the sergeant and the music of his drum, 
will strongly impel them, more majorum, to brandish the cudgel 
first, and discuss the merits after ; a very common process among 
them. But you, my Lords and Gentlemen, will, I trust, look 
a little deeper into things ; with all the spirit of our rustics, you 
will show that yon are just and prudent, as well as valiant. 
Now is the instant for consideration, before the Rubicon be 
passed ; and the example which Caesar shewed, the bravest of 
you need not blush to follow. 

* It is universally expected, that, at your meeting, the Secretary 
will come forward, to acquaint you that his Majesty is pre- 
paring for war with Spain, and hopes for your concurrence 
to carry it on, so as to procure the blessings of an honorable 
peace. This message he will endeavor to have answered by an 
address, offering, very frankly, our lives and fortunes to the 
disposal of the British Minister, in the approaching contest; 
and, that this may not appear mere profession, the popular ap- 
prehension is, that it will be followed up by a vote of credit for 


three hundred thousand pounds, as our quota of the expense ; a .CHAP, 
sum of a magnitude very alarming to the finances of this country. VII 
But it is not the magnitude of the grant which is the great 
object ; it is the consequence of it^ involving a question between 
the two countries of no less importance than this : " Whether 
'* Ireland be, of right, bound to support a war, declared by the 
" King of Great Britain, on motives and interests purely British ? " 
If it appear that she is, it is our duty to submit to the necessity, 
however inconvenient ; if it appear that she is not so bound, 
but may grant or withhold her assistance to England, then it 
will be for your wisdoms to consider whether war be for her 
interest or not If it be, you will doubtless take the necessary 
steps to carry it on with spirit and effect ; if it be not, you 
will make arrangements to obtain and secure a safe and honor- 
able neutrality. 

'The present is a question of too much importance to both 
countries, to be left unsettled ; but though it be of great weight 
and moment indeed, I do not apprehend it to be of great 
difficulty. The matter of righi lies in a nutshell, turning on two 
principlee which no man will, I hope, pretend to deny : First, 
That the Crown of Ireland is an imperial crown, and her legis- 
lature separate and independent ; and, secondly, . that the pre- 
rogative of the Grown, and the constitution and powers of 
Parliament, are the same here as in Great Britain. 

' It is, undoubtedly, the King's royal prerogative to declare 
war against any power it may please him to quarrel with ; and 
when proclamation is made here to that effect, I admits we are 
then engaged, just as the people of England are, in similar cir- 
cumstances. But as we have here a free and independent 
Parliament^ it is as undoubtedly their privilege to grant, or with- 
hold, the supplies ; and if they peremptorily refuse them, and 
the Mutiny Act, I know not how an army is to be paid, or 
governed, without proceeding to means not to be thought on. 
It follows, therefore, that the Parliament of Ireland have a kind 
of negative voice, in the question of war and peace, exactly 
similar to that of the English Parliament. If, then, they have 
this deliberative power, they are no further bound to support a 
war, than the English Parliament is, which may, undoubtedly, 
compel peace at any time by postponing the Money and Mutiny 
Bills. They are, therefore, not bound to support any war, until 
they have previously approved and adopted it. The King of 
Ireland may dedcere the war, but*it is the Parliament only that 
can carry it on. If this be so, it follows, very clearly, that we 
are not, more than England, ipso facto, committed, merely by 
the declaration of war of our own King ; and, a fortiori, much 
less are we committed by his declaration, as King of Great 
Britain, when our interest is endamaged, and the quarrel and 
the profit are merely and purely English. 

2 M 


CHAP. ^ I^ the Parliament of England address his Majesty for war, 

VII and, in consequence, war be proclaimed; if we are at once, 
without our consent, perhaps against our will and our interest, 
engaged, and our Parliament bound to support that war, in 
pursuance of that address; then, I say, the independence of 
Ireland is sacrificed, we are bound by the act of the British 
Parliament, and the charter of our liberties is waste paper. To 
talk of the independence of a country, and yet deny her a nega- 
tive voice in a question of no less import to her well-being, than 
that of peace or war, is impudent nonsense. But, I hope and 
trusty no man at this day will be so hardy as to advance such 
an assertion, or to deny that our Parliament is co-ordinate with 
that of England, and equally competent to the regulation of all 
our domestic concerns and foreign interests, with similar powers 
of assent and refusal, and if so, with equal right to receive or 
reject a war. 

* From the question of righij which will not be denied you, 
suffer me to call your attention to the question of ex^pediemcy. 
You may, at your will, draw the sword, or hold out the olive. 
It remains, therefore, to examine which line of conduct is likely 
to be most beneficial to your country. Before you commit 
yourselves, decidedly, to war or peace, it behoves you well to 
consider the consequences of both to Ireland ; see what she can 
gain, see what she must lose, try how far her interest or her 
honor is concerned : reflect, that on your first vote depend the 
properties, the liberties, the lives of thousands of your country- 
men ; and, above all, remember you are about to make a pre- 
cedent for future ages, in the great question of the obligation on 
Ireland to follow Great Britain to war, as a necessary appendage. 

* What, in the first place, are the grounds of the quarrel as to 
Ireland ? and what are the profits she has to look to from the 
contest between Spain and England ? 

' It will not be pretended that v)e have immediately, from our 
own concerns, any ground for interfering in the approaching 
war ; on the contrary, peace with all the world, but peace with 
Spain, particularly, is our object and our interest The quarrel 
is merely and purely English. A few individuals in China, 
members of a company which is possessed of a monopoly of the 
commerce to the £ast» to the utter exdusion of this ecuntry^ 
fitted out certain ships to trade to the North Western coast of 
America, for furs, which they expected would prove a lucrative 
article of traffic. The Spaniards, actuated by pride or jealousy, 
or both, have, it seems, seized these vessels, to the disgrace of 
(not the Irish, but) the British flag, and to enforce satisfaction, 
an armament is preparing. In this transaction the probability 
is that Spain is in the wrong, and England is acting with no 
more than a becoming spirit ; but the question with us is, not 
who is wrong, or who is right? Ours are discussions of a 



different nature; to foster and cherish a growing trade, to 
cultivate and civilize a yet unpolished people, to oUiterate the 
impression of ancient religious feuds, to watch, with incessant and 
anxious care, the cradle of an infant Constitution ; these are our 
duties, and these are indispensahle. Removed a hemisphere from 
the scene of action, unconnected with the interest in question, 
debarred from the gains of the commerce^ what has Ireland to 
demand her interference, more than if the debate arose between 
the Emperor of Japan, and the King of Corea ? Will she profit 
if England secure the trade ? No. Will she lose if England 
cannot obtain one Otter skin ? No. Shall we eat, drink, or 
sleep, one jot the worse, whether the Mandarins of Pekin line 
their doublets with furs purchased from a Spanish or an English 
merchant? No. Decidedly, then, the quarrel is EngUsh^ the 
profit will be to England, and Ireland will be left to console 
herself for her treasure spent, and her gallant sons fallen, by 
the reflection that valor, like virtue, is its own reward, and 
that she has given Great Britain one more opportunity to be 
ungrateful. So much for the ground of quarrel, and the profit 
we are to expect from the war ! 

' Let me now humbly submit to your consideration, the actual 
certainty we are required to sacrifice to these brilliant expecta- 
tions, and I ^vill do it from your own authentic documents. 
Subjoined, in an Appendix,^ is a view of the whole of our com- 
merce with Spain, for the year 1789, from which I shall extract 
the most important articles here. In doing this, it is my wish 
to be as correct as possible, but the value of most of the articles 
I am obliged to appreciate by conjecture and inquiry. There 
is a book in the possession of Administration, called the National 
Stock Book, wherein the value of all the exports and imports 
is inserted; but this is industriously kept back from you, so 
that,* in the documents submitted to you, containing, in most 
articles, only the quanium, you must content yourselves with 
doing what I have done, and make the best inquiries you can. 
It appears that the following are the principal articles of your 
exports : 

Pork . 
Beef . 
Flour . 

Total £113,543 

* This A|)i)endix, whicli is voluminous, has not been reproduced, the most 
important figures contained in it being quoted in the text of the ^lamphlet. 













Which, with other ai*ticles mentioned in the Appendix, makes 
the gross amount of your exports, £117,428, 3s. 2d. 

* On this trade, I shall only remark, that your staple manu- 
facture, your agriculture and tillage, are most materially 

' The following, from the same authority, is the account of youx 
imports from Spain in the same year, but I confess myself less 
competent to ascertain their value. I shall, therefore, unless in 
one or two of the most material articles, set down only the 
quantum imported : 

Drugs £2,000 value. 


Indigo . 
Madder . 
I Sumach . 

Brandy . 
Canes . 

(Beaver . 
Cotton . 
Spanish . 
Pot ashes, 52,378 cwt. at 25s. per cwt. 


6 cwt. 
1,223 lb. 
5,995 lb. 
790 cwt. 
50 cwt. 
382 cwt. 
23,226 bushs. 
17,847 gal8.i 
977 tuns. 

150 lb. 
123 cwt. 21 lb. 
13 cwt. 
. £65,972. 

' Of these, it is to be observed, that the dye stuffs, salt, canes, 
wool, and pot ash, constitute the materials and implements of 
future manufactures, the most beneficial species of importation.^ 

' For the loss of this trade, the only compensation war holds 
out to you is the provision trade for. the army and navy ; of all 
others the least advantageous, as is universally known, to the 
interests of this kingdom. 

* Such is the present state of your commerce with Spain, the 
whole of which is, at one blow, cut up ; your commerce with 
other nations loaded with an heavy insurance; your manu- 
factures nipped in the bud, and, in a word, every branch of trade 
suspended, except the slaughtering of bullocks and men. And 
for what is all this? We have no quarrel with Spain, no in- 
fraction of good faith, no national insult to complain of. No, but 
we have the resentments of a rapacious English East Indian 
monopolist to gratify, who, at the distance of half the globe, 
kindles the torch of war amidst the eternal snows of Nootka 
Sound, and hurls it into the bosom of our commerce. The 
rising prosperity of Ireland is immolated on the altar of British 
pride and avarice ; we are forced to combat without resentment 

1 Worth about £2,600. 

* The price of the pot ash I have tuken from Anderson, vol. 6, p. 707. 


in the quarrel of an alien, where victory is unprofitable, and CHAP, 
defeat is infan^ous. ^H 

^ Haidng examined the question on the ground of profit and 
loss to Ireland, I presume it appears clearly that we shall make 
an immense sacrifice of blood, treasure, and trade, to establish 
a right in which, when it is obtained, we are never to participate. 
If, therefore, we embark in this war, it is not in support of 
owr immediate pa/riicular interest ; on the contrary, it is evident 
we shall be very considerable losers by the most prosperous 
issue. The principle of ex^iency, therefore, must be given 
up, and it follows that we engage, if at all) on the principle 
of moral obligation : the arguments on this ground are reduceable 
to three — the good of the empvre, the honor of the British flag, and 
the protection which England affoi'ds us, 

* I confess I am, in the outset, much staggered by a phrase so 
very specious, and of such general acceptation as this of " the good 
of the empire" Yet, after all, what does it mean 1 or what is 
the empire ? I believe it is understood to mean the kingdoms of 
Great Britain and Ireland with independent legislatures, united 
under one head. But this union of the Executive does by no 
means, to my apprehension, imply so complete an union of 
power or of interest, that an injury, or a benefit to one, is an 
injury or a benefit to the other ; on the contrary, the present 
emergency shews that occasions may arise wherein the direct 
opposite is the fact It is not two kingdoms being united under 
one head that involves, as a necessary consequence, a unity of 
resentment. His Majesty's electoral dominions are not concerned 
in this Spanish quarrel, and I would ask how are we more con- 
cerned, unless it be that we speak the English language f The 
King of Hungary is also Grand Duke of Tuscany, yet no man 
thinks that the Tuscans are bound to sacrifice their trade or 
their men in his German quarrels, and, in consequence, we see 
them at this hour neutral, and, therefore, flourishing in the midst 
of a bloody and destructive war. It is convenient, doubtless, for 
England, and for her instruments in this country, to cry up the 
^* good of the empire " because it lays the power of Ireland at 
her disposal ; but if the empire consists of two parts, one of 
which is to reap the whole profit of a contest, and the other to 
share only the difficulties and the danger, I know not why we 
should be so misled by sounds as to sacrifice solid advantages 
to the whistling of the name of '^empire" The good of the 
whole empire consists of the good of all the parts ; but in our 
case the good of one part is renounced to establish the good of 
the other. Let us, for God's sake, call things by their proper 
names; let us analyse this unmeaning and fallacious mixed 
mode ** empire " into its components, England and Ireland, and 
then see how the matter stands. England has a quarrel with 
Spain, in a matter concerning her own interest exclusively, and 


CHAP, wherein she is to reap the whole profit. Ireland has tw quarrel, 
VII but, on the contrary, a very beneficial intercourse with Spain, 
which she is required to renounce to her infinite present detri- 
ment ; she is called on, likewise, to squander her wealth and 
shed her blood in this English East Indian quarrel, and then 
she is told, to console her, that she has been advancing "/A« 
good of the empire" \ Let us substitute ^^ England" for the 
*^ empire" and see if it be not nearer the fact and truth. 
Certainly, if there be such a thing as this ** empire" and if the 
general good of this *' empire " be forwarded by the particular 
loss and suffering of Ireland, I may be allowed to say, it would 
be better for her there were none. 

' Suppose, in this great era of revolution, the French were to 
acknowledge the title of his Majesty, set forth on his guineas, 
to the throne of their kinrgdom ; that he were, in gratitude, to 
move his royal residence to Pans, and govern England by a 
French Viceroy, and on French views and principles : suppose 
the merchants of Marseilles were to quarrel with the Turks in 
the Levant, and find it expedient to go to war; suppose the 
merchants of London to have a very gainful trade to the Levant, 
and- to find those same Turks fair and honest dealers — what 
answer would the intelligent and virtuous Parliament of England 
give to the Viceroy, who should come forward and demand 
them to renounce this trade and its profits, to sink the value of 
their lands, and fetter and cramp their commerce with a load 
of additional taxes, to send forth the bravest of their youth to 
battle and slaughter, and then tell them it was all for the good 
of the common empire of Fra/nce and England "i The Viceroy 
would act like a good Frenchman in making the requisition, 
but he would find the English nation too determined and too 
wise to listen to such idle babble, as that of forwarding the 
common good of two independent nations, by the certain loss 
and detriment and damage of one of them. 

' Now, setting aside our prejudice against the idea of a French 
Viceroy at St. James's, will any man deny that the actual case 
of Ireland at this day, is exactly parallel with that of England 
which I have supposed ? with this difference, however, that when 
the war was over, France and England might renew their trade 
with Turkey, but the trade which is at present in dispute between 
England and Spain, Ireland can, by no possible contingency, 
ever attain a share in. 

' The argument then stands thus : The quantum of consoli- 
dated power in the " empire " may be increased by a successful 
war, but it is distributed entirely to one of the components, 
while the other is at a certain loss. Suppose the joint strength 
before the war to be as twelve, England being as eight, and 
Ireland as four, and after the war to be as fourteen ; England 
being as eleven, with one-third gained, and Ireland as three. 


with one-fourth lost ; it is very obvious that there would be an CHAP, 
increase of power in the '^empire" resulting, however, from ^H 
a very alarming defalcation from one of the parts. And this is 
no exaggerated supposition, when we consider the mode in 
which each country must necessarily cany on the war. During 
the contest, to Ireland nothing is certain but a heavy loss of 
trade, men, and money. Our privateers, from the discourage- 
ment to Irish navigation, are few, and navy we have none; 
whereas, England may not only support the contest, but be 
absolutely enriched by a Spanish war, even during its continu- 
ance. Her powerful navy, her infinite number of corsairs, bring 
in wealthy prizes from every point of the compass. Where then, 
is the equality of empire ? or what are our temptations to war t 
' I have shewn, as I presume, that in the use of the word " em- 
pire,** we are the dupes of a sound ; if, as I contend, the good 
of the empire turns out, when examined, to signify no more than 
the good of England, purchased, and dearly purchased, at a 
heavy loss to Ireland, I know not what quixotic spirit of national 
generosity misguided, or gratitude misplaced, shall pretend to 
exact such a sacrifice from us. I hasten, therefore, to the next 
grand argument for our interference, the honor of the British 
flag ; an argument, on the face of it, degrading to our country, 
and dishonorable to our spirit; an argument, the mention 
of which should make every Irishman hang his head in sorrow 
and abasement. Where x3 the National Flag of Ireland ? 
I know there are those who, covering their apathy or their cor- 
ruption with the specious garb of wise and prudent caution, 
may raise their hands in astonishment at this, as an idle excla- 
mation ; but, I say, that such a badge of inferiority, between 
the two Kingdoms, is a serious grievance. Is the bold pride 
of patriotism nothing? Is the ardent spirit of independence 
nothing ) Is national rank nothing ? If the flag of England be, 
as it is, dearer to every brave Englishman than his life, is the 
wish for a similar badge of honor to Ireland to be scouted as a 
chimera 1 Can the same sentiment be great and glorious on one 
side the channel, and wild and absurd on the other ? It is a 
mortifying truth, but not the less true for its severity, that the 
honor of the British is the degradation of the Irish flag. We 
are compelled to skulk under the protection of England, by a 
necessity of our own creation ; or, if we have not created, we have 
submitted to it. We are contented to be the subaltern instru- 
ment in the hands of our artful and ambitious and politic 
sister, without one ray of generous national pride beaming forth 
to light us on to our honor and our interest. We raise the lofty 
temple of her glory, but we cannot^ or we dare not, inscribe 
our name on the entablature. Do we not, in the system of her 
naval arrangements, see the narrow jealousy, and interested 
caution of England, betray itself in every feature ? Where are 


OHAP, the docks, the arsenals of Ireland 1 How many of the British 
VII navy have been built in our harbors 1 Whfere are the encourage- 
ments held out to Irish navigation ? What is the fair and liberal 
and equitable construction laid by Englishmen on the naviga- 
tion act ? fFe are not to be trusted / we are to be kept in pupil- 
age, without a navy, or the rudiments of a navy, that we may 
be retained in subjection and dependance on England, and so 
be compelled to purchase her protection, whenever her interest 
or her pride may think proper to plunge us into a war. 

* And this leads me to the last argument for our supporting 
Great Britain, graiiivde for the protection which she affords tts. 

'As this is an argument addressed to a very warm and 
honorable sentiment, and, therefore, likely to have some weight 
with Irishmen, who feel much better than they reason, I shall 
take the liberty to examine it with some attention. 

' I lay it down, then, as a principle, that no man has a right to 
lay another, perforce, under an obligation ; I mean, to put him 
in that state that the obligation becomes unavoidable. No man 
has a right to run me into difficulties, that he may extricate me 
from them. The original necessity, superinduced by him, leaves 
him little, if any claim to gratitude for the subsequent service ; 
but his claim will be infinitely weakened, if, in superinducing 
this necessity, he does me an actual, violent injury. If a man 
hire a banditti to attack the house of another, and then 
volunteer the defence of it, I believe it will not be said that 
the owner is much indebted to him, though his defence should 
prove successful; but if, in the attack, the house should be 
burned and the owner robbed of his goods, and sorely wounded 
into the bargain, I humbly conceive that the subsequent defence, 
however sincere, makes but a poor atonement for the original 
attack, and that if any feeling be excited, it should be a very 
strong and natural resentment. Now, let us see what is the 
boasted protection of England. When has she ever held it 
forth that she did not first make it necessary? For her own 
interest and honor she embarks in war, and drags in this un- 
offending and unoifended country as a necessary sequel, exposes 
us to a thousand dangers and difiiculties in a cause where we 
have no hope of profit, or advantage, or glory, for who has 
heard of the glory of Ireland, merged as it is in that of Great 
Britain ? and then she defends us, or perhaps does not defend 
us, from the resentment of her^ not owr enemy, and so the mighty 
debt of gratitude accrues ; and we are bound to ruin our com- 
merce and lavish our treasure, and spill our best blood in her 
quarrel, and still remain her debtor for protection in a war, 
which she has wantonly and unnecessarily, as to this country, 
plunged us into. If this be the protection of England, I, for 
one, could be well content that we were left to our own wisdom 
to avoid, or our own spirit to support a contest. 


' But what becomes of this famous argument of protection, if it cHAP. 
appears, by the infallible testimony of facts, that no such thing VII 
exists t What have been the wars that England has embarked 
in for Irish interests t Her most determined supporters cannot 
allege one. But, perhaps, they may draw on futurity for the 
deficiency of experience, and tell us that if we wanted her aid, 
she would be prompt and willing to afford it Haye we, then, 
forgot the memorable protection of the last war, when one or two 
paltry American privateers harassed and plundered our trade 
with impunity, even in our very ports, and the people of Belfast 
were told, **You have a troop of horse and a company of 
'* invalids, and, if that will not do, you may protect yourselves." 
An answer not easily to be forgiven or forgot, and which, per- 
haps, England herself would now, were it possible, wish unsaid. 
What were the armaments equipped to compel Portugal to do us 
justice, but a very few years since t Did the navy of England 
api)ear in the Tagus to demand satisfaction for our woollens 
seized and detained ? No : we were left at last, and not without 
a long and strenuous opposition from the British Minister in 
Ireland, to extort justice as we might, for ourselves, by a heavy 
duty on the wines of Portugal. After this, let us not be told of 
the protection of England. 

' I have examined the question in three great views : as a 
question of strict right, as a question of expediency, and as a 
question of moral obligation ; and, to my apprehension, in every 
one of the three, war is peremptorily evil for Ireland. If the 
Spaniards fall by our hands in an unjust war, their deaths are 
murder ; if we seize their property, it is robbery. Let me now 
submit to your consideration the probable consequences of your 
refusing your countenance and support to this war, with respect 
to the two countries, Spain and ikigland. 

' It may be said that Spain will not consider you as a neutral, 
though you may call yourselves so. But I say, if you were to 
address his Majesty, praying him to direct his Ministers to 
acquaint the Spanish Court with your absolute neutrality, do 
you think her so unwise a nation as to choose you rather for her 
enemy than her customer, and so to fling you into the scale of 
England, already more than a match for her? Do you think 
that the communication between Spain and Ireland, when the 
ports of England were closed against her, would not be a source 
of opulence yet unknown in this country ? Would you not have, 
circuitously, the Spanish trade of England pass through your 
hands % Would not Spain pay every attention and respect to 
your flag ? or, if she did not, then you would have a lawful and 
fair ground for quarrel, and might, and would, soon teach her 
that you were not a nation to be insulted with impunity. 

* That England would exclaim, is what we might expect. We 
know with what reluctance she has ever renounced any badge 


CHAP, of her domination over thU country, and it cannot bo supposed 
vn sho would give up this last without a pang. But, surely, where 
the right is clearly established, your first duty is to your native 
land. I renounce the idea of national generosity. What was 
the language of the wisest of your senators on a great occasion 1 
*^ Individuals may be generouSy bui nations never" I deny the 
tie of national gratitude ; we owe no gratitude, where we have 
received no favor. If we did, in 1782, extort our rights from 
England at the very muzzle of the cannon, whom have we to 
thank but oursdves ? Interested individuals may hold forth the 
nonsensical cant of the generosity of England ; let us, on this 
important occasion, speak the language of truth and common 
sense. It is the spirit of Ireland, not the generosity of England, 
to which we owe our rights and liberties ; and the same spirit 
that obtained, will continue to defend them. 

' What can England do to us ? With what countenance, what 
color of justice, can she upbraid us for following her own process 1 
What should Irish policy be, by British example ? First of aUy 
take care of ourselves. We invade none of her rights ; we but 
secure our own. Why then should we fear her resentment ? But 
the timid will say, she may withdraw the protection of her flag 
from us, and I answer, let her do so ; every thing is beneficial 
to Ireland that throws us on our own strength. We should then 
look to our internal resources, and scorn to. sue for protection 
to any foreign state ; we should spurn the idea of moving, an 
humble satellite round any power, however great, and claim at 
once, and enforce, our rank among the primary nations of the 
earth. Then should we have, what, under the present system, 
we never shall see, A NATIONAL FLAG, and spirit to maintain it 
If we then fought and bled we should not feel the wound, when 
we turned our eyes to the Harp waving proudly over the ocean. 
But now, what are the victories of Britain to us 1 Her's is the 
quarrel, hor's the glory, her's the profit, and to us nothing but 
the certainty of danger and of death ; the action is over, and 
the name of Ireland is never heard; for England, not our 
country, we fight and we die. Yet, even under these forbidding 
circumstances, such is the restless valor of Irishmen, that we 
rush to action as eagerly, and maintain it as firmly, as if our 
interest, or our honor were at staka We plant the laurel and 
water it with our best blood, and Britain reposes under the 

* I have now done, and with you, my Lords and gentlemen, it 
rests to estimate the weight of what I have advanced. The 
Parliament ye constitute is a young Parliament Your innocence 
is yet, I trust, untainted by the rank leaven of corruption. Ye 
have no interests to bias your judgment but the interest of 
Ireland. Your first opportunity for exertion is a great one — no 
less than fixing the rank of your country among the nations of 


the earth. May the gracious wisdom of Providence enlighten CHAP, 
your minds, expand your hearts, and direct your councils to ^^H 
the advantage of your own honor, and the establishment of 
the welfare and glory and independence of Ireland, for ever 
and ever.' ^ 


» Life of Theobald Wolfe Tom, edited by his son, William Theobald Wolfe 
Tone, 1826. 



^xiii' '^ *^^ hirftory of freedom the growth of the English 

,.^.^.,^^,,.^ Commonwealth and its independence of Europe are 

r;«^gra[ihi< factors second in importance to none. But unless 

the primary that growth had included Scotland and Ireland in 

Angfo4ri«h ^^^^ it would probablj have perished, and would 

M well a« certainly have failed to exercise the influence it has 

ofADglo- 'f 

HrMthh douc, to the immeasurable loss of the world at large. 
The destinies of the three peoples were and always 
will be united by the inexorable fact of their neigh- 
bourhood to each other and their common severance 
from Europe by an arm of the sea. This primary 
feature of insular neighbourhood is common to the 
two problems of Anglo -Scottish and Anglo -Irish 
relations, and would not have been altered if Ireland 
had been peopled by Mongols or Negroes instead 
of by a race which in composition differs but little 
if at all from that of the larger island. 
Ill all other To this extcut and no ftirther the Irish problem 
Anglo-Irish cau be illuminated by a study of Anglo -Scottish 
analogous relations. Otherwise the clue to Irish history Is to 
to those ]jQ found in a study of the relations of the English 

>)etwoen •' , . *^ . 

Britain and Commonwealth to its dependencies and colonies 
encies^and beyoud the British Isles. For the reasons given 
in the last chapter Ireland became a field for British 
colonization, and hence the intimate connection 
between Irish and American affairs in the last three 
decades of the eighteenth century. Under the scheme 




of colonial federation submitted by Franklin to chap. 
Congress after the outbreak of war in 1775 Ireland 
was invited to become a member.^ * The first voice 
publicly raised in America to dissolve all connection 
with Great Britain came, not from the Puritans of 
New England, or the Dutch of New York, or the 
planters of Virginia, but from Scotch-Irish Presby- 
terians.' * The history of Ireland is a compendium 
of all the difficulties and mistakes which have beset 
the administration of colonies as well as of depend- 
encies in every part of the world. To be understood 
Anglo-Irish and Anglo -American relations must 
always be studied side by side. 

It is for this reason that the causes which made Hence the 
for the disruption of the Commonwealth were traced ^®op^ in 
in Chapter VI. to their culmination in the secession ^^^ inquiry. 
of the American colonies. But their effect had still 
to be felt in Ireland, where the immediate result was 
an attempt to remodel Anglo-Irish relations on those 
which the colonies before secession had sought to 
establish between Britain and themselves. The con- 
sequences of this experiment ha,ye been treated in 
the last chapter. 

Meantime, however, the American colonists had VoiunUiy 
been driven by the logic of events to test for them- representeT 
selves these principles of political union which they g^io^nuts as 
had advocated in their controversy with the British sufficient to 
Grovernment. When in February,. 1765, Grenville had union with 
met the agents of the colonial assemblies, Franklin, ^"^*°' 
speaking on their behalf, had no other solution of the 
difficulties to suggest than that the British Govern- 
ment should rely upon such voluntary aid as the 
colonial assemblies might of themselves be willing 
to grant. The British Parliament might protect 
their commerce and manage their external affairs. 

* Bancroft, History of the United Stat €8, vol. vii. p. 22. 

* Ibid, vol. iv, pl 55. 




The ruptare 
with Britain 
them to test 
by actual 
the value of 
as a bond 
of union 
' Ijetween 


leading to 
an outbreak 
of war 
with Massa- 

May 1769. 


*None, ' wrote Otis, in this very year, *but rebels, 
fools, or madmen will contend that the colonies are 
independent.' ' The Empire was one and indivisible, 
bat so far as effort and sacrifice were concerned, it 
was to be run on the principle of voluntary co- 
operation. The principle, however difficult to defend 
in theory, was one under which Britain had prevailed 
in both hemispheres and had destroyed the power of 
France in America. 

In appealing to facts, however, it was forgotten 
that, till the close of the Seven Tears' War, the 
British tax-payers had accepted -whatever charges 
the colonial assemblies had failed to meet. When 
the final rupture came, the colonists at length found 
themselves thrown upon their own resources and 
committed to a war with British resources against 
them instead of behind them. Clearly the interests 
of the thirteen colonies in resisting the claims of the 
British Parliament were one and indivisible, and the 
assemblies proceeded to assert them on the principle 
of co-operation. 

After the Assembly of New York had yielded to 
the coercion of the Ministry, the gathering storm 
centred in New England and finally burst there.^ 
In July 1768 two regiments were sent to Boston. 
The Assembly of Massachusetts, though formally 
dismissed, continued to sit as a convention, and the 
inhabitants were requested by a town meeting to 
provide themselves with arms. All the duties im- 
posed by Townshend, with the exception of that 
on tea, were repealed by Lord North, who succeeded 
him at the Exchequer. The Americans continued to 
boycott tea to the grave injury of the British East 
India Company, and the tax was further reduced 
with the idea of conciliating the one, and of relieving 

* Aiiswer to the Halifax Lihel, p. 16, quoted by Leclcy, Bistory of England 
in the EighUerUh Century, vol. iv. p. 181. * See above, p. 370. 



the other. But in Boston the extremists were now chap. 

determined to deny the jurisdiction of the British .^^.^^^^.^^ 
Parliament in all colonial affairs, external as well as 

domestic, in token whereof they boarded the Com- Dec. i6, 


pany's ships, seized their cargoes, and poured them 
into the sea. 

On hearing of this outrage NOTth closed the port March 1774. 
and appointed General Gage as Governor of Massa- 
chusetts to enforce measures of coercion. In June 
the Massachusetts Assembly invited the other 
colonial assemblies to send delegates to a general 
congress, which met at Philadelphia in the following 
autumn. Meantime, while Gage was putting Boston 
in a state of defence, the assembly at Salem was 
concerting measures to arm and organize its supporters 
throughout the Colony. A force sent out by Gage April 19, 
to destroy the arms and ammunition collected by 
the assembly at Concord, twenty miles from Boston, 
came into collision with a party of provincials at 
Lexington. In the retreat from Concord the British 
party lost 250 killed and wounded and the provincials 
less than half that number. 

Gage was superseded by Sir William Howe, whose willingness 
arrival in May with reinforcements raised the garrison ch^e^ 
of Boston to 10,000 men. It was obvious that I\^»«" , 

' threatened 

Massachusetts could only be saved by prompt and bydestruc- 
effective assistance from the rest of the colonies. thSrtrw^^*^ 
Those of New England were already levying their aL^iof 
militia and despatching them to the scene of action. Congress 

« . T . , andtoaccept 

It was of crucial importance, however, to obtain the a Southern 
active support of the colonies to the South, and the ^-MMngton 
Assembly of Massachusetts can scarcely have for- ^|?,mander- 
gotten their former backwardness in furnishing ^'^^l^' 
contingents until the French or Indian invaders had 1775. 
actually entered their own territories.^ 

Delegates from all the colonies were now assembled 

' See above, pp. 335, 338. 


CHAP, in Congress at Philadelphia, and the legislators of 
Massachusetts wisely placed their own forces under 
the direction of Congress as the nucleus of a con- 
tinental army. They and the other colonies of New 
England being willing to see their troops commanded 
by a general who came from the South, Congress 
selected Washington as Commander-in-Chief of the 
American army. The habit of self-government, 
coupled with the experience of the Seven Years' War, 
enabled the Americans to discover a real military 
leader at the start. * That choice was no doubt in a 


great measure determined by considerations other 
than personal fitness. If the southern colonies were 
to take their full share of interest in the struggle, it 
was clear that it must not be left to a New England 
army under a New England general. But we may 
be sure that the choice, desirable in itself, of a south- 
ern general, was made much easier by the presence 
of a southern candidate so specially fitted for the 
post as Washington. Not indeed that liis fitness 
was or could be as yet fully revealed. Intelligence 
and public spirit, untiring energy and industry, a 
fair share of technical skill, and courage almost 
dangerous in its recklessness — all these were no doubt 
perceived by those who appointed Washington. 
What they could not have foreseen was the patience 
with which a man of clear virion, heroic bravery, and 
intense directness, bore with fools and laggards and 
intriguers ; and the disinterested self-devotion which 
called out all that was noblest in the national character, 
which shamed selfish men into a semblance of patriot- 
ism and factious men into a semblance of union. 
Still less could it have been foreseen that, in choosing 
a military chief, Congress was training up for the 
country that civil leader, without whose aid an effec- 
tive constitution would scarcely have been attained.' ^ 

* Doyle, Cambridge History, vol. vii. p. 167. 


The MassachusettB militia, meantime, had occupied chap. 
Bunker's Hill, a height overlooking Charles Town, ^^JJJ^^^ 
which, if left in their hands, would have rwdered Bunker's 
Howe's position untenable. ^ By a aeries of unnecessary ™ ^^76?* 
firontal attacks they were dislodged at the point of proved the 

•^ ^ , * courage and 

the bayonet in an engagement which cost them 415 marksman. 
men. The British lost some 1050, of whom 92 were Immcan* 
officers, the largest percentage of casuatties in any ""^^^'''^' 
engagement since the invention of gunpowder. The 
firmness of the New Englanders was a6 splendid as 
their marksmanship. They retired in order, but only 
when their ammunition had failed and their trenches 
had been rushed by overwhelming numbers. 

After a performance like this Congress was Failure of 
justified in assuming that the American militia were system^U)^^ 
as brave as the British regulars, and much better a^Tjlop 

o y public spirit 

shots. Life in the colonies was calculated to prodnce as proved by 
a race remarkable. for courage, straight cdiooting, and ^penen^. 
readiness to take up a . quarrel. But the colonists 
had never been answerable for the safety of tiiie 
Commonwealth as a whole or. in plain words, for 
beating France and Spain in both hemispheres. To 
preserve the Commonwealth was to defend America^ ^ 

and the Americans had found that that • task was 
always done for them in the end, however much or 
little they might do for themselves.. They had never 
known what it was to feel that it was they who mtist 
pay the price of national existence. They had never; 
in a word, come in contact with the iron facts of 
national life and death, the ultimate anvil where alone 
commonwealths can be wrought to their true temper 
and shape. Hence they had failed to develop the 
spirit aeswtell as the: ocganiizatkKniiwliichci^abileB.ia 
oomnlunitjur I iboi call oiit its ' ifull • fightaofa^ stDength land 
keep them • in the ifield so hmg < lasi i thd pubtio • i^itteeat 
m^y require their services, . Such at any rate is, tl;ie 

' See Map (A) on Plate X. at the end of this vohrnie. 



CHAP. coDcIusioD to which the most jndicions and careful of 


.^ ^^^ ^ hifftoriaBS was led by his stady of contemporary 
reomrda.^ ^The truth is, that although the circum- 
stances of the New Englanders had developed to a 
high degree many of the qualities that are essential 
to a soldier, they had been very unfeivourable to 
others. To obey, to act together, to sacrifice private 
jodgment to any authority, to acknowledge any 
superior, was wholly alien to tiieir temperament, and 
they had notibing of that passionate and all-absorbing 
enthusiaem which transforms the character, and 
raises men to an heroic height of patriotic self- 
devotion. Buch a spirit is never evoked by mere 
money di^^tes. . . . Any nation might be proud of 
ike shrewd, brave, prosperous, and highly intelligent 
yeomen who fk>cked to the American camp ; but they 
were very difarent men from those who defended 
the walls of Leyden, or immortalised tiie field of 
Bannockbum. Few of the great 'ptug^ of history are 
less marked by the stamp of heroism than the 
American Revolution ; and perhaps the most formid- 
able of the difficulties which Washington had to 
enoonnter were in his own camp.' ^ 
Weakness From fiist to last Washington found himself faced 

"fl^Sr by the same difficulties as the British generals in the 
Its faUure govcn Ycars' War. As soon as the enemy had crossed 

to support 1 i. . n t - \ t 

Washing- the DX»&tiers of their own colony and was ravaging 

oontinenui its territories the militia would turn out, and their 

re^ceon* knowledge of the country and marksmanship com- 

the Irish, bined with their courage and resourcefulness to 

render them as formidable as undisciplined guerillas 

can be in embarrassing the progress of an organized 

army. But the moment that army retired from their 

own to a neighbouring colony the local militia began 

to disperse to their homes. Such levies were not 

^ For Leek j's conclusions upon this subject see the passage quoted above, p. 41 6. 
' Lecky, History of England in ike JSighteeiUh Century, voL iv. pp. 229-80. 


more able to expel the British forces from America ohap. 

. • ' VIII 

than were the Spanish guerillas thirty years later 
able to expel the Fre^ch from the Peninsula, until 
Wellington brought on the scene an army which could 
beat thejn in the open f^eld. Wcv^hington saw from 
the outset that the local resistance of the colonial 


militia might prolong, but could never end, the 
W£^r, unless he succeeded in creating an American 
army strong enough to face British armies and crush 
them; and in doing so his greatest difficulty arose 
from the fact that the colonial system had done 
nothing to create an American spirit. To that extent 
the statecraft which had sought to divide the 
colonies in order to strengthen the Empire had 
achieved its miserable purpose. Washington over- 
came these difficulties by dint of a patience and self- 
lessness almost without parallel in history, which 
grfkdually communicated itself to his fellow-country- 
men. In seven years he created the continental army 
which ended the war at Yorktown. But its ranks 
were recruited less from the native-bom than from 
immigrants. Its largest contingent was furnished by 
the Irish Presbyterians, whom the commercial system 
and landlords like l^ord Donegal had driven into exile 
and inspired with an inveterate hatred of British 
rule.^ * As for the genuine sons of Hibernia, it was 
enough for them to know that England was the 
antagonist.'* In recruiting this army Washington 
owed more to hatred brewed in the old country than 
to the public spirit developed in the new.^ 

^ See aboTe, p. 447* 

* Memoirs of a Life chiefly passed in Pennsylvania vrUhin the Last Sixty 
Years, Edinbui^gh 1822, quoted by Trevelyan, The Americam Bevclutiony 
voL ii p. 187. 

* 'A record has been preserved of the nationalities in a oompanj of 
Pennsylvanian Tolnnteers which marohed to join the army of Washington. 
Out of seventy-three privates, two were from Qermany, twenty from Ireland, 
and six from Great Britain' (Trevelyan, The American Revolvition, voL ii. 
p. 139). Lecky {History of Englamd in ihe Mghteenth Century ^ vol. v. p. 17) 
endorses this view. 'The Irish Presbyterians,' he says, 'appear to have been 


CHAP. On assuming the command at Cambridge of the 


.^.^^^^^^^ forces investing Boston, Washington found that of 
Failure of an army supposed to consist of 17,000 men no more 
toreapomi* thsm 14,500 Were available for service. Cfolonel Lee 
to^wWng- ^^^ estimated that three or four months' recruiting 
ton's appeal should produce 100,000 men. *But the high spirit 

for recmi^s 

at Boston, and enthusiastic ardour which had brought such 
iiiiLion- numbers into the field aftei? the battle of Lexington, 
ment. ^g^g already beginning to dissipate; and all the 
alacrity for the service, which had been expected, 
was not displayed. Many were unwilling to continue 
in it ; and others annexed special conditions to their 
further engagement.' ^ A month's recruiting yielded 
no more than 5000. Henceforward the letters of 
Washington are those of a disillusioned man. * Such 
a dearth of public spirit,' he wrote on November 28, 
1775, *and such want of virtue, such stock-jobbing 
and fertility in all the low arts to obtain advantages of 
one kind or another in this great change of military 
arrangement, I never saw before, and pray God's 
mercy that I may never be witness to again. ... I 
have been obliged to allow furloughs as far as fifty 
men to a regiment, and the officers, I am persuaded, 
indulge as many more. . . . Such a mercenary spirit 
pervades the whole, that I should not be at all 

surprised at any disaster that may happen Could 

I have foreseen what I have experienced, and am 
likely to experience, no consideration upon earth 
should have induced me to accept this command.'* 
'No troops,' he writes elsewhere, *were ever better 
provided or higher paid ; yet their backwardness to 

everywhere bitterly anti> English, and outside New England it is probable that 
'they did more of the real -figbtingof the Bevol^tiou. <than ai^ oitheir class.' 
Aetx>rding Kb GalWwsy) !the • loyalist dpeakeri lof the PeajDfiylyanian . Awemblj} 
half Waahinjgton's army >wer» ilrislime»y -and notmersithAB 0Q9.()uartw yfom 
native Amerioana^seeabove^ p. 416)ti I i u-. .-. ;i > wi. i > »,,>.. 

1 Mai'ahall, The jU/b of Washington, vol. ii. p. 320. i i « . , 

' W««hingtoii,, JTri^Mi^, voh iii. pp^ 176-9. i [ 


enliBt for another year is amazinir. It grieves me to chap. 


see so little of that patriotic spirit which I was taught 
to believe was characteristic of this people.' ^ 

In England, however, the Ministry had allowed Howe forced 
the efficiency of the navy to fall so low that it failed supJS"^ 
to secure the passage of the supplies destined for the ^^*® 
relief of Howe. By the capture of some of them at March irre. 
sea Washington was able to equip his own troops 
with arms and ammunition, of which he stood in the 
greatest need. Becruiting had only just kept pace 
with the daily wastage of his ranks, which now 
scarcely exceeded 14,000 men. Washington, how- 
ever, by persuading the Massachusetts Assembly to 
lend him six thousand of their local militia, was 
strong enough to occupy Dorchester heights, over- 
looking. Boston, and to compel the retirement by sea 
of the British garrison and of the loyalists to Halifax. 

Presently, howevw, Lord Howe, with a powerful Washington 
fleet and reinforcements from England, joined forces nIw yST 
with his brother, Sir William. Together they sailed ^mbined 
up the estuary of the Hudson river, attacked the ijjroes of 

A . T X 1 1 -I 1 i. 1 1 Sir William 

Americans on Long Island, and defeated them. Howe and 
Washington, however, was allowed to withdraw his lupid^di/.'^* 
forces across the East river to New York, where he ^^^^^6^^ 
was again defeated and once more allowed to slip 
across the Hudson to New Jersey. His own army 
had now dwindled to 3000 effectives, and General 
Lee's army, which hSd been' left east of the Hudson 
river, * was melting away, under the influence of the 
same fatal cause which had acted so universally and 
so banefiilly , and would soon be almost totally dis- 
solved. General Mercer, who commanded a part of 
the flying camp stationed about Bei^en, was also 
called in ; but these troops had only engaged to serve 
till the first day of December ; and, like the other six 
months' men, had already abandoned the army in 

' Washington, WrUmg$, vol. iii. p. 181. 




to winter 
in New 
York after 
to escape. 


Failure of 
Congress to 
acquire from 
the States 
a constitu- 
till 1781. 
of the 


great numbers. No hope existed of retaining the 
I'emnant of them, afber they should possess a legal 
right to be discharged, and very little of supplying 
their places with other militia.' * 

Had Sir William Howe shown a spark of initiative 
or allowed Comwallis to show any, their enemies 
might have been destroyed at any one of the several 
rivers which crossed their retreat to Philadelphia. 
Washington, however, was allowed to cross the 
Delaware at Trenton with the dwindling remnant of 
his army. Then and for months after, to Washington 
himself declared, Philadelphia lay at the mercy of 
Howe, who preferred, however, to retire for the 
winter into comfortable quarters at New York. 

It was not men, but a man, that England needed 
at this juncture. If Washington and Howe could 
have changed places the American forces would have 
been scattered like chaff. It is equally certain that, 
if Washington and Howe could have changed forces, 
England by the close of 1776 would not have been 
holding a foot of American territory beyond the 
range of the guns on her ships. The Americans had 
not merely a consummate leader, but men and means 
enough to expel any troops which Britain could have 
landed on their soil unless they had been directed by 
a general of more than average ability. But the 
colonists lacked the political machinery for collecting 
the necessary resources and plading them at the dis- 
posal of Washington. Throughout the war, and for 
several years after, they were testing those principles 
of co-operation which they had formerly asserted were 
sufficient to pieserve the Empire against disruption 
or attack. The Congress of Philadelphia was, as its 
name indicated, a meeting of envoys from the thirteen 
assemblies collected to facilitate mutual intercourse. 
Each State, through its representatives, cast one vote 

1 Marshall, The Life of Waehif^gUniy vol. ii. pp. 698-4. 


and one only, but none of them admitted thft't thtf cmaf. 
were bound by a majority of yotes. The Congress af 
Philadelphia was no more organic than the congseas 
of European ambassadors which met in Whitehall 
during the Balkan orisis of 1913, under the presidency 
of Sir Edward Grrey. Franklin^ who had been at 
Albany in 1754, saw at a glance the inherent weak* 
ness of a body whose resolutions could not even 
pretend to bind the legislatures of dissenting States. 
To cure this defect he submitted ioir adoption a con- 1775. 
stitution framed upon the lines of that which he bad 
formerly designed fot the Albany Convention.^ It 
was not until a year later that Congresa found time 
to consider the matter ; and the result of their ddlibeca^^ 
tions was a constitution which began by dedaxing 
that * each state retains its sovereignty, freedom and 
independence, and every power, jurisdiction and right 
which is not by this federation expressly delegated 
to the United States in Congress assembled/ ^ But 
the powers, jurisdictions, and rights which the States 
were to agree to confsr upon Congsess had aU to be 
. exercised through the agency of the States themselvea 

Congress might requisition men^ money, or ships, bvt 
' only from the States. The States were to [vomise to 

' fulfil the requisitions, but the compact said nothing 

! as to what would happen if the promises were bodu^n. 

^ True to the principles of the Commercial System it 

'r was a frank attempt to base government on contract, 

^ which in effect * merely defined in more precise terms 

^ the impotetice of government/ ^ Yet, even so, Con-* 

^ gress was unable to secure its adoptioOi by the States Feb. i78i. 

^ till five years later, not many montiis before Com^ 

if^' walUs surrendered at Yorktown. Washington had 

^ thus no gi^eatei control of American resouuees tl^ui 

^ * See above, pp. 330-3, 

' See Note ab end of this chapter, p. 65^. 
^ * Oliver, Life iff Almander SamUUm, p. 102. 




Value of 

Marshall as 
an authority. 

Working of 
the co-opera- 
tive system 
described by 

coald be exerciBod through a collection of envoys who 
could commaaid nothing. His position was not unlike 
that of an engineer commissioned to use Niagara for 
industrial enterprise subject to the condition that the 
wild beauty of the falls should not be diminished by 
passing any of the water through a turbine. Experi- 
ence had yet to teach the Americans that tiie resources 
of men, like those of nature, are not available for 
great undertakings until they are harnessed. 

The practical results produced by this system have 
been described by a contemporary of the highest 
authority, who took part in the war. John Marshall, 
one of the greatest lawyers the world has ever seen, 
who aei Chief Justice did more than some of its authors 
to shape the Constitution of the United States, gives 
the following account of the matter in his Life of 
Washington, ' In the commencement of the war, the 
troops were raised entirely by the local authorities, 
who, without: concert, established military systems of 
their own, and appointed officers, whose relative rank, 
and right of promotion^ it was not very easy to adjust. 
The officers, like the men, were engaged only for one 
year, aiid at the expiration of that time, were to be 
recommissioned. Congress appointed the general 
officers, and took the armies raised by the respective 
colonies into continental pay. With considerable 
difficulty, a new cwmy was formed out of these materials, 
in the face of the enemy, during the blockade of 
Boston. This work was to be repeated, with infinitely 
more difficulty, during the active operations of the 
campaign of 1776. The attention of Congress was 
very early called to this interesting subject by Greneral 
Washington; but that body performed its most 
important duties through the agency of sovereign 
states. Those states were to nominate the officers, 
and were requested to send commissioners to camp 
to attend to this object. So many delays were 


experieiijced, that the dissolution of the army chap. 
approached) before officers were appointed tic recruit 
that which was to take its place. At length Congress 
resolved that General Washington should himself be 
empowered to appoint the officers of those states which 
had failed to depute commissioners for that purpose; 
The manner in which appointments were made, un- 
fortunately brought into the service, as officers, men 
without capacity, or sufficient weight of charactelr to 
preserve the respect of the soldiers, and that discipline 
which is essential to an army ; and the repeated . 
re-organization of the troops gave continual discontent 

' The various independent authorities employed in 
raising the army, gave occasion to other very embar- 
rassing circumstances. In order to complete their 
quotas, some of the states engaged to allow those who 
would enlist in their service, additicmal pay to that 
promised by Congress. The discontents excited by a 
diBparity of pay among soldiers in the same army, 
will readily be conceived. The interference of the 
general with the state governments, to produce a 
departure from this pernicious plan, became absolutely 

^ From the same motives, some of the states gave 
large additional bounties. This, it was supposed by 
Congress, would effectually destroy the recruiting 
business in other states where the same liberality was 
not used, and therefore a resolution was passed, recom- 
mendiQg, and insisting on a strict adherence to the 
precise system which had been proposed by the 
continental government.' ^ 

Washington's reiterated warnings received little Oontinued 
attention until they were pointed by the disaster on congrew 
Long Island, which, but for the criminal neglect of stot^to 
Howe, the vigilance of Washington could never have ^PP?r^ 
saved from becoming an American Sphacteria. Con- 

^ Marshall, The I/ift of IFashingtan, toL iiL pp. 61.8. 





Failure of 
the Stotes 
to respond 
to the 
of Oongress 
to which 
they reftised 
the power of 
Attempt of 

grass at length went so far as to propose to the States 
the creation of a permanent army to be enlisted for 
the war by the State governments each in proportion 
to its ability.^ The continental levy, however, wafi 
largely a £ulure, and of the 66,000 men voted by 
Congress not 16,000 were brought into the field* 
' Fqw were found who would engage voluntarily in 
the service, and coercion was an expedient attended 
with too much hazard to be extensively employed. 
Apprehensions of danger were ' entertained, from 
forcing moi into the army for three years, or during 
the war ; and the vacant ranks were scantily supplied 
with drafts, for nine, twelve, and eighteen months. 
The evil therefore still continued; and except that 
the old officers remained, almost a new army was to 
be raised for every campaign. The commander^in^ 
chief, always provident for the future, was uniformly 
earnest in his representations to Congress, and to the 
several states, on this important subject His letters 
continually and urgently pressed them to take timely 
measures for supplying the places of those who were 
leaving the service. But the means adopted were so 
much more slow and ineffectual in their operation 
than was expected by those who devised them, that 
the season for action never found the preparations of 
America completed ; and the necessity of struggling 
against superior numbers was almost perpetual' ' 

As Washington saw, the Americans were sacrificing 
the real military advantage which they had over the 
British in waging a war on their own soil America 
was capable of producing forces strong enough to 
overwhelm any which Britain could transport across 
the Atlantic ; but at this stage of the contest the 
advantages of numbers in the field w^e nearly 

^ See note A at end of this chapter, p. 648. 

^ Lecky, History of England in the EigJUeeiUK Century ^ vol. iv. p. 422. 

s Marshall, The Life <tf JFashim^onf vol. ir. pp. 51-2. 


alwajs on the side of the British. Some assemblies chap. 
were oflfering bounties to all who would enlist in their ,,^J^J^^ 
local militia and were outbidding the officers recruit- to depend 
ing for Washington ; so he urged Congress to offer ^^^e^^d 
recruits sufficient pay to induce enlistment in the ]^^^ J^ 


American army.^ Congress, however, had found that failure. 
money was even harder to come by than men ; for 
the assemblies were no more willing to share the 
power of taxation with a Congress of their own 
delegates than they were with a Parliament elected 
in Britain. The American taxpayer had been trained 
to think that all the money he contributed must as a 
matter of course be spent within the limits of his 
own colony. Not till the war had been five years in 
progress did the assemblies make any serious attempt 
to impose taxation in order to meet requisitions of 
Congress. That body resorted meantime to the issue of 
continental notes, and pledged the faith of the States 
for its redemption. But no sooner was the paper 
issued than it began to depreciate, until it stood at 
one-fortieth of its face value. In the expression * not 
worth a continental' its epitaph remains engraved 
upon the language of modern America. Such being 
the condition of its credit, Congress found that it 
was impossible to raise a loan. 

Accustomed to look to an older community to pay Dependence 
them for beating their own enemies, the Americans on v^^ 
now turned to Europe. The formal alliance with f^tSf^ds 
France was not made till 1778, nor that with Spain neceesary 
till 1779, but in 1776 both granted them 1,000,000 ^'^'^''~- 
livres, which enabled Congress to purchase 250 cannofu, 
and arms and clothing for 30,000 men. In the 
opinion of Lecky, * it is not too much to say that 
it was the intervention of France that saved the 
cause,' * and to the end the war was largely financed 

^ ManhaD, The Life of WaMngUm, vol. ii. pp. 558-66. 

' Lecky, Hiitory of England in the Eighteenth Oentturyy vol. iv. p. 402. 


CHAP, by France. But, as Washington found, French 
^^^^^,^^.^^^ support at once relaxed the energies of a people 
demoralized by thie English colonial system, ' Con- 
gress relying upon it grew more and more into the 
character of a Inere agent of the states for issuing 
paper and borrowing money/ ' 
Command of The iucurablc sloth of Sir William Howe made it 
recTvereT^y possiblc for Washington and a handful of heroic 
Jan! m^"' followers to save American society from its own dis- 
orders. Their task was facilitated by the conduct of 
the Hessians quartered in New Jersey, who, knowing 
no English and unable to discrimin6»te between friend 
and foe, plundered loyalists and republicans alike. 
In a few weeks the whole country was reduced to a 
frenzy of hostility. Washington, finding that the 
enemy made no attempt to cross the Delaware, 
recrossed it himself and surprised the German garrison 
in Trenton. Evading Cornwallis, he beat a British 
force at Princeton and recovered the mastery of the 
greater part of New Jersey. 
Washington By usiug their fleet the Howes might at any 
atStindy- niomcnt have threatened Washington's rear* But 
^ne,^Sept. ^j^q summer of 1777 was far spent before Sir William 
Philadelphia could rousc himsclf to actiou, and it was not till 
held by August that he sailed up Chesapeake Baty and landed 
°^®' at Elkhead. Washington endeavoured . to hold the 

line of the Brandywine River, but was defeated there 
on September 11. On the 26th the British entered 
Philadelphia, and Sir William proceeded to cover 
that position by occupying Germantown, a hamlet 
where roads crossed some ten miles to the North 
of the Pennsylvanian capital. Washington, hoping 
once more, as at Trenton, to snatch a victory on the 
morrow of defesat, attacked him there on October 4, 


^ Alexander Johnston, Ency. Brit, 9th ed. vol. 'xxiii. p. 744. See alao 
Marshall, Tke Life of WcLshington, vol. iv. pp. 50-7 ; and Lodge, George 
WashingUmt vol. i. pp. 284, 249. 


but through failure of his ammunition was unable to ohap. 
cany the post. That night Sir William lost the ^^^^ 
last chance which fortune gave him of destroying 
Washington and his army. 

His laziness, however, was scarcely more fatal to Surrender of 
the British cause than the desire of Lord George sar^"^"* 
Germaine in London to emulate the achievements of ^7^77.^^* 
Chatham. The Americans had attacked Quebec at Alliance of 
the opening of the war, but had been repulsed with the United 
disaster by the Governor, Sir Guy Carleton, and immediate 
driven from the provinca Germaine, who resembled ^^^^^ 
Chatham in nothing but his ambition, had a grudge Juneirre. 
against Carleton, and sent Burgoyne to take over 
from him the command of the troops in Canada. 
Together the minister and his general conceived the 
idea of cutting off New England from the rest of 
America by the junction of two forces moving 
simultaneously, the one led by Burgoyne southwards 
down Lake Champlain, the other to be despatched 
by Howe northwards from New York up the Hudson 
river. Unfortunately for Burgoyne, Germaine failed 
to secure that the despatches explaining his part 
in the movement reached Howe before he had 
left New York, and was involved in his movement 
on Philadelphia. Burgoyne, unsupported from the 
South, was overpowered by numbers and surrendered 
to Gates at Saratoga on October 16 with 3500 men* 
On hearing the news, France at once entered into the 
alliance with the United States Which eventually 
enabled the allies to wrest from Britain her control 
of the sea. 

The darkest years,* however, in the history of the The con. 
American Commonwealth had stillto be faced. . . Whiile amy 
Si*»'WlH|im'''H<!we''W«iiiMselbtKmfe nddwiii.. itl. ; Pihilr ^^^led 
adiel^lpa fbrkdotherdomfortlftbl/i winteri^ W^dshioagtOn by Congress 
iv^as feli]!nfg trees' aBidiieitabliskuQ^ cantompentauat Forge. 
VttlWy iFotgd, tWenty liuiles to the > North-* west. ' » Ther^e 


OHAP. he was able to keep in touch with Congreas, which 
had fled to Lancaster, some forty miles beyond his 
camp. The claims of service in the field and abroad 
had now deprived that body of most of its best men, 
and Washington alone stood between the American 
cause and its final destruction. * The misconduct or 
inefiiciency of* the commissaries appointed by the 
Congress, and the general disaffection of the people, 
had reduced the revolutionary forces to a degree of 
misery that almost led to ^eir destruction. On 
one occasion they were three successive days without 
bread. On another, they were two days entirely 
without meat. On a third, it was announced that 
there was not in the camp " a single hoof of any kind 
to slaughter, and not more than twenty*five barrels 
of flour." There was no soap or vinegar. '^Few 
men" had **more than one shirt, many only the 
moiety of one, and some none at all " ; and, besides a 
number of men confined in hospitals or £Eirmers' 
houses for want of shoes, there were on a single day 
2,898 men in the camp unfit for duty because they 
were '^barefoot and otherwise naked." In the pierc* 
ing days of December, numbers of the troops were 
compelled to sit up all night around the fire, having 
no blankets to cover them, and it became evident 
that unless a change quickly took place the army 
must either ** starve, dissolve, or disperse, in order to 
obtain subsistence in the best manner they can." 
In three weeks of this month the army, without any 
fighting, had lost by hardship and exposure near 
2,000 men. So large a proportion of the troops were 
barefoot that " their marches might be traced by the 
blood from their feet." Yet week after week rolled on, 
and still, amid unabated sufferings, a large proportion 
of those brave men held together and took up their 
winter quarters, diminished indeed in numbers, and 
more than once defeated in the field, but still un- 



broken and undismayed, within a day's march of a chap. 
greatly superior army of British soldiers. • s^^^^^,^^^ 

* The time was, indeed, well fitted to winnow the 
chaflf from the grain ; and few braver and truer men 
were ever collected around a great commander than 
those who remained with Washington during that 
dreary winter in Valley Forge, some twenty miles from 
Philadelphia. "For some days past," wrote their 
commander on February 16, 1778, "there has been 
little less than a famine in the camp ; a part of the 
army has been a week without any kind of flesh, and 
the rest three or four days. Naked and starving as 
they are, we cannot enough admire the incomparikble 
patience and fidelity of the soldiery, that they have 
not been ere this excited by their sufferings to a 
general mutiny and dispersion. Strong symptoms, 
however, of discontent have appeared in particular 
instances, and nothing but the most active efforts 
everywhere, can long avert so shocking a catastrophe." 
Many^ indeed, fell away. " No day, nor scarce an 
hour passes," wrote Washington in December, " with- 
out the offer of a resigned commission." Many fled to 
the country and to their friends, and not lees than 
3,000 deserters came from the American camp to the 
British army at F^adelphia.' ^ 

Congress was distracted by jealousy of Washington. Faiion of 
Nothing but personal devotion to their leader had (>)^^^*to 
availed to keep an heroic remnant faithful to their wSJSn^n 
cause. The writer of an anonymous letter to the by Gates as 

x\«i p r>i 11 -11 • Commander- 

President of Congress averred that the Americans in-ohief. 
were making a man their God, and that no good moniTiition 
could be expected from the army until Baal and his ^^^^^"^ 
worshippers were banished from the camp. John 
and Samuel Adams denounced the sin of * idolatry,' 
and hinted that the freedom of America was now 
imperilled by a military despotism. Congress, 

^ Lecky, History of England in the Bi^flUtefidk Chmiwry, vol iy. pp. 425-7. 





meanwhile, was calling upon Washington to hurl the 
army, which they would neither clothe, shoe, nor feed, 
against the lines behind which Howe was entrenched 
in Philadelphia* His refusal to lead his men to 
certain destruction provoked the often reiterated 
taunt that he was trying to imitate Fabius to the 
ruin of the American cause. An intrigue was set on 
foot to transfer the supreme command from 
Washington to Gates, the nominal victor of Saratoga. 
Gates was brought down from the North to preside 
over the Board of War. Conway, his accomplice, 
was appointed Inspector-General * Notorious and 
implacable hostility to the Commander-in-Chief of 
the national forces was recognised as the special 
qualification for every office the holder of which 
would be in a position to annoy and thwart him.' ^ 
Washington, however, declined to be driven into any 
false step and bided his time until he was able to end 
the intrigue by exposing it. 

In May 1778 Sir William Howe was at length 
recalled, and Clinton, who took his place, abandoned 
Philadelphia and retreated to New York. It is 
needless, however, to follow the confused and in- 
effectual operations by which any decisive result was 
postponed for another three years and a halfw For 
the purpose of this chapter it will suffice to inquire 
why the result was so long postponed. The French 
0QtA9, i78i'. admiral failed to co-operate with Washington by 
using the superior strength of his fleet to destroy the 
British control of the sea. Clinton failed to use the 
breathing space afforded him by the French admiral 
to destroy the nucleus of continental action which 
esiisted sp.'long as Washington and hisarmyiwerem 
beingl 'I'Enbounagediby >4ihe'tf(ict ithAtl ah'^inori^ing 
number// of Wydistii,- espdeially 'ikl thd t Sbmtb,il ^^«m 
now taking tlote* field,' he 'dissipated hisUtbei]lgth|ipy 

^ Travelyan; The AfMfricem lUeolutiomn toI. iv. p. 310. 

Howe super- 
seded by 

was unable 
to crush 
till the 
French fleet 
the sea. 
Surrender of 


attempting to conquer the country in detail. So chap. 
long, however, as he retained the power of moving v..,.,^,,,,^^ 
his troops by sea, and of preventing his enemy from ' 
doing so, the incompetence of Congress combined 
with the selfishness of tibe States to deny Washington 
the means of crashing him.^ Resourceful as he was, 
the American leader could do no more than keep 
some kind of army in existence with the help of 
French troops and mon^. It was not till 1761 that 
the French fleet really began to assert its power. 
By menacing New York it induced Clinton to with- 
draw a portion of the force which was operating 
under Cornwallis in Virginia against the French 
troops under Lafayette. Cornwallis was ordered by 
Clinton to entrench himself at Yorktown on one 
of the narrow tongues of land which extend from 
the coast of Virginia into the Southern waters of 
Chesapeake Bay. The British fleet, however, which 
was sent under Admiral Oraves to support Cornwallis 
was outmatched by De Qrasse at the mouth of 
Chesapeake Bay, and returned to New York to refit. 
Washington, having collected all the French and 
American troops he could lay hands on, led Clinton 
to believe that he was preparing to attack him on the 
Hudson estuary. Too late Clinton discovered that his 
antagonist was hurrying South by forced marches to 
Elkhead and Baltimore, where transports were waiting 
which enabled him to unite with Lafayette in the 
blockade of Yorktown. The final attack was led 
by Alexander Hamilton, and on October 19, 1781, 
Cornwallis with 7000 men surrend^ed his troops to 
the Americans and his seamen and ships to the Fr^ich. 

It must be recalled that since 1780 Britain had Reaaonsfor 
been at war with France, Spain, and Holland, while proteaSLn 
Denmark, Sweden, and Prussia were leagued to assert ^^ *^® ^*'*- 
their claim to send supplies to the Americans. 

^ See Note B at end of this chapter, p. BdOi 




OHAP. Hyder All was threatening Madras, and in Ireland 
the Protestants were demanding the independence of 
their Parliament with arms in their hands. In 
America Britain had sacceeded in finding no general 
of average capacity to command her forces. From 
the outbreak of war the machinery of government 
in every one of the thirteen States had been in 
the hands of the revolutionary party, who had at 
their disposal a strategist incomparably superior to 
any that were opposed to him, one whose devotion 
to their cause was equalled only by his power for 
inspiring others. This master of organization, with 
a genius for managing men, took over six years from 
the date of his first appointment to beat on American 
soil the incompetent generals of a country fighting 
from 3000 miles away and threatened by the ever- 
gathering hostility of Europe. And when he did 
so, it was only with the aid of a French army 
aad fleet and French money to pay his American 
troops, of which not half, according to one contem- 
porary, were American-bom.^ Without Washington 
the American cause could never have been saved, 
even by the negligence of the British Government 
and their generals. The real problem, indeed, is why 
he was so painfully slow in ending the war. 
The The explanation is to be found in the condition of 

of TOciety American society as seen and recorded by Washington 
in America himsclf. * If I wcrc to bc Called upon,' he wrote at 

as seen oj _ _ . /• i • 

Washington, the close 01 1/78, ' to draw a picture of the times and 
of men, from what I have seen, heard, and in part 
know, I should in one word say, that idleness, dissipa- 
tion, and extravagance seems to have laid fast hold 
of most of them; that speculation, peculation, and 
an insatiable thirst for riches seems to have got the 
better of every other consideration, and almost of 
- every order of men ; that party disputes and personal 

* See above, Galloway's evidence, p. 416. 


quarrels are the great business of the day ; while the €HAP. 

momentous concerns of an empire, a great and 

accumulating debt, ruined finances, depreciated money, 

and want of credit, which in its consequences is the 

want of everything, are but secondary considerations, 

and postponed from day to day, from week to week, 

as if our aflfairs wore the most promising aspect. ... 

Our money is now sinking fifty per cent, a day in this 

city ; aCnd I shall not be surprised if, in the course of 

a few months, a total stop is put to the currency of 

it; and yet an assembly, a <5oncert, a dinner, or 

supper will not only take men oflF from acting in this 

business, but even from thinking of it, while a great 

part of the olBScers of our army, from absolute necessity, 

are quitting the service, and the more virtuous few, 

rather than do this, are sinking by sure degrees into 

beggary and want.' ^ As in the previous war, American 

producers were finding that it was more profitable to 

feed their enemies than their friends. 'While our Nov.7,i78o. 

army,' he writes, * is experiencing almost daily want, 

that of the enemy in New York is deriving ample 

supplies from a trade with the adjacent States of New 

York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, which has by 

degrees become so common, that it is hardly thought 

a crime. It is true there are, in those States, laws 

imposing a penalty upon this criminal commerce ; but 

it is so light or so little attended to, that it does not 

prevent the practice. The markets of New York are 

so well supplied, that a great number of mouths, which 

would otherwise be fed from the public magazines, 

are now supported upon the fresh meats and flour of 

the country, by which means the enemy have been 

often enabled to bear the disappointments of the 

arrival of their provision fleets without much incon- 

veniwice ; and, if report be true, they would at this 

^ Washington to Bei^amin Harrison, Philadelphia, December 30, 1778. 
WritingSt vol. vi. pp. 151-2. 


CHAP, very time experience distress for the want of their 
long expected Irish fleet, if the resources of the 
country were effectually cut off from them. This 
cannot be done by military measures alone, except 
in cases of blockade or siege, and much less will it be 
in my power to do it with our army in the weak 
state it is verging to. I believe that most nations 
make it capital for their subjects to fiimish their 
enemies with provisions and military stores during 
a war. Were this done by the several States, and the 
laws rigidly put in execution in a few instances, the 
practice would be stopped.' ^ A month later he was 
obliged to discharge part of his army in order to feed 
the rest.^ One last touch was needed to complete 
the experiences of the Seven Years' War. When the 
year 1781 opened with a threat of invasion from 
Canada, New York and Vermont were involved in a 
local dispute, and were actually preparing for civil war 
in the probable field of Washington's campaign.' 
Corrobora- The strictures of Washington on American society 
o7other con^ ^^ amply supportcd by others who were able to view 
temporaries. ^^ £|.qj^ within. When Adams complained to his 

wife that Toryism was reported to be rife in Boston, 
she replied that the mischief was deeper and more 
widely spread. 'It is a spirit of avarice and con- 
tempt of authority, an inordinate love of gain, that 
prevails not only in town but everywhere I look or 
hear from.'^ To the same effect is the letter of a 
French engineer captured at sea in 1778. ^Each 
State,' he writes, ' is jealous of the other. The spirit 
of enthusiasm in defence of liberty does not exist 
among them ; there' is more of it for the support of 
America in one coffee-house in Paris than is to be 
found in the whole continent. The Americans are 

1 Washington, Writings, vol. vu. pp. 286-7. > Ibid, p. 821. 

• See above, pp. 326-7. 

^ Familiar LtUers, p. 261. Quoted by Leoky, England in ths Mghteinth 
Century f voL iv. p. 428. 


averse to war from a habit of indolence and equality.'^ chap. 
The testimony of another French officer shows how 
the American cause was subsisting solely on the 
patriotism of a strenuous handful. *The spirit of 
patriotism/ wrote Count Fersen at this time, * is only 
to be found amongst the leading men of the country, 
who make tremendous sacrifices. The rest, and they 
are the great majority, think only of their personal 
interest. . . . Those near the coast convey to the 
English fleet anchored in Gardiner's Bay all kinds of 
provisions, and that because they are highly paid ; 
ourselves they fleece pitilessly. ... In all the trans- 
actions we have had with them they treat us more as 
enemies than as friends. They are incredibly grasping.'* 

There was thus no public opinion strong enough Evidence 
to override the jealousy of the local assemblies, and Americans 
compel them to concede to an American assembly ^ad been less 

r J averse to 

the powers necessary for the handling of American taxation by 


affairs. Men like Otis and Adams had been right in than to 
denying the claim of the British to tax the American Ssei^^^" 
electorate. But as soon as the controversy had drifted 
into war, and the States were called upon to support 
their contention with funds, the real motive of the 
popular objection began to appear. The colonial 
democracies had never been trained to submit to 
anything but provincial taxation, the revenues from 
which could be spent within their own territories and 
amongist themselves. It was not till the war had 
lasted more than three years that the assemblies 
could bring themselves to levy; or that their con- 
stituents would tolerate, any serious taxation to meet 
the expenses of Washington's army; 


' Lan$dotone Papers, British Huaeum, Add. MSS. 2431, p. 29, quoted by 
Lecky, History of ErvgUmd in the EighUenih Century ^ vol. iv. p. 483. 

' Lettres de Comte Ferseny voL i. p. 61. Quoted by Locky, History of 
England in the Eighteenth Century, vol. v. p. 54. 

' Lecky, History of England in the Eighteenth Century, vol. iv. p. 483. 
See also BoUes, Finamcial History of the United States, chap. xiv. 


CHAP. Throughout the war the assemblies were almost as 

^^^^^^^^^ jealous of their own joint committee as previously 

Incoherent they had been of the Imperial Government. Con- 

S the^^^ ff^^^ w^ practically limited to the functions of a 

American conference, which could frame schemes and request 

government , ' , • n -i 

and its thirteen governments to give effect to them in detail. 
inthedis- But the intended effect of such measures was 
ofttiT*^^^° destroyed and impaired by the impotence of Congress 
American to sccurc that thirteen assemblies would each and all 
play their respective parts, play them in time and 
play them to the full. The quota of troops due from 
each was seldom if ever completed. It was never 
recruited in time, and the men were sent into the 
field raw and untrained. But worse still, the dates 
of recruitment indicated by Congress were ignored. 
The result was ^ that the terms of service of different 
portions of the army expired almost every month in 
the year, and raw troops, unacquainted with the 
first rudiments of military duty, were introduced in 
the most critical moments of a campaign. . . . Timely 
and correspondent measures . . . had been continually 
recommended, and the recommendation had been as 
continually neglected.'^ In a letter written to the 
President of Congress, Washington shows how chaos 
in the system of government was inevitably reflected 
in every detail of the military administration. ' The 
Aprils, system of State supplies,' he writes, * however in 
^'®^" the commencement dictated by necessity, has proved 

in its operation pernicious beyond description. An 
army must be raised^ paid, subsisted, and regulated 
upon an equal and uniform principle, or the confusions 
and discontents are endless. Little less than the 
dissolution of the army would have been long since 
the consequence of a different plan, had it not been 
for a spirit of patriotic virtue, both in officers and 
men, of which there are few examples, seconded by 

* Marshall, The Life of WoBhington, vol. iv. pp. 174-6. 


the unremitting pains that have been taken to com- chap. 


pose and reconcile them to their situation. But these 
will not be able to hold out much longer against the 
influence of causes constantly operating, and every 
day with some new aggravation. 

' Some States, from their internal ability and local 
advantages, furnish their Troops pretty amply, not 
only with cloathing, but with many little comforts 
and conveniences; others supply them with some 
necessaries, but on a more contracted scale; while 
others have it in their power to do little or nothing 
at all. The ojQKcers and men in the routine of duty 
mix dayly and compare circumstances. Those, who 
fare worse than others, of course are dissatisfied, and 
have their resentment excited, not only against their 
own State, but against the Confederacy. They 
become disgusted with a service that makes such 
injurious distinctions. No arguments can persuade 
an officer it is justice he should be obliged to pay 
£ — a yard for cloth, and other things in proportion, 
while another is ftimished at part of the price. The 
officers resign, and we have now scarcely a sufficient 
number left to take care even of the fragments of 
corps which remain. The men have not this re- 
source. They murmur, brood over their discontents, 
and have lately shown a disposition to enter into 
seditious combinations.' * The difficulty of recruiting 
was greatly increased by the fact that in matters of 
pay some States treated their men less generously 
than others. There was, he added, no remedy for 
such evils until military affairs were entrusted to the 
sole administration of one central body adequately 
equipped with the necessary powers. The situation 
as a whole was exhibited by Washington in a famons 
image when he compared America to * a clock, each 
state representing some one or other of the smaller 

* Evans, Writings of American SkUesmen — Washington^ pp. 146-6. 


OHAP. parts of it, which they are endeavouring to put in fine 
order, without considering how useless and unavailing 
their labour is, unless the great wheel, or spring, 
which is to set the whole in motkm, is also well 
attended to and kept in good order.' ^ 
Efforts of Americans had yet to learn the lessons which were 

toredreraby ^ make it posedble for Washington to revise the 
effiJwn^" mechanism of their government, and it was saved 
the essential from destructlon in the meantime only by an excess 

defects of ma 

the political of efficiency on the part of the great leader himseli 
system. Again he elaborated a scheme for the reform of the 
Oct. 1779. army, and was pressing it upon Congress and the 
State legislatures, only to demonstrate once more 
the hopelessness of measures which depended for their 
efficacy on the equal and simultaneous action of 
independent authorities. ' The difficulty of bringing 
about a harmony and concert of measures among 
thirteen sovereign states was too great to be sur- 
mounted.'^ The administrative harvest of such a 
system may be seen as depicted in Washington's own 
despatches. 'Instead of having magazines filled 
with provifiionSy we have a scanty pittance scattered 
here and there in the diJOTerent states. Instead of 
having our arsenals well supplied ^ith military stores, 
they axe poorly provided, and the workmen all leaving 
them. Instead of having the various articles of field 
equipage in readiness to deliver, the quarter-master 
general is but now applying to the several states (as 
the dernier ressort) to provide these things for their 
troops respectively. Instead of having a regular 

funds in the quarter-master's hands to de&ay the 
contingent expences of it, we have neither the one 
nor the other ; and all that business, or a great part 
of it, being done by military impressment, we are 
daily and hourly oppressing the people, souring their 

1 Marshall, Hie Id/t of Washiaiffitm, vol. It. p. 58. > JOrid. ^ 177. 


tempera, and alienatinff their affections. Instead of ohap. 


haying the regiments completed to the new establish- 
ment (and which ought to have been so) by the . . . 
of ... , agreeably to the requisitions of Congress, 
scarce any state in the union has, at this hoar, an 
eighth-part of its quota in the field ; and there is 
little prospect that I can see of ever getting more 
than half. In a word, instead of having every thing 
in readiness to take the field, we have nothing ; and 
instead of having the prospect of a glorious offensive 
campaign before us, we have a bewildered and gloomy 
prospect of a defensive one ; unless we should receive 
a powerful aid of ships, land troops, and money, from 
our generous allies ; and these at present are too 
ccmtingent to build upon.'^ It was, in fact, a 
French fleet, French auxiliaries, and French money 
which finally enabled Washington to bring the 
struggle to an issue. 

In the end Washington, the most constitutionally WaahiD^n 
minded of statesmen, was driven to assume the drivTifto 
authority which the States had denied to Congress J^^g^i^^he 
and n^lected to exercise in response to its demands. ^^^ <^«i^ie<i 
Failing to obtain revenue from the States, Congress of levj^wg 
had at last requested them to furnish supplies in from^^ 
kind, but *to such a degree had these requisitions individuals. 
been neglected, as to excite the apprehension that, i780. 
at every station, the soldiers must be disbanded from 
the want of food.'^ Rather than see his soldiers 
starve or disperse, he proceeded to levy the supplies 
he needed for their maintenance from the people 
themselves. But in resorting to arbitrary power he 
handled it with the care of a doctor administering 
strychnine, who spares no precaution against poison- 
ing himself and his assistants as well as the patient. 
Hid exactions were carefully systematized, restricted 
within the narrowest bounds, safeguarded against 

^ HanhAll, The Life of WashififfUm, vol. iv. pp. 508-4. > IbitL p. 604. 


CHAP, abuse and accurately explained in letters circulated to 


the magistrates.^ That so many years spent as the 
military leader of a revolution should have left his 
respect for law undiminished is one of the marvels 
of history, and marks Washington as the supreme 
product of Anglo-Saxon civilization. But in principle 
he had at length been driven to the same resort 
as Grenville, when, after waiting in vain for the 
assemblies to impose taxation, he had passed the 
Stamp Act and proceeded to levy it over their heads.^ 
Growth iu Unlike Grenville, however, Washington m his army 

the array of n . -i a iij_» i* ••a.* 

diBconteiit posscsscQ the mcaus of coUectmg his requisitions. 
with the •pjj^ States by their negligence had compelled him to 
authority, employ treatment which in hands less steadfast than 
his own would have paralysed the liberties of the 
nascent Commonwealth. It was with the utmost 
difficulty that he was able to restrain the growing 
resentment of his army with Congress. Repeatedly 
he had urged that body to make some adequate 
provision for the payment and pensions of their 
officers. After trifling with the question for several 
years Congress recommended the soldiers to the 
attention of their several States. An indignant 
remonstrance from the general officers ' was answered 
by Congress with a reference to what had been already 
done, and a declaration "that patience, self-denial, 
fortitude, and perseverance, and the cheerful sacrifice 
of time and health, are necessary virtues, which both 
the citizen and soldier are called to exercise, while 
struggling for the hbertiee of theit country ; and that 
moderation, frugality and temperance, must be among 
the chief supports, as well as the brightest ornaments, 
of that kind of civil government which is wisely 
instituted by the several states in this union." 

'It may well be supposed,' as Marshall drily 

* Marshall, Tfu Life of Washingtonf vol. iv. pp. 244-5. 

* See ahove, p. 346. 


remarks, ' that this philosophic lecture on the virtues chap. > 
of temperance, to men who were often without food, 
and nearly half their time with a very limited supply 
of it, was but ill calculated to assuage the irritations 
fomented by the neglect which was believed to have 
been sustained.' ^ 

At length the Pennsylvania line broke into open Mutiny of 
mutiny and threatened Congress itself The Gk)vem- tankn^*^*^^ 
ment of Pennsylvania lost its nerve and patched up ^"^^^"^ 
a settlement with their own men on lines which Washington, 
simply emphasized the grievances of those from other 
States. The immediate result was a mutiny in the 
New Jersey contingent which Washington was able 
to suppress only by hanging two of the ringleaders. 

For the moment Congress and the States were WasMng- 
frightened into some kind of activity, and began to to^accept 
devise eflFective measures of taxation. In a few monarchic»i 


months, however, the war was practically closed by oct i78i. 
the surrender of Cornwallis, and the American army 
had leisure in which to reflect on its grievances. 
* The history of the war,' wrote Washington, * is a 
history of false hopes and temporary expedients. 
Would to Grod they were to end here.' * Events were 
presently to justify his fears. Congress had granted 
the officers half-pay for life, but the States, ignoring Oct. i780. 
its requisitions, had left the officers unpaid. The 
unfriendliness of Congress itself showed what kind of 
justice the defenders of their cause might look for as 
soon as they were disbanded and could no longer 
demand it by force of arma» An address was now 
circulated amongst the officers, urging the Commander- 
in-Chief to compel the payment of their arrears. 
After censuring the violence of its terms he agreed 
to discuss another which was quieter in tone, remark- 

^ Marshall, The Life of Washington^ vol. iv. p. 365. 

' Lodge, George Washington, vol. i. p. 286. 

' Marshall, The Life of Washington^ vol. iv. p. 641. 


OHAP. ing as he took out his glasses to read the notes he 
had made for his reply, ' You see, gentlemen, I have 
grown both blind and grey in your service/ For the 
moment his authority with his officers, combined with 
his tact in using it, availed to repress the movement 
But their belief in the ultimate principles for which 
they had fought was fatally shaken, and their minds 
were beginning to seek a cure for the impotence of 
Congress in some form of monarchy. Two months 
later Colonel Nicola, an old and respected Mend of 
Washington, undertook to convey their ideas to him 
and invited him in a forcible and well-written letter 
to assume to himself the sovereignty of the State. 
Once more, however, the movement was checked by 
the firmness and tact of Washington's reply. * With 
a mixture of surprise and astonishment, I have read 
with attention the sentiments you have submitted to 
my perusal. Be assured, sir, no occurrence in the 
course of the war haa given me more painful sensations 
than your information of there being such ideas existing 
in the army as you have expressed and [which] I must 
view with abhorrence and reprehend with severity. 
For the present, the communication of them will rest 
in my own bosom, unless some further agitation of 
the matter shall make a disclosure necessary. I am 
much at 'a loss to conceive what part of my conduct 
could have given encouragement to an address which 
seems to me big with the greatest mischiefs that can 
befall my country. If I am not deceived in the 
knowledge of myself, you could not have found a 
person to whom your schemes are more disagreeable. 
At the same time, in justice to my own feelings, I 
must add that no man possesses a more sincere wish 
to see justice done to the army than I do ; and as far 
as my power and influence in a constitutional way 
extend, they shall be employed to the utmost of my 
abilities to effect it, should there be any occasion. 


Let me conjure you, then, if you have any regard for chap. 
your country, concern for yourself or posterity, or 
respect for me, to banish these thoughts from your 
mind, and never communicate, as from yourself or 
any one else, a sentim^at of the like nature/ ^ 

Congress, now thoroughly frightened, offered to Undertaking 
commute the half-pay for Hfe into a lump sum equal and th?^" 
to five years' full pay. Such, indeed, was the general u^atethe 
alarm which the army had aroused in the minds of claims of the 

/ army nnlli- 

the politicians that nine States actually endorsed the fied by the 
resolution of Congress. ' But,' as Marshall r^oiarks, ^^uu^^oT 
* the value of this resolution depended on the success '^^^"^^ 
of requisitions, and of applications to the respective ^inds. 
states to place permanent funds in the power of 
Congress.' ^ In other words, it had no value at all, 
and Washington warned Congress that they were 
treading a path which could lead only to a military 
revolution.' The one alternative was to create some Oct. i782. 
government competent to redeem as well as to contract 

More acutely than any of his comrades-in-arms he steadfast- 
realized the general poverty of spirit, but unlike them wTshhigton 
he never would acquiesce in the conclusion that it i° 'Tf^"^ 

^ to abandon 

was incurable. He always acted as though time and the ideal of 
the discipline of facts would evoke the patriotism AmemLT" 
necessary for self-government, even at moments when S«^^^ 
his letters show that he almost despaired. To a mind 
like his it was no real achievement on the part of 
Americans to have renounced the authority of the 
British Parliament unless they could establish in its 
place a genuine government of their own, and one 
bafled on the principle of the commonwealth. No 
offer of a crown could blind him to the fact that 
autocracy was the merest confession of failure, and 

^ Lodge, Oecrge WashingUmy toI. L pp. 329-30. 

* Marshall, The Life of WashiTigUm, vol. iv. p. 666. 

' Lodges Otcrge WtuhHmgUn^ vol. i. p. 326. 





with facts 
and its 
effect in 
ing the pub- 
lic mind. 
ton's ta^ 
in pointing 
the lesson 
while secur- 
ing the time 
which it 
could be 

one which he was resolved never to accept. But 
facts had taught him that for a commonwealth to 
exist there must be in it a sovereignty just as final 
as that of an autocrat. Co-operation, or * influence/ 
as he called it, was not government but merely 
anarchy disguised as such. Throughout the long- 
drawn agony of the war no one had laboured more 
patiently than himself to make the best of co-opera- 
tion. But he saw not only that it had fiailed, but 
why. He saw that it must fail not only in war but 
in peace, because he had grasped the principles which 
must be realized before any system of self-govern- 
ment can hope to succeed. Those principles, as he 
saw, must be actualized in a definite and concrete 
machinery. A statesman greater than Cromwell, im- 
measurably greater than Napoleon, it was this in 
him which has rendered his papers a mine of political 
wisdom, richer than any to be found in theirs. 
Washington was that rarest of men who. 

Through the heat of conflict, keeps the law 
In calmness made, and sees what he foresaw. 


The narrative in the previous pages will suffice to 
show how the Revolution had brought the colonial 
democracies into contact with the facts. Experience 
was repairing the mischief of the colonial system by 
schooling them to the realities of political life. The 
formation of Congress before the war was an invalu- 
able step if only because it created a point of observa- 
tion from which some representatives from each 
State could view the needs of America as a whole. 
Throughout the war the silent force of facts was 
working a gradual change in the minds of Congress 
and the «^ public at large. The weight of the inverte- 
brate Commonwealth was resting meantime on the 
shoulders of one steadfast man, who none the less 
found time to explain the source of its weakness. 


to indicate the cure, and press for its application, chap. 
Writing to a member of Congress, he says : * Ceiftain ,^^.^^^..,.^ 
I am, unless Congress speak in a more decisive tone, May i780. 
unless they are vested with powers by the several 
States competent to the great purposes of war, or 
assume them as matter of right, and they and the 
States respectively act with more energy than they 
hitherto have done, that our cause is lost. We can 
no longer drudge on in the old way. By ill timing 
the adoption of measures, by delays in the execution 
of them, or by unwarrantable jealousies, we incur 
enormous expenses and derive no benefit from them. 
One State wUl comply with a requisition of Congress ; 
another neglects to do it ; a third executes it by 
halves; and all diflfer either in the manner, the 
matter, or so much in point of time, that we are 
always working up hill, and ever shall be; and, 
while such a system as the present one, or rather 
want of one prevails, we shall ever be unable to 
apply our strength or resources to any advantage. 
This, my dear Sir, is plain language to a member 
of Congress; but it is the language of truth and 
friendship. It is the result of long thinking, dose 
application, and strict observation. I see one head 
gradually changing into thirteen. I see one army 
branching into thirteen, which, instead of looking up 
to Congress as the supreme controlling power of 
the United States, are considering themselves as 
dependent on their respective States. In a werd, I 
see the powers of Congress declining too fast for the 
consideration and respect, which are due to them as 
the great representative body of America, and I am 
fearful of the consequences.' ^ 

Again he returns to his point a month later. Juiyi780. 
* To these fundamental errors, may be added another 
which I expect will prove our ruin, and that is the 

* Evans, Writings of American Statesmen — fFashinfft&n, pp. 157-8, note. 


GHAP. relinquishment of Congressional pow^s to the States 
individually — all the business is now cMempted, for 
it is not done, by a timid kind of recommendation 
from Congress to the States; the consequence of 
which is, that instead of pursuing one uniform system, 
which in the execution shall corrispond in time and 
manner, each State undertakes to determine : 
* Ist. Whether they will comply or not 
' 2nd In what manner they will do it, and 
^3d. In what time — by which means scarcely 
any one measure is, or can be executed, while great 
expences are incurred and the willing and zealous 
States ruined. In a word our measures are not 
under the influence and direction of one council, but 
thirteen, each of which is actuated by local views and 
politics, without considering the fatal consequences of 
not complying with plans which the united wisdom of 
America in its representative capacity have digested, 
or the unhappy tendency of delay, mutilation or 
alteration. I do not scruple to add, and I give it 
decisively as my opinion — ^that unless the States will 
content themselves with a full and well-chosen repre- 
sentation in Congress and vest that body with 
absolute powers in all matters relative to the great 
purposes of war, and of general concern (by which the 
States unitedly are affected, reserving to themselves 
all matters of local and internal polity for the regula- 
tion of order and good government) we are att^npting 
an impossibility, and very soon shall become (if it 
is not already the case) a many-headed monster — a 
heterogenious mass — that never will or can ste^ to 
the same point. The contest among the different 
States now is not which shall do most for the common 
cause — but which shall do least, hence arise dis- 
appointments and delay, one State waiting to see 
what another will or will not do, through fear of 
doing too much, and by their deliberations, altera- 


tions, and sometimes refusals to comply witb the ohap. 


requisitions of Congress, after that Congress spent 
months in reconciling (as far as it is possible) 
jarring interests, in order to frame their resolutions, 
as far as the nature of the ease will admit, upon 
principles of equality/^ 

These letters were written before the States had The Articles 
ratified the Articles of Confederation {»roposed hj fedention 
Congress. The mere adoption of a constitution which J^^^ylTue 
formally recognized the essential unity of American of their 
interests was a step of no little importance. ^ It is as a step 
not impossible,' says Marshall, ' that had peace been cenuine ^ 
restored to America before any agreement for a union. 
permanent union was entered into> the different parts 
might have fekllen asunder, and an entire dismember- 
ment have taken place.' ' Otherwise this instrument 
was valuable only as proving the incurable weakness of 
any government not vested with legal authority over 
the persons and purses of the citizens themselves.' 

^To the judicious patriots throughout America, Growing 
the necessity of giving greater powers to the federal ^^J**^**° 
head became every day more apparent. The mutiny ^^^ 
of so large a portion of the army, £ind the continuance Articles. 
of l^e causes which produced that mutiny, mani- 
fested the impracticability, in point of -fact, of 
continuing the war much longer, if the resources of 
the country were entirely controled by thirteen 
independant sovereignties.' ^ 

The system was one which penalized efficiency, 
for the action of some States was invariably neutral- 
ized by the slackness of others. * It is,' wrote 
Washington, ^perhaps the greatest of the great evils 
attending this contest, that States as well as in* 
dividuals had rather wish well, than aet well ; had 

^ EvaDS, H^rUinffs of Aineriean Statesmen — Washington^ pp. 156-7. 
* llarshall, The Life of Qecrge WcuMrigton, vol. iv. p. 478. 
» Ibid. p. 501. * i«tf. p. 464, 



OHAP. rather see a thinff done, than do it, or contribute 


their just proportion to the dcang it. This conduct 
is not only injurious to the common cause, but in 
the end most expensive to themsdves ; besides the 
distrusts and jealousies, which are sown by such 
conduct. To expect, brick without straw is idle, and 
yet I am called upon, with as much facility to furnish 
men and means for every service and every want, as 
if every iota required of the States had been furnished, 
and the whole was at my disposal ; when the fact is, 
I am scarcely able to provide a garrison for West 
Point, or to feed the men that are there. This, and 
ten thousand reasons, which I could assign, prove the 
necessity of something more than recommendatory 
powers in Congress. If that body is not vested with 
a controuling power in matters of common concern, 
and for the great purposes of war, I do not scruple 
to give it decidedly as my opinion, that it will be 
impossible to prosecute it to any good effect. Some 
States are capitally injured if not ruined, by their 
own exertions and the neglects of others; while 
by these irregularities ' the strength and resources of 
the country • never are, nor can be, employed to 
advantage.' ^ His belief that such a system must 
fail even when peace was declared is shown in a 
letter addressed to Hamilton after learning that the 
March 31, Treaty of Paris had been signed. ' I rejoice most 
exceedingly that there is an end to our warfare, and 
that such a field is opening to our view, as will, with 
wisdom to direct the cultivation of it, make us a 
great, a respectable, and happy people ; but it must 
be improved by other means than State politics, and 
unreasonable jealousies and prejudices, or (it requires 
not the second sight to see that) we shall be instru- 
ments in the hands of our enemies, and those 
European powers, who may be jealous of our greatness 

^ Evans, IVrilings &f American Statesmen — JVashingtan, pp. 170-1) note. 



in union; to dissolve the confederation. • , . My wish chap. 
to see the union of* these States established upon ^ 
liberal and permanent principles, and inclination to 
contribute my mite in pointing out the defects of the 
present couBtitution, are equally great. . . . No man 
in the United States is or can be more deeply 
impressed with the necessity of a reform in our 
present confederation than myself. No man perhaps 
has felt the bad effiscts of it more sensibly ; for to the 
defects thereof, and want of powers in Congress, may 
justly be ascribed the prolongation of the war, and 
consequently the expenses occasioned by it. More 
than half the perplexities I have experienced in the 
course of my command, and almost the whole of the 
difficulties and distress of the army, havp their origin 

Those who contended that the system would work Refuaai of 
when once the enemy had been expelled from the to^empower 
country were soon destined to learn their mistake. ^ l^T* 
The backwardness of the States in the cause of coBtome. 
America by prolonging hostilities had increased the 
cost and diminished the poweor of the country to meet 
it. A vast accumulation of debt was the natural 
result of an experiment in levying war without taxa- 
tion. The bitter experience of six years had been 
needed to bring Congress itself to realize that all 
financial measures which depended upon taxes imposed 
by the States were worthless. At last, in February 
1781, Congress applied to the assemblies for power to 
levy duties, not exceeding 5 per cent on the value 
of imports and priie-goods. 'Notwithstanding the 
greatness of the exigency, the pressure of the national 
wants, and the beneficial influence which a certain 
revenue in the hands of government would obviously 
have upon the war ; yet never, during the existence 
of the confederation, did all the states unite to vest 

> Evans, Writings of American Statesmen — JFoMngUm, pp. 241-2. 




The public 

Neglect of 
the States 
to impose 
taxes in 
with the 
of Con- 
Default of 

in Congress the powers now required : so unwilling 
are men possessed of power, to place it in the hands 
of others ; and so difficult is it to effect any objects^ 
however important^ which a/re dependant on the con- 
current assent of many distinct sovereignties.*^ 

The close of the war had therefore left the finances 
of Congress in a desperate condition. On January 1, 
1783, its debts were computed at $42,000,375,^ due 
partly, to Americans who had risked their property 
in the national cause, partly to Dutch sympathisers, 
whose Grovemment had been one of the first to 
recognize that of the United States. But the 
principal creditor was France, which had also given 
large sums outright and had sent the fleets and armies 
which had turned the scale in favour of the American 
cause. It is difficult to conceive conditions by which 
the public faith could have been more deeply pledged, 
but the applications of Congress to the assemblies 
for revenues to meet these obUgations were simply 
ignored. 'After a short struggle so to administer 
the existing system as to make it competent to the 
great objects for which it was instituted, the effort 
became apparently desperate, and American affairs 
were impdkd rapidly J a crisis, on which depended, 
perhaps, the continuance of the United States as a 
nation. ... A government authorised to declare 
war, but relying on independent states for the means 
of prosecuting it, capable of contracting debts, and of 
pledging the public faith for their payment, but 
depending on thirteen distinct sovereignties for the 
preservation of that faith, could only be rescued from 
ignominy and contempt, by finding those sovereignties 
administered by men exempt from the passions 
incident to human nature.'' So long as a state of 

1 Marshall, The Life of WaMngUm, vol. iv. pp. 471-2. 

2 This figure, of oourae^ does not ioolude some 9200,000,000 of paper 
money issued on the security of the thirteen States. 

' Marshall, The W tf WfuhingUm, vol. v. p. 86. 


actual hostilitieB continued, the assemblies were ruled ohap. 
by men who were readier to talk than to act Peace, ^^^^ 
however, was now liberating from the ranks of the 
army those who had given or hazarded all for the 
independence of the United State& Men whose Appearance 
devotion to the nascent Commonwealth had its roots ton'aaoidiera 
where patriotism ever grows were at length free to mpoHtica. 
seek election in the State assemblies and some found ear-mark 
their way to the Congress of 1783.^ A committee, fo^th^*^ 
upon which Hamilton and Madison had found seats, JJ^TdS,^^ 
prepared a scheme under which certain taxes imposed 
by the States were to be ear-marked for the service of 
the national debt. 

Hamilton, however, had no confidence in the Futiiiiyof 
efficacy of this scheme, for he saw clearly that any JSuch ^* 
system under which Congress must depend upon the o^n^^Mthe 
States for its revenue would assuredly fail, for the F]!®^*®*" 

^ mdiviaaals 

obvious reason that payment could only be enforced foreseen by 
if Congress were prepared to make war on a defaulting *™^ 
State. Congress, however, could not make war with- 
out the assent of the other States, so that to enforce 
the payment of revenues meant that Congress had to 
persuade some States to make war on others. It was 
idle to argue that by an *' irrevocable contract ' the 
States had plighted their word to meet the requisitions 
of Congress. Experience had conclusively proved 
that partial or total failure to meet these requisitions 
was the rule rather than the exception. So long as 
the Articles of Confederation denied the central 
authority all power to collect revenue from the 
citizens themselves, Congress could effect nothing 
without first inciting civil war between the component 
States. * Power,' as Hamilton remarked, * without 
revenue in political society is a name.' ^ Not merely 
Congress, but the American citizen himself, was placed 

^ Marshall, Tht Life of Washington^ vol. v. pp. 39-40. 
* Alexander Hamilton, Worla, vol. L P. 262. 


CHAP, in an impossible position by this claim of the States 
to an exclusive power of taxation. Suppose that 
Congress should succeed in persuading States who 
had contributed their shares to coerce States who had 
violated the compact, what then was the duty of 
honest citizens in the latter who objected to national 
repudiation ? If civil war were to follow, where was 
the loyalty of such citizens due ? To Congress which 
was endeavouring to discharge, or to the State which 
was determined to ignore, the national obligations ? 
If, in such a contingency, obedience was due to 
Congress, what then became of the claim advanced 
by the State to the unlimited devotion of its citizens, 
for nothing less than that was implied in sovereignty ? 
Americans found themselves in the same predicament 
as the lonians had done in that first fatal experiment 
in the structure of a counterfeit state. ^ The Con- 
federation, Uke that of Delos, was one which imposed 
a dual allegiance and exacted from citizens an equi- 
vocal loyalty. It was the product of minds which 
had never faced the inexorable question whether the 
ultimate obedience of the American was due to his 
State or to the United States. In other words, was 
America to be a state at all and to acquire the 
stability which statehood alone can give, or was it to 
be no more than an aUiance of sovereign states, which 
from its nature could not be otherwise than temporary 
and soluble, however loudly its founders might assert 
it to be permanent in the terms of the contract ? If 
America was indeed to achieve statehood, the revolted 
colonies might continue as States in name but must 
cease to be states in fact. The right to make 
unlimited calls on the revenues and property of the 
citizens must be surrendered to the United States, 
and in that Commonwealth there must be some 
organ through which it could call upon individual 

^ See above pp. 43-6. 


citizens not merely to satisfy its claims, but to aid to chap. 
the full extent of their lives and property in enforcing 
that claim on their fellow-citizens. Whether the 
United States could e3:]3t as a commonwealth would 
depend, not upon the consent of all Americans then 
or afterwards, but upon whether a su£Scient number 
of Americans could be found to respond to the calL 
This, translated into concrete terms, meant, as 
Hamilton perceired, that Congress must not only be 
able to tax the individual citizen, but must likewise 
be competent to call upon him to oblige individual 
defaulters to pay their taxation. Its executions must 
issue, not against States, but individuals. Hamilton 
moved, therefore, in Congress, as an additional* amend- 
ment to the eighth article of the Confederation, ' that 
the taxes, for the use of the continent, should be laid 
and levied separate from any other tax, and should 
be paid directly into the national treasury ; and that 
the collectors respectively should be liable to an 
execution to be issued by the treasurer, or his deputy, 
under the direction of Congress, for any arrears of 
taxes by him to be collected, which should not be 
paid into the treasury in conformity with the 
requisitions of Congress.' ^ 

Congress, however, was too completely the creature The scheme 
of the States to accept such a motion. The best that congress ^ 
it could be got to do was to adopt in an emasculated Ha^rton's 
form the committee's scheme for ear-marking taxes, amendment. 

_ • AnnftRi to 

This scheme was then forwarded to the States together the statet 
with a report, which concluded in the following words : thepinapie 
*No instance has heretofore occurred, nor can any ^q-JJ^JJj' 
instance be expected hereafter to occur, in which the 
unadulterated forms of republican government can 
pretend to so fair an opportunity of justifying them- 
selves by their fruits. In this view, the citizens of 
the United States are responsible £t>r the greatest 

^ Marshall, The Lift of fFa^ingUn^ rol y, |k 41, note. 


CHAP, trust ever confided to a political society. If justice, 
good &ith, honour, gratitude, and all the other good 
qualities which ennoble the character of a nation, 
and fulfil the ends of governnient, be the firuits of 
our establislunents, the cause of liberty will acquire 
a dignity and lustre which it has never yet enjoyed : 
and an example will be set, which cannot but have 
the most favourable influence on the rights of man- 
kind. If, on the other side, our governments should 
be unfortunately blotted with the reverse of these 
cardinal and essential virtues, the great cause which 
we have engaged to vindicate will be dishonoured 
and betrayed, the last and fairest experiment in 
favour of the rights of human nature will be turned 
against them, and their patrons and Mends exposed 
to be insulted and sUenoed by the votaries of tyranny 
and usurpation.' ^ 
Waahinff- The Subsequent failure of the French to justify 

addroffi%n their &eedom, which in England delayed electoral 
hlaoffi^ in ^eform some forty years, and in Europe led to the 
rapport of Holy Alliance, has since proved the gravity of this 
warning. The principle of the commonwealth itself 
was at stake, and Washington seized the occasion of 
his approaching resignation to review the political 
June 1783. situation in a circular letter addressed to the State 
governors. ^An indissoluble union of the States 
under one federal head' was, he assured them, 
essential, not merely to the well-being but also to the 
independence of* the United States. Forbearing to 
discuss the question whether it was necessary to 
enlarge the existing powers of Congress, he warned 
them that, unless the States suffered Congress to 
exercise those powers which it was supposed to possess 
under the Constitution, there was nothing before them 
but anarchy and confusion. ' It is indispensable,' he 
added, 'to the happiness of the individual states, 

^ Marshall, The Life of Washinffton, vol. v. pp. 46-7. 


that tliere should be lodged somewhere a supreme chap. 


power, to regulate and govern the general concerns of ._^^^. 
the confederated republic, without which the union 
cannot be of long duration. ... It is only in our 
united character that we are known as an empire; 
that oar independance is acknowledged; that our 
power can be regarded, or our credit supported among 
foreign nations. The treaties of the European powers 
with the United States of America will have no 
validitj on a dissolution of the Union. ' We sheJl be 
left nearly in a state of nature, or we may find, by 
our own unhappy experience, that there is a natural 
and necessary progression from the extreme of anarchy 
to the extreme of tyranny ; and that arbitrary power 
is most easily established on the ruins of liberty 
abused to licentiousness.' ^ By hard experience this 
plain Virginian gentleman had rediscovered truths 
enunciated by the greatest of the Greeks,^ and was 
expressing them almost in the same words. But for 
his own selfless and unwearying pursuit of the ideals 
which he had drawn his sword to vindicate, those 
truths would have been verified in America, as he 
himself lived to see them verified in France. 

Turning then to the failure of the States to fulfil vital defect 
the compact embodied in the Articles of Confederation, stitationthe 
he told them plainly that their will and not their gj^g^i^^ 
power to meet their obligations was questioned by ofwiiuiysing 

.it by mere 

^ the world, and warned them that the path which iniiction. 
they were pursuing led straight towards moral and 
financial bankruptcy. ' In what part of the continent 
shall we find any man, or body of men, who would 
not blush to stand up and propose measures purposely 
calculated to rob the soldier of his stipend, and the 
public creditor of his due?'* In this one sentence 

^ Marshall) The Life of fFashingtont vol. v. pp. 64-6. 

> Plato, lUpublic, Book VIII. § 662. 

' Marshall, The Life of Washington, vol. v. p. 67. 


OHAP. he put his finder on the defect which vitiated the 


Articles of Confederatioiu* So long as the fblfilment 
of their contract by the other States depended merely 
on the principle of co-operation, repudiation of the 
national liabilities could be brought about automati- 
cally, without a single member of a single assembly 
undertaking the odious task of proposing or defend- 
ing such measures. Included in their debts, as he 
reminded them, was the provision which they were 
pledged to make for the m^i who had won their 
independence. ' That provision should be viewed as 
it really was, a reasonable compensation offered by 
Congress, at a time when they had nothing else to 
give, to the officers of the army, for services then to 
be performed. It was the only means to prevent 
a total dereliction of the service. It was a< part of 
their hire. I may be allowed to say, it was the 
price of their blood, and of your independance. It 
is, therefore, more than a common debt ; it is a debt 
of honour. It can never be considered as a pension, 
or gratuity; nor be cancelled until it is fairly dis- 
charged.' ^ For the non-commissioned officers and 
privates disabled by active service he added a special 
word of appeal. ' Nothing but a punctual payment 
of their annual allowance can rescue them from the 
most complicated misery ; and nothing could be a 
more melancholy and distressing sight, than to behold 
those who have shed their blood, or lost their limbs, 
in the service of their country, without a shelter, 
without a friend, and without the means of obtaining 
any of the necessaries or comforts of life ; compelled 
to beg their daily bread from door to door. Suffer 
me to recommend those of this description, belonging 
to your state, to the warmest patronage of your 
excellency and your legislature.' * 

1 Marshall, The Life of Washington, vol. v. pp. 59*00. 
« lUd, pp. 61-2. 


He next proceeded to emphasize the absolute chap. 
necessity of securing uniformity in the organization 
and equipment of the militia to be maintained by 
the States in time of peace. How hopeless it was 
to expect any such uniformity from the action of 
thirteen separate governments, no one knew better 
than himself, and in guarded words he went on to 
tell them from his own experience how little the 
principle of co-operation had contributed to the 
achievement of their independence. * I could demon- 
strate, to every mind open to conviction, that in 
less time, and with much less expence, than has 
been incurred, the war might have been brought to 
the same happy conclusion, if the resources of the 
continent could have been properly drawn forth ; that 
the distresses and disappointments which have very 
often occurred have, in too many histances, resulted 
more from a want of energy in the continental govern- 
ment than a deficiency of means in the particular 
states ; that the inefficacy of measures, arising from 
the want of an adequate authority in the supreme 
power, from a partial compliance with the requisi- 
tions of Congress in some of the states, and from a 
failure of punctuality in others, while it tended to 
damp the zeal of those which were more willing to 
exert themselves, served also to accumulate the 
expences of the war, and to frustrate the best-con<^ 
certed plans ; and that the discouragement occasioned 
by the complicated difficulties and embarrassments 
in which our affairs were by this means involved, 
would have long ago produced the dissolution of any 
army less patient, less virtuous, and less persevering, 
than that which I have had the honour to command.' ^ 
The address ended with an appeal to principles which 
in Wa3hington's view were the bedrock of political 
society. *I now make it my earnest prayer, that 

^ Marshall, The Life of WaskiiigUnu vol v. pp. 68-4. 


CHAP. God . • . would incline the hearts of the citizens to 
^^^^.^^^.^^ cultivate a spirit of subordination and obedience to 
His views on govemment ; to entertain a brotherly affection and 
theuitunato j^^^ £^^ ^^^ another, for their fellow-citizens of the 
government. United Statcs at large, and particularly for their 
brethren who have served in the field ; and, finally, 
that he would most graciously be pleased to dispose 
us all to do justice, to love mercy, and to demean 
ourselves with that charity, humility, and pacific 
temper of mind, which were the characteristics of the 
divine author of our blessed religion; without an 
humble imitation of whose example in these things 
we can never hope to be a happy nation.'^ Such 
were the words in which one, who for eight years had 
carried on his shoulders the destiny of a Common- 
wealth greater than any that the world had yet seen, 
chose to resign the charge it had laid upon him. 
Washington had learned in the stem school of 
responsibility that states are to be knit and the 
principle of the commonwealth is to be realized only 
by mutual sacri^ce, not by self-interest, however 
intelligently realized, as exponents of the commercial 
system had so long proclaimed to the world. 
Washing- * The imprcssiou,' says Marshall, *made by this 

^or^Ey* solemn and affecting admonition could not be sur- 
and^^' passed. The circumstances under which it was given, 
consequent added to the veueration with which it was received ; 


of Oongress. and, like the counsel of a parent on whom the grave 
is about to close for ever, it sunk deep into the hearts 
of all. But, like the counsels of a parent withdrawn 
from view, the advice was too soon forgotten, and 
the impression it had made was too soon effaced. 

^ The recommendations of Congress did not receive 
that prompt consideration which the public exigence 
demanded, nor did they meet that universal assent 

^ For the full text of Washington's address see Marshall, The Life of 
Washington, vol. v. pp. 48-65. 


which was necessary to give them eflfect' ^ In vain chap. 
CJongress continued to urge their adoption. Its 
requisitions, meantime, of revenues required for the 
national administration *were annually repeated, 
and were annually neglected. From the first of 
'November, 1784, to the first of January, 1786, there 
had been paid into the public treasury only 482,897 1^ 
dollars.' * The interest due on the public debt had 
been partly met firom a fresh loan negotiated in 
Holland by Adams, but when that was gone Congress, 
unable to meet the interest upon it, became liable for 
the first instalment of the principal. Continental 
securities sank to one-eighth and eventually to one- 
tenth of their nominal value. At length the Bevenue 
Committee reported to Congress that any reliance on Feb. irse. 
requisitions as a means of discharging the engage- 
ments of the Confederacy must in future be regarded 
as an insult to the creditors of the Union and a 
danger to its peace and welfare. *" Under public 
embarrassments," they added, "which were daily 
increasing, it had become the duty to declare, most 
explicitly, that the crisis had arrived, which the 
people of the United States, by whose will, and for 
whose benefit, the federal government was instituted, 
must decide whether they will support their rank as 
a nation, by mainteining the public faith at home and 
abroad, or whether, for want of a timely exertion 
in establishing a general revenue, and thereby giving 
strength to the confederacy, they will hazard, not 
only the existence of the IJnion, but of those great 
and invaluable privileges for which they have so 
arduously and so honourably contended." 

*The revenue-system of the 18th of April, 1783, 
was again solemnly recommended to the consideration 

1 Marshall, The Life of Waahington^ vol. v. pp. 66-6. 
' Ibid, vol. V. p. 68. In the five years following 1781 four requisitions 
were ordered amounting in all to $15,870,987, of which $2,450,808 were paid. 


CHAP, of the several states, and their unanimous and early 

accession to it was declared to be the only measure 

which could enable Congress to preserve the public 

faith, and to avoid the fatal evils which will inevitably 

flow from ^' a violation of those principles of justice, 

which are the only solid basis of the honour and 

prosperity of nations." ' * 

Agreement Under the system proposed in April 1783, pro- 

sti^^to vision had been made for a revenue sid£cient to meet 

«>noede to the obligations of the Union to the full With this 

Goiigress ^ 

the riffht end in view it had been found necessary to propose 

customs, that certain internal taxes as well as customs should 

New YorWT ^^ reserved to Congress. The expedient of dropping 

the internal taxes, which the States were most un« 

willing to surrender, was next tried, and in the course 

of the year 1786 every State but one had agreed to 

concede the customs. The Assembly of New York 

refused to comply without making certain alterations 

in the scheme, which were fatal to its efficacy. As 

the recalcitrant attitude of one State suspended the 

operations of the grants made by all the others, 

Clinton, the Governor of New York, was requested 

to convene the Assembly and to submit the matter 

to them once more. Clinton refused, ' and thus was 

finally defeated the laborious and persevering efi*ort 

made by the federal government, to obtain from the 

states the means of preserving, in whole or in part, 

the faith of the nation.' ^ 

Comments ^ The private letters of that period abound with 

toJ!^*Hi^^' passages, shewing the solicitude with which General 

fears and Washington watched the progress of this recommenda- 

hopes for o . , P , ^ 

the nation, tiou, and the chagrin with which he viewed the 
obstacles to its adoption. In a letter of October, 
1785, he said, "The war, as you have very justly 
observed, has terminated most advantageously for 

1 Marshall, The Life of WashingUn^ vol. v. pp. 70-1. 
« tM. p. 78. 


America, and a fair field is presented to our view ; chap. 
but I confess to you freely, my dear sir, that I do 
not think we possess wisdom or justice enough to 
cultivate it properly. Illiberality, jealousy, and local 
policy, mix too much in all our public councils, £ot 
the good government of the Union. In a word, the 
confederation appears to me to be little more than 
a shadow without the substance, and Congress a 
nugatory body, their ordinances being little attended 
to. — To me it is a solecism in politics, — indeed it is 
one of the most extraordijiary things in nature, that 
we should confederate as a nation, and yet be afraid 
to give the rulers of that nation, who are the creatures 
of our own making, appointed for a limited and a 
short duration, and who are amenable for every 
action, recallable at any moment, and subject to 
all the evils which they may be instrumental in 
producing, sufficient powers to order and direct the 
affairs of the same. By such policy as this, the 
wheels of government are clogged, and our brightest 
prospects, and that high expectation which was en* 
tertained of us by the wondering world, are turned 
into astonishment; and, from the high ground on 
which we stood, we are descending into the vale of 
confusion and darknes& 

* " That we have it in our power to become one of 
the most respectable nations upon earth admits, in 
my humble opinion, of no doubt ; if we would but 
pursue a wise, just, and liberal policy towards one 
another, and would keep good faith with the rest of 
the world. That our resources are ample and increas- 
ing, none can deny ; but while they are grudgingly 
applied, or not applied at all, we give a vital stab to 
public faith, and will sink, in the eyes of Europe, 
into contempt." ' ^ Washington, however, never quite 
despaired of his countrymen. * People,' as he said, 

' Marshall, The Life of fFashington, vol. v. pp. 73-4. 





May 1786. 

of the Peace 
of Paris 
ignored bj 
tne States. 
Justice of 
refusal to 
by Jay and 

Stability of 
the State 
by the 

of liberty as 

* mnst fed before they will see ; eonseqiieiitlyy they 
are brought slowly into measures of public utility. 
Past experience, or the admonition of a few, have but 
little weight. But evils of this nature work their own 
cure, though the remedy comes slower than comports 
with the wishes of those who foresee, or think they 
foresee, the danger/ ^ 

'The discerning part of the community,' he 
wrote, ' have long since seen the necessity of giving 
adequate powers to Congress for national purposes, 
and those of a different description must yield to it 
ere long/ * 

By the Peace of Paris America had contracted 
obligatioQS other than those due to her creditors, 
which the States had ignored. By the fourth article 
of that agreement they were bound to remove every 
impediment to the recovery of bona fide debts (owed 
by Americans to British subjects), and some of them . 
had passed laws in flagrant disregard of this obliga- 
tion.' The British Grovemment declined therefore to 
evacuate posts which they still occupied in American 
territory when the peace was signed. Jay, the 
candid Secretary for Foreign Affairs, reported to 
Washington that the States had violated the treaty. 
*Had we observed good faith on our part,' wrote 
Washington, ' we might have told our tale to the 
world with a good grace, but complaints ill become 
those who are found to be the first aggressors.' ^ 

Events meantime had been going from bad to 
worse. * Enormous opinions which confound liberty 
with an exemption from legal controul ' were abroad 
in men's minds, producing * a state of things which 
alarmed all reflecting men, and demonstrated to 
many the indispensable necessity of clothing govern- 
ment with powers sufficiently ample for the protection 

1 Marshall, Tht Lift of Washington, vol. v. p. 98. 
« IHd. p. 87. » Ibid. p. 99. * Ibid. p. 99. 


of the rights of the peaceable and quiet, fix)m the chap. 
invasions of the licentious and turbulent part of the ^^^^ 
community.' * The authority not merely of Congress by jav 
but of the States themselves was threatened with fn^"*"' 
dissolution. As Jay wrote to Washington, * Privajbe June 27, 
rage for property, suppresses public considerations, ^ ^^' 
and personal rather than national interests have 
become the great objects of attention. Representa- 
tive bodies will ever be faithful copies of their 
originals, and generally exhibit a chequered assemblage 
of virtue and vice, of abilities and weakness. The 
mass of men are neither wise nor good, and the virtue, 
like the other resources of a country, can only be 
drawn to a point, by strong circumstances ably 
managed, or strong governments ably administered.' * 
*Your sentiments,' replied Washington, 'that our 
affairs are drawing rapidly to a crisis, accord with 
my own. What the event will be is also beyond 
the reach of my foresight. We have errors to correct ; 
we have probably had too good an opinion of human 
nature in forming our confederation. Experience has 
taught us, that men will not adopt and carry into 
execution measures the best calculated for their own 
good, without the intervention of coercive power. I 
do not conceive we can exist long as a nation, with- 
out lodging somewhere a power which will pervade 
the whole Union in as energetic a manner as the 
authority of the state governments extends over the 
several states. To be fearful of investing Congress, 
constituted as that body is, with ample authorities, 
for national purposes, appears to me the very climax 
of popular absurdity and madness. . . . We must 
take human nature as we find it: perfection falls 
not to the share of mortals. Many are of opinion, 
that Congress have too frequently made use of the 

1 Marshall, The Life of Washington, vol. v. p. 130. 
« Ibid. pp. 10910. 

2 Q 


CHAP, suppliant humble tone of requisition, in applications 
to the states, when they had a right to assert their 
imperial dignity, and command obedience. Be that 
as it may, requisitions are a perfect nullity, where 
thirteen sovereign, independant, disunited states, are 
in the habit of discussing, and refusing or complying 
with them at their option. Requisitions are actually 
little better than a jest, and a by-word throughout 
the land. If you tell the legislatures they have 
violated the treaty of peace, and invaded the pre- 
rogatives of the confederacy, they will laugh in your 
face. What then is to be done ? Things cannot go 
on in the same train for ever. It is much to be 
feared, as you observe, that the better kind of people, 
being disgusted with these circumstances, will have 
their minds prepared for any revolution whatever. 
We are apt to run from one extreme into another. 
To anticipate and prevent disastrous contingencies 
would be the part of wisdom and patriotism. What 
astonishing changes a few years are capable of pro- 
ducing I I am told that even respectable characters 
speak of a monarchical form of government without 
horror ! From thinking proceeds speaking, thence to 
acting is often but a single step. But how irrevocable 
and tremendous ! What a triumph for our enemies, 
to verify their predictions! What a triumph for 
the advocates of despotism, to find that we are 
incapable of governing ourselves, and that systems 
founded on the basis of equal liberty are merely ideal 
and fallacious! Would to God that wise measures 
may be taken in time to avert the consequences we 
have but too much reason to apprehend.' ^ 
Waahing. . The experience of creating a commonwealth from 
i^n its raw materials had taught Washington the principle 
°^j^jj' of its structure* More thoroughly than some of his 
Freeman, modem admircrs he had learned how freedom differs 

^ Marshall, The Life of Washington, vol y. pp.* 110-18. 


from anarchy. Exactly a century later, the anni- ohap. 
versary of his own birthday was chosen for airing ,,.^,,,.^^,,.^ 
the ^enormous opinion' which Washington was 
combating in these letters.^ If Freeman had seen, 
as his hero had done, society dissolving into its 
primitive elements, he would scarcely have drifted 
into talking as though the enforcement . of unwilling 
subjects were the feature which distinguished empires 
from commonwealths. Eleven turbulent years had 
taught Washington and his associates that because 
unwilling subjects are and always will be a fact to be 
reckoned with, a commonwealth armed with dominion 
and competent to enforce it is the essential condition 
of freedom. *We imagined,' he wrote in August, • 'irse. 
' that the mildness of the government and the virtue 
of the people were so correspondent, that we were 
not as other nations, requiring brutal force to support 
the laws. But we find that we are men, actual men, 
possessing all the turbulent passions belonging to 
that animal, and that we must have a government 
proper and adequate for him. Men of reflection and 
principle are determined to endeavour to establish a 
government which shall have the power to protect 
them in their lawfril pursuits, and which will be 
efficient, in cases of internal commotions or foreign 
invasions. They mean that liberty shall be the 
basis ; — a liberty resulting from the equal and firm 
administration of the laws.' ^ 

The closing words of this letter are a reference to 
measures which were now in train for giving efi'ect 

^ See extract from Professor Fi-eeman's address delivered in 1886 on 
Washington's birthday, printed above, pp. 227-8. * That this now familiar 
name of '^Empire" expresses a fact, and a mighty fact, none can doubt. 
The only doubt that can be raised is whether the fkct of Empire is a whole- 
some one. . . . Empire is dominion ; it implies subjects ; the name may even 
suggest unwilling subjects.' A study of Washington's papers should have 
shown Freeman that he could iiardly have selected a theme less appropriate 
to the occasion. 

' Marshall, The Life of WoBkingUmy vol. v. p. 184. 


CHAP, to the principleB here set forth. The story has been 


brilliaDtly told by Hamilton's latest biographer. 

KamtiTe * In the early spring of 1785 a modest but memor- 
^ ^' able meeting took place at Washington's country 

under the ®^* ^^ Mouut Vemou, between representatives from 

gjidance the states of Maryland and Virginia. The occasion 

ington was a coniercnce m regard to waterways between the 

Mociates ^Astem Settlements and the western unpeopled land 

ol^nUon ^y^^S ^^ *^^ valley of the Ohio and to the north-west 

of Phu- The greater portion of these vast territories had been 

cjsded to the Federal Government by the various 

states who claimed them under their charters, or by 

virtue of a nominal occupation. To the south North 

Carolina stretched out in a wide strip to the banks 

of the Mississippi. Her western population, being 

something more than nominal, had refused to be 

included in the cession, and after an unsuccessful 

effort to form themselves into a separate state under 

the name of Frankland, had been compelled to return 

to their old allegiance. 

* The development of the western country was one 
of the great dreams of Washington's life. He foresaw 
the importance of these possessions at a time when 
few men were willing to give them much thought. 
They were the fruits of the great policy of the elder 
Pitt, in which, as a youthful soldier, Washington 
had borne a distinguished part. What the Treaty of 
Paris in 1763 had secured to Britain, another Treaty 
of Paris in 1783 had divided between Britain and 
the victorious colonists. This rich inheritance it was 
his fixed determination to weld into the confederacy. 
By speech and correspondence he had pressed the 
matter upon his fellow -citizens even before peace 
had actually been signed ; and throughout the whole 
of the turbulent period which ensued he continued 
to urge the need for development, and for the firm 
attachment of this estate to the rest of the Union. 


When these means proved inadequate, being a -chap, 
practical man, he founded a joint-stock company to 
open up communications. 

*Even the peculiar advantages of this territory 
appeared to Washington to contain some not in- 
considerable dangers. The splendid waterways of 
the Mississippi and its tributary streams were not 
an unmixed advantage, seeing that the mouth and 
the lower reaches were in the hands of Spain, who 
also extended a shadowy claim to the whole western 
bank and to the unknown region beyond. The easiest 
course for the new settlers was to drift their produce 
down the broad current to New Orleans, and the 
dread of Washington was lest this tendency might 
induce "a habit of trade" with a foreign power; 
an intimacy and a mutual interest which in the end 
might lead to a detachment from the Union. Con- 
sequently, at a time when the chief matter of political 
anxiety with regard to the western lands was the 
menace by Spain against the free navigation of the 
Mississippi, he was more concerned to develop the 
natural trade routes from east to west by clearing 
the waterways of the James, the Potomac, and the 
Ohio, and by the construction of a system of supple- 
mentary canals. 

' It was for the adjustment of certain differences, 
and to procure the co-operation of the two states, 
whose sympathies had already been enlisted in this 
enterprise, that the meeting took place at Mount 
Vernon in March 1785. As the delegates had come 
together in a business-like and peaceful spirit, other 
matters of mutual interest were brought tactfully 
under discussion — the advantages of a uniform 
currency and system of duties ; the need for a general 
cohesion and mutual support among the confederated 
states. Under the spell of a great character prejudice 
was for the moment forgotten, and invitations were 


.CHAP. iiSBued to Pennsylvania and Delaware to join in the 

VIII . • . 

diBcnssioiL But good feeling expanded even further 
— once started on the couise of reason it was easy 
to urge it forward — ^and it was nltimatelj dedded to 
propose to all the thirteen states that in the antnmn 
of the following year (1786) they should meet at 
Annapolis to discuss the whole commercial situation. 
^ Before this date arrived the paper panacea had 
been pricked/ and Shays's rebellion was in full blast. 
In addition, the disputes with Spain about the free 
navigation of the Mississippi had come to a head. 
Threats of the confiscation of American ships pre- 
suming to enter the lower waters had been foUowed 
up by action. The southern states were in a flame 
of indignation. Their northern neighbours were 
apathetic. The problems of the Mississippi did not 
touch their interests at any vital point. On the 
contrary, they desired nothing so much as a good 
understanding with Spain, for they had hopes that 
in this quarter their courtship might not be despised, 
and that a commercial treaty might at last be signed. 
All this pother about free navigation for the sake of 
a few backwoodsmen seemed to them to indicate a 
lack of the sense of proportion. Jay at the Foreign 
Office took this view of the matter, and, as a com- 
promise, advised Congress to consent to close the 
river to free navigation for a period of twenty-five 
years. The southern states were in no mood for 
such concessions, and threatened that if Jay's proposal 
were accepted they would secede and return to the 
British allegiance. The New England states, with 
an equal vivacity, threatened secession unless the 
recommendation were confirmed. The crisis was 
averted only by an indefinite postponement; New 
Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Kbode Island siding with 
the South. 

^ The reference is to the collapse of the paper currency. 


' The convention of Annapolis, thongli it met in ohap. 
stirring times, was but a thin congregation. Only ^"^ 
five of the states appointed commissioners who 
attended; four appointed commissioners who did 
not attend, and the remaining four did not appoint 
commissioners at all. The last class included Mary- 
land, which had joined in issuing the invitation ; 
but what was more than all the rest. New York was 
represented by Hamilton, and Hamilton ruled the 
convention. . . . 

^In the short session at Annapolis it became 
evident to the delegates, under the searching analysis 
of Hamilton, that the only remedy for the evils 
affecting trade must be look^ for in broad constitu- 
tional changes which their limited commissions gave 
•them no authority to discuss. Under the influence 
of his vigorous spirit the convention had a remarkable 
result; for out of its unanimous conclusion that it 
could do nothing great things came to pass. 

^ Hamilton drafted an address which, after much 
modification, was adopted. . . . The address con- 
cluded by recommending that '^ the states by which 
they have been respectively delegated would concur 
themselves, and use their endeavours to procure the 
concurrence of the other states in the appointment 
of commissioners to meet at Philadelphia on the 
second Monday in May next, to take into considera- 
tion the situation of the United States, to devise such 
further provisions as shall appear to them necessary 
to render the constitution of the Federal Government 
c^deqiLate to the exigencies of the Union J* ' ^ 

As indicated in this narrative, an outbreak of washing- 
anarchy in New England was threatening the existence ^mments 
of the State Governments themselves. Tumultuous ©n the 
meetings were held which denounced the compensation that his 
promised tcr the oflScers of the army, payment of taxes, 

> Oliver, The Life if Al^ioander HamiUtm, pp. 187*42. 


CHAP, and the administration of justice, and called for a 

VIII • . 

^^^^.^^^^^^ depreciated currency as a relief from the pressure of 
personal pubUc and private burdens. Colonel Lee wrote to 
should be *^U Washington that a proposal was on foot that 
n^tein Cougrcss should iuvitc him to visit the disturbed 
oi-derinNew districts, in ordcr that his influence might tranquillize 
^-«'^''^- them. « In one ward, my dear general, we are aU in 
dire apprehension that a beginning of anarchy, with 
all its calamities, is made, and we have no means to 
stop the dreadful work. Knowing your unbounded 
influence, and believing that your appearance among 
the seditious might bring them back to peace and 
reconciliation, individuals suggest the propriety of an 
invitation to you from Congress to pay us a visit. 
This is only a surmise, and I take the liberty to 
mention it to you, that, should the conjuncture of 
affairs induce Congress to make this request, you may 
have some previous time for reflection on it.' ^ Thus 
had Americans learned to lean upon one man, trusting 
to his strength to redress the feebleness of their own 
system. *The picture which you have exhibited,' 
replied the general, ' and the accounts which are 
published of the commotions and temper of numerous 
bodies in the eaatem country, present a state of 
things equally to be lamented and deprecated. They 
exhibit a melancholy verification of what our trans- 
atlantic foes have predicted ; and of another thing, 
which, perhaps, is still more to be regretted, and is 
yet more unaccountable, that mankind, when left to 
themselves, are unfit for their own government. I 
am mortified, beyond expression, when I view the 
clouds which have spread over the brightest mom 
that ever dawned upon any country. In a word, 
I am lost in amazement, when I behold what intrigue, 
the interested views of desperate characters, ignorance 
and jealousy of the minor part, are capable of effecting, 

Marshall, The Life of Washington, vol. v. p. 137. 


as a scourge on the major part of our fellow-citizens chap. 
of the Union ; for it is hardly to be supposed, that ^"^ 
the great body of the people, though they will not 
act, can be so short-sighted, or enveloped in darkness, 
as not to see rays of a distant sun through all this 
mist of intoxication and foUy. 

*You talk, my good Sir, of employing influence 
to appease the present tumults in Massachusets. I 
know not where that influence is to be found ; nor, if 
attainable, that it would be a proper remedy for these 
disorders. Influence is not government. Let us have 
a government, by which our lives, liberties, and 
properties, will be secured, or let us know the worst 
at once/^ These were conditions which even the 
Grovernment of Massachusetts was now ceasing to 
realize, for its Treasury was unable to find funds 
sufficient to keep the State-militia in the field for 
a week. Money was presently subscribed by GU)vemor 
Bowdoin and some wealthy Bostonians, enough to 
equip forces which in the coarse of the winter crushed 
the rebellion after several engagements. 

In all the States but Bhode Island the politicians Kew 
were now thoroughly frightened, and agreed to the ^u(»d^^^ 
proposed Convention for revising the whole system pj^^^i j^j^ 
of government. In May their delegates assembled at Convention. 
Philadelphia under the presidency of Washington, tionandtiie 
who had come to represent Virginia. The draft of S'^^*''''' 
the Constitution, under which the people of the ^^®™^ 
United States of America have since been governed, ment. 
was signed in the following September. Its authors Sept. 17, 
advised that Congress should refer it to conventions ^ ^ * 
of delegates in each State specially chosen for the 
purpose, and should bring the Constitution into force 
when nine States had accepted it. This was done, 
and within a year Congress was able to declare that 
the new Constitution was ratified, and to arrange for 

1 Marshall, The Life of Washington, vol. v. pp. 137-8. 


CHAP, elections. ^ In the following year Congress was elected, 
^^^ZJ^ and Washington unanimously chosen as President 
1789. On April 30 he took the oath and assumed office in 
New York. 

The principles and methods of the commercial 
The system had first divided the British Commonwealth, 

^'con^ and then threatened to reduce the part cut off into 
federation a heap of ruius. Its traditions had inspired the 

contrasted *.-, n rn r -t • i -i* ^ t- 

with the Articles of Confederation adopted m 1781, and it 
station o° was only by discarding them that the Convention 
Stet^"^*^^ of Philadelphia had framed a Constitution under the 
provisions of which the people of the thirteen colonies 
achieved the essentials of statehood. A comparison 
of the two documents will show why the one succeeded 
where the other failed. The Articles of Confederation 
had begun by postulating the sovereignty of the 
several States.^ Article II. reads as follows : * Each 
State retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independ- 
ence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which 
is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to 
the United States in Congress assembled.* This was 
a postulate, and it was followed by a tacit assump- 
tion, for as Article III. declared, *The said States 
hereby severally enter into a firm league of friend- 
ship with each other, for their common defence, the 
security of their liberties, and their mutual and 
general welfare, binding themselves to assist each 
other against all force offered to, or attacks made 
upon them, or any of them, on account of religion, 
sovereignty, trade, or any other pretence whatever.' 
It was here assumed not only that these mutual 
interests were permanent but also that they would 
always in future be recognized as such. For in 
Article XIII., the final and operative clause of the 
contract, these sovereign States covenanted to endorse 

^ See Note D at end of this chapter, p. 660. 
^ See Note at end of this chapter, p. 658. 


resolutions of Confinress passed from time to time in chap. 


accordance with powers assigned to it, and promised 
to abide by the Articles of Confederation. * Every 
State shall abide by the determinations of the 
United States in Congress assembled, on all ques- 
tions which by this Confederation are submitted 
to them. And the Articles of this Confederation 
shall be inviolably observed by every State, and the 
Union shall be perpetuaV ^ 

In using the word sovereignty without realizing inherent 
what was involved in it, the authors of this document ^^l 
had failed to see that this thirteenth Article was in ^S^f ®^ 


conflict with the second. The essence of sovereignty, tion due 

,.,.,. , . -11 to a failure 

whether vested m a monarch or a sovereign assembly, to grasp 
is legal onmipotence. A sovereign is no abstraction, ^f g^J*^^^ 
but must always consist of one or more human beings, ^^^y ^^^ 

■' . *^ ita con- 

What reason is to the body, that sovereignty is to sequences. 
the slate — the nerve-power created to apprehend the 
vicissitudes of life, and, in order to guide the body 
corporate through them, charged with the widest 
possible authority over all its resources. Sovereignty 
can recognize no higher authority than itself without 
destroying its own attributes. Ab its claim to com- 
mand the resources of the community is unlimited, 
so is its judgment unfettered in deciding how far 
that claim is to be exercised, to what extent the 
resources of the state are to be evoked, and how they 
are to be directed. Sovereignty is legal omnipotence 
vested in certain persons for the time being. But 
their legal omnipotence is yet limited by the fact 
that they themselves are creatures of a day. Sooner 
or later they will pass and be gone, and what they 
have done the future custodians of legal omnipotence 
can undo. The one thing which from its nature 
sovereignty cannot do with effect is to bind itself. 
The one thing which sovereigns cannot do, despite 

1 See p. 669. 


CHAP, their legal omnipotence, is legally to bind their 
successors. Hence the inherent infirmity of treaties 
and of all political structures raised on the foundation 
of compact. The men who sat in the assemblies of 
1781 failed to see that if the pledge they were giving 
in Article XIII. was valid at all it must deprive their 
successors of freedom to be guided by their own 
judgment when selecting, in the light of future and 
unforeseeable events, the course to be followed in the 
interests of their State. Such a pledge, if really 
operative, was fetal to the sovereignty postulated in 
Article II. The legislatures of 1781 were, in fact, 
presuming to decree by their votes that their 
successors should cast their votes, not in accordance 
with the interests of their several States as seen 
by those successors, but in accordance with those 
interests as seen once for all by the authors of the 
contract in 1781. As events proved, their successors 
refused to be so bound, and consequently the States 
failed to * abide hy the determinations of the United . 
States in Congress assembled.' The Articles for the 
Confederation were not * inviolably observed by every 
Staiey with the result that in a few years a union 
which purported to * be perpetual ' seemed * ready to 
fall upon the heads of those who had made it and to 
crush them beneath its ruins.' ^ 
The truth, * It has uot a little contributed,' wrote Hamilton, 
8tate*can. * ^ the infirmities of the existing federal system, that 
of steteT^ it never had a ratification by the people. Resting 
but only on uo better foundation than the consent of the 
appre-' scvcral legislatures, it has been exposed to frequent 
Hamilton^ *^^ intricate questions concerning the validity of 
its powers, and has, in some instances, given birth 
to the enormous doctrine of a right of legislative 
repeal. Owing its ratification to the law of a State, 
it has been contended that the same authority might 

1 HamUton, The Federalist, No. XV. p. 91. 


repeal the law by which it was ratified. However chap. 
gross a heresy it may be to maintain that a party to ^^^ 
a compact has a right to revoke that compc^t^ the 
doctrine itself has had respectable advocates. The 
possibility of a question of this nature proves the 
necessity . of laying the foundations of our national 
government deeper than in the mere sanction of 
delegated authority. The fabric of American empire 
ought to rest on the solid basis of the consent 
OF THE PEOPLE. The Streams of national power 
ought to flow immediately from that pure, original 
fountain of all legitimate authority.' ^ Hamilton was 
here feeling his way to the truth. The stability of a 
union is determined far less by the exact method of 
its ratification than its authors are apt to suppose. 
Popular assent, however, was important as a practical 
recognition of the basic principle, which Hamilton 
demonstrated, that a state cannot be made of states 
but only of citizens. 

The Confederation of 1781 was, in fact, the kind why a 
of attempt to square political circles which men notbT" 
always make when they are ignoring the inexorable ^^p^^" 
conditions of freedom and scheming to evade them, but only 
The structure it set up was a sham state, the counter- individual 
part of those so-called empires which led to the ofcmzens. 
destruction of Greece and distracted the people of 
Germany for a thousand years. Its legally minded 
authors had fEdled to realize that compacts are only 
irrevocable in so far as they are subject to one 
sovereignty capable of enforcing them. It is that 
immutable quality in a state, that essential per- 
manence distinguishing it not in degreee, Hbut in kind, 
from all other types of association, which enables it 
to secure that men shall keep their promises, or, in 
other words to turn compacts into contracts. The 
state cannot derive from compacts the immutable 

^ Hamilton, Hie FedenUistf p. 185. 




How the 
were em- 
in the 
tion of the 

quality which it gives to contracts. In humaQ 
affairs the only enduring bond is one by which men 
are united in all respects by an unlimited devotion, 
severally yielded to a single state. It is only by 
virtue of the fiEtct that men are so bound to the state 
in all things that they can bind each other by con* 
tract in some things. The state itself cannot cohere 
unless it contains a sufficient number of members so 
deeply actuated by a sense of duty to their fellow- 
citizens, present and future, as to be ready to sacrifice 
everything to maintain the common authority. This 
imposing structure was tottering because its founda- 
tions were laid in the quicksands of compact, and 
had not been carried right down to the bedrock of 
individual dedication. 

It was this principle which inspired the Constitu- 
tion under which the people of the United States 
of America at length realized the conditions of a 
commonwealth. The language in which it opens is 
not that of contract but of dedication. 'Ws, the 
PEOPLE of the United States, in order to form a 
more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic 
Tranquillity, provide for the common Defence, pro- 
mote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of 
Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain 
and establish this constitution for the United 
States of America/ The same principle was observed 
in the method chosen for the enactment of the 
Constitution, for the Convention resolved: 'That it 
should be submitted to a convention of delegates, 
chosen in each State by the people thereof ... for 
their assent and ratification.' It was the electorates 
of these thirteen States and not their executives or 
legislatures who created a national Govenmient in 
1788, and transferred to it from their own State 
Governments such powers as it would require to fulfil 
the national tasks assigned to it, the power 'to 


provide for calling forth the militia to execute the chap. 
laws of the Union, suppress insurrections and repel ^"^ 
invasions/ ^To declare war/ 'to raise and support 
armies/ 'to provide and maintain a navy/ and 'to 
levy and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises, to 
pay the debts, and provide for the common defence 
and general welfare of the United States/ 

Whenever the way to freedom runs up-hill men Principle 
have often tried some by-path across lower ground, aeni^^n 
only to lose themselves in thickets and swamps. It ^J^by^* 
was thus with the lonians when they failed in the Edward i. 

^ "^ Ignored 

Synod of Delos to realize a genuine system of repre- in the 
sentation. When inviting his people to send confedera- 
representatives to meet him, Edward I. had marked ^c^^ 
the true path by warning them that their delegates J^ *^« 
' are to have full and sufficient power for themselves tion of 


and for the community . . . there and then, for doing 
what shall be ordained ... so that the aforesaid 
business shall not remain unfinished in any way for 
defect of this power/ * Herein was the inexorable 
condition of representative government, a law 
ordained by necessity and merely enunciated by 
Edward I. His now famous writ reads like the 
direction on an ancient signpost obscured by the 
lapse of centuries, but at last uncovered by the 
iBd^try of modem researcL In framing the 
Articles of Confederation the Americans had missed 
it and had wandered down the easier road. Happily 
for them, however, they had listened in time to the 
warnings of Washington and the Federaliste, and in 
accepting the Constitution of Philadelphia had re- 
sumed the steeper and less obvious path up which 
Edward 1. had led their ancestors five hundred years 

In framing that Constitution, however, they them- 
selves were pointing the way to a higher freedom, to a 

^ See aboye, pp. 100-101. 


CHAP, wider application of the principle of the common- 
,^^^^^^^^^ wealth. That system of government first began in 
How the Greece when neighbours who gathered in one market- 
onh? place had learned how to focus their experience into 
Constitu^ laws, and to endure any sacrifice needed to make them 
tion them- prevail To these founders of freedom it seemed in- 
opened conccivablc that a commonwealth could ever include 
a further^ citizcns morc than could be collected in one place and 
of^he^°" join in one discussion.^ That prediction was falsified 
principle whcu the English device of representation had made 
common- it possiblc for much wider communities united by a 
wealth. sense of race to focus their experience into lawa 
The There were limits to the area which could be govemed 

^fofa ^J an assembly of representatives gathered at one 
w^^"^ point ; but those limits were not, as Burke believed, 
noio^er permanently fixed by the obstacle of mere space. 
by the Problems of distance required for their solution im- 
fcuy provements rather in the sphere of mechanics than 
of collect- ^f politics, and to-day it would be easier for 

ing in one jt » ./ 

assembly representatives from both sides of the Atlantic to 

senutives meet than it was for representatives from the opposite 

ywtoliu extremities of England in the days of Edward I. 

Under modern conditions of travel there would be 

no insuperable difficulty in collecting an assembly from 

the Airthest limits of the globe, and the time will 

arrive when the difficulty will have ceased to exist 

Inexorable The time, howcvcr, will never arrive when one 

^^ assembly could attempt to enact all the l^islation 

capacity required from day to day by the various sections of 

Pariia- the humau race, for the collective capacity of one 

trans- ^^ legislature for transacting business is a factor which 

b^iness. mcchauical inventions can do little to increase. The 

work its members can get through is not so much 

limited by the time they must take in travelling to a 

common centre, as by the time at their disposal when 

they are convened. With a jurisdiction no larger 

^ See above, pp. 25-6. 



than England, Parliament in the Middle Ages had chap. 
been obliged to pass laws applicable only to the ^,^^^,,^^^^^ 
peculiar conditions of particular localities, and the Need of 
growing complexity of civihzation has further j^i^t 
increased the need for diflferential legislation. The ^^^^^ 

^5 commc 

legislative wants of a community like Athens, wealth 
smaller in population and scarcely larger in area than At^Dt. 
some modem municipalities, could all be satisfied by 
uniform legislation. But as soon as the device of re* 
presentation had rendered possible the existence of 
commonwealths on a national scale this ceased to be 
so. If commonwealths larger and more populous than 
England were to be realized, no single Parliament 
could hope to grapple with the business of suiting the 
laws in detail to the needs of various localities. 

English society, however, with its power of adapt- How the 
ing itself to new conditions had prepared the way for syXm of 
a solution of this problem. This, as shown in previous ^o^^had 
chapters,^ explains why the English plantations had pennitted 
struck their roots so much more deeply, and grown de^e^^- 
so much more freely than those of Spain or France. J^^f ^^ 
The English colonists had been left to work out for \^' 
themselves a framework of society suited to the novel 
conditions of soil and climate in which they found 
themselves. American conditions differed from those of 
Europe, and English colonists ^^re permitted to adapt 
their organization to the difference. But the various 
parts of North America differed from each other as 
much as or more so than the various parts of Europe. 
No society established on a perfectly uniform pattern 
could possibly have suited a country which included 
climates and soils more different than those which 
are to be found between Finland and Sicily. It 
would have been a fatal mistake, therefore, if, the first 
colony having been established with a representative 
assembly of its own in Virginia, every later settlement 

1 See above, pp. 212-18, 804-5. 



CHAP, from New England to Georgia had been called on to 
send representatives to that one central assembly. 
Even if such an assembly could have been gathered, 
it could never have found time to work out the 
multitude of local enactments which were required to 
suit the conditions of its highly various constitaentB. 
As it was each settlement was happily allowed to 
develop an assembly of its own, through which the 
local experience could be collected and embodied in 
statutes suited to the local conditions. 
Central As thesc Communities grew their respective 

menUn inhabitants came into touch with each other, and 
common- t)egan to develop relations of a wider kind which 
wealth there was no authority in America competent to 
possible control The true conditions of liberty could not be 
develop- ^ realized until the American people had acquired for 
w*^^^ themselves an organ through which they could 
author- coutrol thfise wider relations. Such an organ was 
effectively created by the C!onstitution of 1788. 
But if its authors had tried to impose on that central 
organ the whole of the business at present transacted 
by the States, they would have robbed the Common- 
wealth of its present power of adapting its law to 
local conditions. The bupden, moreover, placed on 
the central organ would have been so heavy as to 
impair its utility for national purposes. Not many 
years would have passed before the same kind of 
creeping paralysis, which is gradually enervating 
the Imperial Parliament of the British Commonwealth, 
would have overtaken it. The avoidance of this error 
explains why the American Commonwealth has been 
able to extend without either splitting into pieces or 
losing its efficiency. When its Constitution was 
framed the thirteen original States contained some 
3,500^000 inhabitants of all races. Tb-day iii includes 
some forty-eight States with an aggregate population 
of more than 100,000,000 souls. Exponents of mere 


centralization are for ever harpiufi: on the vices of chap. 


the State legislatures as though they were bodies not 
bad by comparison, but like Sodom and Gk)morrah 
bad in themselves and past cure. In any state the 
local organs, when dissected and viewed apart, nearly 
always suffer by comparison with the organs of the 
central government. What these critics forget, 
however, is that in a great commonwealth it is the 
presence of these local organs which alone renders 
possible the existence of the central government. If 
the State 'Governments were abolished as things too 
rotten to reform, the government of all America 
through the central organ at Washington would be 
wholly impossible. The stomach, liver, and bowels, 
as the anatomists know, are sadly defective organs ; 
but without them the development of life would 
never have passed the stage of the jelly-fish. 
, The cause of liberty does not, indeed, depend upon This truth 
the development of central governmente, nor yet upon SJ^*«^ 
the development of local authorities. In the last ^^J^e^^"^ 
analysis it must always depend upon the due develop- United 
ment of both. A glance at the cooaditions of America 
as they now are will best illustrate this truth. Let 
it be supposed for a moment that the United States 
were divided into forty-eight sovereign communities, 
with no eommon organ through which the general 
affairs of America might be rendered amenable to the 
control of the people at large, such conditions would 
mean that the people of North America would be as 
much exposed to the interference and domination of 
foreign powers as were the people of Germany, so 
long as they remained divided into a multitude of 
separate states. But they would ako be at the mercy 
of vast commercial corporations, which, even as things 
are, the powers of the Federal Government are 
scarcely sufi&cient to control. The subdivision of the 
American Commonwealth into forty-eight sovereign 


CHAP, states would in fact mean the subjection of the 


y^,^.^.^^ people at large to a subtle and intangible network 
of tyranny. 

Let it now be supposed, on the other hand, that 
the whole of these local legislatures were abolished 
and that their powers were transferred to the central 
government at Washington. It will be obvious 
that in agriculture, education, and a large number 
of matters, it would be mischievous in the extreme 
if uniform laws were applied to districts so different 
as those of Maine, California, Dakota, and Florida. 
In theory, of course, a central legislature might, as 
in England, pass local laws applicable to local con- 
ditions, but in practice it will readily be seen that 
no such legislature would have the time to digest 
the necessary measures unless it broke itself up into 
a large number of committees. But if this expedient 
were adopted, the members of these local committees 
would be so busily employed that they would have 
no time in which to attend to the general concerns 
of the Commonwealth as a whole. Congress, in a 
word, would be unable to digest the reports of its 
own multitudinous committees, and the same would 
be true of the centtel Executive. The business 
would have to be divided amongst so many officers 
of ministerial rank that the Executive as a whole 
would lose control of its component parts. In order 
to correlate their work the President would need 
more than a Napoleon's capacity for transacting 
The Herein lies the importance of the work accom- 

l?d^?^" plished by the Philadelphia Convention of 1787. In 
tributing ^jjg writs with which Edward I. had summoned the 


between Model Parliament he had stereotyped the principle 

and local of representation. In like manner the Philadelphia 

me^ti^ Convention in establishing the American Common- 

hTth^^ wealth had stereotyped the principle of confining 


the central government of the Commonwealth to chai^. 
the management of such affairs as were common s.^^.,^^,,^ 
to the people as a whole and which experience American 
had shown could not be controlled by the co- tion^al" 
operation of separate States. It had carefully '^^^^' 
preserved the executive and legislative machinery .extenaion 
of the States, and had assigned to them all the as the 
business, which from the nature of the case they Srepre^^" 
could transact. In a large state the diflficulty will ®®^^^]^* 
always be for the central government to find time ment 
and strength for the transaction of the general affairs. 
It was so in the Eoman Empire ; but in common* 
wealths the difficulty is &r greater than in autocracies. 
Indeed, it may be said that the principle of the 
commonwealth depends for its future growth upon 
the success or failure of statesmen in devising means 
for relieving the central government of any buainess 
that can possibly be transferred to local authorities. 

Thus were provided in the Constitution the two Provision 

T,« j.*ij.ii •! J* 1 intheCon- 

conditions essential to the existence of a great stitution 
commonwealth, a central government with powers automatic 
adequate for the general interests, and local govern- mcorpora- 
ments with authority adequate for local interests, colonies 
This was much, but it was more that the Constitution common- 
went on to provide that, as the Commonwealth grew, ^^®*^^^- 
the operation of the central and local authorities 
should both be extended automatically and so far as 
possible side by side. The United States was to 
emit colonies as England had done,^ but only as the 
germs of local authorities subject to the authority of 
the parent Commonwealth. Most of the revolted 
States had filed claims to the unoccupied territories 
of the West. Congress, more successful in this than 
in other directions, had persuaded them to assign 
these claims to itself, and while the Convention was 
sitting at Philadelphia provided for their future 

^ See Map (b) on Plate X. at the end of this volume. 


dBAP. govenunent in an oTdinance only less important 
^^^^^^^^^^^ than the Federal Conatitaticm itseli In effect, the 
Jan. 13, familiar methods of British colonial administration 
were applied to the West. To b^in with, territories 
were to be administered, as in a Crown colony, by 
officials nominated by the central Government. As 
the population increased a gov^nor was to be 
appointed by Congress and a representatire legislature 
for the colony called into existence. Conditions were 
then defined under which they were eventually to be 
admitted as partner States in the Confederation. 
The Convention of Philadelphia took note of these 
proceedings, and in the Constitution they were 
drafting secured to the Federal Covernment the 
authority necessary for administering these t^ritories, 
for controlling the development of their oiganization 
and for their eventual admission as States on an 
equal footing with the rest.^ The details had still 
to be worked out in years to con^e by Congress in 
accordance with the powers secured to it by the 
Constitution ; but the net result has been that settlers 
in an American colony, when acquiring the fuU 
privileges of responsible self-government, assumed at 
the same time the fullest responsibilities of the 
Commonwealth as a whole. In achieving Statehood 
they also acquired full representation in the Federal 
Government and assumed the full responsibility hr 
all burdens. An effective provision was thus made 
from the outset to correct the fissiparous tendencies 
of a commonwealth. British statesmen had failed to 
devise any system whereby colonists could continue 
to discharge the full duties of citizenship in respect 
of the general Commonwealth; They had failed to 
realize that, unless such a system was devised, these 
colonies must of necessity develop, as in Greece, into 
separate commonwealths and split off. Massachusetts 

^ See Note D at end of this chapter, Article IV. sect. 8, p. 668. 


hftd claimed this poBition from the outset.^ The qhap. 


authors of the Constitution now saw to it that no 
American colonist should ever be entitled to make 
that claim. From first to last he was to remain a 
citizen of the United States, and it was merely a 
matter of time till the inhabitants of a colony should 
be initiated to the widest responsibilities of the 
Commonwealth. The process was defined and made 
automatic, and a repetition of the process by which 
the thirteen colonies had been separated from the 
parent Commonwealth was successfully forestalled. 
That separation was in harmony with the principles 
of colonization as understood by the Greeks, and was 
applauded by Freeman as such. In his enthusiasm 
for it, however, he omitted to note that a further 
application of the Greek principle to America was 
expressly barred by the authors of its Constitution.^ . 

Experience had taught these legislators that there FederaiiBm 
were certain interests common to the people of the no "S • a 
United States. Theae they scheduled, and hoin the ^^^^ 
materials of the existing Con&ress they remodelled f^e^^y 


a genuine central authority with general powers central 
adequate to the administration of these specified autho^ 
interests. Most other functions of government were |n?he^^^ 
assumed to be local functions, and these were asaisned vesting of 


to genuine local authorities remodelled from the eigntyina 
mat^ials of the existing States. Certain other i^a^re. 
powers, such as passing a Bill of Attainder or an 
Ex post f(zcto Law, were assigned neither to the 
central nor to the local authorities. ' Such a law as 
that recently passed by the South African Union 
legalizing the deportation of nine labour leaders could 

^ See above, pp. 205, 320. 

• For the passage to which i-efcrence is made see extract printed on pp. 
228-9, from Freeman's address delivered on th« annivei'sary of Washii^ton's 

' See Note D at end of this chapter, Article I. sects. 9 and 10, pp. 664-5, 
and the first fifteen Amendments, pp. 672-6. 


CHAP, have been passed in America neither by any of the 
State legislatures nor yet by Congress. One all- 
important power was given neither to the central 
nor local authorities — ^the supreme power of altering 
the distribution of functions assigned in the Constitu- 
tion to each, or of assigning to one or other of them 
the functions denied in the Constitution to either. 
Nevertheless, the distribution of functions has from 
time to time been legally altered. It was only the 
other day that Congress for the first time received 
the power of levying an Income Tax. It follows, 
therefore, that the Constitution must somewhere 
contain a legislature to the authority of which Con- 
gress and the State Governments are both subordin- 
ated, and a glance at Article V. will show where it is. 
' The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses 
shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to 
this Constitution, or, on the application of the legis- 
latures of two thirds of the several States, shall call 
a convention for proposing amendments, which, in 
either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, 
as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the 
legislatures of three fourths of the several States, 
or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one 
or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by 
the Congress : Provided, that no amendment which 
may be made prior to the year one thousand eight 
hundred and eight, shall in any manner affect the 
first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the 
first article ; and that no State^ without its consent, 
shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.' 

Here in fact is a latent l^islature, which, like all 
legislatures, is endowed with a certain procedure. A 
very cumbersome procedure was devised in this case 
in order that the sovereign legislature might not 
lightly be moved to redistribute the powers of govern- 
ment, and, when moved, might proceed only with the 


greatest deliberation. Yet it is capable of being chap. 
moved and might even be used to modify its own 
procedure and render an amendment of the Constitu- 
tion more easy. * One may say/ says Dicey, * with 
sufficient accuracy for our present purpose, that the 
legal sovereignty of the United States resides in the 
States' governments as forming one aggregate body 
represented by three-fourths of the several States at 
any time belonging to the Union.' ^ The American 
Constitution does not purport to partition sovereignty 
but only the powers of government, the term correctly 
used in the opening words of Article I. The partition 
of such powers between central and local authorities 
was no new departure, for some such partition is neces- 
sary to all states with territories larger than those of 
Athens.^ The real innovation in political structure 
was the placing of the central authority on the same 
footing as the local authorities, that is to say, in 
subordination to a legislature only to be called into 
action for the purpose of altering the distribution of 

This, so far as its internal provisions are concerned, The Con- 
was the distinguishing feature of the Constitution of of i788,\ 
1788. But of even greater significance for the future ^^°* 
of freedom was the manner in which this instrument ^^ ^^- 
had been framed. In breaking off from the British =oi« 
Commonwealth, the Americans had retained the common- 
principles which had inspired its vitality. But they ^^jj^^d 
had also retained the tendencies inherent in free ^he|f« 
communities to pervert those principles to their own* statesman - 
undoing. The commonwealth is a society based on far^aii^!^ 
the moral relations of men to each other, and upon 
its extension depends the extension of liberty. No 
serious political thinker will question that a higher 
liberty was achieved by the Union of the States than 

^ Dioey, The Law of the OonstitiUion, pp. 144-5. 

' On this subject see Seelej, IntrodueUan to Politieal Science^ p. 98. 






of British 







in Burke. 

if the hundreds of millions destined to inhabit those 
territories had been allowed to divide themsdyes 
into forty-eight republics. The fissipaious tendency 
which had severed the colonies from Britain had been 
threatening to sever them from each other. The 
CSonstitution of 1788 not only united them in one 
Commonwealth, but was so designed as to render it 
capable of further expansion. Within certain limits 
it could grow without fidling to piAsea. The statesmen 
of the younger Commonwealth had thus succeeded 
where those of the older had failed, and still continue 
to £euL 

For the purpose of this inquiry, therefore, it is of 
crucial importance to compare their methods and 
modes of thought. Nowhere is the British attitude 
towards this problem better exemplified than in the 
speech which Burke delivered in the House of 
Commons just four weeks before the final resort to 
arms at the battle of Lexington. With unanswerable 
force Burke urged that the Welsh could never have 
"been incorporated in the Commonwealth unless they 
had been admitted to representation in Parliament ; ^ 
but just when his argument seemed to commit 
him to some proposal for the representation of the 
American colonists he broke ofi* with the remark that 
a great flood stopped him in his course. Nature her* 
self was opposed to such remediea 'I cannot,' he 
cried, ' remove the eternal barriers of the creation. 
The thing, in that mode, I do not know to be 
possible. As I meddle with no theory, I do not 
absolutely assert the impracticability of such a repre- 
sentation. But I do not see my way to it; and 
those who have been more confident have not been 
more successful. However, the arm of publick 
benevolence is not shortened; and there are often 
several means to the same end. . . If we cannot give 

* Burke, JForfcs, vol. iR pp. 86-90. 



the principal, let us find a substitute. But how? ohaf. 
Where? What substitute? Fortunately I am not ^^.^.^.^^ 
obliged for the ways and means of this substitute 
to tax my own unproductive invention. I am not 
even obliged to go to the rich treasury of the fertile 
framers of imaginary commonwealths ; not to the 
Republick of Plato, not to the Utopia of More ; not 
to the Oceana of Harrington.' ^ Neither Burke nor 
his hearers had had time to forget the ridicule he had 
poured on the proposal to open Parliament to the 
colonists six years before.* Could Burke have probed 
his own motives to the bottom, might he not have 
found that the flood which stayed him was not the 
Atlantic but his own eloquence? His own con* • 
servatism, rather than Nature, was forcing him to 
evade the conclusions of the argument which he him* 
self had chosen to use. Compelled, however, to 
suggest some positive measure, this exponent of 
practical politics took refuge in the proposals 
advanced by the colonists themselves,' and urged 
that the Imperial Government should depend upon 
the gratuitous bounty of the colonial assemblies. To 
establish his case he was forced to assume that the 
Imperial Government was justified in depending on 
their bounty, and moved the House to declare that 
' the cheerfulness and suificiency (of the colonial 
assemblies) in the said grants, have been at sundry 
times acknowledged by parliament.' * 

The cases to which Burke referred have already Facts dis- 
been mentioned in the course of the present inquiry. Burke in 
In 1745 Louisbourg had been captured by the New ^^ia^e 
Englanders, though, when it was surrendered at the w^^^- 
end of the war, the Imperial Government had refunded his own 

^ principles. 

* Burke, IVorks, vol. iii p. 91. 

^ See passage from his Observations on a late publieation intituled ** The 
Present State of the Nation " quoted above, pp. 361-56. 

* See above, p. 846. 

* Burke, Works^ vol. iii. p. 98. 


CHAP, the cost of the expedition/ Pitt, moreover, by the 
unique ascendency which he had acquired over the 
colonists, had succeeded in persuading them to con- 
tribute three-fifths of the cost of defending their own 
territories with their own militia against the French.* 
The governor of Massachusetts, when asked by 
Amherst to make a requisition on his assembly, had 
warned the Commander-in-Chief that he * must have 
a letter from Mr. Pitt ' before they would listen to 
him.^ Pitt had of course seen to it that Parliament 
should acknowledge in cordial terms such grants as 
were made. As afterwards, in the War of Inde- 
pendence, the ' influence ' of a great man availed at 
a crisis to wring some spasmodic results from 
machinery that in normal times and in the hands 
of ordinary men was bound to break down. But 
neither of the greatest leaders whom the Anglo-Saxon 
race has ever produced could make the system work 
the moment that actual hostilities had ceased. In 
referring to these grants, Burke omitted to notice that 
they had been made at a moment of imminent peril 
in response to personal appeals by a statesman of 
supreme authority. Nor did he pause to inquire 
whether the cost of defence had been apportioned 
between one colony and another, or between British 
and American taxpayers, upon any just and reason- 
able basis. In the light of the facts set forth in 
Chapter VI.* the essential untruth of the proposi- 
tion to which he was seeking to commit Parliament 
will be apparent. There was in reality no ground 
for supposing that the assemblies would supply the 
funds necessary to meet the charges for American 
administration either with cheerfulness or with 

' See above, pp. 185-6. 
' See above, pp. 8S5-6. 

8 Williams, Ttu Life of JFUliam PiU, vol. ii. p. 812. 
* See in particular the carefully suramarized conclusions of Beer, quoted 
on pp. 336-7, and on pp. 838-40. 


sufficiency. Those charges were in fiEtct being met chap. 
by the British taxpayer. More clearly than most of s.^^^,,,,,,^ 
his contemporaries Burke could grasp principles ; but 
his inveterate conservatism shrank from the con- 
clusions to which they led him, and took refuge 
in distorting the facts which pointed inexorably to 
the need of some positive act of construction. 

When, twelve years later, Washington and his Creation 
friends gathered in Philadelphia they had known Imerioan 
what it was to stand in the shoes of the Imperial ^^°^' 
Government. The struggle upon which they had made 
entered to vindicate the principle of co-operation had only by 
in fact proved to them its absolute futility as a basis of tEe*'" 
of political union. They themselves had helped to ^^Jl^y 
establish a kind of Parliament in which the people dS^unoed 
at large were unrepresented in the true meaning of 
the word. By bitter experience they had learned 
that it was not in the nature of things that such 
a body should be able to evoke the patriotism or 
command the loyalty of a free people. They had 
found that in actual practice the States would not 
respond to the requisitions of Congress either with 
cheerfulness or sufficiency. Instead of closing their 
eyes to these facts, or covering their retreat from 
them in a cloud of words, they had at length accom- 
plished the very thing which Burke had taken credit 
for never attempting. In council together they had 
deliberately framed a scheme of government by the 
adoption of which the people of America might 
achieve the mastery of their own future and fate. 
For men whose hard-earned experience had taught 
them that there are in politics some principles as 
inexorable as those of nature it was not necessary 
* to go to the rich treasury of fertile framers of 
imaginary commonwealths.' Having grasped the 
conditions which must be satisfied before a common- 
wealth can be realized, they took the structure of 


CHAP. American society as they found it and readjusted it, 
^^^^^^..^^ but no further than was necessary for the growth of 
freedom in America. And thus they laid the founda- 
tions of a commonwealth greater than the world had 
yet seen by the method specifically condemned by 
Burke, regardless of difficulties which lips less eloquent 
than his could easily have proved insuperable. In 
no other way could their task have been done, nor 
have similar tasks been done before or since. Nor 
otherwise, it is safe to say, will similar tasks be 
accomplished hereafter. 
Example It is characteristic of Burke's conservatism that he 

Anglo- should have based his argument on Ireland, Wales, 
Swtiash Chester, and Durham while omitting all reference 
Ignored in to the much morc pertinent example of the An^lo- 
argument Scottish Union. In Ireland the same problem was 
still awaiting its solution. In Wales, Chester, and 
Durham there had been no separate assemblies. 
They were within the unquestioned jurisdiction of 
Parliament and could be dealt with on lines familiar 
to Burke. Scotland was the one part of the Common- 
wealth which before its final incorporation had lain 
outside that jurisdiction. The Parliament of England 
had known that it was not of itself competent to 
settle the mutual relations of the two peoples. Yet 
a settlement had been effected and by the very 
methods which Burke had chosen as an object of 
ridicule. Eepresentatives of both commonwealths 
had met and had, in fact, framed a new instrument 
of government under which the two peoples had 
become one. ' Though the fact is often overlooked,' 
says Dicey, ^ the Parliaments both of England and 
Scotland, did, at the time of the Union, each transfer 
sovereign power to a new sovereign body, namely 
the Parliament of Great Britain.' ' The English and 
Scottish commissioners had not, like Fletcher of 

1 Dicey, The Law of the GonstUutum, pp. 66-7. 


Saltoun,^ sought to deyise &ome arrangement purport- chap. 
ing to be applicable to all societies at all times, ._^^^. 
but went for their material to the constitutions of 
England and Scotland, and constructed there&om a 
new constitution for Great Britain. By incorporating 
both nations in one state, they saved them from a 
fratricidal war without in the least impairing the 
national character of either. But Burke instinctively 
ignored a departure from the constitutional methods 
which he had come to reverence as though they were 
part of the eternal order of the universe. ' In spite 
of the noble sympathy it displayed with the colonies 
this speech illustrates Burke's essential weakness — an 
inability to rise beyond an established order of things 
or to see that a revolution such as had occurred in 
America required something more drastic than a mere 
return to the old order.' ^ 

In the older Commonwealth the problem still Burke's 
awaits its solution, but public men continue to ^^^ 
approach it in the spirit of Burke, and to disparage *i^^j^ 
the methods whereby Washington and his supportem of British 
actually solved it for America. No speech nor i^^ 
treatise on the Imperial problem is felt to be 
complete without some warning against the folly and 
danger of framing or discussing definite plans. The 
student has only to turn to the concluding pages of 
a recent work on the subject to find an example.' 
* British history tells us that whatever has been 
permanent in the work of the English has been the 
result of evolution from the past, not of breaking 
with the past, and that the English have built well 
because the builders have accommodated themselves 
to the times and the places and have not been 
hampered by elaborate plans, designs, and surveys 

* See above, pp. 290-91. 

» WiUiams, Life of WiUiam PiU, vol. ii. p. 807. 

' Lucas, Oreater Bome and OreaUr Britain. 




The tnie 
and false 

drawn out beforehand by the Government. In 
considering the future of the Empire it appeals feeble 
and inconclusive not to sketch out a definite'programme 
and to prescribe new machinery. Consequently we 
have a plethora of plans and schemes. But it is in 
the very attractiveness of schemes and proinrammes 
that the danger for the future consists. Thf British 
present has grown up on no definite plan. So 
far from being logical, it is a unity of contradictions, 
absolutely impossible on paper, but working very 
comfortably in £ftct. To anything like an orderly 
ground -plan of the future, British instinct, which 
constitutes British genius, is opposed. It is equally 
opposed to the all or none element, the absence 
of compromise which all schemes and plans usually 
imply. Clear and practical views are constantly 
obscured by the wholesale character with which 
both the supporters and the opponents of schemes 
invest them. There is only one sure guide to the 
future, and that is the race instinct which represents 
day to day opportunism.' ^ 

Cautionary paragraphs like these have now 
become so much of a convention that their authors 
seldom refer to instances in which schemes thought 
out and prepared in advance have obscured clear and 
practical views, complicated a problem, or clogged 
its solution. Here, however, as a reference to the 
context will show, the author is thinking of the 
repeated failure of French constitutions. It is true 
that many constitutions were adopted by the French 
since the first abolition of the Monarchy in the 
Revolution of 1789. But what other alternative to 
despotism had they? Before they could learn to 
practise freedom they had to frame constitutions for 
the same reason that men must build aeroplanes 
before they can learn to fly. Aviators would scarcely 

^ Lncas, Oreater Rome and Oreater Britain, pp. 171-2. 


thank critics for exhorting them to consider the birds chap. 
and not to risk their necks by launching into the air ^"^ 
until they had grown wings. But in any case the 
example of France is irrelevant, for she has never 
been called upon to unite with another republic. 
The Cantons of Switzerland, the German States, the 
Canadian Provinces, and the Colonies of Australia 
and South Africa are the real cases in point. In each 
and all of them the relations of separate communities 
have been settled once for all by plans deliberately 
framed and consciously adopted, and no one has ever 
attempted to show how the same result could have 
been reached if statesmen in those countries had 
obeyed the maxims of Burke. They are, in fact, no 
truer than maxims of the copy-book, which teach 
that pounds can always be saved merely by takiilg 
care of the pence. No industry in detail will in the 
long run relieve statesmen from the duty of grasping 
principles, or save them from the necessity of apply- 
ing them. Principles are the rock upon which men 
may stand, even though they first fall upon them 
and are broken. But those upon whom they fall 
they crush to powder. 

The prevalence of these maxims is largely due Historians 
to the circumstance that writers of constitutional in^teresteS 
history have lavished their attention on one aspect ^^l^^ 
of their subject while almost neglecting another internal 
equally important. Their eyes have been fixed upon mentofthe 
the slow and at times insensible growth of the oonstitu- 
English Constitution. They have expatiated on the Jf°^ ^^^ 

o •' -^ by manner 

fact that at certain periods the legislative and execu- in which 
tive powers of government passed from the Crown munities 
to Parliament so gradually that contemporaries did broM^" 
not realize that they were passing. Constitutional ^^^^hmits 
history has been written almost as though it were 
exclusively concerned with this internal and evolu- 
tionary process. To-day England contains a popula- 

2 s 


CHAP, tion of 34,000,000, but it is an indisputable fact 
^"^ that upwards of 433,000,000 souls, drawn from all 
races and civilizations and scattered through every 
continent of the world, have been brought within 
the range of its constitution. The manner, however, 
in which they have been so brought has largely 
failed to interest the writers of constitutional history. 
In one of the most recent and authoritative works | 

on English history, in seven volumes, containing in ' 

all some 4000 pages, no more than one-third of one 
page is devoted to explaining how England and 
Scotland were brought under the same constitution. | 

Unquestionably it is a sign of health in states that 
their internal structures should grow like those of ! 

organisms. It is a certain sign of past neglect 
and usuaUy an augury of further disorders when 
statesmen have to revise the whole framework of 
national government, as Parliament did when it 
framed the Instrument of Government in 1653, or 
as the French have done again and again in the 
century which followed the Revolution. But when- 
ever one commonwealth has to be fashioned from 
two or more states the case is radically different. 
Such operations have invariably required a project 
of political construction consciously devised, and 
musty from the nature of the case, always do so. 
The two The truth is^ that Burke and his disciples have 

ofaneffeot- always confouuded two wholly different conditions 
ive union: ^i^ich must both be Satisfied before commonwealths 

— 1. Ine ^ 

necessity can bc uuitcd othcrwisc than by force. To begin 
muBtbe with, the governing class, or in plain words, the 
itoanoniy votcrs, iu cach commuuity must first be convinced 
b^tli™ *^** ^^^ realization of a greater commonwealth is 
slow and the Only road to a higher freedom. At first it 
proc^ of always seems a path too difficult to climb, and they 
experience. ^^^ others which sccm to lead to the same end over 
easier ground, only to find themselves involved in 


quagmires. This, indeed, is in accordance with the chap. 
nature of commonwealths, for the principle which 
inspires them is that government should be based 
on the experience, not indeed of the governed, but 
of those amongst them who are able enough to read 
its lessons and unselfish enough to apply theoL The 
time comes when the citizens of one commonwealth 
realize that they have developed interests which can 
only be controlled in concert with others; yet till 
they can control them they must remain the slaves 
of circumstance, and a further step towards freedom 
is barred At first it seems easier to settle these 
common interests (which for the governing class 
means to discharge their common duties) by leagues 
and treaties. Nearly always they are studious to 
avoid the creation of common organs. Leagues and 
treaties are, however, from their nature unstable, but 
this must be learnt from experience and not by any 
abstract train of reasoning. Still jealous to maintain 
their several sovereignties, they go on to devise joint 
organs like the Congress of 1775, in the belief that 
through such organs separate states can enforce com- 
pacts upon each other. And again experience must 
teach them that so long as these organs rest like 
treaties merely on the basis of compact they are 
subject in practice to all the infirmities inherent in 
compacts. Men learn by trial that, so long as the 
separate sovereignties are maintained, it is they and 
not the joint organ which command the obedience of 
individual men ; and in the end government depends 
upon the obedience not of communities but of 
individuals. Then at last they begin to realize that 
all further advances towards freedom are closed until 
they are prepared to merge their several sovereignties 
into one. 

When this stage is reached the first condition of a 
union is reaUzed. 




2. Bat 
when the 
of nnion is 
the union 
cannot be 
until a^ 
tion has 

why, for 

purpose of 
the self- 
must be 
treated as 

It needs no argoment to show, however, that two 
or more organized states cannot merge themselves 
into one organic whole withont publicly declaring 
their intention to do so in some common form of 
declaration. But a mere declaration will not suffice. 
The process involves the dissolution of existing states 
in order that one new state may be constructed from 
their materials, and it is essential therefore that 
every one concerned should know from the outset 
what is the new government they are to obey, and 
in what manner its commands will be formulated 
and expressed. But this can neither be settled nor 
declared until it is written down and published in 
some document accessible to alL How can such a 
document be prepared by methods other than those 
exempUfied in the Convention of Philadelphia? 
When once the tedious road of experience has been 
trodden and its lesson learnt and recognized, no 
further advance can be made unless or until the 
leaders of those states sit down together, frame a 
plan, put it in > writing, and draft it into the form of 
a law. If the sovereignties are really separate this 
last stage cannot be passed by any process which is 
slow, creeping, gradual, or unconscious. 

The deliberate framing of some plan of govern- 
ment in writing is the second essential condition of 
union between two or more commonwealths. 

In comparing the British and American situa- 
tions there are certain important distinctions upon 
which it will be necessary to touch at a later 
stage of the inquiry ; but the purely legal sove- 
reignty of Parliament in the British Commonwealth 
is not one of them. No Parliament continues to 
enjoy real sovereignty when it has ceased in fact 
to enjoy the power of taxation. So far as any 
question of union is concerned the Dominions and 
the United Kingdom must be treated as sovereignties 


no less separate than the thirteen States. * Power chap. 
without revenue/ as Hamilton said, *in political 
society is a name/ No authority which has not in 
fact as well as in name the power to exact revenue 
is sovereign in fact. Every community whose repre- 
sentatives have once been allowed to exercise a sole 
and exclusive power of taxation over its citizens has 
acquired the substance of sovereignty, even though it 
may not as yet have felt itself called upon to exercise 
all the powers that sovereignty implies. In theory 
the British Parliament is sovereign over the whole 
Empire, but in theory only. In practice it is admitted 
that the Parliaments of the several Dominions have 
acquired an exclusive power of taxation over their 
constituents. Nor is it, as usually supposed, a practice 
which rests on custom only. *Prom and after the 
passing of this Act,' so run the words of the statute 
passed in 1778, *the King and Parliament of Great 
Britain will not impose any Duty, Tax or Assessment 
whatever, payable in any of His Majesty's Colonies, 
Provinces or Plantations in N. America or the West 
Indies ; except only such duties as it may be expedient 
to impose for the Regulation of Commerce : the net 
produce of such duties to be always paid and applied 
to and for the use of the Colony, Province or Planta- 
tion in which the same shall be respectively levied in 
such manner as other duties collected by the authority 
of the Respective General Courts or General Assemblies 
of such Colonies etc. are ordinarily paid and applied.'^ 
This, like all other Acts, is in theory revocable by 
the sovereign authority of the Parliament by which 
it was passed. In practice it is no more revocable 
than the Acts by which, five years later, the British 
Government acknowledged the independence of the 
United States ; for like that acknowledgment it 
could never be revoked except by force of arms 

^ For the text of this momentous measure see above, p. 418. 


CHAP, or at the specific request of the colonial assemblies 

^^^^.^^^^^ themselves. 

Reluctance CoHgress, evcn is its first informal stage, was in- 

pUto^h™ valuable as a continuous post of observation whence 

theMtish ®^*^^ representatives from each State might view 

Common- the interests of America as a whole, and grasp their 

except importance. As regularized by the Articles of 

processor Confederation in 1781 it helped Americans to realize 

*^° u8e°" *^® incurable weakness of any such body, so long as 

ofmistrust the States insisted upon maintaining their several 

and ft bflir 

to the sovereignties by refusing to abandon their own 
or?on°^ exclusive power of taxation. It was, in fine, an in- 
suitative valuable aid towards getting at the real facts and 

organs. o o 

reading the lessons to be drawn from them. For 
these very reasons the institution of some continuous 
consultative body in the British Commonwealth upon 
which representatives of all the Dominions would be 
kept in touch with the conduct of their foreign affairs 
is much to be desired. Yet so long as it is regarded 
as a dogma that the Constitution of the British 
Commonwealth can never be reconsidered as a whole, 
and that organic union can be achieved only by slow 
and insensible degrees, proposals to establish a merely 
consultative body will always be met by * insuperable 
jealousy.' Nor is that jealousy without reason. The 
very counsellors who shrink from the thought of ever 
constructing a Constitution for the British Common- 
wealth are inevitably committed to the policy of 
moulding a consultative body little by little into a 
genuine organ of government. * First,' it is said, * let 
a consultative body be established. Then at a later 
stage let it be given some super-tax upon imports and 
perhaps the postal services of the Empire to ad- 
minister. Thus will an Imperial Council acquire 
revenue and authority by easy and gradual stages, 
and the people of the Dominions will be led into re- 
storing to such a body the taxing-powers which the 


Imperial Parliament has lost/ But, as any one who chap. 
studies the records of the Imperial Conference may ^"^ 
see, the Dominion representatives have hesitated to 
accept proposals for establishing some standing 
Imperial Council largely because they are aware 
that the idea of making it more than consultative 
is always lurking behind. It was much the same 
with the American assemblies from 1775 to 1788. 
Every proposal made to them to abandon their 
exclusive power of taxation in detail was treated as 
Grattan treated Pitt's proposals for settling Anglo- 
Irish relations, as ' incipient and creeping union,' and 
ended by arousing a fever of suspicion in the minds of 
all concerned. Such suspicions were never allayed 
until it was made clear that no tittle of taxing-power 
was to be acquired by the existing Congress. When 
the people of the thirteen States conceded such power 
it was only to a new body upon which they were re- 
presented in the true sense of the word. The Rubicon 
was crossed and the American Commonwealth created 
by a deliberate act consciously taken by men knowing 
what they did and why they did it. And in the 
British Commonwealth the character of the problem 
as well as of the people to be dealt with is the same. 
So long as the methods advocated by Burke hold 
the field, so long will the Dominion Governments 
regard proposals to establish a permanent consultative 
body as attempts to coax them into ' an incipient and 
creeping union.' Before a consultative body can be 
established they must be assured that it is not 
gradually to be moulded into something more. They 
cannot, indeed, be criticized for insisting that they 
must always know where their own reaponsMity ends 
and where that of an Imperial Council begins ; and 
that they can know only when it is set down in some 
formal and conclusive instrument of government. If 
onc^ it were recognized in final and unmistakable 


CHAP, terms that the Dominions must never be asked to 
^^^^ surrender any vestige of their existing authority to a 
central organ otherwise than by some act as clear, 
conscious, and final as that taken by the people of the 
thirteen States in 1788, the suspicion which surrounds 
the subject would begin to subside, and the creation 
of some genuine consultative body might then come 
within measurable reach. The Dominion Assemblies 
and the British Parliament are aUke in this, that 
they exercise an exclusive power of taxation over 
the peoples in their own jurisdiction. Such a power 
is of sovereign quality, a vessel of glass, from which 
no fragment can be split without breaking the whole. 
If the thing is to be done, it must be done in the 
open and once for all. The change can only be 
effected in a written document as unmistakable in its 
character as the Constitution of the United States. 
Such a document, moreover, can only be framed when 
representatives of all the self-governing States of the 
Empire meet, as the representatives of the American 
States met in 1787, for the express purpose of 
framing it, having first realized that in that way 
and in no other, a higher freedom can be gained. 
The advocates of caution would themselves be 
the first to admit that Parliament can never of its 
own motion withdraw the exclusive power of 
taxation acquired by the Dominion assemblies. 
If ever that power is conceded it can only be to 
some body, new in fact if not in law, by the 
deliberate act of the people in the Dominions them- 
selves, done with a conscious intent to realize their 
citizenship in the greatest Commonwealth that the 
world has yet seen, and knowing what they 
sacrifice to realize it. If once this principle be 
grasped and accepted, the atmosphere will be cleared 
of the suspicion raised by those who continue to 
ridicule the only methods by which such problems 


have ever reached their final solution. When neat chap. 


issues impend, the counsellors of safety are not those 
who obscure or evade them, but st^atesmen like 
Washington, who perceive their gravity, and nerve 
men to meet them. 

There is a tradition that Washington remarked, The 
as on September 17, 1787, he appended his signature sanction 
to the final report of the CJonvention, ' Should the ^^eAcan 
States reject this excellent Constitution, the proba- ^^^®^^^^" 
bilityis that opportunity will never be offered to 
cancel another in peace ; the next will be drawn in 
blood.' ^ The Constitution was adopted without a 
struggle, but blood was still destined to flow like 
water before the principle which inspired it had ' 
received its final ratification. 

At an earlier stage of this inquiry it was suggested strain im- 
that the ultimate problems of politics have their SbTuni^" 
roots in the conditions which arise when the widely American 
differing societies peculiar to the various continents Oommon- 

^ * wealth by 

are brought into touch with each other. The theco- 

. . 1 • 1 'xi • i» "1 < • ^1 existence 

question which came withm an ace of deetroymg the therein of 
American Commonwealth was a case in point. That fnd^free 
America should be valued less for the society which ^*^»r. 
it might be made to support than for the products 
which its soil might be made to yield was an essential 
characteristic of the commercial system. It was in 
accordance with the same spirit that Englishmen in 
common with other Europeans of that age should 
have regarded the natives of Afirica, when first they 
came into touch with them, simply as a means to 
their own ends. The practice of shipping n^o 
slaves to develop the soil of America was the natural 
result. The traffic was one which carried devastation 
through the length and breadth of tropical Africa. 
But it also reacted profoundly on the society which 
relied on slavery by teaching them to regard rough 

^ Iiodge, Omfrg6 WaehingUm, vol. ii. p. 86. 


CHAP, manual work as beneath the dignity of intelligent 
^^^^^^^^^^^^y and civilized men. Free and slave labour could 
nowhere exist side by side. The one blotted out the 
other, and its introduction was prohibited by all the 
States north of Maryland. There was room, it was 
thought in 1787, under the federal system for free 
and slave States to exist in the one Commonwealth 
side by side. - Special provision, however, had been 
made for the organization of new States in the 
territories of the West where the United States had 
inherited a vast field for colonization. To which of 
the two systems were the new States to belong ? To 
the slave or to the free? Experience was soon to 
prove that both could not subsist together. The 
result was that territory organized as a free State 
was practically closed to colonization from the South, 
while territory organized as a slave State was equally 
closed to colonists bred under the labour conditions 
of the North. It was inevitable, therefore, that an 
intense rivalry for power in the Federal legislature, 
which controlled the conditions under which territories 
should be admitted, should arise between the Northern 
and Southern States. 
The The first sign of the approaching stornl was raised 

^wsoun ^^ ^^^ proposal in 1820 to admit Missouri as a slave 
promise, gta^c. * This momcutous question, like a fire-bell in 
the night awakened and filled me with terror. I 
considered it at once as the knell of the Union.' 
Thus wrote Jefferson, the author of the Declaration 
of Independence. For the time, however, the issues 
were compromised. Missouri was admitted as a 
slave State, but its Southern boundary of SG^'SO' 
was henceforward to be taken as the frontier between 
freedom and slavery in the rest of the great territories 
purchased from Spain under the name of Louisiana. 

Amongst the slave States it now became a motive 
to increase the territories south of 86**80' which from 


their climate were also suitable for the extension of chap. 


slavery. They began to entertain visions of conquest v,^,.,,,^^,^ 
over Mexico, Central America, and Cuba, where itseffectm 
slavery was already an established institution.^ In the^Sh^ 
1850 the conquest of part of Mexico was actually ^^jj^yof 
achieved. So vast wei:e the issues raised by a conquest. 
difference in the principles upon which two European 
societies in America had based their relations to the 
primitive natives of the African continent ! 

Matters were at length brought to an issue in the The 
territory of Kansas where two opposing governments ^^^^gi to 
were established by emigrants from the North and ^^J^^" 
South, each demanding admission to the Union, the 
one as a free State and the other as a slave State. 
But as the South controlled the Senate and the Control 
North the House, nothing could be settled, and Federal 
Kansas lapsed into a condition of civil war. In 1856 ^^t™ 
the Democrats were able to elect the President and secured by 
regain control of the House, so that the whole in isse, 
machinery of the Federal Government was in their theiJorth* 
hands. There was a strong; movement in the South ^ *^^® 

P election 

in favour of re-establishing the slave trade with of Lincoln 
Africa which had been abolished in 1808. In 1859 Presidency 
a large number of negroes were actually snauggled "^^®^^- 
into the Southern States.^ The North, meantime, 
had found its leader in Abraham Lincoln, who was 
elected to the Presidency in 1860. The slave States 
had lost their control of the Federal Government, 
and it remained to be seen whether they would 
recognize Its authority now that it rested in the 
hands of a party pledged to resist the extension of 
slavery to the new territories. 

The formal adoption of the Constitution framed in Contract- 
1787 had scotched but not killed the contractual ^union^ 
principle of the previous Confederation. In Virginia Jhrs^it^i^ 

' Rhodes, Lectures on the American Civil War^ pp. 55, 74. 
« llnd, p. 66. 







of South 
on the 
morrow of 
by the plea 
that the 
North had 

Patrick Henry, the old exponent of that theory, had 
done his best to secure its rejection, and had only 
been defeated by the overwhelming authority of 
Washington. But to many in the South the institu- 
tion of slavery was dearer than that of the American 
Republic, and they nursed. a theory which struck at 
the root of government itself, because it left the door 
open to them to repudiate its authority. Thus Hayne 
of South Carolina had declared that ' Before the Con- 
stitution each State was an independent sovereignty, 
possessing all the rights and powers appertaining to 
independent nations . . . After the Constitution was 
formed, they remained equally sovereign and in- 
dependent as to all powers not expressly delegated to 
the federal government . . . The true nature of the 
Federal Constitution, therefore, is . . . a compact to 
which the States are partiea' ^ It was in virtue of 
this doctrine that two years later South Carolina had 
actually threatened to secede rather than submit to 
the tariff imposed by Congress. The cleavage of 
opinion between North and South on the fiscal 
question was itself a consequence of the respective 
systems of freedom and slavery. 

The day after Lincoln's election South Carolina 
decided on secession, ' The tea has been thrown over- 
board, the revolution of 1860 has been accomplished.' 
Such was the cry now raised, and, as in the Revolution 
of 1775, the people of South Carolina were anticipate 
ing an oppression which had not yet been experienced. 
Her example was quickly followed by that of the six 
cotton States, popular conventions in each of them 
calling for immediate secession. The citizens of 
these States resolved, in fine, that their ultimate 
obedience should be rendered to the public opinion 
of their several States and not to that of the 
American Commonwealth. They reverted to the 

1 Hart, FomuUion ofiht Union, 1760-18S9, p. 133. 


theory that the union had been based on a compact chap. 


between the sovereign States and not, as Hamilton 
had urged, on the individual dedication of the citizens 
themselves to the larger Commonwealth. The North, 
they claimed, had violated the contract, which ceased 
therefore to be binding on the Southern States. For 
if, as they argued, the authority of the Union was 
derived from the sovereignty of the States, the States 
by virtue of that sovereignty could recall it. All 
this was the logical outcome of the doctrine pro- 
pounded by Hayne in 1880. 

They were faced, however, by a leader who saw sover- 
in the Constitution of his country not a contract, but th^^tes 
a creed. In his message to Congress of July 4, Linl'^n^^ 
1861, Lincoln countered Hayne's doctrine by declar- and 
ing that * the Union gave each of them (the States) him^for ^ 
whatever independence or liberty it has ; the Union sutes!^^ 
is older than any of the States, and in fact it created ^.^^y^ 
them as States.' In Lincoln's view it was not the sanctions 
States nor yet the Federal Government which was ^ ^ 
entitled to claim the ultimate obedience of the 
American citizen. That obedience was due to the 
United States of America, from which both the 
Federal Government and the States derived such 
powers as they possessed. If Lincoln claimed the 
right to exact the obedience of Americana in the 
Southern States to the authority of the Federal 
Government, it was because that government was 
founded on the sovereignty of the United States. 
Whether or not that sovereignty was a reality did not 
depend upon any votes passed, documents signed, or 
acts done some seventy years before by a generation 
which was now slumbering in its grave, but upon 
whether among the living citizens of the United 
States there could be found a sufficient number 
zealous enough to respond to its sovereign claim and 
to devote their property and their lives in vindicating 


CHAP, its authority upon those who denied it. And the 
same was true of those who asserted the sovereignty 
of the several States. The conduct of government 
by force was a notion hatefiil to the American mind. 
* A Union/ wrote Lee, the protagonist of the South, 
' that can only be maintained by swords and bayonets, 
and in which strife and civil war are to take the 
place of brotherly love and kindness, has no charm 
for me.'^ The use of force was no less odious to 
Lincoln. ' The ugly point,' he said, ' is the necessity 
of keeping the government together by force, as ours 
should be a government of fraternity.' * He realised, 
however, that a crisis of that supreme order had 
arrived when a state, be it commonwealth or despotism, 
can maintain its existence only by making its ulti- 
mate claim on the devotion of such citizens as desire 
that it should continue to exist, the claim to call 
upon them to exact obedience by force from those 
who deny its authority and mean that it should 
How Americans were thus called upon to decide to 

werf^uS wbich of two states their ultimate obedience was due, 
decide^ and it is instructive to see how the practical issue 
whether was presented in the parent State of Virginia whence 
loyalty Washington himself had sprung. On March 4, 
vi^flfniaOT 1861, Liucolu was inaugurated to the Presidency in 
United Washington, and, denying the right of secession. 
States. announced that ' he would enforce the law in all the 
States, using his power to hold the property and 
places belonging to the government and to collect 
the taxes and imposts.' ^ Fort Sumter in Charleston 
Harbour was a post held by Federal troops, and South 
Carolina was now demanding its surrender. Acting 
upon the instructions of Lincoln, the commander of 

^ Page, Lift of OenercU Lee, p. 44. 

* Rhodes, Lectures on the American Civil War, p. 88. 

» Ibid, p. 89. 


the garrison refused to obey the summons of the chap. 


Government of South Carolina to evacuate his post. 
On April 12, 1861, the batteries of the State 
Government opened fire and compelled its surrender. 
Lincoln now called upon the States generally to 
provide troops for the purpose of vindicating the 
Federal authority in South Carolina. For some time 
every one had been watching to see what course the 
oldest State, which had produced Washington himself, 
would adopt The attitude of Virginians in the 
presence of this crisis is faithfully depicted in the 
following speech put into the mouth of a Virginian 
officer in a recent work of historical fiction. The 
imaginary speaker, Major Cary, is addressing a 
meeting just before the announcement of Lincoln's 
intention to hold Fort Sumter. 

' '* Men of Botetourt ! I speak for pay fellow soldiers 
of the Army of the United States when I say that, 
out yonder, we are blithe to fight with marauding 
Comanches, with wolves and with grizzlies, but that 
we are not — oh, we are not — ready to fight with each 
other! Brother against brother — comrade against 
comrade — friend against friend — to quarrel in the 
same tongue and to slay the man with whom you've 
faced a thousand dangers — no, we are not ready for 

' ^' Virginians I I will not believe that the permanent 
dissolution of this great Union is come I I will not 
believe that we stand to-day in danger of internecine 
War ! Men of Botetourt, go slow — go slow 1 The 
Right of the State — I grant it ! I was bred in that 
doctrine as were you all. Albemarle no whit behind 
Botetourt in that I The Botetourt Resolutions— amen 
to much, to very much in the Botetourt Resolutions ! 
South Carolina! Let South Carolina go in peace! 
It is her right ! Remembering old comradeship, old 
battlefields, old defeats, old victories, we shall still be 


CHAP, friends. If the Gulf States go, still it is their right, 
immemorial, incontrovertible! — The right of self- 
government. We are of one blood and the country 
is wide. Grod-speed both to Lot and to Abraham ! 
On some sunny future day may their children draw 
together and take hands again! So much for the 
seceding States. But Virginia — ^but Virginia made 
possible the Union — let her stand fast in it in this 
day of storm ! in this Convention let her voice be 
heard — as I know it will be heard — for wisdom, 
for moderation, ior patience! So, or soon or 
late, she will mediate between the States, she will 
once again laake the ring complete, she will be the 
saviour of this great historic Confederation which our 
fathers made ! " 

^ A minute or two more and he ended his speech. 
As he moved from between the pillars, there was loud 
applause. The county was largely Whig, honestly 
longing — having put on record what it thought of 
the present mischief and the makers of it — for a 
peaceful solution of all troubles. As for the army, 
county and State were proud of the army, and proud 
of the Virginians within it. It was amid cheering that 
Fauquier Cary left the portico. At the head of the 
steps, however, there came a question. " One moment, 
Major Cary ! What if the North declines to evacu- 
ate Fort Sumter ? What if she attempts to reinforce 
it ? What if she declares for a compulsory Union ? " 
* Cary paused a moment. " She will not, she will 
not ! There are politicians in the North whom I'll 
not defend ! But the people — the people — the people 
are neither fools nor knaves ! They w^e bom North 
and we were bom South, and that is the chief diflfer- 
ence between us 1 A Compulsory Union ! That is 
a contradiction in terms. Individuals and States, 
harmoniously minded, unite for the sweetness of 
Union and for the furtherance of common interests. 


Whoi the minds are discordant, and the interests chap. 
opposed, one may be bound to another by Conqnest — 
not otherwise ! What said Hamilton ? To coerce <i 
State would be one bf the maddest projects ever 

No one can fail to be impressed by the sweet How the 
reasonableness of the plea that force should not be the right 
used by the North to restrain the liberty of any State J^^^* 
desirin^r to seceda To the American mind it had by force 


become almost unthinkable that one part of America have been 
could coerce another. But supposing that this view ifberty in 
had prevailed with the Northern States, and they had ^^^^^ 
said to the Southern States, * We think you wrong 
to secede, but it would be more wrong in us 
to shed Wood in order to prevent your secession.' 
The matter could scarcely have rested thera It- 
must inevitably have become a recognized principle 
of American life that force was not to be used to 
restrict the liberty of secession. The process would 
not have been ended by the divisioii of the States 
into two federations. Before long the Western 
States would have raised the same claim, and the 
Eastern States would already have surrendered the 
right to question its validity. The same precedent 
would have been fatal to the integrity of the Southern 
Confederation itself. North America ^would have 
been broken up into a welter of republics, some slave 
and some free,, divided by interests at least as 
eontenlious as those of Europe. Questions now 
settled by the Federal Government or the Supreme 
Court acting under the sanction of a common 
sovereignty would have found no arbitrament but 
that of war, and North America would inevitably 
have repeated the experience of medieval Gtermany 
and of the Latin Kepublics. Liberty, in any valid 

^ Mary Johnston, The Long Roll, pp. 10-11. The authoress is daughter of 
the distingui^ed Southern general. 

2 T 


OHAP, sense of the word, would have peikhed, as in 
Gr^rmany or Mexico, amid the endless strife of 
communities which could only have held their own 
while armed to the teeth* Americans would have 
lost the character of a civilian people. To picture 
such conditions is to see how intimately the cause of 
liberty is bound up with the maintenance of the 
sovereignty of a great state, and how that cause is 
sacrificed when men shrink from the ordeal of 
enforcing that sovereignty even from the height of 
the gallows or at the point of the sword 
Th« Lincoln's determination to reinforce Fort Sumter 

chdci*^^^ and the conflict which followed determined the 
Vir^iana Dwtj^ri*y ^^ Virginians in favour of South Carolina, 
and the Grovernment of Virginia now called upon its 
people to arm themselves in support of its right to 
secede from the Union. Simultaneously President 
Lincoln was calling upon them as citizens of the 
United States to take up arms in order to resist 
those very claims. There was, however, in Virginia 
itself a substantial minority which responded to 
Lincoln's call in spite of the fact that many of them 
approved the institution of slavery. The ultimate 
issue which divided. Americans was not their prefer- 
ence for slavery or freedom, but the question which 
each n)LU8t answer for himself, whether their final 
allegiance was due to the GK)vemment of their State 
or to that of the United States of America. It was 
a conflict of ideals, a question of conscience on both 
sides, for no one can doubt the sincerity with which 
men like Lee, Jackson, and those who followed them, 
placed their lives at the disposal of the Virginian 
Government. The choice presented to an inhabitant 
of Virginia was clear, but inexorable. On the one 
hand he was called upon by the Government of the 
United States to enforce its authority, on the other 
hand he was ordered by the Government of Virginia 


to resist the authority of the United States. He ohap. 
had then to face the alternative, which of these two ^^" 
Commonwealths was the one to whieh his ultimate 
obedience was due — the very alternative which had 
had to be faced eighty years before by Americans at 
the time of the Revolution. 

Such was, in fact» the predicament of Eobert E. character 
Lee, who at the head of the Southern armies showed choice as 
himself the greatest soldier who had taken the field ^^^ ^ 
since the days of ^ Napoleon. Never perhaps has the Lee. 
necessity laid upon a man to decide where his 
citizenship lay been reduced to a finer point. Lee 
had been educated as an officer in the army of the 
United States at the Federal Academy founded by 
Washington at West Point. As a Federal officer he 
fought in the Mexican war and he had already 
established his reputation as a military leader. 
When the Civil War was impending Lincoln offered 
Lee the command of the Federal forces.^ Lee was 
opposed to secession and still hoped that the peace 
might be kept, but he saw at once that he was face 
to face with a choice which could not be evaded, and, 
recognizing its nature, wrote telling his son that he 
was not to be guided by his father's wishes or 
example, but merely by his own judgment, reason, 
and conscience.^ His own decision was none the 
1^ scrupulous because it was clearly influenced by 
the family traditions. His father had once been 
governor of Virginia, and had supported the ratifica- 
tion of the Constitution of the United States. 
But he had always declared that Virginia was his 
country. * Her will I obey,' he said, * however 
lamentable the fate to which it may subject me ' ; 
and to Madison he wrote, ^ no consideration on earth 
could induce me to act a part, however gratifying 
to me, which could be construed into disregard of, 


^ Page, Life of Ghnural Lee,, pp. 82-3. » JMd. p. 52, 





Growth of 
spirit in 
as proved 
by the 
made in 
the Civil 

or iaiiMeasnieas to, this ComnMHiwealtL' ^ To that 
same commonwealth of Virginia his son, seventy 
years later, decided that his own alliance was due. 
Not only did he reftise* Lincoln's offer, bat resigned 
his position in the Federal army, because, as he told 
a committee of Congress after the war, ' he believed 
that the act of Virginia in withdrawing herself from 
the United States carried him along with it as a 
citizen of Virginia, and that her laws and acts were 
binding upon him.' ' 

The claims of North and South alike met with 
a response strangely different from that which had 
been made to the appeals of Washington. That 
greatest of national leaders had been left to recruit 
his ranks from men not bred in America, and to 
depend on revenues which had not been earned there. 
But now when his work was threatened with destruc- 
tion Americans were ready to pour out their blood 
and treasure to preserve it. The Civil War is estimated 
to have cost America close upon $10,000,000,000 
and 1,000,000 lives.' •In truth,' says Lecky, *the 
American people, though in general unbounded 
believers in progress, are accustomed, through a 
kind of curious modesty, to do themselves a great 
injustice by the extravagant manner in which they 
idealise their past. It has almost become a common- 
place that the great nation which in our own day has 
shown such an admirable combination of courage, 
devotion, and humanity in its gigantic civil war, 
and which since that time has so signally falsified 
the predictions of its enemies, and put to shame all 
the nations of Europe by its unparalleled efforts in 
paying off its national debt, is of a far lower moral 
type than its ancestors at the time of the War of 

^ Page, Life of General Lee, p. 38. 

' Report of Joint Committee on Reoonstruction, let Seaa^, 89th Gong, 
p. 133, quoted by Page, OenercU Lee, pp. 53-4. 
* Seeley, The Eo^anaion of England, p. 182. 


IndependeDce. This belief appears to me essentially chap. 
false. The nobility and beauty of the character of 
Washington can indeed hardly be surpcissed ; several 
of the other leaders of the Revolution were men of 
ability and public spirit, and few armies have ever 
shown a nobler self-devotion than that which re- 
mained with Washington through the dreary winter 
at Valley Forge. But the army that bore those 
sufferings was a very small one, and the general 
aspect of the American people during the contest was 
far from heroic or sublime.' ^ 

It is clear that American society as depicted by The differ- 
Washington was incapable of any such sacrifice in expiicSbfe 
the public cause, as was made less than three genera- ^^^g^J®" 
tions later in response to the call of Abraham Lincoln, effect on 
Had the question of slavery come to a head two character 
generation; earlier, the attipt to coerce seceding ti^^ 
States would have been treated as wickedness and 
folly, and the Union would infallibly have dissolved. 
This contrast which so impressed the great historian 
of the eighteenth century is not hard to explain. 
Till the close of that century, as Beer has shown, the 
whole standard of public life in America had been 
poisoned by the system under which it had developed. 
Before 1775 the colonists had lived under a Common- 
wealth which thought to bind them to itself merely 
by the protection it afforded, without giving them 
a direct responsibility for the safety of the Common- 
wealth itself By nature the colonists were just as 
capable of such responsibility as their kinsmen in 
Britain; but except in provincial affairs they had 
never been subjected to the discipline of freedom. 
That discipline was never really experienced till after 
1788, when a Commonwealth was established from 
whose primary responsibilities no class of citizens 
were ever to be excluded irrespective of their fitness 

* Lecky, History of England in the Eighteenth Century, vol. iv. pp. 486-6. 


€HAP. and merely by reason of the particular locality in 
which they dwelt. Henceforward all classes admitted 
to political power, whether in the States themselves 
or in the Western colonies, were to share alike in 
vindicating the authority of the Republic whether 
against aggression from without or schism from within. 
And the result had proved once more that it is not 
by self-interest that States are knit, but by a sense of 
obligation which unless it is exercised withers away 
and flourishes only so far as it is called into action. 
Under a system which imposed upon Americans the 
real burdens of statehood, patriotism grew as fast as 
it had languished under systems which had failed to 
impose them. No leader comparable to Washington 
was found to direct the armies of the North. Its 
ultimate success after many reverses was the product 
not of military genius backed by a handful of patriots, 
but of the patriotism of Americans themselves. The 
common saying that you cannot make people virtuous 
by law is a dangerous half-truth. The virtue innate 
in a people may be utterly destroyed by bad institu- 
tions, for * the virtue,' as Jay wrote to Washington, 
*like the other resources of a country, can only be 
drawn to a point, by strong circumstances ably 
managed, or strong governments ably administered.' 
The Thus was a commonwealth on a scale undreamt 

oPthe^^^ of in the philosophy of the Greeks finally cemented 
cominon. i^ ^jj^ blood of its citizcus. To the old immeasurable 

wealth as 

expounded claim mcu morc in number than the walls of Athens 

inhiB^^^ had ever contained were found to make the same 

^^y^g.*^ unquestioning answer. At Gettysburg, with its fifty 

^urg. thousand graves, a vast concourse of Americans was 

addressed by Lincoln in words which recalled the 

speech uttered by Pericles at the funeral of those who 

had given their lives for the Athenian Commonwealth 

in ,the Peloponnesian War.^ 

^ See above, p. 20. 






* Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought chap. 
forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in 
liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men 
Ire created equal. 

* Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing 
whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and 
00 dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a 

'eat battlefield of that war. We have come to 

tedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting- 

)lace for those who here gave their lives that that 

latfon might live. It is altogether fitting and proper 

tat we should do this. 

'But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we 
knnot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground, 
'he brave men, living and dead, who struggled here 
Lave consecrated it, far above our poor power to add 
)T detract. The world will little note, nor longer 
remember, what we say here, but it can never forget 
hat they did here. It is for us the living^ rather, 
be dedicated here to the unfinished work which 
Shey who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced; 
[t is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great 
)k remaining before us — that &om these honored 
dead we take increased devotion to that cause for 
which they gave the last full measure of devotion — 
that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not 
have died in vain — ^that this nation, under God, shall 
have a new birth of freedom — and that government 
of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not 
perish from the earth.' ^ ' 

^ Brooks, Abraham Lincoln, p. 378. 



^^^^-^ NOTE A 

Washington's letter to congress after the American 
defeat on long island urging the necessity of a 
permanent army. proportions in which contingents 
were to be furnished by the several states. 

See page ' The State of the anny, after this event, was, in a letter from 

554. General Washington to Congress, thus feelingly described : 

" Onr situation is truly distressing. The check our detachment 
sustained, on the 27 th ultimo, has dispirited too great a 
pr(qK)rtion of our troops, and filled their mind^ with apprehension 
and despair. The militia, instead of calling forth their utmost 
efforts to a brave and manly opposition, in order to repair our 
losses, are dismayed, intractable, and impatient to return. Great 
numbers of them have gone off; in some instanoes, almost by 
whole regiments ; in many, by half ones, and by companies, at a 
time. This circumstance, of itself, independent of others, when 
fronted by a well-appointed enemy, superior in number to our 
whole collected force, would be sufficiently disagreeable; but, 
when it is added, that their example has infected another i)art of 
the army, that their want of discipline, and refusal of almost 
every kind of restraint and government, have rendered a like 
conduct but too common in the whole, and have produced an 
entire disregard of that order and subordination necessary for 
the well-doing of an army, and which had been before inculcated 
as well as the nature of our military establishment would admit, 
our condition is still more alarming, and, with the deepest 
concern, I am obliged to confess my want of confidence in the 
generality of the troops. 

' " All these circumstances fully confirm the opinion I ever 
entertained, and which I, more than once, in my letters, took the 
liberty of mentioning to Congress, that no dependence could be 
put in a militia, or other troops, than those enlisted and 
embodied for a longer period than our regulations have hitherto 
prescribed. I am persuaded, and am as fully convinced as of 
any one fact that has happened, that our liberties must, of 
necessity, be greatly hazarded, if not entirely lost^ if their 
defence be left to any but a permanent army. 

' " Nor would the expense incident to the support of such a 
body of troops as would be competent to every exigency, far 
exceed that which is incurred by calling in daily succours, and 
new enlistments, which, when effected, are not attended with 
any good consequences. Men, who have been free, and subject 
to no control, cannot be reduced to order in an instant ; and 
the privileges and exemptions they claim, and will have 



influence the conduct of others in such a manner, that the aid 
derived from them is nearly counterbalanced by the disorder, 
irregularity, and confusion, they occasion." 

' The frequent remonstrances of the Commander in Chief, the 
opinions of all military men, the severe correcting hand of 
experience, had, at length, produced their effect on Congress ; 
and, soon after the defeat on Long Island, it had been referred 
to the committee, composing the Board of War, to prepare a 
plan of operations for the next succeeding campaign. Their 
report, which .was adopted by Congress, proposed a permanent 
army, to be enlisted for the war, and to be composed of eighty- 
eight battalions, to be raised by the several states in proportion 
to th«r ability.* Ab an inducement to enlist^ a bounty of twenty 
dollars was allowed, and small portions of vacant lands promised 
to every officer and soldier. 

'EUkd this system been adopted in- 1775, the war would 
probably have been of much shorter duration ; but much is to 
be allowed for the want of military experience in Congress ; for 
prejudices which prevailed throughout America ) and very much 
for the organization of the government, which, while the 
essentials of power were parcelled out among the several local 
legislatures, placed, in that of the union, little more than the 
right to recommend, a right to be exercised with great caution — 
because measures, manifesting an expectation that the war might 
be of long continuance, or which might excite a suspicion of 
aiming at independence, or of an indisposition to a re-establish- 
ment of the antient connexion between Great Britain and 
America might, in the early stage of the contest, have produced 
very serious consequences in some parts of the union.' ^ 


Kew Hampshire 
Rhode Island 
New York 
New Jersey 
Delaware . 
Maryland . 
North Carolina 
South Carolina 
Greorgia • 















^ Marshall, Life of fTashington, vol. ii. pp. 526-9. 



' . — ' NOTE B 



See page * Before quitting that straggle for independence, it mast again 

^^^' be affirmed that its successfal ending, at least at so early a date, 

was due to the control of the sea, — to sea power, in the hands 
of the French, and its improper distribution by the English 
authorities. This assertion may be safely rested on the authority 
of the one man who, above all others, thoroughly knew the 
resources of the country, the temper of the people, the difficulties 
of the struggle, and whose name is still the highest warrant for 
sound, quiet, imfluttered, good*«ense and patriotism. 

'The keynote to all Washington's utterances is set in the 
'* Memorandum for concerting a plan of operations with the 
French army," dated July 15, 1780, and sent by the hands of 
Lafayette : — 

' *' The Marquis do Lafayette will be pleased to communicate 
the following general ideas to Count de Bochambeau and the 
Chevalier de Temay, as the sentiments of the underwritten : 

' " L In any qpercUion^ and under all circumstafices, a decisive naval 
superiority is to be considered as a fimdamental prindpte^ and the 
basis woon which eoery hope of success must ultimately depend,'* 

'This, however, though the most formal and decisive ex- 
pression of Washington's views, is but one among many others 
equally distinct. Thus, writing to Franklin, December 20, 1780, 
he says : — 

'"Disappointed of the second division of French troops 
[blockaded in Brest], but more especially in the expected 
naval superiority, which was the pivot upon which everything 
turned, we have been compelled to spend an inactive campaign 
after a flattering prospect at the opening of it . . . Latterly 
we have been obliged to become spectators of a succession of 
detachments from the army at New York in aid of Lord 
Comwallis ; while our naval weakness, and the political dissolu- 
tion of a large part of our army, put it out of our power to 
counteract them at the southward, or to take advantage of them 

'A month later, January 15, 1781, in a memorandum letter 
to Colonel Laurens, sent on a special mission to France, he 
says : — 

' " Next to a loan of money, a constant naval superiority upon 


these coasta is the object moct interesting. This would instantly qhap 
reduce the enemy to a difficult defensive. . . . Indeed, it is not yni 
to be conceived how they could subsist a large force in this 
country, if we had the command of the seas to interrupt the 
regular transmission of supplies from Europe. This superiority, 
with an aid i|L money, would enable us to convert the war into 
a vigorous offensive. With respect to us it seems to be one of 
two deciding points." 

' In another letter to the same person, then in Paris, dated 
April 9, he writes ; — 

^ " If France delays a timely and powerful aid in the critical 
posture of our affairs, it will avail us nothing, should she 
attempt it hereafter. . . . Why need I run into detail, when it 
may be declared in a word that we are at the end of our tether, 
and that now or never our deliverance must come ) How easy 
would it be to retort the enemy's own game upon them, if it 
could be made to comport with the general plan of the war to 
keep a superior fleet always in these seas, and France would put 
us in condition to be active by advancing us money." 

' Ships and money are the burden of his cry. May 23, 1781, 
he writes to the Chevalier de la Luzerne : " I do not see how it 
is possible to give effectual support to the Southern States, and 
avert the evils which threaten, while we are inferior in naval 
force in these seas." As the season for active operations advances, 
his utterances are more frequent and urgent. To Major General 
Greene, struggling with his difficulties in South Carolina, he 
writes, June 1, 1781 : "Our affairs have been attentively con- 
sidered in every point of view, and it was finally determined to 
make an attempt upon New York, in preference to a Southern 
operation, as we had not decided command of the water." To 
Jefferson, June 8 : '' Should I be supported in the manner I 
expect^ by the neighboring States, the enemy will, I hope, be 
reduced to the necessity of recalling part of their force from 
the southward to support New York, or they will run the most 
imminent risk of being expelled from that post, which is to 
them invaluable; and should we, by a lucky coincidence of 
circumstances, gain a naval superiority, their ruin would be 
inevitable. . . . While we remain inferior at sea . . . policy 
dictates that relief should be attempted by diversion rather 
than by sending reinforcements immediately to the point in 
distress," that is, to the South. To Eochambeau, June 1 3 : 
" Your Excellency will recollect that New York was looked upon 
by us as the only practicable object under present circumstances ; 
but should we be able to secure a naval superiority, we may 
perhaps find others more practicable and equally advisable." 
By the 1 5th of August the letters of De Grasse announcing his 
sailing for the Chesapeake were received, and the correspondence 


OHAP. <rf Washington is thenceforth filled with bus7 preparations for 
VIII the campaign in Virginia^ based upon the long-delayed fleet. 
The discouragement of De Grasse, and his porpoee to go to sea, 
upon learning that the English fleet in New York bad been 
reinforced, drew forth an appealing letter dated September 
25, which is too long for quotatdon; bat the danger passed, 
Washington's confidence returns. The day after the capitulation 
he writes to De Grasse : " The surrender of York . . . the honor 
of which belongs to your Excellency, has greatly anticipated [in 
time] our most sanguine anticipations." He then goes on to 
urge further operations in the South, seeing so much of the 
good season was still left : ''The general naval superiority of the 
British, previous to your arrival, gave them decisive advantages 
in the South, in the rapid transport of their troops and supplies; 
while the immense land marches of our succors, too tardy and 
expensive in every point of view, subjected us to be beaten 
in detail It will depend upon your Excellency, therefore, to 
terminate the war." De Gr^se refusing this request^ but 
intimating an intention to co-operate in the next year's 
campaign, Washington instantly accepts: **With your Excel- 
lency I need not insist upon the indispensable necessity of a 
maritime force capable of giving you an absolute ascendency 
in these seas. . . . You will have observed that^ whatever 
efforts are made by the land armies, the navy must have the 
casting vote in the present contest." A fortnight later, 
November 15, he writes to Lafayette, who is on the point of 
sailing for France : — 

'''As you expressed a desire to know my sentiments respecting 
the operations of the next campaign, I will, without a tedious 
display of reasoning, declare in one word that it must depend 
absolutely upon the naval force which is employed in these seas, 
and the time of its appearance next year. No land force can 
act decisively unless accompanied by a maritime superiority. 
... A doubt did not exist, nor does it at this moment^ in any 
man's mind, of the total extirpation of the British force in the 
Carolinas and Georgia, if Count de Grasse could have extended 
his co-operation two months longer." 

'Such, in the opinion of the revered commander-in-chief of 
the American armies, was the influence of sea power upon the 
contest whidi he directed with so much skill and such infinite 
patience, and which, amidst countless trials and discouragements, 
he brought to a glcmouB close. 

' It will be observed that the American cause was reduced to 
these straits, notwithstonding the great and admitted losses of 
British commerce by the cruisers of the allies and by American 
privateers. This fact^ and the small results from the general 
war dominated as it was by the idea of commerce-destroying, 


show sfcrongly the secondaiy and indeoisiye effect of sucli a OHAP. 
policy upon the great issues of war/ ^ vm 



Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union between the See page 
States of New Hampshire, MassachuBette Bay, Rhode Island and ^^' 
Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, 
Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, 
South Carolina, and Georgia. 

Artigle I. The style of this Confederacy shall be ''The 
United States of Ameriea." 

Art. II. Each State retains its sovereignty, freedom^ and Seepage 
independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and rights which ^^i- 
is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to Uie United 
States in Congress assembled. 

Art. IU. The said States hereby severally enter into a firm 
league of friendship with each other, for their common defence, 
the security of their liberties, and their mutual and general 
welfare, binding themselves to assist eacli. other against all force 
offered to, or attacks made upon them, or any of them, on 
account of religion, sovereignty, trade, or any other pretence 

Art. IV. The better to secure and perpetuate mutual friend- 
ship and intercourse among the people of the different States in 
this Union, the free inhabitants of each of these. States, paupers, 
vagabonds, and fugitives from justice excepted, shall be entitled 
to all the privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several 
States, and the people of each State shall have free ingress and 
regress to and from any other Stat€^ and shall enjoy therein 
all the privileges of trade and commerce, subject to the slune 
duties^ impositions, and restrictions as the inhabitants thereof 
respectively, provided that such restrictions si^l not extend so 
far as to prevent the removal of property imported into any 
State, to any other State of which the owner is an inhabitant ; 
provided also, that no imposition, duties, or restriction shall be 
laid by any State, on the property of the United States, or 
either of them. 

If any person guilty of or chained with treason, felony, or 
other high misdemeanoi* in any State, shall flee from justice, 
and be found in any of the United States, he shall, upon demand 
of the governor or executive power of the State from whkh he 

> Mahan, Influence of Sea Power upon Bietory, pp. 897-400. 


CHAP, flod, be delivered up and removad to the State having joriBdic- 
VIII tion of his offence. 

Full faith and credit shall be giren in each of these States to 
the records, acts, and judicial proceedings of the courts and 
magistrates of every other State. 

Art. Y. For the more convenient management of the general 
interests of the United States, delegates shall be annually 
appointed in such manner as the legislatore of each State 
shall direct^ to meet in Congress on the first Monday in 
November, in every year, with a power reserved to each State 
to recall its delegates, or any of them, at any time within the 
year, and to send others in their stead, for the remainder of 
the year. 

No State shall be represented in Congress by less than two, 
nor by more than seven members; and no person shall be 
capable of being a delegate for more than three years in any 
term of six years, nor shall any person, being a delegate, be 
capable of holding any office under the United States for which 
he or another for his benefit receives any salary, fees, or emolu- 
ment of any kind. 

Each State shall maintain its own delegates in a meeting of 
the States, and while tbey act as members of the committee of 
the States. 

In determining questions in the United States, in Congress 
assembled, each State shall have one vote. 

Freedom of speech and debate in Congress shall not be 
impeached or questioned in any court or jdace out of Congress, 
and the members of Congress shall be protected in their persons 
from arrests and imprisonments, during the time of their going 
to or from, and attendance on. Congress, except for treason, 
felony, or breach of the peace. 

Art. VI. No State, without the consent of the United States 
in Congress assembled, shall send any embassy to, or receive any 
embassy from, or enter into any conference, agreement^ alliance, 
or treaty with, any king, prince, or state ; nor shall any person 
holding any office of profit or trust under the United States, or 
any of them, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title of 
any kind whatever from any king, prince, or foreign state ; nor 
shall the United States in Congress assembled, or any of them, 
grant any title of nobility. 

No two or more States shall enter into any treaty, confedera- 
tion, or alliance whatever between them, without the consent of 
the United States in Congress assembled, specifying accurately 
the purposes for which the same is to be entered into, and how 
long it shall continue. 

No State shall lay any imposte or duties, which may interfere 
with any stipulations in treaties entered into by the United 
Stated in Congress assembled, with any king, prince, or state, 


in pursuance of any treaiiefl already proposed by Congress, to CHAP. 
the courts of France and Spain. VIII 

No vessels of war shall be kept up in time of peace by any 
State, except such number only as shall be deemed neeessary by 
the United States in Congress assembled, for the defence of such 
State or its trade ; nor shall any body of forces be kept up by 
any State, in time of peace, except such number only as in the 
judgment of the United States in Congress assembled shall be 
deemed requisite to garrison the forts necessary for the defence 
of such State.; but every State shall always keep up a well 
regulated and disciplined militia, sufficiently armed and accoutred, 
and shall provide and constantly have ready for use, in public 
stores, a due number of field-pieees and tents, and a proper 
quantity of arms, ammunition, and camp equipage. 

N6 State shall engage in any war without the consent of 
the United States in Congress assembled, unless such State 
be aotually invaded by enemies, or shall have received certein 
advice of a resolution being formed by some nation of Indians 
to invade such State, and the danger is so imminent as not to 
admit of a delay till the United States in Congress assembled 
can be consulted ; nor shall any State grant commissions to any 
ships or vessels ol war, nor letters of marque or reprisal, except 
it be after a declaration of war by the United States in Congress 
assembled, and then only against the kingdom or state, and the 
subjects thereof, against which war has been so declared, and 
under such regulations as shall be established by the United 
States in . Congress assembled, unless sudi Stete be infested 
by pirates, in which case vessels of war may be fitted out for 
that oocaaion, and kept so long as the danger shall continue, or 
until the United States in Congress assembled shall determine 

AsT. YII. When land forces are raised by any State for the 
common defence, all officers of or under the rank of colonel 
shall be appointed by the legislature of each State respectively, 
by whom such forces shall be raised, or in such manner as such 
State shall direct ; and all vacancies shall be filled up by the 
State which first made the appointments 

- A&T. YIII. All charges (rf war and all other expenses that 
shall be incurred for the common defence or general welfare, 
and allowed by the United States in Congress assembled, shall 
be defrayed out of a common treasury, which shall be supplied 
by the several States, in proportion to the value of all land 
within each State, granted to or surveyed for any person, and 
such land and the buildings and improvemento thereon shiJl be 
estimated according to such mode as the United Stetes in 
Congress assembled shall from time to time direct and appoint. 

The taxes for paying that proportion shall be laid and 
levied by the authority apd direction of the legislatures of the 


CHAP, several States within the time agreed npoa by the United States 
VIII in Congress assembled. 

Art. IX. The United States in Congress assembled shall 
have the sole and exclusive right and power of determining on 
peace and war, except in the cases mentioned in the sixth 
article— of sending and receiving ambassadors — entering into 
treaties and alliances, provided thai no treatjr of commerce shall 
be made whereby the legislative power of the respective States 
shall be restrsined from imposing such imposts and duties on 
foreigners as their own people are subjected to, or from pro- 
hibiting the exportation or importation of any species of goods 
or commodities whatsoeveD'—of establishing rides for deciding, 
in all cases, what captures on land or water shall be legal, and 
in what manner prizes taken by land or naval forces in the 
service of the United States shall be divided or appropriated — 
of granting letters of marque and reprisal in times of peace— 
appointing courts for the trial of piracies and felonies committed 
on the high seas, and establishing courts for receiving and 
determining finally a|^)eals in all cases of captures, provided 
that no member of Congress shall be appointed a judge of any 
of the said courts. 

The United States in Congress assembled shall also be the 
last resort on appeal in all disputes and differences now subsisting 
or that hereafter may arise between two or more States concern- 
ing boundary, jurisdiction, or any other cause whatever; 
which authority shall always be exercised in the manner follow- 
ing : — ^Whenever the legislative or executive authority or lawful 
agent of any State in controversy with anotiier shall present a 
petition to Congress stating the matter in qoestion and praying 
for a hearing, notice thereof shall be given by order of (JongresB 
to the legislative or executive authority of the other State in 
controversy, and a day assigned for the appearance of the 
parties by their lawful agents, who shall then be directed to 
appoint, by joint consent, commissioners or judges to constitute 
a court for hearing and determining the matter in question ; but 
if they cannot agree, Congress shall name three persons out of 
each of the United States, and from the list of such persons 
each party shall alternately strike out one, the petitioners 
beginning, until the number shall be reduced to thirteen ; and 
from that number not less than seven nor more than nine names, 
as Congress shall direct, shall, in the presence of Congress, be 
drawn oUt by lot, and the persons whose names dball be so 
drawn, or any five of them, shall be commissioners or judges, to 
hear and finally determine the controversy, so always as a 
major part of the judges who shall hear the cause shall agree 
in the determination ; and if either party shall neglect to attend 
at the day appointed, without showing reasons, which Congress 
shall judge sufilcient^ or, being present^ shall refuse to strike, the 


Congress shall proceed to nominate diree persons out of each OHAP. 
State, and the Secretary of Congress shall strike in behalf of VIII 
such party absent or refusing ; and the judgment and sentence 
of the court to be appointed, in the manner before prescribed, 
shall be final and conclusive ; and if any of the parties shall 
refuse to submit to the authority of such court, or to appear or 
defend their claim or cause, the court shall nevertheless proceed 
to {vonounce sentence or judgment, which shall in like miuiner 
be final and decisive, the judgment or sentence and other 
proceedings being in either case transmitted to Congress, and 
lodged among the acta of Congress, for the security of the 
parties concerned: provided that every commissioner, before 
he sits in judgment, shall take an oath, to be administered by 
one of the judges of the Supreme or Superior Court of the 
State where the cause shall be tried, '* well cmd truly to hear and 
determine the matter in question according to the be$t of his judgment, 
ioithoutfavoTy affection^ or hope ofretoardy" provided also that no State 
shall be deprived of territory for the benefit of the United States. 

All controversies concerning the private right of soil, claimed 
under different grants of two or more States, whose jurisdictions 
as they may respect such lands and the States which passed 
such grants are adjusted, the said grants or either of them 
being at the same time claimed to have originated antecedent 
to such settlement of jurisdiction, shall, on the petition of 
either party to the Congress of the United States, be finally 
determined as near as may be in the same manner as is before 
prescribed for deciding disputes respecting territorial jurisdiction 
between different States. 

The United States in Congress assembled shall also have die 
sole and exclusive right and power of regulating the alloy and 
value of coin struck by their own authority, or by that of the 
respective States — fixing the standard of weights and measures 
throughout the United States — regulating the trade and 
managing all affairs with the Indians, not members of any of 
the States, provided that the legislative right of any State 
within its own limits be not infringed or violated — establishing 
and regulating post-offices from one State to another, throughout 
all the United States, and exacting such postage on the papers 
passing through the same as may be requisite to defray the 
expenses of the said office — appointing all officers of the land 
forces in the service of the United States, excepting regimental 
officers — appointing all the officers of the naval forces, and 
commissioning all officers whatever in the service of the United 
States — making rules for the government and regulation of the 
«iid land and naval forces, and directing their operations. 

The United States in Congress assembled shall have 
authority to appoint a committee, to sit in the recess of Congress, 
to be denominated "A Committee of the States," and to 

2 U 


CHAP, ecmsiflt of one delegate from eadi Stato ; to appoint soeh other 
^m connitieea and dvil offion^e as may be neceaeary for managing 
the general affiuns of the United Statei under their direction ; 
and to appoint one of their number to preside, {»oyided that 
no person be allowed to serve in the office of president more 
than one year in any term of three years — to ascertain the 
necessary sums of money to be raised for the service of the 
United States, and to appropriate and apply the same for 
defraying the public expeuses — to borrow money, or emit InUs 
on the credit of the United States, transmitting every half-year 
to the respective States an account of the sums of money so 
borrowed or emitted — ^to build and equip a navy*— to agree 
upon the number of land f oz^ees, and to midLC requisitions from 
each State for its quota^ in proportion to the number of white 
inhabitants in such State ; which requisition shall be binding, 
and thereupon the legislature of each State shall appoint the 
regimental officers, raise the men, and clothe, arm, and equip 
them in a soldier-like mann^, at the expense of the United 
States, and the officers and men so clothed, armed, and equipped 
shall march to the place appointed, and within the time agreed 
on by the United States in Congress assembled; but if the 
United States in Congress assembled shall, on consideration of 
circumstances, judge proper that any State should not raise 
men, or should raise a smaller number than its quota, and that 
any other State should raise a greater number of men than the 
quota thereof, such extra number shall be raised, officered, 
clothed, armed, and equipped in the same manner as the quota 
of such State, unless the legislature of such State shall judge 
that such extra number cannot be safely spared out of the 
same, in which case they shall raise, ofiicer, clothe, arm, and 
equip as many of such extra number as they judge can be 
safely spared : and the officers and men, so clothed, armed, and 
equipped shall march to the place appointed, and within the 
time agreed on, by the United States in Congress assembled. 

The United States in Congress assembled shall never engage 
in a war, nor grant letters of marque and reprisal in time of 
peace, nor enter into any treaties or alliances, nor coin money, 
nor regulate the value thereof, nor ascertain the sums and 
expenses necessary for the defence and welfare of the United 
States, or any of them, nor emit bills, nor borrow money on 
the credit of the United States, nor appropriate money, nor 
agree upon the number of vessels of war to be built or 
purchased, or the number of land or sea forces to be raised, 
nor appoint a commaiider*in-chief of the army or navy, unless 
nine States assent to the same; nor shall a question on any 
other point, except for adjourning from day to day, be deter- 
mined, unless by the votes of a majority of the United States 
in Congress assembled. 


The Congress of the United States shall have power to cHAP. 
adjourn to any time within the year, and to any |Jace within ' VIII 
the United States, so that no period of adjournment be for a '•-^-v^*-^ 
longer duration than the space of six months, and shall publish 
the journal of their proceedings monthly, except such parts thereof 
relating to treaties, alliances, or military operations, as in their 
judgment require secrecy, and the yeas and nays of the delegates 
of each State on any question shall he entered on the journal, 
when it is desired by any delegate; and the delegates of a 
State, or any of them, at his or their request, shall be furnished 
with a transcript of the said journal, except such parts as are 
above excepted, to lay before the legislatures of the several States. 

Art. X. The Committee of the States, or any nine of them, 
shall be authorized to execute, in the recess of Congress, such 
of the powers of Congress as the United States in Congress 
assembled, by the consent of nine States, shall from time to 
time think expedient to vest them with: provided that no 
power be delegated to the said Committee, for the exercise of 
which, by the Articles of Confederation, the voice of nine States 
in the Congress of the United States assembled is requisite. 

Art. XI. Canada, acceding to this Confederation, and 
joining in the measures of the United States, shall be admitted 
into and entitled to all the advantages of this Union ; but no 
other J colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such 
admission be agreed to by nine States. 

Art. XIL All bills of credit emitted, moneys borrowed, and 
debts contracted by or under thie authority of Congress, before 
die assembling of the United States in pursuance of the present 
Confederation, shall be deemed and considered as a charge 
against the United States, for payment and satisfaction 
whereof the said United States and the public faith are hereby 
solemnly pledged. 

Art. XIIL Every State shall abide by the determinations of See page 
the United States in Congress assembled, on all questions which ^^^• 
by this Confederation are submitted to tfaem. And the 
Articles of this Confederation shaU be inviolably observed by 
«very State, and the Union shall be perpetual ; nor shall any 
alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them, unless 
auch alteration he agreed to in a Congress at the United States, 
and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every State. 

And WHJQIKAS it hath pleased the Qreat Governor of the 
wco'ld to incline the hearts of the legislatures we- respectfully 
represent in Coolness to approve of and to authorize us to 
ratify the said Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union, 
Know ye, That we, the undersigned delegates, by virtue of the 
power and authority to us given for that purpose, do by these 
presents, in the name and in behalf of our respective constituents, 
fully and entirely ratify and confirm each and every of the said 


CHAP, Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union, and all and 
Vtll singular the matters and things therein contained : and we do 
further solemnly plight and engage the faith of our respectiye 
constituents that they shall abide by the determinations of the 
United States in Congress assembled, on all questions which by 
the said Confederation are submitted to them. And that the 
Articles thereof shall be inviolably observed by the States we 
respectively represent, and the Union shall be perpetual. 



/Fie, the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect 
UnioTiy establish Justice, insure domestic TrcmguUliiyy provide for 
the comm^on Defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure 
the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain 
and establish this CONSTITUTION for the United States of 


Seepage SECTION 1. All legislative powers herdin granted shall be 

602. vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of 

a Senate and House of Bepresentatives. 

Sect. 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of 
members chosen every second year by the people of the several 
States, and the electors in each State shall have the qualifications 
requisite for the electors of most numcurous branch of the 
State legislature. 

No person shall be a representative who shall not have 
attained to the age of twenty-five years^ and been seven years a 
citisen of the United States, and who shall not, wit&i elected, 
be an inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. 

Eepresentatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among 
the several States which may be included within tJiis Union, 
according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined 
by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those 
bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians 
not taxed, three fifths of all other persons. The actual enumera- 
tion shall be made within three years after the first meeting of 
the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent 
term of t&a years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. 
The number of representatives shall not exceed one for every 
thirty thousand, but each State shall have at least one representa- 

^ For the text of the Constitution and for the first fifteen amendments 
thereto see Appendix to Lodge's edition of The Federaliai, 


tive; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of CHAP. 
New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts VIII 
eight, Bhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut 
five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, 
Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five. 
South Carolina five, and Qeorgia three. 

When vacancies happen in the representation from any State, 
the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to 
fill such vacancies. 

The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker 
and other officers ; and shall have the sole power of impeach- 

Sect. 3. The Senate of the United States' shall be composed 
of two senators from each State, chosen by the legislature thereof, 
for six years ; and each senator shall have one vote. 

Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of 
the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be 
into three classes. The seats of the senators of the first class 
shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year, the second 
class at the expirati(m of the fourth year and the third class 
at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one third may be 
chosen every second year ; and if vacancies happen, by resigna- 
tion or otherwise, during the recess of the legislature of any 
State, the Executive thereof may make temporary appointments 
until the next meeting of the legislature, which shsJl then fill 
such vacancies. 

No person shall be a senator who shall not hare attained to 
the age of thirty years, and been ni^e years a citizen of the 
United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant 
of that State for which he shall be chosen. 

The Vice-President of the United States shall be president 
of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally 

The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a 
president pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice-President^ or 
when he shall exercise the office of President of the United 

The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. 
When sitting for that purpose they shall be on oath or affirma 
tion. When the President of the United States is tried, the 
Chief-Justice shall preside. And no person shaU be convicted 
without the concurrence of two thirds of the members present 

Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further 
than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and 
enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United 
States ; but the party convicted shall, nevertheless, be liable and 
subject to indictment, trial, judgment^ and punishment, according 
to law. 


CHAP. Sect. 4. The times, plac^ and manner of holding elections 

VIII for senatoFB and representatiree shall be prescribed in each 
State by the legislature thereof ; but the Congress may at any 
time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the 
places of choosing senators. 

The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and 
such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless 
they shall by law appoint a different day. 

Sect. 5. Each house shall be the judge of the elections, 
returns, and (qualifications of its own members; and a majority 
of each shall constitute a quorum to do business ; but a smaller 
number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized 
to compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner, 
and under such penalties, as each house may provide. 

Each house may determine the rules c^ its proceedings, 
punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the 
concurrence of two thirds, expel a member. 

Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from 
time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may in 
their judgment require secrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the 
members of either house on any question shall, at the desire of 
one fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. 

Neither house, during the session of Congress, shall, without 
the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor 
to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be 

Sect. 6. The senators and representativee shall receive a 
compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and 
paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall, in 
all cases, except treason, felony, and breach of the peace, be 
privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session or 
their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the 
same ; and for any speech or debate in either house, they shall 
not be questioned in any other place. 

No senator or representative shall, during the time for which 
he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the 
authority of the United States, which shall have been created, 
or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased, during 
such time ; and no person holding any office under the United 
States, shall be a member of either house during his continuance 
in office. 

Sbctt. 7. All bills for raising revenue shaU originate in the 
House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or 
concur with amendments as on other bills. 

Every bill which shall have passed the House of Kepresentativee 
and the Senate shall, before it become a law, be presented to 
the President of the United States; if he approve, he shaU 
sign it; but if not, he shall return it, with his objections, to 


that house in which it shall have originat<dy who AM eater OHAP. 
the objections at large on their joarnal^ and proceed to reconsider ^I^^ 
it If after such reconsideration two thirds of that bouse shall 
agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the 
objeotkms, to the other house, bj which it shall likewise be 
reconsidered, and if appiorred bj two thirds of that house, it 
shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both 
houses shall be det^miiied by yeas and nays, and the names of 
the persons voting for and agunst the bill shall be entered on 
the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not 
be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) 
after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a 
law, in like manner as if he had signed it^ unless the Ck>ngress 
by their adjournment [Mrevent its return, in whieh case it shall 
not be a law. 

Every order, resolution, or vote, to which the concurrence of 
the Senate and the House of Bapresentatives may be necessary 
(except on a question of adjournment), shall be presented to the 
President of the United States; and before the same shall 
take effect^ shall be approved by him, or, being disapproved by 
him, shull be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House 
of Bepresentatives, according to the rules and limitations 
prescribed in the case of a bilL 

Sbct. 8. The Congress shall have power — 

To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises ; to 
pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general 
wdfare of the United States: but all duties, imposts, and 
excises, shall be uniform throughout the United States ; 

To borrow money on the credit of the United States ; 

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the 
several ^ates, and with the Indian tribes ; 

To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws 
on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States ; 

To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign 
coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures ; 

To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities 
and current coin of the United States ; 

To establish post-offices and post-roads ; 

To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by 
securing for limited times to authors and invtotors the exclusive 
right to their respective writings and discoveries ; 

To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court ; 

To define and punish piracies and fdonies committed on the 
high seas, and offences i^ainst the law of nations ; 

To declare war, grant letters d marque and reprisal, and 
make rules ooneeming captures on land and water ; 

To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money 
to that use shall be for a loni2;er term than two yean ; 


CHAP. '^o provide and maintain a navy ; 

YIII To make rules for the government and regulation of the land 

and naval forces ; 

To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the 
laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions ; 

To provide for organinng, armings and disciplining the 
militia, and for governing such parts of them as may be em- 
ployed in the service of the United States, reserving to the 
States respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the 
authority of training the militia according to the discipline 
prescribed by Congress ; 

To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over 
such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession* 
of particular States, and the acceptance of Congress, become 
the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise 
like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the 
legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the 
erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock-yards, and other 
needful buildings ; And 

To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for 
carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers 
vested by this Constitution in the government of the United 
States, or in any department or officer thereof. 

Sect. 9. The migration or importation of such persons as 
any of the States now existing shall think proper to admits 
shall not be {MX)hibited by the Congress prior to the year one 
thousand eight hundred and eighty but a tax or duty may be 
imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for 
each person. 

The privilege of the writ of haheas carpus shall not be 
suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the 
public safety may require it. 
See page No bill of attainder or ex^postrfado law shall be passed. 

^^^' No capitation, or other direct, tax shall be laid, imless in 

proportion to the cenms or enumeration herein before directed 
to be taken. 

No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any 
State. No preference shall be given by any regulation of 
commerce or revenue to the ports of one State over those of 
another; nor shall vessels bound to, or from, one State, be 
obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. 

No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in conse- 
quence of appropriations made by law ; and a regular statement 
and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public 
money shall be published from time to time. 

No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States : 
And no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, 
shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any 


jHreBent, emoluxnent, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from OHAP. 
any king, prince, or foreign state. VIII 

Sect. 10. No State shall enter into any treaty, alliaace, or '^^^^n^^-^^ 
confederation ; grant letters of marque; and reprisal ; coin 
money ; emit bills of credit ; make any thing bttt gold and 
silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of Seepage 
attainder, exrpost-fado law, or law impairing the obligation of ^^^* - 
contracts ; or grant any title of nobility. 

No State shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any 
imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be 
absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws ; and the 
net proceeds of all duties and imposts, laid by any State on 
imports or exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the 
United States; and all such laws shall be subject to the 
revision and control of the Congress. No State shall, without 
the consent of Congress, lay any duties of tonnage, keep troops, 
or ships of war, in time of peace, enter into any agreement or 
compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage 
in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger 
as will not admit of delay. 


Sect. 1. The executive power shall be vested in a President 
of the United States of America. He shall hold his office 
during the term of four years, and, together with the Vice- 
President, chosen for the same term, be elected as follows : 

Each State shall appoint, in such manner as the legislature 
thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole 
number of senators and representatives to which the State 
may be entitled in the Congress : but no senator or representative, 
or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United 
States, shall be appointed an elector. 

The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote 
by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be 
an inhabitant of the same State with themselves. And they 
shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the 
number of votes for each; which list they shaU sign and 
certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of 
the United States, directed to the i»resident of the Senate. 
The president of the Senate shall, in the presence of the 
Senate and the House of Representatives, open all the certificates, 
and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the 
greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number 
be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and 
if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an 
equal number of votes, then the House of Eepresentatives shall 
immediately choose by ballot one of them for President ; and 


OHAP. ^ no person have a majority, then from the fire highest on die 
Yin list the said House shall in like manner ehoose the Presidenli. 
But in choosing the Presidenti the votes shall be taken by 
States, the representation from each State having one vote; 
a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or 
members from two thirds of the States^ and a majority of all 
the States shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after 
the choice of the President, the person having ihe greatest 
number of votes of the electors ^all be the Vice-President. 
But if there should remain two or more who have equal 
votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice- 

The Congress may determine the time of choosing the 
electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes; 
which day shall be the same throughout the United States. 

No person except a natural-bom citizen, or a citizen of die 
United States, at the time of the adoption of this Gonstitution, 
shall be eligiUe to the office of President ; neither shall any 
person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to 
the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident 
within the United States. 

In case of removal of the President from office, or of his 
death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and 
duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice- 
President, and the Congress may by law provide for ihe case 
of removal, death, resignation, or inability, both of the Presideiit 
and Vice-Presidenti declaring what officer shall then act as 
President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the dis- 
ability be removed, or a President shall be elected. 

The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services 
a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished 
during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he 
shall not receive within that period any other emolument from 
the United States, or any of them. 

Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take 
the following oath or affirmation : 

''I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully 
execute the office of President of the United States^ and will, to 
the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the 
Constitution of the United States." 

SeCTT. 2. The President shall be commander-in-chief of the 
army and navy of the United States ; and of the militia of ihe 
several States, when called into the actual service of the United 
States ; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal 
officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject 
relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shaQ 
have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offences against 
the United Stated, except in cases of impeadiment. 


He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of CHAP, 
the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the VIII 
senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and, by and 
with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint 
ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the 
Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, 
whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and 
which shall be established by law. But the Congress may by 
law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think 
proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the 
heads of departments. 

The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that 
may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting 
commissions which shall expire at the end of their next 

Sect. 8. He shall from time to time give to the Congiess 
information of the state of the Union, and rec<»nmend to their 
consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and 
expedient ; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both 
houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between 
them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn 
them to such time as he shall think proper ; he shaJl receive 
ambassadors and other public ministers ; he shall take care that 
the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the 
officers of the United States. 

Sect. 4. The President, Vice-President^ and all civil officers 
of the United States shall be removed from office on impeach- 
ment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high 
crimes and misdemeanors. 


Sect. 1. The judicial power of the United States shall be 
vested in one Supreme Courts and in such Inferior courts as the 
Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The 
judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their 
offices during good behavior, and shall, at stated times, receive 
for their services a compensation, which shall not be diminished 
during their continuance in office. 

Sect. 2. The judicial power shall extend to all oases in law 
and equity arising under this Constitution, the laws of the 
United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under 
their authority ; to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public 
ministers and consuls ; to all cases of admiralty and maritime 
jurisdiction ; to controversies to which the United States shall 
be a party ; to controversies between two or more States ; 
between a State and citizen of another State ; between citizens 
of different States ; between citizens of the same State claiming 


CHAP, lands under grants of different States ; and between a State, or 
YIII the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens, or subjects. 
^•-^^'^./^'•^ In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and 
consuls, and those in which a State shall be party, the Supreme 
Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases 
before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate juris- 
diction, both as to law and fact» with such exceptions, and under 
such regulations, as the Congress shall make. 

The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall 
be by jury ; and such trial shall be held in the State where the 
said crimes shall hare been committed ; but when not committed 
within any State, the trial shall be at such place or places as the 
Congress may by law hare directed. 

Sect. 3. Treason against the United States shall consist only 
in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, 
giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of 
treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same 
overt act, or on confession in open court. 

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment 
of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption 
of blood, or forfeiture, except during the life of the person 


Sect. 1. 'Full faith and credit shall be given in each State to 

the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other 

' State. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the 

manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be 

proved, and the effect thereof. 

Sect. 2. The citizens of each State shall be entitled to all 
privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States. 

A person charged in any State with treason, felony, or ot^er 
crime, who shall fiee from justice, and be found in another State, 
shall, on demand of the executive authority of the State from 
which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State 
having jurisdiction of the crime. 

No person held to service or labor in one State, under the 
laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any 
law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or 
labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom 
such service or labor may be due. 
See page Sbct. 3. New States may be admitted by the Congress into 

01^* this Union ; but no new State shall be formed or erected within 

the jurisdiction of any other State, nor any State be formed by 
the junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without 
the consent of the legislatures of the States concerned, as well 
as of the Congress. 


The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all CHAP. 
needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other VIII 
property belonging to the United States ; and nothing in this 
Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of 
the United States, or of any particular State. 

Sect. 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in 
this Union a republican form of government^ and shall protect 
each of them against invasion, and on application of the legis- 
lature, or of the Executive (when the legislature cannot be 
convened), against domestic violence. 


The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem 
it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, 
on the applicatioD of the legislatures of two thirds of the several 
States, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, 
in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part 
of this Constitution^ when ratified by the legislatures of three 
fourths of the several States, or by conventions in three fourths 
thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be 
proposed by the Congress : Provided, that no amendment which 
may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and 
eight, shall in any manner afiect the first and fourth clauses in 
the ninth section of the first article ; and that no State, with- 
out its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the 


All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before 
the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against 
the United States under this Constitution, as under the Con- 

Thia Constitution, and the laws of the United States which 
shall be made in pursuance thereof ; and all treaties made, or 
which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, 
shall be the supreme law of the land ; and the judges in every 
State shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or 
laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. 

The senators and representatives before mentioned, and the 
members of the several State legislatures, and all executive and 
judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several 
States, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this 
Constitution; but no religions test shall ever be required as a 
qualification to any office or public trust under the United 






NEW YORK . . . 



The ratification of the conventions of nine States shall be 
sufficient for the establishment of this Constitation between the 
States so ratifying the same. 

DONE in convdntion, by the unanimous consent of the States 
present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of 
our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, 
and of the independence of the United States of America 
the twelfth. In witness whereof, we have hereunto 
subscribed our names. 

GEORGE WASHINGTON, FresiderU, arid Deputy from Ftrginia. 

/John Langdon, 


/Nathaniel Oorham, 
IRufos King. 

/William Samuel Johnson, 
\RooBR Sherman. 
{Alexander Hamilton. 

'William Livingston, 

David Brearlby, 

William Patbrson, 
UoNATHAN Dayton. 

Benjamin Franklin, 

Thomas Mifflin, 

Robert Morris, 

George Cltmer, 

Thomas Fitzsimons, 

Jared Ingersoll, 

James Wilson, 
igouverneur morris. 

(George Read, 
GiTNNiNG Bedford^ Junior, 
John Dickinson, 
Richard Bassett, 
Jacob Broom. 
(James M'Hbnrt, 
Daniel Jenifer, of St. Thomas, 
Daniel Carroll. 

VIRGINIA ("^^^^ ^^^ 

viKuiJNiA I James Madibon, Junior. 

(WiLUAM Blount, 
Richard Dobbs Spaight, 
Hugh Williamson. 
(John Rutlbdgb, 
Charles Cotbsworth Pinoknxt, 
Charles Pingknby, 
Pierce Butler. 







/William Pew, chap. 

IAbraham Baldwin. vui 


Attest. WILLIAM JACKSON, Secretary. 


Monday, September 17, 1787. 

Present, The Stales of Netv-Hampshire, MassaehusettSj Cannedicuiy 
Mr. HamUUm from New-York^ New Jersey ^ Pewnsylvania^ Dela- 
ware^ Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and 

Resolved, That tha preceding Constitution be Laid before the. 
United States in Congress assembled, and that it is tbe opinion 
of this convention, that it should afterwards be subimitted to 
a convention of delegates, chosen in each State hj the people 
thereof, under the recommendation of its legislature, for their 
assent and ratification ; and that each convention assenting to, 
and ratifying the same should give notice thereof to the United 
States in Congress assembled. 

Besolwd, That it is the opinion of this convention, that as 
soon as the conventions of nine States shall have ratified this 
Constitution, the United States in Congress assembled should 
fix a day on which electors should be appointed by the States 
which shall have ratified the same, and a day on 'which the 
electors should assemble to vote for the President^ and the time 
and place for commencing proceedings under this Constitution ; 
that after such publication the electors should be appointed, and 
the senators and representatives elected ; that the electors should 
meet on the day fixed for the election of the President, and 
should transmit their votes certified, signed, sealed, sati directed, 
as the Constitution requires, to the secretary of the United 
States in Congress assembled; that the senators and repre- 
sentatives should convene at the time and place assigned ; that 
the senators should appoint a president of the Senate, for the 
sole purpose of receiving, opening, and counting the Votes for 
President; and that after he shall be chosen, the Congress, 
together with the President, should without delay proceed to 
execute this Constitution. 

By the unanimous order of the convention. 

William Jackson, Secretary. 



-^ Tha fint ten amendmeiitB ware propond in GongmB daring 

615. Its ftrsi session, and on the 15ih of Deeember, 1791, were 

ratified The eleven^ amendment was proposed daring ihefirsi 
session of the third Congress, and was annooneed hj tlie 
President of the United States in a message to it, of date 
January 8th, 1798, as having been ratified. The hadftk amend- 
ment originated with Hamilton, and was proposed doring the 
Jirst session of the eighOi Congress, and was adopted in 1804. 


Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of 
religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging 
the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people 
peaceably to assemble, and to petition the gOTemment for a 
redress of grievances. 


A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a 
free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall 
not be infringed. 


No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house 
without the consent of the owner ; nor in time of war, but in 
the manner prescribed by law. 


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, 
papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, 
shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon 
probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly 
describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to 
be seized. 


No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise 
infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand 
jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the 
militia when in actual service in time of war or public danger ; 
nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice 
put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled in any 
criminal case to be witness against himself ; nor be deprived of 


life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor OHAP. 
shall private property be taken for public use without just VIII 


In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall enjoy the right 
of a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jary of the State 
and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which 
district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to 
be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be 
confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have compulsory 
process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the 
assistance of counsel for his defence. 


In suits at common law, where the value in controversy 
shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be 
preserved; and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise 
reexamined in any court of the United States than according to 
the rules of the common law. 


Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines 
imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. 


The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights, shall 
not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the 


The powers not delegated to the United States by the 
Constitution or prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to 
the States respectively, or to the people. 


The judicial power of the United States shall not be con- 
strued to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or 
prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of 
another State, or by citizens or subjects of any foreign State. 


The electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote 
by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom at 



CHAP, least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same State with them- 
VIII selves; tbey shall name in their ballots the person voted for 
as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as 
Vice-President ; and they shall make distinct lists of all persons 
voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Yice- 
Preaident, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they 
shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of 
government of the United States, directed to the President 
of the Senate ; the president of the Senate shall, in the presence 
of the Senate and the House of Representatives, open all the 
certificates, and the votes shall then be counted ; the person 
having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the 
President, if such number be a majority of the whole number 
of electors appointed ; and if no person have such majority, then 
from the persons having the highest numbers, not exceeding 
three, on the list of those voted for as President, the House of 
Eepresentatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President 
But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by 
States, the representation from each State having one vote ; a 
quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members 
from two thirds of the States, and a majority of all the States 
shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Eepresenta- 
tives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice 
shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next 
following, then the Vice-President shall act as President as in the 
case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President 
The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice- 
President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a 
majority of the whole number of electors appointed ; and if no 
person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on 
the list^ the Senate shall choose the Vice-President ; a quorum 
for the purpose shall consist of two thirds of the whole number 
of senators, and a* majority of the whole number shall be 
necessary to a choice. 

But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of 
President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the 
United States. 

The following amendment was ratified by Alabama, December 
2, 1865, which filled the requisite complement of ratifying 
States, and was certified by the Secretary of State to have 
become valid as a part of the Constitution of the United States, 
December 18, 1865. 


Sect. 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except 
as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been 


dtdy convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any cHAP. 
place subject to their jarisdiction. VIII 

Sect. 2. Congress shall hare power to enforce this article 
by appropriate legislation. 

The following amendment was certified by the Secretary of 
State to have become valid as a part of the Constitution of the 
United States, July 28, 1868. 


Sect. 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United 
States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the 
United States and of the States wherein they reside. No State 
shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges 
or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any 
State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due 
process of law ; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction 
the equal protection of the laws. 

Sect. 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the 
several States according to their respective numbers, counting 
the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians 
not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the 
choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United 
States, representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial 
officers of a State, or the members of the legislature thereof, is 
denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being 
twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in 
any way abridged, except for participation in rebdlion or other 
crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the 
proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to 
the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in 
such State. 

Sbot. 3. No person shall be a senator or representative m 
Congress, or eleetbr of President and Vice-President, or hold any 
office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any 
State, who, having previously taken an oath as a member of 
Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of 
any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any 
State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall 
have engaged in insftrrection or rebellion against the same, or 
given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, 
by a vote of two thirds of each house, remove such disability. 

Sect. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United 
States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment 
of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection 
or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United 
l^tes nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation 


CHAP, incurred in aid of insuirectimi or rebellion against tlie United 
YIII States, or any claim for the loss or emancipadon of any slaye ; 
bat all such debts, obligations^ and claims shall be held illegal 
and void. 

Sect. 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by 
appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. 

The following amendment was proposed to the legislatares of 
the several States by the fortieth Congress, on the 27th of 
February, 1869, and was declared, in a proclamation of the 
Secretary of State, dAted March 30, 1870, to have been ratified 
by the legislatures of twenty-nine of the thirty-seven States. 


Sect. I. The right of citizens of the United States to vote 
shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by 
any State, on account of race, color, or previous condition of 

Sect. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by 
appropriate legislation. 

The following amendment was passed by Congress on 
July 15, 1909, and on Feb. 25, 1913, was certified by the 
Secretary of State to have received ratification by the necessary 
three fourths of the whole number of States, and therefore as 
being valid as a part of the Constitution of the United States. 


The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on 
incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment 
among the several States, and without regard *to any census or 

The following amendment was passed by Congress on 
May 15, 1912, and was certified by the Secretary of State on 
May 31, 1913, to have been ratified and become valid as a part 
of the Constitution of the United States. 


The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two 
Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six 
years ; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in 


each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of CHAP, 
the most numerous branch of the State legislatures. VIII 

When vacancies happen in the representation of any State 
in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue 
writs of election to fill such vacancies; Frovidedy That the 
legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to 
make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies 
by election as the legislature may direct. 

This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the 
election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as 
part of the Constitution. 





work in 
taring the 
lished bj 

The union 
of colonies 
a step 
but not 
from the 

Had Lincoln &iled, and had Lee been able to vindicate 
the principle which determined his own conduct, 
the work of Washington mast have been undone. 
American society would have dissolved once more 
into a congeries of sovereign states, whose common 
interests and mutual disputes would have been subject 
to no general law, but only, where agreement £eiiled, 
to the settlement of force. America would have had 
no law binding upon all and yet capable of being 
moulded by the experience and opinion of all, and, 
until the edifice raised by Washington had been 
restored, the government of American affairs by 
Americans for Americans would have perished from 
the soil on which they live. 

The real contribution of Americans to the cause of 
freedom was the effective union of all their states in 
one greater Commonwealth, and the efforts and 
sacrifices by which the union of that Commonwealth 
was preserved. The practice, however, of confusing 
the revolution which severed the colonies from the 
parent Commonwealth with this subsequent achieve- 
ment, has led historians to treat the great schism as 
itself a notable step in the progress of freedom. At a 
moment when the liberties of the world are trembling 
in the balance, it is time to reconsider that judgment. 
In assisting the American colonies to revolt from the 



parent Commonwealth the French monarchy was chap. 
concerned merely to divide the forces opposed to 
autocracy against themselves. It succeeded, but the 
blow recoiled to hasten the downfall of the tottering 
throne^ from which it was aimed. But something 
more than the destruction of monarchy — a change in 
the national character itself — was necessary for the 
achievement of freedom in France. A new and far 
more powerful autocracy was raised by Napoleon on 
the ruins of the Bourbon throne, and before the close 
of the century the British Commonwealth was plunged 
once more into a struggle, upon the issue of which 
the world's freedom as well as its own existence 

For twenty years that issue hung upon the margin The Napo- 
of superior power which the British fleets were able ^^ a 
to maintain on the sea. But Napoleon could never struggle 
have succeeded so fiur, nor would it have taken so freedom 

m wliicli 

long to defeat him, had the resources of Anglo-Saxon the British 
society on both sides of the Atlantic been united w^tT"^ 
against him. As it was, the Americans, not under- ^^ ^^ 
standing the issues at stake, and misled by the I'&tner 
catchwords of the French Revolution, ended by supported 
ranging their sea-power on Napoleon's side. In spite Iml^ca?^ 
of its mutilation the British Commonwealth survived, 
and in saving freedom for itself saved it for Europe 
&s well as for America. That phase of the struggle 
waa closed, not merely by the victories of Trafalgar 
and Waterloo, but still more by the subsequent 
development in France itself of the habits essential 
to free institutions. 

The conflict, in truth, was one between principles Revival of 
rather than peoples. In England there had developed cipiJ^of" 
a system different from any in Europe, and strong ?utocracy 

•' •' *^ ' ©in central 

enough to claim a share in the world opened by Henry Europe, 
the Navigator. Its future existence depended on its 
power to assert that claim ; and the issue of the conflict 


CHAP, was to determine whether the principle of autocracy 
^^^^.^^^^^^ or that of freedom was to prevail in the outer world 
From the moment when the Spanish Armada left the 
Tagus, till eleven battered hulks of Napoleon's fleet 
reeled from Trafalgar into Cadiz, that issue was at 
stake. There and at Waterloo it was settled outright, 
so far as the Powers of Western Europe were con- 
cerned, and the Anglo-Saxon world went on its way 
as though there was nobody else to open it. Close 
upon a century was to pass before it was realized that 
Europe had been destined to a new birth of autocracy 
at its centre. In the history of the struggle for the 
mastery of the seas the name of that race before which 
Kome trembled in her rise and bowed 'in her decay, is 
conspicuous by its absence. That Germany, as such, 
took no part in it, was, says the pupil and successor 
of Bismarck, * a prolonged national misfortune, not 
due to foreigners, but our own fault.' ^ The Germans, 
organized as a counterfeit state, were blinded to their 
own essential disunion. Nor had they for the same 
reason acquired the faculty whereby government is 
rendered amenable to public opinion.^ The convention 
1848. of a German national Parliament at Frankfort was an 
attempt to establish popular government and unite 
Germany by general consent. The attempt was a 
1870. signal failure, and the union of Germany twenty years 
later was the work of the Prussian dynasty, accom- 
plished by force. 

* von Billow, Imperial Germany y p. 111. 

2 *I once,* says Prince Bernhard von Billow, an ex-Chancellor of the 
Empire, ' had a conversation on this subject with the late Ministerial Director 
Althoff. ** Well, what can you expect ? " replied that distinguished man in 
his humorous way. " We Germans are the most learned nation in the world, 
and the best soldiers. We have achieved great things in all the sciences and 
arts : the greatest philosophers, the greatest poets and musicians are Germans. 
Of late we have occupied the foremost place in the natural sciences and in 
almost all technical spheres, and in addition to that we have accomplished 
an enormous industrial development. How can you wonder that we are 
political asses? There must be a weak point somewhere.*"— -von Biilow, 
Imperial Germany, p. 106. 


In 1870 a government which could claim to be chap. 
that of the German people acquired a voice in the ^,^^,^^^^„„^ 
councils of modern Europe for the first time. The Belated 
immediate results were sufficient to show how seriously ofthe ^^ 
the lack of German control over German affairs had ^™*^,, 

nation the 

affected the peace of all Europe : for the union was achieve- 
followed by forty years of repoVe. which was broken iZlj. 
only in the Balkan Peninsula. At peace with herself, 
Germany was at length able to develop her natural 
resources. For the first time free play was given to 
the inborn vigour, intelligence, and industry of the 
people. Their wealth increased by leaps and bounds, 
and with it the strength of their military forces. A 
nation, which had never been able to speak and act 
as one, suddenly found itself a power second to none 
in the councils of Europe. What the German people 
had failed to effect by mutual consent, their strongest 
dynasty had accomplished by force of arms. The 
prestige of autocracy was immensely enhanced by the 
achievement, and behind the transparent screen of an 
assembly elected by universal suffrage, German state- 
hood was established on the power of a monarchy 
backed by the strongest army which the world has 

The result was that instead of public opinion Success 
controlling Government the best-educated people in oeman 
Europe were content that Government should mould ?^*^®"°y 
public opinion. So recently as 1913 Dr. Walther trolling 
Rathenau, a man no less distinguished in the world opinion. 
of culture than in the field of industry, expressed 
himself to a French interviewer as unable to under- 
stand a political system which allowed public opinion 
to influence policy. ' Many of the elements,' he re- 
marked, *in your social and moral life escape us. 
For instance, we are not, as you are, in the habit 
of reckoning with public opinion. With us it does 
not count for anything. Opinion has never had any 


CHAP, effect on a policy. It resembles rather the choras of 
antiquity which looks on and comments on an action 
unfolding around it. I should compare it to a 
crowd that accompanies, but is not admitted to the 
gama It is, therefore, very difficult for us to grasp 
the mechanism of a public opinion that intervenes in 
everything, and reigns in politics, in administration, 
in the army, and is even allowed access to the courts 
of justice. To us it is absolutely inconceivable.' ^ 

That Government in Germany does not look to 
public opinion is only one- half the truth. The 
Prussian autocracy would never have been able to 
effect or maintain the union had it not seen that the 
opinion of the most intelligent, educated, and virile 
people in Europe could not be ignored. Bismarck 
recognized this, but he also knew that for a people 
so far developed in other directions their instinct for 
freedom was singularly weak. In the long struggle 
of the States for separate existence military despotism 
had, with the exception of some free cities like 
Hamburg, been accepted as a necessary form of 
government, and under its tutelage the Grerman 
character acquired a curious docility. Public opinion 
was itself amenable to direction from above. The 
Press Bureau established by Bismarck was but one 
of the means expressly devised to secure that people 
should think what the Government wished they 
should think. Another, at once more subtle and 
powerful, is the control which Government has over 
education. The advice which von Treitschke gave to 
a young professor, who aspired to success in the world 
of leamiDg, was above all things to be 'governmental.' 
Independence of mind, so feo: as politics are concerned, 
is a fatal bar to success in the field of learning ; yet 
nowhere else do professors enjoy so high a prestige or 
exercise so decisive an influence on the public mind. 

' Boardon, The Oerman Enigma^ pp. 128-9. 


It is this docility of a vigorous and intelligent people, ohap. 
turned to its own uses by an indefatigable Govern- 
ment, which explains why a legislature, elected by 
universal suffrage, with full control of supply, has 
never secured an executive responsible to itself. Of 
course that assembly has not always been willing to 
adopt the measures of the Government, Yet when- 
ever a deadlock has threatened, the Government has 
appealed to the people, and so far a majority has 
always been found to support it against legislators of 
their own previous choice. That a people in the fore- 
front of civilization should produce the most powerful 
autocracy ever seen in the modern world is a singular 
phenomenon, and centuries of disunion suddenly ended 
by the maater-strokes of the Prussian dynasty furnish 
the key to it. 

Between such a system and those in which public R«cur- 
opinion is the guiding as well as the actuating force, J^e^^ ° 
a spiritual conflict is inherent. Unquestionably the ^^^^^^^ 
progress which government by pubUc opinion has theprin- 
made in Europe is mainly due to the infectious de^otism 
example of the British and American Common- ^the^** 
wealths. It is they which have acted as ' seminaries ^"}^^^" 
to seditious parliaments,' ' inspiring the French ""'' 
Revolution, which in turn excited a demand for 
constitutions in Germany itself, and obliged Govern- 
ment to devise expedients for keeping public opinion 
in control. With a people so intelligent such ex- 
pedients were bound to fail sooner or later. A time 
was certain to come when the electorate would close 
its ears to the appeals of the Government and return 
a legislature pledged to refuse them ; and whenever 
this happened the autocracy must either yield to 
responsible government or else suspend the constitu- 
tion. The Emperor must face the two alternatives. 

^ See above, p. 199, and also the passage quoted from Woodrow Wilsou, 
p. 76. 


CHAP. He must either renounce his claim that he is answer- 


able to God rather than man, and bow to the 
majority, or else the majority must bow to the armies 
which look to the War-lord as their chief The 
balance between an autocracy and a popular legis- 
lature is in the long run just as impossible to maintain 
in Germany as in any other part of the civilized 
world. The one must encroach upon the other, and 
until commonwealths are blotted from existence and 
their memory forgotten among men, their example 
will continue to dissolve the primitive and super- 
natural ideas which afford the only moral foundations 
upon which the principle of autocracy can rest. Its 
immediate basis, however, is military force, and the 
readiness of an army to obey the man at its head 
rather than the law, in the event of a conflict between 
the two, will decline unless it is occasionally exercised 
in war. Fear of a peace too long unbroken which 
inspired the first and third Napoleon prevails no less 
in those sections of Prussian society which uphold 
the principle of personal rule.^ 

To commonwealths war is a visitation to be faced, 
like famine or pestilence, only with the purpose of 
preventing its recurrence and protecting the liberty 
for which they stand. By the ruling classes in 
Prussia it is treated as a wholesome as well as a 
necessary exercise, and naturally they look upon the 
opposite opinion as a confession of weakness and a 
symptom of national decay. To them Britain is a 
power which has used the dissensions of Europe to 
annex a quarter of the world, and has now by its 
decadence lost any title to empire which it ever 

^ ' The lauded nobility . . . which forms a hierarohy of which the King 
of Prussia is the supreme head, sees with terror the democratization of 
Germany and the growing force of the socialist party. ' — Confidential Report 
to M, Stephen Pickony Minister for Foreign Affairs^ on Gtrinan public opinion, 
according to French diplomatic and consular agents. Parxs, JiUy SOth, 1913. 
Yellow Book published by the French Government, December 1914 {English 
translation), p. 16. 


possessed. To men honestly convinced that in chap. 
politics * might is also the supreme right/ ^ and firmly ^^ 
believing in their own nation as the strongest in the 
world, it is intolerable that Britain should continue 
to rule a quarter of its surface. World-empire, and 
its necessary condition, the mastery of the seas, could 
scarcely seem otherwise than the natural inheritance 
of a nation that had won the hegemony of Europe. 

The Grermans, however, have not been content to Project of 
rest their claim to world-supremacy merely on superior ^c^^^n- 
force, nor indeed have they needed to do so. Their i^e world 
nationalism, suddenly realized, has made them vividly contrasted 
conscious of their own pre-eminence in music, litera- copsdous 
ture, learning, philosophy, science, and the industrial the^*^° 
arts. They have evolved a culture which they rightly J*mbo<Sld 
regard as the greatest of national achievements, and ^ *^« 
this consciousness has effected them in much the Oommon- 
same way as the sense of a newly acquired liberty ^^ 
affected the French. To France her freedom seemed 
so glorious a thing that she deemed herself destined 
to enforce it on the world. And so with the suddenly 
realized nationalism of the Grermans. Justly en- 
amoured with the splendour of their own civilization, 
they conceive themselves as charged with a mission to 
do for mankind what Prussia did for Germany herself. 

* Neither the ridiculous clamours for revenge of the 
French jingoes, nor the English gnashing of teeth, 
nor the wild gestures of the Slavs, will turn us 
from our end, which is to strengthen and to extend 
Deutschtum (Grermanism) throughout the entire 
world.' ^ The words are those of an oflScial, but 
they reflect sentiments previ^lent in learned, and 
even in religious circles, which have served to invest 
schemes of far-reaching conquest with the glamour 

^ von Bernhardi, O&rmany and the Next War, p. 23. 

^ Secret Report on the strengthening of the Ghrman Army, Berlin, 
March 19, 1915. Yellow Book published hy the French Oovemment, 
December 1914 {English translation), p. 8. 


CHAP, of a crusade. The Grerman nation is honestly 
concerned to achieve greatness by spreading its 
own culture over all the world, bUnd to the truth 
that for each individual and race the only culture 
is their own. The system which the world most 
needs is that which best enables each man and each 
community of men to develop their own character, 
and develop it, so far as may be, for themselves. 
Like all people bred to autocracy, the Grermans 
have failed to see that this Empire which includes a 
quarter of the world has grown in response to this 
need, and has only endured because it has shown 
itself better able to respond to it than others. Its 
kingdom was one that came not with observation. 
Had Napoleon conquered the world, his empire 
would not have endured, because it was a project 
deliberately conceived, and not one which grew from 
human needs too wide and deep to be wholly 
conscious. And so with the Latin Emperor's 
Teutonic heir. If Germany were to conquer the 
world, she could not hold it or compel it to be 
German. The only empires which persist are those 
which are neither Spanish, French, German, nor 
British, but human. For empires cannot be held 
as Napoleon would have held Europe, or Germany 
has held Posen or Alsace-Lorraine. Empires must 
hold together, and that they can do only in so far 
as the peoples they include find that they answer 
to the needs not of one, but of all. The British 
Empire has held together in so far as Britain has 
discovered principles and evolved a system which 
are not British but human, and can only endure in 
so far as it grows more human still. ' It was not 
the Romans that spread upon the world ; but it was 
the world that spread upon the Romans, and that 
was the sure way of greatness.' ^ 

^ Bacon's Essays, xxix. 


Bacon's aphomm is far more nearly applicable to ohap. 
the Commonwealth planted by the country of his ^^J^,^^ 
birth. Many and various nations have spread their Freedom 
branches upon it, covering its frame so closely that ^dj^^by 
they are prone to forget that it is there. Only when the sohiam 
the storm strikes it do they realize what freedom America, 
their growth has gained from its support, or what b^^he"^ 
fair promise of flower and fruit would perish in its ^^"f 
fall. The principle of freedom, like that of Ufe, is the British 
indestructible, but not the systems through which wealth, 
it is realized, and many harvests of liberty may be 
lost in their ruin, to the lasting impoverishment of 
the world. It is idle to suggest that so many men 
would be so free as they now are if Britain had 
perished in the struggle with France and Spain. It 
is equally futile to question that freedom would 
sustain the most serious check it has ever received 
if the British Commonwealth were to perish in the 
present struggle, its Dominions yielding to the virtual 
control, and its great dependencies to the direct 
authority of Prussia. We have but to imagine the 
United Kingdom reduced to the position of Denmark 
or Holland, trembling at the Prussian nod, India and 
Africa ruled from Berlin, South Africa, Australia, and 
New Zealand unable to withstand the dictates of a 
power dominant at sea as well as in Europe, to 
realize the disastrous nature of a schism which has 
led the hundred millions who now inhabit the United 
States to treat the American continent as a separate 
planet consecrated to liberty, and to regard the 
freedom of nations outside it, and the task of ex- 
tending its principles to Aflia and Africa, as beyond 
the range of their active interest. 

The creation of a system whereby the principle of 
the commonwealth could be realized for a territory 
so much vaster than the British Isles as is that of 
the United States was a notable step in the history 



OHAP. of freedom ; and, as will be seen at a later stage of 
^^^J\^ tlie inquiry, it was one which made possible an 
The organization on similar lines in Canada, Australia, 

^^^ and South Africa. The British Commonwealth 
^"iST" owes an immeasurable debt to the example set by 
set-back the first colouies after their secession. But to 
cau8e%f represent the schism itself as a step in the history 
of freedom argues a failure to grasp what freedom 
means, or to recognize the persistence of the forces 
by which it is threatened. Across the Atlantic 
the people of the British Isles had planted free 
communities in a virgin soil. The expansion of the 
Commonwealth to America was of supreme import- 
ance because it meant that people from all Europe 
who settled there were to leave behind them the 
traditions of Roman autocracy to inherit those of 
Teutonic self-government. But were they to inherit 
freedom merely for themselves, or were they to take 
their share in the task of guarding the freedom of 
younger and weaker communities? Nay, rather 
were they to assume a share in the greatest and 
most delicate of all human tasks, only to be 
accomplished by centuries of labour — ^the task of 
opening freedom to the backward races of the 
world? So far as that part of America which is 
now included in the United States is concerned, 
these questions were destined to be answered in the 
negative. The burden was not to be assumed by 
the people who now inherit the first colonies of the 
British Commonwealth. Neither in Britain nor yet 
in the colonies was forthcoming the vision to foresee 
the widening tasks of the great Commonwealth, nor 
the statesmanship to initiate the future inhabitants 
of America thereto. The first opportunity of realiz- 
ing this project of a commonwealth was missed, 
and never were the springs of human endeavour 
more perilously weakened, nor the hands which 


record its triumphs more grievously stayed on the chap. 
dial of time. 

That the schism of 1783 did not lead to a positive The 
set-back in the history of freedom was due to a oSmmon- 
contemporary revolution in industrial methods. An ^^^^^^^ 
access of wealth secured for Britain by a sudden theioMof 
advance in mechanical invention alone enabled her by the 
to defeat the forces which Napoleon marshalled iSvoiut^D. 
against her. ' The fact is that the triumphant issue 
of the great French war was largely, if not mainly, 
due to the cotton - mill and the steam - engine. 
England might well place the statues of Watt and 
Arkwright by the side of those of Wellington and 
Nelson, for had it not been for the wealth which they 
created she could never have supported an expendi- 
ture which, during the last ten years of the war, 
averaged more than eighty-four millions a year, and 
rose in 1814 to one hundred and six millions, nor 
could she have endured without bankruptcy a 
national debt which had risen in 1816 to eight 
hundred and eighty-five milUons.' ^ In its immediate 
ad well as in its ultimate results the Industrial 
Revolution is comparable only to that earlier revolu- 
tion in methods of transport eflfected by Henry the 
Navigator. Britain acquired a singular facility for 
converting cotton, wool, and other products of the 
distant continents into articles of human consump- 
tion. The wealth which she drew from these manu- 
factures enabled her to vanquish Napoleon and to 
save freedom for a world which he tried to combine 
for her destruction. 

The movement, which for three centuries had British^"^^ 
been bringing the people of all the continents into ^°^p^®' 
closer touch with each other, was suddenly accentuated of the 
by the need of British manufactures for raw materials i^vMut/^^,,, 
of every kind. Their insular position, which pro- ^"d«- 

* Leckj, History of England, vol. viL p. 280. 

2 Y 




reloped into 
a system for 
the general 
of liberty 
and its 
gradual ex- 
tension to 
the back- 
ward races. 

tected the British Isles from the ravages of war and 
enabled their inhabitants to develop new industrial 
methods, gave them a lead in the field of pro- 
duction ; and this lead went unchallenged till the 
union of Germany secured the first long period of 
peace, not merely to Grennany herself, but to Western 
Europe. It was therefore, with minor exceptions, 
the people of Britain, not those of Europe, who came 
in touch with the distant continents. It was they 
who colonized Canada, which the Loyalists, driven 
from the United States, together with the French 
settlers, had occupied as an outpost of the older 
Commonwealth in the continent which the new one 
aspired to monopolize. It was they who continued 
the settlement of South Africa, begun by the Dutch, 
and who colonized New Zealand and the continent of 
Australia. It was British traders who came into 
ever closer contact with the ancient peoples of Asia, 
Africa, and the Southern Seas. Ere the nineteenth 
century was reaching its close, the British had 
extended their dominion over most of the vacant 
territories open to settlement, and the greater part 
of the races who inhabit the Tropics. Trade led to 
dominion, and in laying the foundations of their own 
freedom the people of the United Kingdom were 
committed to the government of vast multitudes of 
men unable to govern themselves. In doing so they 
rose, however imperfectly, to the conception that 
freedom is the ultimate goal of government, not 
only for themselves, but for the backward races as 
well. They grasped the principle that these races 
are not to be treated as instruments of the Common- 
wealth, but as ends in themselves, and are to be 
included in its circle and recognized as co-heirs of the 
spiritual inheritance which it exists to realize. They 
are to be incorporated in a state which, before all 
others, has stood for self-government, precisely for 


the reason that they are as yet unequal to that task, chap. 
but always with the end in view that in time they 
may learn to rise to it. The British, of course, had 
no such object in visiting the distant continents. 
No more is it to promote their future welfare that 
an industrialist employs thousands of workmen. 
Yet having employed them, he contracts a moral 
responsibility for their welfare, which, in so far as he 
is a man capable of rising above mere appetite for 
wealth, he will begin to recognize. And so with the 
British people when contracting commercial relations 
with the peoples of India and Africa. The task 
opening before them in the nineteenth century was, 
not merely to plant in the still vacant regions of the 
earth kindred communities capable of governing 
themselves, but slowly to indoctrinate the rudiments 
of freedom in alien societies who had yet to study its 
grammar and syntax. For the vast section of the 
backward races included in its circle the British 
Commonwealth is the best, and for the time being 
the only earnest of liberty, as they themselves 
have realized now that its existence is visibly 
threatened.^ The people of Britain have learned to 
regard them as fellow-citizens incorporated in the 
same Commonwealth with themselves to the intent 
that they may qualify for those fuller privileges 
which, when rightly viewed, are coincident with its 
wider tasks. Freedom, like the principle of life in 
the physical world, is inseparable from growth. 
Commonwealths are the corporeal frame in which it 
is incarnate, and they cease to flourish when they 
cease to extend the principle that inspires them in 
an increasing degree to an ever-widening circle of 
men. To have gathered to itself so vast a proportion 
of the races who have yet to learn what freedom 
means is the surest proof that the Commonwealth is 

* See Note A at end of this chapter, p. 707. 




Effect of 
the schism 
in divorc- 
ing the 
people of 
from re- 
ties for 

The United 
States im- 
pelled by 
threats of 
the Holy 
Alliance to 


still true to the principle which inspires it. The 
British Empire is not the less a commonwealth, bat 
rather the more so, for having admitted countless 
multitudes whose political notions have not yet risen 
beyond the duty of obedience to a tribal patriarch 
or a monarch invested with divine authority. In 
truth, this world-wide state is not, as some historians 
have vainly taught, an outcome of blunders, accidents, 
and crimes, but of the deepest necessities of human 
life. It is the project of a system designed on the 
only scale which is capable of meeting those needs. 

One of the worst consequences of the schism which 
alienated 'the people of the United States from the 
parent Commonwealth has been its effect in limiting 
their conception of liberty and of the duty which free 
communities owe to their feUow-men. The nature of 
their quarrel with Britain committed them to the view 
that parliamentary government is coincident with 
freedom, and not merely a highly advanced stage in 
its achievement. In their subsequent experience 
there was little to bring home to them the truth that 
freedom is an art whose elements must be acquired as 
a sepond nature before it can be practised. Cut off 
from the British Commonwealth, the Americans were 
divorced from the obligations of a higher civilization 
about to be laid upon it. They ignored the fact 
that the majority of mankind are still incapable 
of self-government, and that unless governed by 
commonwealths they must, in the alternative, be 
ruled by states little disposed to lay the foundations 
of a system at variance with their own. 

From the ultimate error of supposing that a nation 
is not called upon to vindicate freedom, except for 
itself, the people of the United States were saved by 
the magnitude of the continent m which they lived. 
Some years after Napoleon's fall, the monarchs of 
Russia, Austria, and Prussia combined in a 'Holy 


Alliance ' to resist the growth of popular government.^ chap. 
In 1823 the allied sovereigns addressed themselves to 
the task of restoring the principle of autocracy, not 
merely in Europe but in Spanish America, where 
monarchy was fast tottering to its fall. This meant 
the exclusion of Great Britain from trade with 
Spanish America; and Canning suggested to Rush, 
the American Ambassador, that the United States 
should combine with Great Britain to confine the 
activities of the Holy Alliance to the continent of 
Europe. * When Rush's despatches relating his inter- 
views with Canning reached Washington in September 
(1823) the President was plunged into a sea of doubt 
and perplexity. He fiiUy realized the importance of 
the question as he saw plainly the approach of the 
dreaded clash ; it was the spirit of absolutism, angered 
and jealous, which was seeking to arrest the progress 
of democracy in the Western Hemisphere. To him 
the subjugation of the South American colonies by 
France, or by the combined forces of the Holy allies, 
pointed directly to the absorption of those colonies by 
the great powers and their forcible return to the sway 
of imperialism. It meant the hedging in of the 
United States by its natural enemies, and the possible 
overthrow of republican institutions at home.' 
Monroe consulted his predecessors in the presidential 
office, including Jefferson, who, writing from Monti- 
cello on October 24, 1823, replied as follows : — 

* The question presented by the letters you have 
sent me is the most momentous which has ever been 
offered to my contemplation since that of Independ- 
ence. That made us a nation, this sets our compass 
and points the course which we are to steer through 
the ocean of time opening on us. And never could 
we embark on it under circumstances more auspicious. 

* See above, p. 87. 

' Henderson, Ainerictm Diplomatic QuetHons^ p. 321. 



CHAP. Our first and fundamental maxim should be, never 


to entangle ourselves in the broils of Europe. Our 
second, never to suffer Europe to intermeddle with 
cis- Atlantic affairs. America, North and South, has 
a set of interests distinct from those of Europe and 
peculiarly her own. She should therefore have a 
system of her own, separate and apart from that of 
Europe. While the last is laboring to become the 
domicil of despotism, our endeavour should surely 
be, to make our hemisphere that of freedom. One 
nation, most of all, could disturb us in this pursuit ; 
she now offers to lead, aid, and accompany us in it. 
By acceding to her proposition, we detach her from 
the band of despots, bring her mighty weight into 
the scale of free government, and emancipate a 
continent at one stroke, which might otherwise linger 
long in doubt and difficulty. Great Britain is the 
nation which can do us the most harm of anyone, 
or all on earth ; and with her on our side we need 
not fear the whole world. With her then, we should 
most sedulously cherish a cordial friendship ; and 
nothing would tend more to knit our affections than 
to be fighting once more, side by side, in the same 
cause. Not that I would purchase even her amity 
at the price of taking part in her wars. But the 
war in which the present proposition might engage 
us, should that be its consequence, is not her war, 
but ours. Its object is to introduce and establish 
the American system, of keeping out of our land all 
foreign powers, of never permitting those of Europe 
to intermeddle with the affairs of our nations. It is 
to maintain our own principle not to depart from it' ^ 
Madison wrote in a similar strain, and the result 
was Monroe's famous message to Congress of December 
2, 1823, in which he announced that the designs of 
the Holy Alliance with reference to Spanish America 

^ Henderson, Arnerican DipUnnatic Questions, pp. 321-2. 


would be regarded as a menace to the United States chap. 

and resisted as such.^ s.-.^v--i^ 

Responsibility for the cause of freedom throughout Outside 
the entire length of the American continent was thus tiw g"^rai 
consciously assumed by the people of the United responsibility 

•^ • JT JT for the main- 

Statea But they were never called upon to make tenauceand 

rt» . ./» • •. mL extension 

any serious effort or sacrmce m its cause, ihe se- of freedom 
cession of the American colonists had not altered the tlirwoIiT weh 
fact that the British Commonwealth could not aflford concentrated 

on tlie 

to see the principle of autocracy established over any British isles, 
considerable portion of the distant continents. The 
survival of that principle in Europe was still the real 
menace to freedom, and the task of grappling with it 
was left to the people of the British Isles. The final 
and only eflFective pledge for the liberties of the world 
was the mastery of the sea in the hands of a state 
which stood for freedoDgi, and the defection of the 
American colonies left that burden to rest where it 
had previously rested — with the British Isles. From 
the time of Monroe, the supremacy of Britain at sea 
was tacitly accepted as a shield behind which the 
people of America could live, without concerning 
themselves with the affairs of the older world. In 
1823 the United States would scarcely have been 
strong enough to defy the concerted autocracies of 
Europe, unless the President had known that he 
could count on British support. But, before the 
middle of the century, the Republic could have built 
and maintained fleets stronger than any which the 
enemies of freedom in Europe could have placed in 
the Atlantic. Yet no such effort was made in 
America. The people of the British Isles, as the 
price of their own existence, were still obliged to face 
any sacrifice necessary to retain the control of the 
sea, and, so long as they are able to do so, no com- 
mensurate sacrifice is imposed on the United States. 

^ See Note fi at end of this chapter, p. 708. 




Results of 
the schism, 
(1) that the 
from the 
of politics, 
have failed 
to grasp 
their nature 
or to con- 
to their 

As in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, so 
in the nineteenth, the British Commonwealth, as the 
price of its own existence, was forced to extend its 
commerce and settlements to the uttermost parts of 
the world. It was the people of Britain who were 
brought thereby into touch with the ultimate problem 
of politics, that which arises from the mutual contact 
of the principal families of mankind, and of one level 
of civilization with another. It was they who learnt 
by experience that those relations cannot be limited 
to trade. It was they who were forced by responsi- 
bility to recognize that a civilized state must intervene 
to redress the anarchy into which traders, armed with 
the resources of civilization, plunge the society of 
primitive races. It was they who recognized first the 
necessity and then the duty of creating a new order 
in the wake of, and indeed in advance of, trade. It 
was they who in time came to recognize that order 
itself is to be valued only as the necessary foundation 
for the further extension of liberty. It was the older 
Commonwealth, and not the new one, which was led 
by contact with ultimate facts to assume the task of 
preparing for freedom the vast multitude of human 
beings who have yet to realize what fi^eedom means. 
Cut off from this experience, the people of the United 
States have never yet awoken to these primary truths. 
As a practical people, they have assumed the right of 
the continents to trade with each other, and the 
necessity of their doing so ; but they have never faced 
the evident truth that those relations cannot in the 
end be limited to trade. On the contrary, they have 
fallen into the habit of regarding the government of 
backward races as a crime rather than a duty.^ A 

^ 'The United States Ambassador, Dr. Page, speaking last night at a 
dinner given by the Newcastle and Gateshead Chamber of Commerce, in 
Newcastle, said that if anyone thought that the United States would 
acquire Mexico or establish a protectorate over it they missed the key to the 
whole development of Republican institutions. The Mexicans were sus- 


slight deviation from that principle, made in the chap. 
Philippines as the direct consequence of the Spanish ,_,^.,^,,^ 
War, has since remained like a thorn in the national 
conscience. The Democratic party, at present in 
power in the United States, is expressly committed 
to reversing that act. 

The general result is that the United States, a free (2) That the 
state which contains more than twice the population ha^eTevor 
of the British Isles, has never advanced beyond the "jise^to 

' J , the concep- 

conception of the national commonwealth. Americans tion of a 
have fallen into the habit of treating their continent wealth 
as a sanctuary to which the people of Europe must onelMUBcd*^ 
come if they desire to enioy the blessings of freedom. ^® **^«^^ 

J J J o^ ^ own on a 

But the presence of the negro in their midst has common 
taught them that a mixture in one country of an 
advanced with a backward civilization is itself the 
greatest menace to liberty, and it has become the 
cardinal principle of their system that this sanctuary 
is to be closed, so far as may be, to all but the 
children of Europe. To the question, how the 
majority of mankind who are not Europeans are to be 
initiated to the mysteries of freedom, they have never 
felt themselves called upon to provide an answer. 

For the older Commonwealth, it has been left slowly The 
and painfully to feel its way to the truth that the merely the^BruLh 
national commonwealth is no more commensurate to ^™mon- 


the needs of the modern world than the city republic educated 
in the age of Edward I. The task of creating a w^th°facte 
system whereby not cities nor classes, but whole ception^oT 
peoples, sundered by all the width of the world, and a common- 
drawn from every level of human progress, can be which is 
rendered subject to the rule of a common law, and BHtis^hnor 
that law itself rendered amenable to public opinion, but^h°uman 

in its scope, 
picious of the United States, unfortunately, because they did not know that 

the one fundamental and unalterable fact of the policy and principle of the 

United States — that which clinched it as a key-stone — was that people must 

govern themselves. There was no receding from that principle. It applied 

to Mexico and all other Southern States.' — The Times, February 7, 1914. 


CHAP, has remained where it rested in the eighteenth 

century — with the Commonwealth which centres in 

the British Isles. It is an immense step in the 

history of the world, the greatest ever made, that 

a quarter of its inhabitants, and that quarter an 

epitome of all the stages of human development, 

should have been united into one international state, 

without that state abandoning, as did Rome, the 

principle of the commonwealth for that of autocracy. 

Eflfect of To endure, however, a commonwealth must contain 

in'Trduo."" a sufficient proportion of citizens competent to share 

ing the \jj ^]^q tasks of its government, and, in fact, sharing 

proportion o > > > o 

of citizens them. No people are more keenly alive to the 

British importance of this principle than the Americans 

S^^^'fit themselves. Their marked reluctance to consider 

to share tj^^ iuclusiou of Mcxico in their Commonwealth is a 

in the task 

of its gov- case in point. The prospect, indeed, would lose 
half its terrors if the inclusion of Mexico in the Union 
could be counterbalanced by the inclusion of Canada. 
It is now, rather than in 1783, that the nature of the 
blow dealt to freedom by the great schism is becom- 
ing apparent. The two and a half millions of citizens 
capable of government, of which the British Common- 
wealth was then deprived, were but a fraction of its 
future losses. During and after the Napoleonic wars 
the population of the United Kingdom was pouring 
into the United States, impelled in no small degree 
by the poverty to which those wars had reduced the 
labouring classes. The factory system, created by the 
Industrial Revolution, while enormously increasing 
the wealth of the few, swelled the number of the 
poor and greatly enhanced the dreariness of their 
lot. Millions found new homes in America, and it 
was not until 1838 that more than five thousand 
emigrants in any one year turned elsewhere. During 
the period when the Commonwealth was absorbing 
multitudes of Asiatics and Africans, the natural in- 

the: schism of the comhonwbalth in its after effects 699 

crease of its ruling race was largely diverted to the ohap. 
territories it had lost >„^^^^^.^^ 

In order to grasp the significance of those facts it is what w- 
necessary to suppose that in the nineteenth as well ^ye^r^^ 
as in the previous century the statesmanship needed ]^'^^ *^o 
to avoid the schism had not been wanting. Clearly tion of 
it is not thinkable that the hundred millions who with"he 
now inhabit the United States could be members of oSnmon- 
a world-wide commonwealth, for the conduct of whose wealth. 
external aflFairs they exercised no greater control than 
do the people of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or 
South Africa. In the long run the schism could 
only have been avoided had constitutional changes 
been made whereby the inhabitants of North America 
would have assumed precisely the same responsibility 
for the general affairs of the Commonwealth as that 
which rests on the people of the British Isles. It is 
needless to discuss here whether such changes could 
in fact have been made; but supposing that they 
had been effected, supposing that the people of 
North America had contracted exactly the same 
respousibihties for the inhabitants of Asia and Africa 
as those assumed by .the people of the British Isles, 
it is not unreasonable to argue they would have 
developed an attitude of mind on the subject not 
different from theirs. Experience would have led 
them to see that more primitive societies are in- 
variably deranged by unregulated intercourse with 
Europeans, which must be controlled because it can- 
not be prevented ; that the people of Europe cannot 
touch more primitive societies without deranging 
them. They would have recognized that the stronger 
civilization has a responsibility for the weaker which 
it cannot evade. No thoughtful man would question 
the principle, and had the United States become an 
organic part of the British Commonwealth its people 
must also have realized that the responsibility is one 


CHAP, that civilized men can discharge only when organized 
^^^^^^^^^ as a state, and through the agency of a government. 
Its Qitimate Had American society remained with, and become 
thrp^eof *^ organic part of the Commonwealth, its future 
the world, composition would not have been affected thereby. 
It would still have become, as Canada is fast becoming, 
not merely British, but European. America would 
still have afforded an asylum for emigrants from all 
the kingdoms of Europe, and a school in which the 
traditions of autocracy could be unlearned and ex- 
changed for those of the commonwealth. But on 
entering it, they would also have assumed the first 
of all human responsibilities, while those from the 
British Isles would not have abandoned it. Whilst 
enlarging its bounds in Asia, Africa, and the Pacific 
so as to include hundreds of millions who must for 
centuries remain incapable of assuming the burden of 
government, the Commonwealth would simultaneously 
have been drawing from Europe millions capable of 
reinforcing the moral as well as the material resources 
of government. To-day some forty-five millions of 
Europeans are responsible for the peace, order, and 
good government of some three hundred and fifty 
millions of the backward races— close on one-third of 
the non-European races of the world. But had the 
Commonwealth preserved its unity, by realizing the 
principle upon which it is based, that stupendous 
burden would to-day have rested upon upwards of 
one hundred and fifty million citizens qualified for the 
tasks of government. A much larger proportion of 
civilized men would be organized to fulfil the first 
duty of civilization. And had means been found for 
incorporating the Americas, the same solution must 
also have been applied in the colonies south of the 
line. The government of the Commonwealth would 
not have rested, as it still does, on a single column 
with a base no broader than the British Isles. This 


world-state which gives, not only to its members, but chap. 
to all human society, ^uch stability as it now has, 
would have rested on an arch which, double spanned, 
and based on foundations in four of the continents^ 
would have been unshakable in its strength. Such 
projects as it is now taxed to defeat could never have 
been conceived Instead of striving to avert destruc- 
tion, it would have put itself outside the reach of 
such projects, which cannot be attempted without 
involving the greater part of the world in war, and 
dislocating the whole framework of human society. 
The primary function of a world*common wealth is to 
prevent such wars, and that it can do, if all its 
citizens capable of government are really responsible 
in peace for maintaining peace ; but so long as none 
but the inhabitants of the British Isles are really 
responsible for preventing war, the relative strength 
of the Commonwealth will continue to decline. The 
chance of suddenly striking at its heart will encourage 
autocracies to prepare the blow. Such periods of 
World- war as closed in 1 8 1 5 and opened once more in 
the present year are possible only when the British 
Commonwealth becomes weak enough to invite de- 
struction. And if destroyed, the epoch of cataclysm 
would never be closed until there had emerged from 
the ruins a like commonwealth, and one resting on 
wider foundations. 

How to cure this defect by extending responsibility The 
for the general peace of the Commonwealth from the problem 
British Isles to aU the self-governing Dominions is f^^^^what 
the problem we are facing to-day, but one never 
presented to the American colonies. They had 
never demanded a voice in the issues of peace and 
war, as Scotland had done, and had never been 
asked to share in the burdens involved, except in 
so far as their own local defence was concerned. 
The quarrel which led to the schism grew out of 




To endure, 
the Com- 
must be 
realized by 
the ultimate 
burden and 
control of 
to all the 


the general failure to realize a system through which 
Americans could manage the 'dominion' aflFairs of 
America for themselves. By the younger colonies 
that problem has now been solved. The people of 
Canada have evolved a system whereby they have 
assumed a genuine responsibility for all Canadian 
affairs; and so also with the peoples of Australia 
and South Africa, following in their steps. All this, 
unlike the Americans, they have done without dis- 
rupting the Commonwealth. The question, then, 
which still awaits its solution is, how they are to 
assume a genuine responsibility for the first, last, 
and greatest of all public interests, those which 
determine the issues of peace and war. Short of 
that final responsibility the growth of self-govern- 
ment can no more be stayed in the Dominions than 
it could be in Britain or in the United States ; and 
until that final responsibility is shared between all 
the peoples of the self-governing Dominions with 
those of the United Kingdom, this Empire will 
remain what it has been, since its first colonies 
were planted in Ireland, not a commonwealth, but 
the project of a commonwealth, which must be 
completed if it is not to be brought to an end. 

If the nature of the Commonwealth be considered 
the thing is self-evident. It is a state in which 
government rests on the shoulders of all its citizens 
who are fit for government. It exists to enlarge 
that class, and can afford to spare from its difficult 
task none who are equal to sharing it. A common- 
wealth in which the final responsibilities of govern- 
ment have come to be regarded as the peculiar 
attribute of citizens inhabiting one locality is ceasing 
to realize the principle of its being. The American 
Commonwealth could never have endured if the 
powers and burdens of the general government had 
been limited to the states which formed the original 


union. The loyalty of the West would have atrophied, chap. 
and the project of a commonwealth wide enough to .^^^^^^^.^^ 
unite the shores of the Atlantic with those of the 
Pacific would never have matured. From the fatal 
schism of the eighteenth century many truths have 
been learned and applied in the older Commonwealth, 
but this, the most vital of all, has not been amongst 
them. The final responsibility for its maintenance 
was then limited to Great Britain, and has never 
since been extended beyond the British Isles. It is 
true to say that self-government has never been 
realized for any portion of this vast Commonwealth 
other than the United Kingdom itself. It is there 
and there only that political responsibility for the 
maintenance of freedom throughout this vast structure 
rests, and with it the future of freedom in all the 
continents but that of America. This, at any rate, 
can be prophesied with absolute certainty, that the 
British Empire, as at present established, cannot 
endure, unless it can realize its character as a 
commonwealth in time, by extending the burden 
and control of its supreme functions to every com* 
munity which it recognizes as fit for responsible 
government. Unless that is done the self-governing 
Dpminions must inevitably follow to the bitter end 
the path trodden by the first American colonies. 
This project of a commonwealth, through which an ' 
ever-increasing circle of civilized men can discharge 
their duty, not merely to each other, but also to 
races weaker and more backward than themselves, 
will fail, and in that failure freedom will suffer more 
than it suffered by the schism of the eighteenth 

It is idle to deplore a past we cannot change. Attempts 
Our duty is to see the past as it was in the light these^^^^ 
which the present casts upon it, to see failures as J^e^^o^t 
failures, and not to flatter our vanity by treating dancrerto 


CHAP, them as triumphs in disguise. For, if the world's 
freedom, rather than national exploits, are the true 
goal of political endeavour, the schism of the 
Commonwealth in the eighteenth century was a 
failure second to none. Now, as then, the real 
danger to freedom is failure to understand what it 
means, or to see that it can only be realized through 
the medium of states in which it is incarnate. But 
most dangerous of all is the failure to realize that the 
Commonwealth cannot endure unless it fulfils the 
principle of its being. Burke and his contemporaries 
could scarcely have foreseen that the British Common- 
wealth was destined in less than a century to include 
one-quarter of mankind ; but he, at any rate, should 
not have mistaken the British constitution, as it then 
stood, for the last word in the progress of liberty. A 
mind like his might well have divined that the 
growth of self-government in the colonies could not 
be arrested short of the point already attained in 
England itself. It is not for us to blame our prede- 
cessors, but it is only by seeing their errors that we 
can hope to avoid them and * duller should we be 
than the fat weed that rots itself in ease on Lethe's 
wharf if we suffered ourselves to believe that the 
modern Dominions can for ever forgo the burden of 
controlling their foreign affairs. Now, as then, there 
are not wanting those who seek to evade this con- 
clusion by contending, either that the Imperial 
Government represents the Dominions, or else that 
the British voters, to whom it is answerable, do not 
control it in foreign affairs. In their zeal to justify 
things as they are, they treat the elementary con- 
ditions of responsible government either as illusions, 
or as dust which governments must use for blinding 
the eyes of those they rule. Aversion to the effort 
which change requires dominates their minds, and 
soinl914asinl785 they proclaim that the growth 


of the Oommonwealth is now complete, and that for chap. 
us it remftins merely to preserve it for ever as it is. .^^^^^..^^^ 

Nought in the diBtance but the. evening, nought 
To point our footsteps further ! 

 • . •  

At the thought, 
A great black bird, ApoUyon's bosom-friend, 
Sailed past, nor beat his wide wing dragon-penned 
That btiished our cap — perchance the guide we sought / 

In truth there is unity in human affairs, and laws Conclusion 
which work themselves out with the same uncom- maUer^ ^ ^ 
promising logic as those of Nature herself It is not 
by ignoring those laws, but only by learning and 
obeying them willingly, that men may reach to 
freedom and dominate fate. The claim which a 
commonwealth makes on its citizens is in its nature 
absolute as that which a despotism makes on its 
subjects, and allegiance can no more be rendered by 
on& citizen to two commonwealths than homage can 
be paid by one subject to two kings. The people of 
Britain and those of the Dominions have yet by 
some solemn and irrevocable act to decide whether, 
in the last analysis, it is to this mighty Common- 
wealth as a whole, or merely to the territory in which 
they live, that their final allegiance is due. Citizens 
of no mean city, we have yet to declare what for us 
and for those who come after us that city is to be. 
There is the Imperial Problem, the final enigma, 
whose answer the secular sphinx abides, knowing 
that, as it is found or missed, so, for this, the noblest 
project of freedom that the world has seen, are the 
issues of life and death. But at least the terms of 
the riddle are clear, as they were not to those by 
whom this Commonwealth was rent in twain. They 
were men who knew not what they did, men for 
whom it was diflGlcult to foresee the tasks which time 
would impose upon it, or how heavy the freight and 



CHAP, how dear the treasure which freedom was committing 


to its charge. For they saw too dimly the path by 
which they had come to descry the goal to which it 
might lead. To us, if we choose to see it, the path 
is plain. Long and tortuous though it be, we can 
discern its course winding up from the valleys, and 
sometimes descending again from the hills, but always 
in the end leading the footsteps of those who have 
followed it to a loftier station and a wider view. 
The glory of that sight is with us to confirm our 
purpose and nerve our will, as through the night we 
face the tempest which rages to overwhelm us. And 
what we scarcely saw, when the noon was high and 
the sky clear, darkness and storm shall reveal in 
flashes — the path, breasting a summit higher than 
mortal feet have climbed, yet nearer and easier to 
win than we knew. 





NOTE A v-^v-i-- 

Rbooonition bt Races in Asia and Africa of the British 
Commonwealth as necessary to their Freedom. 

Fbsbtown, August 26^, 1914. 

* To his Excellency Sir Edward Marsh Merewbther, K.C.V.O., 
C.M.G., Grovemor and Commander-in-Chief of the Colony 
and Protectorate of Sierra Leone. / 

' Your Excellency, — We, the undersigned, Muhammadan See page 
Imams (Alimamis), on behalf of ourselves and the Muhammadan ^^^' 
community of the Colony, beg leaye to approach your Excellency, 
through the medium of this paper in order to tender, through 
your Excellency, our sincere sympathy to his Britannic Majesty 
our Sovereign for the present European war in which Great 
Britain has been involved. ... 

' Our anxious wish for victory for Great Britain in the present 
war has not been without very many good reasons : If we are 
here to>day practising our religion without molestation, if we^ 
in fact if the black race are to-day sharing with other races the 
blessings of freedom, there is no doubt that it is to Great Britain 
that we owe this great privilege. Certainly, for, but for Great 
Britain, with the possession of Africa by the several European 
Powers, all her native population would have become human 
chattels to their respective Over-Lords. Some of us have had 
the privilege of travelling to foreign ports, and from 'our 
experience of the treatment received by natives at the hands of 
their foreign rulers, especially the Germans, whose destruction 
may God expedite, we cannot but come to the above conclusion. 
It was a Muhammadan of this Colony who said many years agoj 
and we still endorse the statement^ that if the Sultan of Turkey, 
the Commander of the Faithful, were to invade and capture 
Sierra Leone, so that the English were obliged to withdraw 
therefrom, he would cast in his lot with the English and go 
with them whithersoever they tended rather than remain with 
the Commander of the Faithful. Hence it is that at the out- 
break of this deplorable war we have been greatly alarmed, and 
have been rather anxious for victory for Great Britain. 

'Being powerless and feeble we have 2u> other means of 
helping our Great King in the war than that of prayer to Allah, 
the All-Powerful, and He may be graciously pleased to grant that 
Great Britain may come out victorious in the present struggle 
at an early date, so that she may continue to maintain her 
supremacy among the Powers. This prayer we have been 
daily offering since the outbreak of hostilities, and will continue 





our supplication to the end of the war, and we faithfully believe 
that our prayer will be accepted and our wish realised, consider- 
ing that England's action is based upon righteousness. 

' We beg leave most respectfully to subscribe ourselves as 

(In Arabic) 

Almami Humaru Jamburier (his X mark) 

Alfa Muhammad AJghah (his X mark) 
Alpha Orhman (his X mark) . 
Alfa Darami (his X mark) 
Alfa Abumba Siilah (hif X mark) 
Almami Siilah (his X mark) 
Foday Sheikhu (his X mark) . 
Ali Kamara (his X mark) 
Almami Foday Yakka (his X mark) 
Alfa Murhtur Tarawali (his X mark) 
Almami Bocari (his X mark) 
Almami Kangbe (his X mark) 
Santigi Musa (his X mark) 
Alfa Humaru (his X mark) 















* Written by H'Dirud Deen, Secretary Committee for Moh. 
Education and Hoil Sec to Muhamnuidan Alimamis of 

More significant still is the following extract from The Times 
of August 29, 1914: 

POONA, Augttst 27. 

*The Indian agitator Mr. Tilak, who was sentenced to ox 
years' transportation in 1908 for publishing seditious articles 
and was released last June, made a speech here to-day ui^ing 
every one to support the Government in every way possible. 
The present, he said, was not the time to press for reforms. 
They must sink all differences. The presence of their rulers 
was desirable even from the point d view of self-interest. 


See page 


' In the wars of the European powers, in matters relating to 
themselves, we have never taken any part> nor does it comport 
with our policy so to da It is only when our rights are invaded 
or seriously menaced, that we resent injuries, or make prepara- 
tions for our defence. With the movements in this hemisphere 


we are, of necessity, more immediately connected, and by OHAP. 
causes which must be obvious to all enlightened and impartial ^^ 
observers. The political system of the allied powers is essentially 
different in this respect, from that of America* This difference 
proceeds from that which exists in their respective governments. 
And to the defence of our own, which has been achieved by 
the loss of so much blood and treasure^ and matured by the 
wisdom of their most enlightened citizens, and undei* which we 
have enjoyed unexampled felicity this whole nation is devoted. 
We owe it^ therefore to candour, and to the amicable relations 
existing between the United States and those powers, to declare, 
that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend 
their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to 
our peace and safety. With the existing colonies or dependencies 
of any European power, we have not interfered, and shall not 
interfere. But, with the governments who have declared their 
independence, and maintained it^ and whose independence we 
have, on great consideration, and on just principles acknow- 
ledged, we could not view any interposition for the pur- 
pose of oppressing them or controlling in any other manner 
their destiny, by any European power, in any other light than 
as the manifestation of an unfriendly disposition towards the 
United States. In war between those new governments and 
Spain we declared our neutrality at the time of their recogni- 
tion; and to this we have adhered, and shall continue to 
adhere, provided no change shall occur, which, in the judgment 
of the competent authorities of this government, shall make a 
corresponding change on the part of the United States in- 
dispensable to their security. 

' The late events in Spain and Portugal show that Europe is 
still unsettled. Of this important fact no stronger proof can be 
adduced, than that the allied powers should have thought it 
proper, on any principle satisfactory to themselves, to have 
interposed, by force, in the internal concerns of Spain. To what 
extent such interpositions may be carried on the same principle, 
is a question in which all independent powers, whose govern- 
ments differ from theirs, are interested ; even those most remote, 
and surely none more so than the United States. Our policy, 
in regard to Europe, which was adopted at an early age of the 
wars which have so long agitated that quarter of the globe, 
nevertheless remains the same; which is, not to interfere in 
the internal concerns of any of its powers; to consider the 
government de facto as the legitimate government for us; 
to cultivate friendly relations with it^ and to preserve those 
relations by a frank, firm and manly policy ; meeting, in all in- 
stances, the just claims of every power — submitting to injuries 
from none. But, in regard to those continents, circumstances 
are eminently and conspicuously different It is impossible that 




tbe allied powers should extend their politieal system taanj 
portion of either continent without endangering oar peace and 
happiness ; nor can anyone believe that our southern brethera, 
if left to themselves, would adopt it of their own accord. It 
is equally impoesible, therefore, that we should behold such in- 
terposition, in any form, with indifference. If we look to the 
comparative strength and resources of Spain, and those new 
governments, and their distances from each other, it must be 
obvious that she can never, subdue them. It is still the true 
policy of the United States to leave the parties to themselves, 
in the hope that other powers wiU pursue the same course.' ^ 

The Annual JUgister, 182S ; Law Cases arid Narratives, pp. 193-4. 

j's Project! PLATE II (see page i) 





Aargau, 109 
Abderrahman, 67 
Aberoromby, 396 
Aberdeen, 268 
Abraham, 4, 66, 640 
Abyssinia, 159 
Aoadia, 185, 217 
Ada, Bay of, 281 
Adams, 357, 865, 366, 

878, 415, 559, 564, 

565, 589 
Aeakes, 82 
Aegean Islands, 125 

Sea, 30, 38, 45, 58 

States, 50 

Aegina, 80, 85 
Afghanistan, 159 
Agrioola, 421 
Aigaes Mortes, 198 
Aistulf, 69 
Aix-la-Ghapelle, 186 
Akbar, 148 
Alabama, 674 
Albany, 830, 381, 882, 

888, 862, 367, 869, 

Albemarle, 689 
Alexander of Macedon, 

36, 58, 54, 275 
Alexander VI. , Pope, 

185, 498, 525 
Alexandria, 148 
Alfred the Great, 98, 297 
Algiers, 245 
Aigoa Bay, 180 
Alleghanies, 192 
Almeida, 181 
Alsace-Lorraine, 686 
Althoff, 680 
Amalekites, 4 
Amboyna, 146 
Ambrakia, 35 
Amherst, Qeneral, 217, 

828, 838, 339, 840, 

406, 412, 413, 414, 

Animon, 53 

Amsterdam, 148, 278 
Annandale, Marqnis of, 

Annapolis, 188, 598, 599 
Anne, Queen, 104, 267, 

283, 287, 289, 295, 

449, 455 
Antigua, 895 
Antony, 56 
Antrim, 459, 510 
Antwerp, 144, 148 
Apollo, 42 
Apollyon, 705 
Aquitaine, 67 
Arabia, 53, 65, 66, 68 
Arabs, 68, 69 
Ares, 61 
Argives, 37 
Argos, 37, 88, 51 
Argyllshire, 296 
Aruteides, 40, 42 
Aristotle, 25, 52 
Arkwright, 689 
Armada, 142, 182, 680 
Arran, Isle of, 511 
Artake, 82 
Artaxerxes, 51 
Artemisinm, 41 
Asia Minor, 28, 29, 82, 

37, 39, 50, 52, 53, 

56, 61, 64 
Assyria, 28 

Aston, Sir Arthur, 437 
Ate, 87 
Athalarich, 82 
Athens, 20, 21, 24, 30, 
32, 33, 85, 36, 37, 

38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 
44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 
49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 

57, 79, 95, 97, 98, 
231, 235, 286, 266, 
295, 609, 617, 646 

Atlantii^ 275, 695, 703 
Attica, 88, 85, 37, 88, 51 
Augustus, 56, 60, 62, 
80, 177 


Aurangzeb, 148 

Australasia, 18 

Australia, 12, 16, 18, 
107, 323, 325, 844, 
360, 513, 625, 687, 
688, 690, 699, 702 

Australian New 
Hebrides Company, 

Australians, 328 

Austria, 75, 87, 178, 
493, 692 

Austrian Empire, 493 

Austrians, 173 

Ayr, 272 

Azores, 135 

Azurara, 127 

Baal, 559 
Babylon, 28, 61 
Bacon, 58, 212, 426, 

Bahama Islands, 401, 

407, 411 
Balboa, Yasio Nunez 

de, 138, 134, 274, 281 
Balkan Peninsula, 8, 

52, 75, 125, 681 
Balliol, John, 297, 298 
Baltic, 196 
Baltimore, 561 
Baltimore, Lord, 205, 

206, 244 
Bank of England, 243, 

Bannookburn, 260, 298, 

Bantry Bay, 504 
Barbadoes, 282, 364, 

395, 397, 399, 407, 

413, 437 « 

Barbary, 281 
Bamave, 526 
Bastille, the, 112, 114, 

Batalha, 129 



Beer, 6. L., 239, 249, 

250, 252, 253, 803, 

810, 316, 821, 836, 

888, 351, 388, 645 
Belfast, 447, 459, 461, 

464, 465, 476, 497, 

500, 537 
Belgium, 116, 117, 162, 

179. 237 
Belhayen, Lord, 292, 

293, 296 
Bengal, 272 
Bergen, U.S.A., 549 
Berlin, 85, 687 
Bermuda Company, 2^7 
Bermudas, 390, 898, 

404, 412 
Bernard, Francis, 828, 

401, 414 
Berne, 109 
Bernstet, 87 
Bertrada, 68 
Berwick, 296 
Biamarck, 85, 86, 498, 

680, 682 
Blackstone, 82 
Blake, Edward, ^93, 

521, 522, 528 
Blenheim, 288 
Boeoti^, 86, 87 
Bollan, William, 882 
Bombay, 150 
Bompard, Admiral, 511 
Boniface, 68 
Bordeaux, 148 
Boscawen, Admiral, 

391, 409 
Bosphoitis, 29, 67, 74, 

Boston, 251, 318, 854, 

865, 870, 197, 408, 

415, 542, 643, 548, 

549, 552, 564 
Boetonians, 601 
Bos worth, 104 
Botetourt, 639 
Bourne, £. G., 227 
Bowdoin, Governor, 601 
Boyne, Battle of, 439, 

Braddock, General, 186, 

835, 891 
Bradford, Governor, 202, 

Bradley, 407 
Bramhall, Bishop, 488 
Brandenburgh, Elector 

of, 275 
Brandywine Biver, 556 
Brasidas, 235 
Brava, 131 
Brazil, 186 
Brehon Law, 422, 481, 


Brest, 504 , 505, 650 

Bridport, 505 

Bristol, 291, 422, 463 

British Channel, 148, 

East India Com- 
pany. See English 
East India Company 

Britons, 58, 90 

Brown, 198 

Bruges, 129 

Brussels, 287 

Brutus, 10 

Bryca, 10 

Lord, 465, 466, 494 

Bull, William, 408 

Bunker's Hill, 545 

Buusen, 86 

Bunyan, 419 

Burgh, Hvtsey, 465 

Borgoyne, Genenl, 874, 
465, 475, 476, 477, 

Burke, Edmund, 113, 
813, 351, 856, 357, 
367, 882, 463, 008, 
618, 619, 620, 621, 
622, 623, e25, 626, 
631, 704 

Burke, William, 807 

Bumaby, 816 

Burnet, 84, 277 

Byzantine Empire, 67, 
69, 125 

Byzantium, 64 

Cabot, John, 133, 182, 

Cadiz, 148, 680 

Caesar, 25, 56, 57, 58, 
60, 62, 177, 276, 611, 

Caesars, 59, 83, 91, 125 

Oaius Licinius, 26 

Calais, 420, 509 

Calcutta, 150 

Calicut, 130 

California, 626, 612 

Calvert, 341 

Calvin, 187* 

Cambridge, 84 

, U.S.A., 648 

Cambuskenneth, 298 

Oambysea, 29 

Camd»n, Lord, 501 

Camoens, 181 

Oamperdown, 509 

Canada, 15, 16, 18, 107, 
181, 183, 187, 192, 
193, 194, 206, 207, 
209, 218, 214, 215, 
217, 310, 314, 317, 

217, 828, 

321, 328, 824, 825, 
827, 829, 844, 366, 
859, 360, 361, 362, 
390, 392, 415, 492, 
497, 502, 521, 522, 
557, 564, 625, 659, 
688, 690, 698, 699, 
700, 702 


Cannanore, 131 

Canning, 693 

Cape Breton Island, 
185, 389, 390, 392 

Cod, 202, 208 

Colony, 324 

ofGood Hope, 129, 

180, 184, 140, 146, 
159, 375, 471, 478 

Finistem, 396 

Francois, 898 

Horn, 140. 274, 

471, 526 
St Vincent, 129 

Verde, 186 

Oarew, 435 
Oaribb0anSea,816, 817, 

Carleton, Sir Guy, 667 
Carlisle, 298 
Carnatio, 375 
Carte, 486 
Carteret, 446, 452 
Carthage, 53, 66 
Carthagena, 856 
Cartier, Jacques, 188 
Carver, Governor John, 

Gary, Major, 639, 640 
Cassius, 10 
Castile 127, 186 
Castlebar, 511 
Castlehaven, Lord, 484 
Castlereagh, Robert 

Stewart, Lord, 497, 

Cawnpore, 264 
Cayenne, 413 
Celts, 89, 90, 207, 297, 

Central America, 635 
Ceuta, 127 
Ceylon, 163, 166 
Chaeronea, 62 
Chalkidians, 86 
Cham plain, Lake, 188, 

Cham plain, Samuel de, 

183, 192 
Channel Islands, 602 
Oharlemaffne. See 

Charles tne Great 
Charlemont, 467, 476, 




Charles I^ 188, 'JM, 24fi, 
248, 256, 262, 26S, 
264, 271, 48a, 484, 
486, 441 

OhArks II., 84, 104, 248, 
264, 266, 272, 812, 
820, 480, 468, 454 

Charles the Gteat, 69, 
71, 72, 78. 75, 91 

Oharleeton, 818, 688 

Charles Town, 545 

Chateaubriand, 87 

Chatham, Earl of. See 
Pitt, the Elder 

Cherokees, 408 

Chersonese, 82 

Ches&peaka Bay, 556, 
561, 651 

Chester, 291, 622 

Childeric, 68 

China, 1, 2, 5, 15, 157, 
158, 159, 163, 179, 
188, 275, 625, 580 

Chinese, 5, 159 

— - Bmpire, 1, 2 

Chios, 82, 85, 41, 44 

Christendom, 68, 73, 
125, 126, 127, 129, 
186, 180, 245 

Clare, Lord. See Fits- 

Clarence, 515 

Clazomenae, 51 

Cleomedes, 231 

Cleon, 42 

Clinton, General, 560, 

Clinton, Qovernor, 590 

CUve, 147, 166, 428 

OloTis, 65 

Cljrde, 289 

Cnidns, 61 

Oobden, Riehard, 808 

Colden, Cadwallader, 

Colebrook, 408, 405 

Coligny, 86 

CoUinson, 888 

Colombia, 159 

Colpoyes, 506 

Columbus, 132, 188, 

Comanches, 689 . 

Concord, 648 

Cond^ 192 

Congo, 129, 162 

Connaught, 432, 483, 
438,508, 511 

Connecticut, 183, 208, 
255, 818, 886, 389, 
855, 893, 894, 400, 
404, 405, 412, 413, 
414, 663, 649, 653, 
661, 670, 671 

Conon, 50 

Constantine, 64, 67, 71 
Constantinople, 64, 125, 

126, 130, 186, 148 
Conway, 560 
Cook, Captain, 497, 498, 

Ooote, Sir Charles, 485, 

CopemioQs, 188 
Coram, 878 
Corea, 531 
Corinth, 35, 49, 61 

Isthmus of, 87 

Cork, 291, 894, 897, 

424, 426, 466, 475, 606 
CornwaUis, Lord, 876, 

466, 650, 651, 666, 

560, 561, 571, 650 
Cortes, 133, 182 
Cotes, Admiral, 398, 

405, 408 
Cowper, William, 118 
Cranfield, Edward, 885 
Creeks, 408 
Creole, 190 
Crito, 23 
Croesus, 28, 29 
Cromer, Earl of, 126, 

Cromwell, Olirer, 264, 

265, 272, 436, 488, 

441, 447, 448, 496, 

511, 514, 674 
Crump, Ooieral, 408 
Cuba, 181, 686 
Cunningham, 405 
Cura9oa, 893, 895, 408 
Cyprus, 80, 61 
Cyrus, 28, 29, 44 

Dabul, 182 

da Qama, Yaseo, 180, 

131, 184, 189, 159, 

162, 427 
D'Aiguillon, 526 
Dakota, 612 
Dalkeith, 265 
Danelaw, 98 
Danube, 29 
Darien Company. Su 

Indian and Afriean 

Darien, Isthmus of, 

274, 275, 281, 282 
Darius, 29, 80, 32, 88, 

Davis, Sir John, 425, 

De Claire, Riohaid. See 

De Faria, Manoel 

Severin, 142 

Defenders, 508 
Defoe, Daniel, 290 
De Qiasse, 561, 651, 652 
DeLancey, James, 408, 

De la Salle, Cayalier, 

Delaware, 188, 598, 649, 
653, 661, 670, 671 

River, 400, 660, 

Delian League, 48, 44» 

45, 46, 47, 48, 49 
De Lolme, 109 '■ 
Delos, 42, 46, 48, 102, 

582, 607 
Delphi, 89 
Demeas, 286 
De Montfort, Simon, 25, 

100, 104, 219, 220 
Demosthenes, 26, 62 
Denmark, 876, 661, 687 
Denny, (jovemor, 400 
D'Eon, Chevalier, 118 
De Peyster, 406, 412 
Desmond, 431 
De SoBcino, Raimondo» 

De Temay, Chevalier, 

De Tracey, 192 
Devil's Punch Bowl, 

Devonshire, Duke of, 

Diarmait Machmaida. 

See Machmaida 
Diaz, Bartholomew, 129, 

Dicey, Professor, 96, 
103, 106, 108, 167, 
617, 622 
Diderot, 113 
Dinwiddle, Governor, 
186, 888, 3»4, 890, 
891, 892 
Diogo Gomez. See 

Dionysius, 25, 31 
Diu, 131, 132 
Dives, 289 
Dobbe, Arthur, 880 
Domesday, 92 
Dominica. See Santo 

Donegal, 271, 447, 611 
Donegal, Lord, 459,460, 

461, 547 
Dorchester Heights, 

Dorset, Duke of, 452 
Dounton, 146 
Dover, 420 
, Stiaits of, 421 



Down, 510 

Downing, SOS 

Drake, 138, 140, 142 

Droghdda, 436 

Dablin, 108, 291, 405, 
424, 426, 456, 467, 
469, 476, 479, 480, 

. 488, 500, 501, 502, 
508, 509, 514 

Dnfferin, Lord, 222,223 

D'Ufford, Robert, 424 

Dumfries, 273 

Danbar, 264 

Duncan, Admiral, 509 

Dancan of Scotland, 

Dundas, 485 

Dungannon, 467, 468, 

Dunkirk, 509 

Durban, 130 

Dorham, 622 

Dutch, 145, 146, 147, 
149, 201, 207, 275, 
381, 395, 398, 402, 
403, 411, 541, 690 

'. East India Com- 
pany, 148, 145, 146 

: EepubUc 79, 267 

East Africa, 163 

Indies, 275, 801, 


Ebro, 69 

Ecuador, 159 

Eden, 485 

Edinburgli, 266, 295, 

Edmund Ironside, 297 

Edward I., 95, 100,102, 
107, 108, 172, 219, 
220, 229, 260, 297, 
298, 424, 426, 607, 
608, 612, 697 

Edward II., 108, 298 

Edward IIL, 103 

Edward the Oonfessor, 

Egbert, 99, 422 

Egerton, Professor, 206 

Egremont, 328, 412, 

Egypt, 8, 18, 29, 67, 
158, 162, 163, 165, 
222, 223, 325, 326, 

. 506 

Egyptians, 222 

SlDorado, 195 

Elffin, 298 

Elmbeth, Queen, 107, 
140 142, 145, 182, 
239, 429, 440, 511 

Elkhead, 556, 561 

Emmanuel of Portugal, 

English East India 
company, 144, 146, 
147, 148, 149, 150, 
152, 153, 188, 197, 
272, 274, 277, 278, 
279, 301, 471, 478, 
484, 542, 543 

Eufllishry, 440, 441 

Ephraim, 4 

Epidaurus, 35 

Eretria, 85 

Erie, Lake, 337 

ErBkin^ GapUin, 460 

Euphrates, 67 

Eurasia, 12 

Eva of Leinster, 423 

Evesham, 100 

Exeter, 291 

Fabius, 560 

Fabrigas, 168, 169, 176 
Falmouth, 505 
Fauquier, 400 
Federalists, 607 
Fermanagh, 271 
Ferrero, 56 
Ferrers, Lord, 114 
Fersen, Ck>unt, 565 
Fi)}i, 15, 162 
Finland, 609 
Fitch, Governor, 413 
Fittgerald, Maurice, 423 
Fitzgibbon, 477, 480, 

FitKherbert, 527 
Fitsstephen, Robert, 423 
FitzwiUiam, Earl, 501 
Fletcher of Sal toun, 273, 
• 275, 276, 277, 279, 

280, 283, 285, 288, 

290, 291, 292, 622 
Flood, Henry, 467, 472, 

473, 474, 476, 478, 

482, 483 489 490, 

491, 492, 495 
Florida, 408, 612 
FoUiott, 406 
Forbes, 186 
Fort Detroit, 338 
Fort Duqnesne, 186 
Fort Sumter, 638, 639, 

640, 642 
Forth, River, 296, 297 
Fox, Charles, 469, 470, 

484, 485, 486, 487, 

489, 490, 493, 494, 

Fox, Henry, 392, 393, 

Francis I. of France, 


Frankfort, 680 
Frankland, 596 
Frankland, Admiral, 

Franklin , Benjamin , 

809, 329, 832, 383, 

346, 349, 850, 362, 

366, 381, 541, 551, 

650, 670 
Franklin, William, 889 
Franks, 65, 67, 68, 125 
Frederick William of 

Prussia, 86 
Frederick the Great, 

Freeman, Professor, 49, 

58, 205, 227, 229, 2S0, 

594, 595, 615 
Freetown, 707, 708 
Frontenac, 185 

Gage, Genera], 839, 340, 
415, 548 

Galloway, 368, 369, 416, 
548, 562 

Galway, 291 

Gama, Vasco da. See 
da Gama 

Ganges, 149 

Gardiner, 478, 482 

Gardiner's Bav, 565 

Gates, General, 557, 660 

Gates, Sir Thomas, 183 

Gateshead, 696 

Gaul, 57, 65, 92, 421 

Gauls, 57, 58 

Genoa, 129 

George I., 454, 470 

George III., 872, 376, 
493, 499, 515 

George IV., 493, 494 

George, Prince of Den- 
mark, 267 

Georgia, 183, 217, 378, 
379, 412, 610, 649, 
652, 653, 661, 671 

Germaine, Loiti George, 

German Empire, 237, 

Germans, 58, 71, 72, 
76, 207, 221, 381, 
680, 685, 686, 707 

Germantown, 556 

Germany, 17, 69, 72,73, 
75, 77, 79, 80, 86, 89, 
90, 92, 93, 94, 98, 
113, 131, 187, 221, 
229, 241, 800, 817, 
324, 325, 446, 493, 
547, 605, 611, 641, 
642, 680, 681, 682, 
688, 684, 685, 686, 690 



Oettysburg, 646 

Gibbon, 113 

Gibraltar, 65, 67, 127, 
245, 404, 405, 502 

Gilbert, Sir Humphrey, 
182, 206 

Gbisgow, 251, 272, 463 

GloQoester, 247 

Gneist, 109 

Goa, 182 

Godley, 227 

Godolphin, 288 

Golden Island, 302 

Goldsmiths' Company, 

Gomez, Diogo, 129 

Gondemore, 199 

Gonld, Mr. Jostioe, 

Gowen, Thomas, 265, 

Grattan, 280, 456, 464, 
465, 466, 467, 468, 
469, 470, 471, 472, 
478, 475, 476, 482, 
484, 487, 488, 489, 
490, 493, 494, 495, 
498, 499, 501, 502, 
504, 505, 506, 507, 
509, 514, 516, 519, 
521, 631 

Grattans, 456 

Graves, Admiral, 561 

Great Fish River, 180 

Greece, 12, 24, 28, 33, 
84, 35, 36, 37, 38, 
39, 50, 52, 53, 56, 
60, 69, 79, 80, 89, 
108, 123, 125. 126, 
177, 605, 608, 614 

Greek Commonwealth, 
the, 21, 24, 28 

Greeks, 12, 19, 20, 21, 
24, 25, 28, 29, 80, 
31,32, 39,41, 42,48, 
51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 63, 
65, 70, 71, 79, 123, 
155, 175, 228, 585, 
615, 646 

Greene, Major General, 

Greg, 405 

Grenville, 310, 845, 346, 
347, 349, 350, 351, 
857, 362, 863, 369, 
458, 471, 516, 541, 

Grey, Sir Edward, 551 

Griffith, 490 

Guadeloupe, 187, 310, 
818, 399, 402, 407, 

Guiana, British, 416 

Guiana, French, 412 

Haddington, 296 

Hadrian, 82 

Haiti, 159 

Hakluyt, 257 

Haldimand, 217 

Halifax, 396, 409, 549 

HaUfaz, Earl of, 340, 

Hambleton, Marquis, 

Hamburg, 275, 278, 
279, 282, 682 

Hamilton, Alexander, 
364, 561, 578, 581, 
583, 596, 599, 604, 
605, 629, 637, 641, 
670, 671, 672 

Hamilton, Duke of, 
264, 289 

Hamilton, Sir Fred- 
erick, 435 

Hamilton, James, 400, 

Hampden, 104, 364 

Hanover, 105, 287 

Hardy, Sir Charles, 393, 
406, 409 

Harrington, 619 

Hart, Professor, 227 

Hastings, Warren, 428 

Haversnam, Lord, 289 

Havre, 509 

Hawaii, 226 

Hawke, 409 

Hawkins, John, 403 

Hayne, 636, 637 

Headlam, 85 

Hebrew, 5 

HeU Bay, 503 

Hellas, 26, 27, 28, 32, 
84, 36, 37, 38, 45, 49, 
50, 51, 52, 55, 228, 
234, 235 

Hellen, Father, 39 

Hellenes, 54 

Hellespont, 53 

Helpe, 134 

Heiyetic Republic, 109 

Henry I., 94, 99 

Henry II., 94, 99, 104, 
107, 243, 422, 423, 424 

Henry v., 103,260 

Henry VI., 96, 108, 104, 

Henry VII., 104, 133, 
261, 427 

Henry VIII. , 91, 139, 
141, 201, 297 

Henry the Navigator, 
97, 126, 127, 128, 180, 
182, 140, 141, 143, 
158, 160, 221, 238, 
245, 271, 679, 689 

Henry, Patrick, 380,636 

Henry, Prince of Eng- 
land, 199 

Heptarchy, 99, 296 

Hera, 61 

Herbert, Lord, 139 

Hereford, 247 

Hermione, 35 

Herodotus, 28, 32, 49 

Hesperides; 124 

Hessians, 556 

Heysham, 406 

Hibemia, 528, 547 

Hindostan, 375 

Hinxman, 405 

Hippias, 33, 34 

Hispaniola, 389, 408, 
405, 411, 412, 413 

Hoohe, 504, 505, 506, 

508, 509, 510 
Hodges, 281 
Holland, 77, 137, 144, 

147, 160, 164, 166, 
183, 187, 197, 221, 
279, 800, 305, 375, 
401, 402, 403, 508, 

509, 512, 526, 561, 
589, 687 

Holmes, 405, 410, 411 

Holy Roman Empire, 
69, 71, 72, 78, 76, 78, 
80, 102, 128, 125, 324 

Homer, 299 

Honduras, British, 415 

Honfleur, 509 

Honolulu, 226 

Hopkins, Stephen, 309, 
820, 321, 322, 401 

Horace, 62 

Howe, Lord, 549, 666 

Howe, Sir William, 376, 
416, 643, 545, 549, 
550, 553, 556, 557, 

Hudson, 503 

Bay, 185 

River, 549, 567, 


Huguenots, 192, 193, 

206, 207 
Humbert, 510, 511 
Hungary, 69, 533 
Huron, Lake, 183 
Hutchinson, 198, 388 
Huxley, Professor, 448 
Hyderabad, 164 
Hyder Ali, 376, 662 

Iberian Empire, 143 

Peninsula, 78 

Incas, 183 
Independents, 208 
India, 9, 15, 18, 98, 
130, 132, 136, 144, 



145, 146, 147, 148, 
149, 150, 152, 158, 
154, 155, 156, 157, 
158, 159, 160, 168, 
165, 166, 176, 179, 
196, 227, 280, 277, 
296, 812, 817, 825, 
344, 424, 427, 428, 
502, 687, 691 

Indian and African 
Trading Company of 
Scotland, 276, 277, 
278, 282, 289, 801 

Empire, 146 

Indians, Amerioan, 186, 
191, 194, 195, 202, 
806, 827, 328, 829, 
880, 835, 837, 888, 
397, 408, 425, 655, 

, Asiatic, 150, 153, 

154, 155, 157, 176 

Inyemess, 291 

lonians, 29, 30, 31, 82, 
40, 43, 57, 582, 607 

Irish Channel, 108 

Irishry, 440 

Isaac, 4 

Islam, 66, 67, 126, 127, 
131, 245 

Island of the Dead, 

Isocrates, 52 

Israel, 4, 5 

Italians, 57, 58 

Italy, 55, 56, 57, 58, 
60, 65, 69, 73, 79, 84, 
118, 181, 222, 241, 

Jaokson, General, 642 

Jackson, Richard, 888 

Jackson, William, 671 

Jacob, 4 

Jacobins, 498 

Jamaica, 282, 316, 354, 
886, 887, 899, 401, 
408, 404, 407, 408, 
416, 411, 415 

James I. of Scotland, 

James IV. of Scotland, 

James I. of Great 
Britain, 108, 182, 
199, 201, 208, 247, 
248, 250, 261, 271, 
272, 287, 299, 800^ 
438, 440, 441 

James II. of Great 
Britain, 104, 209,266, 
267, 269, 439 

James River, 597 

Japan, 5, 158, 159, 275, 

Japanese, 5 

Jay, 592, 598, 598, 646 
Jefferson, 634, 651, 698 
John of Gannt, 127 
John I. of Portugal, 

John II. of Portugal, 

Johnson, Dr., 118 
Johnson, Sir William, 

828, 829, 385, 387 
Joliet, 184 
Joseph, 4 
Julian, 82 
Justinian, 82 

Kalm, 885, 381 
Kansas, 635 
Kapuka, 224 
Karia, 82 
Keats, 188 
Keos (Chios), 35, 41 
Kerry, 481 
Kildare, 509 
Killala Bay, 510 
KinsalB, 481 
Kleisthenes, 25 
Knowles, Admiral, 889 
Kythnos, 85 

Lacedaemon, 85, 281, 

232, 284 
Lacedaemonians, 282, 

234, 285, 286 
Laconia, 88 
Lade, 80, 82, 88, 41 
Lafayette, 526, 561, 

650, 652 
La Galissoni^e, 192, 

Lamotte, 526 
Lancashire, 484 
Lancaster, U.S. A., 558 

House of, 426 

Land's End, 528 
Lanfranc, 92 
Launoeston, 265 
Laurens, Colonel, 650 
La Vera Cru% 355 
Lazarus, 239 
Lebanon, 41 
Lecky, 3, 84, 828, 873, 

375, 416, 443, 445, 

448, 528, 525, 555, 644 
Lee, Colonel, 548, 600 
Lee, General, 549 
Lee, General Robert E., 

638, 642, 643, 678 
Leeward Islands, 894, 

895, 402, 408 

Leinster, 423, 486 
Leinster, Duke of, 404 
Leith Roads, 281 
Leland, 486 
Leo III., Pope, 69 
Leon, 135 
Leonidas, 34 
Leopold of Belgium, 

Lesbos, 32, 41, 44 
Leslie, General, 263, 

Leuctra, 52 
Lenkas, 85 

Levant, 4, 67, 465, 584 
Lewes, 100 
Lexington, 872, 548, 

548, 618 
Leyden, 201, 546 
Liberia, 159 
Lima, 189, 855 
Limerick, 489, 450 
Lincoln, President, 8, 

685, 636, 687, 638, 

639, 642, 643, 644, 

645, 646, 678 
Lisbon, 143, 148, 199 
lisle, 502 
Liverpool, 468 
Livingstons, 316, 412 
Locke, John, 166 
Loire, 67, 178 
Lombards, 69 
London, 148, 149, 168, 

216, 227, 275, 278, 

284, 291, 295, 353, 

857, 867, 375, 405, 

407, 414, 448, 525, 

534, 657 
Londonderry, 291, 486 
Long, 404 
Lougfield, 481 
Long Island, 549, 553, 

648, 649 
Long Parliament, 441 
Loudoun, 394, 895, 396 
Louis XIV., 192, 213, 

214, 367, 439, 446, 

Louis XV., 118 
Louis XVL, 113, 498 
Louisbourg, 186, 186, 

390, 391, 892, 897, 

Louisiana, 184, 187, 217, 

336, 408, 684 
LucuUns, 56 
Luther, 75, 136 
Lutherans, 207 
Luxemburg, 237 
Luzerne, Chevalier de 

la, 651 
Lyoomedes, 231 
Lydia, 28 



LytteltoD, Governor, 

Macbeth, 297 
Macedon (Maoedonia), 

38, 86, 37, 52, 58 
Macedonians, 54 
Maohmaida, Diarmait, 

of Leinster, 422, 428 
Madden, 447 
Madison, 581, 648, 670, 

Madras, 149, 150, 185, 

875, 562 
Madrid, 143, 227, 527 
Magellan, 138, 184, 

186, 525 

Straits of, 478 

Magna Carta, 100 
Mahan, Admiral, 59, 

Mahomet, 66, 67 
Maid of Norway, 297 
Maine, 182, 217, 612 
Malay Arohipelago, 


States, 165 

Malcolm Caumore, 297 
Malniesbnry, Lord, 502 
Manasseh, 4 
Manchester, 463 
Mansfield, Lord, 118, 

170, 891, 474 
Mantinea, 52 
Manzoni, 222 
Marathon, 32, 33, 84, 

^ 51, 68, 78 
Mardonius, 86, 37 
Margaret, Queen of 

Scotland, 261, 297 
Marquette, 184 
Marriott, James, 378 
Marseilles, 154, 534 
Marshall, Chief>Justice, 

416,' 552, 570, 578, 

577, 588 
Martel, Charles, 65, 

67, 68 
Martinique, 889, 897, 

899, 402, 409, 525 
Mary XL, Queen of 

England, 267, 287 
Maryland, 183, 20^, 

207, 208, 301, 334, 

338, 341, 379, 892, 

394, 405, 413, 596, 

599, 634, 649, 658, 

661, 670, 671 
Maseres, 356 
Mason, Robert, 258 
Massachusetts, 188, 244, 

247, 808, 818, 820, 

826, 382, 834, 886, 

839, 858, 366, 367, 
368, 382, 384, 885, 
392, 894, 400, 404, 
405, 407, 414, 415, 
416, 542, 543, 544, 
549, 601, 614, 620, 
Bay, 205, 855, 658 
Bay Company, 205 

Mathieton, 224 

Mayflower, 202 

Mazares, 28 

Mazdeism, 61 

Meath, 509 

Medes, 9, 28, 32, 282 

Mediterranean, 12, 56, 
62, 129, 168, 169, 
231, 281, 512, 525 

Megara, 35 

MelDourne, 95 

Melians, 231, 232, 283, 
284, 235, 286 

Melos, 230, 231 

Melyill, Robert, 399 

Mercator, 179 

Mercer, General, 549 
' Merchant Taylors' Com- 
pany, 240, 243 

Merewether, Sir Ed- 
ward, 707 

Merovings, 65, 68 

Mete, 182 

Metternich, 87 

Mexican Empire, 183 

Mexicans, 696 

Mexico, 2, 138, 181, 
189, 199, 855, 685, 
642, 696, 697, 698 

Gulf of, 184 

Midlothian, 296 

Milan, Duke ot, 188 

Miletus, 28, 30, 82 

Minorca, 168, 169, 280, 

MinorquinSy 230 

Mirabeau, 497, 526 

Mississippi, 184, 193, 
596, 597, 598 

Missouri, 634 

Mithras, 61 

Mochill, 511 

Mogul Empire, 149, 150 

Mohawk, 207 

Moluccas, 140 

Molyneux, 449, 472 

Mongolian races, 3, 159, 

Monk, General, 266 

Monmouth, 84 

Monongahela, 186 

Monroe, President, 415, 
693, 695, 708 

Montcalm, 822 

Monte Cristi, 403, 404, 

405, 406, 407, 408, 

410, 411 
Montgomery, 447 
Monticello, 693 
Montmorin, 526 
Montreal, 183, 187 
Montrose, Earl of, 268, 

Moore, Commodore, 899, 

Moore, Governor 

%nry, 403 
Moors, 127, 181, 245 
Moravians, 207 
More, 619 

Morgan, Sir Henry, 886 
Morley, Lord, 113 
Morocco, 162, 168, 245 
Morris, Governor, 884 
Moses, 66 
Moslems, 9, 67, 127, 

148, 245 
Mostyn, General, 168, 

170, 171, 230, 287 
Mountjoy, 435 
Mount Vernon, 596, 

Muhammadan Imams, 

Munster, 430, 511 
Murillo, 848 
Murray, William. See 

Mansfield, Lord 
Mycale, 87, 40, 41, 51 

Nabuchodonosors, 25 

Namier, L. B., 308 

Naples, 87 

Napoleon Buonaparte, 
69, 87, 196, 506, 574, 
612, 648, 679, 680, 
684, 686, 689, 692 

Napoleon,'Louis, 25, 684 

Napper Tandy. See 

Natal, 180, 324, 826 

Naxos, 85 

Negroes, 540 

Nelson, Lord, 196, 689 

Nepal, 159 

Nero, 58, 227 

Nerva, 70 

Nesselrode, 87 

Netherlands, 79, 80, 
137, 144, 146, 272 

Nevis, 386, 887 

New Amsterdam, 188 

Brunswick, 182, 


— Edinburgh, 282 

— England, 185, 202, 
205, 207, 208, 209, 
246, 251, 258, 259, 



811, 812, 813, 314, 
315, 338, 339, 872, 
374, 383, 884, 386, 
387, 404, 406, 407, 
408, 420, 441, 444, 
445, 461, 541, 542, 
543, 544, 548, 557, 
598, 599, 600, 610 

New Englanden, 884, 

* 545, 546, 619 

France, Company 

of, 184 

Guinea, 162 

Hampshire, 183, 

258, 339, 393, 394, 
400, 649, 653, 661, 

. 670, 671 

Hebrideans, 225 

Hebrides, 228, 226, 


Jersey, 188, 838, 

339, 406, 407, 411, 
414, 549, 556. 568, 
571, 598, 649, 653, 
661, 670, 671 

Orleans, 408, 597 

Plymouth, 202, 203, 


— Plymouth Com- 
pany, 202 

— Providence, 411 

— York (town), 818, 
365, 866, 396, 550, 
557, 560, 561, 563, 
602, 649, 650, 651, 652 

York (state), 188, 

207, 208, 209, 316, 

826, 336, 838, 339, 

370, 390, 891, 892, 

393, 894, 396, 404, 

405, 406, 407, 408, 

409, 412, 413, 415^ 

541, 542, 549, 563, 

564, 590, 599, 653, 
661, 670, 671 
— Yorker, 208 

Zealand, 16, 18, 

22, 324, 325, 344, 

360, 423, 687, 690, 

Newark, 264 
Newcastle, 696 
Newfoundland, 16, 183, 

185, 879, 383, 413, 

Newport, 413 
Newry, 430 
Niagara, 388, 389, 55^ 
Nicola, Colonel, 572 
Niger, 127 

Nigeria, 151, 163, 165 
Nile, 67, 512 
Nizamut Jung. Nawab, 
. 154 

Nootka Sound, 497, 
498, 500, 523, 525, 
526, 527, 582 

Nore, the, 505, 508 

Normandy, 214, 297 

Normans, 93, 243, 297 

Norsemen, 297 

North, Lord, 448, 463, 
469, 542, 543 

North Carolina, 182, 
183, 216, 301, 888, 
405, 412, 596, 649, 
652, 658, 661, 670, 

Sea, 129 

Northamptonshire, 100 

Northumberland, 422 

Northumbria, 296 

Norwalk, 407 

Norwich, 291 

Nottingham, 201 

Nova Scotia, 185, 186, 
271, 378, 879, 412, 

Oceana, 2, 4, 157, 158, 

Odoacer, 65, 125 
O'Donnell, 431 
Odysseus, 19 
Oglethorpe, 378 
Ohio, 184, 192, 337, 

390, 596, 597 
Olney, 325, 414, 415 
Olympia, 39 
Ontario, Lake, 183 
Orange Free State, 

Orangemen, 503, 504 
Orkney Islands, 528 
Ormond, 438 
O'Shea, Count Richard, 

Osorio, Bishop, 131 
Oswald, James, 395 
Otis, 309, 349, 350, 

366, 381, 382, 888, 

542, 565 
Ottawa, 325 
Ottoman Empire, 127 
Oudh, 156 
Oxford, 67, 84, 486 

Pacific, 4, 14, 133, 140, 
159, 225, 226, 275, 
497, 498, 527, 700, 

Isles, 13, 15, 


Page, Dr., 696 

Pale, the, 424« 425, 
426, 440 

Palestine, 144 
Palmerston, Lord, 524 
Panama, Isthmus of, 

188, 275 
Papacy, the, 68, 69, 71, 

184, 186, 140, 273 
Paris, 194, 218, 214, 

814, 534, 564, 651 
, Peace of (1763), 

187, 250, 887, 596 
, Peace of (1783), 

419, 578, 592, 596 
Parker, Mr. Justice, 

Parkman, 208, 217 
Parsons, Sir Lawrence, 

Parsons, Sir William, 

Pateraon, William, 274, 

275, 276, 277, 278 
Paton, John, 223, 226, 

Pausanias, 87 
Pavia, 92 

Peep-o'-day Boys, 503 
Pekin, 581 

Peloponnesus, 36, 235 
Pembroke, Earl of. See 

Penn, Thomas, 400 
Penn, William, 207, 

Pennsylvania, 183, 186, 

207, 208, 209, 301, 

817, 329, 334, 835, 

836, 837, 338, 339, 

890, 891, 392, 394, 

399, 400, 408, 412, 

418, 414, 416, 445, 

571, 598, 649, 653, 

661, 670, 671 
Pensacola, 408 
Pepin, 68, 69 
Perez, Juan, 497, 525 
Pericles, 20, 25, 646 
Perinthus, 32 
Perrot, Sir John, 432, 

Persia, 28, 29, 30, 31, 

39, 42, 46, 47, 48, 
49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 
125, 148, 159, 163 

Persians, 9, 28, 29, 30, 
82, 84, 35, 36, 37, 38, 

40, 41, 51, 54, 65, 

Peru, 2, 133, 162 

Pery, 465 

Petrarch, 83 

Pharaohs, 25 

Philadelphia, 346, 854, 
372, 396, 398, 400, 
406, 416, 468, 548, 



544, 550, 551, 556, 
557, 559, 560, 596, 
599, 601, 602, 607, 
612, 618, 614, 621, 

Philip of Macedon, 52, 

Philip II. of Spain, 140, 

Philiphangh, 268 

Philippa, Queen of 
Portugal, 127 

Philippines, 184, 160, 
166, 697 

Philistines, 4 

Philocrates, 286 

Phocaea, 81 

Phoenicia, 80 

Phoenicians, 81, 41, 146, 

Pilgrim Fathers, the, 

Pinfold, Charles, 395, 
897, 407 

Pitt, William, the Elder, 
186, 810, 817, 325, 
835, 886, 848, 868, 
370, 871, 395, 396, 
400, 401, 408, 404, 
407, 408, 409, 410, 
411, 461, 567, 596, 

Pitt, WiUiam, the 
Younger, 367, 475, 
479, 480, 481, 482, 
483, 484, 486, 487, 
489, 491, 498, 494, 
495, 497, 498, 499, 
500, 501, 518, 514, 
515, 517, 518, 521, 
528, 524, 526, 527, 

Pittsburg, 186, 388 

Pizarro, 138, 182 

Plantagenets, 93, 99, 

Plataea, 87, 88, 51 

Plato, 52, 619 

Poitiers, 67, 68 

Poland, 67 

Polybios, 25 

Pompey, 56 

Pontiao, 337| 340 

Poona, 708 

Pope, the, 79, 91, 127, 
136, 140, 434 

Popham, Allen, 405 

Popple, Governor 
William, 398, 412 

Port Resolution, 223, 

Royal, 188 

Portland, Duke of, 471, 
472, 478, 476, 501 

Portugal, 78, 126, 128, 
129, 181, 182, 184, 
186, 137, 189, 140, 

148, 144, 145, 158, 
160, 166, 187, 221, 
637, 709 

Portuguese, 78, 127, 130, 
131, 182, 184, 187, 
189, 148, 144, 146, 

149, 156, 241 

Republic, 182 

Posen, 686 
Potomac, 597 
Pownall, Goyernor, 855, 

Poyning, Sir Edward, 

427, 470 
Praxiteles, 52 
Prescott, 184 
Preston, 264 
Princeton, 556 
Procrustes, 444 
Prokonnesus, 32 
Propontis, 32 
Providence Plantations, 

653, 661 
Prussia, 75, 85, 87, 512, 

526, 561, 684, 685, 

687, 692 
Psyche, 218 
Pulteney, 484 
Pui^ab, 53, 156 
Putumayo, 162 
Pym, 104, 484 
Pyrenees, 68 

Quakers, 207, 829 
Quebec, 183, 185, 187, 

192, 317, 390, 413, 

414, 447, 557 
Queensland, 826 
Quito, 191 

Raleigh, Sir Walter, 
182, 196, 197, 206 

Rameau, 217 

Randolph, 301 

Ra^jit Singh, 156 

Raphael, 343 

Rathenau, Dr. Walther, 

Ravenna, 69 

Red Sea, 127 

Rhine, 65, 67, 79, 287 

Rhode Island, 188, 208, 
255, 817, 818, 820, 
889, 395, 399, 400, 
401, 404, 405, 408, 
418, 414, 598, 601, 
649, 658, 661 

Rhodesia, Northern, 

Rioliard I., 74 
Richard of York, 426 
RicheUeu, Cardinal, 184, 

Richmond, Duke of, 

Robert the Bruce, 260, 

Roberval, 192 
Robespierre, 526 
Robinson, Sir Thomas, 

Rochambean, Count de, 

650, 651 
Rockingham, Lord, 469, 

Roderic, King of the 

Visigoths, 67 
Roe, Sir Thomas, 145, 

Roman Empire, 54, 56, 

57, 58, 59, 60, 62, 
68, 64, 65, 69, 70, 
71, 74, 75, 77, 79, 
107, 125, 200, 421, 
429, 613 

Romans, 12, 58, 63, 65, 
69, 78, 80, 88, 89, 90, 
155, 296, 421, 686 

Rome, 58, 54, 55, 56, 57, 

58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 69, 
70, 71, 78, 76, 77, 79, 
80, 82, 88, 90, 128, 
136, 140, 150, 155, 
176, 177, 181, 201, 
221, 261, 269, 421, 
680, 698 

, Bishop of, 68, 

Romulus Augustulus, 

Rouen, 446 
Rousseau, 496 
Roxburgh, 296 
Rush, 698 
Russell, 84 

Russell, Lord John, 105 
Russia, 17, 29, 87, 159, 

230, 325, 375, 526, 

Russians, 148 
Rutland, Duke of, 479, 

480, 484, 501 

Sagres, 128, 129 
St. Augustine, 896 
St. Bernard, 422 
St Croix, 405 
St. Eustatius, 898, 895, 

397, 401, 402, 408, 

405, 409 
St. George's Channel, 




St. Helena, 506 

St. Kitts, 405 

St. Lawrence, Gulf of, 

St. Lawrence River, 

183, 184, 185 
St. Leffer, 435 
St. Malo, 183 
St. Peter, 81, 185 . 
St. Thomas, 405, 670 
St. Vincent, 399 
St. Vincent, Lord, 

Saiamis, 85, 36, 37, 

88, 40, 41, 51, 65 
Saldanah Bay, 145 
Salem, 543 
Salisbury, Lord, 179, 

Samians, 32 
Samoa, 162 
Samoa, 29, 82, 41, 44 
Samson, 245 
Samuel, 6 
Sandwich, Earl of, 812, 

San Francisco, 95 
Santo Domingo, 397, 

400, 401, 403, 407, 
409, 411, 525 

Saracens, 67, 78, 125 
Saratoga, 557, 560 
Sardinia, 87 
Saul, King, 4, 5, 6 
Saul of Tarsus, 58 
Saxons, 90, 91, 93, 243, 

296, 429 
Soone, 264 
Scopas, 52 

Soott, Sir Walter, 299 
Scott, Sir William, 388, 

401, 402 

Scottish Darien Trad- 
ing Company. See 
Indian and AMoan 

Scrooby, 201 

Seeley, Professor, 198 

Selymbria, 32 

Semitic races, 3, 5, 56, 

Serbs, 58 

Seton of Pitmadden, 

291, 292 
Seymour, Sir Edward, 

292, 295 
Shakespeare,. 10, 260, 

Sharpe, Gorernor, 341 
Shavs's Rebellion, 598 
Shelbume, 469, 471, 

472, 473 
Sheridan, 487 
Shirley, Governor, 185, 

327, 333, 834, 880, 
892, 403, 407, 411 

Siam, 159 

Sicily, 609 

Sicyon, 85 

Sierra Leoue, 707 

Simnel, Lambert, 426 

Simon de Montfort. 
See De Montfort 

Slavs, 685 

Smerwicke, 481 

Smith, Adam, 113, 348, 
349, 350, 381, 442, 
479, 482, 484, 523 

Smith, Judge James, 

Smjrrna, 148 

Socrates, 21, 48, 44, 95 

Soissons, 68 

Solomon, 7 

Sophia, Electress of 
Hanover, 287 

South Africa, 15, 16, 
18, 160, 323, 824, 
825, 826, 344, 360, 
423, 425, 432, 625, 
687, 688, 690, 699, 

African Repub- 
lics, 324 

Africans, 823 

America, 138, 275, 

525, 527, 694 
— American Colon- 
ies, 693 

Carolina, 183, 

216, 301, 334, 379, 
382, 408, 636, 688, 
689, 642, 649, 651, 
652, 653, 661, 670, 

Southampton, Lord, 

Spanish Armada. See 

Empire, 138, 142, 


Peninsula, 547 

Sparta, 30, 34, 37, 88, 

39, 49, 50, 51, 52 
Spartans, 37, 78, 211 
Spenser, Edmund, 480, 

Spice Islands, 146 
Spithead, 505, 608 
SUpleton, Sir William, 

Steelboya, 459 
Stephen, King, 94, 99 
Stephen II., Pope, 68, 

Stewart, Robert See 

Stilicho, 60 

Stirling, 291 
Stoke, Battle of, 426 
Stowell, Lord. See 

Scott, Sir William 
Straits Settlements 

Strongbow, Richard, 

Earl of Pembroke, 

243, 422, 423 
Stuart, 828, 829 
Stuarts, 95, 104 
Stubbs, 71, 75 
Styra, 35 
Sulla, 56 

Superior, Lake, 184 
Surat, 146 
Susa, 54 

Swaziland, 162, 163 
Sweden, 375, 561 
Swedes, 207 
Swift, Dean, 456, 472 
Swiss, 110 
Cantons, 109, 110, 


Confederacy, 80 

Switzerland, 77, 79, 

109, 110, 510, 625 
Sydney, 226 

Table Bay, 145 
Tacitus, 71, 76, 98, 99 
Tagus, 83, 180, 587, 

Talon, 192 
Tandy, Kapper, 476, 

500, 511 
Tanna, 224 
Tannese, 223, 224 
Temple, John, 412 
Temple, Lord, 473, 474 
Tenedos, 32 
Terra Natalis. See 

Tessin, 109 
Teutons, 65, 69, 71, 72, 

79, 89, 90, 91, 98, 94, 

Texel, 509 
Thames, 67, 508 
Thebes, 88, 51, 52 
Themistocles, 86, 41, 

Theodorich, 82 
Thermopylae, 34, 78, 

Thessaly, 34, 36, 38 
Thomas, Governor, 894, 

402, 408 
Thrace, 82, 33, 37 . 
Thucydides, 25, 49 
Thurgau, 109 
Thurston, Sir John, 




Tilak, 708 
Tillotson, 84 
TiUy, 436 
Timosthe&eA, 40 
Tisias, 231 
Tisimachus, 231 
Tocqueville, 109, 110, 

Tone, Wolfe, 497, 498, 

499, 500, 502, 540, 

507, 611, 513 
Torbay, 267 
Townahend, Charles, 

370, 371, 372, 642 
Townshend, Lord, 458, 

Trafalgar, 147,512,679, 

Transvaal, 263 
Tredagh. See London- 
Trenton, 550, 556 
Tribonian, 82 
Trinidad, 415 
Troezen, 35 
Trov, 19 
Tudors, 104, 140 
Turkey, 2, 9, 169, 534, 

Turks, 63, 74, 125, 126, 

143, 534 
Tuscany, 633 
Tweed, 293, 297, 298, 

Tweeddale, Lord, 277, 

Tylor, Moses C!oit, 

Tyrone, 271, 431 

Ulster, 207, 264, 271, 
430, 433, 447, 461, 
462, 463, 464, 503, 
504, 608, 610, 511 

Undertakers. 456, 467, 

United Irishmen, 500, 
502, 504, 606, 507, 
508, 609, 510, 513, 

Ural Mountains, 12 

Utrecht, 185 

Valley Forge, 557, 559, 

Yancouyer, Captain, 

497, 498 
Yanoouyer Island, 95, 

497, 525 
Yasco da Gama. See 

da Gama 
Yaud, 109 

Yaudreuil, 217 

Yenice, 129, 148, 510 

Yermont, 564 

Yerona, 87 

Versailles, 419 

Victoria (Australia), 226 

Victoria, Queen, 15, 
105, 106 

Vienna, 125 

Virgil, 62, 80, 299 

Virginia, 107, 182, 183 
186, 197, 198, 199 
200, 202, 203, 207 
208, 209, 216, 244 
258, 381, 833, 834 
337, 888, 339, 368 
874, 379, 882, 390 
392,* 400, 404, 405 
413, 420, 445, 541 
661, 596, 601, 609 
635, 638, 640, 642 
643, 644, 649, 652 
653, 661, 670, 671 

Company, 182, 197 

200, 201, 202, 244 
247, 257, 268 

Virginians, 208, 638, 
639, 640, 642 

Visigoths, 67, 68 

Vistula, 83 

Voltaire, 77, 109, 112, 

Yon Bulow, 680 

Yon Treitschke, 682 

Wales, 263, 297, 298, 

300, 344, 448, 618, 
Wallenstein, 436 
Walpole, 453, 454, 484, 


Warbeck, Perkin, 426 

Warburton, Dean, 508 

Warren, Admiral, 185 • 

Warren, Sir John, 511 

Washington, George, 

186, 228, 357, 362, 

364, 373, 374, 375, 

376, 447, 643, 544, 

646, 647, 548, 549, 

550, 651, 552, 653, 

564, 655, 656, 567, 

558, 559, 560, 561, 

562, 564, 565, 666, 

667, 568, 669, 570, 

571, 572, 573, 574, 

677, 581, 584, 587, 

588, 590, 691, 592, 

593, 594, 595, 696, 

597, 599, 600, 601, 

602, 607, 621, 623, 

633, 636, 638, 639, 

643, 644, 645, 646, 

648, 650, 652, 670, 

671, 678, 693 
Washington (U.S.A.), 

46, 623, 611, 613, 

688, 693 
Waterford, 424 
Waterloo, 87, 679, 680 
Watson, (George, 865 
Watt, 689 
Wed^ewood, 484 
Wellington, Duke of, 

Wells, Francis, 397 
Wells, Samuel, 397 
Welsh, 297, 424, 618 
Wentworth, 400, 433 
Wessex, 98 
West Africa, 129 

Durham, 522, 523 

Indies, 182, 133, 

139, 199, 274, 275, 
276, 301, 311, 313, 
316, 317, 345, 353, 
379, 383, 386, 387, 
889, 398, 394, 397, 
398, 400, 401, 402, 
403, 406, 407, 409, 
411, 413, 414, 418, 
447, 484, 626, 629 

West Point, 578, 643 
Westminster, 100, 107, 

108, 258, 264, 265, 

256, 263, 295, 298, 

355, 439, 444, 465, 

467, 483, 484, 487, 

489, 514 
Westmoreland, Lord, 

Wexford, 423, 424, 436, 

White, Messrs. Hugh k 

Company, 405 
White, John, 886 
Whiteboys, 469 
Whitehall, 551 
Wicklow, 486 
Wilhelmshayen, 86 
Wilkes, 95 
William the Conqueror, 

91, 92, 93, 94, 97, 99, 

229, 297, 298, 424 
William, Duke of 

Gloucester, 287 
William II. of Germany, 

William of Orange, 86, 

147, 267, 268, 269, 

270, 273, 279, 283, 

439, 465 
William the Silent, of 

Holland, 79 
Winthrop, John, 205 
Wittenberg, 136 
Witwatersrand, 823 


Wolfe, 147, 187, »<1 Yettdkjr, lf8 Tme^ Aitkmr, 447 

Wood, Aalhonj, 434 YelTcrtmi, 4M, 467, 

Wood, Thonaa, 4S7 477 

Wrong. ProfiMOi; lf2 • v^«r^ Z— om, 1» 

WyeUf, 201 Yort, »1 ^om^ 3f, «1 

' York, Duke oC 387 anncfl^ 45 

Yorktovn, S7&, 447, Znlv, 9S3 

Xenm, 34, 35, 3«. 36 647, $61, 5tfO, 641 ZmnA, \» 


Prmttdhy R. & R, Clark, Limitbd, Edinburik. 

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